mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 05:21:57 +03:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into wip/cs
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
UNAME := $(shell uname -s)
ARCH := $(shell uname -m)
TESTS ?= issues regression renamer
TESTS ?= issues regression renamer mono-binds
TEST_DIFF ?= meld
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ src/GitRev.hs:
$(shell find src cryptol \( -name \*.hs -or -name \*.x -or -name \*.y \) -print) \
$(shell find src cryptol \( -name \*.hs -or -name \*.x -or -name \*.y \) -and \( -not -name \*\#\* \) -print) \
$(shell find lib -name \*.cry)
@ -241,6 +241,8 @@ evalCmd str = do
ppOpts <- getPPValOpts
io $ rethrowEvalError $ print $ pp $ E.WithBase ppOpts val
P.LetInput decl -> do
-- explicitly make this a top-level declaration, so that it will
-- be generalized if mono-binds is enabled
replEvalDecl decl
data QCMode = QCRandom | QCExhaust deriving (Eq, Show)
@ -498,7 +500,7 @@ loadCmd path
, lPath = path
m <- moduleCmdResult =<< io (M.loadModuleByPath path)
m <- liftModuleCmd (M.loadModuleByPath path)
whenDebug (io (putStrLn (dump m)))
setLoadedMod LoadedModule
{ lName = Just (T.mName m)
@ -675,6 +677,7 @@ moduleCmdResult (res,ws0) = do
replCheckExpr :: P.Expr -> REPL (T.Expr,T.Schema)
replCheckExpr e = liftModuleCmd $ M.checkExpr e
-- | Check declarations as though they were defined at the top-level.
replCheckDecls :: [P.Decl] -> REPL [T.DeclGroup]
replCheckDecls ds = do
npds <- liftModuleCmd $ M.noPat ds
@ -688,7 +691,8 @@ replCheckDecls ds = do
setDynEnv denv
raise exn
setDynEnv denv'
catch (liftModuleCmd $ M.checkDecls npds) undo
let topDecls = [ P.Decl (P.TopLevel P.Public d) | d <- npds ]
catch (liftModuleCmd $ M.checkDecls topDecls) undo
replSpecExpr :: T.Expr -> REPL T.Expr
replSpecExpr e = liftModuleCmd $ S.specialize e
@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module REPL.Monad (
-- * REPL Monad
@ -388,9 +390,11 @@ setUser name val = case lookupTrie name userOptions of
writeEnv (EnvBool False)
| otherwise ->
io (putStrLn ("Failed to parse boolean for field, `" ++ name ++ "`"))
writeEnv ev =
modifyRW_ (\rw -> rw { eUserEnv = Map.insert name ev (eUserEnv rw) })
writeEnv ev =
do optEff opt ev
modifyRW_ (\rw -> rw { eUserEnv = Map.insert name ev (eUserEnv rw) })
-- | Get a user option, using Maybe for failure.
tryGetUser :: String -> REPL (Maybe EnvVal)
@ -421,28 +425,39 @@ data OptionDescr = OptionDescr
, optDefault :: EnvVal
, optCheck :: EnvVal -> IO (Maybe String)
, optHelp :: String
, optEff :: EnvVal -> REPL ()
simpleOpt :: String -> EnvVal -> (EnvVal -> IO (Maybe String)) -> String
-> OptionDescr
simpleOpt optName optDefault optCheck optHelp =
OptionDescr { optEff = \ _ -> return (), .. }
userOptions :: OptionMap
userOptions = mkOptionMap
[ OptionDescr "base" (EnvNum 16) checkBase
[ simpleOpt "base" (EnvNum 16) checkBase
"the base to display words at"
, OptionDescr "debug" (EnvBool False) (const $ return Nothing)
, simpleOpt "debug" (EnvBool False) (const $ return Nothing)
"enable debugging output"
, OptionDescr "ascii" (EnvBool False) (const $ return Nothing)
, simpleOpt "ascii" (EnvBool False) (const $ return Nothing)
"display 7- or 8-bit words using ASCII notation."
, OptionDescr "infLength" (EnvNum 5) checkInfLength
, simpleOpt "infLength" (EnvNum 5) checkInfLength
"The number of elements to display for infinite sequences."
, OptionDescr "tests" (EnvNum 100) (const $ return Nothing)
, simpleOpt "tests" (EnvNum 100) (const $ return Nothing)
"The number of random tests to try."
, OptionDescr "prover" (EnvString "cvc4") checkProver $
, simpleOpt "prover" (EnvString "cvc4") checkProver $
"The external SMT solver for :prove and :sat (" ++ proverListString ++ ")."
, OptionDescr "iteSolver" (EnvBool False) (const $ return Nothing)
, simpleOpt "iteSolver" (EnvBool False) (const $ return Nothing)
"Use smt solver to filter conditional branches in proofs."
, OptionDescr "warnDefaulting" (EnvBool True) (const $ return Nothing)
, simpleOpt "warnDefaulting" (EnvBool True) (const $ return Nothing)
"Choose if we should display warnings when defaulting."
, OptionDescr "smtfile" (EnvString "-") (const $ return Nothing)
, simpleOpt "smtfile" (EnvString "-") (const $ return Nothing)
"The file to use for SMT-Lib scripts (for debugging or offline proving)"
, OptionDescr "mono-binds" (EnvBool True) (const $ return Nothing)
"Whether or not to generalize bindings in a where-clause" $
\case EnvBool b -> do me <- getModuleEnv
setModuleEnv me { M.meMonoBinds = b }
_ -> return ()
-- | Check the value to the `base` option.
Binary file not shown.
@ -333,6 +333,10 @@ f p1 p2 = e // Function definition
e where ds
Note that by default, any local declarations without type signatures
are monomorphized. If you need a local declaration to be polymorphic,
use an explicit type signature.
\section{Explicit Type Instantiation}\label{explicit-type-instantiation}
If \texttt{f} is a polymorphic value with type:
@ -296,6 +296,10 @@ Local Declarations
e where ds
Note that by default, any local declarations without type signatures
are monomorphized. If you need a local declaration to be polymorphic,
use an explicit type signature.
Explicit Type Instantiation
Binary file not shown.
@ -31,10 +31,13 @@ import qualified Cryptol.Eval.Value as E
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Env
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Interface
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Monad
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Renamer (Rename)
import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Base as Base
import qualified Cryptol.Parser.AST as P
import Cryptol.Parser.NoPat (RemovePatterns)
import Cryptol.Parser.Position (HasLoc)
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST as T
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Depends as T
-- Public Interface ------------------------------------------------------------
@ -48,13 +51,11 @@ findModule :: P.ModName -> ModuleCmd FilePath
findModule n env = runModuleM env (Base.findModule n)
-- | Load the module contained in the given file.
loadModuleByPath :: FilePath -> IO (ModuleRes T.Module)
loadModuleByPath path = do
env <- initialModuleEnv
runModuleM env $ do
m <- Base.loadModuleByPath path
setFocusedModule (T.mName m)
return m
loadModuleByPath :: FilePath -> ModuleCmd T.Module
loadModuleByPath path env = runModuleM (resetModuleEnv env) $ do
m <- Base.loadModuleByPath path
setFocusedModule (T.mName m)
return m
-- | Load the given parsed module.
loadModule :: FilePath -> P.Module -> ModuleCmd T.Module
@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ evalExpr :: T.Expr -> ModuleCmd E.Value
evalExpr e env = runModuleM env (interactive (Base.evalExpr e))
-- | Typecheck declarations.
checkDecls :: [P.Decl] -> ModuleCmd [T.DeclGroup]
checkDecls :: (HasLoc d, Rename d, T.FromDecl d) => [d] -> ModuleCmd [T.DeclGroup]
checkDecls ds env = runModuleM env (interactive (Base.checkDecls ds))
-- | Evaluate declarations and add them to the extended environment.
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import Cryptol.Parser.NoInclude (removeIncludesModule)
import Cryptol.Parser.Position (HasLoc(..), Range, emptyRange)
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck as T
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST as T
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Depends as T
import Cryptol.Utils.PP (pretty)
import Cryptol.Transform.MonoValues
@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ renameExpr e = do
rename (deNames denv `R.shadowing` R.namingEnv env) e
-- | Rename declarations in the context of the focused module.
renameDecls :: [P.Decl] -> ModuleM [P.Decl]
renameDecls :: (R.Rename d, T.FromDecl d) => [d] -> ModuleM [d]
renameDecls ds = do
env <- getFocusedEnv
denv <- getDynEnv
@ -246,7 +247,7 @@ checkExpr e = do
typecheck T.tcExpr re env'
-- | Typecheck a group of declarations.
checkDecls :: [P.Decl] -> ModuleM [T.DeclGroup]
checkDecls :: (HasLoc d, R.Rename d, T.FromDecl d) => [d] -> ModuleM [T.DeclGroup]
checkDecls ds = do
-- nopat must already be run
rds <- renameDecls ds
@ -308,6 +309,7 @@ importIfacesTc is =
genInferInput :: Range -> IfaceDecls -> ModuleM T.InferInput
genInferInput r env = do
seeds <- getNameSeeds
monoBinds <- getMonoBinds
-- TODO: include the environment needed by the module
return T.InferInput
@ -316,6 +318,7 @@ genInferInput r env = do
, T.inpTSyns = filterEnv ifTySyns
, T.inpNewtypes = filterEnv ifNewtypes
, T.inpNameSeeds = seeds
, T.inpMonoBinds = monoBinds
-- at this point, the names used in the aggregate interface should be
@ -37,6 +37,16 @@ data ModuleEnv = ModuleEnv
, meFocusedModule :: Maybe ModName
, meSearchPath :: [FilePath]
, meDynEnv :: DynamicEnv
, meMonoBinds :: !Bool
resetModuleEnv :: ModuleEnv -> ModuleEnv
resetModuleEnv env = env
{ meLoadedModules = mempty
, meNameSeeds = T.nameSeeds
, meEvalEnv = mempty
, meFocusedModule = Nothing
, meDynEnv = mempty
initialModuleEnv :: IO ModuleEnv
@ -56,6 +66,7 @@ initialModuleEnv = do
, meFocusedModule = Nothing
, meSearchPath = [dataDir </> "lib", instDir1 </> "lib", instDir2 </> "lib", "."]
, meDynEnv = mempty
, meMonoBinds = True
-- | Try to focus a loaded module in the module environment.
@ -305,6 +305,14 @@ getIface mn = ModuleT $ do
getNameSeeds :: ModuleM T.NameSeeds
getNameSeeds = ModuleT (meNameSeeds `fmap` get)
getMonoBinds :: ModuleM Bool
getMonoBinds = ModuleT (meMonoBinds `fmap` get)
setMonoBinds :: Bool -> ModuleM ()
setMonoBinds b = ModuleT $ do
env <- get
set $! env { meMonoBinds = b }
setNameSeeds :: T.NameSeeds -> ModuleM ()
setNameSeeds seeds = ModuleT $ do
env <- get
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ tcExpr e0 inp = runInferM inp
, show e'
, show t
_ -> do res <- inferBinds False
_ -> do res <- inferBinds True False
[ P.Bind
{ P.bName = P.Located (inpRange inp)
$ mkUnqual (P.Name "(expression)")
@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ orderBinds bs = mkScc [ (b, map thing defs, Set.toList uses)
class FromDecl d where
toBind :: d -> Maybe P.Bind
toTyDecl :: d -> Maybe TyDecl
isTopDecl :: d -> Bool
instance FromDecl P.TopDecl where
toBind (P.Decl x) = toBind (P.tlValue x)
@ -90,6 +91,8 @@ instance FromDecl P.TopDecl where
toTyDecl (P.Decl x) = toTyDecl (P.tlValue x)
toTyDecl _ = Nothing
isTopDecl _ = True
instance FromDecl P.Decl where
toBind (P.DLocated d _) = toBind d
toBind (P.DBind b) = return b
@ -99,6 +102,8 @@ instance FromDecl P.Decl where
toTyDecl (P.DType x) = Just (TS x)
toTyDecl _ = Nothing
isTopDecl _ = False
{- | Given a list of declarations, annoted with (i) the names that they
define, and (ii) the names that they use, we compute a list of strongly
connected components of the declarations. The SCCs are in dependency order. -}
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Either(partitionEithers)
import Data.Maybe(mapMaybe)
import Data.Maybe(mapMaybe,isJust)
import Data.List(partition)
import Data.Graph(SCC(..))
import Data.Traversable(forM)
@ -419,9 +419,14 @@ inferCArm armNum (m : ms) =
newGoals CtComprehension [ sz =#= (n .*. n') ]
return (m1 : ms', Map.insertWith (\_ old -> old) x t ds, sz)
inferBinds :: Bool -> [P.Bind] -> InferM [Decl]
inferBinds isRec binds =
-- | @inferBinds isTopLevel isRec binds@ performs inference for a
-- strongly-connected component of 'P.Bind's. If @isTopLevel@ is true,
-- any bindings without type signatures will be generalized. If it is
-- false, and the mono-binds flag is enabled, no bindings without type
-- signatures will be generalized, but bindings with signatures will
-- be unaffected.
inferBinds :: Bool -> Bool -> [P.Bind] -> InferM [Decl]
inferBinds isTopLevel isRec binds =
mdo let exprMap = Map.fromList [ (x,inst (EVar x) (dDefinition b))
| b <- genBs, let x = dName b ] -- REC.
@ -429,7 +434,14 @@ inferBinds isRec binds =
inst e (EProofAbs _ e1) = inst (EProofApp e) e1
inst e _ = e
-- when mono-binds is enabled, and we're not checking top-level
-- declarations, mark all bindings lacking signatures as monomorphic
monoBinds <- getMonoBinds
let binds' | monoBinds && not isTopLevel = sigs ++ monos
| otherwise = binds
(sigs,noSigs) = partition (isJust . P.bSignature) binds
monos = [ b { P.bMono = True } | b <- noSigs ]
((doneBs, genCandidates), cs) <-
@ -438,7 +450,7 @@ inferBinds isRec binds =
{- Guess type is here, because while we check user supplied signatures
we may generate additional constraints. For example, `x - y` would
generate an additional constraint `x >= y`. -}
do (newEnv,todos) <- unzip `fmap` mapM (guessType exprMap) binds
do (newEnv,todos) <- unzip `fmap` mapM (guessType exprMap) binds'
let extEnv = if isRec then withVarTypes newEnv else id
extEnv $
@ -643,6 +655,8 @@ checkSigB b (Forall as asmps0 t0, validSchema) =
inferDs :: FromDecl d => [d] -> ([DeclGroup] -> InferM a) -> InferM a
inferDs ds continue = checkTyDecls =<< orderTyDecls (mapMaybe toTyDecl ds)
isTopLevel = isTopDecl (head ds)
checkTyDecls (TS t : ts) =
do t1 <- checkTySyn t
withTySyn t1 (checkTyDecls ts)
@ -656,13 +670,13 @@ inferDs ds continue = checkTyDecls =<< orderTyDecls (mapMaybe toTyDecl ds)
checkBinds decls (CyclicSCC bs : more) =
do bs1 <- inferBinds True bs
do bs1 <- inferBinds isTopLevel True bs
foldr (\b m -> withVar (dName b) (dSignature b) m)
(checkBinds (Recursive bs1 : decls) more)
checkBinds decls (AcyclicSCC c : more) =
do [b] <- inferBinds False [c]
do [b] <- inferBinds isTopLevel False [c]
withVar (dName b) (dSignature b) $
checkBinds (NonRecursive b : decls) more
@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ data InferInput = InferInput
, inpTSyns :: Map QName TySyn -- ^ Type synonyms that are in scope
, inpNewtypes :: Map QName Newtype -- ^ Newtypes in scope
, inpNameSeeds :: NameSeeds -- ^ Private state of type-checker
, inpMonoBinds :: Bool -- ^ Should local bindings without
-- signatures be monomorphized?
} deriving Show
@ -77,6 +79,7 @@ runInferM info (IM m) =
, iTSyns = fmap mkExternal (inpTSyns info)
, iNewtypes = fmap mkExternal (inpNewtypes info)
, iSolvedHasLazy = iSolvedHas finalRW -- RECURSION
, iMonoBinds = inpMonoBinds info
(result, finalRW) <- runStateT rw $ runReaderT ro m -- RECURSION
@ -145,6 +148,11 @@ data RO = RO
-- together through recursion. The field is here so that we can
-- look thing up before they are defined, which is OK because we
-- don't need to know the results until everything is done.
, iMonoBinds :: Bool
-- ^ When this flag is set to true, bindings that lack signatures
-- in where-blocks will never be generalized. Bindings with type
-- signatures, and all bindings at top level are unaffected.
-- | Read-write component of the monad.
@ -468,6 +476,10 @@ getTVars = IM $ asks $ Set.fromList . mapMaybe tpName . iTVars
getBoundInScope :: InferM (Set TVar)
getBoundInScope = IM $ asks $ Set.fromList . map tpVar . iTVars
-- | Retrieve the value of the `mono-binds` option.
getMonoBinds :: InferM Bool
getMonoBinds = IM (asks iMonoBinds)
{- | We disallow shadowing between type synonyms and type variables
because it is confusing. As a bonus, in the implementation we don't
need to worry about where we lookup things (i.e., in the variable or
@ -140,31 +140,34 @@ instance TVars a => TVars (TypeMap a) where
-- | Apply the substitution to the keys of a type map.
apSubstTypeMapKeys :: Subst -> TypeMap a -> TypeMap a
apSubstTypeMapKeys su = go
apSubstTypeMapKeys su = go id
go :: TypeMap a -> TypeMap a
go TM { .. } = foldl addKey tm' tys
go :: (a -> a) -> TypeMap a -> TypeMap a
go atNode TM { .. } = foldl addKey tm' tys
addKey tm (ty,a) = insertTM ty a tm
tm' = TM { tvar = Map.fromList vars
, tcon = fmap lgo tcon
, trec = fmap lgo trec
, tcon = fmap (lgo atNode) tcon
, trec = fmap (lgo atNode) trec
-- partition out variables that have been replaced with more specific types
(vars,tys) = partitionEithers
[ case Map.lookup v (suMap su) of
Just ty -> Right (ty,a)
Nothing -> Left (v,a)
Just ty -> Right (ty,a')
Nothing -> Left (v, a')
| (v,a) <- Map.toList tvar
, let a' = atNode a
lgo :: List TypeMap a -> List TypeMap a
lgo k = k { cons = go (cons k) }
lgo :: (a -> a) -> List TypeMap a -> List TypeMap a
lgo atNode k = k { nil = fmap atNode (nil k)
, cons = go (lgo atNode) (cons k)
{- | WARNING: This instance assumes that the quantified variables in the
@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Main
[warning] at simon.cry2:83:16--92:15:
Defaulting 3rd type parameter
of expression (@)
at simon.cry2:89:29--89:30
to max (width (a`432 - 1)) (max 6 (width a`431))
[warning] at simon.cry2:85:16--90:49:
Defaulting 3rd type parameter
of expression (@)
at simon.cry2:90:27--90:28
to width a`433
[warning] at simon.cry2:85:16--90:49:
[warning] at simon.cry2:83:1--92:15:
Defaulting type parameter 'bits'
of literal or demoted expression
at simon.cry2:87:28--87:30
to max 3 (width a`431)
[warning] at simon.cry2:83:1--92:15:
Defaulting 3rd type parameter
of expression (@)
at simon.cry2:90:27--90:28
to width a`433
[warning] at simon.cry2:83:1--92:15:
Defaulting 3rd type parameter
of expression (@)
at simon.cry2:89:29--89:30
to max 6 (max (width (a`432 - 1)) (width a`431))
@ -1 +1,4 @@
:set mono-binds=on
:l issue225.cry
:set mono-binds=off
:l issue225.cry
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Known problem, see ticket #5.
@ -1,3 +1,46 @@
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module EnigmaBroke
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module EnigmaBroke
[error] at issue225.cry:12:1--12:11:
Failed to validate user-specified signature.
In the definition of 'EnigmaBroke::joinRotors', at issue225.cry:12:1--12:11:
for any type n
fin n
fin (min n ?a8)
arising from
use of expression __p14
at issue225.cry:22:21--22:22
fin (min n ?u7)
arising from
use of expression __p14
at issue225.cry:22:9--22:19
fin (min n ?o7)
arising from
use of expression __p14
at issue225.cry:22:6--22:7
?a8 == 1 + min n ?a8
arising from
use of expression __p14
at issue225.cry:22:21--22:22
?u7 == 1 + min n ?u7
arising from
use of expression __p14
at issue225.cry:22:9--22:19
?o7 == 1 + min n ?o7
arising from
use of expression __p14
at issue225.cry:22:6--22:7
?o7 is 1st type parameter
of expression __p14
at issue225.cry:22:6--22:7
?u7 is 1st type parameter
of expression __p14
at issue225.cry:22:9--22:19
?a8 is 1st type parameter
of expression __p14
at issue225.cry:22:21--22:22
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
module test01 where
a x = f x
f y = x # y
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
:set debug=on
:set mono-binds=off
:l test01.cry
:set mono-binds=on
:l test01.cry
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module test01
module test01
import Cryptol
/* Not recursive */
test01::a : {a, b} (fin b) => [b]a -> [2 * b]a
test01::a = \{a, b} (fin b) ->
(\ (x : [b]a) ->
f b x
/* Not recursive */
f : {c} [c]a -> [b + c]a
f = \{c} (y : [c]a) -> (#) b c a <> x y
) : [b]a -> [2 * b]a
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module test01
module test01
import Cryptol
/* Not recursive */
test01::a : {a, b} (fin a) => [a]b -> [2 * a]b
test01::a = \{a, b} (fin a) ->
(\ (x : [a]b) ->
f x
/* Not recursive */
f : [a]b -> [a + a]b
f = \ (y : [a]b) -> (#) a a b <> x y
) : [a]b -> [2 * a]b
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
module test02 where
test a = f a
f x = g a
g x = f x
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
:set debug=on
:set mono-binds=off
:l test02.cry
:set mono-binds=on
:l test02.cry
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module test02
module test02
import Cryptol
/* Not recursive */
test02::test : {a, b} a -> b
test02::test = \{a, b} (a : a) ->
f b a
/* Recursive */
f : {c} a -> c
f = \{c} (x : a) -> g c a
g : {c} a -> c
g = \{c} (x : a) -> f c x
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module test02
module test02
import Cryptol
/* Not recursive */
test02::test : {a, b} a -> b
test02::test = \{a, b} (a : a) ->
f a
/* Recursive */
f : a -> b
f = \ (x : a) -> g a
g : a -> b
g = \ (x : a) -> f x
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
module test03 where
// expression with a free type variable. Since mono-binds
// monomorphizes everything rather than using fancy rules to generalize
// some local binds, this test probably isn't relevant anymore
test : {a} (fin a, a >= width a) => [a]
test = foo
foo = `(a)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
:set debug=on
:set mono-binds=off
:l test03.cry
:set mono-binds=on
:l test03.cry
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module test03
module test03
import Cryptol
/* Not recursive */
test03::test : {a} (fin a, a >= width a) => [a]
test03::test = \{a} (fin a, a >= width a) ->
foo a <> <>
/* Not recursive */
foo : {b} (fin b, b >= width a) => [b]
foo = \{b} (fin b, b >= width a) -> demote a b <> <> <>
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module test03
module test03
import Cryptol
/* Not recursive */
test03::test : {a} (fin a, a >= width a) => [a]
test03::test = \{a} (fin a, a >= width a) ->
/* Not recursive */
foo : [a]
foo = demote a a <> <> <>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
module test04 where
test a = (f (), f 10)
f x = (a,x)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
:set debug=on
:set mono-binds=off
:l test04.cry
:set mono-binds=on
:l test04.cry
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module test04
module test04
import Cryptol
/* Not recursive */
test04::test : {a, b} (b >= 4, fin b) => a -> ((a, ()), (a, [b]))
test04::test = \{a, b} (b >= 4, fin b) (a : a) ->
(f () (), f [b] (demote 10 b <> <> <>))
/* Not recursive */
f : {c} c -> (a, c)
f = \{c} (x : c) -> (a, x)
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module test04
[warning] at test04.cry:1:1--5:14:
Defaulting type parameter 'bits'
of literal or demoted expression
at test04.cry:3:19--3:21
to 4
[error] at test04.cry:3:17--3:21:
Type mismatch:
Expected type: [?b3]
Inferred type: ()
?b3 is type parameter 'bits'
of literal or demoted expression
at test04.cry:3:19--3:21
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
module test05 where
foo : [10]
foo = 10
test a = 10
foo : [10]
foo = 10
f = bar
foo = a
bar = zero # foo
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
:set debug=on
:set mono-binds=off
:l test05.cry
:set mono-binds=on
:l test05.cry
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module test05
[warning] at test05.cry:9:3--9:6
This binding for foo shadows the existing binding from
(at test05.cry:4:1--4:4, test05::foo)
[warning] at test05.cry:13:5--13:8
This binding for foo shadows the existing binding from
(at test05.cry:9:3--9:6, foo)
module test05
import Cryptol
/* Not recursive */
test05::foo : [10]
test05::foo = demote 10 10 <> <> <>
/* Not recursive */
test05::test : {a, b, c} (c >= 4, fin c) => [a]b -> [c]
test05::test = \{a, b, c} (c >= 4, fin c) (a : [a]b) ->
demote 10 c <> <> <>
/* Not recursive */
foo : [10]
foo = demote 10 10 <> <> <>
/* Not recursive */
f : {d} (fin d) => [a + d]b
f = \{d} (fin d) ->
(bar d <>
/* Not recursive */
foo : [a]b
foo = a
/* Not recursive */
bar : {e} (fin e) => [e + a]b
bar = \{e} (fin e) -> (#) e a b <> (zero ([e]b)) foo
) : [a + d]b
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module test05
[warning] at test05.cry:9:3--9:6
This binding for foo shadows the existing binding from
(at test05.cry:4:1--4:4, test05::foo)
[warning] at test05.cry:13:5--13:8
This binding for foo shadows the existing binding from
(at test05.cry:9:3--9:6, foo)
[warning] at test05.cry:1:1--14:21:
Defaulting 1st type parameter
of expression (#)
at test05.cry:14:16--14:17
to 0
module test05
import Cryptol
/* Not recursive */
test05::foo : [10]
test05::foo = demote 10 10 <> <> <>
/* Not recursive */
test05::test : {a, b, c} (c >= 4, fin c) => [a]b -> [c]
test05::test = \{a, b, c} (c >= 4, fin c) (a : [a]b) ->
demote 10 c <> <> <>
/* Not recursive */
foo : [10]
foo = demote 10 10 <> <> <>
/* Not recursive */
f : [0 + a]b
f = bar
/* Not recursive */
foo : [a]b
foo = a
/* Not recursive */
bar : [0 + a]b
bar = (#) 0 a b <> (zero ([0]b)) foo
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
module test06 where
test : {a} a -> a
test a = bar
foo : a
foo = zero
bar = foo
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
:set debug=on
:set mono-binds=off
:l test06.cry
:set mono-binds=on
:l test06.cry
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module test06
module test06
import Cryptol
/* Not recursive */
test06::test : {a} a -> a
test06::test = \{a} (a : a) ->
/* Not recursive */
foo : a
foo = zero a
/* Not recursive */
bar : a
bar = foo
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module test06
module test06
import Cryptol
/* Not recursive */
test06::test : {a} a -> a
test06::test = \{a} (a : a) ->
/* Not recursive */
foo : a
foo = zero a
/* Not recursive */
bar : a
bar = foo
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Loading module AES
of expression (@)
at AES.cry:147:58--147:59
to 4
[warning] at AES.cry:124:26--129:31:
[warning] at AES.cry:124:1--124:9:
Defaulting type parameter 'bits'
of literal or demoted expression
at AES.cry:127:26--127:29
@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Main
[warning] at :1:1--5:25:
Defaulting 1st type parameter
of expression zz
at check11.cry:1:11--1:13
Defaulting type parameter 'bits'
of finite enumeration
at check11.cry:3:10--3:19
to 7
[warning] at check11.cry:1:11--5:25:
[warning] at :1:1--5:25:
Defaulting 4th type parameter
of expression (@@)
at check11.cry:5:13--5:15
@ -9,4 +9,9 @@ Loading module check25
of expression check25::tx
at check25.cry:8:11--8:13
to 4
[warning] at check25.cry:1:1--8:19:
Defaulting type parameter 'bits'
of literal or demoted expression
at check25.cry:6:14--6:16
to 5
@ -7,36 +7,16 @@ Assuming a = 1
Assuming b = 2
{x = 0x1, y = 0x2}
[warning] at <interactive>:1:1--1:22:
Defaulting 2nd type parameter
of expression __p0
at <interactive>:1:10--1:11
to 2
[warning] at <interactive>:1:1--1:22:
Defaulting 1st type parameter
of expression __p0
at <interactive>:1:12--1:13
to 1
[warning] at <interactive>:1:1--1:22:
Defaulting 2nd type parameter
of expression __p0
at <interactive>:1:12--1:13
Defaulting type parameter 'bits'
of literal or demoted expression
at <interactive>:1:20--1:21
to 2
Assuming a = 1
[warning] at <interactive>:1:1--1:46:
Defaulting 2nd type parameter
of expression __p0
at <interactive>:1:15--1:16
to 5
[warning] at <interactive>:1:1--1:46:
Defaulting 1st type parameter
of expression __p0
at <interactive>:1:22--1:23
to 4
[warning] at <interactive>:1:1--1:46:
Defaulting 2nd type parameter
of expression __p0
at <interactive>:1:22--1:23
Defaulting type parameter 'bits'
of literal or demoted expression
at <interactive>:1:42--1:44
to 5
Assuming a = 4
@ -2,26 +2,26 @@ Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Main
[warning] at <interactive>:1:1--1:42:
Defaulting 1st type parameter
of expression ltTen
at <interactive>:1:5--1:10
Defaulting type parameter 'bits'
of literal or demoted expression
at <interactive>:1:40--1:42
to 4
[warning] at <interactive>:1:1--1:43:
Defaulting 1st type parameter
of expression ltTen
at <interactive>:1:5--1:10
Defaulting type parameter 'bits'
of literal or demoted expression
at <interactive>:1:41--1:43
to 4
[warning] at <interactive>:1:1--1:48:
Defaulting 1st type parameter
of expression ltTen
at <interactive>:1:5--1:10
Defaulting type parameter 'bits'
of literal or demoted expression
at <interactive>:1:46--1:48
to 7
[warning] at <interactive>:1:1--1:47:
Defaulting 1st type parameter
of expression ltTen
at <interactive>:1:5--1:10
Defaulting type parameter 'bits'
of literal or demoted expression
at <interactive>:1:45--1:47
to 7
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