Merge pull request #690 from GaloisInc/feature/689

This commit is contained in:
Iavor S. Diatchki 2020-03-27 10:25:08 -07:00 committed by GitHub
commit 761930257d
No known key found for this signature in database
8 changed files with 327 additions and 180 deletions

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
module Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Base where
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Env (DynamicEnv(..), deIfaceDecls)
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Env (DynamicEnv(..))
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Fingerprint
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Interface
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Monad
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name (Name,liftSupply,PrimMap)
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Env (lookupModule
, LoadedModule(..)
, meCoreLint, CoreLint(..)
, ModContext(..)
, ModulePath(..), modulePathLabel)
import qualified Cryptol.Eval as E
import qualified Cryptol.Eval.Value as E
@ -313,21 +314,15 @@ loadDeps m =
-- Type Checking ---------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Load the local environment, which consists of the environment for the
-- currently opened module, shadowed by the dynamic environment.
getLocalEnv :: ModuleM (IfaceParams,IfaceDecls,R.NamingEnv)
getLocalEnv =
do (params,decls,fNames,_) <- getFocusedEnv
denv <- getDynEnv
let dynDecls = deIfaceDecls denv
return (params,dynDecls `mappend` decls, deNames denv `R.shadowing` fNames)
-- | Typecheck a single expression, yielding a renamed parsed expression,
-- typechecked core expression, and a type schema.
checkExpr :: P.Expr PName -> ModuleM (P.Expr Name,T.Expr,T.Schema)
checkExpr e = do
(params,decls,names) <- getLocalEnv
fe <- getFocusedEnv
let params = mctxParams fe
decls = mctxDecls fe
names = mctxNames fe
-- run NoPat
npe <- noPat e
@ -348,7 +343,10 @@ checkExpr e = do
-- INVARIANT: This assumes that NoPat has already been run on the declarations.
checkDecls :: [P.TopDecl PName] -> ModuleM (R.NamingEnv,[T.DeclGroup])
checkDecls ds = do
(params,decls,names) <- getLocalEnv
fe <- getFocusedEnv
let params = mctxParams fe
decls = mctxDecls fe
names = mctxNames fe
-- introduce names for the declarations before renaming them
declsEnv <- liftSupply (R.namingEnv' (map (R.InModule interactiveName) ds))

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@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import Paths_cryptol (getDataDir)
import Cryptol.Eval (EvalEnv)
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Fingerprint
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Interface
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name (Supply,emptySupply)
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name (Name,Supply,emptySupply)
import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.NamingEnv as R
import Cryptol.Parser.AST
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck as T
@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ import Data.ByteString(ByteString)
import Control.Monad (guard,mplus)
import qualified Control.Exception as X
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe(fromMaybe)
import Data.Semigroup
import System.Directory (getAppUserDataDirectory, getCurrentDirectory)
import System.Environment(getExecutablePath)
@ -45,6 +45,9 @@ import Control.DeepSeq
import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic(panic)
import Cryptol.Utils.PP(pp)
-- Module Environment ----------------------------------------------------------
-- | This is the current state of the interpreter.
@ -178,47 +181,95 @@ hasParamModules :: ModuleEnv -> Bool
hasParamModules = not . null . lmLoadedParamModules . meLoadedModules
-- | Produce an ifaceDecls that represents the focused environment of the module
-- system, as well as a 'NameDisp' for pretty-printing names according to the
-- imports.
-- XXX This could really do with some better error handling, just returning
-- mempty when one of the imports fails isn't really desirable.
-- XXX: This is not quite right. For example, it does not take into
-- account *how* things were imported in a module (e.g., qualified).
-- It would be simpler to simply store the naming environment that was
-- actually used when we renamed the module.
focusedEnv :: ModuleEnv -> (IfaceParams,IfaceDecls,R.NamingEnv,NameDisp)
-- | Contains enough information to browse what's in scope,
-- or type check new expressions.
data ModContext = ModContext
{ mctxParams :: IfaceParams
, mctxDecls :: IfaceDecls
, mctxNames :: R.NamingEnv
, mctxNameDisp :: NameDisp
, mctxTypeProvenace :: Map Name DeclProvenance
, mctxValueProvenance :: Map Name DeclProvenance
-- | Specifies how a declared name came to be in scope.
data DeclProvenance =
NameIsImportedFrom ModName
| NameIsLocalPublic
| NameIsLocalPrivate
| NameIsParameter
| NameIsDynamicDecl
deriving (Eq,Ord)
-- | Given the state of the environment, compute information about what's
-- in scope on the REPL. This includes what's in the focused module, plus any
-- additional definitions from the REPL (e.g., let bound names, and @it@).
focusedEnv :: ModuleEnv -> ModContext
focusedEnv me =
fromMaybe (noIfaceParams, mempty, mempty, mempty) $
do fm <- meFocusedModule me
lm <- lookupModule fm me
deps <- mapM loadImport (T.mImports (lmModule lm))
let (ifaces,names) = unzip deps
Iface { .. } = lmInterface lm
localDecls = ifPublic `mappend` ifPrivate
localNames = R.unqualifiedEnv localDecls `mappend`
R.modParamsNamingEnv ifParams
namingEnv = localNames `R.shadowing` mconcat names
{ mctxParams = parameters
, mctxDecls = mconcat (dynDecls : localDecls : importedDecls)
, mctxNames = namingEnv
, mctxNameDisp = R.toNameDisp namingEnv
, mctxTypeProvenace = fst provenance
, mctxValueProvenance = snd provenance
return ( ifParams
, mconcat (localDecls:ifaces)
, namingEnv
, R.toNameDisp namingEnv)
(importedNames,importedDecls,importedProvs) = unzip3 (map loadImport imports)
localDecls = publicDecls `mappend` privateDecls
localNames = R.unqualifiedEnv localDecls `mappend`
R.modParamsNamingEnv parameters
dynDecls = deIfaceDecls (meDynEnv me)
dynNames = deNames (meDynEnv me)
namingEnv = dynNames `R.shadowing`
localNames `R.shadowing`
mconcat importedNames
provenance = shadowProvs
$ declsProv NameIsDynamicDecl dynDecls
: declsProv NameIsLocalPublic publicDecls
: declsProv NameIsLocalPrivate privateDecls
: paramProv parameters
: importedProvs
(imports, parameters, publicDecls, privateDecls) =
case meFocusedModule me of
Nothing -> (mempty, noIfaceParams, mempty, mempty)
Just fm ->
case lookupModule fm me of
Just lm ->
let Iface { .. } = lmInterface lm
in (T.mImports (lmModule lm), ifParams, ifPublic, ifPrivate)
Nothing -> panic "focusedEnv" ["Focused module is not loaded."]
loadImport imp =
do lm <- lookupModule (iModule imp) me
let decls = ifPublic (lmInterface lm)
return (decls,R.interpImport imp decls)
case lookupModule (iModule imp) me of
Just lm ->
let decls = ifPublic (lmInterface lm)
in ( R.interpImport imp decls
, decls
, declsProv (NameIsImportedFrom (iModule imp)) decls
Nothing -> panic "focusedEnv"
[ "Missing imported module: " ++ show (pp (iModule imp)) ]
-- | The unqualified declarations and name environment for the dynamic
-- environment.
dynamicEnv :: ModuleEnv -> (IfaceDecls,R.NamingEnv,NameDisp)
dynamicEnv me = (decls,names,R.toNameDisp names)
decls = deIfaceDecls (meDynEnv me)
names = R.unqualifiedEnv decls
-- earlier ones shadow
shadowProvs ps = let (tss,vss) = unzip ps
in (Map.unions tss, Map.unions vss)
paramProv IfaceParams { .. } = (doMap ifParamTypes, doMap ifParamFuns)
where doMap mp = const NameIsParameter <$> mp
declsProv prov IfaceDecls { .. } =
( Map.unions [ doMap ifTySyns, doMap ifNewtypes, doMap ifAbstractTypes ]
, doMap ifDecls
where doMap mp = const prov <$> mp
-- Loaded Modules --------------------------------------------------------------
@ -281,14 +332,23 @@ instance Monoid LoadedModules where
data LoadedModule = LoadedModule
{ lmName :: ModName
-- ^ The name of this module. Should match what's in 'lmModule'
, lmFilePath :: ModulePath
-- ^ The file path used to load this module (may not be canonical)
, lmModuleId :: String
-- ^ An identifier used to identify the source of the bytes for the module.
-- For files we just use the cononical path, for in memory things we
-- use their label.
, lmInterface :: Iface
-- ^ The module's interface. This is for convenient. At the moment
-- we have the whole module in 'lmModule', so this could be computer.
, lmModule :: T.Module
-- ^ The actual type-checked module
, lmFingerprint :: Fingerprint
} deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
@ -328,6 +388,8 @@ addLoadedModule path ident fp tm lm
-- | Remove a previously loaded module.
-- Note that this removes exactly the modules specified by the predicate.
-- One should be carfule to preserve the invariant on 'LoadedModules'.
removeLoadedModule :: (LoadedModule -> Bool) -> LoadedModules -> LoadedModules
removeLoadedModule rm lm =
@ -340,9 +402,8 @@ removeLoadedModule rm lm =
-- | Extra information we need to carry around to dynamically extend
-- an environment outside the context of a single module. Particularly
-- useful when dealing with interactive declarations as in @:let@ or
-- useful when dealing with interactive declarations as in @let@ or
-- @it@.
data DynamicEnv = DEnv
{ deNames :: R.NamingEnv
, deDecls :: [T.DeclGroup]

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@ -19,8 +19,7 @@ import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Env
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Fingerprint
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Interface
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name (FreshM(..),Supply)
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Renamer
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Renamer (RenamerError(),RenamerWarning())
import qualified Cryptol.Parser as Parser
import qualified Cryptol.Parser.AST as P
import Cryptol.Parser.Position (Located)
@ -508,8 +507,7 @@ withPrependedSearchPath fps m = ModuleT $ do
set $! env { meSearchPath = fps0 }
return x
-- XXX improve error handling here
getFocusedEnv :: ModuleM (IfaceParams,IfaceDecls,NamingEnv,NameDisp)
getFocusedEnv :: ModuleM ModContext
getFocusedEnv = ModuleT (focusedEnv `fmap` get)
getDynEnv :: ModuleM DynamicEnv

View File

@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ import Prelude.Compat
-- Naming Environment ----------------------------------------------------------
-- XXX The fixity environment should be removed, and Name should include fixity
-- information.
-- | The 'NamingEnv' is used by the renamer to determine what
-- identifiers refer to.
data NamingEnv = NamingEnv { neExprs :: !(Map.Map PName [Name])
-- ^ Expr renaming environment
, neTypes :: !(Map.Map PName [Name])
@ -105,19 +105,18 @@ toNameDisp NamingEnv { .. } = NameDisp display
-- only format declared names, as parameters don't need any special
-- formatting.
names = Map.fromList
$ [ mkEntry pn mn (nameIdent n) | (pn,ns) <- Map.toList neExprs
, n <- ns
, Declared mn _ <- [nameInfo n] ]
$ [ mkEntry (mn, nameIdent n) pn | (pn,ns) <- Map.toList neExprs
, n <- ns
, Declared mn _ <- [nameInfo n] ]
++ [ mkEntry pn mn (nameIdent n) | (pn,ns) <- Map.toList neTypes
, n <- ns
, Declared mn _ <- [nameInfo n] ]
++ [ mkEntry (mn, nameIdent n) pn | (pn,ns) <- Map.toList neTypes
, n <- ns
, Declared mn _ <- [nameInfo n] ]
mkEntry pn mn i = ((mn,i),fmt)
fmt = case getModName pn of
Just ns -> Qualified ns
Nothing -> UnQualified
mkEntry key pn = (key,fmt)
where fmt = case getModName pn of
Just ns -> Qualified ns
Nothing -> UnQualified
-- | Produce sets of visible names for types and declarations.
@ -137,7 +136,7 @@ qualify :: ModName -> NamingEnv -> NamingEnv
qualify pfx NamingEnv { .. } =
NamingEnv { neExprs = Map.mapKeys toQual neExprs
, neTypes = Map.mapKeys toQual neTypes
, .. }
-- XXX we don't currently qualify fresh names
@ -149,7 +148,7 @@ filterNames :: (PName -> Bool) -> NamingEnv -> NamingEnv
filterNames p NamingEnv { .. } =
NamingEnv { neExprs = Map.filterWithKey check neExprs
, neTypes = Map.filterWithKey check neTypes
, .. }
check :: PName -> a -> Bool
check n _ = p n
@ -233,7 +232,9 @@ instance BindsNames (Schema PName) where
-- | Interpret an import in the context of an interface, to produce a name
-- environment for the renamer, and a 'NameDisp' for pretty-printing.
interpImport :: Import -> IfaceDecls -> NamingEnv
interpImport :: Import {- ^ The import declarations -} ->
IfaceDecls {- ^ Declarations of imported module -} ->
interpImport imp publicDecls = qualified

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@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Parseable as T
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Subst as T
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solve(defaultReplExpr)
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.SMT as SMT
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.PP (dump,ppWithNames,emptyNameMap,backticks)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.PP (dump,ppWithNames,emptyNameMap)
import Cryptol.Utils.PP
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic(panic)
import qualified Cryptol.Parser.AST as P
@ -89,7 +89,8 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8
import Data.Bits (shiftL, (.&.), (.|.))
import Data.Char (isSpace,isPunctuation,isSymbol,isAlphaNum,isAscii)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (intercalate, nub, sortBy, partition, isPrefixOf,intersperse)
import Data.List (intercalate, nub, sortBy, groupBy,
partition, isPrefixOf,intersperse)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe,mapMaybe,isNothing)
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import System.Exit (ExitCode(ExitSuccess))
@ -99,6 +100,7 @@ import System.FilePath((</>), isPathSeparator)
import System.Directory(getHomeDirectory,setCurrentDirectory,doesDirectoryExist
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import System.IO(hFlush,stdout,openTempFile,hClose)
@ -732,9 +734,9 @@ typeOfCmd str = do
-- XXX need more warnings from the module system
whenDebug (rPutStrLn (dump def))
(_,_,_,names) <- getFocusedEnv
fDisp <- M.mctxNameDisp <$> getFocusedEnv
-- type annotation ':' has precedence 2
rPrint $ runDoc names $ ppPrec 2 expr <+> text ":" <+> pp sig
rPrint $ runDoc fDisp $ ppPrec 2 expr <+> text ":" <+> pp sig
readFileCmd :: FilePath -> REPL ()
readFileCmd fp = do
@ -905,10 +907,6 @@ quitCmd = stop
browseCmd :: String -> REPL ()
browseCmd input = do
(params, iface, fNames, disp) <- getFocusedEnv
denv <- getDynEnv
let names = M.deNames denv `M.shadowing` fNames
let mnames = map (M.textToModName . T.pack) (words input)
validModNames <- (:) M.interactiveName <$> getModNames
let checkModName m =
@ -916,6 +914,16 @@ browseCmd input = do
rPutStrLn ("error: " ++ show m ++ " is not a loaded module.")
mapM_ checkModName mnames
fe <- getFocusedEnv
let params = M.mctxParams fe
iface = M.mctxDecls fe
names = M.mctxNames fe
disp = M.mctxNameDisp fe
provV = M.mctxValueProvenance fe
provT = M.mctxTypeProvenace fe
let f &&& g = \x -> f x && g x
isUser x = case M.nameInfo x of
M.Declared _ M.SystemName -> False
@ -929,16 +937,15 @@ browseCmd input = do
visibleType = isUser &&& restricted &&& inSet visibleTypes
visibleDecl = isUser &&& restricted &&& inSet visibleDecls
browseMParams visibleType visibleDecl params disp
browseTSyns visibleType iface disp
browsePrimTys visibleType iface disp
browseNewtypes visibleType iface disp
browseVars visibleDecl iface disp
browseTSyns visibleType provT iface disp
browsePrimTys visibleType provT iface disp
browseNewtypes visibleType provT iface disp
browseVars visibleDecl provV iface disp
browseMParams :: (M.Name -> Bool) -> (M.Name -> Bool) ->
M.IfaceParams-> NameDisp -> REPL ()
M.IfaceParams -> NameDisp -> REPL ()
browseMParams visT visD M.IfaceParams { .. } names =
do ppBlock names ppParamTy "Type Parameters"
(sorted visT T.mtpName ifParamTypes)
@ -953,53 +960,150 @@ browseMParams visT visD M.IfaceParams { .. } names =
sorted vis nm mp = sortBy (M.cmpNameDisplay names `on` nm)
$ filter (vis . nm) $ Map.elems mp
type Prov = Map M.Name M.DeclProvenance
browsePrimTys :: (M.Name -> Bool) -> M.IfaceDecls -> NameDisp -> REPL ()
browsePrimTys isVisible M.IfaceDecls { .. } names =
do let pts = sortBy (M.cmpNameDisplay names `on` T.atName)
[ ts | ts <- Map.elems ifAbstractTypes, isVisible (T.atName ts) ]
ppBlock names ppA "Primitive Types" pts
browsePrimTys :: (M.Name -> Bool) -> Prov -> M.IfaceDecls -> NameDisp -> REPL ()
browsePrimTys isVisible prov M.IfaceDecls { .. } names =
ppSection (Map.elems ifAbstractTypes)
Section { secName = "Primitive Types"
, secEntryName = T.atName
, secProvenance = prov
, secDisp = names
, secPP = ppA
, secVisible = isVisible
ppA a = pp (T.atName a) <+> ":" <+> pp (T.atKind a)
browseTSyns :: (M.Name -> Bool) -> M.IfaceDecls -> NameDisp -> REPL ()
browseTSyns isVisible M.IfaceDecls { .. } names = do
let tsyns = sortBy (M.cmpNameDisplay names `on` T.tsName)
[ ts | ts <- Map.elems ifTySyns, isVisible (T.tsName ts) ]
(cts,tss) = partition isCtrait tsyns
ppBlock names pp "Type Synonyms" tss
ppBlock names pp "Constraint Synonyms" cts
browseTSyns :: (M.Name -> Bool) -> Prov -> M.IfaceDecls -> NameDisp -> REPL ()
browseTSyns isVisible prov M.IfaceDecls { .. } names =
do ppSection tss
Section { secName = "Type Synonyms"
, secEntryName = T.tsName
, secProvenance = prov
, secDisp = names
, secVisible = isVisible
, secPP = pp
ppSection cts
Section { secName = "Constraint Synonyms"
, secEntryName = T.tsName
, secProvenance = prov
, secDisp = names
, secVisible = isVisible
, secPP = pp
(cts,tss) = partition isCtrait (Map.elems ifTySyns)
isCtrait t = T.kindResult (T.kindOf (T.tsDef t)) == T.KProp
browseNewtypes :: (M.Name -> Bool) -> M.IfaceDecls -> NameDisp -> REPL ()
browseNewtypes isVisible M.IfaceDecls { .. } names = do
let nts = sortBy (M.cmpNameDisplay names `on` T.ntName)
[ nt | nt <- Map.elems ifNewtypes, isVisible (T.ntName nt) ]
unless (null nts) $ do
rPutStrLn "Newtypes"
rPutStrLn "========"
rPrint (runDoc names (nest 4 (vcat (map T.ppNewtypeShort nts))))
rPutStrLn ""
browseNewtypes ::
(M.Name -> Bool) -> Prov -> M.IfaceDecls -> NameDisp -> REPL ()
browseNewtypes isVisible prov M.IfaceDecls { .. } names =
ppSection (Map.elems ifNewtypes)
Section { secName = "Newtypes"
, secEntryName = T.ntName
, secVisible = isVisible
, secProvenance = prov
, secDisp = names
, secPP = T.ppNewtypeShort
browseVars :: (M.Name -> Bool) -> M.IfaceDecls -> NameDisp -> REPL ()
browseVars isVisible M.IfaceDecls { .. } names = do
let vars = sortBy (M.cmpNameDisplay names `on` M.ifDeclName)
[ d | d <- Map.elems ifDecls, isVisible (M.ifDeclName d) ]
browseVars :: (M.Name -> Bool) -> Prov -> M.IfaceDecls -> NameDisp -> REPL ()
browseVars isVisible prov M.IfaceDecls { .. } names =
do ppSection props Section { secName = "Properties"
, secEntryName = M.ifDeclName
, secVisible = isVisible
, secProvenance = prov
, secDisp = names
, secPP = ppVar
ppSection syms Section { secName = "Symbols"
, secEntryName = M.ifDeclName
, secVisible = isVisible
, secProvenance = prov
, secDisp = names
, secPP = ppVar
isProp p = T.PragmaProperty `elem` (M.ifDeclPragmas p)
(props,syms) = partition isProp (Map.elems ifDecls)
ppVar M.IfaceDecl { .. } = hang (pp ifDeclName <+> char ':') 2 (pp ifDeclSig)
let isProp p = T.PragmaProperty `elem` (M.ifDeclPragmas p)
(props,syms) = partition isProp vars
data Section a = Section
{ secName :: String
, secEntryName :: a -> M.Name
, secVisible :: M.Name -> Bool
, secProvenance :: Map M.Name M.DeclProvenance
, secDisp :: NameDisp
, secPP :: a -> Doc
let ppVar M.IfaceDecl { .. } = hang (pp ifDeclName <+> char ':')
2 (pp ifDeclSig)
ppSection :: [a] -> Section a -> REPL ()
ppSection things s
| null grouped = pure ()
| otherwise =
do let heading = secName s
rPutStrLn heading
rPutStrLn (map (const '=') heading)
rPutStrLn ""
mapM_ ppSub grouped
ppSub (p,ts) =
do let heading = provHeading p
rPutStrLn (" " ++ heading)
rPutStrLn (" " ++ map (const '-') heading)
rPutStrLn ""
rPutStrLn $ show $ runDoc (secDisp s) $ nest 4 $ vcat $ map (secPP s) ts
rPutStrLn ""
grouped = map rearrange $
groupBy sameProv $
sortBy cmpThings
[ (n,p,t) | t <- things,
let n = secEntryName s t,
secVisible s n,
let p = case Map.lookup n (secProvenance s) of
Just i -> i
Nothing -> panic "ppSection"
[ "Name with no provenance"
, show n ]
rearrange xs = (p, [ a | (_,_,a) <- xs ])
where (_,p,_) : _ = xs
cmpThings (n1, p1, _) (n2, p2, _) =
case cmpProv p1 p2 of
EQ -> M.cmpNameDisplay (secDisp s) n1 n2
r -> r
sameProv (_,p1,_) (_,p2,_) = provOrd p1 == provOrd p2
provOrd p =
case p of
M.NameIsParameter -> Left 1 :: Either Int P.ModName
M.NameIsDynamicDecl -> Left 2
M.NameIsLocalPublic -> Left 3
M.NameIsLocalPrivate -> Left 4
M.NameIsImportedFrom x -> Right x
cmpProv p1 p2 = compare (provOrd p1) (provOrd p2)
provHeading p =
case p of
M.NameIsParameter -> "Parameters"
M.NameIsDynamicDecl -> "REPL"
M.NameIsLocalPublic -> "Public"
M.NameIsLocalPrivate -> "Private"
M.NameIsImportedFrom m -> "From " ++ show (pp m)
ppBlock names ppVar "Properties" props
ppBlock names ppVar "Symbols" syms
ppBlock :: NameDisp -> (a -> Doc) -> String -> [a] -> REPL ()
@ -1010,7 +1114,6 @@ ppBlock names ppFun name xs = unless (null xs) $
rPutStrLn ""
setOptionCmd :: String -> REPL ()
setOptionCmd str
| Just value <- mbValue = setUser key value
@ -1053,12 +1156,17 @@ helpCmd cmd
| otherwise =
case parseHelpName cmd of
Just qname ->
do (params,env,rnEnv,nameEnv) <- getFocusedEnv
let vNames = M.lookupValNames qname rnEnv
do fe <- getFocusedEnv
let params = M.mctxParams fe
env = M.mctxDecls fe
rnEnv = M.mctxNames fe
disp = M.mctxNameDisp fe
vNames = M.lookupValNames qname rnEnv
tNames = M.lookupTypeNames qname rnEnv
let helps = map (showTypeHelp params env nameEnv) tNames ++
map (showValHelp params env nameEnv qname) vNames
let helps = map (showTypeHelp params env disp) tNames ++
map (showValHelp params env disp qname) vNames
separ = rPutStrLn " ---------"
sequence_ (intersperse separ helps)
@ -1298,7 +1406,7 @@ moduleCmdResult (res,ws0) = do
filterShadowing w = Just w
let ws = mapMaybe filterDefaults . mapMaybe filterShadowing $ ws0
(_,_,_,names) <- getFocusedEnv
names <- M.mctxNameDisp <$> getFocusedEnv
mapM_ (rPrint . runDoc names . pp) ws
case res of
Right (a,me') -> setModuleEnv me' >> return a

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@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ module Cryptol.REPL.Monad (
, getModuleEnv, setModuleEnv
, getDynEnv, setDynEnv
, uniqify, freshName
, getTSyns, getNewtypes, getVars
, whenDebug
, getExprNames
, getTypeNames
@ -474,75 +473,33 @@ rPutStrLn str = rPutStr $ str ++ "\n"
rPrint :: Show a => a -> REPL ()
rPrint x = rPutStrLn (show x)
getFocusedEnv :: REPL (M.IfaceParams,M.IfaceDecls,M.NamingEnv,NameDisp)
getFocusedEnv = do
me <- getModuleEnv
-- dyNames is a NameEnv that removes the #Uniq prefix from interactively-bound
-- variables.
let (dyDecls,dyNames,dyDisp) = M.dynamicEnv me
let (fParams,fDecls,fNames,fDisp) = M.focusedEnv me
return ( fParams
, dyDecls `mappend` fDecls
, dyNames `M.shadowing` fNames
, dyDisp `mappend` fDisp)
-- -- the subtle part here is removing the #Uniq prefix from
-- -- interactively-bound variables, and also excluding any that are
-- -- shadowed and thus can no longer be referenced
-- let (fDecls,fNames,fDisp) = M.focusedEnv me
-- edecls = M.ifDecls dyDecls
-- -- is this QName something the user might actually type?
-- isShadowed (qn@(P.QName (Just (P.unModName -> ['#':_])) name), _) =
-- case Map.lookup localName neExprs of
-- Nothing -> False
-- Just uniqueNames -> isNamed uniqueNames
-- where localName = P.QName Nothing name
-- isNamed us = any (== qn) (map M.qname us)
-- neExprs = M.neExprs (M.deNames (M.meDynEnv me))
-- isShadowed _ = False
-- unqual ((P.QName _ name), ifds) = (P.QName Nothing name, ifds)
-- edecls' = Map.fromList
-- . map unqual
-- . filter isShadowed
-- $ Map.toList edecls
-- return (decls `mappend` mempty { M.ifDecls = edecls' }, names `mappend` dyNames)
getVars :: REPL (Map.Map M.Name M.IfaceDecl)
getVars = do
(_,decls,_,_) <- getFocusedEnv
return (M.ifDecls decls)
getTSyns :: REPL (Map.Map M.Name T.TySyn)
getTSyns = do
(_,decls,_,_) <- getFocusedEnv
return (M.ifTySyns decls)
getNewtypes :: REPL (Map.Map M.Name T.Newtype)
getNewtypes = do
(_,decls,_,_) <- getFocusedEnv
return (M.ifNewtypes decls)
getFocusedEnv :: REPL M.ModContext
getFocusedEnv = M.focusedEnv <$> getModuleEnv
-- | Get visible variable names.
-- This is used for command line completition.
getExprNames :: REPL [String]
getExprNames =
do (_,_, fNames, _) <- getFocusedEnv
do fNames <- M.mctxNames <$> getFocusedEnv
return (map (show . pp) (Map.keys (M.neExprs fNames)))
-- | Get visible type signature names.
-- This is used for command line completition.
getTypeNames :: REPL [String]
getTypeNames =
do (_,_, fNames, _) <- getFocusedEnv
do fNames <- M.mctxNames <$> getFocusedEnv
return (map (show . pp) (Map.keys (M.neTypes fNames)))
-- | Return a list of property names, sorted by position in the file.
getPropertyNames :: REPL ([M.Name],NameDisp)
getPropertyNames =
do (_,decls,_,names) <- getFocusedEnv
let xs = M.ifDecls decls
do fe <- getFocusedEnv
let xs = M.ifDecls (M.mctxDecls fe)
ps = sortBy (comparing (from . M.nameLoc))
$ [ x | (x,d) <- Map.toList xs, T.PragmaProperty `elem` M.ifDeclPragmas d ]
[ x | (x,d) <- Map.toList xs,
T.PragmaProperty `elem` M.ifDeclPragmas d ]
return (ps, names)
return (ps, M.mctxNameDisp fe)
getModNames :: REPL [I.ModName]
getModNames =

View File

@ -4,6 +4,10 @@ Loading module issue226r2
Loading module issue226
Type Synonyms
From Cryptol
type Bool = Bit
type Char = [8]
type lg2 n = width (max 1 n - 1)
@ -12,12 +16,20 @@ Type Synonyms
Constraint Synonyms
From Cryptol
type constraint i < j = j >= 1 + i
type constraint i <= j = j >= i
type constraint i > j = i >= 1 + j
Primitive Types
From Cryptol
(!=) : # -> # -> Prop
(==) : # -> # -> Prop
(>=) : # -> # -> Prop
@ -47,6 +59,15 @@ Primitive Types
foo : {a} a -> a
From Cryptol
(==>) : Bit -> Bit -> Bit
(\/) : Bit -> Bit -> Bit
(/\) : Bit -> Bit -> Bit
@ -98,7 +119,6 @@ Symbols
False : Bit
foldl : {n, a, b} (fin n) => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [n]b -> a
foldr : {n, a, b} (fin n) => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [n]a -> b
foo : {a} a -> a
fromInteger : {a} (Arith a) => Integer -> a
fromThenTo :
{first, next, last, a, len} (fin first, fin next, fin last,

View File

@ -2,5 +2,9 @@ Loading module Cryptol
Loading module T10::Main
f : {T} {x : T} -> T