Checkpoing: make signatures into a special kind of module.

Still need to refactor interfaces to account for top-level signatures
This commit is contained in:
Iavor Diatchki 2022-06-06 14:46:54 -07:00
parent 4ce271db02
commit 5578437e2c
25 changed files with 328 additions and 284 deletions

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@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
module Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Base where
import qualified Control.Exception as X
import Control.Monad (unless,when,forM)
import Control.Monad (unless,forM)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8')
@ -303,11 +303,12 @@ addPrelude m
newDef =
case mDef m of
NormalModule ds -> NormalModule (importPrelude : ds)
NormalModule ds -> NormalModule (P.DImport prel : ds)
FunctorInstance f as ins -> FunctorInstance f as ins
SignatureModule s -> SignatureModule s { sigImports = prel : sigImports s }
importedMods = map (P.iModule . P.thing) (P.mImports m)
importPrelude = P.DImport P.Located
prel = P.Located
{ P.srcRange = emptyRange
, P.thing = P.Import
{ iModule = P.ImpTop preludeName
@ -320,34 +321,40 @@ addPrelude m
loadDeps :: P.ModuleG mname name -> ModuleM ()
loadDeps m =
case mDef m of
NormalModule ds -> mapM_ depsOfDecl ds
NormalModule ds -> mapM_ depsOfDecl ds
FunctorInstance f as _ ->
do loadImpName f
do loadImpName FromModuleInstance f
case as of
DefaultInstArg a -> loadImpName a
DefaultInstArg a -> loadImpName FromModuleInstance a
DefaultInstAnonArg ds -> mapM_ depsOfDecl ds
NamedInstArgs args -> mapM_ loadInstArg args
SignatureModule s -> mapM_ loadImpD (sigImports s)
loadI i = do (_,m1) <- loadModuleFrom False (FromImport i)
when (T.isParametrizedModule m1) $ importParamModule $ T.mName m1
loadF f = do _ <- loadModuleFrom False (FromModuleInstance f)
return ()
loadI i = do _ <- loadModuleFrom False i
pure ()
loadImpName src l =
case thing l of
ImpTop f -> loadI (src l { thing = f })
_ -> pure ()
loadImpD li = loadImpName (FromImport . new) (iModule <$> li)
where new i = i { thing = (thing li) { iModule = thing i } }
loadInstArg (ModuleInstanceArg _ f) = loadImpName FromModuleInstance f
depsOfDecl d =
case d of
DImport li ->
case iModule (thing li) of
ImpTop f -> loadI li { thing = (thing li) { iModule = f } }
_ -> pure ()
DImport li -> loadImpD li
DModule TopLevel { tlValue = NestedModule nm } -> loadDeps nm
DModParam mo -> loadImpName FromSigImport s
where s = mpSignature mo
_ -> pure ()
loadInstArg (ModuleInstanceArg _ f) = loadImpName f
loadImpName l =
case thing l of
ImpTop f -> loadF l { thing = f }
_ -> pure ()

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ module Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Binds
( BindsNames
, TopDef(..)
, Mod(..)
, ModKind(..)
, modNested
, modBuilder
, topModuleDefs
@ -42,14 +43,15 @@ import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Interface
data TopDef = TopMod ModName (Mod ())
| TopInst ModName (ImpName PName) (ModuleInstanceArgs PName)
| TopSig ModName (Mod ())
-- | Things defined by a module
data Mod a = Mod
{ modImports :: [ ImportG (ImpName PName) ]
, modParams :: Bool -- True = has params
, modKind :: ModKind
, modInstances :: Map Name (ImpName PName, ModuleInstanceArgs PName)
, modMods :: Map Name (Mod a)
, modSigs :: Map Name NamingEnv
, modMods :: Map Name (Mod a) -- ^ this includes signatures
, modDefines :: NamingEnv
{- ^ Things defined by this module. Note the for normal modules we
really just need the public names, however for things within
@ -68,7 +70,6 @@ data Mod a = Mod
modNested :: Mod a -> Set Name
modNested m = Set.unions [ Map.keysSet (modInstances m)
, Map.keysSet (modSigs m)
, Map.keysSet (modMods m)
@ -93,12 +94,13 @@ ifaceToMod iface = ifaceNamesToMod iface (ifaceIsFunctor iface) (ifNames iface)
ifaceNamesToMod :: IfaceG topname -> Bool -> IfaceNames name -> Mod ()
ifaceNamesToMod iface params names =
{ modParams = params
{ modKind = if params then AFunctor else AModule
, modMods = (ifaceNamesToMod iface False <$> ifModules decls)
(ifaceToMod <$> ifFunctors decls)
(ifaceSigToMod <$> ifSignatures decls)
, modDefines = namingEnvFromNames defs
, modSigs = modParamsNamingEnv <$> ifSignatures decls
, modPublic = ifsPublic names
, modImports = []
@ -111,6 +113,23 @@ ifaceNamesToMod iface params names =
decls = filterIfaceDecls isLocal (ifPublic iface <> ifPrivate iface)
ifaceSigToMod :: IfaceParams -> Mod ()
ifaceSigToMod ps = Mod
{ modImports = []
, modKind = ASignature
, modInstances = mempty
, modMods = mempty
, modDefines = env
, modPublic = namingEnvNames env
, modState = ()
env = modParamsNamingEnv ps
type ModBuilder = SupplyT (M.StateT [RenamerError] M.Id)
@ -130,12 +149,26 @@ topModuleDefs m =
case mDef m of
NormalModule ds -> TopMod mname <$> declsToMod (Just (TopModule mname)) ds
FunctorInstance f as _ -> pure (TopInst mname (thing f) as)
SignatureModule s -> TopSig mname <$> sigToMod (TopModule mname) s
mname = thing (mName m)
topDeclsDefs :: [TopDecl PName] -> ModBuilder (Mod ())
topDeclsDefs = declsToMod Nothing
sigToMod :: ModPath -> Signature PName -> ModBuilder (Mod ())
sigToMod mp sig =
do env <- defNames (signatureDefs mp sig)
pure Mod { modImports = map thing (sigImports sig)
, modKind = ASignature
, modInstances = mempty
, modMods = mempty
, modDefines = env
, modPublic = mempty -- unused
, modState = ()
declsToMod :: Maybe ModPath -> [TopDecl PName] -> ModBuilder (Mod ())
declsToMod mbPath ds =
@ -155,10 +188,10 @@ declsToMod mbPath ds =
_ -> pure ()
let mo = Mod { modImports = [ thing i | DImport i <- ds ]
, modParams = any isParamDecl ds
, modKind = if any isParamDecl ds
then AFunctor else AModule
, modInstances = mempty
, modMods = mempty
, modSigs = mempty
, modDefines = defs
, modPublic = pub
, modState = ()
@ -181,29 +214,19 @@ declsToMod mbPath ds =
pure mo
Just path ->
case mDef nmod of
NormalModule xs ->
do m <- declsToMod (Just (Nested path (nameIdent name))) xs
pure mo { modMods = Map.insert name m (modMods mo) }
FunctorInstance f args _ ->
pure mo { modInstances = Map.insert name (thing f, args)
(modInstances mo) }
DModSig tl ->
do let sig = tlValue tl
pname = thing (sigName sig)
name = case lookupNS NSSignature pname defs of
Just (One x) -> x
_ -> panic "declsToMod" ["sig: Missed ambig/undefined"]
case mbPath of
{- No top level signatures at the moment, as nothing would
be in scope in them (they don't have imports) -}
Nothing ->
do defErr (UnexpectedNest (srcRange (sigName sig)) pname)
pure mo
Just path ->
do newEnv <-
defNames (signatureDefs (Nested path (nameIdent name)) sig)
pure mo { modSigs = Map.insert name newEnv (modSigs mo) }
SignatureModule sig ->
do m <- sigToMod (Nested path (nameIdent name)) sig
pure mo { modMods = Map.insert name m (modMods mo) }
_ -> pure mo
@ -304,8 +327,6 @@ instance BindsNames (InModule (TopDecl PName)) where
Include _ -> mempty
DImport {} -> mempty -- see 'openLoop' in the renamer
DModule m -> namingEnv (InModule ns (tlValue m))
DModSig s -> namingEnv (InModule ns (tlValue s))
DModParam {} -> mempty-- handled in the renamer as we need to resolve
-- the signature name first (similar to import)
@ -315,14 +336,6 @@ instance BindsNames (InModule (NestedModule PName)) where
nm <- newTop NSModule m (thing pnmame) Nothing (srcRange pnmame)
pure (singletonNS NSModule (thing pnmame) nm)
instance BindsNames (InModule (Signature PName)) where
namingEnv (InModule ~(Just m) sig) = BuildNamingEnv
do let pname = sigName sig
nm <- newTop NSSignature m (thing pname) Nothing (srcRange pname)
pure (singletonNS NSSignature (thing pname) nm)
instance BindsNames (InModule (PrimType PName)) where
namingEnv (InModule ~(Just m) PrimType { .. }) =
BuildNamingEnv $

View File

@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ exportedNames decl =
case tlValue nested of
NestedModule x ->
[exportName NSModule nested { tlValue = thing (mName x) }]
DModSig s ->
[ exportName NSSignature s { tlValue = thing (sigName (tlValue s)) } ]
DModParam {} -> []
names by td = [ td { tlValue = thing n } | n <- fst (by (tlValue td)) ]

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@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident (ModName,Ident)
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic(panic)
import Cryptol.Utils.Fixity(Fixity)
import Cryptol.Parser.AST(Pragma)
import Cryptol.Parser.AST(Pragma,ImpName(..))
import Cryptol.Parser.Position(Located)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Type
@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ data IfaceG name = Iface
, ifParams :: Maybe IfaceFunctorParams
} deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
-- XXX: signature
ifaceForgetName :: IfaceG name -> IfaceG ()
ifaceForgetName i = i { ifNames = newNames }
where newNames = (ifNames i) { ifsName = () }
@ -103,7 +105,7 @@ data IfaceFunctorParams =
data IfaceModParam = IfaceModParam
{ ifmpName :: Ident
, ifmpSignature :: Name
, ifmpSignature :: ImpName Name
, ifmpParameters :: IfaceParams
{- ^ These are the actual parameters, not the ones in the signature
For example if the same signature is used for multiple parameters

View File

@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ import Prelude.Compat
data ImportSource
= FromModule P.ModName
| FromImport (Located P.Import)
| FromSigImport (Located P.ModName)
| FromModuleInstance (Located P.ModName)
deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
@ -71,6 +72,7 @@ instance PP ImportSource where
ppPrec _ is = case is of
FromModule n -> text "module name" <+> pp n
FromImport li -> text "import of module" <+> pp (P.iModule (P.thing li))
FromSigImport l -> text "import of signature" <+> pp (P.thing l)
FromModuleInstance l ->
text "instantiation of module" <+> pp (P.thing l)
@ -80,6 +82,7 @@ importedModule is =
FromModule n -> n
FromImport li -> P.iModule (P.thing li)
FromModuleInstance l -> P.thing l
FromSigImport l -> P.thing l
data ModuleError

View File

@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ unqualifiedEnv IfaceDecls { .. } =
mods = mconcat [ singletonNS NSModule (toPName n) n
| n <- Map.keys ifModules ]
sigs = mconcat [ singletonNS NSSignature (toPName n) n
sigs = mconcat [ singletonNS NSModule (toPName n) n
| n <- Map.keys ifSignatures ]

View File

@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ renameModule m0 =
NormalModule ds ->
NormalModule (addImplicitNestedImports ds)
FunctorInstance f as i -> FunctorInstance f as i
SignatureModule s -> SignatureModule s
-- Step 2: compute what's defined
@ -139,7 +140,7 @@ renameModule m0 =
mapM_ recordError errs
-- Step 3: resolve imports
extern <- getLoadedMods
extern <- getExternalMods
resolvedMods <- liftSupply (resolveImports extern defs)
let pathToName = Map.fromList [ (Nested (nameModPath x) (nameIdent x), x)
@ -182,7 +183,7 @@ renameTopDecls m ds0 =
mapM_ recordError errs
-- Step 3: resolve imports
extern <- getLoadedMods
extern <- getExternalMods
resolvedMods <- liftSupply (resolveImports extern (TopMod m defs))
let pathToName = Map.fromList [ (Nested (nameModPath x) (nameIdent x), x)
@ -256,6 +257,9 @@ renameModule' mname m =
imap <- mkInstMap l mempty (thing f') mname
pure (FunctorInstance f' as' imap)
SignatureModule s ->
SignatureModule <$> renameSig mname s
pure (inScope, newDef)
return (inScope, m { mDef = newDef })
@ -264,10 +268,10 @@ checkFunctorArgs args =
case args of
DefaultInstAnonArg {} ->
panic "checkFunctorArgs" ["Nested DefaultInstAnonArg"]
DefaultInstArg l -> checkIsModule (srcRange l) (thing l)
DefaultInstArg l -> checkIsModule (srcRange l) (thing l) AModule
NamedInstArgs as -> mapM_ checkArg as
checkArg (ModuleInstanceArg _ l) = checkIsModule (srcRange l) (thing l)
checkArg (ModuleInstanceArg _ l) = checkIsModule (srcRange l) (thing l) AModule
mkInstMap :: Maybe Range -> Map Name Name -> ImpName Name -> ImpName Name ->
RenameM (Map Name Name)
@ -465,7 +469,6 @@ renameTopDecls' ds =
DModule tl -> any usesCtrs (mDecls m)
where NestedModule m = tlValue tl
DImport {} -> False
DModSig {} -> False -- no definitions here
DModParam {} -> False -- no definitions here
Include {} -> bad "Include"
DParameterType {} -> bad "DParameterType"
@ -513,8 +516,6 @@ topDeclName topDecl =
DModule d -> hasName (thing (mName m))
where NestedModule m = tlValue d
DModSig d -> hasName (thing (sigName (tlValue d)))
DParameterConstraint ds ->
case ds of
[] -> noName
@ -551,16 +552,23 @@ doModParam mp =
do let sigName = mpSignature mp
loc = srcRange sigName
withLoc loc
do nm <- resolveName NameUse NSSignature (thing sigName)
do me <- getCurMod
me <- getCurMod
case modPathCommon me (nameModPath nm) of
Just (_,[],_) ->
recordError (InvalidDependency [ModPath me, NamedThing nm])
_ -> pure ()
sigName' <-
case thing sigName of
ImpTop t -> pure (ImpTop t)
ImpNested n ->
do nm <- resolveName NameUse NSModule n
case modPathCommon me (nameModPath nm) of
Just (_,[],_) ->
(InvalidDependency [ModPath me, NamedThing nm])
_ -> pure ()
pure (ImpNested nm)
checkIsModule (srcRange sigName) sigName' ASignature
sigEnv <- lookupDefines sigName'
sigEnv <- lookupSigDefines nm
let newP x = do y <- lift (newModParam me (mpName mp) loc x)
sets_ (Map.insert y x)
pure y
@ -573,7 +581,7 @@ doModParam mp =
, RenModParam
{ renModParamName = mpName mp
, renModParamRange = loc
, renModParamSig = nm
, renModParamSig = sigName'
, renModParamInstance = nameMap
@ -630,17 +638,17 @@ instance Rename TopDecl where
DModule m -> DModule <$> traverse rename m
DImport li -> DImport <$> traverse renI li
renI i = do m <- rename (iModule i)
recordImport m
pure i { iModule = m }
DModParam mp -> DModParam <$> rename mp
DModSig sig -> DModSig <$> traverse rename sig
renI :: ImportG (ImpName PName) -> RenameM (ImportG (ImpName Name))
renI i = do m <- rename (iModule i)
recordImport m
pure i { iModule = m }
instance Rename ModParam where
rename mp =
do x <- rnLocated (resolveName NameUse NSSignature) (mpSignature mp)
do x <- rnLocated rename (mpSignature mp)
depsOf (ModParamName (srcRange (mpSignature mp)) (mpName mp))
do ren <- renModParamInstance <$> getModParam (mpName mp)
@ -652,22 +660,24 @@ instance Rename ModParam where
pure mp { mpSignature = x, mpRenaming = ren }
instance Rename Signature where
rename sig =
do let pname = thing (sigName sig)
nm <- resolveName NameBind NSSignature pname
env <- rmodDefines <$> lookupResolved (ImpNested nm)
shadowNames' CheckOverlap env $
depsOf (NamedThing nm)
do tps <- traverse rename (sigTypeParams sig)
cts <- traverse (traverse rename) (sigConstraints sig)
fun <- traverse rename (sigFunParams sig)
pure Signature
{ sigName = (sigName sig) { thing = nm }
, sigTypeParams = tps
, sigConstraints = cts
, sigFunParams = fun
renameSig :: ImpName Name -> Signature PName -> RenameM (Signature Name)
renameSig nm sig =
do env <- rmodDefines <$> lookupResolved nm
let depName = case nm of
ImpNested n -> NamedThing n
ImpTop t -> ModPath (TopModule t)
shadowNames' CheckOverlap env $
depsOf depName
do imps <- traverse (traverse renI) (sigImports sig)
tps <- traverse rename (sigTypeParams sig)
cts <- traverse (traverse rename) (sigConstraints sig)
fun <- traverse rename (sigFunParams sig)
pure Signature
{ sigImports = imps
, sigTypeParams = tps
, sigConstraints = cts
, sigFunParams = fun
instance Rename ImpName where
rename i =

View File

@ -56,15 +56,12 @@ data RenamerError
| InvalidFunctorImport (ImpName Name)
-- ^ Can't import functors directly
| InvalidFunctorInInstance Range (ImpName Name)
-- ^ The instantitated thing is not a functor
| InvalidInstanceModule Range (ImpName Name)
-- ^ The argument to a functor instance is not a module
| UnexpectedNest Range PName
-- ^ Nested modules were not supposed to appear here
| ModuleKindMismatch Range (ImpName Name) ModKind ModKind
-- ^ Exepcted one kind (first one) but found the other (second one)
deriving (Show, Generic, NFData, Eq, Ord)
@ -92,6 +89,18 @@ depNameLoc x =
ModPath {} -> Nothing
data ModKind = AFunctor | ASignature | AModule
deriving (Show, Generic, NFData, Eq, Ord)
instance PP ModKind where
ppPrec _ e =
case e of
AFunctor -> "a functor"
ASignature -> "a signatre"
AModule -> "a module"
instance PP RenamerError where
ppPrec _ e = case e of
@ -108,7 +117,6 @@ instance PP RenamerError where
NSValue -> "Value"
NSType -> "Type"
NSModule -> "Module"
NSSignature -> "Signature"
OverlappingSyms qns ->
hang (text "[error]")
@ -126,7 +134,6 @@ instance PP RenamerError where
NSValue -> "value"
NSType -> "type"
NSModule -> "module"
NSSignature -> "signature"
suggestion =
case (expected,actual) of
@ -170,16 +177,10 @@ instance PP RenamerError where
hang ("[error] at" <+> pp s)
4 ("submodule" <+> backticks (pp x) <+> "may not be defined here.")
InvalidFunctorInInstance r x ->
ModuleKindMismatch r x expected actual ->
hang ("[error] at" <+> pp r)
4 (vcat [ "• Invalid functor instantiation:"
, " " <+> backticks (pp x) <+> "is not a functor."
InvalidInstanceModule r x ->
hang ("[error] at" <+> pp r)
4 (vcat [ "• Invalid functor instantiation:"
, " " <+> backticks (pp x) <+> "is not a module."
4 (vcat [ "• Expected" <+> pp expected
, "" <+> backticks (pp x) <+> "is" <+> pp actual
@ -192,7 +193,6 @@ instance PP DepName where
NSModule -> "submodule" <+> pp n
NSType -> "type" <+> pp n
NSValue -> pp n
NSSignature -> "signature" <+> pp n
ModParamName _r i -> "module parameter" <+> pp i
ModPath mp ->
case modPathSplit mp of

View File

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ addImplicitNestedImports' decls =
processModule :: TopDecl PName -> ([TopDecl PName], [[Ident]])
processModule ~(DModule m) =
processModule ~dcl@(DModule m) =
let NestedModule m1 = tlValue m
case mDef m1 of
@ -72,10 +72,8 @@ processModule ~(DModule m) =
Private -> []
FunctorInstance f as is -> ([new], [])
new = DModule m { tlValue = NestedModule m1 { mDef = newDef } }
newDef = FunctorInstance f as is
FunctorInstance {} -> ([dcl], [])
SignatureModule {} -> ([dcl], [])

View File

@ -67,14 +67,14 @@ import Cryptol.Utils.Ident(ModName,ModPath(..),Namespace(..),OrigName(..))
import Cryptol.Parser.AST
( ImportG(..),PName, ModuleInstanceArgs(..), ImpName(..) )
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Binds (Mod(..), TopDef(..), modNested)
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Binds (Mod(..), TopDef(..), modNested, ModKind(..))
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name
( Name, Supply, SupplyT, runSupplyT, liftSupply, freshNameFor
, asOrigName, nameIdent, nameTopModule )
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Names(Names(..))
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.NamingEnv
( NamingEnv(..), lookupNS, shadowing, travNamingEnv
, interpImportEnv, namingEnvNames, zipByTextName, filterUNames )
, interpImportEnv, zipByTextName, filterUNames )
{- | This represents a resolved module or signaure.
@ -103,7 +103,6 @@ data ResolvedModule imps = ResolvedModule
it is just part of the thing we compute for local modules. -}
data ModKind = AFunctor | ASignature | AModule
-- | A resolved module that's defined in (or is) the current top-level module
type ResolvedLocal = ResolvedModule NamingEnv
@ -195,7 +194,6 @@ todoModule = fmap (const emptyModState)
isDone :: Todo -> Bool
isDone m = null (modImports m) &&
Map.null (modInstances m) &&
Map.null (modSigs m) &&
Map.null (modMods m)
@ -234,9 +232,8 @@ forceResolveMod todo =
{ rmodDefines = modDefines todo
, rmodPublic = modPublic todo
, rmodKind = if modParams todo then AFunctor else AModule
, rmodNested = Map.keysSet (modSigs todo) `Set.union`
Map.keysSet (modMods todo)
, rmodKind = modKind todo
, rmodNested = Map.keysSet (modMods todo)
, rmodImports = modImported (modState todo)
@ -263,7 +260,7 @@ externalMod :: Mod () -> ResolvedExt
externalMod m = ResolvedModule
{ rmodDefines = modDefines m
, rmodPublic = modPublic m
, rmodKind = if modParams m then AFunctor else AModule
, rmodKind = modKind m
, rmodNested = modNested m
, rmodImports = ()
@ -527,36 +524,15 @@ doInstancesStep s = Map.foldlWithKey' tryInstance s0 (modInstances (curMod s))
s0 = updCur s \m' -> m' { modInstances = Map.empty }
-- | Generate names for signatures. This always succeeds.
doSignaturesStep :: CurState -> CurState
doSignaturesStep s = updCur s1 \m -> m { modSigs = mempty }
s1 = s { doneModules = Map.union resolved (doneModules s)
, changes = not (Map.null sigs)
sigs = modSigs (curMod s)
resolved = doSig <$> sigs
doSig sig = ResolvedModule
{ rmodDefines = sig
, rmodPublic = namingEnvNames sig -- doesn't matter
, rmodNested = mempty
, rmodKind = ASignature
, rmodImports = mempty
-- no imports in signatures, at least for now.
tryFinishCurMod :: Todo -> CurState -> Maybe ResolvedLocal
tryFinishCurMod m newS
| isDone newM =
Just ResolvedModule
{ rmodDefines = modDefines m
, rmodPublic = modPublic m
, rmodKind = if modParams m then AFunctor else AModule
, rmodKind = modKind m
, rmodNested = Set.unions
[ Map.keysSet (modInstances m)
, Map.keysSet (modSigs m)
, Map.keysSet (modMods m)
, rmodImports = modImported (modState newM)
@ -581,7 +557,6 @@ tryModule s nm m =
newS = doModuleStep s1
newM = curMod newS
-- | Process all submodules of a module.
doModulesStep :: CurState -> CurState
doModulesStep s = Map.foldlWithKey' tryModule s0 (modMods m)
@ -597,7 +572,6 @@ doModuleStep = doStep step
step = doStep doModulesStep
. doStep doInstancesStep
. doStep doSignaturesStep
. doStep doImportStep

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@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
{-# Language RecordWildCards #-}
{-# Language FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# Language BlockArguments #-}
{-# Language OverloadedStrings #-}
module Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Renamer.Monad where
import Data.List(sort,foldl')
@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ import Cryptol.Utils.Ident(modPathCommon,OrigName(..))
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Renamer.Error
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Renamer.Imports
-- | Indicates if a name is in a binding poisition or a use site
data NameType = NameBind | NameUse
@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ data RW = RW
data RenModParam = RenModParam
{ renModParamName :: Ident
, renModParamRange :: Range
, renModParamSig :: Name
, renModParamSig :: ImpName Name
, renModParamInstance :: Map Name Name
{- ^ Maps names that come into scope through this parameter
to the names in *signature*. This is for functors, NOT functor
@ -424,8 +425,10 @@ recordImport i =
-- XXX: Maybe we'd want to cache some of the conversion to Mod?
-- | This gives the loaded *external* modules.
getLoadedModsMaybe :: RenameM (ImpName Name -> Maybe (Mod ()))
getLoadedModsMaybe =
-- XXX: For now, this does *not* include top-level signatures, as we have no
-- interface type for them yet.
getExternalModsMaybe :: RenameM (ImpName Name -> Maybe (Mod ()))
getExternalModsMaybe =
do getIf <- RenameM (roIfaces <$> ask)
pure \nm ->
case nm of
@ -435,54 +438,44 @@ getLoadedModsMaybe =
let mp = modToMap (ImpTop top) (ifaceToMod (getIf top)) Map.empty
Map.lookup nm mp
getLoadedMods :: RenameM (ImpName Name -> Mod ())
getLoadedMods =
do f <- getLoadedModsMaybe
getExternalMods :: RenameM (ImpName Name -> Mod ())
getExternalMods =
do f <- getExternalModsMaybe
pure \x -> case f x of
Just a -> a
Nothing -> panic "getLoadedMods"
Nothing -> panic "getExternalMods"
[ "Module not loaded", show x ]
lookupModuleThing :: ImpName Name -> RenameM (Either ResolvedLocal (Mod ()))
lookupModuleThing nm =
do ro <- RenameM ask
traceM (unlines ("RESOLVED:" : [ show (pp k <+> pp (rmodKind v)) | (k,v) <- Map.toList (roResolvedModules ro) ]))
case Map.lookup nm (roResolvedModules ro) of
Just loc -> pure (Left loc)
Nothing ->
do loaded <- getExternalMods
pure (Right (loaded nm))
lookupDefines :: ImpName Name -> RenameM NamingEnv
lookupDefines nm =
do thing <- lookupModuleThing nm
pure case thing of
Left loc -> rmodDefines (dump "resolved" rmodKind loc)
Right e -> modDefines (dump "external" modKind e)
dump msg f d = trace (show ("lookup defines: " <+> msg <+> pp nm <+> pp (f d))) d
checkIsModule :: Range -> ImpName Name -> ModKind -> RenameM ()
checkIsModule r nm expect =
do ro <- RenameM ask
case Map.lookup nm (roResolvedModules ro) of
Just loc -> pure (rmodDefines loc)
Nothing ->
do loaded <- getLoadedMods
pure (modDefines (loaded nm))
actual <- case Map.lookup nm (roResolvedModules ro) of
Just loc -> pure (rmodKind loc)
Nothing ->
do loaded <- getExternalMods
pure (modKind (loaded nm))
lookupSigDefines :: Name -> RenameM NamingEnv
lookupSigDefines nm =
do ro <- RenameM ask
case Map.lookup (ImpNested nm) (roResolvedModules ro) of
Just loc -> pure (rmodDefines loc)
Nothing ->
do getIf <- RenameM (roIfaces <$> ask)
let top = nameTopModule nm
sigs = ifSignatures (ifPublic (getIf top))
case Map.lookup nm sigs of
Just s -> pure (modParamsNamingEnv s)
Nothing ->
panic "lookupSigDefines" [ "Missing signature "<> show nm]
checkIsModule :: Range -> ImpName Name -> RenameM ()
checkIsModule r nm =
do ro <- RenameM ask
case Map.lookup nm (roResolvedModules ro) of
Just loc ->
case rmodKind loc of
AModule -> pure ()
_ -> recordError (InvalidInstanceModule r nm)
Nothing ->
do mb <- ($ nm) <$> getLoadedModsMaybe
case mb of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just m ->
when (modParams m) (recordError (InvalidInstanceModule r nm))
unless (actual == expect)
(recordError (ModuleKindMismatch r nm expect actual))
lookupDefinesAndSubs ::
Maybe Range -> ImpName Name -> RenameM (NamingEnv, Set Name)
@ -495,24 +488,25 @@ lookupDefinesAndSubs checkFun nm =
Just r ->
case rmodKind loc of
AFunctor -> pure ()
_ -> recordError (InvalidFunctorInInstance r nm)
k -> recordError (ModuleKindMismatch r nm AFunctor k)
Nothing -> pure ()
pure (rmodDefines loc, rmodNested loc)
Nothing ->
do mb <- ($ nm) <$> getLoadedModsMaybe
do mb <- ($ nm) <$> getExternalModsMaybe
case mb of
Nothing -> pure ( mempty, Set.empty )
Just m ->
do case checkFun of
Just r -> unless (modParams m)
(recordError (InvalidFunctorInInstance r nm))
Just r ->
case modKind m of
AFunctor -> pure ()
k -> recordError (ModuleKindMismatch r nm AFunctor k)
Nothing -> pure ()
pure ( modDefines m
, Set.unions [ Map.keysSet (modMods m)
, Map.keysSet (modSigs m)
, Map.keysSet (modInstances m)

View File

@ -200,6 +200,13 @@ vmod_body :: { [TopDecl PName] }
| {- empty -} { [] }
-- inverted
imports1 :: { [ Located (ImportG (ImpName PName)) ] }
: imports1 'v;' import { $3 : $1 }
| imports1 ';' import { $3 : $1 }
| import { [$1] }
-- XXX replace rComb with uses of at
import :: { Located (ImportG (ImpName PName)) }
: 'import' impName mbAs mbImportSpec
@ -280,14 +287,20 @@ vtop_decl :: { [TopDecl PName] }
-- we allow for documentation here to avoid conflicts with module paramaters
-- currently that odcumentation is just discarded
sig_def :: { Signature PName }
: 'signature' name 'where' 'v{' par_decls 'v}'
{ mkSignature $2 $5 }
sig_def :: { (Located PName, Signature PName) }
: 'signature' name 'where' 'v{' sig_body 'v}'
{ ($2, $5) }
sig_body :: { Signature PName }
: par_decls { mkSignature [] $1 }
| imports1 'v;' par_decls { mkSignature (reverse $1) $3 }
| imports1 ';' par_decls { mkSignature (reverse $1) $3 }
mod_param_decl :: { ModParam PName }
: mbDoc
'import' 'signature'
name mbAs { ModParam { mpSignature = $4
impName mbAs { ModParam { mpSignature = $4
, mpAs = fmap thing $5
, mpName = mkModParamName $4 $5
, mpDoc = $1

View File

@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ import Data.Map(Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List(intersperse)
import Data.Bits(shiftR)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes,mapMaybe)
import Data.Ratio(numerator,denominator)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Numeric(showIntAtBase,showFloat,showHFloat)
@ -152,6 +152,7 @@ data ModuleDefinition name =
(ModuleInstanceArgs name)
(ModuleInstance name)
-- ^ The instance is filled in by the renamer
| SignatureModule (Signature name)
deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
{- | Maps names in the original functor with names in the instnace.
@ -171,15 +172,22 @@ mDecls m =
case mDef m of
NormalModule ds -> ds
FunctorInstance _ _ _ -> []
SignatureModule {} -> []
-- | Imports of top-level (i.e. "file" based) modules.
mImports :: ModuleG mname name -> [ Located Import ]
mImports m =
[ li { thing = i { iModule = n } }
| DImport li <- mDecls m
, let i = thing li
, ImpTop n <- [iModule i]
case mDef m of
NormalModule ds -> mapMaybe topImp [ li | DImport li <- ds ]
FunctorInstance {} -> []
SignatureModule sig -> mapMaybe topImp (sigImports sig)
topImp li = case iModule i of
ImpTop n -> Just li { thing = i { iModule = n } }
_ -> Nothing
where i = thing li
-- | Imports of nested modules---these may require name resolution to
-- detrmine what module we are talking about.
@ -243,7 +251,6 @@ data TopDecl name =
| DModule (TopLevel (NestedModule name)) -- ^ @submodule M where ...@
| DImport (Located (ImportG (ImpName name))) -- ^ @import X@
| DModSig (TopLevel (Signature name)) -- ^ @signature X where ...@
| DModParam (ModParam name) -- ^ @import signature X ...@
deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
@ -314,7 +321,8 @@ other members of a signature. When a signature is "imported" as a functor
parameter these names are instantiated to new names, because there could
be multiple paramers using the same signature. -}
data Signature name = Signature
{ sigName :: Located name -- ^ Name of the signature
{ sigImports :: ![Located (ImportG (ImpName name))]
-- ^ Add things in scope
, sigTypeParams :: [ParameterType name] -- ^ Type parameters
, sigConstraints :: [Located (Prop name)] -- ^ Constraints on type params
, sigFunParams :: [ParameterFun name] -- ^ Value parameters
@ -332,7 +340,7 @@ If there is no `as` clause, then the type/value parameters are unqualified,
and otherwise they are qualified.
data ModParam name = ModParam
{ mpSignature :: Located name -- ^ Signature for parameter
{ mpSignature :: Located (ImpName name) -- ^ Signature for parameter
, mpAs :: Maybe ModName -- ^ Qualified for actual params
, mpName :: !Ident
{- ^ Parameter name (for inst.)
@ -668,15 +676,11 @@ instance HasLoc (TopDecl name) where
DParameterConstraint d -> getLoc d
DModule d -> getLoc d
DImport d -> getLoc d
DModSig d -> getLoc d
DModParam d -> getLoc d
instance HasLoc (ModParam name) where
getLoc mp = getLoc (mpSignature mp)
instance HasLoc (Signature name) where
getLoc = getLoc . sigName
instance HasLoc (PrimType name) where
getLoc pt = Just (rComb (srcRange (primTName pt)) (srcRange (primTKind pt)))
@ -736,7 +740,11 @@ instance (Show name, PPName name) => PP (NestedModule name) where
ppModule :: (Show name, PPName mname, PPName name) =>
Doc -> ModuleG mname name -> Doc
ppModule kw m = kw <+> ppL (mName m) <+> pp (mDef m)
ppModule kw m = kw' <+> ppL (mName m) <+> pp (mDef m)
kw' = case mDef m of
SignatureModule {} -> "parameter" <+> kw
_ -> kw
instance (Show name, PPName name) => PP (ModuleDefinition name) where
@ -753,6 +761,7 @@ instance (Show name, PPName name) => PP (ModuleDefinition name) where
instLines = [ " *" <+> pp k <+> "->" <+> pp v
| (k,v) <- Map.toList inst ]
SignatureModule s -> pp s
instance (Show name, PPName name) => PP (ModuleInstanceArgs name) where
@ -785,22 +794,18 @@ instance (Show name, PPName name) => PP (TopDecl name) where
xs -> nest 1 (parens (commaSepFill xs))
DModule d -> pp d
DImport i -> pp (thing i)
DModSig s -> pp s
DModParam s -> pp s
instance (Show name, PPName name) => PP (Signature name) where
ppPrec _ = ppSignature "signature"
ppSignature :: (Show name, PPName name) => Doc -> Signature name -> Doc
ppSignature kw sig = (kw <+> pp (thing (sigName sig)) <+> "where")
$$ indent 2 (vcat ds)
ds = map pp (sigTypeParams sig)
++ case map (pp . thing) (sigConstraints sig) of
[x] -> ["type constraint" <+> x]
[] -> []
xs -> ["type constraint" <+> parens (commaSep xs)]
++ map pp (sigFunParams sig)
ppPrec _ sig = "where" $$ indent 2 (vcat (is ++ ds))
is = map pp (sigImports sig)
ds = map pp (sigTypeParams sig)
++ case map (pp . thing) (sigConstraints sig) of
[x] -> ["type constraint" <+> x]
[] -> []
xs -> ["type constraint" <+> parens (commaSep xs)]
++ map pp (sigFunParams sig)
instance (Show name, PPName name) => PP (ModParam name) where
@ -1207,6 +1212,7 @@ instance NoPos (ModuleDefinition name) where
case m of
NormalModule ds -> NormalModule (noPos ds)
FunctorInstance f as ds -> FunctorInstance (noPos f) (noPos as) ds
SignatureModule s -> SignatureModule (noPos s)
instance NoPos (ModuleInstanceArgs name) where
noPos as =
@ -1233,11 +1239,10 @@ instance NoPos (TopDecl name) where
DParameterConstraint d -> DParameterConstraint (noPos d)
DModule d -> DModule (noPos d)
DImport d -> DImport (noPos d)
DModSig d -> DModSig (noPos d)
DModParam d -> DModParam (noPos d)
instance NoPos (Signature name) where
noPos sig = Signature { sigName = noPos (sigName sig)
noPos sig = Signature { sigImports = sigImports sig
, sigTypeParams = map noPos (sigTypeParams sig)
, sigConstraints = map noPos (sigConstraints sig)
, sigFunParams = map noPos (sigFunParams sig)

View File

@ -166,6 +166,7 @@ noIncludeModule m =
do newDef <- case mDef m of
NormalModule ds -> NormalModule <$> doDecls ds
FunctorInstance f as is -> pure (FunctorInstance f as is)
SignatureModule s -> pure (SignatureModule s)
pure m { mDef = newDef }
doDecls = fmap concat . collectErrors noIncTopDecl
@ -192,7 +193,6 @@ noIncTopDecl td = case td of
do m1 <- noIncludeModule m
pure [ DModule tl { tlValue = NestedModule m1 } ]
DImport {} -> pure [td]
DModSig {} -> pure [td]
DModParam {} -> pure [td]
-- | Resolve the file referenced by a include into a list of top-level

View File

@ -339,6 +339,7 @@ noPatModule m =
case mDef m of
NormalModule ds -> NormalModule <$> noPatTopDs ds
FunctorInstance f as i -> pure (FunctorInstance f as i)
SignatureModule s -> pure (SignatureModule s)
pure m { mDef = def }
@ -392,7 +393,6 @@ annotTopDs tds =
DImport {} -> (d :) <$> annotTopDs ds
DModSig {} -> (d :) <$> annotTopDs ds
DModParam {} -> (d :) <$> annotTopDs ds
[] -> return []

View File

@ -197,14 +197,17 @@ mkModName = packModName
-- | This is how we derive the name of a module parameter from the
-- @import source@ declaration.
mkModParamName :: Located PName -> Maybe (Located ModName) -> Ident
mkModParamName :: Located (ImpName PName) -> Maybe (Located ModName) -> Ident
mkModParamName lsig qual =
case qual of
Nothing ->
case thing lsig of
UnQual i -> i
Qual _ i -> i
NewName {} -> panic "mkModParamName" ["Unexpected NewName",show lsig]
ImpTop t -> packIdent (last (modNameChunks t))
ImpNested nm ->
case nm of
UnQual i -> i
Qual _ i -> i
NewName {} -> panic "mkModParamName" ["Unexpected NewName",show lsig]
Just m -> packIdent (last (modNameChunks (thing m)))
-- Note that type variables are not resolved at this point: they are tcons.
@ -531,7 +534,6 @@ changeExport e = map change
DPrimType t -> DPrimType t { tlExport = e }
TDNewtype n -> TDNewtype n { tlExport = e }
DModule m -> DModule m { tlExport = e }
DModSig s -> DModSig s { tlExport = e }
DModParam {} -> decl
Include{} -> decl
DImport{} -> decl
@ -825,18 +827,22 @@ mkNested m =
nm = mName m
r = srcRange nm
mkSigDecl :: Maybe (Located Text) -> Signature PName -> TopDecl PName
mkSigDecl doc sig =
mkSigDecl :: Maybe (Located Text) -> (Located PName,Signature PName) -> TopDecl PName
mkSigDecl doc (nm,sig) =
TopLevel { tlExport = Public
, tlDoc = doc
, tlValue = sig
, tlValue = NestedModule
Module { mName = nm
, mDef = SignatureModule sig
mkSignature :: LPName -> [TopDecl PName] -> Signature PName
mkSignature nm =
mkSignature :: [Located (ImportG (ImpName PName))] ->
[TopDecl PName] -> Signature PName
mkSignature is =
foldl' add
Signature { sigName = nm
Signature { sigImports = is
, sigTypeParams = []
, sigConstraints = []
, sigFunParams = []
@ -990,12 +996,15 @@ mkModBody = collect 1 [] []
anonSig l ts fs =
panic "anonSig" ["XXX"]
let nm = Located { srcRange = l, thing = mkUnqual anonymousSignatureIdent }
in [ DModSig
{ tlExport = Private
, tlDoc = Nothing
, tlValue = Signature { sigName = nm
, sigImports = [] -- XXX: what to do here
, sigTypeParams = ts
, sigConstraints = []
, sigFunParams = fs
@ -1011,7 +1020,7 @@ mkModBody = collect 1 [] []
, mpRenaming = mempty

View File

@ -35,17 +35,15 @@ helpForNamed qname =
vNames = M.lookupListNS M.NSValue qname rnEnv
tNames = M.lookupListNS M.NSType qname rnEnv
mNames = M.lookupListNS M.NSModule qname rnEnv
sNames = M.lookupListNS M.NSSignature qname rnEnv
let helps = map (showTypeHelp params env disp) tNames ++
map (showValHelp params env disp qname) vNames ++
map (showModHelp env disp) mNames ++
map (showSigHelp env disp) sNames
map (showModHelp env disp) mNames
separ = rPutStrLn " ---------"
sequence_ (intersperse separ helps)
when (null (vNames ++ tNames ++ mNames ++ sNames)) $
when (null (vNames ++ tNames ++ mNames)) $
rPrint $ "Undefined name:" <+> pp qname

View File

@ -499,7 +499,6 @@ instance PP (WithNames Error) where
NSValue -> "value"
NSType -> "type"
NSModule -> "module"
NSSignature -> "signature"
TemporaryError doc -> doc

View File

@ -1088,25 +1088,25 @@ checkTopDecls = mapM_ checkTopDecl
do _ <- doFunctorInst (P.ImpNested <$> P.mName m) f as inst
pure ()
P.SignatureModule sig ->
do let doc = P.thing <$> P.tlDoc tl
inRange (srcRange (P.mName m))
do newSignatureScope (thing (P.mName m)) doc
forM_ (P.sigTypeParams sig) \pt ->
addParamType =<< checkParameterType pt
addParameterConstraints =<<
checkParameterConstraints (P.sigConstraints sig)
forM_ (P.sigFunParams sig) \f ->
addParamFun =<< checkParameterFun f
where P.NestedModule m = P.tlValue tl
P.DModSig tl ->
do let sig = P.tlValue tl
doc = P.thing <$> P.tlDoc tl
inRange (srcRange (P.sigName sig))
do newSignatureScope (thing (P.sigName sig)) doc
forM_ (P.sigTypeParams sig) \pt ->
addParamType =<< checkParameterType pt
addParameterConstraints =<<
checkParameterConstraints (P.sigConstraints sig)
forM_ (P.sigFunParams sig) \f ->
addParamFun =<< checkParameterFun f
P.DModParam p ->
inRange (srcRange (P.mpSignature p))
do let binds = P.mpRenaming p

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import Cryptol.Parser.Position(Located)
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Interface
(IfaceParams(..), IfaceNames(..), IfaceModParam(..))
import Cryptol.IR.TraverseNames(TraverseNames,mapNames)
import Cryptol.Parser.AST(ImpName(..))
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Subst(Subst,TVars,apSubst)
@ -52,6 +53,12 @@ instance ModuleInstance a => ModuleInstance (Located a) where
instance ModuleInstance Name where
moduleInstance = doVInst
instance ModuleInstance name => ModuleInstance (ImpName name) where
moduleInstance x =
case x of
ImpTop t -> ImpTop t
ImpNested n -> ImpNested (moduleInstance n)
instance ModuleInstance (ModuleG name) where
moduleInstance m =
Module { mName = mName m

View File

@ -699,13 +699,16 @@ lookupAbstractType x = Map.lookup x <$> getAbstractTypes
lookupParamType :: Name -> InferM (Maybe ModTParam)
lookupParamType x = Map.lookup x <$> getParamTypes
lookupSignature :: Name -> InferM If.IfaceParams
lookupSignature x =
do sigs <- getSignatures
case Map.lookup x sigs of
Just ips -> pure ips
Nothing -> panic "lookupSignature"
[ "Missing signature", show x ]
lookupSignature :: P.ImpName Name -> InferM If.IfaceParams
lookupSignature nx =
case nx of
-- XXX: top
P.ImpNested x ->
do sigs <- getSignatures
case Map.lookup x sigs of
Just ips -> pure ips
Nothing -> panic "lookupSignature"
[ "Missing signature", show x ]
-- | Lookup an external (i.e., previously loaded) top module.
lookupTopModule :: ModName -> InferM (Maybe (ModuleG (), If.IfaceG ()))

View File

@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ module Cryptol.Utils.Ident
, noModuleName
, exprModName
, modNameArg
, modNameSig
, isParamInstModName
, paramInstModName
@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ import Cryptol.Utils.Panic(panic)
-- | Namespaces for names
data Namespace = NSValue | NSType | NSModule | NSSignature
data Namespace = NSValue | NSType | NSModule
deriving (Generic,Show,NFData,Eq,Ord,Enum,Bounded)
allNamespaces :: [Namespace]
@ -139,7 +140,7 @@ modPathSplit p0 = (top,reverse xs)
data ModName = ModName T.Text ModNameFlavor
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Generic)
data ModNameFlavor = NormalModName | AnonModArgName
data ModNameFlavor = NormalModName | AnonModArgName | AnonSigName
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Generic)
instance NFData ModName
@ -148,14 +149,25 @@ instance NFData ModNameFlavor
modNameArg :: ModName -> ModName
modNameArg (ModName m fl) =
case fl of
NormalModName -> ModName m AnonModArgName
AnonModArgName -> panic "modNameArg" ["Name is already an argument"]
NormalModName -> ModName m AnonModArgName
AnonModArgName -> panic "modNameArg" ["Name is not normal"]
AnonSigName -> panic "modNameArg" ["Name is not normal"]
modNameSig :: ModName -> ModName
modNameSig (ModName m fl) =
case fl of
NormalModName -> ModName m AnonSigName
AnonModArgName -> panic "modNameSig" ["Name is not normal"]
AnonSigName -> panic "modNameSig" ["Name is not normal"]
modNameToText :: ModName -> T.Text
modNameToText (ModName x fl) =
case fl of
NormalModName -> x
AnonModArgName -> x <> "$argument"
AnonSigName -> x <> "$signature"
textToModName :: T.Text -> ModName
textToModName txt = ModName txt NormalModName

View File

@ -420,4 +420,3 @@ instance PP Namespace where
NSValue -> "/*value*/"
NSType -> "/*type*/"
NSModule -> "/*module*/"
NSSignature -> "/*signature*/"

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ signature A where
x : [n]
submodule F where
import signature A
import signature submodule A
y : [n]
y = 1 + x

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ signature A where
x : [n]
submodule F where
import signature A
import parameter A
y : [n]
y = 1 + x