Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into split-arith

This commit is contained in:
Rob Dockins 2020-05-26 17:37:00 -07:00
commit bbba626052
29 changed files with 401 additions and 166 deletions

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@ -574,6 +574,7 @@ cmdProveSat isSat str = do
(t, e) <- mkSolverResult cexStr (not isSat) (Left ts)
bindItVariable t e
AllSatResult tevss -> do
rPutStrLn (if isSat then "Satisfiable" else "Counterexample")
let tess = map (map $ \(t,e,_) -> (t,e)) tevss
vss = map (map $ \(_,_,v) -> v) tevss
resultRecs <- mapM (mkSolverResult cexStr isSat . Right) tess

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@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import qualified Control.Exception as X
import qualified Data.SBV.Dynamic as SBV
import Data.SBV (Timing(SaveTiming))
import Data.SBV.Internals (showTDiff)
import Data.Time (NominalDiffTime)
import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem as M hiding (getPrimMap)
import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Env as M
@ -88,6 +89,7 @@ proverConfigs =
, ("sbv-any" , SBV.defaultSMTCfg )
-- | The names of all the solvers supported by SBV
proverNames :: [String]
proverNames = map fst proverConfigs
@ -104,6 +106,8 @@ satSMTResults (SBV.SatResult r) = [r]
allSatSMTResults :: SBV.AllSatResult -> [SBV.SMTResult]
allSatSMTResults (SBV.AllSatResult (_, _, _, rs)) = rs
-- | Check if the named solver can be found and invoked
-- in the current solver environment.
checkProverInstallation :: String -> IO Bool
checkProverInstallation s =
do let prover = lookupProver s
@ -116,137 +120,227 @@ proverError :: String -> M.ModuleCmd (Maybe String, ProverResult)
proverError msg (_,modEnv) =
return (Right ((Nothing, ProverError msg), modEnv), [])
runSingleProver ::
ProverCommand ->
[SBV.SMTConfig] ->
(SBV.SMTConfig -> SBV.Symbolic SBV.SVal -> IO res) ->
(res -> [SBV.SMTResult]) ->
SBV.Symbolic SBV.SVal ->
M.ModuleT IO (Maybe String, [SBV.SMTResult])
runSingleProver ProverCommand{..} provers callSolver processResult e = do
let lPutStrLn = M.withLogger logPutStrLn
case provers of
[prover] -> do
when pcVerbose $
lPutStrLn $ "Trying proof with " ++
show ( (SBV.solver prover))
res <- (callSolver prover e)
when pcVerbose $
lPutStrLn $ "Got result from " ++
show ( (SBV.solver prover))
return (Just (show ( (SBV.solver prover))), processResult res)
_ ->
return ( Nothing
, [ SBV.ProofError
[":sat with option prover=any requires option satNum=1"]
| prover <- provers ]
runMultiProvers ::
ProverCommand ->
[SBV.SMTConfig] ->
([SBV.SMTConfig] -> SBV.Symbolic SBV.SVal -> IO (SBV.Solver, NominalDiffTime, res)) ->
(res -> [SBV.SMTResult]) ->
SBV.Symbolic SBV.SVal ->
M.ModuleT IO (Maybe String, [SBV.SMTResult])
runMultiProvers ProverCommand{..} provers callSolvers processResult e = do
let lPutStrLn = M.withLogger logPutStrLn
when pcVerbose $
lPutStrLn $ "Trying proof with " ++
intercalate ", " (map (show . . SBV.solver) provers)
(firstProver, timeElapsed, res) <- (callSolvers provers e)
when pcVerbose $
lPutStrLn $ "Got result from " ++ show firstProver ++
", time: " ++ showTDiff timeElapsed
return (Just (show firstProver), processResult res)
-- | Select the appropriate solver or solvers from the given prover command,
-- and invoke those solvers on the given symbolic value.
runProver :: ProverCommand -> SBV.Symbolic SBV.SVal -> M.ModuleT IO (Maybe String, [SBV.SMTResult])
runProver pc@ProverCommand{..} x =
do let mSatNum = case pcQueryType of
SatQuery (SomeSat n) -> Just n
SatQuery AllSat -> Nothing
ProveQuery -> Nothing
provers <-
case pcProverName of
"any" -> SBV.sbvAvailableSolvers
"sbv-any" -> SBV.sbvAvailableSolvers
_ -> return [(lookupProver pcProverName)
{ SBV.transcript = pcSmtFile
, SBV.allSatMaxModelCount = mSatNum
let provers' = [ p { SBV.timing = SaveTiming pcProverStats
, SBV.verbose = pcVerbose
, SBV.validateModel = pcValidate
| p <- provers
case pcQueryType of
ProveQuery -> runMultiProvers pc provers' SBV.proveWithAny thmSMTResults x
SatQuery sn -> case sn of
SomeSat 1 -> runMultiProvers pc provers' SBV.satWithAny satSMTResults x
_ -> runSingleProver pc provers' SBV.allSatWith allSatSMTResults x
-- | Prepare a symbolic query by symbolically simulating the expression found in
-- the @ProverQuery@. The result will either be an error or a list of the types
-- of the symbolic inputs and the symbolic value to supply to the solver.
-- Note that the difference between sat and prove queries is reflected later
-- in `runProver` where we call different SBV methods depending on the mode,
-- so we do _not_ negate the goal here. Moreover, assumptions are added
-- using conjunction for sat queries and implication for prove queries.
-- For safety properties, we want to add them as an additional goal
-- when we do prove queries, and an additional assumption when we do
-- sat queries. In both cases, the safety property is combined with
-- the main goal via a conjunction.
prepareQuery ::
Eval.EvalOpts ->
M.ModuleEnv ->
ProverCommand ->
IO (Either String ([FinType], SBV.Symbolic SBV.SVal))
prepareQuery evo modEnv ProverCommand{..} =
do let extDgs = M.allDeclGroups modEnv ++ pcExtraDecls
-- The `tyFn` creates variables that are treated as 'forall'
-- or 'exists' bound, depending on the sort of query we are doing.
let tyFn = case pcQueryType of
SatQuery _ -> existsFinType
ProveQuery -> forallFinType
-- The `addAsm` function is used to combine assumptions that
-- arise from the types of symbolic variables (e.g. Z n values
-- are assumed to be integers in the range `0 <= x < n`) with
-- the main content of the query. We use conjunction or implication
-- depending on the type of query.
let addAsm = case pcQueryType of
ProveQuery -> \x y -> SBV.svOr (SBV.svNot x) y
SatQuery _ -> \x y -> SBV.svAnd x y
let ?evalPrim = evalPrim
case predArgTypes pcSchema of
Left msg -> return (Left msg)
Right ts ->
do when pcVerbose $ logPutStrLn (Eval.evalLogger evo) "Simulating..."
pure $ Right $ (ts,
do -- Compute the symbolic inputs, and any domain constraints needed
-- according to their types.
(args, asms) <- runWriterT (mapM tyFn ts)
-- Run the main symbolic computation. First we populate the
-- evaluation environment, then we compute the value, finally
-- we apply it to the symbolic inputs.
(safety,b) <- doSBVEval evo $
do env <- Eval.evalDecls SBV extDgs mempty
v <- Eval.evalExpr SBV env pcExpr
Eval.fromVBit <$> foldM Eval.fromVFun v (map pure args)
return (foldr addAsm (SBV.svAnd safety b) asms))
-- | Turn the SMT results from SBV into a @ProverResult@ that is ready for the Cryptol REPL.
-- There may be more than one result if we made a multi-sat query.
processResults ::
Eval.EvalOpts ->
ProverCommand ->
[FinType] {- ^ Types of the symbolic inputs -} ->
[SBV.SMTResult] {- ^ Results from the solver -} ->
M.ModuleT IO ProverResult
processResults evo ProverCommand{..} ts results =
do let isSat = case pcQueryType of
ProveQuery -> False
SatQuery _ -> True
prims <- M.getPrimMap
case results of
-- allSat can return more than one as long as
-- they're satisfiable
(SBV.Satisfiable {} : _) -> do
tevss <- mapM mkTevs results
return $ AllSatResult tevss
mkTevs result = do
let Right (_, cvs) = SBV.getModelAssignment result
(vs, _) = parseValues ts cvs
sattys = unFinType <$> ts
satexprs <-
doEval evo (zipWithM (Concrete.toExpr prims) sattys vs)
case zip3 sattys <$> (sequence satexprs) <*> pure vs of
Nothing ->
panic "Cryptol.Symbolic.sat"
[ "unable to make assignment into expression" ]
Just tevs -> return $ tevs
-- prove returns only one
[SBV.Unsatisfiable {}] ->
return $ ThmResult (unFinType <$> ts)
-- unsat returns empty
[] -> return $ ThmResult (unFinType <$> ts)
-- otherwise something is wrong
_ -> return $ ProverError (rshow results)
where rshow | isSat = show . SBV.AllSatResult . (False,False,False,)
| otherwise = show . SBV.ThmResult . head
-- | Execute a symbolic ':prove' or ':sat' command.
-- This command returns a pair: the first element is the name of the
-- solver that completes the given query (if any) along with the result
-- of executing the query.
satProve :: ProverCommand -> M.ModuleCmd (Maybe String, ProverResult)
satProve ProverCommand {..} =
satProve pc@ProverCommand {..} =
protectStack proverError $ \(evo,modEnv) ->
M.runModuleM (evo,modEnv) $ do
let (isSat, mSatNum) = case pcQueryType of
ProveQuery -> (False, Nothing)
SatQuery sn -> case sn of
SomeSat n -> (True, Just n)
AllSat -> (True, Nothing)
let extDgs = M.allDeclGroups modEnv ++ pcExtraDecls
provers <-
case pcProverName of
"any" -> SBV.sbvAvailableSolvers
"sbv-any" -> SBV.sbvAvailableSolvers
_ -> return [(lookupProver pcProverName) { SBV.transcript = pcSmtFile
, SBV.allSatMaxModelCount = mSatNum
let provers' = [ p { SBV.timing = SaveTiming pcProverStats
, SBV.verbose = pcVerbose
, SBV.validateModel = pcValidate
} | p <- provers ]
let tyFn = if isSat then existsFinType else forallFinType
let lPutStrLn = M.withLogger logPutStrLn
let runProver fn tag e = do
case provers of
[prover] -> do
when pcVerbose $
lPutStrLn $ "Trying proof with " ++
show ( (SBV.solver prover))
res <- (fn prover e)
when pcVerbose $
lPutStrLn $ "Got result from " ++
show ( (SBV.solver prover))
return (Just (show ( (SBV.solver prover))), tag res)
_ ->
return ( Nothing
, [ SBV.ProofError
[":sat with option prover=any requires option satNum=1"]
| prover <- provers ]
runProvers fn tag e = do
when pcVerbose $
lPutStrLn $ "Trying proof with " ++
intercalate ", " (map (show . . SBV.solver) provers)
(firstProver, timeElapsed, res) <- (fn provers' e)
when pcVerbose $
lPutStrLn $ "Got result from " ++ show firstProver ++
", time: " ++ showTDiff timeElapsed
return (Just (show firstProver), tag res)
let runFn = case pcQueryType of
ProveQuery -> runProvers SBV.proveWithAny thmSMTResults
SatQuery sn -> case sn of
SomeSat 1 -> runProvers SBV.satWithAny satSMTResults
_ -> runProver SBV.allSatWith allSatSMTResults
let addAsm = case pcQueryType of
ProveQuery -> \x y -> SBV.svOr (SBV.svNot x) y
SatQuery _ -> \x y -> SBV.svAnd x y
let ?evalPrim = evalPrim
case predArgTypes pcSchema of (prepareQuery evo modEnv pc) >>= \case
Left msg -> return (Nothing, ProverError msg)
Right ts -> do when pcVerbose $ lPutStrLn "Simulating..."
(_,v) <- doSBVEval evo $
do env <- Eval.evalDecls SBV extDgs mempty
Eval.evalExpr SBV env pcExpr
prims <- M.getPrimMap
runRes <- runFn $ do
(args, asms) <- runWriterT (mapM tyFn ts)
(_,b) <- doSBVEval evo (Eval.fromVBit <$>
foldM Eval.fromVFun v (map pure args))
return (foldr addAsm b asms)
let (firstProver, results) = runRes
esatexprs <- case results of
-- allSat can return more than one as long as
-- they're satisfiable
(SBV.Satisfiable {} : _) -> do
tevss <- mapM mkTevs results
return $ AllSatResult tevss
mkTevs result = do
let Right (_, cvs) = SBV.getModelAssignment result
(vs, _) = parseValues ts cvs
sattys = unFinType <$> ts
satexprs <-
doEval evo (zipWithM (Concrete.toExpr prims) sattys vs)
case zip3 sattys <$> (sequence satexprs) <*> pure vs of
Nothing ->
panic "Cryptol.Symbolic.sat"
[ "unable to make assignment into expression" ]
Just tevs -> return $ tevs
-- prove returns only one
[SBV.Unsatisfiable {}] ->
return $ ThmResult (unFinType <$> ts)
-- unsat returns empty
[] -> return $ ThmResult (unFinType <$> ts)
-- otherwise something is wrong
_ -> return $ ProverError (rshow results)
where rshow | isSat = show . SBV.AllSatResult . (False,False,False,)
| otherwise = show . SBV.ThmResult . head
return (firstProver, esatexprs)
Right (ts, q) ->
do (firstProver, results) <- runProver pc q
esatexprs <- processResults evo pc ts results
return (firstProver, esatexprs)
-- | Execute a symbolic ':prove' or ':sat' command when the prover is
-- set to offline. This only prepares the SMT input file for the
-- solver and does not actually invoke the solver.
-- This method returns either an error message or the text of
-- the SMT input file corresponding to the given prover command.
satProveOffline :: ProverCommand -> M.ModuleCmd (Either String String)
satProveOffline ProverCommand {..} =
satProveOffline pc@ProverCommand {..} =
protectStack (\msg (_,modEnv) -> return (Right (Left msg, modEnv), [])) $
\(evOpts,modEnv) -> do
let isSat = case pcQueryType of
ProveQuery -> False
SatQuery _ -> True
let extDgs = M.allDeclGroups modEnv ++ pcExtraDecls
let tyFn = if isSat then existsFinType else forallFinType
let addAsm = if isSat then SBV.svAnd else \x y -> SBV.svOr (SBV.svNot x) y
let ?evalPrim = evalPrim
case predArgTypes pcSchema of
prepareQuery evOpts modEnv pc >>= \case
Left msg -> return (Right (Left msg, modEnv), [])
Right ts ->
do when pcVerbose $ logPutStrLn (Eval.evalLogger evOpts) "Simulating..."
(_,v) <- doSBVEval evOpts $
do env <- Eval.evalDecls SBV extDgs mempty
Eval.evalExpr SBV env pcExpr
smtlib <- SBV.generateSMTBenchmark isSat $ do
(args, asms) <- runWriterT (mapM tyFn ts)
(_,b) <- doSBVEval evOpts
(Eval.fromVBit <$> foldM Eval.fromVFun v (map pure args))
return (foldr addAsm b asms)
Right (_ts, q) ->
do smtlib <- SBV.generateSMTBenchmark isSat q
return (Right (Right smtlib, modEnv), [])
protectStack :: (String -> M.ModuleCmd a)
-> M.ModuleCmd a
-> M.ModuleCmd a
@ -257,12 +351,18 @@ protectStack mkErr cmd modEnv =
msg = "Symbolic evaluation failed to terminate."
handler () = mkErr msg modEnv
-- | Given concrete values from the solver and a collection of finite types,
-- reconstruct Cryptol concrete values, and return any unused solver
-- values.
parseValues :: [FinType] -> [SBV.CV] -> ([Concrete.Value], [SBV.CV])
parseValues [] cvs = ([], cvs)
parseValues (t : ts) cvs = (v : vs, cvs'')
where (v, cvs') = parseValue t cvs
(vs, cvs'') = parseValues ts cvs'
-- | Parse a single value of a finite type by consuming some number of
-- solver values. The parsed Cryptol values is returned along with
-- any solver values not consumed.
parseValue :: FinType -> [SBV.CV] -> (Concrete.Value, [SBV.CV])
parseValue FTBit [] = panic "Cryptol.Symbolic.parseValue" [ "empty FTBit" ]
parseValue FTBit (cv : cvs) = (Eval.VBit (SBV.cvToBool cv), cvs)

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@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ instantiateExpr :: [Type] -> Int -> Expr -> SpecM Expr
instantiateExpr [] 0 e = return e
instantiateExpr [] n (EProofAbs _ e) = instantiateExpr [] (n - 1) e
instantiateExpr (t : ts) n (ETAbs param e) =
instantiateExpr ts n (apSubst (singleSubst (tpVar param) t) e)
instantiateExpr ts n (apSubst (singleTParamSubst param t) e)
instantiateExpr _ _ _ = fail "instantiateExpr: wrong number of type/proof arguments"

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import Control.Monad(guard)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Type
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.SimpType(tMax,tWidth)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Error(Warning(..))
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Subst(Subst,apSubst,listSubst,substBinds,singleSubst)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Subst(Subst,apSubst,listSubst,substBinds,uncheckedSingleSubst)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.InferTypes(Goal,goal,Goals(..),goalsFromList)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.SMT(Solver,tryGetModel,shrinkModel)
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic(panic)
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ improveByDefaultingWithPure as ps =
let ty = case ts of
[] -> tNum (0::Int)
_ -> foldr1 tMax ts
su1 = singleSubst x ty
su1 = uncheckedSingleSubst x ty
in ( (x,ty) : [ (y,apSubst su1 t) | (y,t) <- yes ]
, no -- We know that `x` does not appear here
, otherFree -- We know that `x` did not appear here either

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@ -550,13 +550,7 @@ extendSubst su =
, "Type: " ++ show (pp ty)
TVFree _ _ tvs _ ->
do let bounds tv =
case tv of
TVBound tp -> Set.singleton tp
TVFree _ _ tps _ -> tps
let vars = Set.unions (map bounds (Set.elems (fvs ty)))
-- (Set.filter isBoundTV (fvs ty))
let escaped = Set.difference vars tvs
do let escaped = Set.difference (freeParams ty) tvs
if Set.null escaped then return () else
panic "Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad.extendSubst"
[ "Escaped quantified variables:"

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Sanity
import Cryptol.Parser.Position(thing)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Subst (apSubst, singleSubst)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Subst (apSubst, singleTParamSubst)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad(InferInput(..))
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ exprSchema expr =
let k' = kindOf a
unless (k == k') $ reportError $ KindMismatch k' k
let su = singleSubst (tpVar a) t
let su = singleTParamSubst a t
return $ Forall as (apSubst su ps) (apSubst su t1)
Forall [] _ _ -> reportError BadInstantiation

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@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ improveLit impSkol prop =
(_,b) <- aSeq t
a <- aTVar b
unless impSkol $ guard (isFreeTV a)
let su = singleSubst a tBit
let su = uncheckedSingleSubst a tBit
return (su, [])
@ -66,13 +66,15 @@ improveEq impSkol fins prop =
rewrite this other =
do x <- aTVar this
guard (considerVar x && x `Set.notMember` fvs other)
return (singleSubst x other, [])
guard (considerVar x)
case singleSubst x other of
Left _ -> mzero
Right su -> return (su, [])
do (v,s) <- isSum this
guard (v `Set.notMember` fvs other)
return (singleSubst v (Mk.tSub other s), [ other >== s ])
case singleSubst v (Mk.tSub other s) of
Left _ -> mzero
Right su -> return (su, [ other >== s ])
isSum t = do (v,s) <- matches t (anAdd, aTVar, __)
valid v s

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@ -14,7 +14,10 @@
module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Subst
( Subst
, emptySubst
, SubstError(..)
, singleSubst
, singleTParamSubst
, uncheckedSingleSubst
, (@@)
, defaultingSubst
, listSubst
@ -47,12 +50,22 @@ import Cryptol.Utils.Misc(anyJust)
-- | A 'Subst' value represents a substitution that maps each 'TVar'
-- to a 'Type'.
-- Invariant: If there is a mapping from @TVFree _ _ tps _@ to a type
-- @t@, then @t@ must not mention (directly or indirectly) any type
-- parameter that is not in @tps@. In particular, if @t@ contains a
-- variable @TVFree _ _ tps2 _@, then @tps2@ must be a subset of
-- Invariant 1: If there is a mapping from @TVFree _ _ tps _@ to a
-- type @t@, then @t@ must not mention (directly or indirectly) any
-- type parameter that is not in @tps@. In particular, if @t@ contains
-- a variable @TVFree _ _ tps2 _@, then @tps2@ must be a subset of
-- @tps@. This ensures that applying the substitution will not permit
-- any type parameter to escape from its scope.
-- Invariant 2: The substitution must be idempotent, in that applying
-- a substitution to any 'Type' in the map should leave that 'Type'
-- unchanged. In other words, 'Type' values in the range of a 'Subst'
-- should not mention any 'TVar' in the domain of the 'Subst'. In
-- particular, this implies that a substitution must not contain any
-- recursive variable mappings.
-- Invariant 3: The substitution must be kind correct: Each 'TVar' in
-- the substitution must map to a 'Type' of the same kind.
data Subst = S { suFreeMap :: !(IntMap.IntMap (TVar, Type))
, suBoundMap :: !(IntMap.IntMap (TVar, Type))
@ -67,18 +80,42 @@ emptySubst =
, suDefaulting = False
singleSubst :: TVar -> Type -> Subst
singleSubst v@(TVFree i _ _tps _) t =
-- | Reasons to reject a single-variable substitution.
data SubstError
= SubstRecursive
-- ^ 'TVar' maps to a type containing the same variable.
| SubstEscaped [TParam]
-- ^ 'TVar' maps to a type containing one or more out-of-scope bound variables.
| SubstKindMismatch Kind Kind
-- ^ 'TVar' maps to a type with a different kind.
singleSubst :: TVar -> Type -> Either SubstError Subst
singleSubst x t
| kindOf x /= kindOf t = Left (SubstKindMismatch (kindOf x) (kindOf t))
| x `Set.member` fvs t = Left SubstRecursive
| not (Set.null escaped) = Left (SubstEscaped (Set.toList escaped))
| otherwise = Right (uncheckedSingleSubst x t)
escaped =
case x of
TVBound _ -> Set.empty
TVFree _ _ scope _ -> freeParams t `Set.difference` scope
uncheckedSingleSubst :: TVar -> Type -> Subst
uncheckedSingleSubst v@(TVFree i _ _tps _) t =
S { suFreeMap = IntMap.singleton i (v, t)
, suBoundMap = IntMap.empty
, suDefaulting = False
singleSubst v@(TVBound tp) t =
uncheckedSingleSubst v@(TVBound tp) t =
S { suFreeMap = IntMap.empty
, suBoundMap = IntMap.singleton (tpUnique tp) (v, t)
, suDefaulting = False
singleTParamSubst :: TParam -> Type -> Subst
singleTParamSubst tp t = uncheckedSingleSubst (TVBound tp) t
(@@) :: Subst -> Subst -> Subst
s2 @@ s1
| isEmptySubst s2 =
@ -327,4 +364,3 @@ instance TVars DeclDef where
instance TVars Module where
apSubst su m = m { mDecls = apSubst su (mDecls m) }

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@ -677,6 +677,12 @@ pError msg = TCon (TError KProp msg) []
noFreeVariables :: FVS t => t -> Bool
noFreeVariables = all (not . isFreeTV) . Set.toList . fvs
freeParams :: FVS t => t -> Set TParam
freeParams x = Set.unions (map params (Set.toList (fvs x)))
params (TVFree _ _ tps _) = tps
params (TVBound tp) = Set.singleton tp
class FVS t where
fvs :: t -> Set TVar
@ -827,9 +833,10 @@ instance PP (WithNames Type) where
(PEqual, [t1,t2]) -> go 0 t1 <+> text "==" <+> go 0 t2
(PNeq , [t1,t2]) -> go 0 t1 <+> text "!=" <+> go 0 t2
(PGeq, [t1,t2]) -> go 0 t1 <+> text ">=" <+> go 0 t2
(PFin, [t1]) -> text "fin" <+> (go 4 t1)
(PFin, [t1]) -> optParens (prec > 3) $ text "fin" <+> (go 4 t1)
(PHas x, [t1,t2]) -> ppSelector x <+> text "of"
<+> go 0 t1 <+> text "is" <+> go 0 t2
(PAnd, [t1,t2]) -> parens (commaSep (map (go 0) (t1 : pSplitAnd t2)))
(PRing, [t1]) -> pp pc <+> go 4 t1
(PField, [t1]) -> pp pc <+> go 4 t1
@ -840,7 +847,7 @@ instance PP (WithNames Type) where
(PSignedCmp, [t1]) -> pp pc <+> go 4 t1
(PLiteral, [t1,t2]) -> pp pc <+> go 4 t1 <+> go 4 t2
(_, _) -> pp pc <+> fsep (map (go 4) ts)
(_, _) -> optParens (prec > 3) $ pp pc <+> fsep (map (go 4) ts)
TCon f ts -> optParens (prec > 3)
$ pp f <+> fsep (map (go 4) ts)

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@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ fastSchemaOf tyenv expr =
ETApp e t -> case fastSchemaOf tyenv e of
Forall (tparam : tparams) props ty
-> Forall tparams (map (plainSubst s) props) (plainSubst s ty)
where s = singleSubst (tpVar tparam) t
where s = singleTParamSubst tparam t
_ -> panic "Cryptol.TypeCheck.TypeOf.fastSchemaOf"
[ "ETApp body with no type parameters" ]
-- When calling 'fastSchemaOf' on a

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@ -110,22 +110,21 @@ bindVar v@(TVBound {}) t
| otherwise = uniError $ UniKindMismatch k (kindOf t)
where k = kindOf v
bindVar x@(TVFree _ _ xscope _) (TVar y@(TVFree _ _ yscope _))
| xscope `Set.isProperSubsetOf` yscope = return (singleSubst y (TVar x), [])
bindVar x@(TVFree _ xk xscope _) (tNoUser -> TVar y@(TVFree _ yk yscope _))
| xscope `Set.isProperSubsetOf` yscope, xk == yk =
return (uncheckedSingleSubst y (TVar x), [])
-- In this case, we can add the reverse binding y ~> x to the
-- substitution, but the instantiation x ~> y would be forbidden
-- because it would allow y to escape from its scope.
bindVar x@(TVFree _ k inScope _d) t
| not (k == kindOf t) = uniError $ UniKindMismatch k (kindOf t)
| recTy && k == KType = uniError $ UniRecursive x t
| not (Set.null escaped) = uniError $ UniNonPolyDepends x $ Set.toList escaped
| recTy = return (emptySubst, [TVar x =#= t])
| otherwise = return (singleSubst x t, [])
escaped = freeParams t `Set.difference` inScope
recTy = x `Set.member` fvs t
freeParams :: FVS t => t -> Set.Set TParam
freeParams x = Set.unions (map params (Set.toList (fvs x)))
params (TVFree _ _ tps _) = tps
params (TVBound tp) = Set.singleton tp
bindVar x t =
case singleSubst x t of
Left SubstRecursive
| kindOf x == KType -> uniError $ UniRecursive x t
| otherwise -> return (emptySubst, [TVar x =#= t])
Left (SubstEscaped tps) ->
uniError $ UniNonPolyDepends x tps
Left (SubstKindMismatch k1 k2) ->
uniError $ UniKindMismatch k1 k2
Right su ->
return (su, [])

View File

@ -4,10 +4,12 @@ it : {result : Bit, arg1 : [4]}
Run-time error: no counterexample available
f 0xc = False
it : {result : Bit, arg1 : [4]}
{arg1 = 0xc, result = False}
f 0x3 = True
it : {result : Bit, arg1 : [4]}
{arg1 = 0x3, result = True}
@ -16,17 +18,21 @@ Unsatisfiable
it : {result : Bit, arg1 : [4]}
Run-time error: no satisfying assignment available
g {x = 0xffffffff, y = 0x00000000} = False
it : {result : Bit, arg1 : {x : [32], y : [32]}}
{arg1 = {x = 0xffffffff, y = 0x00000000}, result = False}
g {x = 0x00000000, y = 0x00000000} = True
it : {result : Bit, arg1 : {x : [32], y : [32]}}
{arg1 = {x = 0x00000000, y = 0x00000000}, result = True}
h 0x00 0x00 = False
it : {result : Bit, arg1 : [8], arg2 : [8]}
{arg1 = 0x00, arg2 = 0x00, result = False}
h 0x00 0x01 = True
it : {result : Bit, arg1 : [8], arg2 : [8]}
{arg1 = 0x00, arg2 = 0x01, result = True}

View File

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
Loading module Cryptol
it : {result : Bit, arg1 : [4]}
it : [11]{result : Bit, arg1 : [4]}
must be an integer > 0 or "all"
must be an integer > 0 or "all"
it : [3]{result : Bit, arg1 : [4]}

View File

@ -19,12 +19,16 @@ Testing... f0 = False
:prove t2
:prove f0
f0 = False
f0 = False
:sat t0
t0 = True
t0 = True
:sat t1
t1 0x00000000 = True
t1 0x00000000 = True
:sat t2
t2 0xfffffffe 0xffffffff = True
t2 0xfffffffe 0xffffffff = True
:sat f0

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
Loading module Cryptol
(\(x : Bit) (y : Bit) -> x < y) False True = True

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Main
(\(e : [64]) -> (e @@ [8 .. 24]) != zero) 0x00feff8000000000 = True

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Loading module Cryptol
[False, False, False, False, True, ...],
[False, False, True, True, False, ...],
[False, True, False, True, False, ...]]
(\(x : [4]) -> (transpose [x ...]) @ 0 @ 0 == False) 0x8 = False

View File

@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
Loading module Cryptol
(\x -> mapped x == 'N') 0x41 = True

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
Loading module Cryptol
(\(x : {b : Bit, a : Bit}) -> x.a && x.b)
{a = True, b = True} = True
(\(x : {b : [8], a : Bit}) -> x.b == 0 /\ x.a)
{a = True, b = 0x00} = True

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
f : {n} (fin n) => [n] -> [n]
f x = g x
m1 = zero # x
g : {k} (fin k) => [k] -> [k]
g m0 = m0 ^ m1

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
:l issue723.cry

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Main
[warning] at issue723.cry:4:10--4:18:
Defaulting type argument 'front' of '(#)' to 0
[error] at issue723.cry:7:5--7:19:
Failed to validate user-specified signature.
in the definition of 'Main::g', at issue723.cry:7:5--7:6,
we need to show that
for any type k
• fin k
the following constraints hold:
• k >= n`908
arising from
matching types
at issue723.cry:7:17--7:19
n`908 is signature variable 'n' at issue723.cry:1:6--1:7

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
:set show-examples = no
:set prover-stats=no
:set prover=z3
:prove \(n:Integer, p : Bit) -> p ==> (x != x where x = 2 ^^ n)
:sat \(a:[8], b:[8]) -> a == ~zero /\ a@b == False
:prove \(a:[8], b:[8]) -> a == zero ==> a@b == False
:set prover=w4-z3
:prove \(n:Integer, p : Bit) -> p ==> (x != x where x = 2 ^^ n)
:sat \(a:[8], b:[8]) -> a == ~zero /\ a@b == False
:prove \(a:[8], b:[8]) -> a == zero ==> a@b == False

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Loading module Cryptol
operation can not be supported on symbolic values: integer exponentiation
operation can not be supported on symbolic values: integer exponentiation

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
type constraint T n = (fin n, n >= 1)
type constraint Both p q = (p, q)
type constraint Fin2 i j = Both (fin i) (fin j)
type constraint i <=> j = (i <= j, i >= j)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
:l issue731.cry
:browse Main

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Main
Constraint Synonyms
type constraint (<=>) i j = (i <= j, i >= j)
type constraint Both p q = (p, q)
type constraint Fin2 i j = Both (fin i) (fin j)
type constraint T n = (fin n, n >= 1)

View File

@ -2,5 +2,6 @@ Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Main
av1 0xfdffffe0 0x7fffffe0 = False

View File

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module r03