Add INLINE and SPECIALIZE pragmas to generate better code for the

concrete evaluator.
This commit is contained in:
Rob Dockins 2020-03-30 13:01:06 -07:00
parent 34ce8ecc00
commit bdfd4e6bc0
5 changed files with 335 additions and 23 deletions

View File

@ -178,10 +178,12 @@ library
GHC-options: -Wall -fsimpl-tick-factor=140
GHC-options: -Wall -fsimpl-tick-factor=140 -O2
if impl(ghc >= 8.0.1)
ghc-options: -Wno-redundant-constraints
ghc-prof-options: -O2 -fprof-auto-top
if flag(relocatable)
cpp-options: -DRELOCATABLE
@ -205,10 +207,12 @@ executable cryptol
, monad-control
, text
, transformers
GHC-options: -Wall -threaded -rtsopts "-with-rtsopts=-N1 -A64m"
GHC-options: -Wall -threaded -rtsopts "-with-rtsopts=-N1 -A64m" -O2
if impl(ghc >= 8.0.1)
ghc-options: -Wno-redundant-constraints
ghc-prof-options: -O2 -fprof-auto-top
if os(linux) && flag(static)
ld-options: -static -pthread
@ -256,7 +260,7 @@ benchmark cryptol-bench
main-is: Main.hs
hs-source-dirs: bench
default-language: Haskell2010
GHC-options: -Wall -threaded -rtsopts "-with-rtsopts=-N1 -A64m"
GHC-options: -Wall -threaded -rtsopts "-with-rtsopts=-N1 -A64m" -O2
if impl(ghc >= 8.0.1)
ghc-options: -Wno-redundant-constraints
if os(linux) && flag(static)

View File

@ -64,8 +64,19 @@ type EvalEnv = GenEvalEnv Concrete
type EvalPrims sym =
( Backend sym, ?evalPrim :: Ident -> Maybe (GenValue sym) )
type ConcPrims =
?evalPrim :: Ident -> Maybe (GenValue Concrete)
-- Expression Evaluation -------------------------------------------------------
{-# SPECIALIZE moduleEnv ::
ConcPrims =>
Concrete ->
Module ->
GenEvalEnv Concrete ->
SEval Concrete (GenEvalEnv Concrete)
-- | Extend the given evaluation environment with all the declarations
-- contained in the given module.
moduleEnv ::
@ -76,6 +87,14 @@ moduleEnv ::
SEval sym (GenEvalEnv sym)
moduleEnv sym m env = evalDecls sym (mDecls m) =<< evalNewtypes sym (mNewtypes m) env
{-# SPECIALIZE evalExpr ::
ConcPrims =>
Concrete ->
GenEvalEnv Concrete ->
Expr ->
SEval Concrete (GenValue Concrete)
-- | Evaluate a Cryptol expression to a value. This evaluator is parameterized
-- by the `EvalPrims` class, which defines the behavior of bits and words, in
-- addition to providing implementations for all the primitives.
@ -184,6 +203,14 @@ evalExpr sym env expr = case expr of
-- Newtypes --------------------------------------------------------------------
{-# SPECIALIZE evalNewtypes ::
ConcPrims =>
Concrete ->
Map.Map Name Newtype ->
GenEvalEnv Concrete ->
SEval Concrete (GenEvalEnv Concrete)
evalNewtypes ::
EvalPrims sym =>
sym ->
@ -203,10 +230,19 @@ evalNewtype sym nt = bindVar sym (ntName nt) (return (foldr tabs con (ntParams n
tabs _tp body = tlam (\ _ -> body)
con = VFun id
{-# INLINE evalNewtype #-}
-- Declarations ----------------------------------------------------------------
{-# SPECIALIZE evalDecls ::
ConcPrims =>
Concrete ->
[DeclGroup] ->
GenEvalEnv Concrete ->
SEval Concrete (GenEvalEnv Concrete)
-- | Extend the given evaluation environment with the result of evaluating the
-- given collection of declaration groups.
evalDecls ::
@ -217,6 +253,14 @@ evalDecls ::
SEval sym (GenEvalEnv sym)
evalDecls x dgs env = foldM (evalDeclGroup x) env dgs
{-# SPECIALIZE evalDeclGroup ::
ConcPrims =>
Concrete ->
GenEvalEnv Concrete ->
DeclGroup ->
SEval Concrete (GenEvalEnv Concrete)
evalDeclGroup ::
EvalPrims sym =>
sym ->
@ -246,6 +290,14 @@ evalDeclGroup sym env dg = do
evalDecl sym env env d
{-# SPECIALIZE fillHole ::
Concrete ->
GenEvalEnv Concrete ->
(Name, Schema, SEval Concrete (GenValue Concrete), SEval Concrete (GenValue Concrete) -> SEval Concrete ()) ->
SEval Concrete ()
-- | This operation is used to complete the process of setting up recursive declaration
-- groups. It 'backfills' previously-allocated thunk values with the actual evaluation
-- procedure for the body of recursive definitions.
@ -256,6 +308,7 @@ evalDeclGroup sym env dg = do
-- to this is to force an eta-expansion procedure on all recursive definitions.
-- However, for the so-called 'Value' types we can instead optimistically use the 'delayFill'
-- operation and only fall back on full eta expansion if the thunk is double-forced.
fillHole ::
Backend sym =>
sym ->
@ -288,6 +341,13 @@ isValueType env Forall{ sVars = [], sProps = [], sType = t0 }
isValueType _ _ = False
{-# SPECIALIZE etaWord ::
Concrete ->
Integer ->
SEval Concrete (GenValue Concrete) ->
SEval Concrete (WordValue Concrete)
-- | Eta-expand a word value. This forces an unpacked word representation.
etaWord ::
Backend sym =>
@ -301,6 +361,15 @@ etaWord sym n val = do
do w' <- w; VBit <$> indexWordValue sym w' (toInteger i)
pure $ LargeBitsVal n xs
{-# SPECIALIZE etaDelay ::
Concrete ->
String ->
GenEvalEnv Concrete ->
Schema ->
SEval Concrete (GenValue Concrete) ->
SEval Concrete (GenValue Concrete)
-- | Given a simulator value and its type, fully eta-expand the value. This
-- is a type-directed pass that always produces a canonical value of the
-- expected shape. Eta expansion of values is sometimes necessary to ensure
@ -396,6 +465,13 @@ etaDelay sym msg env0 Forall{ sVars = vs0, sType = tp0 } = goTpVars env0 vs0
TVAbstract {} -> v
{-# SPECIALIZE declHole ::
Concrete ->
Decl ->
SEval Concrete
(Name, Schema, SEval Concrete (GenValue Concrete), SEval Concrete (GenValue Concrete) -> SEval Concrete ())
declHole ::
Backend sym =>
sym -> Decl -> SEval sym (Name, Schema, SEval sym (GenValue sym), SEval sym (GenValue sym) -> SEval sym ())
@ -438,6 +514,14 @@ evalDecl sym renv env d =
-- Selectors -------------------------------------------------------------------
{-# SPECIALIZE evalSel ::
ConcPrims =>
Concrete ->
GenValue Concrete ->
Selector ->
SEval Concrete (GenValue Concrete)
-- | Apply the the given "selector" form to the given value. This function pushes
-- tuple and record selections pointwise down into other value constructs
-- (e.g., streams and functions).
@ -479,7 +563,11 @@ evalSel sym val sel = case sel of
evalPanic "Cryptol.Eval.evalSel"
[ "Unexpected value in list selection"
, show vdoc ]
{-# SPECIALIZE evalSetSel ::
ConcPrims =>
Concrete ->
GenValue Concrete -> Selector -> SEval Concrete (GenValue Concrete) -> SEval Concrete (GenValue Concrete)
evalSetSel :: forall sym.
EvalPrims sym =>
sym ->
@ -563,6 +651,7 @@ toListEnv e =
, leStatic = envVars e
, leTypes = envTypes e
{-# INLINE toListEnv #-}
-- | Evaluate a list environment at a position.
-- This choses a particular value for the varying
@ -573,6 +662,8 @@ evalListEnv (ListEnv vm st tm) i =
in EvalEnv{ envVars = Map.union v st
, envTypes = tm
{-# INLINE evalListEnv #-}
bindVarList ::
Name ->
@ -580,9 +671,20 @@ bindVarList ::
ListEnv sym ->
ListEnv sym
bindVarList n vs lenv = lenv { leVars = Map.insert n vs (leVars lenv) }
{-# INLINE bindVarList #-}
-- List Comprehensions ---------------------------------------------------------
{-# SPECIALIZE evalComp ::
ConcPrims =>
Concrete ->
GenEvalEnv Concrete ->
Nat' ->
TValue ->
Expr ->
[[Match]] ->
SEval Concrete (GenValue Concrete)
-- | Evaluate a comprehension.
evalComp ::
EvalPrims sym =>
@ -598,6 +700,13 @@ evalComp sym env len elty body ms =
mkSeq len elty <$> memoMap (IndexSeqMap $ \i -> do
evalExpr sym (evalListEnv lenv i) body)
{-# SPECIALIZE branchEnvs ::
ConcPrims =>
Concrete ->
ListEnv Concrete ->
[Match] ->
SEval Concrete (ListEnv Concrete)
-- | Turn a list of matches into the final environments for each iteration of
-- the branch.
branchEnvs ::
@ -608,6 +717,14 @@ branchEnvs ::
SEval sym (ListEnv sym)
branchEnvs sym env matches = foldM (evalMatch sym) env matches
{-# SPECIALIZE evalMatch ::
ConcPrims =>
Concrete ->
ListEnv Concrete ->
Match ->
SEval Concrete (ListEnv Concrete)
-- | Turn a match into the list of environments it represents.
evalMatch ::
EvalPrims sym =>

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.InfNat (Nat'(..),nMul)
import Cryptol.Eval.Backend
import Cryptol.Eval.Concrete.Value (Concrete(..))
import Cryptol.Eval.Monad
import Cryptol.Eval.Type
import Cryptol.Eval.Value
@ -38,6 +39,9 @@ import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
-- | Make a numeric literal value at the given type.
{-# SPECIALIZE mkLit :: Concrete -> TValue -> Integer -> Eval (GenValue Concrete)
mkLit :: Backend sym => sym -> TValue -> Integer -> SEval sym (GenValue sym)
mkLit sym ty i =
case ty of
@ -49,6 +53,9 @@ mkLit sym ty i =
_ -> evalPanic "Cryptol.Eval.Prim.evalConst"
[ "Invalid type for number" ]
{-# SPECIALIZE ecNumberV :: Concrete -> GenValue Concrete
-- | Make a numeric constant.
ecNumberV :: Backend sym => sym -> GenValue sym
ecNumberV sym =
@ -62,6 +69,9 @@ ecNumberV sym =
, show ty
{-# SPECIALIZE ecFromIntegerV :: Concrete -> GenValue Concrete
-- | Convert an unbounded integer to a value in Arith
ecFromIntegerV :: Backend sym => sym -> GenValue sym
ecFromIntegerV sym =
@ -70,15 +80,21 @@ ecFromIntegerV sym =
do i <- fromVInteger <$> v
intV sym i a
{-# SPECIALIZE intV :: Concrete -> Integer -> TValue -> Eval (GenValue Concrete)
intV :: Backend sym => sym -> SInteger sym -> TValue -> SEval sym (GenValue sym)
intV sym i = arithNullary sym (\w -> wordFromInt sym w i) (pure i) (\m -> intToZn sym m i)
{-# SPECIALIZE ecToIntegerV :: Concrete -> GenValue Concrete
-- | Convert a word to a non-negative integer.
ecToIntegerV :: Backend sym => sym -> GenValue sym
ecToIntegerV sym =
nlam $ \ _ ->
wlam sym $ \ w -> VInteger <$> wordToInt sym w
{-# SPECIALIZE ecFromZ :: Concrete -> GenValue Concrete
-- | Convert a value in Z_n into an integer
ecFromZ :: Backend sym => sym -> GenValue sym
ecFromZ sym =
@ -93,6 +109,8 @@ ecFromZ sym =
type Binary sym = TValue -> GenValue sym -> GenValue sym -> SEval sym (GenValue sym)
{-# SPECIALIZE binary :: Binary Concrete -> GenValue Concrete
binary :: Backend sym => Binary sym -> GenValue sym
binary f = tlam $ \ ty ->
lam $ \ a -> return $
@ -102,6 +120,8 @@ binary f = tlam $ \ ty ->
type Unary sym = TValue -> GenValue sym -> SEval sym (GenValue sym)
{-# SPECIALIZE unary :: Unary Concrete -> GenValue Concrete
unary :: Backend sym => Unary sym -> GenValue sym
unary f = tlam $ \ ty ->
lam $ \ a -> f ty =<< a
@ -109,6 +129,12 @@ unary f = tlam $ \ ty ->
type BinArith sym = Integer -> SWord sym -> SWord sym -> SEval sym (SWord sym)
{-# SPECIALIZE arithBinary :: Concrete -> BinArith Concrete ->
(SInteger Concrete -> SInteger Concrete -> SEval Concrete (SInteger Concrete)) ->
(Integer -> SInteger Concrete -> SInteger Concrete -> SEval Concrete (SInteger Concrete)) ->
Binary Concrete
arithBinary :: forall sym.
Backend sym =>
sym ->
@ -178,6 +204,13 @@ arithBinary sym opw opi opz = loop
type UnaryArith sym = Integer -> SWord sym -> SEval sym (SWord sym)
{-# SPECIALIZE arithUnary ::
Concrete ->
UnaryArith Concrete ->
(SInteger Concrete -> SEval Concrete (SInteger Concrete)) ->
(Integer -> SInteger Concrete -> SEval Concrete (SInteger Concrete)) ->
Unary Concrete
arithUnary :: forall sym.
Backend sym =>
sym ->
@ -231,6 +264,15 @@ arithUnary sym opw opi opz = loop
TVAbstract {} -> evalPanic "arithUnary" ["Abstract type not in `Arith`"]
{-# SPECIALIZE arithNullary ::
Concrete ->
(Integer -> SEval Concrete (SWord Concrete)) ->
SEval Concrete (SInteger Concrete) ->
(Integer -> SEval Concrete (SInteger Concrete)) ->
TValue ->
SEval Concrete (GenValue Concrete)
arithNullary :: forall sym.
Backend sym =>
sym ->
@ -280,6 +322,7 @@ arithNullary sym opw opi opz = loop
evalPanic "arithNullary" ["Abstract type not in `Arith`"]
{-# INLINE addV #-}
addV :: Backend sym => sym -> Binary sym
addV sym = arithBinary sym opw opi opz
@ -287,6 +330,7 @@ addV sym = arithBinary sym opw opi opz
opi x y = intPlus sym x y
opz m x y = znPlus sym m x y
{-# INLINE subV #-}
subV :: Backend sym => sym -> Binary sym
subV sym = arithBinary sym opw opi opz
@ -294,6 +338,7 @@ subV sym = arithBinary sym opw opi opz
opi x y = intMinus sym x y
opz m x y = znMinus sym m x y
{-# INLINE mulV #-}
mulV :: Backend sym => sym -> Binary sym
mulV sym = arithBinary sym opw opi opz
@ -301,6 +346,7 @@ mulV sym = arithBinary sym opw opi opz
opi x y = intMult sym x y
opz m x y = znMult sym m x y
{-# INLINE divV #-}
divV :: Backend sym => sym -> Binary sym
divV sym = arithBinary sym opw opi opz
@ -308,6 +354,7 @@ divV sym = arithBinary sym opw opi opz
opi x y = intDiv sym x y
opz m x y = znDiv sym m x y
{-# INLINE modV #-}
modV :: Backend sym => sym -> Binary sym
modV sym = arithBinary sym opw opi opz
@ -315,6 +362,7 @@ modV sym = arithBinary sym opw opi opz
opi x y = intMod sym x y
opz m x y = znMod sym m x y
{-# INLINE sdivV #-}
sdivV :: Backend sym => sym -> Binary sym
sdivV sym = arithBinary sym opw opi opz
@ -322,6 +370,7 @@ sdivV sym = arithBinary sym opw opi opz
opi x y = intDiv sym x y
opz m x y = znDiv sym m x y
{-# INLINE smodV #-}
smodV :: Backend sym => sym -> Binary sym
smodV sym = arithBinary sym opw opi opz
@ -329,6 +378,7 @@ smodV sym = arithBinary sym opw opi opz
opi x y = intMod sym x y
opz m x y = znMod sym m x y
{-# INLINE expV #-}
expV :: Backend sym => sym -> Binary sym
expV sym = arithBinary sym opw opi opz
@ -336,6 +386,8 @@ expV sym = arithBinary sym opw opi opz
opi x y = intExp sym x y
opz m x y = znExp sym m x y
{-# INLINE negateV #-}
negateV :: Backend sym => sym -> Unary sym
negateV sym = arithUnary sym opw opi opz
@ -343,6 +395,7 @@ negateV sym = arithUnary sym opw opi opz
opi x = intNegate sym x
opz m x = znNegate sym m x
{-# INLINE lg2V #-}
lg2V :: Backend sym => sym -> Unary sym
lg2V sym = arithUnary sym opw opi opz
@ -350,20 +403,33 @@ lg2V sym = arithUnary sym opw opi opz
opi x = intLg2 sym x
opz m x = znLg2 sym m x
{-# INLINE andV #-}
andV :: Backend sym => sym -> Binary sym
andV sym = logicBinary sym (bitAnd sym) (wordAnd sym)
{-# INLINE orV #-}
orV :: Backend sym => sym -> Binary sym
orV sym = logicBinary sym (bitOr sym) (wordOr sym)
{-# INLINE xorV #-}
xorV :: Backend sym => sym -> Binary sym
xorV sym = logicBinary sym (bitXor sym) (wordXor sym)
{-# INLINE complementV #-}
complementV :: Backend sym => sym -> Unary sym
complementV sym = logicUnary sym (bitComplement sym) (wordComplement sym)
-- Cmp -------------------------------------------------------------------------
{-# SPECIALIZE cmpValue ::
Concrete ->
(SBit Concrete -> SBit Concrete -> SEval Concrete a -> SEval Concrete a) ->
(SWord Concrete -> SWord Concrete -> SEval Concrete a -> SEval Concrete a) ->
(SInteger Concrete -> SInteger Concrete -> SEval Concrete a -> SEval Concrete a) ->
(Integer -> SInteger Concrete -> SInteger Concrete -> SEval Concrete a -> SEval Concrete a) ->
(TValue -> GenValue Concrete -> GenValue Concrete -> SEval Concrete a -> SEval Concrete a)
cmpValue ::
Backend sym =>
sym ->
@ -407,14 +473,17 @@ cmpValue sym fb fw fi fz = cmp
cmpValues _ _ _ k = k
{-# INLINE bitLessThan #-}
bitLessThan :: Backend sym => sym -> SBit sym -> SBit sym -> SEval sym (SBit sym)
bitLessThan sym x y =
do xnot <- bitComplement sym x
bitAnd sym xnot y
{-# INLINE bitGreaterThan #-}
bitGreaterThan :: Backend sym => sym -> SBit sym -> SBit sym -> SEval sym (SBit sym)
bitGreaterThan sym x y = bitLessThan sym y x
{-# INLINE valEq #-}
valEq :: Backend sym => sym -> TValue -> GenValue sym -> GenValue sym -> SEval sym (SBit sym)
valEq sym ty v1 v2 = cmpValue sym fb fw fi fz ty v1 v2 (pure $ bitLit sym True)
@ -423,6 +492,7 @@ valEq sym ty v1 v2 = cmpValue sym fb fw fi fz ty v1 v2 (pure $ bitLit sym True)
fi x y k = eqCombine sym (intEq sym x y) k
fz m x y k = eqCombine sym (znEq sym m x y) k
{-# INLINE valLt #-}
valLt :: Backend sym =>
sym -> TValue -> GenValue sym -> GenValue sym -> SBit sym -> SEval sym (SBit sym)
valLt sym ty v1 v2 final = cmpValue sym fb fw fi fz ty v1 v2 (pure final)
@ -432,6 +502,7 @@ valLt sym ty v1 v2 final = cmpValue sym fb fw fi fz ty v1 v2 (pure final)
fi x y k = lexCombine sym (intLessThan sym x y) (intEq sym x y) k
fz m x y k = lexCombine sym (znLessThan sym m x y) (znEq sym m x y) k
{-# INLINE valGt #-}
valGt :: Backend sym =>
sym -> TValue -> GenValue sym -> GenValue sym -> SBit sym -> SEval sym (SBit sym)
valGt sym ty v1 v2 final = cmpValue sym fb fw fi fz ty v1 v2 (pure final)
@ -441,6 +512,7 @@ valGt sym ty v1 v2 final = cmpValue sym fb fw fi fz ty v1 v2 (pure final)
fi x y k = lexCombine sym (intGreaterThan sym x y) (intEq sym x y) k
fz m x y k = lexCombine sym (znGreaterThan sym m x y) (znEq sym m x y) k
{-# INLINE eqCombine #-}
eqCombine :: Backend sym =>
sym ->
SEval sym (SBit sym) ->
@ -448,6 +520,7 @@ eqCombine :: Backend sym =>
SEval sym (SBit sym)
eqCombine sym eq k = join (bitAnd sym <$> eq <*> k)
{-# INLINE lexCombine #-}
lexCombine :: Backend sym =>
sym ->
SEval sym (SBit sym) ->
@ -459,24 +532,31 @@ lexCombine sym cmp eq k =
e <- eq
bitOr sym c =<< bitAnd sym e =<< k
{-# INLINE eqV #-}
eqV :: Backend sym => sym -> Binary sym
eqV sym ty v1 v2 = VBit <$> valEq sym ty v1 v2
{-# INLINE distinctV #-}
distinctV :: Backend sym => sym -> Binary sym
distinctV sym ty v1 v2 = VBit <$> (bitComplement sym =<< valEq sym ty v1 v2)
{-# INLINE lessThanV #-}
lessThanV :: Backend sym => sym -> Binary sym
lessThanV sym ty v1 v2 = VBit <$> valLt sym ty v1 v2 (bitLit sym False)
{-# INLINE lessThanEqV #-}
lessThanEqV :: Backend sym => sym -> Binary sym
lessThanEqV sym ty v1 v2 = VBit <$> valLt sym ty v1 v2 (bitLit sym True)
{-# INLINE greaterThanV #-}
greaterThanV :: Backend sym => sym -> Binary sym
greaterThanV sym ty v1 v2 = VBit <$> valGt sym ty v1 v2 (bitLit sym False)
{-# INLINE greaterThanEqV #-}
greaterThanEqV :: Backend sym => sym -> Binary sym
greaterThanEqV sym ty v1 v2 = VBit <$> valGt sym ty v1 v2 (bitLit sym True)
{-# INLINE signedLessThanV #-}
signedLessThanV :: Backend sym => sym -> Binary sym
signedLessThanV sym ty v1 v2 = VBit <$> cmpValue sym fb fw fi fz ty v1 v2 (pure $ bitLit sym False)
@ -487,6 +567,8 @@ signedLessThanV sym ty v1 v2 = VBit <$> cmpValue sym fb fw fi fz ty v1 v2 (pure
-- Signed arithmetic -----------------------------------------------------------
{-# INLINE liftWord #-}
-- | Lifted operation on finite bitsequences. Used
-- for signed comparisons and arithemtic.
liftWord ::
@ -502,6 +584,11 @@ liftWord sym op =
-- Logic -----------------------------------------------------------------------
{-# SPECIALIZE zeroV ::
Concrete ->
TValue ->
SEval Concrete (GenValue Concrete)
zeroV :: forall sym.
Backend sym =>
sym ->
@ -554,7 +641,7 @@ zeroV sym ty = case ty of
-- | otherwise = evalPanic "zeroV" ["invalid type for zero"]
{-# INLINE joinWordVal #-}
joinWordVal :: Backend sym => sym -> WordValue sym -> WordValue sym -> SEval sym (WordValue sym)
joinWordVal sym (WordVal w1) (WordVal w2)
| wordLen sym w1 + wordLen sym w2 < largeBitSize
@ -565,6 +652,13 @@ joinWordVal sym w1 w2
n2 = wordValueSize sym w2
{-# SPECIALIZE joinWords ::
Concrete ->
Integer ->
Integer ->
SeqMap Concrete ->
SEval Concrete (GenValue Concrete)
joinWords :: forall sym.
Backend sym =>
sym ->
@ -585,7 +679,14 @@ joinWords sym nParts nEach xs =
loop (join (joinWordVal sym <$> wv <*> w')) ws
_ -> evalPanic "joinWords: expected word value" []
{-# SPECIALIZE joinSeq ::
Concrete ->
Nat' ->
Integer ->
TValue ->
SeqMap Concrete ->
SEval Concrete (GenValue Concrete)
joinSeq ::
Backend sym =>
sym ->
@ -630,6 +731,8 @@ joinSeq _sym parts each _a xs
Nat n -> VSeq n
{-# INLINE joinV #-}
-- | Join a sequence of sequences into a single sequence.
joinV ::
Backend sym =>
@ -642,6 +745,8 @@ joinV ::
joinV sym parts each a val = joinSeq sym parts each a =<< fromSeq "joinV" val
{-# INLINE splitWordVal #-}
splitWordVal ::
Backend sym =>
sym ->
@ -656,6 +761,7 @@ splitWordVal _ leftWidth rightWidth (LargeBitsVal _n xs) =
let (lxs, rxs) = splitSeqMap leftWidth xs
in pure (LargeBitsVal leftWidth lxs, LargeBitsVal rightWidth rxs)
{-# INLINE splitAtV #-}
splitAtV ::
Backend sym =>
sym ->
@ -698,13 +804,15 @@ splitAtV sym front back a val =
_ -> evalPanic "splitAtV" ["invalid `front` len"]
-- | Extract a subsequence of bits from a @WordValue@.
-- The first integer argument is the number of bits in the
-- resulting word. The second integer argument is the
-- number of less-significant digits to discard. Stated another
-- way, the operation `extractWordVal n i w` is equivalent to
-- first shifting `w` right by `i` bits, and then truncating to
-- `n` bits.
{-# INLINE extractWordVal #-}
-- | Extract a subsequence of bits from a @WordValue@.
-- The first integer argument is the number of bits in the
-- resulting word. The second integer argument is the
-- number of less-significant digits to discard. Stated another
-- way, the operation `extractWordVal n i w` is equivalent to
-- first shifting `w` right by `i` bits, and then truncating to
-- `n` bits.
extractWordVal ::
Backend sym =>
sym ->
@ -718,6 +826,8 @@ extractWordVal _ len start (LargeBitsVal n xs) =
let xs' = dropSeqMap (n - start - len) xs
in pure $ LargeBitsVal len xs'
{-# INLINE ecSplitV #-}
-- | Split implementation.
ecSplitV :: Backend sym => sym -> GenValue sym
ecSplitV sym =
@ -752,6 +862,7 @@ ecSplitV sym =
lookupSeqMap xs (e * i + j)
_ -> evalPanic "splitV" ["invalid type arguments to split"]
{-# INLINE reverseV #-}
reverseV :: forall sym.
Backend sym =>
@ -768,7 +879,7 @@ reverseV sym (VWord n x) = return (VWord n (revword <$> x))
reverseV _ _ =
evalPanic "reverseV" ["Not a finite sequence"]
{-# INLINE transposeV #-}
transposeV ::
Backend sym =>
@ -815,7 +926,7 @@ transposeV sym a b c xs
Inf -> VStream
{-# INLINE ccatV #-}
ccatV ::
Backend sym =>
@ -850,6 +961,8 @@ ccatV sym front back elty l r = do
rs <- r''
lookupSeqMap rs (i-n))
{-# INLINE wordValLogicOp #-}
wordValLogicOp ::
Backend sym =>
sym ->
@ -866,6 +979,13 @@ wordValLogicOp sym bop _ w1 w2 = LargeBitsVal (wordValueSize sym w1) <$> zs
ys = asBitsMap sym w2
op x y = VBit <$> (bop (fromVBit x) (fromVBit y))
{-# SPECIALIZE logicBinary ::
Concrete ->
(SBit Concrete -> SBit Concrete -> SEval Concrete (SBit Concrete)) ->
(SWord Concrete -> SWord Concrete -> SEval Concrete (SWord Concrete)) ->
Binary Concrete
-- | Merge two values given a binop. This is used for and, or and xor.
logicBinary :: forall sym.
Backend sym =>
@ -930,7 +1050,7 @@ logicBinary sym opb opw = loop
TVAbstract {} -> evalPanic "logicBinary"
[ "Abstract type not in `Logic`" ]
{-# INLINE wordValUnaryOp #-}
wordValUnaryOp ::
Backend sym =>
(SBit sym -> SEval sym (SBit sym)) ->
@ -941,9 +1061,16 @@ wordValUnaryOp _ wop (WordVal w) = WordVal <$> (wop w)
wordValUnaryOp bop _ (LargeBitsVal n xs) = LargeBitsVal n <$> mapSeqMap f xs
where f x = VBit <$> (bop (fromVBit x))
{-# SPECIALIZE logicUnary ::
Concrete ->
(SBit Concrete -> SEval Concrete (SBit Concrete)) ->
(SWord Concrete -> SEval Concrete (SWord Concrete)) ->
Unary Concrete
logicUnary :: forall sym.
sym ->
Backend sym =>
sym ->
(SBit sym -> SEval sym (SBit sym)) ->
(SWord sym -> SEval sym (SWord sym)) ->
Unary sym
@ -990,6 +1117,13 @@ logicUnary sym opb opw = loop
TVAbstract {} -> evalPanic "logicUnary" [ "Abstract type not in `Logic`" ]
{-# SPECIALIZE bitsValueLessThan ::
Concrete ->
Integer ->
[SBit Concrete] ->
Integer ->
SEval Concrete (SBit Concrete)
bitsValueLessThan ::
Backend sym =>
sym ->
@ -1009,6 +1143,7 @@ bitsValueLessThan sym w (b:bs) n
nbit = testBit n (fromInteger (w-1))
{-# INLINE assertIndexInBounds #-}
assertIndexInBounds ::
Backend sym =>
sym ->
@ -1048,6 +1183,9 @@ assertIndexInBounds sym (Nat n) (LargeBitsVal w bits) =
-- | Indexing operations.
{-# INLINE indexPrim #-}
indexPrim ::
Backend sym =>
sym ->
@ -1071,6 +1209,7 @@ indexPrim sym bits_op word_op =
WordVal w' -> word_op len eltTy vs w'
LargeBitsVal m bs -> bits_op len eltTy vs =<< traverse (fromVBit <$>) (enumerateSeqMap m bs)
{-# INLINE updatePrim #-}
updatePrim ::
Backend sym =>
@ -1094,6 +1233,8 @@ updatePrim sym updateWord updateSeq =
VStream vs -> VStream <$> updateSeq len eltTy vs idx' val
_ -> evalPanic "Expected sequence value" ["updatePrim"]
{-# INLINE fromToV #-}
-- @[ 0 .. 10 ]@
fromToV :: Backend sym => sym -> GenValue sym
fromToV sym =
@ -1107,6 +1248,8 @@ fromToV sym =
in VSeq len $ IndexSeqMap $ \i -> f (first' + i)
_ -> evalPanic "fromToV" ["invalid arguments"]
{-# INLINE fromThenToV #-}
-- @[ 0, 1 .. 10 ]@
fromThenToV :: Backend sym => sym -> GenValue sym
fromThenToV sym =
@ -1122,6 +1265,7 @@ fromThenToV sym =
in VSeq len' $ IndexSeqMap $ \i -> f (first' + i*diff)
_ -> evalPanic "fromThenToV" ["invalid arguments"]
{-# INLINE infFromV #-}
infFromV :: Backend sym => sym -> GenValue sym
infFromV sym =
@ -1133,6 +1277,8 @@ infFromV sym =
i' <- integerLit sym i
addV sym ty x' =<< intV sym i' ty
{-# INLINE infFromThenV #-}
infFromThenV :: Backend sym => sym -> GenValue sym
infFromThenV sym =
tlam $ \ ty ->
@ -1174,22 +1320,26 @@ barrelShifter sym shift_op = go
x' <- memoMap (mergeSeqMap sym b x_shft x)
go x' bs
{-# INLINE shiftLeftReindex #-}
shiftLeftReindex :: Nat' -> Integer -> Integer -> Maybe Integer
shiftLeftReindex sz i shft =
case sz of
Nat n | i+shft >= n -> Nothing
_ -> Just (i+shft)
{-# INLINE shiftRightReindex #-}
shiftRightReindex :: Nat' -> Integer -> Integer -> Maybe Integer
shiftRightReindex _sz i shft =
if i-shft < 0 then Nothing else Just (i-shft)
{-# INLINE rotateLeftReindex #-}
rotateLeftReindex :: Nat' -> Integer -> Integer -> Maybe Integer
rotateLeftReindex sz i shft =
case sz of
Inf -> evalPanic "cannot rotate infinite sequence" []
Nat n -> Just ((i+shft) `mod` n)
{-# INLINE rotateRightReindex #-}
rotateRightReindex :: Nat' -> Integer -> Integer -> Maybe Integer
rotateRightReindex sz i shft =
case sz of
@ -1253,6 +1403,12 @@ logicShift sym nm wop reindex =
-- Miscellaneous ---------------------------------------------------------------
{-# SPECIALIZE errorV ::
Concrete ->
TValue ->
String ->
SEval Concrete (GenValue Concrete)
errorV :: forall sym.
Backend sym =>
sym ->
@ -1288,6 +1444,8 @@ errorV sym ty msg = case ty of
TVAbstract {} -> cryUserError sym msg
{-# INLINE valueToChar #-}
-- | Expect a word value. Mask it to an 8-bits ASCII value
-- and return the associated character, if it is concrete.
-- Otherwise, return a '?' character
@ -1297,12 +1455,15 @@ valueToChar sym (VWord 8 wval) =
pure $! fromMaybe '?' (wordAsChar sym w)
valueToChar _ _ = evalPanic "valueToChar" ["Not an 8-bit bitvector"]
{-# INLINE valueToString #-}
valueToString :: Backend sym => sym -> GenValue sym -> SEval sym String
valueToString sym (VSeq n vals) = traverse (valueToChar sym =<<) (enumerateSeqMap n vals)
valueToString _ _ = evalPanic "valueToString" ["Not a finite sequence"]
-- Merge and if/then/else
{-# INLINE iteValue #-}
iteValue :: Backend sym =>
sym ->
SBit sym ->
@ -1314,6 +1475,7 @@ iteValue sym b x y
| Just False <- bitAsLit sym b = y
| otherwise = mergeValue' sym b x y
{-# INLINE mergeWord #-}
mergeWord :: Backend sym =>
sym ->
SBit sym ->
@ -1325,6 +1487,7 @@ mergeWord sym c (WordVal w1) (WordVal w2) =
mergeWord sym c w1 w2 =
LargeBitsVal (wordValueSize sym w1) <$> memoMap (mergeSeqMap sym c (asBitsMap sym w1) (asBitsMap sym w2))
{-# INLINE mergeWord' #-}
mergeWord' :: Backend sym =>
sym ->
SBit sym ->
@ -1333,6 +1496,7 @@ mergeWord' :: Backend sym =>
SEval sym (WordValue sym)
mergeWord' sym = mergeEval sym (mergeWord sym)
{-# INLINE mergeValue' #-}
mergeValue' :: Backend sym =>
sym ->
SBit sym ->
@ -1363,6 +1527,7 @@ mergeValue sym c v1 v2 =
(_ , _ ) -> panic "Cryptol.Eval.Generic"
[ "mergeValue: incompatible values" ]
{-# INLINE mergeSeqMap #-}
mergeSeqMap :: Backend sym =>
sym ->
SBit sym ->

View File

@ -307,12 +307,12 @@ instance Backend SBV where
-- NB, we don't do reduction here
intToZn _ _m a = pure a
znToInt _ 0 a = evalPanic "znToInt" ["0 modulus not allowed"]
znToInt _ 0 _ = evalPanic "znToInt" ["0 modulus not allowed"]
znToInt _ m a =
do let m' = svInteger KUnbounded m
pure $! svRem a m'
znEq _ 0 a b = evalPanic "znEq" ["0 modulus not allowed"]
znEq _ 0 _ _ = evalPanic "znEq" ["0 modulus not allowed"]
znEq _ m a b = svDivisible m (SBV.svMinus a b)
znPlus _ m a b = sModAdd m a b
@ -695,28 +695,28 @@ sExp x y =
s = SBV.svTimes a a
sModAdd :: Integer -> SInteger SBV -> SInteger SBV -> SEval SBV (SInteger SBV)
sModAdd 0 x y = evalPanic "sModAdd" ["0 modulus not allowed"]
sModAdd 0 _ _ = evalPanic "sModAdd" ["0 modulus not allowed"]
sModAdd modulus x y =
case (SBV.svAsInteger x, SBV.svAsInteger y) of
(Just i, Just j) -> integerLit SBV ((i + j) `mod` modulus)
_ -> pure $ SBV.svPlus x y
sModSub :: Integer -> SInteger SBV -> SInteger SBV -> SEval SBV (SInteger SBV)
sModSub 0 x y = evalPanic "sModSub" ["0 modulus not allowed"]
sModSub 0 _ _ = evalPanic "sModSub" ["0 modulus not allowed"]
sModSub modulus x y =
case (SBV.svAsInteger x, SBV.svAsInteger y) of
(Just i, Just j) -> integerLit SBV ((i - j) `mod` modulus)
_ -> pure $ SBV.svMinus x y
sModNegate :: Integer -> SInteger SBV -> SEval SBV (SInteger SBV)
sModNegate 0 x = evalPanic "sModNegate" ["0 modulus not allowed"]
sModNegate 0 _ = evalPanic "sModNegate" ["0 modulus not allowed"]
sModNegate modulus x =
case SBV.svAsInteger x of
Just i -> integerLit SBV ((negate i) `mod` modulus)
_ -> pure $ SBV.svUNeg x
sModMult :: Integer -> SInteger SBV -> SInteger SBV -> SEval SBV (SInteger SBV)
sModMult 0 x y = evalPanic "sModMult" ["0 modulus not allowed"]
sModMult 0 _ _ = evalPanic "sModMult" ["0 modulus not allowed"]
sModMult modulus x y =
case (SBV.svAsInteger x, SBV.svAsInteger y) of
(Just i, Just j) -> integerLit SBV ((i * j) `mod` modulus)

View File

@ -129,6 +129,10 @@ testableTypeGenerators ty =
_ -> Nothing
{-# SPECIALIZE randomValue ::
RandomGen g => Concrete -> Type -> Maybe (Gen g Concrete)
{- | A generator for values of the given type. This fails if we are
given a type that lacks a suitable random value generator. -}
randomValue :: (Backend sym, RandomGen g) => sym -> Type -> Maybe (Gen g sym)
@ -165,18 +169,24 @@ randomValue sym ty =
TRec fs -> do gs <- traverse (randomValue sym) (Map.fromList fs)
return (randomRecord gs)
{-# INLINE randomBit #-}
-- | Generate a random bit value.
randomBit :: (Backend sym, RandomGen g) => sym -> Gen g sym
randomBit sym _ g =
let (b,g1) = random g
in (pure (VBit (bitLit sym b)), g1)
{-# INLINE randomSize #-}
randomSize :: RandomGen g => Int -> Int -> g -> (Int, g)
randomSize k n g
| p == 1 = (n, g')
| otherwise = randomSize k (n + 1) g'
where (p, g') = randomR (1, k) g
{-# INLINE randomInteger #-}
-- | Generate a random integer value. The size parameter is assumed to
-- vary between 1 and 100, and we use it to generate smaller numbers
-- first.
@ -186,11 +196,15 @@ randomInteger sym w g =
(i, g2) = randomR (- 256^n, 256^n) g1
in (VInteger <$> integerLit sym i, g2)
{-# INLINE randomIntMod #-}
randomIntMod :: (Backend sym, RandomGen g) => sym -> Integer -> Gen g sym
randomIntMod sym modulus _ g =
let (i, g') = randomR (0, modulus-1) g
in (VInteger <$> integerLit sym i, g')
{-# INLINE randomWord #-}
-- | Generate a random word of the given length (i.e., a value of type @[w]@)
-- The size parameter is assumed to vary between 1 and 100, and we use
-- it to generate smaller numbers first.
@ -199,12 +213,16 @@ randomWord sym w _sz g =
let (val, g1) = randomR (0,2^w-1) g
in (return $ VWord w (WordVal <$> wordLit sym w val), g1)
{-# INLINE randomStream #-}
-- | Generate a random infinite stream value.
randomStream :: (Backend sym, RandomGen g) => Gen g sym -> Gen g sym
randomStream mkElem sz g =
let (g1,g2) = split g
in (pure $ VStream $ IndexSeqMap $ genericIndex (unfoldr (Just . mkElem sz) g1), g2)
{-# INLINE randomSequence #-}
{- | Generate a random sequence. This should be used for sequences
other than bits. For sequences of bits use "randomWord". -}
randomSequence :: (Backend sym, RandomGen g) => Integer -> Gen g sym -> Gen g sym
@ -215,6 +233,8 @@ randomSequence w mkElem sz g0 = do
let xs = Seq.fromList $ genericTake w $ unfoldr f g1
seq xs (pure $ VSeq w $ IndexSeqMap $ (Seq.index xs . fromInteger), g2)
{-# INLINE randomTuple #-}
-- | Generate a random tuple value.
randomTuple :: (Backend sym, RandomGen g) => [Gen g sym] -> Gen g sym
randomTuple gens sz = go [] gens
@ -224,6 +244,8 @@ randomTuple gens sz = go [] gens
let (v, g1) = mkElem sz g
in seq v (go (v : els) more g1)
{-# INLINE randomRecord #-}
-- | Generate a random record value.
randomRecord :: (Backend sym, RandomGen g) => Map Ident (Gen g sym) -> Gen g sym
randomRecord gens sz g0 =
@ -236,6 +258,10 @@ randomRecord gens sz g0 =
-- Random Values ---------------------------------------------------------------
{-# SPECIALIZE randomV ::
Concrete -> TValue -> Integer -> SEval Concrete (GenValue Concrete)
-- | Produce a random value with the given seed. If we do not support
-- making values of the given type, return zero of that type.
-- TODO: do better than returning zero