Record the parameters of the current scheama into fresh variables generated during kind checking.

This commit is contained in:
Iavor S. Diatchki 2014-12-02 15:50:28 -08:00
parent 358d3fc554
commit 99c3547a08

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@ -300,10 +300,18 @@ newGoalName = newName $ \s -> let x = seedGoal s
-- | Generate a new free type variable.
newTVar :: Doc -> Kind -> InferM TVar
newTVar src k =
newTVar src k = newTVar' src Set.empty k
-- | Generate a new free type variable that depends on these additional
-- type parameters.
newTVar' :: Doc -> Set TVar -> Kind -> InferM TVar
newTVar' src extraBound k =
do bound <- getBoundInScope
let vs = Set.union extraBound bound
newName $ \s -> let x = seedTVar s
in (TVFree x k bound src, s { seedTVar = x + 1 })
in (TVFree x k vs src, s { seedTVar = x + 1 })
-- | Generate a new free type variable.
newTParam :: Maybe QName -> Kind -> InferM TParam
@ -613,7 +621,10 @@ kRecordWarning w = kInInferM $ recordWarning w
-- | Generate a fresh unification variable of the given kind.
kNewType :: Doc -> Kind -> KindM Type
kNewType src k = kInInferM $ newType src k
kNewType src k =
do tps <- KM $ do vs <- asks lazyTVars
return $ Set.fromList [ tv | TVar tv <- Map.elems vs ]
kInInferM $ TVar `fmap` newTVar' src tps k
-- | Lookup the definition of a type synonym.
kLookupTSyn :: QName -> KindM (Maybe TySyn)