Add What4 provers alongside the SBV provers with names such as w4-z3,

`w4-yices`, etc.  Implement What4 based "offline" solving using
the pseudo-solver name `w4-offline`.
This commit is contained in:
Rob Dockins 2020-04-03 10:34:45 -07:00 committed by robdockins
parent aaa0ea1744
commit 904220c806
3 changed files with 180 additions and 230 deletions

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
-- Portability : portable
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ import Cryptol.Utils.Panic(panic)
import qualified Cryptol.Parser.AST as P
import qualified Cryptol.Transform.Specialize as S
import Cryptol.Symbolic (ProverCommand(..), QueryType(..), SatNum(..),ProverStats,ProverResult(..))
--import qualified Cryptol.Symbolic.SBV as SBV
import qualified Cryptol.Symbolic.SBV as SBV
import qualified Cryptol.Symbolic.What4 as W4
import qualified Control.Exception as X
@ -106,7 +107,9 @@ import System.Directory(getHomeDirectory,setCurrentDirectory,doesDirectoryExist
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import System.IO(hFlush,stdout,openTempFile,hClose)
import System.IO
import System.Random.TF(newTFGen)
import Numeric (showFFloat)
import qualified Data.Text as T
@ -486,7 +489,7 @@ qcCmd qcMode str =
-- may be generated multiple times. If the test vectors were chosen
-- randomly without replacement, the proportion would instead be @k/n@.
-- We compute raising to the @k@ power in the log domain to improve
-- We compute raising to the @k@ power in the log domain to improve
-- numerical precision. The equivalant comptutation is:
-- @-expm1( k * log1p (-1/n) )@
@ -557,67 +560,53 @@ cmdProveSat isSat str = do
proverName <- getKnownUser "prover"
fileName <- getKnownUser "smtfile"
let mfile = if fileName == "-" then Nothing else Just fileName
case proverName :: String of
"offline" -> do
result <- offlineProveSat isSat str mfile
case result of
Left msg -> rPutStrLn msg
Right smtlib -> do
let filename = fromMaybe "standard output" mfile
let satWord | isSat = "satisfiability"
| otherwise = "validity"
rPutStrLn $
"Writing to SMT-Lib file " ++ filename ++ "..."
rPutStrLn $
"To determine the " ++ satWord ++
" of the expression, use an external SMT solver."
case mfile of
Just path -> io $ writeFile path smtlib
Nothing -> rPutStr smtlib
_ -> do
(firstProver,result,stats) <- rethrowErrorCall (onlineProveSat isSat str mfile)
case result of
EmptyResult ->
panic "REPL.Command" [ "got EmptyResult for online prover query" ]
ProverError msg -> rPutStrLn msg
ThmResult ts -> do
rPutStrLn (if isSat then "Unsatisfiable" else "Q.E.D.")
(t, e) <- mkSolverResult cexStr (not isSat) (Left ts)
bindItVariable t e
AllSatResult tevss -> do
let tess = map (map $ \(t,e,_) -> (t,e)) tevss
vss = map (map $ \(_,_,v) -> v) tevss
resultRecs <- mapM (mkSolverResult cexStr isSat . Right) tess
let collectTes tes = (t, es)
(ts, es) = unzip tes
t = case nub ts of
[t'] -> t'
_ -> panic "REPL.Command.onlineProveSat"
[ "satisfying assignments with different types" ]
(ty, exprs) =
case resultRecs of
[] -> panic "REPL.Command.onlineProveSat"
[ "no satisfying assignments after mkSolverResult" ]
[(t, e)] -> (t, [e])
_ -> collectTes resultRecs
pexpr <- replParseExpr str
~(EnvBool yes) <- getUser "show-examples"
when yes $ forM_ vss (printCounterexample isSat pexpr)
if proverName `elem` ["offline","w4-offline"] then
offlineProveSat proverName isSat str mfile
do (firstProver,result,stats) <- rethrowErrorCall (onlineProveSat proverName isSat str mfile)
case result of
EmptyResult ->
panic "REPL.Command" [ "got EmptyResult for online prover query" ]
ProverError msg -> rPutStrLn msg
ThmResult ts -> do
rPutStrLn (if isSat then "Unsatisfiable" else "Q.E.D.")
(t, e) <- mkSolverResult cexStr (not isSat) (Left ts)
bindItVariable t e
AllSatResult tevss -> do
let tess = map (map $ \(t,e,_) -> (t,e)) tevss
vss = map (map $ \(_,_,v) -> v) tevss
resultRecs <- mapM (mkSolverResult cexStr isSat . Right) tess
let collectTes tes = (t, es)
(ts, es) = unzip tes
t = case nub ts of
[t'] -> t'
_ -> panic "REPL.Command.onlineProveSat"
[ "satisfying assignments with different types" ]
(ty, exprs) =
case resultRecs of
[] -> panic "REPL.Command.onlineProveSat"
[ "no satisfying assignments after mkSolverResult" ]
[(t, e)] -> (t, [e])
_ -> collectTes resultRecs
pexpr <- replParseExpr str
case (ty, exprs) of
(t, [e]) -> bindItVariable t e
(t, es ) -> bindItVariables t es
~(EnvBool yes) <- getUser "show-examples"
when yes $ forM_ vss (printCounterexample isSat pexpr)
seeStats <- getUserShowProverStats
when seeStats (showProverStats firstProver stats)
case (ty, exprs) of
(t, [e]) -> bindItVariable t e
(t, es ) -> bindItVariables t es
onlineProveSat :: Bool
seeStats <- getUserShowProverStats
when seeStats (showProverStats firstProver stats)
onlineProveSat :: String
-> Bool
-> String -> Maybe FilePath
-> REPL (Maybe String,ProverResult,ProverStats)
onlineProveSat isSat str mfile = do
proverName <- getKnownUser "prover"
onlineProveSat proverName isSat str mfile = do
verbose <- getKnownUser "debug"
satNum <- getUserSatNum
modelValidate <- getUserProverValidate
@ -638,12 +627,16 @@ onlineProveSat isSat str mfile = do
, pcExpr = expr
, pcSchema = schema
(firstProver, res) <- liftModuleCmd $ W4.satProve cmd
(firstProver, res) <-
if | proverName `elem` W4.proverNames -> liftModuleCmd $ W4.satProve cmd
| proverName `elem` SBV.proverNames -> liftModuleCmd $ SBV.satProve cmd
| otherwise -> panic "onlineProveSat" ["unexpected prover name", proverName]
stas <- io (readIORef timing)
return (firstProver,res,stas)
offlineProveSat :: Bool -> String -> Maybe FilePath -> REPL (Either String String)
offlineProveSat isSat str mfile = do
offlineProveSat :: String -> Bool -> String -> Maybe FilePath -> REPL ()
offlineProveSat proverName isSat str mfile = do
verbose <- getKnownUser "debug"
modelValidate <- getUserProverValidate
parseExpr <- replParseExpr str
@ -652,7 +645,7 @@ offlineProveSat isSat str mfile = do
timing <- io (newIORef 0)
let cmd = ProverCommand {
pcQueryType = if isSat then SatQuery (SomeSat 0) else ProveQuery
, pcProverName = "offline"
, pcProverName = proverName
, pcVerbose = verbose
, pcValidate = modelValidate
, pcProverStats = timing
@ -661,7 +654,47 @@ offlineProveSat isSat str mfile = do
, pcExpr = expr
, pcSchema = schema
liftModuleCmd $ W4.satProveOffline cmd
put <- getPutStr
let putLn x = put (x ++ "\n")
let displayMsg =
do let filename = fromMaybe "standard output" mfile
let satWord | isSat = "satisfiability"
| otherwise = "validity"
putLn $
"Writing to SMT-Lib file " ++ filename ++ "..."
putLn $
"To determine the " ++ satWord ++
" of the expression, use an external SMT solver."
case proverName of
"offline" ->
do result <- liftModuleCmd $ SBV.satProveOffline cmd
case result of
Left msg -> rPutStrLn msg
Right smtlib -> do
io $ displayMsg
case mfile of
Just path -> io $ writeFile path smtlib
Nothing -> rPutStr smtlib
"w4-offline" ->
do result <- liftModuleCmd $ W4.satProveOffline cmd $ \f ->
do displayMsg
case mfile of
Just path ->
X.bracket (openFile path WriteMode) hClose f
Nothing ->
withRWTempFile "smtOutput.tmp" $ \h ->
do f h
hSeek h AbsoluteSeek 0
hGetContents h >>= put
case result of
Just msg -> rPutStrLn msg
Nothing -> return ()
_ -> panic "offlineProveSat" ["unexpected offline solver name", proverName]
rIdent :: M.Ident
rIdent = M.packIdent "result"
@ -844,6 +877,15 @@ editCmd path =
_ <- replEdit p
withRWTempFile :: String -> (Handle -> IO a) -> IO a
withRWTempFile name k =
(do tmp <- getTemporaryDirectory
let esc c = if isAscii c && isAlphaNum c then c else '_'
openTempFile tmp (map esc name))
(\(nm,h) -> hClose h >> removeFile nm)
(k . snd)
withROTempFile :: String -> ByteString -> (FilePath -> REPL a) -> REPL a
withROTempFile name cnt k =
do (path,h) <- mkTmp

View File

@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ import Cryptol.Utils.Panic (panic)
import Cryptol.Utils.Logger(Logger, logPutStr, funLogger)
import qualified Cryptol.Parser.AST as P
import Cryptol.Symbolic (SatNum(..))
--import qualified Cryptol.Symbolic.SBV as SBV (proverNames, checkProverInstallation)
import qualified Cryptol.Symbolic.What4 as W4 (proverNames, checkProverInstallation)
import qualified Cryptol.Symbolic.SBV as SBV (proverNames, checkProverInstallation)
import qualified Cryptol.Symbolic.What4 as W4 (proverNames)
import Control.Monad (ap,unless,when)
import Control.Monad.Base
@ -794,20 +794,27 @@ checkInfLength val = case val of
checkProver :: Checker
checkProver val = case val of
EnvString s
| s `notElem` W4.proverNames ->
noWarns $ Just $ "Prover must be " ++ proverListString
| s `elem` ["offline", "any"] -> noWarns Nothing
| otherwise ->
do available <- W4.checkProverInstallation s
| s `elem` ["offline", "any", "w4-offline"] -> noWarns Nothing
| s `elem` W4.proverNames ->
do -- TODO! Implement solver installation testing for What4
return (Nothing, [])
| s `elem` SBV.proverNames ->
do available <- SBV.checkProverInstallation s
let ws = if available
then []
else ["Warning: " ++ s ++ " installation not found"]
return (Nothing, ws)
| otherwise ->
noWarns $ Just $ "Prover must be " ++ proverListString
_ -> noWarns $ Just "unable to parse a value for prover"
allProvers :: [String]
allProvers = SBV.proverNames ++ W4.proverNames
proverListString :: String
proverListString = concatMap (++ ", ") (init W4.proverNames) ++ "or " ++ last W4.proverNames
proverListString = concatMap (++ ", ") (init allProvers) ++ "or " ++ last allProvers
checkSatNum :: Checker
checkSatNum val = case val of
@ -861,4 +868,3 @@ z3exists = do
case mPath of
Nothing -> return (Just Z3NotFound)
Just _ -> return Nothing

View File

@ -19,19 +19,18 @@
module Cryptol.Symbolic.What4
( proverNames
, checkProverInstallation
-- , checkProverInstallation
, satProve
, satProveOffline
) where
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad (when, foldM)
--import Control.Monad.Writer (WriterT, runWriterT, tell, lift)
--import Data.List (intercalate, genericLength)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
--import Data.IORef(IORef)
import qualified Control.Exception as X
--import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import System.IO (Handle)
import Data.Time
import Data.IORef
import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem as M hiding (getPrimMap)
import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Env as M
@ -40,17 +39,12 @@ import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Monad as M
import qualified Cryptol.Eval as Eval
import qualified Cryptol.Eval.Concrete as Concrete
--import Cryptol.Eval.Concrete (Concrete(..))
--import qualified Cryptol.Eval.Monad as Eval
--import Cryptol.Eval.Type (TValue(..), evalType)
import qualified Cryptol.Eval.Value as Eval
import Cryptol.Eval.What4
import Cryptol.Symbolic
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident (Ident)
--import Cryptol.Utils.PP
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic(panic)
import Cryptol.Utils.Logger(logPutStrLn)
import qualified What4.Config as W4
@ -61,9 +55,6 @@ import qualified What4.SatResult as W4
import qualified What4.SWord as SW
import What4.Solver
import qualified What4.Solver.Adapter as W4
--import qualified What4.Solver.Z3 as Z3
--import qualified What4.Solver.Yices as Yices
--import qualified What4.Solver.CVC4 as CVC4
import Data.Parameterized.Nonce
@ -86,14 +77,14 @@ doW4Eval sym evo m =
proverConfigs :: [(String, SolverAdapter st)]
proverConfigs =
[ ("cvc4" , cvc4Adapter )
, ("yices" , yicesAdapter )
, ("z3" , z3Adapter )
, ("boolector", boolectorAdapter )
[ ("w4-cvc4" , cvc4Adapter )
, ("w4-yices" , yicesAdapter )
, ("w4-z3" , z3Adapter )
, ("w4-boolector", boolectorAdapter )
, ("w4-offline" , z3Adapter )
, ("mathsat" , SBV.mathSAT )
, ("abc" , )
, ("offline" , SBV.defaultSMTCfg )
, ("any" , SBV.defaultSMTCfg )
@ -107,10 +98,10 @@ lookupProver s =
Just cfg -> pure cfg
Nothing -> fail ("Invalid prover: " ++ s)
checkProverInstallation :: String -> IO Bool
checkProverInstallation s =
do putStrLn "TODO! What4 check solver installation"
return True
--checkProverInstallation :: String -> IO Bool
--checkProverInstallation _s =
-- do putStrLn "TODO! What4 check solver installation"
-- return True
proverError :: String -> M.ModuleCmd (Maybe String, ProverResult)
proverError msg (_,modEnv) =
@ -142,21 +133,22 @@ satProve ProverCommand {..} =
, logReason = "solver query"
start <- liftIO $ getCurrentTime
let ?evalPrim = evalPrim sym
case predArgTypes pcSchema of
Left msg -> return (Nothing, ProverError msg)
Right ts ->
do when pcVerbose $ lPutStrLn "Simulating..."
args <- liftIO $ mapM (freshVariable sym) ts
when pcVerbose (lPutStrLn "Simulating...") >> liftIO (
do args <- mapM (freshVariable sym) ts
(safety,b) <-
liftIO $ doW4Eval sym evo $
doW4Eval sym evo $
do env <- Eval.evalDecls (What4 sym) extDgs mempty
v <- Eval.evalExpr (What4 sym) env pcExpr
Eval.fromVBit <$> foldM Eval.fromVFun v (map (pure . varToSymValue sym) args)
liftIO $ case pcQueryType of
result <- case pcQueryType of
ProveQuery ->
do q <- W4.notPred sym =<< W4.andPred sym safety b
singleQuery sym evo primMap pcProverName logData ts args q
@ -165,6 +157,44 @@ satProve ProverCommand {..} =
do q <- W4.andPred sym safety b
multiSATQuery sym evo primMap pcProverName logData ts args q num
end <- getCurrentTime
writeIORef pcProverStats (diffUTCTime end start)
return result)
satProveOffline :: ProverCommand -> ((Handle -> IO ()) -> IO ()) -> M.ModuleCmd (Maybe String)
satProveOffline ProverCommand {..} outputContinuation =
protectStack (\msg (_,modEnv) -> return (Right (Just msg, modEnv), [])) $
\(evo,modEnv) -> do
M.runModuleM (evo,modEnv) $ do
let extDgs = allDeclGroups modEnv ++ pcExtraDecls
let lPutStrLn = M.withLogger logPutStrLn
sym <- (W4.newExprBuilder W4.FloatIEEERepr CryptolState globalNonceGenerator)
let ?evalPrim = evalPrim sym
case predArgTypes pcSchema of
Left msg -> return (Just msg)
Right ts ->
do when pcVerbose $ lPutStrLn "Simulating..."
liftIO $ do
args <- mapM (freshVariable sym) ts
(safety,b) <-
doW4Eval sym evo $
do env <- Eval.evalDecls (What4 sym) extDgs mempty
v <- Eval.evalExpr (What4 sym) env pcExpr
Eval.fromVBit <$> foldM Eval.fromVFun v (map (pure . varToSymValue sym) args)
q <- case pcQueryType of
ProveQuery ->
W4.notPred sym =<< W4.andPred sym safety b
SatQuery _ ->
W4.andPred sym safety b
let adpt = z3Adapter
W4.extendConfig (W4.solver_adapter_config_options adpt) (W4.getConfiguration sym)
outputContinuation (\hdl -> solver_adapter_write_smt2 adpt sym hdl [q])
return Nothing
decSatNum :: SatNum -> SatNum
decSatNum (SomeSat n) | n > 0 = SomeSat (n-1)
@ -242,8 +272,9 @@ singleQuery ::
[VarShape sym] ->
W4.Pred sym ->
IO (Maybe String, ProverResult)
singleQuery sym evo primMap "all" logData ts args query =
do fail "TODO portfolio solver!"
--singleQuery _sym _evo _primMap "all" _logData _ts _args _query =
-- do fail "TODO portfolio solver!"
singleQuery sym evo primMap solverName logData ts args query =
do adpt <- lookupProver solverName
@ -365,135 +396,6 @@ varToConcreteValue evalFn v =
let (isSat, mSatNum) = case pcQueryType of
ProveQuery -> (False, Nothing)
SatQuery sn -> case sn of
SomeSat n -> (True, Just n)
AllSat -> (True, Nothing)
provers <-
case pcProverName of
"any" -> SBV.sbvAvailableSolvers
_ -> return [(lookupProver pcProverName) { SBV.transcript = pcSmtFile
, SBV.allSatMaxModelCount = mSatNum
let provers' = [ p { SBV.timing = SaveTiming pcProverStats
, SBV.verbose = pcVerbose
, SBV.validateModel = pcValidate
} | p <- provers ]
let tyFn = if isSat then existsFinType else forallFinType
let runProver fn tag e = do
case provers of
[prover] -> do
when pcVerbose $
lPutStrLn $ "Trying proof with " ++
show ( (SBV.solver prover))
res <- (fn prover e)
when pcVerbose $
lPutStrLn $ "Got result from " ++
show ( (SBV.solver prover))
return (Just ( (SBV.solver prover)), tag res)
_ ->
return ( Nothing
, [ SBV.ProofError
[":sat with option prover=any requires option satNum=1"]
| prover <- provers ]
runProvers fn tag e = do
when pcVerbose $
lPutStrLn $ "Trying proof with " ++
intercalate ", " (map (show . . SBV.solver) provers)
(firstProver, timeElapsed, res) <- (fn provers' e)
when pcVerbose $
lPutStrLn $ "Got result from " ++ show firstProver ++
", time: " ++ showTDiff timeElapsed
return (Just firstProver, tag res)
let runFn = case pcQueryType of
ProveQuery -> runProvers SBV.proveWithAny thmSMTResults
SatQuery sn -> case sn of
SomeSat 1 -> runProvers SBV.satWithAny satSMTResults
_ -> runProver SBV.allSatWith allSatSMTResults
let addAsm = case pcQueryType of
ProveQuery -> \x y -> SBV.svOr (SBV.svNot x) y
SatQuery _ -> \x y -> SBV.svAnd x y
let ?evalPrim = evalPrim
case predArgTypes pcSchema of
Left msg -> return (Nothing, ProverError msg)
Right ts -> do when pcVerbose $ lPutStrLn "Simulating..."
(_,v) <- doSBVEval evo $
do env <- Eval.evalDecls SBV extDgs mempty
Eval.evalExpr SBV env pcExpr
prims <- M.getPrimMap
runRes <- runFn $ do
(args, asms) <- runWriterT (mapM tyFn ts)
(_,b) <- doSBVEval evo (Eval.fromVBit <$>
foldM Eval.fromVFun v (map pure args))
return (foldr addAsm b asms)
let (firstProver, results) = runRes
esatexprs <- case results of
-- allSat can return more than one as long as
-- they're satisfiable
(SBV.Satisfiable {} : _) -> do
tevss <- mapM mkTevs results
return $ AllSatResult tevss
mkTevs result = do
let Right (_, cvs) = SBV.getModelAssignment result
(vs, _) = parseValues ts cvs
sattys = unFinType <$> ts
satexprs <-
doEval evo (zipWithM (Concrete.toExpr prims) sattys vs)
case zip3 sattys <$> (sequence satexprs) <*> pure vs of
Nothing ->
panic "Cryptol.Symbolic.sat"
[ "unable to make assignment into expression" ]
Just tevs -> return $ tevs
-- prove returns only one
[SBV.Unsatisfiable {}] ->
return $ ThmResult (unFinType <$> ts)
-- unsat returns empty
[] -> return $ ThmResult (unFinType <$> ts)
-- otherwise something is wrong
_ -> return $ ProverError (rshow results)
where rshow | isSat = show . SBV.AllSatResult . (False,False,False,)
| otherwise = show . SBV.ThmResult . head
return (firstProver, esatexprs)
satProveOffline :: ProverCommand -> M.ModuleCmd (Either String String)
satProveOffline ProverCommand {..} =
protectStack (\msg (_,modEnv) -> return (Right (Left msg, modEnv), [])) $
\(_evOpts,_modEnv) -> do
fail "TODO! satProveOffline"
let isSat = case pcQueryType of
ProveQuery -> False
SatQuery _ -> True
let extDgs = allDeclGroups modEnv ++ pcExtraDecls
let tyFn = if isSat then existsFinType else forallFinType
let addAsm = if isSat then SBV.svAnd else \x y -> SBV.svOr (SBV.svNot x) y
let ?evalPrim = evalPrim
case predArgTypes pcSchema of
Left msg -> return (Right (Left msg, modEnv), [])
Right ts ->
do when pcVerbose $ logPutStrLn (Eval.evalLogger evOpts) "Simulating..."
(_,v) <- doSBVEval evOpts $
do env <- Eval.evalDecls SBV extDgs mempty
Eval.evalExpr SBV env pcExpr
smtlib <- SBV.generateSMTBenchmark isSat $ do
(args, asms) <- runWriterT (mapM tyFn ts)
(_,b) <- doSBVEval evOpts
(Eval.fromVBit <$> foldM Eval.fromVFun v (map pure args))
return (foldr addAsm b asms)
return (Right (Right smtlib, modEnv), [])
protectStack :: (String -> M.ModuleCmd a)
-> M.ModuleCmd a