Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into abstract-types

# Conflicts:
#	src/Cryptol/TypeCheck/Monad.hs
This commit is contained in:
Iavor Diatchki 2017-10-16 14:25:08 -07:00
commit acacd0b53d
5 changed files with 104 additions and 76 deletions

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@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ tcExpr e0 inp = runInferM inp
case res of
ExtVar s -> return (EVar x, s)
CurSCC e' t -> panic "Cryptol.TypeCheck.tcExpr"
[ "CurSCC outside binder checkig:"
[ "CurSCC outside binder checking:"
, show e'
, show t

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@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ import Cryptol.Utils.PP
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.List(foldl')
import Data.Either(partitionEithers)
import Data.Maybe(mapMaybe,isJust, fromMaybe)
import Data.List(partition,find)
@ -194,8 +195,8 @@ checkE expr tGoal =
P.EVar x ->
do res <- lookupVar x
(e',t) <- case res of
ExtVar s -> instantiateWith (EVar x) s []
CurSCC e t -> return (e, t)
ExtVar s -> instantiateWith (EVar x) s []
CurSCC e t -> return (e, t)
checkHasType t tGoal
return e'
@ -578,43 +579,50 @@ inferCArm armNum (m : ms) =
-- be unaffected.
inferBinds :: Bool -> Bool -> [P.Bind Name] -> InferM [Decl]
inferBinds isTopLevel isRec binds =
mdo let dExpr (DExpr e) = e
dExpr DPrim = panic "[TypeCheck]" [ "primitive in a recursive group" ]
exprMap = Map.fromList [ (x,inst (EVar x) (dExpr (dDefinition b)))
| b <- genBs, let x = dName b ] -- REC.
inst e (ETAbs x e1) = inst (ETApp e (TVar (tpVar x))) e1
inst e (EProofAbs _ e1) = inst (EProofApp e) e1
inst e _ = e
-- when mono-binds is enabled, and we're not checking top-level
-- declarations, mark all bindings lacking signatures as monomorphic
monoBinds <- getMonoBinds
let binds' | monoBinds && not isTopLevel = sigs ++ monos
| otherwise = binds
(sigs,noSigs) = partition (isJust . P.bSignature) binds
monos = [ b { P.bMono = True } | b <- noSigs ]
((doneBs, genCandidates), cs) <-
collectGoals $
do -- when mono-binds is enabled, and we're not checking top-level
-- declarations, mark all bindings lacking signatures as monomorphic
monoBinds <- getMonoBinds
let (sigs,noSigs) = partition (isJust . P.bSignature) binds
monos = [ b { P.bMono = True } | b <- noSigs ]
binds' | monoBinds && not isTopLevel = sigs ++ monos
| otherwise = binds
check exprMap =
{- Guess type is here, because while we check user supplied signatures
we may generate additional constraints. For example, `x - y` would
generate an additional constraint `x >= y`. -}
do (newEnv,todos) <- unzip `fmap` mapM (guessType exprMap) binds'
let extEnv = if isRec then withVarTypes newEnv else id
do (newEnv,todos) <- unzip `fmap` mapM (guessType exprMap) binds'
let extEnv = if isRec then withVarTypes newEnv else id
extEnv $
do let (sigsAndMonos,noSigGen) = partitionEithers todos
genCs <- sequence noSigGen
done <- sequence sigsAndMonos
return (done, genCs)
let exprMap = Map.fromList $ map monoUse genBs
((doneBs, genCandidates), cs) <- collectGoals (check exprMap)
genBs <- generalize genCandidates cs
return (doneBs ++ genBs)
monoUse d = (x, withQs)
x = dName d
as = sVars (dSignature d)
qs = sProps (dSignature d)
appT e a = ETApp e (TVar (tpVar a))
appP e _ = EProofApp e
withTys = foldl' appT (EVar x) as
withQs = foldl' appP withTys qs
extEnv $
do let (sigsAndMonos,noSigGen) = partitionEithers todos
genCs <- sequence noSigGen
done <- sequence sigsAndMonos
return (done, genCs)
genBs <- generalize genCandidates cs -- RECURSION
return (doneBs ++ genBs)
{- | Come up with a type for recursive calls to a function, and decide
@ -668,12 +676,14 @@ generalize [] gs0 =
generalize bs0 gs0 =
do gs <- forM gs0 $ \g -> applySubst g
-- XXX: Why would these bindings have signatures??
bs <- forM bs0 $ \b -> do s <- applySubst (dSignature b)
return b { dSignature = s }
do {- First, we apply the accumulating substituion to the goals
and the inferred types, to ensure that we have the most up
to date information. -}
gs <- forM gs0 $ \g -> applySubst g
bs <- forM bs0 $ \b -> do s <- applySubst (dSignature b)
return b { dSignature = s }
-- Next, we figure out which of the free variables need to be generalized
let goalFVS g = Set.filter isFreeTV $ fvs $ goal g
inGoals = Set.unions $ map goalFVS gs
inSigs = Set.filter isFreeTV $ fvs $ map dSignature bs
@ -681,27 +691,49 @@ generalize bs0 gs0 =
asmpVs <- varsWithAsmps
let gen0 = Set.difference candidates asmpVs
stays g = any (`Set.member` gen0) $ Set.toList $ goalFVS g
(here0,later) = partition stays gs
addGoals later -- these ones we keep around for to solve later
-- Figure out what might be ambigious
{- Figure out what might be ambigious. We count something as
ambiguous if it is to be generalized, but does not appear in
the any of the inferred types. Things like that of kind `*`
are certainly ambiguous because we don't have any fancy type functions
on them. However, things of kind `#` may not actually be mabiguos.
let (maybeAmbig, ambig) = partition ((KNum ==) . kindOf)
$ Set.toList
$ Set.difference gen0 inSigs
when (not (null ambig)) $ recordError $ AmbiguousType $ map dName bs
{- See if we might be able to default some of the potentially ambiguous
numeric vairables using the constraints that will be part of the
newly generalized schema. Note that we only use the `here0` constrains
as these should be the only ones that might mention the potentially
ambiguous variable.
XXX: It is not clear if we should do this, or simply leave the
variables as is. After all, they might not actually be ambiugous...
let (as0,here1,defSu,ws) = improveByDefaultingWithPure maybeAmbig here0
mapM_ recordWarning ws
let here = map goal here1
{- This is the variables we'll be generalizing:
* any ones that survived the defaulting
* and vars in the inferred types that do not appear anywhere else. -}
let as = as0 ++ Set.toList (Set.difference inSigs asmpVs)
asPs = [ TParam { tpUnique = x, tpKind = k, tpFlav = TPOther Nothing }
| TVFree x k _ _ <- as ]
{- Finally, we replace free variables with bound ones, and fix-up
the definitions as needed to reflect that we are now working
with polymorphic things. For example, apply each occurance to the
type parameters. -}
totSu <- getSubst
su = listSubst (zip as (map (TVar . tpVar) asPs)) @@ defSu @@ totSu
@ -715,25 +747,16 @@ generalize bs0 gs0 =
$ apSubst su $ sType $ dSignature d
addGoals later
return (map genB bs)
-- | Check a monomrphic binding.
checkMonoB :: P.Bind Name -> Type -> InferM Decl
checkMonoB b t =
inRangeMb (getLoc b) $
case thing (P.bDef b) of
P.DPrim ->
return Decl { dName = thing (P.bName b)
, dSignature = Forall [] [] t
, dDefinition = DPrim
, dPragmas = P.bPragmas b
, dInfix = P.bInfix b
, dFixity = P.bFixity b
, dDoc = P.bDoc b
P.DPrim -> panic "checkMonoB" ["Primitive with no signature?"]
P.DExpr e ->
do e1 <- checkFun (pp (thing (P.bName b))) (P.bParams b) e t

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@ -46,13 +46,17 @@ data SolverConfig = SolverConfig
} deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
-- | The types of variables in the environment.
data VarType = ExtVar Schema -- ^ Known type
| CurSCC Expr Type -- ^ Part of current SCC
data VarType = ExtVar Schema
-- ^ Known type
-- XXX: Temporary, until we figure out:
-- 1. How to apply substitutions with normalization to the type Map
-- 2. What are the strictness requirements
-- (e.g., using Set results in a black hole)
| CurSCC {- LAZY -} Expr Type
{- ^ Part of current SCC. The expression will replace the
variable, after we are done with the SCC. In this way a
variable that gets generalized is replaced with an approproate
instantiations of itslef. -}
-- XXX: Temporary, until we figure out, how to apply substitutions
-- with normalization to the type Map
newtype Goals = Goals (Set Goal) -- Goals (TypeMap Goal)
deriving (Show)

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@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ data NameSeeds = NameSeeds
} deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
-- | The initial seeds, used when checking a fresh program.
-- XXX: why does this start at 10?
nameSeeds :: NameSeeds
nameSeeds = NameSeeds { seedTVar = 10, seedGoal = 0 }
@ -111,21 +112,21 @@ runInferM :: TVars a => InferInput -> InferM a -> IO (InferOutput a)
runInferM info (IM m) = SMT.withSolver (inpSolverConfig info) $ \solver ->
do coutner <- newIORef 0
rec ro <- return RO { iRange = inpRange info
, iVars = ExtVar (inpVars info)
, iTVars = []
, iTSyns = fmap mkExternal (inpTSyns info)
, iNewtypes = fmap mkExternal (inpNewtypes info)
, iParamTypes = Map.fromList $ map mkTyParam
$ inpParamTypes info
, iParamFuns = inpParamFuns info
, iParamConstraints = inpParamConstraints info
, iVars = ExtVar (inpVars info)
, iTVars = []
, iTSyns = fmap mkExternal (inpTSyns info)
, iNewtypes = fmap mkExternal (inpNewtypes info)
, iParamTypes = Map.fromList $ map mkTyParam
$ inpParamTypes info
, iParamFuns = inpParamFuns info
, iParamConstraints = inpParamConstraints info
, iSolvedHasLazy = iSolvedHas finalRW -- RECURSION
, iMonoBinds = inpMonoBinds info
, iSolver = solver
, iPrimNames = inpPrimNames info
, iSolveCounter = coutner
, iSolvedHasLazy = iSolvedHas finalRW -- RECURSION
, iMonoBinds = inpMonoBinds info
, iSolver = solver
, iPrimNames = inpPrimNames info
, iSolveCounter = coutner
(result, finalRW) <- runStateT rw
$ runReaderT ro m -- RECURSION

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@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ data Options = Options
defaultOptions :: Options
defaultOptions = Options
{ optCryptol = "cryptol-2"
{ optCryptol = "cryptol"
, optOther = []
, optHelp = False
, optResultDir = "output"