mirror of
synced 2025-01-05 15:07:12 +03:00
Merge branch 'master' of cryptol into new-eval
This commit is contained in:
@ -51,7 +51,6 @@ library
directory >= 1.2,
filepath >= 1.3,
gitrev >= 1.0,
generic-trie >=,
GraphSCC >= 1.0.4,
heredoc >= 0.2,
monad-control >= 1.0,
@ -168,8 +167,6 @@ library
GHC-options: -Wall -O2 -fsimpl-tick-factor=140
-- the `fsimpl-tick-factor` is needed to finish optimizing the
-- generic trie.
ghc-prof-options: -fprof-auto -prof
if flag(relocatable)
@ -82,7 +82,6 @@ SHA256MessageSchedule : [16][32] -> [64][32]
SHA256MessageSchedule M = W where
W = M # [ s1 (W@(j-2)) + (W@(j-7)) + s0 (W@(j-15)) + (W@(j-16)) | j <- [16 .. 63]:[_][8] ]
SHA256Compress : [8][32] -> [64][32] -> [8][32]
SHA256Compress H W = [as!0 + H@0, bs!0 + H@1, cs!0 + H@2, ds!0 + H@3, es!0 + H@4, fs!0 + H@5, gs!0 + H@6, hs!0 + H@7] where
T1 = [h + S1 e + Ch e f g + k + w | h <- hs | e <- es | f <- fs | g <- gs | k <- K | w <- W]
@ -99,7 +98,7 @@ SHA256Compress H W = [as!0 + H@0, bs!0 + H@1, cs!0 + H@2, ds!0 + H@3, es!0 + H@4
* The SHA256' function hashes a preprocessed sequence of blocks with the
* compression function. The SHA256 function hashes a sequence of bytes, and
* is more likely the function that will be similar to those seein in an
* is more likely the function that will be similar to those see in in an
* implementation to be verified.
@ -108,7 +107,7 @@ SHA256' blocks = hash!0 where
hash = [H0] # [SHA256Compress h (SHA256MessageSchedule b) | h <- hash | b <- blocks]
SHA256 : {a} (fin a, 64 >= width (8*a)) => [a][8] -> [256]
SHA256 msg = join (SHA256' [ split x | x <- preprocess(join msg)])
SHA256 msg = join (SHA256' [ split x | x <- preprocess(join msg)])
property katsPass = ~zero == [test == kat | (test,kat) <- kats ]
@ -84,11 +84,6 @@ renameModule :: P.Module PName
-> ModuleM (IfaceDecls,R.NamingEnv,P.Module Name)
renameModule m = do
(decls,menv) <- importIfaces (map thing (P.mImports m))
let (es,ws) = R.checkNamingEnv menv
renamerWarnings ws
unless (null es) (renamerErrors es)
(declsEnv,rm) <- rename (thing (mName m)) menv (R.renameModule m)
return (decls,declsEnv,rm)
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ import Cryptol.Utils.PP
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import MonadLib hiding (mapM)
import MonadLib hiding (mapM, mapM_)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Control.DeepSeq
@ -77,8 +77,11 @@ data RenamerError
| InvalidConstraint (Type PName) NameDisp
-- ^ When it's not possible to produce a Prop from a Type.
| MalformedConstraint (Located (Type PName)) NameDisp
-- ^ When a constraint appears within another constraint
| MalformedBuiltin (Type PName) PName NameDisp
-- ^ When a builtin type/type-function is used incorrectly.
| BoundReservedType PName (Maybe Range) Doc NameDisp
-- ^ When a builtin type is named in a binder.
deriving (Show,Generic)
instance NFData RenamerError where rnf = genericRnf
@ -125,10 +128,15 @@ instance PP RenamerError where
hang (text "[error]" <+> maybe empty (\r -> text "at" <+> pp r) (getLoc ty))
4 (fsep [ pp ty, text "is not a valid constraint" ])
MalformedConstraint t disp -> fixNameDisp disp $
hang (text "[error] at" <+> pp (srcRange t))
4 (sep [ quotes (pp (thing t))
, text "is not a valid argument to a constraint" ])
MalformedBuiltin ty pn disp -> fixNameDisp disp $
hang (text "[error]" <+> maybe empty (\r -> text "at" <+> pp r) (getLoc ty))
4 (fsep [ text "invalid use of built-in type", pp pn
, text "in type", pp ty ])
BoundReservedType n loc src disp -> fixNameDisp disp $
hang (text "[error]" <+> maybe empty (\r -> text "at" <+> pp r) loc)
4 (fsep [ text "built-in type", quotes (pp n), text "shadowed in", src ])
-- Warnings --------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -267,8 +275,8 @@ shadowNames' check names m = do
do env <- liftSupply (namingEnv' names)
RenameM $
do ro <- ask
sets_ (checkEnv (roDisp ro) check env (roNames ro))
let ro' = ro { roNames = env `shadowing` roNames ro }
env' <- sets (checkEnv (roDisp ro) check env (roNames ro))
let ro' = ro { roNames = env' `shadowing` roNames ro }
local ro' (unRenameM m)
shadowNamesNS :: BindsNames (InModule env) => env -> RenameM a -> RenameM a
@ -280,25 +288,30 @@ shadowNamesNS names m =
-- | Generate warnings when the left environment shadows things defined in
-- the right. Additionally, generate errors when two names overlap in the
-- left environment.
checkEnv :: NameDisp -> EnvCheck -> NamingEnv -> NamingEnv -> RW -> RW
checkEnv _ CheckNone _ _ rw = rw
checkEnv disp check l r rw = rw''
checkEnv :: NameDisp -> EnvCheck -> NamingEnv -> NamingEnv -> RW -> (NamingEnv,RW)
checkEnv disp check l r rw
| check == CheckNone = (l',rw)
| otherwise = (l',rw'')
rw' = Map.foldlWithKey (step neExprs) rw (neExprs l)
rw'' = Map.foldlWithKey (step neTypes) rw' (neTypes l)
l' = l { neExprs = es, neTypes = ts }
step prj acc k ns = acc
{ rwWarnings =
if check == CheckAll
then case Map.lookup k (prj r) of
Nothing -> rwWarnings acc
Just os -> rwWarnings acc Seq.|> SymbolShadowed (head ns) os disp
(rw',es) = Map.mapAccumWithKey (step neExprs) rw (neExprs l)
(rw'',ts) = Map.mapAccumWithKey (step neTypes) rw' (neTypes l)
else rwWarnings acc
, rwErrors = rwErrors acc Seq.>< containsOverlap disp ns
step prj acc k ns = (acc', [head ns])
acc' = acc
{ rwWarnings =
if check == CheckAll
then case Map.lookup k (prj r) of
Nothing -> rwWarnings acc
Just os -> rwWarnings acc Seq.|> SymbolShadowed (head ns) os disp
else rwWarnings acc
, rwErrors = rwErrors acc Seq.>< containsOverlap disp ns
-- | Check the RHS of a single name rewrite for conflicting sources.
containsOverlap :: NameDisp -> [Name] -> Seq.Seq RenamerError
@ -446,7 +459,12 @@ instance Rename Schema where
-- into scope.
renameSchema :: Schema PName -> RenameM (NamingEnv,Schema Name)
renameSchema (Forall ps p ty loc) =
do env <- liftSupply (namingEnv' ps)
do -- check that the parameters don't shadow any built-in types
let reserved = filter (isReserved . getIdent . tpName) ps
mkErr tp = BoundReservedType (tpName tp) (tpRange tp) (text "schema")
unless (null reserved) (mapM_ (record . mkErr) reserved)
env <- liftSupply (namingEnv' ps)
s' <- shadowNames env $ Forall <$> traverse rename ps
<*> traverse rename p
<*> rename ty
@ -494,6 +512,33 @@ translateProp ty = go ty
CType <$> rename t
-- | Fixed names for type functions and built-in types.
reservedTypeNames :: Map.Map Ident ([Type Name] -> Maybe (Type Name))
reservedTypeNames = Map.fromList
[ (packIdent "inf", typeConst TInf)
, (packIdent "Bit", typeConst TBit)
, (packIdent "min", arity 2 TCMin)
, (packIdent "max", arity 2 TCMax)
, (packIdent "lengthFromThen", arity 3 TCLenFromThen)
, (packIdent "lengthFromThenTo", arity 3 TCLenFromThenTo)
, (packIdent "width", arity 1 TCWidth)
typeConst c ps =
do guard (null ps)
return c
arity n op ps =
do guard (length ps == n)
return (TApp op ps)
-- | Check to see if this identifier is a reserved type/type-function.
isReserved :: Ident -> Bool
isReserved k = Map.member k reservedTypeNames
-- | Resolve fixity, then rename the resulting type.
instance Rename Type where
rename ty0 = go =<< resolveTypeFixity ty0
@ -507,17 +552,12 @@ instance Rename Type where
go TInf = return TInf
go (TUser pn ps)
| i == packIdent "inf", null ps = return TInf
| i == packIdent "Bit", null ps = return TBit
| i == packIdent "min" = TApp TCMin <$> traverse go ps
| i == packIdent "max" = TApp TCMax <$> traverse go ps
| i == packIdent "lengthFromThen" = TApp TCLenFromThen <$> traverse go ps
| i == packIdent "lengthFromThenTo" = TApp TCLenFromThenTo <$> traverse go ps
| i == packIdent "width" = TApp TCWidth <$> traverse go ps
i = getIdent pn
| Just mk <- Map.lookup (getIdent pn) reservedTypeNames =
do ps' <- traverse go ps
case mk ps' of
Just ty -> return ty
Nothing -> do record (MalformedBuiltin ty0 pn)
TUser <$> renameType pn <*> pure ps'
go (TUser qn ps) = TUser <$> renameType qn <*> traverse go ps
go (TApp f xs) = TApp f <$> traverse go xs
@ -670,7 +710,9 @@ instance Rename Expr where
EInfFrom a b -> EInfFrom<$> rename a <*> traverse rename b
EComp e' bs -> do arms' <- traverse renameArm bs
let (envs,bs') = unzip arms'
shadowNames envs (EComp <$> rename e' <*> pure bs')
-- NOTE: renameArm will generate shadowing warnings; we only
-- need to check for repeated names across multiple arms
shadowNames' CheckOverlap envs (EComp <$> rename e' <*> pure bs')
EApp f x -> EApp <$> rename f <*> rename x
EAppT f ti -> EAppT <$> rename f <*> traverse rename ti
EIf b t f -> EIf <$> rename b <*> rename t <*> rename f
@ -732,7 +774,9 @@ renameArm :: [Match PName] -> RenameM (NamingEnv,[Match Name])
renameArm (m:ms) =
do (me,m') <- renameMatch m
shadowNames me $
-- NOTE: renameMatch will generate warnings, so we don't
-- need to duplicate them here
shadowNames' CheckNone me $
do (env,rest) <- renameArm ms
-- NOTE: the inner environment shadows the outer one, for examples
@ -774,22 +818,30 @@ renamePats = loop
[] -> return (mempty, [])
patternEnv :: Pattern PName -> RenameM NamingEnv
patternEnv p0 = go p0
patternEnv = go
go (PVar Located { .. }) =
do n <- liftSupply (mkParameter (getIdent thing) srcRange)
return (singletonE thing n)
go PWild = return mempty
go (PTuple ps) = foldMap go ps
go (PRecord fs) = foldMap (foldMap go) fs
go (PTuple ps) = bindVars ps
go (PRecord fs) = bindVars (map value fs)
go (PList ps) = foldMap go ps
go (PTyped p ty) = go p `mappend` typeEnv ty
go (PSplit a b) = go a `mappend` go b
go (PLocated p loc) = withLoc loc (go p)
typeEnv (TFun a b) = typeEnv a `mappend` typeEnv b
typeEnv (TSeq a b) = typeEnv a `mappend` typeEnv b
bindVars [] = return mempty
bindVars (p:ps) =
do env <- go p
shadowNames env $
do rest <- bindVars ps
return (env `mappend` rest)
typeEnv (TFun a b) = bindTypes [a,b]
typeEnv (TSeq a b) = bindTypes [a,b]
typeEnv TBit = return mempty
typeEnv TNum{} = return mempty
@ -801,7 +853,7 @@ patternEnv p0 = go p0
case mb of
-- The type is already bound, don't introduce anything.
Just _ -> foldMap typeEnv ps
Just _ -> bindTypes ps
-- The type isn't bound, and has no parameters, so it names a portion
@ -819,13 +871,21 @@ patternEnv p0 = go p0
n <- liftSupply (mkParameter (getIdent pn) loc)
return (singletonT pn n)
typeEnv (TApp _ ts) = foldMap typeEnv ts
typeEnv (TRecord fs) = foldMap (foldMap typeEnv) fs
typeEnv (TTuple ts) = foldMap typeEnv ts
typeEnv (TApp _ ts) = bindTypes ts
typeEnv (TRecord fs) = bindTypes (map value fs)
typeEnv (TTuple ts) = bindTypes ts
typeEnv TWild = return mempty
typeEnv (TLocated ty loc) = withLoc loc (typeEnv ty)
typeEnv (TParens ty) = typeEnv ty
typeEnv (TInfix a _ _ b) = typeEnv a `mappend` typeEnv b
typeEnv (TInfix a _ _ b) = bindTypes [a,b]
bindTypes [] = return mempty
bindTypes (t:ts) =
do env' <- typeEnv t
shadowNames env' $
do res <- bindTypes ts
return (env' `mappend` res)
instance Rename Match where
rename m = case m of
@ -834,9 +894,12 @@ instance Rename Match where
instance Rename TySyn where
rename (TySyn n ps ty) =
shadowNames ps $ TySyn <$> rnLocated renameType n
<*> traverse rename ps
<*> rename ty
do when (isReserved (getIdent (thing n)))
(record (BoundReservedType (thing n) (getLoc n) (text "type synonym")))
shadowNames ps $ TySyn <$> rnLocated renameType n
<*> traverse rename ps
<*> rename ty
-- Utilities -------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ cmdProveSat isSat "" =
then rPutStr $ ":sat " ++ str ++ "\n\t"
else rPutStr $ ":prove " ++ str ++ "\n\t"
cmdProveSat isSat str
cmdProveSat isSat expr = do
cmdProveSat isSat str = do
let cexStr | isSat = "satisfying assignment"
| otherwise = "counterexample"
EnvString proverName <- getUser "prover"
@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ cmdProveSat isSat expr = do
let mfile = if fileName == "-" then Nothing else Just fileName
case proverName of
"offline" -> do
result <- offlineProveSat isSat expr mfile
result <- offlineProveSat isSat str mfile
case result of
Left msg -> rPutStrLn msg
Right smtlib -> do
@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ cmdProveSat isSat expr = do
Just path -> io $ writeFile path smtlib
Nothing -> rPutStr smtlib
_ -> do
result <- onlineProveSat isSat expr mfile
result <- onlineProveSat isSat str mfile
ppOpts <- getPPValOpts
case result of
Symbolic.EmptyResult ->
@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ cmdProveSat isSat expr = do
let tess = map (map $ \(t,e,_) -> (t,e)) tevss
vss = map (map $ \(_,_,v) -> v) tevss
ppvs vs = do
parseExpr <- replParseExpr expr
parseExpr <- replParseExpr str
docs <- mapM (io . E.runEval . E.ppValue ppOpts) vs
let -- function application has precedence 3
doc = ppPrec 3 parseExpr
@ -549,13 +549,14 @@ typeOfCmd :: String -> REPL ()
typeOfCmd str = do
expr <- replParseExpr str
(re,def,sig) <- replCheckExpr expr
(_re,def,sig) <- replCheckExpr expr
-- XXX need more warnings from the module system
--io (mapM_ printWarning ws)
whenDebug (rPutStrLn (dump def))
(_,_,names) <- getFocusedEnv
rPrint $ runDoc names $ pp re <+> text ":" <+> pp sig
-- type annotation ':' has precedence 2
rPrint $ runDoc names $ ppPrec 2 expr <+> text ":" <+> pp sig
readFileCmd :: FilePath -> REPL ()
readFileCmd fp = do
@ -849,7 +850,7 @@ moduleCmdResult (res,ws0) = do
ys -> Just (M.TypeCheckWarnings ys)
filterDefaults w = Just w
isShadowWarn (M.SymbolShadowed _ _ _) = True
isShadowWarn (M.SymbolShadowed {}) = True
filterShadowing w | warnShadowing = Just w
filterShadowing (M.RenamerWarnings xs) =
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import qualified Data.Set as Set
data TyDecl = TS (P.TySyn Name) | NT (P.Newtype Name)
-- | Check for duplicate and recursive type synonyms.
-- Returns the type-synonyms in dependecy order.
-- Returns the type-synonyms in dependency order.
orderTyDecls :: [TyDecl] -> InferM [TyDecl]
orderTyDecls ts =
do vs <- getTVars
@ -16,15 +16,12 @@ module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.InfNat where
import Data.Bits
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic
import Data.GenericTrie(TrieKey)
import GHC.Generics(Generic)
-- | Natural numbers with an infinity element
data Nat' = Nat Integer | Inf
deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Generic)
instance TrieKey Nat'
fromNat :: Nat' -> Maybe Integer
fromNat n' =
case n' of
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Loading module Cryptol
[True] == [False] : Bit
\x -> True != x : Bit -> Bit
\x -> True && x : Bit -> Bit
([True] == [False]) : Bit
(\x -> True != x) : Bit -> Bit
(\x -> True && x) : Bit -> Bit
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
x : [64]
x = 10
a : [16]
a # b = x
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
:l issue304.cry
:t x
:t a
:t b
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Main
x : [64]
a : [16]
b : [48]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
:t \ (x: (Bit,Bit)) -> x.0
:t \ (x:a) (y:a) -> x
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Loading module Cryptol
(\(x : (Bit, Bit)) -> x.0) : (Bit, Bit) -> Bit
(\(x : a) (y : a) -> x) : {a} a -> a -> a
@ -6,7 +6,3 @@ Loading module comp02
Overlapping symbols defined:
(at ./comp02.cry:4:12--4:13, a)
(at ./comp02.cry:5:12--5:13, a)
[error] at ./comp02.cry:4:8--4:9
Multiple definitions for symbol: a
(at ./comp02.cry:4:12--4:13, a)
(at ./comp02.cry:5:12--5:13, a)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user