mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 13:31:50 +03:00
Use different names when naming multiple non-linear constraints.
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,10 +22,11 @@ import MonadLib
import Data.Maybe ( mapMaybe )
import Data.Map ( Map )
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Traversable ( traverse )
import Data.Traversable ( traverse, for )
import Data.Set ( Set )
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.IORef ( IORef, newIORef, readIORef, modifyIORef' )
import Data.IORef ( IORef, newIORef, readIORef, modifyIORef',
atomicModifyIORef' )
import SimpleSMT ( SExpr )
import qualified SimpleSMT as SMT
@ -71,19 +72,20 @@ checkDefined s updCt uniVars props0 = withScope s (go Map.empty [] props0)
do mapM_ addImpProp (Map.toList novelImps)
let newImps = Map.union novelImps knownImps
impDone = map (updDone novelImps) newDone
impNotDone = map (updNotDone novelImps) newNotDone
impDone <- mapM (updDone novelImps) newDone
let impNotDone = map (updNotDone novelImps) newNotDone
go newImps impDone impNotDone
addImpProp (x,e) = assert s (prepareProp (Var x :== e))
addImpProp (x,e) = assert s =<< prepareProp s (Var x :== e)
updDone su ct =
let (g,p) = smtpOther ct
in case apSubst su p of
Nothing -> ct
Nothing -> return ct
Just p' ->
let p2 = crySimpPropExpr p'
in (prepareProp p2) { smtpOther = (updCt p2 g,p2) }
do let p2 = crySimpPropExpr p'
pr <- prepareProp s p2
return pr { smtpOther = (updCt p2 g,p2) }
updNotDone su (g,p) =
case apSubst su p of
@ -99,7 +101,10 @@ checkDefined s updCt uniVars props0 = withScope s (go Map.empty [] props0)
checkDefined' :: Solver -> (Prop -> a -> a) ->
[(a,Prop)] -> IO ([(a,Prop)], [SMTProp (a,Prop)])
checkDefined' s updCt props0 =
go False [] [] [ (a, p, prepareProp (cryDefinedProp p)) | (a,p) <- props0 ]
do ps <- for props0 $ \(a,p) ->
do p' <- prepareProp s (cryDefinedProp p)
return (a,p,p')
go False [] [] ps
-- Everything is defined: keep going.
@ -114,11 +119,11 @@ checkDefined' s updCt props0 =
-- Process one constraint.
go ch isDef isNotDef ((ct,p,q) : more) =
do proved <- prove s q
if proved then do let r = case crySimpPropExprMaybe p of
Nothing -> (prepareProp p)
{ smtpOther = (ct,p) }
Just p' -> (prepareProp p')
{ smtpOther = (updCt p' ct, p') }
if proved then do r <- case crySimpPropExprMaybe p of
Nothing -> do p' <- prepareProp s p
return p' { smtpOther = (ct,p) }
Just p' -> do p2 <- prepareProp s p'
return p2 { smtpOther = (updCt p' ct, p') }
assert s r -- add defined prop as an assumption
go True (r : isDef) isNotDef more
@ -156,7 +161,7 @@ simplifyProps s props = withScope s (go [] props)
-- Modifies the set of assumptions.
assumeProps :: Solver -> [Cry.Prop] -> IO VarMap
assumeProps s props =
do mapM_ (assert s . prepareProp) (map cryDefinedProp ps ++ ps)
do mapM_ (assert s <=< prepareProp s) (map cryDefinedProp ps ++ ps)
return (Map.unions varMaps)
where (ps,varMaps) = unzip (mapMaybe exportProp props)
-- XXX: Instead of asserting one at a time, perhaps we should
@ -182,26 +187,30 @@ data SMTProp a = SMTProp
-- | Prepare a property for export to an SMT solver.
prepareProp :: Prop -> SMTProp ()
prepareProp prop0 = SMTProp
{ smtpVars = cryPropFVS linProp
, smtpLinPart = ifPropToSmtLib (desugarProp linProp)
, smtpNonLinPart = nonLinEs
, smtpOther = ()
prop1 = crySimplify prop0
(nonLinEs, linProp) = nonLinProp prop1
prepareProp :: Solver -> Prop -> IO (SMTProp ())
prepareProp Solver { .. } prop0 =
do let prop1 = crySimplify prop0
(nonLinEs, linProp) <- atomicModifyIORef' nameSource $ \name ->
case nonLinProp name prop1 of
(nonLinEs, linProp, newName) -> (newName, (nonLinEs, linProp))
return SMTProp
{ smtpVars = cryPropFVS linProp
, smtpLinPart = ifPropToSmtLib (desugarProp linProp)
, smtpNonLinPart = nonLinEs
, smtpOther = ()
-- | An SMT solver, and some info about declared variables.
data Solver = Solver
{ solver :: SMT.Solver
, declared :: IORef VarInfo
, logger :: SMT.Logger
, nameSource :: IORef Int
-- XXX: Perhaps this should go with the scope somehow?
-- | Keeps track of what variables we've already declared.
data VarInfo = VarInfo
{ curScope :: Scope
@ -266,8 +275,10 @@ withSolver k =
Nothing -- (Just logger)
SMT.setLogic solver "QF_LIA"
declared <- newIORef viEmpty
nameSource <- newIORef 0
a <- k Solver { .. }
_ <- SMT.stop solver
return a
-- | Execute a computation in a new solver scope.
@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ isNonLinOp expr =
-- | Factor-out non-linear terms, by naming them
nonLinProp :: Prop -> ([(Name,Expr)], Prop)
nonLinProp prop = case runId $ runStateT s0 $ nonLinPropM prop of
(p, sFin) -> (nonLinExprs sFin, p)
nonLinProp :: Int -> Prop -> ([(Name,Expr)], Prop, Int)
nonLinProp name prop = case runId $ runStateT s0 $ nonLinPropM prop of
(p, sFin) -> (nonLinExprs sFin, p, nextName sFin)
s0 = NonLinS { nextName = 0, nonLinExprs = [] }
s0 = NonLinS { nextName = name, nonLinExprs = [] }
nonLinPropM :: Prop -> NonLinM Prop
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