mirror of
synced 2024-12-17 13:01:31 +03:00
Almost complete module instantiation
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,8 +8,9 @@ import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import MonadLib(Id,ReaderT,runReaderT,runId,ask)
import MonadLib(ReaderT,runReaderT,ask)
import Cryptol.Parser.Position(Located(..))
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Exports(ExportSpec(..))
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
@ -29,16 +30,15 @@ especially when working with dictionaries.
-- | Convert a module instantiation into a partial module.
-- The resulting module is incomplete because it is missing the definitions
-- from the instantiation.
instantiateModule :: Supply {- ^ To generate fresh names -} ->
instantiateModule :: FreshM m =>
Module {- ^ Parametrized module -} ->
ModName {- ^ Name of the new module -} ->
Map TParam Type {- ^ Type params -} ->
Map Name Expr {- ^ Value parameters -} ->
([Prop], Module, Supply)
m ([Located Prop], Module)
-- ^ Instantiated constraints, fresh module, new supply
instantiateModule s func newName tpMap vpMap = (ps, m, s1)
((ps,m),s1) = runInstM newName s $
instantiateModule func newName tpMap vpMap =
runReaderT newName $
do let oldVpNames = Map.keys vpMap
-- XXX: If the defining Expr is already just a name, we should
-- just use that name directly.
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ instantiateModule s func newName tpMap vpMap = (ps, m, s1)
su = listSubst
[ (TVBound tp, t) | (tp,t) <- Map.toList (tyParamMap env) ]
goals = apSubst su (mParamConstraints func)
goals = map (fmap (apSubst su)) (mParamConstraints func)
-- Constraints to discharge about the type instances
let renamedDecls = inst env (mDecls func)
@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ instantiateModule s func newName tpMap vpMap = (ps, m, s1)
, mDecls = paramDecls ++ renamedDecls
} )
mkParamDecl vpNames (x,e) =
NonRecursive Decl
{ dName = vpNames Map.! x
@ -105,24 +106,21 @@ instance Defines DeclGroup where
type InstM = ReaderT ModName (SupplyT Id)
runInstM :: ModName -> Supply -> InstM a -> (a, Supply)
runInstM mn s = runId . runSupplyT s . runReaderT mn
type InstM = ReaderT ModName
-- | Generate a new instance of a declared name.
freshenName :: Name -> InstM Name
freshenName :: FreshM m => Name -> InstM m Name
freshenName x =
do m <- ask
liftSupply (mkDeclared m (nameIdent x) (nameFixity x) (nameLoc x))
-- | Compute renaming environment from a module instantiation.
-- computeEnv :: ModInst -> InstM Env
computeEnv :: Module {- ^ Functor being instantiated -} ->
computeEnv :: FreshM m =>
Module {- ^ Functor being instantiated -} ->
Map TParam Type {- replace type params by type -} ->
Map Name Name {- replace value parameters by other names -} ->
InstM Env
InstM m Env
computeEnv m tpMap vpMap =
do tss <- mapM freshTy (Map.toList (mTySyns m))
nts <- mapM freshTy (Map.toList (mNewtypes m))
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ module Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Interface (
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident (ModName)
import Cryptol.Parser.Position(Located)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ data Iface = Iface
data IfaceParams = IfaceParams
{ ifParamTypes :: [TParam] -- ^ Uninterpreted types
, ifParamConstraints :: [Prop] -- ^ Constraints on param. types
, ifParamConstraints :: [Located Prop] -- ^ Constraints on param. types
, ifParamFuns :: Map.Map Name IfaceDecl -- ^ Uninterpreted value constants
} deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
@ -365,7 +365,12 @@ instance Rename TopDecl where
DParameterFun f -> DParameterFun <$> rename f
DParameterType f -> DParameterType <$> rename f
DParameterConstraint d -> DParameterConstraint <$> mapM rename d
DParameterConstraint d -> DParameterConstraint <$> mapM renameLocated d
renameLocated :: Rename f => Located (f PName) -> RenameM (Located (f Name))
renameLocated x =
do y <- rename (thing x)
return x { thing = y }
instance Rename ParameterType where
rename a =
@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ par_decls :: { [TopDecl PName] }
par_decl :: { TopDecl PName }
: mbDoc name ':' schema { mkParFun $1 $2 $4 }
| mbDoc 'type' name ':' kind { mkParType $1 $3 $5 }
| mbDoc 'type' 'constraint' type {% fmap (DParameterConstraint . thing)
| mbDoc 'type' 'constraint' type {% fmap (DParameterConstraint . distrLoc)
(mkProp $4) }
@ -129,7 +129,8 @@ data TopDecl name =
| TDNewtype (TopLevel (Newtype name)) -- ^ @newtype T as = t
| Include (Located FilePath) -- ^ @include File@
| DParameterType (ParameterType name) -- ^ @parameter type T : #@
| DParameterConstraint [Prop name] -- ^ @parameter type constraint (fin T)@
| DParameterConstraint [Located (Prop name)]
-- ^ @parameter type constraint (fin T)@
| DParameterFun (ParameterFun name) -- ^ @parameter someVal : [256]@
deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
@ -426,6 +426,11 @@ mkDoc ltxt = ltxt { thing = docStr }
Nothing -> False
distrLoc :: Located [a] -> [Located a]
distrLoc x = [ Located { srcRange = r, thing = a } | a <- thing x ]
where r = srcRange x
mkProp :: Type PName -> ParseM (Located [Prop PName])
mkProp ty =
case ty of
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ module Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
, module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Type
) where
import Cryptol.Parser.Position(Located)
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Exports(ExportSpec(..)
, isExportedBind, isExportedType)
@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ data Module = Module { mName :: !ModName
, mTySyns :: Map Name TySyn
, mNewtypes :: Map Name Newtype
, mParamTypes :: [ TParam ]
, mParamConstraints :: [Prop]
, mParamConstraints :: [Located Prop]
, mParamFuns :: Map Name Schema
, mDecls :: [DeclGroup]
} deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
module Cryptol.TypeCheck.CheckModuleInstance (inferModuleInstance) where
import Data.Map ( Map )
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Monad(unless)
import Cryptol.Parser.Position(Located(..))
import qualified Cryptol.Parser.AST as P
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name(Name,nameIdent,nameLoc)
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.InstantiateModule(instantiateModule)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Infer
import Cryptol.Utils.PP
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic
inferModuleInstance :: Module {- ^ type-checked functor -} ->
Module {- ^ type-checked instance -} ->
InferM Module -- ^ Instantiated module
inferModuleInstance func inst =
do tMap <- checkTyParams func inst
vMap <- checkValParams func inst
(ctrs, m) <- instantiateModule func (mName inst) tMap vMap
let toG p = Goal { goal = thing p
, goalRange = srcRange p
, goalSource = CtModuleInstance (mName inst)
addGoals (map toG ctrs)
return Module { mName = mName m
, mExports = mExports m
, mImports = mImports inst ++ mImports m
-- Note that this is just here to record
-- the full dependencies, the actual imports
-- might be ambiguous, but that shouldn't
-- matters as names have been already resolved
, mTySyns = Map.union (mTySyns inst) (mTySyns m)
, mNewtypes = Map.union (mNewtypes inst) (mNewtypes m)
, mParamTypes = mParamTypes inst
, mParamConstraints = mParamConstraints inst
, mParamFuns = mParamFuns inst
, mDecls = mDecls inst ++ mDecls m
-- | Check that the type parameters of the functors all have appropriate
-- definitions.
checkTyParams :: Module -> Module -> InferM (Map TParam Type)
checkTyParams func inst =
Map.fromList <$> mapM checkTParamDefined (mParamTypes func)
-- Maps to lookup things by identifier (i.e., lexical name)
-- rather than using the name unique.
identMap f m = Map.fromList [ (f x, ts) | (x,ts) <- Map.toList m ]
tySyns = identMap nameIdent (mTySyns inst)
newTys = identMap nameIdent (mNewtypes inst)
tParams = Map.fromList [ (tpId x, x) | x <- mParamTypes inst ]
tpId x = case tpName x of
Just n -> nameIdent n
Nothing -> panic "inferModuleInstance.tpId" ["Missing name"]
-- Find a definition for a given type parameter
checkTParamDefined tp =
let x = tpId tp
in case Map.lookup x tySyns of
Just ts -> checkTySynDef tp ts
Nothing ->
case Map.lookup x newTys of
Just nt -> checkNewTyDef tp nt
Nothing ->
case Map.lookup x tParams of
Just tp1 -> checkTP tp tp1
Nothing ->
do recordError $ ErrorMsg $
text "Missing definition for type parameter:" <+> pp x
return (tp, TVar (TVBound tp)) -- hm, maybe just stop!
-- Check that a type parameter defined as a type synonym is OK
checkTySynDef tp ts =
do let k1 = kindOf tp
k2 = kindOf ts
unless (k1 == k2) (recordError (KindMismatch k1 k2))
let nm = tsName ts
src = CtPartialTypeFun (UserTyFun nm)
mapM_ (newGoal src) (tsConstraints ts)
return (tp, TUser nm [] (tsDef ts))
-- Check that a type parameter defined a newtype is OK
-- This one is a bit weird: since the newtype is deinfed in the
-- instantiation, it will not be exported, and so won't be usable
-- in type signatures, directly. This could be worked around
-- if the parametrized module explictly exported a parameter via
-- a type synonym like this: `type T = p`, where `p` is one of
-- the parametersm and the declartion for `T` is public.
checkNewTyDef tp nt =
do let k1 = kindOf tp
k2 = kindOf nt
unless (k1 == k2) (recordError (KindMismatch k1 k2))
let nm = ntName nt
src = CtPartialTypeFun (UserTyFun nm)
mapM_ (newGoal src) (ntConstraints nt)
return (tp, TCon (TC (TCNewtype (UserTC nm k2))) [])
-- Check that a type parameter defined as another type parameter is OK
checkTP tp tp1 =
do let k1 = kindOf tp
k2 = kindOf tp1
unless (k1 == k2) (recordError (KindMismatch k1 k2))
return (tp, TVar (TVBound tp1))
checkValParams :: Module -> Module -> InferM (Map Name Expr)
checkValParams func inst =
Map.fromList <$> mapM checkParam (Map.toList (mParamFuns func))
valMap = Map.fromList [ (nameIdent (dName d), (dName d, dSignature d))
| dg <- mDecls inst, d <- groupDecls dg ]
checkParam (x,sP) =
case Map.lookup (nameIdent x) valMap of
Just (n,sD) -> do e <- makeValParamDef n sD sP
return (n,e)
Nothing -> do recordError $ ErrorMsg
$ text "Mising definition for value parameter"
<+> pp x
return (x, panic "checkValParams" ["Should not use this"])
-- | Given a parameter definition, compute an appropriate instantiation
-- that will match the actual schema for the parameter.
makeValParamDef :: Name {- ^ Definition of parameter -} ->
Schema {- ^ Schema for parameter definition -} ->
Schema {- ^ Schema for parameter -} ->
InferM Expr {- ^ Expression to use for param definition -}
makeValParamDef x sDef pDef =
withVar x sDef $ do DExpr e <- dDefinition <$> checkSigB bnd (pDef,[])
return e
bnd = P.Bind { P.bName = loc x
, P.bParams = []
, P.bDef = loc (P.DExpr (P.EVar x))
-- unused
, P.bSignature = Nothing
, P.bInfix = False
, P.bFixity = Nothing
, P.bPragmas = []
, P.bMono = False
, P.bDoc = Nothing
loc a = P.Located { P.srcRange = nameLoc x, P.thing = a }
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ orderBinds bs = mkScc [ (b, map thing defs, Set.toList uses)
class FromDecl d where
toBind :: d -> Maybe (P.Bind Name)
toParamFun :: d -> Maybe (P.ParameterFun Name)
toParamConstraints :: d -> [P.Prop Name]
toParamConstraints :: d -> [P.Located (P.Prop Name)]
toTyDecl :: d -> Maybe TyDecl
isTopDecl :: d -> Bool
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import qualified Cryptol.Parser.AST as P
import Cryptol.Utils.PP
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name (asPrim,nameLoc)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.PP
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident (Ident,identText)
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident (Ident,identText,ModName)
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic(panic)
import Cryptol.Utils.Misc(anyJust)
@ -192,6 +192,7 @@ data ConstraintSource
| CtPartialTypeFun TyFunName -- ^ Use of a partial type function.
| CtImprovement
| CtPattern Doc -- ^ Constraints arising from type-checking patterns
| CtModuleInstance ModName -- ^ Instantiating a parametrized module
deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
data TyFunName = UserTyFun Name | BuiltInTyFun TFun
@ -215,6 +216,7 @@ instance TVars ConstraintSource where
CtPartialTypeFun _ -> src
CtImprovement -> src
CtPattern _ -> src
CtModuleInstance _ -> src
instance TVars Warning where
apSubst su warn =
@ -543,6 +545,7 @@ instance PP ConstraintSource where
CtPartialTypeFun f -> text "use of partial type function" <+> pp f
CtImprovement -> text "examination of collected goals"
CtPattern desc -> text "checking a pattern:" <+> desc
CtModuleInstance n -> text "module instantiation" <+> pp n
ppUse :: Expr -> Doc
ppUse expr =
@ -127,11 +127,13 @@ checkType t k =
do (_, t1) <- withTParams True schemaParam {-no params-} [] $ doCheckType t k
return (tRebuild t1)
checkParameterConstraints :: [P.Prop Name] -> InferM [Prop]
checkParameterConstraints :: [Located (P.Prop Name)] -> InferM [Located Prop]
checkParameterConstraints ps =
do (_, cs) <- withTParams False schemaParam {-no params-}[]
(mapM checkProp ps)
return (map tRebuild cs)
do (_, cs) <- withTParams False schemaParam {-no params-}[] (mapM checkL ps)
return cs
checkL x = do p <- checkProp (thing x)
return x { thing = tRebuild p }
{- | Check something with type parameters.
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ data RO = RO
, iParamTypes :: Map Name TParam
-- ^ Parameter types
, iParamConstraints :: [Prop]
, iParamConstraints :: [Located Prop]
-- ^ Constraints on the type parameters
, iParamFuns :: Map Name Schema
@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ getParamFuns = IM $ asks iParamFuns
getParamTypes :: InferM (Map Name TParam)
getParamTypes = IM $ asks iParamTypes
getParamConstraints :: InferM [Prop]
getParamConstraints :: InferM [Located Prop]
getParamConstraints = IM $ asks iParamConstraints
-- | Get the set of bound type variables that are in scope.
@ -696,7 +696,7 @@ withParamFuns xs (IM m) =
add (x,s) = Map.insert x s
-- | Add some assumptions for an entire module
withParameterConstraints :: [Prop] -> InferM a -> InferM a
withParameterConstraints :: [Located Prop] -> InferM a -> InferM a
withParameterConstraints ps (IM m) =
IM $ mapReader (\r -> r { iParamConstraints = ps ++ iParamConstraints r }) m
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solve
, defaultReplExpr
) where
import Cryptol.Parser.Position(thing)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.PP(pp)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad
@ -178,7 +179,7 @@ proveModuleTopLevel =
[] -> return ()
_ -> do as <- Map.elems <$> getParamTypes
gs <- getGoals
su <- proveImplication Nothing as cs gs
su <- proveImplication Nothing as (map thing cs) gs
extendSubst su
@ -186,7 +187,7 @@ proveImplication :: Maybe Name -> [TParam] -> [Prop] -> [Goal] -> InferM Subst
proveImplication lnam as ps gs =
do evars <- varsWithAsmps
solver <- getSolver
extra <- getParamConstraints
extra <- map thing <$> getParamConstraints
(mbErr,su) <- io (proveImplicationIO solver lnam evars as (extra ++ ps) gs)
case mbErr of
Right ws -> mapM_ recordWarning ws
Reference in New Issue
Block a user