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synced 2025-01-05 23:17:42 +03:00
Polishing of :help output.
:help with primitive types now uses vertical whitespace to match the :help output for other types. Help text for REPL commands can now contain linebreaks. For quoted Cryptol syntax in docstrings, consistently use singlequotes (') instead of backquotes (`). Backquotes are sometimes used within the quoted code, so it's probably best to avoid using them for quotes. Consistently capitalize and put a period at the end of docstrings.
This commit is contained in:
@ -263,17 +263,17 @@ x \/ y = if x then True else y
a ==> b = if a then b else True
* Logical `and' over bits. Extends element-wise over sequences, tuples.
* Logical 'and' over bits. Extends element-wise over sequences, tuples.
primitive (&&) : {a} (Logic a) => a -> a -> a
* Logical `or' over bits. Extends element-wise over sequences, tuples.
* Logical 'or' over bits. Extends element-wise over sequences, tuples.
primitive (||) : {a} (Logic a) => a -> a -> a
* Logical `exclusive or' over bits. Extends element-wise over sequences, tuples.
* Logical 'exclusive or' over bits. Extends element-wise over sequences, tuples.
primitive (^) : {a} (Logic a) => a -> a -> a
@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ repeat : {n, a} a -> [n]a
repeat x = [ x | _ <- zero : [n] ]
* `elem x xs` Returns true if x is equal to a value in xs.
* 'elem x xs' returns true if x is equal to a value in xs.
elem : {n, a} (fin n, Cmp a) => a -> [n]a -> Bit
elem a xs = any (\x -> x == a) xs
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ primTyList =
"The type of unbounded integers."
, tPrefix "Z" TC TCIntMod
"`Z n` is the type of integers, modulo `n`."
"'Z n' is the type of integers, modulo 'n'."
-- Predicate constructors --------------------------------------------------
@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ primTyList =
"Assert that the first numeric type is larger than, or equal to the second."
, tPrefix "fin" PC PFin
"Assert that a numeric type is a proper natural number (not `inf`)."
"Assert that a numeric type is a proper natural number (not 'inf')."
, tPrefix "Zero" PC PZero
"Value types that have a notion of `zero`."
"Value types that have a notion of 'zero'."
, tPrefix "Logic" PC PLogic
"Value types that support logical operations."
@ -72,10 +72,10 @@ primTyList =
"Value types that support unsigned comparisons."
, tPrefix "SignedCmp" PC PSignedCmp
"Values types that support signed comparisons."
"Value types that support signed comparisons."
, tPrefix "Literal" PC PLiteral
"`Literal n a` asserts that type `a` contains the value `n`."
"'Literal n a' asserts that type 'a' contains the number 'n'."
@ -85,16 +85,16 @@ primTyList =
"Add numeric types."
, tInfix "-" TF TCSub (l 80)
"Subtract numeric types"
"Subtract numeric types."
, tInfix "*" TF TCMul (l 90)
"Multiply numeric types"
"Multiply numeric types."
, tInfix "/" TF TCDiv (l 90)
"Divide numeric types, rounding down."
, tInfix "%" TF TCMod (l 90)
"Reminder of numeric type division."
"Remainder of numeric type division."
, tInfix "^^" TF TCExp (r 95)
"Exponentiate numeric types."
@ -103,10 +103,10 @@ primTyList =
"The number of bits required to represent the value of a numeric type."
, tPrefix "min" TF TCMin
"The smallest of two numeric types."
"The smaller of two numeric types."
, tPrefix "max" TF TCMax
"The largest of two numeric types."
"The larger of two numeric types."
, tInfix "/^" TF TCCeilDiv (l 90)
"Divide numeric types, rounding up."
@ -169,58 +169,59 @@ nbCommands = foldl insert emptyTrie nbCommandList
nbCommandList :: [CommandDescr]
nbCommandList =
[ CommandDescr [ ":t", ":type" ] (ExprArg typeOfCmd)
"check the type of an expression"
"Check the type of an expression."
, CommandDescr [ ":b", ":browse" ] (ModNameArg browseCmd)
"display the current environment"
"Display environment for all loaded modules, or for a specific module."
, CommandDescr [ ":?", ":help" ] (HelpArg helpCmd)
"display a brief description of a function or a type"
"Display a brief description of a function, type, or command."
, CommandDescr [ ":s", ":set" ] (OptionArg setOptionCmd)
"set an environmental option (:set on its own displays current values)"
"Set an environmental option (:set on its own displays current values)."
, CommandDescr [ ":check" ] (ExprArg (void . qcCmd QCRandom))
"use random testing to check that the argument always returns true (if no argument, check all properties)"
"Use random testing to check that the argument always returns true.\n(If no argument, check all properties.)"
, CommandDescr [ ":exhaust" ] (ExprArg (void . qcCmd QCExhaust))
"use exhaustive testing to prove that the argument always returns true (if no argument, check all properties)"
"Use exhaustive testing to prove that the argument always returns\ntrue. (If no argument, check all properties.)"
, CommandDescr [ ":prove" ] (ExprArg proveCmd)
"use an external solver to prove that the argument always returns true (if no argument, check all properties)"
"Use an external solver to prove that the argument always returns\ntrue. (If no argument, check all properties.)"
, CommandDescr [ ":sat" ] (ExprArg satCmd)
"use a solver to find a satisfying assignment for which the argument returns true (if no argument, find an assignment for all properties)"
"Use a solver to find a satisfying assignment for which the argument\nreturns true. (If no argument, find an assignment for all properties.)"
, CommandDescr [ ":debug_specialize" ] (ExprArg specializeCmd)
"do type specialization on a closed expression"
"Do type specialization on a closed expression."
, CommandDescr [ ":eval" ] (ExprArg refEvalCmd)
"evaluate an expression with the reference evaluator"
"Evaluate an expression with the reference evaluator."
, CommandDescr [ ":ast" ] (ExprArg astOfCmd)
"print out the pre-typechecked AST of a given term"
"Print out the pre-typechecked AST of a given term."
, CommandDescr [ ":extract-coq" ] (NoArg allTerms)
"print out the post-typechecked AST of all currently defined terms, in a Coq parseable format"
"Print out the post-typechecked AST of all currently defined terms,\nin a Coq-parseable format."
commandList :: [CommandDescr]
commandList =
nbCommandList ++
[ CommandDescr [ ":q", ":quit" ] (NoArg quitCmd)
"exit the REPL"
"Exit the REPL."
, CommandDescr [ ":l", ":load" ] (FilenameArg loadCmd)
"load a module"
"Load a module by filename."
, CommandDescr [ ":r", ":reload" ] (NoArg reloadCmd)
"reload the currently loaded module"
"Reload the currently loaded module."
, CommandDescr [ ":e", ":edit" ] (FilenameArg editCmd)
"edit the currently loaded module"
"Edit the currently loaded module."
, CommandDescr [ ":!" ] (ShellArg runShellCmd)
"execute a command in the shell"
"Execute a command in the shell."
, CommandDescr [ ":cd" ] (FilenameArg cdCmd)
"set the current working directory"
"Set the current working directory."
, CommandDescr [ ":m", ":module" ] (FilenameArg moduleCmd)
"load a module"
"Load a module by its name."
, CommandDescr [ ":w", ":writeByteArray" ] (FileExprArg writeFileCmd)
"write data of type `fin n => [n][8]` to a file"
"Write data of type 'fin n => [n][8]' to a file."
, CommandDescr [ ":readByteArray" ] (FilenameArg readFileCmd)
"read data from a file as type `fin n => [n][8]`, binding the value to variable `it`"
"Read data from a file as type 'fin n => [n][8]', binding\nthe value to variable 'it'."
genHelp :: [CommandDescr] -> [String]
genHelp cs = map cmdHelp cs
cmdHelp cmd = concat [ " ", cmdNames cmd, pad (cmdNames cmd), cHelp cmd ]
cmdHelp cmd = concat $ [ " ", cmdNames cmd, pad (cmdNames cmd),
intercalate ("\n " ++ pad []) (lines (cHelp cmd)) ]
cmdNames cmd = intercalate ", " (cNames cmd)
padding = 2 + maximum (map (length . cmdNames) cs)
pad n = replicate (max 0 (padding - length n)) ' '
@ -937,14 +938,16 @@ helpCmd cmd
M.Parameter -> rPutStrLn "// No documentation is available."
showPrimTyHelp nameEnv pt =
do rPutStrLn "Primitive type:"
do rPutStrLn ""
let i = T.primTyIdent pt
nm = pp (T.primTyIdent pt)
pnam = if P.isInfixIdent i then parens nm else nm
sig = pnam <+> ":" <+> pp (T.kindOf (T.primTyCon pt))
sig = "primitive type" <+> pnam <+> ":" <+> pp (T.kindOf (T.primTyCon pt))
rPrint $ runDoc nameEnv $ nest 4 sig
doShowFix (T.primTyFixity pt)
rPutStrLn ""
rPutStrLn (T.primTyDoc pt)
rPutStrLn ""
showTypeHelp params env nameEnv name =
fromMaybe (noInfo nameEnv name) $
@ -688,34 +688,34 @@ simpleOpt optName optDefault optCheck optHelp =
userOptions :: OptionMap
userOptions = mkOptionMap
[ simpleOpt "base" (EnvNum 16) checkBase
"the base to display words at"
"The base to display words at (2, 8, 10, or 16)."
, simpleOpt "debug" (EnvBool False) noCheck
"enable debugging output"
"Enable debugging output."
, simpleOpt "ascii" (EnvBool False) noCheck
"display 7- or 8-bit words using ASCII notation."
"Whether to display 7- or 8-bit words using ASCII notation."
, simpleOpt "infLength" (EnvNum 5) checkInfLength
"The number of elements to display for infinite sequences."
, simpleOpt "tests" (EnvNum 100) noCheck
"The number of random tests to try."
"The number of random tests to try with ':check'."
, simpleOpt "satNum" (EnvString "1") checkSatNum
"The maximum number of :sat solutions to display (\"all\" for no limit)."
, simpleOpt "prover" (EnvString "z3") checkProver $
"The external SMT solver for :prove and :sat (" ++ proverListString ++ ")."
"The external SMT solver for ':prove' and ':sat'\n(" ++ proverListString ++ ")."
, simpleOpt "warnDefaulting" (EnvBool True) noCheck
"Choose if we should display warnings when defaulting."
"Choose whether to display warnings when defaulting."
, simpleOpt "warnShadowing" (EnvBool True) noCheck
"Choose if we should display warnings when shadowing symbols."
"Choose whether to display warnings when shadowing symbols."
, simpleOpt "smtfile" (EnvString "-") noCheck
"The file to use for SMT-Lib scripts (for debugging or offline proving)"
"The file to use for SMT-Lib scripts (for debugging or offline proving).\nUse \"-\" for stdout."
, OptionDescr "mono-binds" (EnvBool True) noCheck
"Whether or not to generalize bindings in a where-clause" $
"Whether or not to generalize bindings in a 'where' clause." $
\case EnvBool b -> do me <- getModuleEnv
setModuleEnv me { M.meMonoBinds = b }
_ -> return ()
, OptionDescr "tc-solver" (EnvProg "z3" [ "-smt2", "-in" ])
noCheck -- TODO: check for the program in the path
"The solver that will be used by the type checker" $
"The solver that will be used by the type checker." $
\case EnvProg prog args -> do me <- getModuleEnv
let cfg = M.meSolverConfig me
setModuleEnv me { M.meSolverConfig =
@ -725,14 +725,14 @@ userOptions = mkOptionMap
, OptionDescr "tc-debug" (EnvNum 0)
"Enable type-checker debugging output" $
"Enable type-checker debugging output." $
\case EnvNum n -> do me <- getModuleEnv
let cfg = M.meSolverConfig me
setModuleEnv me { M.meSolverConfig = cfg{ T.solverVerbose = fromIntegral n } }
_ -> return ()
, OptionDescr "core-lint" (EnvBool False)
"Enable sanity checking of type-checker" $
"Enable sanity checking of type-checker." $
let setIt x = do me <- getModuleEnv
setModuleEnv me { M.meCoreLint = x }
in \case EnvBool True -> setIt M.CoreLint
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