Remove OldStyleParameters, which were unused

This commit is contained in:
Iavor Diatchki 2022-06-07 09:53:31 -07:00
parent 07ca544268
commit 6a1f12e42c
6 changed files with 45 additions and 103 deletions

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@ -425,27 +425,8 @@ checkModule ::
ImportSource -> ModulePath -> P.Module PName ->
ModuleM (R.NamingEnv, T.Module)
checkModule isrc path m = checkSingleModule T.tcModule isrc path m
case mDef m of
NormalModule _ ->
FunctorInstanceAnon fmName _ ->
do mbtf <- getLoadedMaybe (thing fmName)
case mbtf of
Just tf ->
do renThis <- io $ newIORef (lmNamingEnv tf)
let how = T.tcModuleInst renThis (lmModule tf)
(_,m') <- checkSingleModule how isrc path m
newEnv <- io $ readIORef renThis
pure (newEnv,m')
Nothing -> panic "checkModule"
[ "Functor of module instantiation not loaded" ]
-- XXX: functor instance; this is for top-level functor instances
-- | Typecheck a single module. If the module is an instantiation
-- of a functor, then this just type-checks the instantiating parameters.
-- See 'checkModule'
-- | Typecheck a single module.
checkSingleModule ::
Act (P.Module Name) T.Module {- ^ how to check -} ->
ImportSource {- ^ why are we loading this -} ->
@ -499,7 +480,7 @@ checkSingleModule how isrc path m = do
, tcPrims = prims }
tcm0 <- typecheck act (R.rmModule renMod) Nothing (R.rmImported renMod)
tcm0 <- typecheck act (R.rmModule renMod) mempty (R.rmImported renMod)
let tcm = tcm0 -- fromMaybe tcm0 (addModParams tcm0)
@ -553,7 +534,7 @@ data TCAction i o = TCAction
typecheck ::
(Show i, Show o, HasLoc i) =>
TCAction i o -> i -> Maybe IfaceFunctorParams -> IfaceDecls -> ModuleM o
TCAction i o -> i -> IfaceFunctorParams -> IfaceDecls -> ModuleM o
typecheck act i params env = do
let range = fromMaybe emptyRange (getLoc i)
@ -582,9 +563,9 @@ typecheck act i params env = do
-- | Generate input for the typechecker.
genInferInput ::
Range -> PrimMap -> Maybe IfaceFunctorParams -> IfaceDecls ->
Range -> PrimMap -> IfaceFunctorParams -> IfaceDecls ->
ModuleM T.InferInput
genInferInput r prims mbParams env' = do
genInferInput r prims params env = do
seeds <- getNameSeeds
monoBinds <- getMonoBinds
solver <- getTCSolver
@ -592,42 +573,33 @@ genInferInput r prims mbParams env' = do
searchPath <- getSearchPath
callStacks <- getCallStacks
-- TODO: include the environment needed by the module
let env = env'
-- XXX: we should really just pass this directly
(paramTys,paramCtrs,paramVs) =
case mbParams of
Nothing -> (mempty,mempty,mempty)
Just (OldStyle p) ->
(ifParamTypes p, ifParamConstraints p, ifParamFuns p)
Just (NewStyle p) ->
let ps = map ifmpParameters (Map.elems p)
in ( mconcat (map ifParamTypes ps)
, mconcat (map ifParamConstraints ps)
, mconcat (map ifParamFuns ps)
let (paramTys,paramCtrs,paramVs) =
let ps = map ifmpParameters (Map.elems params)
in ( mconcat (map ifParamTypes ps)
, mconcat (map ifParamConstraints ps)
, mconcat (map ifParamFuns ps)
topMods <- getAllLoaded
return T.InferInput
{ T.inpRange = r
, T.inpVars = ifDeclSig (ifDecls env)
, T.inpTSyns = ifTySyns env
, T.inpNewtypes = ifNewtypes env
, T.inpAbstractTypes = ifAbstractTypes env
, T.inpSignatures = ifSignatures env
, T.inpNameSeeds = seeds
, T.inpMonoBinds = monoBinds
, T.inpCallStacks = callStacks
, T.inpSearchPath = searchPath
, T.inpSupply = supply
, T.inpPrimNames = prims
{ T.inpRange = r
, T.inpVars = ifDeclSig (ifDecls env)
, T.inpTSyns = ifTySyns env
, T.inpNewtypes = ifNewtypes env
, T.inpAbstractTypes = ifAbstractTypes env
, T.inpSignatures = ifSignatures env
, T.inpNameSeeds = seeds
, T.inpMonoBinds = monoBinds
, T.inpCallStacks = callStacks
, T.inpSearchPath = searchPath
, T.inpSupply = supply
, T.inpPrimNames = prims
, T.inpParamTypes = paramTys
, T.inpParamConstraints = paramCtrs
, T.inpParamFuns = paramVs
, T.inpSolver = solver
, T.inpTopModules = topMods
, T.inpTopModules = topMods

View File

@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ allDeclGroups = concatMap T.mDecls . loadedNonParamModules
-- | Contains enough information to browse what's in scope,
-- or type check new expressions.
data ModContext = ModContext
{ mctxParams :: Maybe IfaceFunctorParams
{ mctxParams :: IfaceFunctorParams
, mctxExported :: Set Name
, mctxDecls :: IfaceDecls
-- ^ Should contain at least names in NamingEnv, but may have more
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ data ModContext = ModContext
-- This instance is a bit bogus. It is mostly used to add the dynamic
-- environemnt to an existing module, and it makes sense for that use case.
instance Semigroup ModContext where
x <> y = ModContext { mctxParams = jnParams (mctxParams x) (mctxParams y)
x <> y = ModContext { mctxParams = mctxParams x <> mctxParams y
, mctxExported = mctxExported x <> mctxExported y
, mctxDecls = mctxDecls x <> mctxDecls y
, mctxNames = names
@ -208,14 +208,9 @@ instance Semigroup ModContext where
names = mctxNames x `R.shadowing` mctxNames y
jnParams a b =
case (a,b) of
(Nothing,_) -> b
(_,Nothing) -> a
_ -> panic "ModContext" [ "Cannot combined 2 parameterized contexts" ]
instance Monoid ModContext where
mempty = ModContext { mctxParams = Nothing
mempty = ModContext { mctxParams = mempty
, mctxDecls = mempty
, mctxExported = mempty
, mctxNames = mempty

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@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ module Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Interface (
, IfaceTySyn, ifTySynName
, IfaceNewtype
, IfaceDecl(..)
, IfaceFunctorParams(..)
, IfaceFunctorParams
, IfaceParams(..)
, IfaceModParam(..)
, IfaceNames(..)
@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ import Data.Map(Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Maybe(isJust)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Control.DeepSeq
@ -63,7 +62,7 @@ data IfaceG name = Iface
{ ifNames :: IfaceNames name
, ifPublic :: IfaceDecls -- ^ Exported definitions
, ifPrivate :: IfaceDecls
, ifParams :: Maybe IfaceFunctorParams
, ifParams :: IfaceFunctorParams
} deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
-- XXX: signature
@ -84,7 +83,7 @@ data IfaceNames name = IfaceNames
ifaceIsFunctor :: IfaceG name -> Bool
ifaceIsFunctor = isJust . ifParams
ifaceIsFunctor = not . Map.null . ifParams
emptyIface :: ModName -> Iface
emptyIface nm = Iface
@ -95,13 +94,10 @@ emptyIface nm = Iface
, ifPublic = mempty
, ifPrivate = mempty
, ifParams = Nothing
, ifParams = mempty
data IfaceFunctorParams =
OldStyle IfaceParams
| NewStyle (Map Ident IfaceModParam)
deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
type IfaceFunctorParams = Map Ident IfaceModParam
data IfaceModParam = IfaceModParam
{ ifmpName :: Ident

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@ -47,16 +47,10 @@ data DispInfo = DispInfo { dispHow :: BrowseHow, env :: NameDisp }
browseMParams :: NameDisp -> Maybe IfaceFunctorParams -> [Doc]
browseMParams disp mbParams =
case mbParams of
Nothing -> []
Just (OldStyle params) ->
ppSectionHeading "Module Parameters"
$ addEmpty
$ map ppParamTy (sortByName disp (Map.toList (ifParamTypes params))) ++
map ppParamFu (sortByName disp (Map.toList (ifParamFuns params)))
Just (NewStyle params) ->
browseMParams :: NameDisp -> IfaceFunctorParams -> [Doc]
browseMParams disp params
| Map.null params = []
| otherwise =
ppSectionHeading "Module Parameters"
$ [ "parameter" <+> pp (ifmpName p) <+> ":" <+>
"signature" <+> pp (ifmpSignature p) $$
@ -73,10 +67,6 @@ browseMParams disp mbParams =
ppParamFu p = nest 2 (sep [pp (T.mvpName p) <+> ":", pp (T.mvpType p)])
-- XXX: should we print the constraints somewhere too?
addEmpty xs = case xs of
[] -> []
_ -> xs ++ [" "]
browseMods :: DispInfo -> IfaceDecls -> [Doc]
browseMods disp decls =

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@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ showSigHelp env nameEnv name =
showTypeHelp ::
Maybe M.IfaceFunctorParams -> M.IfaceDecls -> NameDisp -> T.Name -> REPL ()
M.IfaceFunctorParams -> M.IfaceDecls -> NameDisp -> T.Name -> REPL ()
showTypeHelp mbParams env nameEnv name =
fromMaybe (noInfo nameEnv name) $
msum [ fromTySyn, fromPrimType, fromNewtype, fromTyParam ]
@ -110,7 +110,8 @@ showTypeHelp mbParams env nameEnv name =
doShowFix (T.atFixitiy a)
doShowDocString (T.atDoc a)
fromTyParam =
fromTyParam = Nothing -- XXX
do hasPs <- mbParams
case hasPs of
M.NewStyle {} -> undefined -- XXX
@ -127,6 +128,7 @@ showTypeHelp mbParams env nameEnv name =
<+> pp (T.mtpKind p) ]
++ ctrDoc
return $ doShowTyHelp nameEnv decl (T.mtpDoc p)
doShowTyHelp :: NameDisp -> Doc -> Maybe Text -> REPL ()
@ -152,7 +154,7 @@ doShowFix fx =
showValHelp ::
Maybe M.IfaceFunctorParams ->
M.IfaceFunctorParams ->
M.IfaceDecls -> NameDisp -> P.PName -> T.Name -> REPL ()
showValHelp mbParams env nameEnv qname name =
@ -182,7 +184,8 @@ showValHelp mbParams env nameEnv qname name =
do _ <- Map.lookup name (M.ifNewtypes env)
return $ return ()
fromParameter =
fromParameter = Nothing -- XXX
do hasPs <- mbParams
case hasPs of
M.NewStyle {} -> undefined -- XXX
@ -198,6 +201,7 @@ showValHelp mbParams env nameEnv qname name =
doShowFix (T.mvpFixity p)
doShowDocString (T.mvpDoc p)
doShowDocString :: Maybe Text -> REPL ()

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@ -76,22 +76,7 @@ genIfaceWithNames names m =
, ifFunctors = fPriv
, ifParams =
if Map.null (mParams m)
then -- old style
let d = IfaceParams
{ ifParamTypes = mParamTypes m
, ifParamConstraints = mParamConstraints m
, ifParamFuns = mParamFuns m
, ifParamDoc = Nothing
in if isEmptyIfaceParams d
then Nothing
else Just (OldStyle d)
else Just (NewStyle (mParams m))
, ifParams = mParams m
pub = ifsPublic names