Better partitioning of monomorphic declarations

Partition out declarations that should be monomorphic, based on what they
reference in the environment; declarations that lack signatures but don't
reference anything in the local environment can still be generalized.
This commit is contained in:
Trevor Elliott 2014-12-05 14:27:31 -08:00
parent b13eb959aa
commit 481430ee7d
3 changed files with 130 additions and 69 deletions

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@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ module Cryptol.Parser.AST
, Kind(..) , Kind(..)
, Type(..) , Type(..)
, Prop(..) , Prop(..)
, isCompleteSchema
, isCompleteProp
, isCompleteType
-- * Declarations -- * Declarations
, Module(..) , Module(..)
@ -350,6 +353,36 @@ data Prop = CFin Type -- ^ @ fin x @
deriving (Eq,Show) deriving (Eq,Show)
-- | True when the schema lacks wildcards.
isCompleteSchema :: Schema -> Bool
isCompleteSchema (Forall _ ps ty _) =
all isCompleteProp ps && isCompleteType ty
-- | True when the prop lacks wildcards.
isCompleteProp :: Prop -> Bool
isCompleteProp (CFin ty) = isCompleteType ty
isCompleteProp (CEqual l r) = isCompleteType l && isCompleteType r
isCompleteProp (CGeq l r) = isCompleteType l && isCompleteType r
isCompleteProp (CArith ty) = isCompleteType ty
isCompleteProp (CCmp ty) = isCompleteType ty
isCompleteProp (CLocated p _) = isCompleteProp p
-- | True when the type lacks wildcards.
isCompleteType :: Type -> Bool
isCompleteType (TFun l r) = isCompleteType l && isCompleteType r
isCompleteType (TSeq l r) = isCompleteType l && isCompleteType r
isCompleteType TBit = True
isCompleteType TNum{} = True
isCompleteType TChar{} = True
isCompleteType TInf = True
isCompleteType (TUser _ tys) = all isCompleteType tys
isCompleteType (TApp _ tys) = all isCompleteType tys
isCompleteType (TRecord ns) = all (isCompleteType . value) ns
isCompleteType (TTuple tys) = all isCompleteType tys
isCompleteType TWild = False
isCompleteType (TLocated ty _) = isCompleteType ty
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Note: When an explicit location is missing, we could use the sub-components -- Note: When an explicit location is missing, we could use the sub-components
-- to try to estimate a location... -- to try to estimate a location...

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@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Either(partitionEithers) import Data.Either(partitionEithers)
import Data.Maybe(mapMaybe) import Data.Maybe(mapMaybe,isJust)
import Data.List(partition) import Data.List(partition)
import Data.Graph(SCC(..)) import Data.Graph(SCC(..))
import Data.Traversable(forM) import Data.Traversable(forM)
@ -335,7 +335,8 @@ inferFun desc ps e =
| n <- [ 1 :: Int .. ] ] | n <- [ 1 :: Int .. ] ]
largs <- zipWithM inferP descs ps largs <- zipWithM inferP descs ps
ds <- combine largs ds <- combine largs
(e1,tRes) <- withMonoTypes ds (inferE e) let params = Set.fromList (Map.keys ds)
(e1,tRes) <- withMonoTypes ds (withParams params (inferE e))
let args = [ (x, thing t) | (x,t) <- largs ] let args = [ (x, thing t) | (x,t) <- largs ]
ty = foldr tFun tRes (map snd args) ty = foldr tFun tRes (map snd args)
return (foldr (\(x,t) b -> EAbs x t b) e1 args, ty) return (foldr (\(x,t) b -> EAbs x t b) e1 args, ty)
@ -420,8 +421,21 @@ inferCArm armNum (m : ms) =
return (m1 : ms', Map.insertWith (\_ old -> old) x t ds, sz) return (m1 : ms', Map.insertWith (\_ old -> old) x t ds, sz)
checkBinds :: Map QName Expr -> Bool -> [P.Bind] -> InferM ([Decl], [Decl]) inferBinds :: Bool -> [P.Bind] -> InferM [Decl]
checkBinds exprMap isRec binds = inferBinds isRec binds =
mdo let exprMap = Map.fromList [ (x,inst (EVar x) (dDefinition b))
| b <- genBs, let x = dName b ] -- REC.
inst e (ETAbs x e1) = inst (ETApp e (TVar (tpVar x))) e1
inst e (EProofAbs _ e1) = inst (EProofApp e) e1
inst e _ = e
((doneBs, genCandidates), cs) <-
collectGoals $
{- Guess type is here, because while we check user supplied signatures {- Guess type is here, because while we check user supplied signatures
we may generate additional constraints. For example, `x - y` would we may generate additional constraints. For example, `x - y` would
generate an additional constraint `x >= y`. -} generate an additional constraint `x >= y`. -}
@ -434,36 +448,10 @@ checkBinds exprMap isRec binds =
done <- sequence sigsAndMonos done <- sequence sigsAndMonos
simplifyAllConstraints simplifyAllConstraints
return (done, genCs) return (done, genCs)
inferBinds :: Bool -> [P.Bind] -> InferM [Decl]
inferBinds isRec binds =
mdo let exprMap = Map.fromList [ (x,inst (EVar x) (dDefinition b))
| b <- genBs, let x = dName b ] -- REC.
inst e (ETAbs x e1) = inst (ETApp e (TVar (tpVar x))) e1
inst e (EProofAbs _ e1) = inst (EProofApp e) e1
inst e _ = e
((doneBs,genCandidates),cs) <- collectGoals (checkBinds exprMap isRec binds)
genBs <- generalize genCandidates cs -- RECURSION genBs <- generalize genCandidates cs -- RECURSION
return (doneBs ++ genBs) return (doneBs ++ genBs)
monoBinds :: Bool -> [P.Bind] -> InferM [Decl]
monoBinds isRec binds =
mdo let exprMap = Map.fromList [ (x,inst (EVar x) (dDefinition b))
| b <- noSigs, let x = dName b ] -- REC.
inst e (ETAbs x e1) = inst (ETApp e (TVar (tpVar x))) e1
inst e (EProofAbs _ e1) = inst (EProofApp e) e1
inst e _ = e
(doneBs,noSigs) <- checkBinds exprMap isRec binds -- REC
return (doneBs ++ noSigs)
{- | Come up with a type for recursive calls to a function, and decide {- | Come up with a type for recursive calls to a function, and decide
how we are going to be checking the binding. how we are going to be checking the binding.
Returns: (Name, type or schema, computation to check binding) Returns: (Name, type or schema, computation to check binding)
@ -653,68 +641,94 @@ checkSigB b (Forall as asmps0 t0, validSchema) =
, dPragmas = P.bPragmas b , dPragmas = P.bPragmas b
} }
-- | Check type declarations, then continue checking in the environment that inferDs :: FromDecl d => [d] -> ([DeclGroup] -> InferM a) -> InferM a
-- they produce. inferDs ds continue = checkTyDecls =<< orderTyDecls (mapMaybe toTyDecl ds)
checkTyDecls :: [TyDecl] -> InferM a -> InferM a
checkTyDecls decls continue = loop decls
where where
loop (TS t : ts) = checkTyDecls (TS t : ts) =
do t1 <- checkTySyn t do t1 <- checkTySyn t
withTySyn t1 (loop ts) withTySyn t1 (checkTyDecls ts)
loop (NT t : ts) = checkTyDecls (NT t : ts) =
do t1 <- checkNewtype t do t1 <- checkNewtype t
withNewtype t1 (loop ts) withNewtype t1 (checkTyDecls ts)
-- We checked all type synonyms, now continue with value-level definitions: -- We checked all type synonyms, now continue with value-level definitions:
loop [] = continue checkTyDecls [] = checkBinds [] $ orderBinds $ mapMaybe toBind ds
inferDs :: FromDecl d => [d] -> ([DeclGroup] -> InferM a) -> InferM a
inferDs ds continue =
do tyDecls <- orderTyDecls (mapMaybe toTyDecl ds)
checkTyDecls tyDecls $
checkVals [] $ orderBinds $ mapMaybe toBind ds
checkVals decls (CyclicSCC bs : more) = checkBinds decls (CyclicSCC bs : more) =
do bs1 <- inferBinds True bs do bs1 <- inferBinds True bs
foldr (\b m -> withVar (dName b) (dSignature b) m) foldr (\b m -> withVar (dName b) (dSignature b) m)
(checkVals (Recursive bs1 : decls) more) (checkBinds (Recursive bs1 : decls) more)
bs1 bs1
checkVals decls (AcyclicSCC c : more) = checkBinds decls (AcyclicSCC c : more) =
do [b] <- inferBinds False [c] do [b] <- inferBinds False [c]
withVar (dName b) (dSignature b) $ withVar (dName b) (dSignature b) $
checkVals (NonRecursive b : decls) more checkBinds (NonRecursive b : decls) more
-- We are done with all value-level definitions. -- We are done with all value-level definitions.
-- Now continue with anything that's in scope of the declarations. -- Now continue with anything that's in scope of the declarations.
checkVals decls [] = continue (reverse decls) checkBinds decls [] = continue (reverse decls)
-- | Infer monomorphic types for all values that lack signatures.
monoDs :: FromDecl d => [d] -> ([DeclGroup] -> InferM a) -> InferM a monoDs :: [P.Decl] -> ([DeclGroup] -> InferM a) -> InferM a
monoDs ds continue = monoDs ds continue =
do tyDecls <- orderTyDecls (mapMaybe toTyDecl ds) do params <- getParams
checkTyDecls tyDecls $ monoDs' params ds continue
checkVals [] $ orderBinds $ mapMaybe toBind ds
-- | Partition bindings into:
-- * Bindings that have signatures
-- * Bindings that lack signatures, but don't mention anything from the
-- local environment
-- * All other bindings
-- Bindings from the third group are bindings that will be made monomorphic,
-- while bindings from the second group will be generalized, as they could
-- conceivably be lifted to the top-level of the program.
monoDs' :: Set.Set QName -> [P.Decl] -> ([DeclGroup] -> InferM a) -> InferM a
monoDs' localEnv ds = inferDs (tys ++ binds')
-- extend the local environment with the names of bindings that don't
-- complete signatures
localEnv' = localEnv `Set.union` Set.fromList [ thing bName
| P.Bind { .. } <- sigs
, let Just sig = bSignature
, not (P.isCompleteSchema sig) ]
(sigs,noSigs) = partition (isJust . P.bSignature) binds
(monos,gens) = partitionMonos localEnv' noSigs
binds' = map P.DBind (sigs ++ gens ++ monos)
-- build the list of bindings, marking the bindings that should be monomorphic
(tys,binds) = partitionEithers [ case toBind d of
Just b -> Right b
Nothing -> Left d
| d <- ds ]
partitionMonos :: Set.Set QName -> [P.Bind] -> ([P.Bind], [P.Bind])
partitionMonos env0 binds = loop env0 [] [ (b, P.namesB b) | b <- binds ]
loop env ms bs
-- none of the remaining bindings mention the environment, so mark all of
-- ms as monomorphic, and return bs unchanged, to be generalized
| null ms' = ( [ b { P.bMono = True } | (b,_) <- ms ]
, map fst bs )
| otherwise = loop env' (ms' ++ ms) bs'
where where
(ms',bs') = partition mentionsEnv bs
env' = foldl extendEnv env ms'
checkVals decls (CyclicSCC bs : more) = mentionsEnv (_,(_,uses)) = not (Set.null (Set.intersection env uses))
do bs1 <- monoBinds True bs
foldr (\b m -> withVar (dName b) (dSignature b) m)
(checkVals (Recursive bs1 : decls) more)
checkVals decls (AcyclicSCC c : more) =
do [b] <- monoBinds False [c]
withVar (dName b) (dSignature b) $
checkVals (NonRecursive b : decls) more
-- We are done with all value-level definitions.
-- Now continue with anything that's in scope of the declarations.
checkVals decls [] = continue (reverse decls)
extendEnv env (_,(defs,_)) = foldl addDef env defs
addDef env' d = Set.insert (thing d) env'

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@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ runInferM :: TVars a => InferInput -> InferM a -> IO (InferOutput a)
runInferM info (IM m) = runInferM info (IM m) =
do rec ro <- return RO { iRange = inpRange info do rec ro <- return RO { iRange = inpRange info
, iVars = ExtVar (inpVars info) , iVars = ExtVar (inpVars info)
, iParams = Set.empty
, iTVars = [] , iTVars = []
, iTSyns = fmap mkExternal (inpTSyns info) , iTSyns = fmap mkExternal (inpTSyns info)
, iNewtypes = fmap mkExternal (inpNewtypes info) , iNewtypes = fmap mkExternal (inpNewtypes info)
@ -122,6 +123,9 @@ data RO = RO
{ iRange :: Range -- ^ Source code being analysed { iRange :: Range -- ^ Source code being analysed
, iVars :: Map QName VarType -- ^ Type of variable that are in scope , iVars :: Map QName VarType -- ^ Type of variable that are in scope
, iParams :: Set QName -- ^ Variables introduced by the current
-- binding
{- NOTE: We assume no shadowing between these two, so it does not matter {- NOTE: We assume no shadowing between these two, so it does not matter
where we look first. Similarly, we assume no shadowing with where we look first. Similarly, we assume no shadowing with
the existential type variable (in RW). See `checkTShadowing`. -} the existential type variable (in RW). See `checkTShadowing`. -}
@ -456,6 +460,9 @@ getTVars = IM $ asks $ Set.fromList . mapMaybe tpName . iTVars
getBoundInScope :: InferM (Set TVar) getBoundInScope :: InferM (Set TVar)
getBoundInScope = IM $ asks $ Set.fromList . map tpVar . iTVars getBoundInScope = IM $ asks $ Set.fromList . map tpVar . iTVars
getParams :: InferM (Set QName)
getParams = IM $ asks iParams
{- | We disallow shadowing between type synonyms and type variables {- | We disallow shadowing between type synonyms and type variables
because it is confusing. As a bonus, in the implementation we don't because it is confusing. As a bonus, in the implementation we don't
need to worry about where we lookup things (i.e., in the variable or need to worry about where we lookup things (i.e., in the variable or
@ -529,6 +536,13 @@ withMonoType (x,lt) = withVar x (Forall [] [] (thing lt))
withMonoTypes :: Map QName (Located Type) -> InferM a -> InferM a withMonoTypes :: Map QName (Located Type) -> InferM a -> InferM a
withMonoTypes xs m = foldr withMonoType m (Map.toList xs) withMonoTypes xs m = foldr withMonoType m (Map.toList xs)
-- | The sub-computation is performed with the given variables marked as
-- parameters.
withParams :: Set QName -> InferM a -> InferM a
withParams params m = IM $
do ro <- ask
local ro { iParams = iParams ro `Set.union` params } (unIM m)
-- | The sub-computation is performed with the given type synonyms -- | The sub-computation is performed with the given type synonyms
-- and variables in scope. -- and variables in scope.
withDecls :: ([TySyn], Map QName Schema) -> InferM a -> InferM a withDecls :: ([TySyn], Map QName Schema) -> InferM a -> InferM a