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Iavor Diatchki 2017-09-27 16:43:00 -07:00
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commit 3f80cc92f9

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@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
-- | Assumes that local names do not shadow top level names.
module Cryptol.ModuleSystem.InstantiateModule (instantiateModule) where
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
instantiateModule ::
Supply {- ^ Use to generate fresh names -} ->
Module {- ^ This is the functor the instantiate -} ->
Map TParam Type {- ^ Definitions of type parameters -} ->
Map Name Expr {- ^ Definitions of function parameters -} ->
instantiateModule = undefined
type InstM = IO
data Env = Env
{ funNameMap :: Map Name Name
, tyNameMap :: Map Name Name
, tyParamMap :: Map TParam Name
class Inst t where
inst :: Env -> t -> t
instance Inst a => Inst [a] where
inst env = map (inst env)
instance Inst Expr where
inst env = go
go expr =
case expr of
EVar x -> undefined
EList xs t -> EList (go xs) (inst env t)
ETuple es -> ETuple (go es)
ERec xs -> ERec [ (f,go e) | (f,e) <- xs ]
ESel e s -> ESel (go e) s
EIf e1 e2 e3 -> EIf (go e1) (go e2) (go e3)
EComp t1 t2 e mss -> EComp (inst env t1) (inst env t2)
(go e)
(inst mss)
ETAbs t e -> ETAbs t (go e)
ETApp e t -> ETApp (go e) (inst env t)
EApp e1 e2 -> EApp (go e1) (go e2)
EAbs x t e -> EAbs x (inst env t) (go e)
EProofAbs p e -> EProofAbs (inst env t) (go e)
EProofApp e -> EProofApp (go e)
EWhere e ds -> EWhere (go e) (inst env ds)
instance Inst DeclGroup where
inst env d =
case d of
NonRecursive d -> NonRecursive (inst env d)
Recursive ds -> Recursive (inst env ds)
instance Inst Decl where
inst env d = d { dSignature = inst env (dSignature d)
, dDefinition = inst env (dDefinition d)
instance Inst Match where
inst env m =
case m of
From x t1 t2 e -> From x (inst env t1) (inst env t2) (inst env e)
Let d -> Let (inst env d)
instance Inst Schema where
inst env s = s { sProps = inst env (sProps s)
, sType = inst env (sType s)
instance Inst Type where
inst env ty =
case ty of
TCon tc ts -> TCon (inst env tc) (inst env ts)
TVar tv -> undefined
TUser x ts t -> TUser (undefined x) (inst env ts) (inst env t)
TRec fs -> TRec [ (f, inst env t) | (f,t) <- fs ]
class Defines t where
defines :: t -> Set Name
instance Defines t => Defines [t]
defines = Set.unoins . map defines
instance Defines Decl where
defines = Set.singleton . dName
instance Defines DeclGroup where
defines d =
case d of
NonRecursive x -> defines x
Recursive x -> defines x