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synced 2024-12-17 04:44:39 +03:00
Simplify the IfaceDecls type
As IfaceDecls is no longer used when interpreting imports, there's no way for conflicts to appear. As a result, the values of each map no longer need to be lists, and the mappend operation is greatly simplified.
This commit is contained in:
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ import qualified Control.Exception as X
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (nubBy)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe,fromMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as T
@ -447,9 +447,9 @@ genInferInput r prims env = do
-- TODO: include the environment needed by the module
return T.InferInput
{ T.inpRange = r
, T.inpVars = Map.map ifDeclSig (filterEnv ifDecls)
, T.inpTSyns = filterEnv ifTySyns
, T.inpNewtypes = filterEnv ifNewtypes
, T.inpVars = Map.map ifDeclSig (ifDecls env)
, T.inpTSyns = ifTySyns env
, T.inpNewtypes = ifNewtypes env
, T.inpNameSeeds = seeds
, T.inpMonoBinds = monoBinds
, T.inpSolverConfig = cfg
@ -457,18 +457,6 @@ genInferInput r prims env = do
, T.inpPrimNames = prims
-- at this point, the names used in the aggregate interface should be
-- unique
keepOne :: (Name,[a]) -> Maybe (Name,a)
keepOne (qn,syns) = case syns of
[syn] -> Just (qn,syn)
_ -> Nothing
-- keep symbols without duplicates. the renamer would have caught
-- duplication already, so this is safe.
filterEnv p = Map.fromList (mapMaybe keepOne (Map.toList (p env)))
-- Evaluation ------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ deIfaceDecls DEnv { deDecls = dgs } =
mconcat [ IfaceDecls
{ ifTySyns = Map.empty
, ifNewtypes = Map.empty
, ifDecls = Map.singleton (ifDeclName ifd) [ifd]
, ifDecls = Map.singleton (ifDeclName ifd) ifd
| decl <- concatMap T.groupDecls dgs
, let ifd = mkIfaceDecl decl
@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ data Iface = Iface
instance NFData Iface
data IfaceDecls = IfaceDecls
{ ifTySyns :: Map.Map Name [IfaceTySyn]
, ifNewtypes :: Map.Map Name [IfaceNewtype]
, ifDecls :: Map.Map Name [IfaceDecl]
{ ifTySyns :: Map.Map Name IfaceTySyn
, ifNewtypes :: Map.Map Name IfaceNewtype
, ifDecls :: Map.Map Name IfaceDecl
} deriving (Show, Generic)
instance NFData IfaceDecls
@ -55,22 +55,16 @@ instance NFData IfaceDecls
instance Monoid IfaceDecls where
mempty = IfaceDecls Map.empty Map.empty Map.empty
mappend l r = IfaceDecls
{ ifTySyns = Map.unionWith (mergeByName ifTySynName) (ifTySyns l) (ifTySyns r)
, ifNewtypes = Map.unionWith (mergeByName ntName) (ifNewtypes l) (ifNewtypes r)
, ifDecls = Map.unionWith (mergeByName ifDeclName) (ifDecls l) (ifDecls r)
{ ifTySyns = Map.union (ifTySyns l) (ifTySyns r)
, ifNewtypes = Map.union (ifNewtypes l) (ifNewtypes r)
, ifDecls = Map.union (ifDecls l) (ifDecls r)
mconcat ds = IfaceDecls
{ ifTySyns = Map.unionsWith (mergeByName ifTySynName) (map ifTySyns ds)
, ifNewtypes = Map.unionsWith (mergeByName ntName) (map ifNewtypes ds)
, ifDecls = Map.unionsWith (mergeByName ifDeclName) (map ifDecls ds)
{ ifTySyns = Map.unions (map ifTySyns ds)
, ifNewtypes = Map.unions (map ifNewtypes ds)
, ifDecls = Map.unions (map ifDecls ds)
-- | Merge the entries in the simple case.
mergeByName :: (a -> Name) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
mergeByName f ls rs
| [l] <- ls, [r] <- rs, f l == f r = ls
| otherwise = ls ++ rs
type IfaceTySyn = TySyn
ifTySynName :: TySyn -> Name
@ -117,19 +111,16 @@ genIface m = Iface
(tsPub,tsPriv) =
Map.partitionWithKey (\ qn _ -> qn `isExportedType` mExports m )
$ fmap return (mTySyns m)
Map.partitionWithKey (\ qn _ -> qn `isExportedType` mExports m ) (mTySyns m)
(ntPub,ntPriv) =
Map.partitionWithKey (\ qn _ -> qn `isExportedType` mExports m )
$ fmap return (mNewtypes m)
Map.partitionWithKey (\ qn _ -> qn `isExportedType` mExports m ) (mNewtypes m)
(dPub,dPriv) =
Map.partitionWithKey (\ qn _ -> qn `isExportedBind` mExports m)
$ Map.fromList [ (qn,[mkIfaceDecl d]) | dg <- mDecls m
, d <- groupDecls dg
, let qn = dName d
$ Map.fromList [ (qn,mkIfaceDecl d) | dg <- mDecls m
, d <- groupDecls dg
, let qn = dName d
-- | Produce a PrimMap from an interface.
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ unqualifiedEnv IfaceDecls { .. } =
fixity =
catMaybes [ do f <- ifDeclFixity d; return (ifDeclName d,f)
| d:_ <- Map.elems ifDecls ]
| d <- Map.elems ifDecls ]
data ImportIface = ImportIface Import Iface
@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ browseCmd pfx = do
browseTSyns :: (M.IfaceDecls,NameDisp) -> String -> REPL ()
browseTSyns (decls,names) pfx = do
let tsyns = keepOne "browseTSyns" `fmap` M.ifTySyns decls
let tsyns = M.ifTySyns decls
tsyns' = Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> pfx `isNamePrefix` k) tsyns
unless (Map.null tsyns') $ do
rPutStrLn "Type Synonyms"
@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ browseTSyns (decls,names) pfx = do
browseNewtypes :: (M.IfaceDecls,NameDisp) -> String -> REPL ()
browseNewtypes (decls,names) pfx = do
let nts = keepOne "browseNewtypes" `fmap` M.ifNewtypes decls
let nts = M.ifNewtypes decls
nts' = Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> pfx `isNamePrefix` k) nts
unless (Map.null nts') $ do
rPutStrLn "Newtypes"
@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ browseNewtypes (decls,names) pfx = do
browseVars :: (M.IfaceDecls,NameDisp) -> String -> REPL ()
browseVars (decls,names) pfx = do
let vars = keepOne "browseVars" `fmap` M.ifDecls decls
let vars = M.ifDecls decls
allNames = vars
vars' = Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> pfx `isNamePrefix` k) allNames
@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ helpCmd cmd
do (env,rnEnv,nameEnv) <- getFocusedEnv
name <- liftModuleCmd (M.renameVar rnEnv qname)
case Map.lookup name (M.ifDecls env) of
Just [M.IfaceDecl { .. }] ->
Just M.IfaceDecl { .. } ->
do rPutStrLn ""
let property
@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ helpCmd cmd
Just str -> rPutStrLn ('\n' : str)
Nothing -> return ()
_ -> rPutStrLn "// No documentation is available."
Nothing -> rPutStrLn "// No documentation is available."
Nothing ->
rPutStrLn ("Unable to parse name: " ++ cmd)
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ module Cryptol.REPL.Monad (
, rethrowEvalError
-- ** Environment
, getFocusedEnv, keepOne
, getFocusedEnv
, getModuleEnv, setModuleEnv
, getDynEnv, setDynEnv
, uniqify, freshName
@ -343,12 +343,6 @@ rPutStrLn str = rPutStr $ str ++ "\n"
rPrint :: Show a => a -> REPL ()
rPrint x = rPutStrLn (show x)
-- | Only meant for use with one of getVars or getTSyns.
keepOne :: String -> [a] -> a
keepOne src as = case as of
[a] -> a
_ -> panic ("REPL: " ++ src) ["name clash in interface file"]
getFocusedEnv :: REPL (M.IfaceDecls,M.NamingEnv,NameDisp)
getFocusedEnv = do
me <- getModuleEnv
@ -384,17 +378,17 @@ getFocusedEnv = do
getVars :: REPL (Map.Map M.Name M.IfaceDecl)
getVars = do
(decls,_,_) <- getFocusedEnv
return (keepOne "getVars" `fmap` M.ifDecls decls)
return (M.ifDecls decls)
getTSyns :: REPL (Map.Map M.Name T.TySyn)
getTSyns = do
(decls,_,_) <- getFocusedEnv
return (keepOne "getTSyns" `fmap` M.ifTySyns decls)
return (M.ifTySyns decls)
getNewtypes :: REPL (Map.Map M.Name T.Newtype)
getNewtypes = do
(decls,_,_) <- getFocusedEnv
return (keepOne "getNewtypes" `fmap` M.ifNewtypes decls)
return (M.ifNewtypes decls)
-- | Get visible variable names.
getExprNames :: REPL [String]
@ -410,7 +404,7 @@ getTypeNames =
getPropertyNames :: REPL ([M.Name],NameDisp)
getPropertyNames =
do (decls,_,names) <- getFocusedEnv
let xs = keepOne "getPropertyNames" `fmap` M.ifDecls decls
let xs = M.ifDecls decls
return ([ x | (x,d) <- Map.toList xs,
T.PragmaProperty `elem` M.ifDeclPragmas d ], names)
Reference in New Issue
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