Add an intersection function for intervals

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Trevor Elliott 2015-08-13 22:42:14 -07:00
parent ad6f0fb8aa
commit 6784125cfa

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@ -67,6 +67,41 @@ iIsFin i = case iUpper i of
_ -> True
-- | Returns 'True' when the intervals definitely overlap, and 'False'
-- otherwise.
iDisjoint :: Interval -> Interval -> Bool
(Interval (Nat l1) (Just (Nat h1)))
(Interval (Nat l2) (Just (Nat h2))) =
or [ h1 > l2 && h1 < h2, l1 > l2 && l1 < h2 ]
iDisjoint _ _ = False
-- | Intersect two intervals, yielding a new one that describes the space where
-- they overlap. If the two intervals are disjoint, the result will be
-- 'Nothing'.
iIntersect :: Interval -> Interval -> Maybe Interval
iIntersect i j =
case (lower,upper) of
(Nat l, Just (Nat u)) | l < u -> ok
(Nat _, Just Inf) -> ok
(Nat _, Nothing) -> ok
(Inf, Just Inf) -> ok
_ -> Nothing
ok = Just (Interval lower upper)
lower = nMax (iLower i) (iLower j)
upper = case (iUpper i, iUpper j) of
(Just a, Just b) -> Just (nMin a b)
(Nothing,Nothing) -> Nothing
(Just l,Nothing) | l /= Inf -> Just l
(Nothing,Just r) | r /= Inf -> Just r
_ -> Nothing
-- | Any value
iAny :: Interval
iAny = Interval (Nat 0) (Just Inf)