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synced 2024-12-18 05:21:57 +03:00
Better partitioning of monomorphic declarations
Partition out declarations that should be monomorphic, based on what they reference in the environment; declarations that lack signatures but don't reference anything in the local environment can still be generalized.
This commit is contained in:
@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ module Cryptol.Parser.AST
, Kind(..)
, Type(..)
, Prop(..)
, isCompleteSchema
, isCompleteProp
, isCompleteType
-- * Declarations
, Module(..)
@ -350,6 +353,36 @@ data Prop = CFin Type -- ^ @ fin x @
deriving (Eq,Show)
-- | True when the schema lacks wildcards.
isCompleteSchema :: Schema -> Bool
isCompleteSchema (Forall _ ps ty _) =
all isCompleteProp ps && isCompleteType ty
-- | True when the prop lacks wildcards.
isCompleteProp :: Prop -> Bool
isCompleteProp (CFin ty) = isCompleteType ty
isCompleteProp (CEqual l r) = isCompleteType l && isCompleteType r
isCompleteProp (CGeq l r) = isCompleteType l && isCompleteType r
isCompleteProp (CArith ty) = isCompleteType ty
isCompleteProp (CCmp ty) = isCompleteType ty
isCompleteProp (CLocated p _) = isCompleteProp p
-- | True when the type lacks wildcards.
isCompleteType :: Type -> Bool
isCompleteType (TFun l r) = isCompleteType l && isCompleteType r
isCompleteType (TSeq l r) = isCompleteType l && isCompleteType r
isCompleteType TBit = True
isCompleteType TNum{} = True
isCompleteType TChar{} = True
isCompleteType TInf = True
isCompleteType (TUser _ tys) = all isCompleteType tys
isCompleteType (TApp _ tys) = all isCompleteType tys
isCompleteType (TRecord ns) = all (isCompleteType . value) ns
isCompleteType (TTuple tys) = all isCompleteType tys
isCompleteType TWild = False
isCompleteType (TLocated ty _) = isCompleteType ty
-- Note: When an explicit location is missing, we could use the sub-components
-- to try to estimate a location...
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Either(partitionEithers)
import Data.Maybe(mapMaybe)
import Data.Maybe(mapMaybe,isJust)
import Data.List(partition)
import Data.Graph(SCC(..))
import Data.Traversable(forM)
@ -335,7 +335,8 @@ inferFun desc ps e =
| n <- [ 1 :: Int .. ] ]
largs <- zipWithM inferP descs ps
ds <- combine largs
(e1,tRes) <- withMonoTypes ds (inferE e)
let params = Set.fromList (Map.keys ds)
(e1,tRes) <- withMonoTypes ds (withParams params (inferE e))
let args = [ (x, thing t) | (x,t) <- largs ]
ty = foldr tFun tRes (map snd args)
return (foldr (\(x,t) b -> EAbs x t b) e1 args, ty)
@ -420,22 +421,6 @@ inferCArm armNum (m : ms) =
return (m1 : ms', Map.insertWith (\_ old -> old) x t ds, sz)
checkBinds :: Map QName Expr -> Bool -> [P.Bind] -> InferM ([Decl], [Decl])
checkBinds exprMap isRec binds =
{- Guess type is here, because while we check user supplied signatures
we may generate additional constraints. For example, `x - y` would
generate an additional constraint `x >= y`. -}
do (newEnv,todos) <- unzip `fmap` mapM (guessType exprMap) binds
let extEnv = if isRec then withVarTypes newEnv else id
extEnv $
do let (sigsAndMonos,noSigGen) = partitionEithers todos
genCs <- sequence noSigGen
done <- sequence sigsAndMonos
return (done, genCs)
inferBinds :: Bool -> [P.Bind] -> InferM [Decl]
inferBinds isRec binds =
mdo let exprMap = Map.fromList [ (x,inst (EVar x) (dDefinition b))
@ -445,25 +430,28 @@ inferBinds isRec binds =
inst e (EProofAbs _ e1) = inst (EProofApp e) e1
inst e _ = e
((doneBs,genCandidates),cs) <- collectGoals (checkBinds exprMap isRec binds)
((doneBs, genCandidates), cs) <-
collectGoals $
{- Guess type is here, because while we check user supplied signatures
we may generate additional constraints. For example, `x - y` would
generate an additional constraint `x >= y`. -}
do (newEnv,todos) <- unzip `fmap` mapM (guessType exprMap) binds
let extEnv = if isRec then withVarTypes newEnv else id
extEnv $
do let (sigsAndMonos,noSigGen) = partitionEithers todos
genCs <- sequence noSigGen
done <- sequence sigsAndMonos
return (done, genCs)
genBs <- generalize genCandidates cs -- RECURSION
return (doneBs ++ genBs)
monoBinds :: Bool -> [P.Bind] -> InferM [Decl]
monoBinds isRec binds =
mdo let exprMap = Map.fromList [ (x,inst (EVar x) (dDefinition b))
| b <- noSigs, let x = dName b ] -- REC.
inst e (ETAbs x e1) = inst (ETApp e (TVar (tpVar x))) e1
inst e (EProofAbs _ e1) = inst (EProofApp e) e1
inst e _ = e
(doneBs,noSigs) <- checkBinds exprMap isRec binds -- REC
return (doneBs ++ noSigs)
{- | Come up with a type for recursive calls to a function, and decide
how we are going to be checking the binding.
Returns: (Name, type or schema, computation to check binding)
@ -653,69 +641,95 @@ checkSigB b (Forall as asmps0 t0, validSchema) =
, dPragmas = P.bPragmas b
-- | Check type declarations, then continue checking in the environment that
-- they produce.
checkTyDecls :: [TyDecl] -> InferM a -> InferM a
checkTyDecls decls continue = loop decls
inferDs :: FromDecl d => [d] -> ([DeclGroup] -> InferM a) -> InferM a
inferDs ds continue = checkTyDecls =<< orderTyDecls (mapMaybe toTyDecl ds)
loop (TS t : ts) =
checkTyDecls (TS t : ts) =
do t1 <- checkTySyn t
withTySyn t1 (loop ts)
withTySyn t1 (checkTyDecls ts)
loop (NT t : ts) =
checkTyDecls (NT t : ts) =
do t1 <- checkNewtype t
withNewtype t1 (loop ts)
withNewtype t1 (checkTyDecls ts)
-- We checked all type synonyms, now continue with value-level definitions:
loop [] = continue
checkTyDecls [] = checkBinds [] $ orderBinds $ mapMaybe toBind ds
inferDs :: FromDecl d => [d] -> ([DeclGroup] -> InferM a) -> InferM a
inferDs ds continue =
do tyDecls <- orderTyDecls (mapMaybe toTyDecl ds)
checkTyDecls tyDecls $
checkVals [] $ orderBinds $ mapMaybe toBind ds
checkVals decls (CyclicSCC bs : more) =
checkBinds decls (CyclicSCC bs : more) =
do bs1 <- inferBinds True bs
foldr (\b m -> withVar (dName b) (dSignature b) m)
(checkVals (Recursive bs1 : decls) more)
(checkBinds (Recursive bs1 : decls) more)
checkVals decls (AcyclicSCC c : more) =
checkBinds decls (AcyclicSCC c : more) =
do [b] <- inferBinds False [c]
withVar (dName b) (dSignature b) $
checkVals (NonRecursive b : decls) more
checkBinds (NonRecursive b : decls) more
-- We are done with all value-level definitions.
-- Now continue with anything that's in scope of the declarations.
checkVals decls [] = continue (reverse decls)
checkBinds decls [] = continue (reverse decls)
-- | Infer monomorphic types for all values that lack signatures.
monoDs :: FromDecl d => [d] -> ([DeclGroup] -> InferM a) -> InferM a
monoDs :: [P.Decl] -> ([DeclGroup] -> InferM a) -> InferM a
monoDs ds continue =
do tyDecls <- orderTyDecls (mapMaybe toTyDecl ds)
checkTyDecls tyDecls $
checkVals [] $ orderBinds $ mapMaybe toBind ds
do params <- getParams
monoDs' params ds continue
-- | Partition bindings into:
-- * Bindings that have signatures
-- * Bindings that lack signatures, but don't mention anything from the
-- local environment
-- * All other bindings
-- Bindings from the third group are bindings that will be made monomorphic,
-- while bindings from the second group will be generalized, as they could
-- conceivably be lifted to the top-level of the program.
monoDs' :: Set.Set QName -> [P.Decl] -> ([DeclGroup] -> InferM a) -> InferM a
monoDs' localEnv ds = inferDs (tys ++ binds')
-- extend the local environment with the names of bindings that don't
-- complete signatures
localEnv' = localEnv `Set.union` Set.fromList [ thing bName
| P.Bind { .. } <- sigs
, let Just sig = bSignature
, not (P.isCompleteSchema sig) ]
checkVals decls (CyclicSCC bs : more) =
do bs1 <- monoBinds True bs
foldr (\b m -> withVar (dName b) (dSignature b) m)
(checkVals (Recursive bs1 : decls) more)
(sigs,noSigs) = partition (isJust . P.bSignature) binds
(monos,gens) = partitionMonos localEnv' noSigs
checkVals decls (AcyclicSCC c : more) =
do [b] <- monoBinds False [c]
withVar (dName b) (dSignature b) $
checkVals (NonRecursive b : decls) more
binds' = map P.DBind (sigs ++ gens ++ monos)
-- We are done with all value-level definitions.
-- Now continue with anything that's in scope of the declarations.
checkVals decls [] = continue (reverse decls)
-- build the list of bindings, marking the bindings that should be monomorphic
(tys,binds) = partitionEithers [ case toBind d of
Just b -> Right b
Nothing -> Left d
| d <- ds ]
partitionMonos :: Set.Set QName -> [P.Bind] -> ([P.Bind], [P.Bind])
partitionMonos env0 binds = loop env0 [] [ (b, P.namesB b) | b <- binds ]
loop env ms bs
-- none of the remaining bindings mention the environment, so mark all of
-- ms as monomorphic, and return bs unchanged, to be generalized
| null ms' = ( [ b { P.bMono = True } | (b,_) <- ms ]
, map fst bs )
| otherwise = loop env' (ms' ++ ms) bs'
(ms',bs') = partition mentionsEnv bs
env' = foldl extendEnv env ms'
mentionsEnv (_,(_,uses)) = not (Set.null (Set.intersection env uses))
extendEnv env (_,(defs,_)) = foldl addDef env defs
addDef env' d = Set.insert (thing d) env'
tcPanic :: String -> [String] -> a
@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ runInferM :: TVars a => InferInput -> InferM a -> IO (InferOutput a)
runInferM info (IM m) =
do rec ro <- return RO { iRange = inpRange info
, iVars = Map.map ExtVar (inpVars info)
, iParams = Set.empty
, iTVars = []
, iTSyns = fmap mkExternal (inpTSyns info)
, iNewtypes = fmap mkExternal (inpNewtypes info)
@ -122,6 +123,9 @@ data RO = RO
{ iRange :: Range -- ^ Source code being analysed
, iVars :: Map QName VarType -- ^ Type of variable that are in scope
, iParams :: Set QName -- ^ Variables introduced by the current
-- binding
{- NOTE: We assume no shadowing between these two, so it does not matter
where we look first. Similarly, we assume no shadowing with
the existential type variable (in RW). See `checkTShadowing`. -}
@ -456,6 +460,9 @@ getTVars = IM $ asks $ Set.fromList . mapMaybe tpName . iTVars
getBoundInScope :: InferM (Set TVar)
getBoundInScope = IM $ asks $ Set.fromList . map tpVar . iTVars
getParams :: InferM (Set QName)
getParams = IM $ asks iParams
{- | We disallow shadowing between type synonyms and type variables
because it is confusing. As a bonus, in the implementation we don't
need to worry about where we lookup things (i.e., in the variable or
@ -529,6 +536,13 @@ withMonoType (x,lt) = withVar x (Forall [] [] (thing lt))
withMonoTypes :: Map QName (Located Type) -> InferM a -> InferM a
withMonoTypes xs m = foldr withMonoType m (Map.toList xs)
-- | The sub-computation is performed with the given variables marked as
-- parameters.
withParams :: Set QName -> InferM a -> InferM a
withParams params m = IM $
do ro <- ask
local ro { iParams = iParams ro `Set.union` params } (unIM m)
-- | The sub-computation is performed with the given type synonyms
-- and variables in scope.
withDecls :: ([TySyn], Map QName Schema) -> InferM a -> InferM a
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