mirror of
synced 2025-01-05 15:07:12 +03:00
Merge branch 'master' into writeFile
This commit is contained in:
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ endif
ifneq (,${PREFIX})
PREFIX_ARG := --prefix=$(call adjust-path,${PREFIX_ABS})
DESTDIR_ARG := --destdir=${PKG}
CONFIGURE_ARGS := -f-relocatable -f-self-contained \
CONFIGURE_ARGS := -f-relocatable \
--docdir=$(call adjust-path,${PREFIX}/${PREFIX_SHARE}/${PREFIX_DOC}) \
@ -141,8 +141,7 @@ else
# `cabal copy` will make a mess in the PKG directory.
PREFIX_ARG := --prefix=$(call adjust-path,${ROOT_PATH})
DESTDIR_ARG := --destdir=${PKG}
CONFIGURE_ARGS := -f-self-contained \
--docdir=$(call adjust-path,${PREFIX_SHARE}/${PREFIX_DOC}) \
CONFIGURE_ARGS := --docdir=$(call adjust-path,${PREFIX_SHARE}/${PREFIX_DOC}) \
@ -37,17 +37,17 @@ On Mac OS X, Cryptol is also available via
[Homebrew](http://brew.sh/). Simply run `brew update && brew install
cryptol` to get the latest stable version.
## Getting CVC4
## Getting Z3
Cryptol currently depends on the
[CVC4 SMT solver](http://cvc4.cs.nyu.edu/) to solve constraints during
type checking, and as the default solver for the `:sat` and `:prove`
commands. You can download CVC4 binaries for a variety of platforms
from their [download page](http://cvc4.cs.nyu.edu/downloads/). Note
that if you install Cryptol using Homebrew, CVC4 will be installed
Cryptol currently uses Microsoft Research's
[Z3 SMT solver](https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3) by default to solve
constraints during type checking, and as the default solver for the
`:sat` and `:prove` commands. You can download Z3 binaries for a
variety of platforms from their
[releases page](https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3/releases). Note that if you
install Cryptol using Homebrew, Z3 will be installed automatically.
After installation, make sure that `cvc4` (or `cvc4.exe` on Windows)
After installation, make sure that `z3` (or `z3.exe` on Windows)
is on your PATH.
# Building Cryptol From Source
@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ Windows. We regularly build and test it in the following environments:
## Prerequisites
Cryptol is developed using GHC 7.8.4 and cabal-install 1.22. The
easiest way to get the correct versions is to follow the instructions
on the
Cryptol is developed using GHC 7.10.2 and cabal-install 1.22, though
it is still tested with the previous major version of GHC. The easiest
way to get the correct versions is to follow the instructions on the
[haskell.org downloads page](https://www.haskell.org/downloads).
Some supporting non-Haskell libraries are required to build
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ you may need to install the following:
- [The GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library (GMP)](https://gmplib.org/)
- [ncurses](https://www.gnu.org/software/ncurses/)
You'll also need [CVC4](#getting-cvc4) installed when running Cryptol.
You'll also need [Z3](#getting-z3) installed when running Cryptol.
## Building Cryptol
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import qualified Cryptol.Parser.NoInclude as P
import qualified Cryptol.Parser.NoPat as NoPat
import qualified Cryptol.Parser.Position as P
import Cryptol.REPL.Monad
import qualified Cryptol.Testing.Concrete as Test
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST as T
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.InferTypes as T
import Cryptol.Utils.PP hiding (empty)
@ -112,6 +113,13 @@ instance FromJSON E.BV where
bv <- o .: "bitvector"
E.BV <$> bv .: "width" <*> bv .: "value"
instance ToJSON Test.TestResult where
toJSON = \case
Test.Pass -> object [ "Pass" .= Null ]
Test.FailFalse args -> object [ "FailFalse" .= args ]
Test.FailError err args -> object
[ "FailError" .= show (pp err), "args" .= args ]
$(deriveJSON defaultOptions { sumEncoding = ObjectWithSingleField } ''NameInfo)
$(deriveToJSON defaultOptions { sumEncoding = ObjectWithSingleField } ''E.EvalError)
$(deriveToJSON defaultOptions { sumEncoding = ObjectWithSingleField } ''P.ParseError)
@ -153,3 +161,4 @@ $(deriveJSON defaultOptions { sumEncoding = ObjectWithSingleField } ''P.Ident)
$(deriveJSON defaultOptions { sumEncoding = ObjectWithSingleField } ''P.Range)
$(deriveToJSON defaultOptions { sumEncoding = ObjectWithSingleField } ''P.PName)
$(deriveToJSON defaultOptions { sumEncoding = ObjectWithSingleField } ''P.Pass)
$(deriveToJSON defaultOptions { sumEncoding = ObjectWithSingleField } ''Test.TestReport)
@ -14,25 +14,31 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ExtendedDefaultRules #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -fno-warn-type-defaults #-}
module Main where
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
import qualified Control.Exception as X
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL
import Data.Char
import Data.IORef
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Word
import Options.Applicative
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath
import System.Posix.Signals
import System.ZMQ4
import Text.Read
@ -40,9 +46,10 @@ import qualified Cryptol.Eval.Value as E
import Cryptol.REPL.Command
import Cryptol.REPL.Monad
import Cryptol.Symbolic (ProverResult(..))
import qualified Cryptol.Testing.Concrete as Test
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST as T
import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem as M
import Cryptol.Utils.PP
import Cryptol.Utils.PP hiding ((<>))
import Cryptol.Aeson ()
@ -58,6 +65,7 @@ data RCommand
| RCExhaust Text
| RCProve Text
| RCSat Text
| RCLoadPrelude
| RCLoadModule FilePath
| RCDecls
| RCUnknownCmd Text
@ -67,18 +75,19 @@ instance FromJSON RCommand where
parseJSON = withObject "RCommand" $ \o -> do
tag <- o .: "tag"
flip (withText "tag") tag $ \case
"evalExpr" -> RCEvalExpr <$> o .: "expr"
"applyFun" -> RCApplyFun <$> o .: "handle" <*> o .: "arg"
"typeOf" -> RCTypeOf <$> o .: "expr"
"setOpt" -> RCSetOpt <$> o .: "key" <*> o .: "value"
"check" -> RCCheck <$> o .: "expr"
"exhaust" -> RCExhaust <$> o .: "expr"
"prove" -> RCProve <$> o .: "expr"
"sat" -> RCSat <$> o .: "expr"
"loadModule" -> RCLoadModule . T.unpack <$> o .: "filePath"
"browse" -> return RCDecls
"exit" -> return RCExit
unknown -> return (RCUnknownCmd unknown)
"evalExpr" -> RCEvalExpr <$> o .: "expr"
"applyFun" -> RCApplyFun <$> o .: "handle" <*> o .: "arg"
"typeOf" -> RCTypeOf <$> o .: "expr"
"setOpt" -> RCSetOpt <$> o .: "key" <*> o .: "value"
"check" -> RCCheck <$> o .: "expr"
"exhaust" -> RCExhaust <$> o .: "expr"
"prove" -> RCProve <$> o .: "expr"
"sat" -> RCSat <$> o .: "expr"
"loadPrelude" -> return RCLoadPrelude
"loadModule" -> RCLoadModule . T.unpack <$> o .: "filePath"
"browse" -> return RCDecls
"exit" -> return RCExit
unknown -> return (RCUnknownCmd unknown)
newtype FunHandle = FH Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Show)
@ -94,8 +103,8 @@ data RResult
| RRFunValue FunHandle T.Type
| RRType T.Schema String -- pretty-printed type
| RRDecls M.IfaceDecls
| RRCheck String
| RRExhaust String
| RRCheck [Test.TestReport]
| RRExhaust [Test.TestReport]
| RRSat [[E.Value]]
-- ^ A list of satisfying assignments. Empty list means unsat, max
-- length determined by @satNum@ interpreter option
@ -106,6 +115,7 @@ data RResult
| RRUnknownCmd Text
| RRBadMessage BS.ByteString String
| RROk
| RRInterrupted
instance ToJSON RResult where
toJSON = \case
@ -118,9 +128,9 @@ instance ToJSON RResult where
RRDecls ifds -> object
[ "tag" .= "decls", "decls" .= ifds ]
RRCheck out -> object
[ "tag" .= "check", "out" .= out ]
[ "tag" .= "check", "testReport" .= out ]
RRExhaust out -> object
[ "tag" .= "exhaust", "out" .= out ]
[ "tag" .= "exhaust", "testReport" .= out ]
RRSat out -> object
[ "tag" .= "sat", "assignments" .= out ]
RRProve out -> object
@ -133,31 +143,48 @@ instance ToJSON RResult where
[ "tag" .= "unknownCommand", "command" .= txt ]
RRBadMessage msg err -> object
[ "tag" .= "badMessage", "message" .= BS.unpack msg, "error" .= err ]
RROk -> object [ "tag" .= "ok" ]
RROk -> object
[ "tag" .= "ok" ]
RRInterrupted -> object
[ "tag" .= "interrupted" ]
data ControlMsg
= CMConnect
-- ^ Request a new Cryptol context and connection
| CMInterrupt Word16
-- ^ Request an interrupt of all current Cryptol contexts
| CMExit
-- ^ Request that the entire server shut down
| CMUnknown Text
-- ^ Unknown message
instance FromJSON ControlMsg where
parseJSON = withObject "ControlMsg" $ \o -> do
tag <- o .: "tag"
flip (withText "tag") tag $ \case
"connect" -> return CMConnect
"interrupt" -> CMInterrupt <$> o .: "port"
"exit" -> return CMExit
other -> return $ CMUnknown other
data ControlReply
= CRConnect Word16
| CROk
-- ^ Return the port for a new connection
| CRInterrupted
-- ^ Acknowledge receipt of an interrupt command
| CRExiting
-- ^ Acknowledge receipt of an exit command
| CRBadMessage BS.ByteString String
-- ^ Acknowledge receipt of an ill-formed control message
instance ToJSON ControlReply where
toJSON = \case
CRConnect port -> object
[ "tag" .= "connect", "port" .= port ]
CROk -> object [ "tag" .= "ok" ]
CRInterrupted -> object
[ "tag" .= "interrupted" ]
CRExiting -> object
[ "tag" .= "exiting" ]
CRBadMessage msg err -> object
[ "tag" .= "badMessage", "message" .= BS.unpack msg, "error" .= err ]
@ -168,6 +195,7 @@ server port =
let addr = "tcp://" ++ show port
putStrLn ("[cryptol-server] coming online at " ++ addr)
bind rep addr
workers <- newIORef Map.empty
let loop = do
msg <- receive rep
putStrLn "[cryptol-server] received message:"
@ -182,12 +210,21 @@ server port =
bind newRep "tcp://*"
newAddr <- lastEndpoint newRep
let portStr = reverse . takeWhile isDigit . reverse $ newAddr
workerPort = read portStr
putStrLn ("[cryptol-server] starting worker on interface " ++ newAddr)
void . forkIO $ runRepl newRep
reply rep $ CRConnect (read portStr)
tid <- forkFinally (runRepl newRep) (removeWorker workers port)
addNewWorker workers workerPort tid
reply rep $ CRConnect workerPort
Right (CMInterrupt port') -> do
s <- readIORef workers
case Map.lookup port' s of
Nothing -> reply rep $ CRBadMessage msg "invalid worker port"
Just tid -> do
throwTo tid X.UserInterrupt
reply rep $ CRInterrupted
Right CMExit -> do
putStrLn "[cryptol-server] shutting down"
reply rep $ CROk
reply rep $ CRExiting
Right (CMUnknown cmd) -> do
putStrLn ("[cryptol-server] unknown control command: " ++ T.unpack cmd)
@ -202,6 +239,14 @@ reply rep msg = liftIO $ do
BS.putStrLn bmsg
send rep [] bmsg
addNewWorker :: IORef (Map Word16 ThreadId) -> Word16 -> ThreadId -> IO ()
addNewWorker workers port tid =
atomicModifyIORef workers $ \s -> (Map.insert port tid s, ())
removeWorker :: IORef (Map Word16 ThreadId) -> Word16 -> a -> IO ()
removeWorker workers port _result =
atomicModifyIORef workers $ \s -> (Map.delete port s, ())
runRepl :: Socket Rep -> IO ()
runRepl rep = runREPL False $ do -- TODO: batch mode?
mCryptolPath <- io $ lookupEnv "CRYPTOLPATH"
@ -214,10 +259,11 @@ runRepl rep = runREPL False $ do -- TODO: batch mode?
where path' = splitSearchPath path
funHandles <- io $ newIORef (Map.empty, minBound :: FunHandle)
let handle err = reply rep (RRInteractiveError err (show (pp err)))
loop = do
handleAsync :: X.AsyncException -> IO ()
handleAsync _int = reply rep RRInterrupted
loop = liftBaseWith $ \run -> X.handle handleAsync $ run $ do
msg <- io $ receive rep
io $ putStrLn "[cryptol-worker] received message:"
case decodeStrict msg of
@ -241,7 +287,16 @@ runRepl rep = runREPL False $ do -- TODO: batch mode?
(m, _) <- io $ readIORef funHandles
case Map.lookup fh m of
Nothing -> reply rep (RRBadMessage "invalid function handle" (show fh))
Just f -> reply rep (RRValue (f arg))
Just f -> do
case f arg of
E.VFun g -> do
gh <- io $ atomicModifyIORef' funHandles $ \(m', gh) ->
let m'' = Map.insert gh g m'
gh' = succ gh
in ((m'', gh'), gh)
-- TODO: bookkeeping to track the type of this value
reply rep (RRFunValue gh T.tZero)
val -> reply rep (RRValue val)
RCTypeOf txt -> do
expr <- replParseExpr (T.unpack txt)
(_expr, _def, sch) <- replCheckExpr expr
@ -250,11 +305,11 @@ runRepl rep = runREPL False $ do -- TODO: batch mode?
setOptionCmd (T.unpack key ++ "=" ++ T.unpack val)
reply rep RROk
RCCheck expr -> do
(_, out) <- withCapturedOutput (qcCmd QCRandom (T.unpack expr))
reply rep (RRCheck out)
reports <- qcCmd QCRandom (T.unpack expr)
reply rep (RRCheck reports)
RCExhaust expr -> do
(_, out) <- withCapturedOutput (qcCmd QCExhaust (T.unpack expr))
reply rep (RRExhaust out)
reports <- qcCmd QCExhaust (T.unpack expr)
reply rep (RRExhaust reports)
RCProve expr -> do
result <- onlineProveSat False (T.unpack expr) Nothing
case result of
@ -277,6 +332,9 @@ runRepl rep = runREPL False $ do -- TODO: batch mode?
reply rep (RRProverError err)
_ ->
reply rep (RRProverError "unexpected prover result")
RCLoadPrelude -> do
reply rep RROk
RCLoadModule fp -> do
loadCmd fp
reply rep RROk
@ -300,13 +358,29 @@ withCapturedOutput m = do
setPutStr old
return (x, s)
data Server = Server { serverPort :: Word16
, serverMaskSIGINT :: Bool }
deriving Show
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
case args of
[] -> server 5555
[portStr] ->
case readMaybe portStr of
Just port -> server port
Nothing -> server 5555
_ -> error "port is the only allowed argument"
main = execParser opts >>= mainWith
opts =
info (helper <*> serverOpts)
( fullDesc
<> progDesc "Run Cryptol as a server via ZeroMQ and JSON"
<> header "cryptol-server" )
serverOpts =
<$> option auto
( long "port"
<> short 'p'
<> metavar "PORT"
<> value 5555
<> help "TCP port to bind" )
<*> switch
( long "mask-interrupts"
<> help "Suppress interrupt signals" )
mainWith Server {..} = do
when serverMaskSIGINT $ void $ installHandler sigINT Ignore Nothing
server serverPort
@ -33,10 +33,6 @@ flag relocatable
default: True
description: Don't use the Cabal-provided data directory for looking up Cryptol libraries. This is useful when the data directory can't be known ahead of time, like for a relocatable distribution.
flag self-contained
default: True
description: Compile the text of the Cryptol Prelude into the library
flag server
default: False
description: Build with the ZeroMQ/JSON cryptol-server executable
@ -44,36 +40,38 @@ flag server
Build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5,
base-compat >= 0.6,
array >= 0.4,
async >= 2.0,
bytestring >= 0.10,
containers >= 0.5,
deepseq >= 1.3,
deepseq-generics >= 0.1,
directory >= 1.2,
filepath >= 1.3,
gitrev >= 1.0,
generic-trie >=,
GraphSCC >= 1.0.4,
monadLib >= 3.7.2,
old-time >= 1.1,
presburger >= 1.3,
pretty >= 1.1,
process >= 1.2,
QuickCheck >= 2.7,
random >= 1.0.1,
sbv >= 5.3,
smtLib >= 1.0.7,
simple-smt >= 0.6.0,
syb >= 0.4,
text >= 1.1,
Build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5,
base-compat >= 0.6,
bytestring >= 0.10,
array >= 0.4,
async >= 2.0,
containers >= 0.5,
deepseq >= 1.3,
deepseq-generics >= 0.1,
directory >= 1.2,
filepath >= 1.3,
gitrev >= 1.0,
generic-trie >=,
GraphSCC >= 1.0.4,
heredoc >= 0.2,
monad-control >= 1.0,
monadLib >= 3.7.2,
old-time >= 1.1,
presburger >= 1.3,
pretty >= 1.1,
process >= 1.2,
QuickCheck >= 2.7,
random >= 1.0.1,
sbv >= 5.7,
smtLib >= 1.0.7,
simple-smt >= 0.6.0,
syb >= 0.4,
text >= 1.1,
tf-random >= 0.5,
transformers >= 0.3,
utf8-string >= 0.3
tf-random >= 0.5,
transformers >= 0.3,
transformers-base >= 0.4,
utf8-string >= 0.3
Build-tools: alex, happy
hs-source-dirs: src
@ -152,8 +150,7 @@ library
@ -178,10 +175,6 @@ library
if flag(relocatable)
cpp-options: -DRELOCATABLE
if flag(self-contained)
build-depends: heredoc >= 0.2
cpp-options: -DSELF_CONTAINED
executable cryptol
@ -201,6 +194,7 @@ executable cryptol
, filepath
, haskeline
, monadLib
, monad-control
, process
, random
, sbv
@ -223,18 +217,21 @@ executable cryptol-server
if os(linux) && flag(static)
ld-options: -static -pthread
if flag(server)
build-depends: aeson >= 0.10
, aeson-pretty >= 0.7
, base
, base-compat
, bytestring >= 0.10
, containers
, cryptol
, filepath
, text
, transformers
, unordered-containers >= 0.2
, zeromq4-haskell >= 0.6
build-depends: aeson >= 0.10
, aeson-pretty >= 0.7
, base
, base-compat
, bytestring >= 0.10
, containers
, cryptol
, filepath
, monad-control
, optparse-applicative
, text
, transformers
, unix
, unordered-containers >= 0.2
, zeromq4-haskell >= 0.6
buildable: False
@ -18,8 +18,9 @@ import Cryptol.REPL.Trie
import Cryptol.Utils.PP
import qualified Control.Exception as X
import Control.Monad (guard, when)
import Control.Monad (guard, join, when)
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Class as MTL
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, isSpace)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf,nub,sortBy)
@ -30,6 +31,9 @@ import System.Directory ( doesFileExist
, getCurrentDirectory)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat
-- | Haskeline-specific repl implementation.
repl :: Cryptolrc -> Maybe FilePath -> REPL () -> IO ()
repl cryrc mbBatch begin =
@ -133,11 +137,8 @@ data Cryptolrc =
-- Utilities -------------------------------------------------------------------
instance MonadException REPL where
controlIO branchIO = REPL $ \ ref -> do
runBody <- branchIO $ RunIO $ \ m -> do
a <- unREPL m ref
return (return a)
unREPL runBody ref
controlIO f = join $ liftBaseWith $ \f' ->
f $ RunIO $ \m -> restoreM <$> (f' m)
-- Titles ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Binary file not shown.
@ -349,13 +349,13 @@ user the proof is complete.\indQED\indProve
\nb{Cryptol uses off-the-shelf SAT\glosSAT and SMT\glosSMT solvers to
perform these formal
proofs~\cite{erkok-matthews-cryptolEqChecking-09}. By default,
Cryptol will use the CVC4 SMT solver~\cite{cvc4WWW} under the hood,
Cryptol will use Microsoft Research's Z3 SMT solver under the hood,
but it can be configured to use other SAT/SMT solvers as well, such
as SRI's Yices~\cite{YicesWWW}\indYices, or Microsoft Research's
Z3~\cite{Z3WWW}\footnote{To do this, first install the package(s)
as SRI's Yices~\cite{YicesWWW}\indYices, or CVC4
~\cite{cvc4WWW}\footnote{To do this, first install the package(s)
from the URLs provided in the bibliography. Once a prover has been
installed you can activate it with, for example, {\tt :set
prover=z3}.}. Note that the {\tt :prove} command is a
prover=cvc4}.}. Note that the {\tt :prove} command is a
push-button tool: once the proof starts there is no user
involvement. Of course, the external tool used may not be able to
complete all the proofs in a feasible amount of time, naturally.
@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ aliases you have defined, along with their types.
\texttt{base} & \texttt{10} & numeric base for printing words \\
\texttt{debug} & \texttt{off} & whether to print verbose debugging information \\
\texttt{infLength} & \texttt{5} & number of elements to show from an infinite sequence \\
\texttt{prover} & \texttt{cvc4} & which SMT solver to use for \texttt{:prove} \\
\texttt{prover} & \texttt{z3} & which SMT solver to use for \texttt{:prove} \\
\texttt{tests} & \texttt{100} & number of tests to run for \texttt{:check} \\
\texttt{warnDefaulting} & \texttt{on} & \todo[inline]{talk to Iavor} \\
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST as T
import Cryptol.Utils.PP (NameDisp)
import Control.Monad (guard)
import qualified Control.Exception as X
import Data.Foldable (fold)
import Data.Function (on)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
@ -82,7 +83,11 @@ initialModuleEnv = do
binDir <- takeDirectory `fmap` getExecutablePath
let instDir = normalise . joinPath . init . splitPath $ binDir
userDir <- getAppUserDataDirectory "cryptol"
-- looking up this directory can fail if no HOME is set, as in some
-- CI settings
let handle :: X.IOException -> IO String
handle _e = return ""
userDir <- X.catch (getAppUserDataDirectory "cryptol") handle
return ModuleEnv
{ meLoadedModules = mempty
, meNameSeeds = T.nameSeeds
@ -111,8 +116,8 @@ initialModuleEnv = do
, meDynEnv = mempty
, meMonoBinds = True
, meSolverConfig = T.SolverConfig
{ T.solverPath = "cvc4"
, T.solverArgs = [ "--lang=smt2", "--incremental", "--rewrite-divk" ]
{ T.solverPath = "z3"
, T.solverArgs = [ "-smt2", "-in" ]
, T.solverVerbose = 0
, meCoreLint = NoCoreLint
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ instance PP RenamerWarning where
ppPrec _ (SymbolShadowed new originals disp) = fixNameDisp disp $
hang (text "[warning] at" <+> loc)
4 $ fsep [ text "This binding for" <+> sym
, text "shadows the existing binding" <> plural <+> text "from" ]
, (text "shadows the existing binding" <> plural) <+> text "from" ]
$$ vcat (map ppLocName originals)
@ -717,7 +717,7 @@ instance (Show name, PPName name) => PP (Expr name) where
ESel e l -> ppPrec 4 e <> text "." <> pp l
-- low prec
EFun xs e -> wrap n 0 (text "\\" <> hsep (map (ppPrec 3) xs) <+>
EFun xs e -> wrap n 0 ((text "\\" <> hsep (map (ppPrec 3) xs)) <+>
text "->" <+> pp e)
EIf e1 e2 e3 -> wrap n 0 $ sep [ text "if" <+> pp e1
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : portable
-- Include the prelude when building with -fself-contained
-- Compile the prelude into the executable as a last resort
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ module Cryptol.Prelude (writePreludeContents) where
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Monad
import System.Directory (getTemporaryDirectory)
import System.IO (hClose, hPutStr, openTempFile)
import Text.Heredoc (there)
@ -34,13 +32,3 @@ writePreludeContents = io $ do
hPutStr h preludeContents
hClose h
return path
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident (preludeName)
-- | If we're not self-contained, the Prelude is just missing
writePreludeContents :: ModuleM FilePath
writePreludeContents = moduleNotFound preludeName =<< getSearchPath
@ -54,9 +54,8 @@ import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Renamer as M (RenamerWarning(SymbolShadowe
import qualified Cryptol.Utils.Ident as M
import qualified Cryptol.Eval.Value as E
import qualified Cryptol.Testing.Eval as Test
import Cryptol.Testing.Concrete
import qualified Cryptol.Testing.Random as TestR
import qualified Cryptol.Testing.Exhaust as TestX
import Cryptol.Parser
@ -74,7 +73,7 @@ import qualified Cryptol.Symbolic as Symbolic
import Control.DeepSeq
import qualified Control.Exception as X
import Control.Monad (guard,unless,forM_,when)
import Control.Monad hiding (mapM, mapM_)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Bits ((.&.))
import Data.Char (isSpace,isPunctuation,isSymbol)
@ -160,9 +159,9 @@ nbCommandList =
"display a brief description about a function"
, CommandDescr [ ":s", ":set" ] (OptionArg setOptionCmd)
"set an environmental option (:set on its own displays current values)"
, CommandDescr [ ":check" ] (ExprArg (qcCmd QCRandom))
, CommandDescr [ ":check" ] (ExprArg (void . qcCmd QCRandom))
"use random testing to check that the argument always returns true (if no argument, check all properties)"
, CommandDescr [ ":exhaust" ] (ExprArg (qcCmd QCExhaust))
, CommandDescr [ ":exhaust" ] (ExprArg (void . qcCmd QCExhaust))
"use exhaustive testing to prove that the argument always returns true (if no argument, check all properties)"
, CommandDescr [ ":prove" ] (ExprArg proveCmd)
"use an external solver to prove that the argument always returns true (if no argument, check all properties)"
@ -259,54 +258,78 @@ data QCMode = QCRandom | QCExhaust deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Randomly test a property, or exhaustively check it if the number
-- of values in the type under test is smaller than the @tests@
-- environment variable, or we specify exhaustive testing.
qcCmd :: QCMode -> String -> REPL ()
qcCmd :: QCMode -> String -> REPL [TestReport]
qcCmd qcMode "" =
do (xs,disp) <- getPropertyNames
let nameStr x = show (fixNameDisp disp (pp x))
if null xs
then rPutStrLn "There are no properties in scope."
else forM_ xs $ \x ->
then rPutStrLn "There are no properties in scope." *> return []
else concat <$> (forM xs $ \x ->
do let str = nameStr x
rPutStr $ "property " ++ str ++ " "
qcCmd qcMode str
qcCmd qcMode str)
qcCmd qcMode str =
do expr <- replParseExpr str
(val,ty) <- replEvalExpr expr
EnvNum testNum <- getUser "tests"
case TestX.testableType ty of
Just (sz,vss) | qcMode == QCExhaust || sz <= toInteger testNum ->
do rPutStrLn "Using exhaustive testing."
let doTest _ [] = panic "We've unexpectedly run out of test cases"
doTest _ (vs : vss1) = do
result <- TestX.runOneTest val vs
case testableType ty of
Just (sz,vss) | qcMode == QCExhaust || sz <= toInteger testNum -> do
rPutStrLn "Using exhaustive testing."
let f _ [] = panic "Cryptol.REPL.Command"
["Exhaustive testing ran out of test cases"]
f _ (vs : vss1) = do
result <- io $ runOneTest val vs
return (result, vss1)
ok <- go doTest sz 0 vss
when ok $ rPutStrLn "Q.E.D."
testSpec = TestSpec {
testFn = f
, testProp = str
, testTotal = sz
, testPossible = sz
, testRptProgress = ppProgress
, testClrProgress = delProgress
, testRptFailure = ppFailure
, testRptSuccess = do
prtLn $ "passed " ++ show sz ++ " tests."
rPutStrLn "Q.E.D."
prt testingMsg
report <- runTests testSpec vss
return [report]
n -> case TestR.testableType ty of
Just (sz,_) -> case TestR.testableType ty of
Nothing -> raise (TypeNotTestable ty)
Just gens ->
do rPutStrLn "Using random testing."
prt testingMsg
g <- io newTFGen
ok <- go (TestR.runOneTest val gens) testNum 0 g
when ok $
case n of
Just (valNum,_) ->
do let valNumD = fromIntegral valNum :: Double
percent = fromIntegral (testNum * 100)
/ valNumD
| valNum > 2 ^ (20::Integer) =
"2^^" ++ show (lg2 valNum)
| otherwise = show valNum
rPutStrLn $ "Coverage: "
++ showFFloat (Just 2) percent "% ("
++ show testNum ++ " of "
++ showValNum ++ " values)"
Nothing -> return ()
Just gens -> do
rPutStrLn "Using random testing."
let testSpec = TestSpec {
testFn = \sz' g -> io $ TestR.runOneTest val gens sz' g
, testProp = str
, testTotal = toInteger testNum
, testPossible = sz
, testRptProgress = ppProgress
, testClrProgress = delProgress
, testRptFailure = ppFailure
, testRptSuccess = do
prtLn $ "passed " ++ show testNum ++ " tests."
prt testingMsg
g <- io newTFGen
report <- runTests testSpec g
when (isPass (reportResult report)) $ do
let szD = fromIntegral sz :: Double
percent = fromIntegral (testNum * 100) / szD
| sz > 2 ^ (20::Integer) =
"2^^" ++ show (lg2 sz)
| otherwise = show sz
rPutStrLn $ "Coverage: "
++ showFFloat (Just 2) percent "% ("
++ show testNum ++ " of "
++ showValNum ++ " values)"
return [report]
Nothing -> return []
testingMsg = "testing..."
@ -332,37 +355,23 @@ qcCmd qcMode str =
delTesting = del (length testingMsg)
delProgress = del totProgressWidth
go _ totNum testNum _
| testNum >= totNum =
do delTesting
prtLn $ "passed " ++ show totNum ++ " tests."
return True
go doTest totNum testNum st =
do ppProgress testNum totNum
res <- io $ doTest (div (100 * (1 + testNum)) totNum) st
opts <- getPPValOpts
case res of
(Test.Pass, st1) -> do delProgress
go doTest totNum (testNum + 1) st1
(failure, _g1) -> do
case failure of
Test.FailFalse [] -> do
prtLn "FAILED"
Test.FailFalse vs -> do
prtLn "FAILED for the following inputs:"
mapM_ (rPrint . pp . E.WithBase opts) vs
Test.FailError err [] -> do
prtLn "ERROR"
rPrint (pp err)
Test.FailError err vs -> do
prtLn "ERROR for the following inputs:"
mapM_ (rPrint . pp . E.WithBase opts) vs
rPrint (pp err)
Test.Pass -> panic "Cryptol.REPL.Command" ["unexpected Test.Pass"]
return False
ppFailure failure = do
opts <- getPPValOpts
case failure of
FailFalse [] -> do
prtLn "FAILED"
FailFalse vs -> do
prtLn "FAILED for the following inputs:"
mapM_ (rPrint . pp . E.WithBase opts) vs
FailError err [] -> do
prtLn "ERROR"
rPrint (pp err)
FailError err vs -> do
prtLn "ERROR for the following inputs:"
mapM_ (rPrint . pp . E.WithBase opts) vs
rPrint (pp err)
Pass -> panic "Cryptol.REPL.Command" ["unexpected Test.Pass"]
satCmd, proveCmd :: String -> REPL ()
satCmd = cmdProveSat True
@ -6,10 +6,12 @@
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : portable
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Cryptol.REPL.Monad (
@ -86,7 +88,9 @@ import qualified Cryptol.Parser.AST as P
import Cryptol.Symbolic (proverNames, lookupProver, SatNum(..))
import Control.Monad (ap,unless,when)
import Control.Monad.Base
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.IORef
@ -176,12 +180,20 @@ instance Monad REPL where
instance MonadIO REPL where
liftIO = io
instance MonadBase IO REPL where
liftBase = liftIO
instance MonadBaseControl IO REPL where
type StM REPL a = a
liftBaseWith f = REPL $ \ref ->
f $ \m -> unREPL m ref
restoreM x = return x
instance M.FreshM REPL where
liftSupply f = modifyRW $ \ RW { .. } ->
let (a,s') = f (M.meSupply eModuleEnv)
in (RW { eModuleEnv = eModuleEnv { M.meSupply = s' }, .. },a)
-- Exceptions ------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | REPL exceptions.
@ -593,7 +605,7 @@ userOptions = mkOptionMap
"The number of random tests to try."
, simpleOpt "satNum" (EnvString "1") checkSatNum
"The maximum number of :sat solutions to display (\"all\" for no limit)."
, simpleOpt "prover" (EnvString "cvc4") checkProver $
, simpleOpt "prover" (EnvString "z3") checkProver $
"The external SMT solver for :prove and :sat (" ++ proverListString ++ ")."
, simpleOpt "warnDefaulting" (EnvBool True) (const $ return Nothing)
"Choose if we should display warnings when defaulting."
@ -607,9 +619,7 @@ userOptions = mkOptionMap
setModuleEnv me { M.meMonoBinds = b }
_ -> return ()
, OptionDescr "tc-solver" (EnvProg "cvc4" [ "--lang=smt2"
, "--incremental"
, "--rewrite-divk" ])
, OptionDescr "tc-solver" (EnvProg "z3" [ "-smt2", "-in" ])
(const (return Nothing)) -- TODO: check for the program in the path
"The solver that will be used by the type checker" $
\case EnvProg prog args -> do me <- getModuleEnv
@ -697,27 +707,27 @@ whenDebug m = do
smokeTest :: REPL [Smoke]
smokeTest = catMaybes <$> sequence tests
tests = [ cvc4exists ]
tests = [ z3exists ]
type SmokeTest = REPL (Maybe Smoke)
data Smoke
= CVC4NotFound
= Z3NotFound
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance PP Smoke where
ppPrec _ smoke =
case smoke of
CVC4NotFound -> text . intercalate " " $ [
"[error] cvc4 is required to run Cryptol, but was not found in the"
, "system path. See the Cryptol README for more on how to install cvc4."
Z3NotFound -> text . intercalate " " $ [
"[error] z3 is required to run Cryptol, but was not found in the"
, "system path. See the Cryptol README for more on how to install z3."
cvc4exists :: SmokeTest
cvc4exists = do
mPath <- io $ findExecutable "cvc4"
z3exists :: SmokeTest
z3exists = do
mPath <- io $ findExecutable "z3"
case mPath of
Nothing -> return (Just CVC4NotFound)
Nothing -> return (Just Z3NotFound)
Just _ -> return Nothing
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : portable
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
@ -222,7 +223,7 @@ protectStack mkErr cmd modEnv =
where isOverflow X.StackOverflow = Just ()
isOverflow _ = Nothing
msg = "Symbolic evaluation failed to terminate."
handler () = mkErr msg modEnv -- (Right (ProverError msg, modEnv), [])
handler () = mkErr msg modEnv
parseValues :: [FinType] -> [SBV.CW] -> ([Eval.Value], [SBV.CW])
parseValues [] cws = ([], cws)
@ -404,7 +405,7 @@ evalSel sel v =
ListSel n _ -> case v of
VWord s -> VBit (SBV.svTestBit s i)
where i = SBV.svBitSize s - 1 - n
where i = SBV.intSizeOf s - 1 - n
_ -> fromSeq v !! n -- 0-based indexing
-- Declarations ----------------------------------------------------------------
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import Cryptol.Utils.Panic
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name (asPrim)
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident (Ident,mkIdent)
import qualified Data.SBV as SBV
import qualified Data.SBV.Dynamic as SBV
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
@ -286,9 +287,9 @@ atV def vs i =
case foldr weave vs bits of
[] -> def
y : _ -> y
VWord x -> foldr f def (zip [0 .. 2 ^ SBV.svBitSize x - 1] vs)
VWord x -> foldr f def (zip [0 .. 2 ^ SBV.intSizeOf x - 1] vs)
k = SBV.svKind x
k = SBV.kindOf x
f (n, v) y = iteValue (SBV.svEqual x (SBV.svInteger k n)) v y
_ -> evalPanic "Cryptol.Symbolic.Prims.selectV" ["Invalid index argument"]
@ -315,7 +316,7 @@ nthV err v n =
case v of
VStream xs -> nth err xs (fromInteger n)
VSeq _ xs -> nth err xs (fromInteger n)
VWord x -> let i = SBV.svBitSize x - 1 - fromInteger n
VWord x -> let i = SBV.intSizeOf x - 1 - fromInteger n
in if i < 0 then err else
VBit (SBV.svTestBit x i)
_ -> err
@ -340,13 +341,13 @@ dropV n xs =
case xs of
VSeq b xs' -> VSeq b (genericDrop n xs')
VStream xs' -> VStream (genericDrop n xs')
VWord w -> VWord $ SBV.svExtract (SBV.svBitSize w - 1 - fromInteger n) 0 w
VWord w -> VWord $ SBV.svExtract (SBV.intSizeOf w - 1 - fromInteger n) 0 w
_ -> panic "Cryptol.Symbolic.Prims.dropV" [ "non-droppable value" ]
takeV :: Integer -> Value -> Value
takeV n xs =
case xs of
VWord w -> VWord $ SBV.svExtract (SBV.svBitSize w - 1) (SBV.svBitSize w - fromInteger n) w
VWord w -> VWord $ SBV.svExtract (SBV.intSizeOf w - 1) (SBV.intSizeOf w - fromInteger n) w
VSeq b xs' -> VSeq b (genericTake n xs')
VStream xs' -> VSeq b (genericTake n xs')
where b = case xs' of VBit _ : _ -> True
@ -423,7 +424,7 @@ arithUnary op = loop . toTypeVal
sExp :: SWord -> SWord -> SWord
sExp x y = go (reverse (unpackWord y)) -- bits in little-endian order
where go [] = literalSWord (SBV.svBitSize x) 1
where go [] = literalSWord (SBV.intSizeOf x) 1
go (b : bs) = SBV.svIte b (SBV.svTimes x s) s
where a = go bs
s = SBV.svTimes a a
@ -432,8 +433,8 @@ sExp x y = go (reverse (unpackWord y)) -- bits in little-endian order
sLg2 :: SWord -> SWord
sLg2 x = go 0
lit n = literalSWord (SBV.svBitSize x) n
go i | i < SBV.svBitSize x = SBV.svIte (SBV.svLessEq x (lit (2^i))) (lit (toInteger i)) (go (i + 1))
lit n = literalSWord (SBV.intSizeOf x) n
go i | i < SBV.intSizeOf x = SBV.svIte (SBV.svLessEq x (lit (2^i))) (lit (toInteger i)) (go (i + 1))
| otherwise = lit (toInteger i)
-- Cmp -------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ module Cryptol.Symbolic.Value
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.SBV (HasKind(..))
import Data.SBV.Dynamic
import Cryptol.Eval.Value (TValue, numTValue, toNumTValue, finTValue, isTBit,
@ -92,7 +93,7 @@ mergeValue f c v1 v2 =
[ "mergeValue: incompatible values" ]
mergeBit b1 b2 = svSymbolicMerge KBool f c b1 b2
mergeWord w1 w2 = svSymbolicMerge (svKind w1) f c w1 w2
mergeWord w1 w2 = svSymbolicMerge (kindOf w1) f c w1 w2
mergeField (n1, x1) (n2, x2)
| n1 == n2 = (n1, mergeValue f c x1 x2)
| otherwise = panic "Cryptol.Symbolic.Value"
@ -104,7 +105,7 @@ mergeValue f c v1 v2 =
instance BitWord SBool SWord where
packWord bs = fromBitsLE (reverse bs)
unpackWord x = [ svTestBit x i | i <- reverse [0 .. svBitSize x - 1] ]
unpackWord x = [ svTestBit x i | i <- reverse [0 .. intSizeOf x - 1] ]
-- Errors ----------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -6,17 +6,56 @@
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : portable
module Cryptol.Testing.Exhaust where
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Cryptol.Testing.Concrete where
import qualified Cryptol.Testing.Eval as Eval
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
import Cryptol.Eval.Error
import Cryptol.Eval.Value
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic (panic)
import qualified Control.Exception as X
import Data.List(genericReplicate)
import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat
-- | A test result is either a pass, a failure due to evaluating to
-- @False@, or a failure due to an exception raised during evaluation
data TestResult
= Pass
| FailFalse [Value]
| FailError EvalError [Value]
isPass :: TestResult -> Bool
isPass Pass = True
isPass _ = False
-- | Apply a testable value to some arguments.
-- Note that this function assumes that the values come from a call to
-- `testableType` (i.e., things are type-correct). We run in the IO
-- monad in order to catch any @EvalError@s.
runOneTest :: Value -> [Value] -> IO TestResult
runOneTest v0 vs0 = run `X.catch` handle
run = do
result <- X.evaluate (go v0 vs0)
if result
then return Pass
else return (FailFalse vs0)
handle e = return (FailError e vs0)
go :: Value -> [Value] -> Bool
go (VFun f) (v : vs) = go (f v) vs
go (VFun _) [] = panic "Not enough arguments while applying function"
go (VBit b) [] = b
go v vs = panic "Type error while running test" $
[ "Function:"
, show $ ppValue defaultPPOpts v
, "Arguments:"
] ++ map (show . ppValue defaultPPOpts) vs
{- | Given a (function) type, compute all possible inputs for it.
We also return the total number of test (i.e., the length of the outer list. -}
testableType :: Type -> Maybe (Integer, [[Value]])
@ -29,13 +68,6 @@ testableType ty =
TCon (TC TCBit) [] -> return (1, [[]])
_ -> Nothing
{- | Apply a testable value to some arguments.
Please note that this function assumes that the values come from
a call to `testableType` (i.e., things are type-correct)
runOneTest :: Value -> [Value] -> IO Eval.TestResult
runOneTest = Eval.runOneTest
{- | Given a fully-evaluated type, try to compute the number of values in it.
Returns `Nothing` for infinite types, user-defined types, polymorhic types,
and, currently, function spaces. Of course, we can easily compute the
@ -95,4 +127,40 @@ typeValues ty =
TCon _ _ -> []
-- Driver function
data TestSpec m s = TestSpec {
testFn :: Integer -> s -> m (TestResult, s)
, testProp :: String -- ^ The property as entered by the user
, testTotal :: Integer
, testPossible :: Integer
, testRptProgress :: Integer -> Integer -> m ()
, testClrProgress :: m ()
, testRptFailure :: TestResult -> m ()
, testRptSuccess :: m ()
data TestReport = TestReport {
reportResult :: TestResult
, reportProp :: String -- ^ The property as entered by the user
, reportTestsRun :: Integer
, reportTestsPossible :: Integer
runTests :: Monad m => TestSpec m s -> s -> m TestReport
runTests TestSpec {..} st0 = go 0 st0
go testNum _ | testNum >= testTotal = do
return $ TestReport Pass testProp testNum testPossible
go testNum st =
do testRptProgress testNum testTotal
res <- testFn (div (100 * (1 + testNum)) testTotal) st
case res of
(Pass, st') -> do -- delProgress -- unnecessary?
go (testNum + 1) st'
(failure, _st') -> do
testRptFailure failure
return $ TestReport failure testProp testNum testPossible
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
-- |
-- Module : $Header$
-- Copyright : (c) 2013-2015 Galois, Inc.
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer : cryptol@galois.com
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : portable
-- Evaluate test cases and handle exceptions appropriately
module Cryptol.Testing.Eval where
import Cryptol.Eval.Error
import Cryptol.Eval.Value
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic (panic)
import qualified Control.Exception as X
-- | A test result is either a pass, a failure due to evaluating to
-- @False@, or a failure due to an exception raised during evaluation
data TestResult
= Pass
| FailFalse [Value]
| FailError EvalError [Value]
-- | Apply a testable value to some arguments.
-- Note that this function assumes that the values come from a call to
-- `testableType` (i.e., things are type-correct). We run in the IO
-- monad in order to catch any @EvalError@s.
runOneTest :: Value -> [Value] -> IO TestResult
runOneTest v0 vs0 = run `X.catch` handle
run = do
result <- X.evaluate (go v0 vs0)
if result
then return Pass
else return (FailFalse vs0)
handle e = return (FailError e vs0)
go :: Value -> [Value] -> Bool
go (VFun f) (v : vs) = go (f v) vs
go (VFun _) [] = panic "Not enough arguments while applying function"
go (VBit b) [] = b
go v vs = panic "Type error while running test" $
[ "Function:"
, show $ ppValue defaultPPOpts v
, "Arguments:"
] ++ map (show . ppValue defaultPPOpts) vs
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
module Cryptol.Testing.Random where
import Cryptol.Eval.Value (BV(..),Value,GenValue(..))
import qualified Cryptol.Testing.Eval as Eval
import qualified Cryptol.Testing.Concrete as Conc
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST (Type(..),TCon(..),TC(..),tNoUser)
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident (Ident)
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import Control.Monad (forM)
import Data.List (unfoldr, genericTake)
import System.Random (RandomGen, split, random, randomR)
type Gen g = Int -> g -> (Value, g)
type Gen g = Integer -> g -> (Value, g)
{- | Apply a testable value to some randomly-generated arguments.
@ -33,13 +33,13 @@ type Gen g = Int -> g -> (Value, g)
runOneTest :: RandomGen g
=> Value -- ^ Function under test
-> [Gen g] -- ^ Argument generators
-> Int -- ^ Size
-> Integer -- ^ Size
-> g
-> IO (Eval.TestResult, g)
-> IO (Conc.TestResult, g)
runOneTest fun argGens sz g0 = do
let (args, g1) = foldr mkArg ([], g0) argGens
mkArg argGen (as, g) = let (a, g') = argGen sz g in (a:as, g')
result <- Eval.runOneTest fun args
result <- Conc.runOneTest fun args
return (result, g1)
{- | Given a (function) type, compute generators for
@ -640,8 +640,8 @@ _testSimpGoals = Num.withSolver cfg $ \s ->
Right _ -> debugLog s "End of test"
Left _ -> debugLog s "Impossible"
cfg = SolverConfig { solverPath = "cvc4"
, solverArgs = [ "--lang=smt2", "--incremental", "--rewrite-divk" ]
cfg = SolverConfig { solverPath = "z3"
, solverArgs = [ "-smt2", "-in" ]
, solverVerbose = 1
@ -16,12 +16,14 @@ import Cryptol.Utils.Ident
import Control.DeepSeq.Generics
import Control.Monad (mplus)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Monoid as M
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as PJ
import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat
-- Name Displaying -------------------------------------------------------------
-- | How to display names, inspired by the GHC `Outputable` module. Getting a
@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ instance NFData NameDisp where rnf = genericRnf
instance Show NameDisp where
show _ = "<NameDisp>"
instance M.Monoid NameDisp where
instance Monoid NameDisp where
mempty = EmptyNameDisp
mappend (NameDisp f) (NameDisp g) = NameDisp (\m n -> f m n `mplus` g m n)
@ -70,7 +72,7 @@ fmtModName mn NotInScope = mn
-- | Compose two naming environments, preferring names from the left
-- environment.
extend :: NameDisp -> NameDisp -> NameDisp
extend = M.mappend
extend = mappend
-- | Get the format for a name. When 'Nothing' is returned, the name is not
-- currently in scope.
@ -91,19 +93,23 @@ fixNameDisp disp (Doc f) = Doc (\ _ -> f disp)
newtype Doc = Doc (NameDisp -> PJ.Doc) deriving (Generic)
instance Monoid Doc where
mempty = liftPJ PJ.empty
mappend = liftPJ2 (PJ.<>)
instance NFData Doc where rnf = genericRnf
runDoc :: NameDisp -> Doc -> PJ.Doc
runDoc names (Doc f) = f names
instance Show Doc where
show d = show (runDoc M.mempty d)
show d = show (runDoc mempty d)
instance IsString Doc where
fromString = text
render :: Doc -> String
render d = PJ.render (runDoc M.mempty d)
render d = PJ.render (runDoc mempty d)
class PP a where
ppPrec :: Int -> a -> Doc
@ -197,12 +203,16 @@ liftPJ2 f (Doc a) (Doc b) = Doc (\e -> f (a e) (b e))
liftSep :: ([PJ.Doc] -> PJ.Doc) -> ([Doc] -> Doc)
liftSep f ds = Doc (\e -> f [ d e | Doc d <- ds ])
infixl 6 <>, <+>
(<>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
(<>) = liftPJ2 (PJ.<>)
(<+>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
(<+>) = liftPJ2 (PJ.<+>)
infixl 5 $$
($$) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
($$) = liftPJ2 (PJ.$$)
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ it : {result : Bit, arg1 : [4]}
Run-time error: no counterexample available
f 0x0 = False
f 0xc = False
it : {result : Bit, arg1 : [4]}
{result = False, arg1 = 0x0}
{result = False, arg1 = 0xc}
f 0x3 = True
it : {result : Bit, arg1 : [4]}
@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ Unsatisfiable
it : {result : Bit, arg1 : [4]}
Run-time error: no satisfying assignment available
g {x = 0x00000000, y = 0x00000001} = False
g {x = 0xffffffff, y = 0x00000000} = False
it : {result : Bit, arg1 : {x : [32], y : [32]}}
{result = False, arg1 = {x = 0x00000000, y = 0x00000001}}
{result = False, arg1 = {x = 0xffffffff, y = 0x00000000}}
g {x = 0x00000000, y = 0x00000000} = True
it : {result : Bit, arg1 : {x : [32], y : [32]}}
{result = True, arg1 = {x = 0x00000000, y = 0x00000000}}
@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
Loading module Cryptol
(\x -> x > 0x4) 0x5 = True
it : {result : Bit, arg1 : [4]}
{result = True, arg1 = 0x5}
(\x -> x > 0x4) 0x5 = True
(\x -> x > 0x4) 0x6 = True
(\x -> x > 0x4) 0x7 = True
it : {result : Bit, arg1 : [4]}
{result = True, arg1 = 0x6}
(\x -> x > 0x4) 0x6 = True
(\x -> x > 0x4) 0x8 = True
(\x -> x > 0x4) 0x5 = True
(\x -> x > 0x4) 0x7 = True
(\x -> x > 0x4) 0xd = True
(\x -> x > 0x4) 0xc = True
(\x -> x > 0x4) 0x9 = True
(\x -> x > 0x4) 0xa = True
(\x -> x > 0x4) 0xb = True
(\x -> x > 0x4) 0xc = True
(\x -> x > 0x4) 0xd = True
(\x -> x > 0x4) 0xe = True
(\x -> x > 0x4) 0xf = True
(\x -> x > 0x4) 0xb = True
it : [11]{result : Bit, arg1 : [4]}
[{result = True, arg1 = 0x5}, {result = True, arg1 = 0x6},
{result = True, arg1 = 0x7}, {result = True, arg1 = 0x8},
[{result = True, arg1 = 0x6}, {result = True, arg1 = 0x8},
{result = True, arg1 = 0x5}, {result = True, arg1 = 0x7},
{result = True, arg1 = 0xd}, {result = True, arg1 = 0xc},
{result = True, arg1 = 0x9}, {result = True, arg1 = 0xa},
{result = True, arg1 = 0xb}, {result = True, arg1 = 0xc},
{result = True, arg1 = 0xd}, {result = True, arg1 = 0xe},
{result = True, arg1 = 0xf}]
{result = True, arg1 = 0xe}, {result = True, arg1 = 0xf},
{result = True, arg1 = 0xb}]
must be an integer > 0 or "all"
must be an integer > 0 or "all"
(\x -> x > 0x4) 0x5 = True
(\x -> x > 0x4) 0x6 = True
(\x -> x > 0x4) 0x7 = True
(\x -> x > 0x4) 0x8 = True
(\x -> x > 0x4) 0x5 = True
it : [3]{result : Bit, arg1 : [4]}
[{result = True, arg1 = 0x5}, {result = True, arg1 = 0x6},
{result = True, arg1 = 0x7}]
[{result = True, arg1 = 0x6}, {result = True, arg1 = 0x8},
{result = True, arg1 = 0x5}]
@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Main
property f0 Using exhaustive testing.
property t0 Using exhaustive testing.
passed 1 tests.
testing...passed 1 tests.
property t1 Using random testing.
testing...passed 100 tests.
@ -27,4 +27,4 @@ Coverage: 0.00% (100 of 2^^64 values)
:sat t1
t1 0x00000000 = True
:sat t2
t2 0x00000000 0x00000000 = True
t2 0xfffffffe 0xffffffff = True
@ -3,5 +3,5 @@ Using random testing.
testing...passed 100 tests.
Coverage: 39.06% (100 of 256 values)
Using exhaustive testing.
passed 256 tests.
testing...passed 256 tests.
@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ Loading module Cryptol
Run-time error: undefined
Using exhaustive testing.
ERROR for the following inputs:
testing...ERROR for the following inputs:
invalid sequence index: 1
@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Main
Using exhaustive testing.
passed 1 tests.
testing...passed 1 tests.
@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Main
Using exhaustive testing.
passed 8 tests.
testing...passed 8 tests.
@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Main
Using exhaustive testing.
passed 256 tests.
testing...passed 256 tests.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Known tc failure. See issue #212.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Main
av1 0xc00001c9 0xbfffffd5 = False
av1 0xfdffffe0 0x7fffffe0 = False
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module r03
(nQueens : Solution 5) [0x4, 0x2, 0x0, 0x3, 0x1] = True
(nQueens : Solution 5) [0x3, 0x1, 0x4, 0x2, 0x0] = True
(nQueensProve : Solution 4) [0x2, 0x0, 0x3, 0x1] = False
Reference in New Issue
Block a user