Fixup/changes to parsing comments

This addresses some issues where things like /**** were parsed as an
operator, leading to parse errors with some comments.  The intended
behavior is as follows:

  1. /* with no more stars starts a normal block comment
  2. /**+ (i.e., 2 or more starts) starts a document comment
  3. *+/  (i.e., any number of stars, follwed by /) ends any comment
  4. /*+/ is a block coment (e.g., /*******/) is a block comment
This commit is contained in:
Iavor S. Diatchki 2015-06-22 11:23:22 -07:00
parent 8429d294e6
commit 74714f3071
2 changed files with 19 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -48,12 +48,13 @@ $unitick = \x7
<0,comment> {
"/*" { startComment False }
"/**" { startComment True }
\/\* { startComment False }
\/\*\*+ { startComment True }
\/\*+\/ { startEndComment }
<comment> {
"*/" { endComent }
\*+\/ { endComent }
. { addToComment }
\n { addToComment }

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@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ endComent cfg p txt s =
case s of
InComment d f [] cs -> (Just (mkToken d f cs), Normal)
InComment d _ (q:qs) cs -> (Nothing, InComment d q qs (txt : cs))
_ -> panic "[Lexer] endComment" ["outside commend"]
_ -> panic "[Lexer] endComment" ["outside comment"]
mkToken isDoc f cs =
let r = Range { from = f, to = moves p txt, source = cfgSource cfg }
@ -81,6 +81,20 @@ addToComment _ _ txt s = (Nothing, InComment doc p stack (txt : chunks))
InComment d q qs cs -> (d,q,qs,cs)
_ -> panic "[Lexer] addToComment" ["outside comment"]
startEndComment :: Action
startEndComment cfg p txt s =
case s of
Normal -> (Just tok, Normal)
where tok = Located
{ srcRange = Range { from = p
, to = moves p txt
, source = cfgSource cfg
, thing = Token (White BlockComment) txt
InComment d p1 ps cs -> (Nothing, InComment d p1 ps (txt : cs))
_ -> panic "[Lexer] startEndComment" ["in string or char?"]
startString :: Action
startString _ p txt _ = (Nothing,InString p txt)