bump argo, minor rpc tweaks

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Kent 2021-03-01 13:19:00 -08:00
parent 665b1c7b5d
commit b2562b3d27
31 changed files with 208 additions and 692 deletions

.github/ci.sh vendored
View File

@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ check_docs() {
test_rpc() {
cabal v2-test cryptol-remote-api
./cry rpc-test
bundle_files() {

.gitmodules vendored
View File

@ -4,3 +4,6 @@
[submodule "deps/argo"]
path = deps/argo
url = https://github.com/galoisinc/argo
[submodule "cryptol-remote-api/test/galois-py-toolkit"]
path = cryptol-remote-api/test/galois-py-toolkit
url = https://github.com/GaloisInc/galois-py-toolkit.git

View File

@ -3,5 +3,3 @@ packages:

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ Available commands:
haddock Generate Haddock documentation
test Run some tests (may take a while)
quick-test Like "test" but run fewer tests by default
rpc-test Run RPC server tests
exe-path Print the location of the local executable
@ -83,6 +84,16 @@ case $COMMAND in
echo Running RPC server tests
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )"
if [ ! -d "$DIR/cryptol-remote-api/test/galois-py-toolkit/tests" ]; then
git submodule update --init $DIR/cryptol-remote-api
help) show_usage && exit 0 ;;
exe-path) cabal v2-exec which cryptol ;;

View File

@ -4,12 +4,19 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
module Main (main) where
import Control.Lens hiding (argument)
import Control.Lens ( view, set )
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import System.FilePath (splitSearchPath)
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
import Options.Applicative
( Parser,
value )
import Cryptol.Eval (EvalOpts(..), defaultPPOpts)
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem (ModuleInput(..), loadModuleByPath, loadModuleByName, meSolverConfig)
@ -19,24 +26,32 @@ import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.SMT as SMT
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident (ModName, modNameToText, textToModName, preludeName)
import Cryptol.Utils.Logger (quietLogger)
import Argo (MethodType(..), AppMethod, mkDefaultApp)
import Argo.DefaultMain
import Argo (AppMethod, mkApp, defaultAppOpts, StateMutability(PureState))
import Argo.DefaultMain ( customMain, userOptions )
import qualified Argo.Doc as Doc
import CryptolServer
import CryptolServer.Call
( ServerState, moduleEnv, initialState, setSearchPath, command )
import CryptolServer.Call ( call )
import CryptolServer.EvalExpr
( evalExpressionDescr, evalExpression )
import CryptolServer.FocusedModule
import CryptolServer.Names
import CryptolServer.TypeCheck
import CryptolServer.Sat
( focusedModuleDescr, focusedModule )
import CryptolServer.Names ( visibleNamesDescr, visibleNames )
import CryptolServer.TypeCheck ( checkType )
import CryptolServer.Sat ( proveSatDescr, proveSat )
main :: IO ()
main = customMain initMod initMod initMod initMod description buildApp
buildApp opts =
mkDefaultApp "Cryptol RPC Server" evalServerDocs (startingState (userOptions opts)) cryptolEvalMethods
"Cryptol RPC Server"
(defaultAppOpts PureState)
(startingState (userOptions opts))
startingState (StartingFile file) reader =
do paths <- getSearchPaths
@ -100,34 +115,28 @@ initMod = StartingFile <$> (Left <$> filename <|> Right . textToModName <$> modu
cryptolEvalMethods :: [AppMethod ServerState]
cryptolEvalMethods =
[ method
[ command
"focused module"
, method
, command
"evaluate expression"
, method
, command
(Doc.Paragraph [Doc.Text "Evaluate the result of calling a Cryptol function on one or more parameters."])
, method
, command
"visible names"
, method
, command
"check type"
(Doc.Paragraph [Doc.Text "Check and return the type of the given expression."])
, method
, command
"prove or satisfy"

View File

@ -7,8 +7,7 @@ author: David Thrane Christiansen
maintainer: dtc@galois.com
category: Language
extra-source-files: CHANGELOG.md
data-files: test-scripts/**/*.py
common warnings

View File

@ -7,26 +7,35 @@ module Main (main) where
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import System.FilePath (splitSearchPath)
import Argo (MethodType(..), AppMethod, mkDefaultApp)
import Argo.DefaultMain
import Argo (AppMethod, mkApp, defaultAppOpts, StateMutability( PureState ))
import Argo.DefaultMain (defaultMain)
import qualified Argo.Doc as Doc
import CryptolServer
import CryptolServer.Call
import CryptolServer.ChangeDir
( command, initialState, setSearchPath, ServerState )
import CryptolServer.Call ( call, callDescr )
import CryptolServer.ChangeDir ( cd, cdDescr )
import CryptolServer.EvalExpr
( evalExpression, evalExpressionDescr )
import CryptolServer.FocusedModule
( focusedModule, focusedModuleDescr )
import CryptolServer.LoadModule
import CryptolServer.Names
import CryptolServer.Sat
import CryptolServer.TypeCheck
( loadFile, loadFileDescr, loadModule, loadModuleDescr )
import CryptolServer.Names ( visibleNames, visibleNamesDescr )
import CryptolServer.Sat ( proveSat, proveSatDescr )
import CryptolServer.TypeCheck ( checkType, checkTypeDescr )
main :: IO ()
main =
do paths <- getSearchPaths
initSt <- setSearchPath paths <$> initialState
theApp <- mkDefaultApp "Cryptol RPC Server" serverDocs (const (pure initSt)) cryptolMethods
theApp <- mkApp
"Cryptol RPC Server"
(defaultAppOpts PureState)
(const (pure initSt))
defaultMain description theApp
serverDocs :: [Doc.Block]
@ -46,49 +55,40 @@ getSearchPaths =
cryptolMethods :: [AppMethod ServerState]
cryptolMethods =
[ method
[ command
"change directory"
, method
, command
"load module"
, method
, command
"load file"
, method
, command
"focused module"
, method
, command
"evaluate expression"
, method
, command
, method
, command
"visible names"
, method
, command
"check type"
, method
, command
"prove or satisfy"

View File

@ -22,46 +22,65 @@ import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.SMT as SMT
import qualified Argo
import qualified Argo.Doc as Doc
import CryptolServer.Exceptions
import CryptolServer.Exceptions ( cryptolError )
import CryptolServer.Options
( WithOptions(WithOptions), Options(Options, optEvalOpts) )
newtype CryptolMethod a = CryptolMethod { runCryptolMethod :: Options -> Argo.Method ServerState a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO) via ReaderT Options (Argo.Method ServerState)
newtype CryptolCommand a = CryptolCommand { runCryptolCommand :: Options -> Argo.Command ServerState a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO) via ReaderT Options (Argo.Command ServerState)
method ::
newtype CryptolNotification a = CryptolNotification { runCryptolNotification :: Options -> Argo.Notification a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO) via ReaderT Options Argo.Notification
command ::
forall params result.
(JSON.FromJSON params, JSON.ToJSON result, Doc.DescribedParams params) =>
Text ->
Argo.MethodType ->
Doc.Block ->
(params -> CryptolMethod result) ->
(params -> CryptolCommand result) ->
Argo.AppMethod ServerState
method name ty doc f = Argo.method name ty doc f'
where f' (WithOptions opts params) = runCryptolMethod (f params) opts
command name doc f = Argo.command name doc f'
where f' (WithOptions opts params) = runCryptolCommand (f params) opts
getOptions :: CryptolMethod Options
getOptions = CryptolMethod pure
notification ::
forall params.
(JSON.FromJSON params, Doc.DescribedParams params) =>
Text ->
Doc.Block ->
(params -> CryptolNotification ()) ->
Argo.AppMethod ServerState
notification name doc f = Argo.notification name doc f'
where f' (WithOptions opts params) = runCryptolNotification (f params) opts
getEvalOpts :: CryptolMethod EvalOpts
getEvalOpts = optEvalOpts <$> getOptions
class CryptolMethod m where
getOptions :: m Options
getEvalOpts :: m EvalOpts
raise :: Argo.JSONRPCException -> m a
raise :: Argo.JSONRPCException -> CryptolMethod a
raise = CryptolMethod . const . Argo.raise
instance CryptolMethod CryptolCommand where
getOptions = CryptolCommand pure
getEvalOpts = optEvalOpts <$> getOptions
raise = CryptolCommand . const . Argo.raise
getModuleEnv :: CryptolMethod ModuleEnv
getModuleEnv =
CryptolMethod $ const $ view moduleEnv <$> Argo.getState
instance CryptolMethod CryptolNotification where
getOptions = CryptolNotification pure
getEvalOpts = optEvalOpts <$> getOptions
raise = CryptolNotification . const . Argo.raise
setModuleEnv :: ModuleEnv -> CryptolMethod ()
getModuleEnv :: CryptolCommand ModuleEnv
getModuleEnv = CryptolCommand $ const $ view moduleEnv <$> Argo.getState
setModuleEnv :: ModuleEnv -> CryptolCommand ()
setModuleEnv me =
CryptolMethod $ const $ Argo.getState >>= \s -> Argo.setState (set moduleEnv me s)
CryptolCommand $ const $ Argo.getState >>= \s -> Argo.setState (set moduleEnv me s)
runModuleCmd :: ModuleCmd a -> CryptolMethod a
runModuleCmd :: ModuleCmd a -> CryptolCommand a
runModuleCmd cmd =
do Options callStacks evOpts <- getOptions
s <- CryptolMethod $ const Argo.getState
reader <- CryptolMethod $ const Argo.getFileReader
s <- CryptolCommand $ const Argo.getState
reader <- CryptolCommand $ const Argo.getFileReader
let minp solver = ModuleInput
{ minpCallStacks = callStacks
, minpEvalOpts = pure evOpts

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ callDescr =
[Doc.Text "Evaluate the result of calling a Cryptol function on one or more parameters."]
call :: CallParams -> CryptolMethod JSON.Value
call :: CallParams -> CryptolCommand JSON.Value
call (CallParams rawFun rawArgs) =
do fun <- getExpr rawFun
args <- traverse getExpr rawArgs

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ cdDescr :: Doc.Block
cdDescr = Doc.Paragraph
[Doc.Text "Changes the server's working directory to the given path."]
cd :: ChangeDirectoryParams -> CryptolMethod ()
cd :: ChangeDirectoryParams -> CryptolCommand ()
cd (ChangeDirectoryParams newDir) =
do exists <- liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist newDir
if exists

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ import Cryptol.Parser.Selector
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident
import Cryptol.Utils.RecordMap (recordFromFields, canonicalFields)
import Argo
import CryptolServer
import CryptolServer.Exceptions
import CryptolServer.Data.Type
@ -231,20 +231,20 @@ instance JSON.ToJSON Expression where
toJSON gen
decode :: Encoding -> Text -> CryptolMethod Integer
decode :: (Argo.Method m, Monad m) => Encoding -> Text -> m Integer
decode Base64 txt =
let bytes = encodeUtf8 txt
case Base64.decode bytes of
Left err ->
raise (invalidBase64 bytes err)
Argo.raise (invalidBase64 bytes err)
Right decoded -> return $ bytesToInt decoded
decode Hex txt =
squish <$> traverse hexDigit (T.unpack txt)
squish = foldl (\acc i -> (acc * 16) + i) 0
hexDigit :: Num a => Char -> CryptolMethod a
hexDigit :: (Argo.Method m, Monad m) => Num a => Char -> m a
hexDigit '0' = pure 0
hexDigit '1' = pure 1
hexDigit '2' = pure 2
@ -267,50 +267,54 @@ hexDigit 'e' = pure 14
hexDigit 'E' = pure 14
hexDigit 'f' = pure 15
hexDigit 'F' = pure 15
hexDigit c = raise (invalidHex c)
hexDigit c = Argo.raise (invalidHex c)
getExpr :: Expression -> CryptolMethod (Expr PName)
getExpr Unit =
getExpr :: Expression -> CryptolCommand (Expr PName)
getExpr = CryptolCommand . const . getCryptolExpr
-- N.B., used in SAWServer as well, hence the more generic monad
getCryptolExpr :: (Argo.Method m, Monad m) => Expression -> m (Expr PName)
getCryptolExpr Unit =
return $
(ETuple [])
(TTuple [])
getExpr (Bit b) =
getCryptolExpr (Bit b) =
return $
(EVar (UnQual (mkIdent $ if b then "True" else "False")))
getExpr (Integer i) =
getCryptolExpr (Integer i) =
return $
(ELit (ECNum i (DecLit (pack (show i)))))
(TUser (UnQual (mkIdent "Integer")) [])
getExpr (IntegerModulo i n) =
getCryptolExpr (IntegerModulo i n) =
return $
(ELit (ECNum i (DecLit (pack (show i)))))
(TUser (UnQual (mkIdent "Z")) [TNum n])
getExpr (Num enc txt w) =
getCryptolExpr (Num enc txt w) =
do d <- decode enc txt
return $ ETyped
(ELit (ECNum d (DecLit txt)))
(TSeq (TNum w) TBit)
getExpr (Record fields) =
getCryptolExpr (Record fields) =
fmap (ERecord . recordFromFields) $ for (HM.toList fields) $
\(recName, spec) ->
(mkIdent recName,) . (emptyRange,) <$> getExpr spec
getExpr (Sequence elts) =
EList <$> traverse getExpr elts
getExpr (Tuple projs) =
ETuple <$> traverse getExpr projs
getExpr (Concrete syntax) =
(mkIdent recName,) . (emptyRange,) <$> getCryptolExpr spec
getCryptolExpr (Sequence elts) =
EList <$> traverse getCryptolExpr elts
getCryptolExpr (Tuple projs) =
ETuple <$> traverse getCryptolExpr projs
getCryptolExpr (Concrete syntax) =
case parseExpr syntax of
Left err ->
raise (cryptolParseErr syntax err)
Argo.raise (cryptolParseErr syntax err)
Right e -> pure e
getExpr (Let binds body) =
EWhere <$> getExpr body <*> traverse mkBind binds
getCryptolExpr (Let binds body) =
EWhere <$> getCryptolExpr body <*> traverse mkBind binds
mkBind (LetBinding x rhs) =
DBind .
@ -318,15 +322,15 @@ getExpr (Let binds body) =
Bind (fakeLoc (UnQual (mkIdent x))) [] bindBody Nothing False Nothing [] True Nothing) .
fakeLoc .
DExpr <$>
getExpr rhs
getCryptolExpr rhs
fakeLoc = Located emptyRange
getExpr (Application fun (arg :| [])) =
EApp <$> getExpr fun <*> getExpr arg
getExpr (Application fun (arg1 :| (arg : args))) =
getExpr (Application (Application fun (arg1 :| [])) (arg :| args))
getExpr (TypeApplication gen (TypeArguments args)) =
EAppT <$> getExpr gen <*> pure (map inst (Map.toList args))
getCryptolExpr (Application fun (arg :| [])) =
EApp <$> getCryptolExpr fun <*> getCryptolExpr arg
getCryptolExpr (Application fun (arg1 :| (arg : args))) =
getCryptolExpr (Application (Application fun (arg1 :| [])) (arg :| args))
getCryptolExpr (TypeApplication gen (TypeArguments args)) =
EAppT <$> getCryptolExpr gen <*> pure (map inst (Map.toList args))
inst (n, t) = NamedInst (Named (Located emptyRange n) (unJSONPType t))
@ -391,7 +395,7 @@ readBack ty val =
observe :: Eval a -> CryptolMethod a
observe :: Eval a -> CryptolCommand a
observe e = liftIO (runEval mempty e)
mkEApp :: Expr PName -> [Expr PName] -> Expr PName

View File

@ -32,12 +32,12 @@ evalExpressionDescr :: Doc.Block
evalExpressionDescr =
Doc.Paragraph [Doc.Text "Evaluate the Cryptol expression to a value."]
evalExpression :: EvalExprParams -> CryptolMethod JSON.Value
evalExpression :: EvalExprParams -> CryptolCommand JSON.Value
evalExpression (EvalExprParams jsonExpr) =
do e <- getExpr jsonExpr
evalExpression' e
evalExpression' :: P.Expr PName -> CryptolMethod JSON.Value
evalExpression' :: P.Expr PName -> CryptolCommand JSON.Value
evalExpression' e =
do (_expr, ty, schema) <- runModuleCmd (checkExpr e)
-- TODO: see Cryptol REPL for how to check whether we

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ focusedModuleDescr =
[Doc.Text "The 'current' module. Used to decide how to print names, for example."]
focusedModule :: FocusedModParams -> CryptolMethod JSON.Value
focusedModule :: FocusedModParams -> CryptolCommand JSON.Value
focusedModule _ =
do me <- getModuleEnv
case meFocusedModule me of

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import CryptolServer
loadFileDescr :: Doc.Block
loadFileDescr = Doc.Paragraph [Doc.Text "Load the specified module (by file path)."]
loadFile :: LoadFileParams -> CryptolMethod ()
loadFile :: LoadFileParams -> CryptolCommand ()
loadFile (LoadFileParams fn) =
void $ runModuleCmd (loadModuleByPath fn)
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ instance Doc.DescribedParams LoadFileParams where
loadModuleDescr :: Doc.Block
loadModuleDescr = Doc.Paragraph [Doc.Text "Load the specified module (by name)."]
loadModule :: LoadModuleParams -> CryptolMethod ()
loadModule :: LoadModuleParams -> CryptolCommand ()
loadModule (LoadModuleParams mn) =
void $ runModuleCmd (loadModuleByName mn)

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ visibleNamesDescr :: Doc.Block
visibleNamesDescr =
Doc.Paragraph [Doc.Text "List the currently visible (i.e., in scope) names."]
visibleNames :: VisibleNamesParams -> CryptolMethod [NameInfo]
visibleNames :: VisibleNamesParams -> CryptolCommand [NameInfo]
visibleNames _ =
do me <- getModuleEnv
let DEnv { deNames = dyNames } = meDynEnv me

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ proveSatDescr =
[ Doc.Text "Find a value which satisfies the given predicate, or show that it is valid."
, Doc.Text "(i.e., find a value which when passed as the argument produces true or show that for all possible arguments the predicate will produce true)."]
proveSat :: ProveSatParams -> CryptolMethod ProveSatResult
proveSat :: ProveSatParams -> CryptolCommand ProveSatResult
proveSat (ProveSatParams queryType (Prover name) jsonExpr) =
do e <- getExpr jsonExpr
(_expr, ty, schema) <- runModuleCmd (checkExpr e)
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ proveSat (ProveSatParams queryType (Prover name) jsonExpr) =
Satisfied <$> traverse satResult results
satResult :: [(TValue, Expr, Value)] -> CryptolMethod [(JSONType, Expression)]
satResult :: [(TValue, Expr, Value)] -> CryptolCommand [(JSONType, Expression)]
satResult es = traverse result es
result (t, _, v) =

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ checkTypeDescr :: Doc.Block
checkTypeDescr =
Doc.Paragraph [Doc.Text "Check and return the type of the given expression."]
checkType :: TypeCheckParams -> CryptolMethod JSON.Value
checkType :: TypeCheckParams -> CryptolCommand JSON.Value
checkType (TypeCheckParams e) =
do e' <- getExpr e
(_expr, _ty, schema) <- runModuleCmd (checkExpr e')

View File

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
module Foo where
import Id as Id
id : {a} a -> a
id x = x
x : [8]
x = 255
add : {a} (fin a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
add = (+)
foo : {foo : [32], bar : [32]}
foo = {foo = 23, bar = 99}
getFoo : {foo : [32], bar : [32]} -> [32]
getFoo x = x.foo
op1 : {n} (fin n) => [n] -> [n + 1]
op1 a = 0
op2 : {n} (fin n) => [n] -> [n - n]
op2 a = 0
op3 : {n} (fin n) => [n] -> [n * 1]
op3 a = 0
op4 : {n} (fin n) => [n] -> [n / 1]
op4 a = 0
op5 : {n} (fin n) => [n] -> [n % 1]
op5 a = 0
op6 : {n} (fin n) => [n] -> [n ^^ 1]
op6 a = 0
op7 : {n} (fin n) => [n] -> [n /^ 1]
op7 a = 0
op8 : {n} (fin n) => [n] -> [width n]
op8 a = 0
op9 : {n} (fin n) => [n] -> [max n 1]
op9 a = 0
op10 : {n} (fin n) => [n] -> [min 1 n]
op10 a = 0
op11 : {n} (fin n) => [n] -> [lg2 n]
op11 a = 0
isSqrtOf9 : [8] -> Bit
isSqrtOf9 x = x*x == 9

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
module Id where
id : {n} (fin n) => [n] -> [n]
id a = a

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
module Inst =
Param where
type w = 8

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
module Param where
type w : #
type constraint (fin w)
foo : [w] -> [2 * w]
foo x = x # x

View File

@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
import os
import unittest
from cryptol import CryptolConnection, CryptolContext, cry
import cryptol
import cryptol.cryptoltypes
from cryptol import solver
from cryptol.bitvector import BV
from BitVector import *
dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
c = cryptol.connect("cryptol-remote-api socket")
class CryptolTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_low_level(self):
x_val = c.evaluate_expression("x").result()
self.assertEqual(c.evaluate_expression("Id::id x").result(), x_val)
self.assertEqual(c.call('Id::id', bytes.fromhex('ff')).result(), BV(8,255))
self.assertEqual(c.call('add', b'\0', b'\1').result(), BV(8,1))
self.assertEqual(c.call('add', bytes.fromhex('ff'), bytes.fromhex('03')).result(), BV(8,2))
def test_module_import(self):
cryptol.add_cryptol_module('Foo', c)
from Foo import add
self.assertEqual(add(b'\2', 2), BV(8,4))
self.assertEqual(add(BitVector( intVal = 0, size = 8 ), BitVector( intVal = 1, size = 8 )), BV(8,1))
self.assertEqual(add(BitVector( intVal = 1, size = 8 ), BitVector( intVal = 2, size = 8 )), BV(8,3))
self.assertEqual(add(BitVector( intVal = 255, size = 8 ), BitVector( intVal = 1, size = 8 )), BV(8,0))
self.assertEqual(add(BV(8,0), BV(8,1)), BV(8,1))
self.assertEqual(add(BV(8,1), BV(8,2)), BV(8,3))
self.assertEqual(add(BV(8,255), BV(8,1)), BV(8,0))
def test_sat(self):
# test a single sat model can be returned
rootsOf9 = c.sat('isSqrtOf9').result()
self.assertEqual(len(rootsOf9), 1)
self.assertTrue(int(rootsOf9[0]) ** 2 % 256, 9)
# check we can specify the solver
rootsOf9 = c.sat('isSqrtOf9', solver = solver.ANY).result()
self.assertEqual(len(rootsOf9), 1)
self.assertTrue(int(rootsOf9[0]) ** 2 % 256, 9)
# check we can ask for a specific number of results
rootsOf9 = c.sat('isSqrtOf9', count = 3).result()
self.assertEqual(len(rootsOf9), 3)
self.assertEqual([int(root) ** 2 % 256 for root in rootsOf9], [9,9,9])
# check we can ask for all results
rootsOf9 = c.sat('isSqrtOf9', count = None).result()
self.assertEqual(len(rootsOf9), 4)
self.assertEqual([int(root) ** 2 % 256 for root in rootsOf9], [9,9,9,9])
# check for an unsat condition
self.assertFalse(c.sat('\\x -> isSqrtOf9 x && ~(elem x [3,131,125,253])').result())
# check for a valid condition
self.assertTrue(c.prove('\\x -> isSqrtOf9 x ==> elem x [3,131,125,253]').result())

View File

@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
import os
from pathlib import Path
import signal
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import argo.connection as argo
import cryptol
from cryptol import CryptolConnection, CryptolContext, cry
dir_path = Path(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
cryptol_path = dir_path.joinpath('test-data')
def low_level_api_test(c):
id_1 = c.send_command("load module", {"module name": "M", "state": None})
reply_1 = c.wait_for_reply_to(id_1)
assert('result' in reply_1)
assert('state' in reply_1['result'])
assert('answer' in reply_1['result'])
state_1 = reply_1['result']['state']
id_2 = c.send_query("evaluate expression", {"expression": {"expression":"call","function":"f","arguments":[{"expression":"bits","encoding":"hex","data":"ff","width":8}]}, "state": state_1})
reply_2 = c.wait_for_reply_to(id_2)
assert('result' in reply_2)
assert('answer' in reply_2['result'])
assert('value' in reply_2['result']['answer'])
assert(reply_2['result']['answer']['value'] ==
{'data': [{'data': 'ff', 'width': 8, 'expression': 'bits', 'encoding': 'hex'},
{'data': 'ff', 'width': 8, 'expression': 'bits', 'encoding': 'hex'}],
'expression': 'sequence'})
id_3 = c.send_query("evaluate expression", {"expression": {"expression":"call","function":"g","arguments":[{"expression":"bits","encoding":"hex","data":"ff","width":8}]}, "state": state_1})
reply_3 = c.wait_for_reply_to(id_3)
assert('result' in reply_3)
assert('answer' in reply_3['result'])
assert('value' in reply_3['result']['answer'])
assert(reply_3['result']['answer']['value'] ==
{'data': [{'data': 'ff', 'width': 8, 'expression': 'bits', 'encoding': 'hex'},
{'data': 'ff', 'width': 8, 'expression': 'bits', 'encoding': 'hex'}],
'expression': 'sequence'})
id_4 = c.send_query("evaluate expression", {"expression":{"expression":"call","function":"h","arguments":[{"expression":"sequence","data":[{"expression":"bits","encoding":"hex","data":"ff","width":8},{"expression":"bits","encoding":"hex","data":"ff","width":8}]}]}, "state": state_1})
reply_4 = c.wait_for_reply_to(id_4)
assert('result' in reply_4)
assert('answer' in reply_4['result'])
assert('value' in reply_4['result']['answer'])
assert(reply_4['result']['answer']['value'] ==
{'data': [{'data': 'ff', 'width': 8, 'expression': 'bits', 'encoding': 'hex'},
{'data': 'ff', 'width': 8, 'expression': 'bits', 'encoding': 'hex'}],
'expression': 'sequence'})
a_record = {"expression": "record",
"data": {"unit": "()",
"fifteen": {"expression": "bits",
"encoding": "hex",
"width": 4,
"data": "f"}}}
id_5 = c.send_query("evaluate expression", {"state": state_1, "expression": a_record})
reply_5 = c.wait_for_reply_to(id_5)
assert('result' in reply_5)
assert('answer' in reply_5['result'])
assert('value' in reply_5['result']['answer'])
assert(reply_5['result']['answer']['value'] ==
{'expression': 'record',
'data': {'fifteen':
{'data': 'f',
'width': 4,
'expression': 'bits',
'encoding': 'hex'},
{'expression': 'unit'}}})
id_6 = c.send_query("evaluate expression",
{"state": state_1,
"expression": {"expression": "let",
"binders": [{"name": "theRecord", "definition": a_record}],
"body": {"expression": "tuple",
"data": [a_record, "theRecord"]}}})
reply_6 = c.wait_for_reply_to(id_6)
assert('result' in reply_6)
assert('answer' in reply_6['result'])
assert('value' in reply_6['result']['answer'])
assert(reply_6['result']['answer']['value'] ==
{'expression': 'tuple',
'data': [{'data': {'fifteen': {'data': 'f', 'width': 4, 'expression': 'bits', 'encoding': 'hex'},
'unit': {'expression': 'unit'}},
'expression': 'record'},
{'data': {'fifteen': {'data': 'f', 'width': 4, 'expression': 'bits', 'encoding': 'hex'},
'unit': {'expression': 'unit'}},
'expression': 'record'}]})
id_7 = c.send_query("evaluate expression",
{"state": state_1,
"expression": {"expression": "sequence",
"data": [a_record, a_record]}})
reply_7 = c.wait_for_reply_to(id_7)
assert('result' in reply_7)
assert('answer' in reply_7['result'])
assert('value' in reply_7['result']['answer'])
assert(reply_7['result']['answer']['value'] ==
{'expression': 'sequence',
'data': [{'data': {'fifteen': {'data': 'f', 'width': 4, 'expression': 'bits', 'encoding': 'hex'},
'unit': {'expression': 'unit'}},
'expression': 'record'},
{'data': {'fifteen': {'data': 'f', 'width': 4, 'expression': 'bits', 'encoding': 'hex'},
'unit': {'expression': 'unit'}},
'expression': 'record'}]})
id_8 = c.send_query("evaluate expression",
{"state": state_1,
"expression": {"expression": "integer modulo",
"integer": 14,
"modulus": 42}})
reply_8 = c.wait_for_reply_to(id_8)
assert('result' in reply_8)
assert('answer' in reply_8['result'])
assert('value' in reply_8['result']['answer'])
assert(reply_8['result']['answer']['value'] ==
{"expression": "integer modulo",
"integer": 14,
"modulus": 42})
id_9 = c.send_query("evaluate expression",
{"state": state_1,
"expression": "m `{a=60}"})
reply_9 = c.wait_for_reply_to(id_9)
assert('result' in reply_9)
assert('answer' in reply_9['result'])
assert('value' in reply_9['result']['answer'])
assert(reply_9['result']['answer']['value'] ==
{"expression": "integer modulo",
"integer": 42,
"modulus": 60})
id_10 = c.send_query("evaluate expression", {"state": state_1, "expression": "two"})
reply_10 = c.wait_for_reply_to(id_10)
assert('result' in reply_10)
assert('answer' in reply_10['result'])
assert('value' in reply_10['result']['answer'])
assert(reply_10['result']['answer']['value'] == {'data': '0002', 'width': 15, 'expression': 'bits', 'encoding': 'hex'})
id_11 = c.send_query("evaluate expression", {"state": state_1, "expression": "three"})
reply_11 = c.wait_for_reply_to(id_11)
assert('result' in reply_11)
assert('answer' in reply_11['result'])
assert('value' in reply_11['result']['answer'])
assert(reply_11['result']['answer']['value'] == {'data': '0003', 'width': 16, 'expression': 'bits', 'encoding': 'hex'})
id_12 = c.send_query("evaluate expression", {"state": state_1, "expression": "four"})
reply_12 = c.wait_for_reply_to(id_12)
assert('result' in reply_12)
assert('answer' in reply_12['result'])
assert('value' in reply_12['result']['answer'])
assert(reply_12['result']['answer']['value'] == {'data': '00004', 'width': 17, 'expression': 'bits', 'encoding': 'hex'})
# Test empty options
def test_options(options):
id_opt = c.send_query("evaluate expression", {"state": state_1, "expression": "four", "options": options})
reply_opt = c.wait_for_reply_to(id_opt)
assert('result' in reply_opt)
assert('answer' in reply_opt['result'])
assert('value' in reply_opt['result']['answer'])
assert(reply_opt['result']['answer']['value'] == {'data': '00004', 'width': 17, 'expression': 'bits', 'encoding': 'hex'})
test_options({"call stacks": True})
test_options({"call stacks": False})
test_options({"call stacks": False, "output": dict()})
test_options({"call stacks": False, "output": {"ASCII": True}})
test_options({"call stacks": False, "output": {"base": 16}})
test_options({"call stacks": False, "output": {"prefix of infinite lengths": 3}})
def test_instantiation(t, expected=None):
if expected is None: expected = t
id_t = c.send_query("check type", {"state": state_1, "expression": {"expression": "instantiate", "generic": "id", "arguments": {"a": t}}})
reply_t = c.wait_for_reply_to(id_t)
assert('result' in reply_t)
assert('answer' in reply_t['result'])
assert('type schema' in reply_t['result']['answer'])
assert(reply_t['result']['answer']['type schema']['type']['domain'] == expected)
# These test both the type instantiation form and the serialization/deserialization of the types involved
test_instantiation({"type": "Integer"})
test_instantiation({"type": "record",
"fields": {'a': {'type': 'Integer'},
'b': {'type': 'sequence', 'length': {'type': 'inf'}, 'contents': {'type': 'unit'}}}})
test_instantiation({'type': 'sequence',
'length': {'type': 'number', 'value': 42},
'contents': {'type': 'Rational'}})
test_instantiation({'type': 'bitvector',
'width': {'type': 'number', 'value': 432}})
test_instantiation({'type': 'variable',
'name': 'Word8'},
{'type': 'bitvector',
'width': {'type': 'number', 'value': 8}})
test_instantiation({'type': 'variable',
'name': 'Twenty',
'arguments': [{'type': 'Z', 'modulus': {'type': 'number', 'value': 5}}]},
{ 'type': 'sequence',
'length': {'value': 20, 'type': 'number'},
'contents': {'type': 'Z', 'modulus': {'value': 5, 'type': 'number'}}})
# Test with both sockets and stdio
c1 = argo.ServerConnection(
"cryptol-remote-api socket",
c2 = argo.ServerConnection(
"cryptol-remote-api stdio",
env = os.environ.copy()
env['CRYPTOLPATH'] = cryptol_path
p = subprocess.Popen(
["cryptol-remote-api", "socket", "--port", "50005"],
assert(p is not None)
assert(p.poll() is None)
c3 = argo.ServerConnection(
argo.RemoteSocketProcess('localhost', 50005, ipv6=True))
os.killpg(os.getpgid(p.pid), signal.SIGKILL)

View File

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
import os
from pathlib import Path
import signal
import subprocess
import time
import argo.connection as argo
import cryptol
dir_path = Path(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
cryptol_path = dir_path.joinpath('test-data')
env = os.environ.copy()
env['CRYPTOLPATH'] = cryptol_path
p = subprocess.Popen(
["cabal", "v2-exec", "cryptol-eval-server", "--verbose=0", "--", "http", "/", "--port", "50005", "--module", "M"],
assert(p is not None)
poll_result = p.poll()
if poll_result is not None:
assert(poll_result is None)
c = argo.ServerConnection(argo.HttpProcess('http://localhost:50005/'))
mid = c.send_query("evaluate expression", {"expression": {"expression":"call","function":"f","arguments":[{"expression":"bits","encoding":"hex","data":"ff","width":8}]}, "state": None})
reply = c.wait_for_reply_to(mid)
assert('result' in reply)
assert('answer' in reply['result'])
assert('value' in reply['result']['answer'])
assert(reply['result']['answer']['value'] ==
{'data': [{'data': 'ff', 'width': 8, 'expression': 'bits', 'encoding': 'hex'},
{'data': 'ff', 'width': 8, 'expression': 'bits', 'encoding': 'hex'}],
'expression': 'sequence'})
os.killpg(os.getpgid(p.pid), signal.SIGKILL)

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
module M where
f : [8] -> [2][8]
f x = repeat x
g : [8] -> [2][8]
g x = [x, x]
h : [2][8] -> [2][8]
h x = x
m : {a} (fin a, a > 42) => Z a
m = 42
two : [15]
two = 2
three : [16]
three = 3
four : [17]
four = 4
id : {a} a -> a
id x = x
type Word8 = [8]
type Twenty a = [20]a

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
FROM python:3.7
# Intended to be built from the root of the cryptol git repository
COPY deps/argo argo
RUN pip3 install -r argo/python/requirements.txt
RUN pip3 install -e argo/python
COPY cryptol-remote-api/test/test-cryptol-remote-api.py /entrypoint.py
ENTRYPOINT ["python3", "/entrypoint.py"]

View File

@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Main (main) where
import Data.Aeson as JSON (fromJSON, toJSON, Result(..))
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.List.NonEmpty(NonEmpty(..))
import System.Directory (findExecutable)
import Test.QuickCheck.Instances.Text()
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit.ScriptExit
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
import CryptolServer.Call
import Argo.PythonBindings
import Paths_cryptol_remote_api
exeExists :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
exeExists e = findExecutable e >>=
maybe (assertFailure $ e <> " executable not found") pure
main :: IO ()
main =
do reqs <- getArgoPythonFile "requirements.txt"
sequence_ [exeExists "z3", exeExists "cryptol-remote-api", exeExists "cryptol-eval-server"]
withPython3venv (Just reqs) $ \pip python ->
do pySrc <- getArgoPythonFile "."
testScriptsDir <- getDataFileName "test-scripts/"
pip ["install", pySrc]
putStrLn "pipped"
scriptTests <- makeScriptTests testScriptsDir [python]
defaultMain $
testGroup "Tests for saw-remote-api"
[ testGroup "Scripting API tests" scriptTests
, callMsgProps
instance Arbitrary Encoding where
arbitrary = oneof [pure Hex, pure Base64]
instance Arbitrary Expression where
arbitrary = sized spec
spec n
| n <= 0 =
oneof [ Bit <$> arbitrary
, pure Unit
, Num <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
, Integer <$> arbitrary
-- NB: The following case will not generate
-- syntactically valid Cryptol. But for testing
-- round-tripping of the JSON, and coverage of various
-- functions, it's better than nothing.
, Concrete <$> arbitrary
| otherwise =
choose (2, n) >>=
\len ->
let sub = n `div` len
oneof [ Record . HM.fromList <$> vectorOf len ((,) <$> arbitrary <*> spec sub)
, Sequence <$> vectorOf len (spec sub)
, Tuple <$> vectorOf len (spec sub)
-- NB: Will not make valid identifiers, so if we
-- ever insert validation, then this will need to
-- change.
, Let <$> vectorOf len (LetBinding <$> arbitrary <*> spec sub) <*> spec sub
, Application <$> spec sub <*> ((:|) <$> spec sub <*> vectorOf len (spec sub))
callMsgProps :: TestTree
callMsgProps =
testGroup "QuickCheck properties for the \"call\" message"
[ testProperty "encoding and decoding arg specs is the identity" $
\(spec :: Expression) ->
case fromJSON (toJSON spec) of
JSON.Success v -> spec == v
JSON.Error _ -> False

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Subproject commit 08413dbd48fb601b45b398de73218b9de2b95985

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )"
if [ ! -d "$DIR/galois-py-toolkit/tests" ]; then
echo "ERROR: could not find the python test directory -- is the galois-py-toolkit submodule initialzed?"
exit 1
pushd $DIR/galois-py-toolkit
echo "Setting up python environment for remote server clients..."
python3 -m venv virtenv
. virtenv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
export CRYPTOL_SERVER=$(cabal v2-exec which cryptol-remote-api)
echo "Running cryptol-remote-api tests..."
echo "Using server $CRYPTOL_SERVER"
python3 -m unittest discover tests/cryptol
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Running cryptol-eval-server tests..."
export CRYPTOL_SERVER=$(cabal v2-exec which cryptol-eval-server)
echo "Using server $CRYPTOL_SERVER"
python3 -m unittest discover tests/cryptol_eval
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
if [ $NUM_FAILS -eq 0 ]
echo "All RPC tests passed"
exit 0
echo "Some RPC tests failed"
exit 1

View File

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
import sys
import argo.connection as argo
import cryptol
connType = sys.argv[1]
host = sys.argv[2]
port = int(sys.argv[3])
if connType == 'socket':
c = cryptol.connect(argo.RemoteSocketProcess(host, port=port, ipv6=False))
elif connType == 'http':
c = cryptol.CryptolConnection(argo.ServerConnection(argo.HttpProcess(url="http://%s:%d/" % (host,port))))
raise Exception('specify socket or http for connection type')
assert c.evaluate_expression("1+1").result()['value'] == 2

deps/argo vendored

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit a1766950a3ddbb23e4a8d4c6eedecaa385959347
Subproject commit 371fb3ff98da581ea2a20d80b454ab62e98e5a45