Split-up CrySat into multiple modules.

This commit is contained in:
Iavor S. Diatchki 2014-12-01 16:28:29 -08:00
parent f889b0bd59
commit c983dbfe5d
7 changed files with 1634 additions and 1526 deletions

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@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ library
random >= 1.0.1,
tf-random >= 0.5,
smtLib >= 1.0.7,
simple-smt >= 0.3,
syb >= 0.4,
text >= 1.1,
transformers >= 0.3,
@ -101,9 +102,15 @@ library

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
-- | The sytnax of numeric propositions.
module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Numeric.AST
( Name, toName, sysName, fromName, ppName
, Prop(..), cryPropExprs, cryPropFVS
, ppProp, ppPropPrec
, Expr(..), zero, one, inf, cryAnds, cryOrs
, cryExprExprs, cryRebuildExpr
, cryExprFVS
, ppExpr, ppExprPrec
, Nat'(..)
, IfExpr(..), ppIfExpr
) where
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic ( panic )
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.InfNat ( Nat'(..) )
import Data.Set ( Set )
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Control.Applicative as A
import Control.Monad ( liftM, ap )
import Text.PrettyPrint ( Doc, text, (<+>), hang, ($$), char, (<>)
, parens, integer, sep )
infixr 2 :||
infixr 3 :&&
infix 4 :==, :>, :>=, :==:, :>:
infixl 6 :+, :-
infixl 7 :*
infixr 8 :^^
data Name = UserName Int | SysName Int
deriving (Eq,Ord)
toName :: Int -> Name
toName = UserName
sysName :: Int -> Name
sysName = SysName
fromName :: Name -> Maybe Int
fromName (UserName x) = Just x
fromName (SysName _) = Nothing
-- | Propopsitions, representing Cryptol's numeric constraints (and a bit more).
data Prop =
-- Preidcates on natural numbers with infinity.
-- After simplification, the only one of these should be `fin x`,
-- where `x` is a variable.
Fin Expr | Expr :== Expr | Expr :>= Expr | Expr :> Expr
-- Predicate on strict natural numbers (i.e., no infinities)
-- Should be introduced by 'cryNatOp', to eliminte 'inf'.
| Expr :==: Expr | Expr :>: Expr
-- Standard logical strucutre>
| Prop :&& Prop | Prop :|| Prop
| Not Prop
| PFalse | PTrue
-- | Expressions, representing Cryptol's numeric types.
data Expr = K Nat'
| Var Name
| Expr :+ Expr
| Expr :- Expr
| Expr :* Expr
| Div Expr Expr
| Mod Expr Expr
| Expr :^^ Expr
| Min Expr Expr
| Max Expr Expr
| Lg2 Expr
| Width Expr
| LenFromThen Expr Expr Expr
| LenFromThenTo Expr Expr Expr
deriving (Eq)
-- | The constant @0@.
zero :: Expr
zero = K (Nat 0)
-- | The constant @1@.
one :: Expr
one = K (Nat 1)
-- | The constant @infinity@.
inf :: Expr
inf = K Inf
-- | Make a conjucntion of the given properties.
cryAnds :: [Prop] -> Prop
cryAnds [] = PTrue
cryAnds ps = foldr1 (:&&) ps
-- | Make a disjunction of the given properties.
cryOrs :: [Prop] -> Prop
cryOrs [] = PFalse
cryOrs ps = foldr1 (:||) ps
-- | Compute all expressions in a property.
cryPropExprs :: Prop -> [Expr]
cryPropExprs = go []
go es prop =
case prop of
PTrue -> es
PFalse -> es
Not p -> go es p
p :&& q -> go (go es q) p
p :|| q -> go (go es q) p
Fin x -> x : es
x :== y -> x : y : es
x :> y -> x : y : es
x :>= y -> x : y : es
x :==: y -> x : y : es
x :>: y -> x : y : es
-- | Compute the immediate sub-expressions of an expression.
cryExprExprs :: Expr -> [Expr]
cryExprExprs expr =
case expr of
K _ -> []
Var _ -> []
x :+ y -> [x,y]
x :- y -> [x,y]
x :* y -> [x,y]
Div x y -> [x,y]
Mod x y -> [x,y]
x :^^ y -> [x,y]
Min x y -> [x,y]
Max x y -> [x,y]
Lg2 x -> [x]
Width x -> [x]
LenFromThen x y z -> [x,y,z]
LenFromThenTo x y z -> [x,y,z]
-- | Rebuild an expression, using the top-level strucutre of the first
-- expression, but the second list of expressions as sub-expressions.
cryRebuildExpr :: Expr -> [Expr] -> Expr
cryRebuildExpr expr args =
case (expr,args) of
(K _, []) -> expr
(Var _, []) -> expr
(_ :+ _k, [x,y]) -> x :+ y
(_ :- _ , [x,y]) -> x :- y
(_ :* _ , [x,y]) -> x :* y
(Div _ _, [x,y]) -> Div x y
(Mod _ _, [x,y]) -> Mod x y
(_ :^^ _, [x,y]) -> x :^^ y
(Min _ _, [x,y]) -> Min x y
(Max _ _, [x,y]) -> Max x y
(Lg2 _ , [x]) -> Lg2 x
(Width _, [x]) -> Width x
(LenFromThen _ _ _ , [x,y,z]) -> LenFromThen x y z
(LenFromThenTo _ _ _ , [x,y,z]) -> LenFromThenTo x y z
_ -> panic "cryRebuildExpr" $ map show
$ text "expr:" <+> ppExpr expr
: [ text "arg:" <+> ppExpr a | a <- args ]
-- | Compute the free variables in an expression.
cryExprFVS :: Expr -> Set Name
cryExprFVS expr =
case expr of
Var x -> Set.singleton x
_ -> Set.unions (map cryExprFVS (cryExprExprs expr))
-- | Compute the free variables in a proposition.
cryPropFVS :: Prop -> Set Name
cryPropFVS = Set.unions . map cryExprFVS . cryPropExprs
data IfExpr a = If Prop (IfExpr a) (IfExpr a) | Return a | Impossible
instance Monad IfExpr where
return = Return
fail _ = Impossible
m >>= k = case m of
Impossible -> Impossible
Return a -> k a
If p t e -> If p (t >>= k) (e >>= k)
instance Functor IfExpr where
fmap = liftM
instance A.Applicative IfExpr where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
-- Pretty Printing
-- | Pretty print a name.
ppName :: Name -> Doc
ppName name =
case name of
UserName x -> text (names !! x)
SysName x -> char '_' <> text (names !! x)
-- | An infinite list of names, for pretty prinitng.
names :: [String]
names = concatMap gen [ 0 :: Integer .. ]
gen x = [ a : suff x | a <- [ 'a' .. 'z' ] ]
suff 0 = ""
suff x = show x
-- | Pretty print a top-level property.
ppProp :: Prop -> Doc
ppProp = ppPropPrec 0
-- | Pretty print a proposition, in the given precedence context.
ppPropPrec :: Int -> Prop -> Doc
ppPropPrec prec prop =
case prop of
Fin x -> fun "fin" ppExprPrec x
x :== y -> bin "==" 4 1 1 ppExprPrec x y
x :>= y -> bin ">=" 4 1 1 ppExprPrec x y
x :> y -> bin ">" 4 1 1 ppExprPrec x y
x :==: y -> bin "==#" 4 1 1 ppExprPrec x y
x :>: y -> bin ">#" 4 1 1 ppExprPrec x y
p :&& q -> bin "&&" 3 1 0 ppPropPrec p q
p :|| q -> bin "||" 2 1 0 ppPropPrec p q
Not p -> fun "not" ppPropPrec p
PTrue -> text "True"
PFalse -> text "False"
wrap p d = if prec > p then parens d else d
fun f how x = wrap 10 (text f <+> how 11 x)
bin op opP lMod rMod how x y =
wrap opP (sep [ how (opP + lMod) x, text op, how (opP + rMod) y ])
-- | Pretty print an expression at the top level.
ppExpr :: Expr -> Doc
ppExpr = ppExprPrec 0
-- | Pretty print an expression, in the given precedence context.
ppExprPrec :: Int -> Expr -> Doc
ppExprPrec prec expr =
case expr of
K Inf -> text "inf"
K (Nat n) -> integer n
Var a -> ppName a
x :+ y -> bin "+" 6 0 1 x y
x :- y -> bin "-" 6 0 1 x y
x :* y -> bin "*" 7 0 1 x y
Div x y -> fun "div" [x,y]
Mod x y -> fun "mod" [x,y]
x :^^ y -> bin "*" 8 1 0 x y
Min x y -> fun "min" [x,y]
Max x y -> fun "max" [x,y]
Lg2 x -> fun "lg2" [x]
Width x -> fun "width" [x]
LenFromThen x y w -> fun "lenFromThen" [x,y,w]
LenFromThenTo x y z -> fun "lenFromThenTo" [x,y,z]
wrap p d = if prec > p then parens d else d
fun f xs = wrap 10 (text f <+> sep (map (ppExprPrec 11) xs))
bin op opP lMod rMod x y =
wrap opP
(ppExprPrec (opP + lMod) x <+> text op <+> ppExprPrec (opP + rMod) y)
-- | Pretty print an experssion with ifs.
ppIfExpr :: IfExpr Expr -> Doc
ppIfExpr expr =
case expr of
If p t e -> hang (text "if" <+> ppProp p) 2
( (text "then" <+> ppIfExpr t) $$
(text "else" <+> ppIfExpr e)
Return e -> ppExpr e
Impossible -> text "<impossible>"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Numeric.Defined where
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Numeric.AST
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic ( panic )
-- | A condition ensure that the given *basic* proposition makes sense.
cryDefinedProp :: Prop -> Prop
cryDefinedProp prop =
case prop of
Fin x -> cryDefined x
x :== y -> cryDefined x :&& cryDefined y
x :>= y -> cryDefined x :&& cryDefined y
_ -> panic "cryDefinedProp" [ "Not a simple property:"
, show (ppProp prop)
-- | Generate a property ensuring that the expression is well-defined.
-- This might be a bit too strict. For example, we reject things like
-- @max inf (0 - 1)@, which one might think would simplify to @inf@.
cryDefined :: Expr -> Prop
cryDefined expr =
case expr of
K _ -> PTrue
Var _ -> PTrue -- Variables are always assumed to be OK.
-- The idea is that we are going to check for
-- defined-ness before instantiating variables.
x :+ y -> cryDefined x :&& cryDefined y
x :- y -> cryDefined x :&& cryDefined y :&&
Fin y :&& x :>= y
x :* y -> cryDefined x :&& cryDefined y
Div x y -> cryDefined x :&& cryDefined y :&&
Fin x :&& Not (y :== zero)
Mod x y -> cryDefined x :&& cryDefined y :&&
Fin x :&& Not (y :== zero)
x :^^ y -> cryDefined x :&& cryDefined y
Min x y -> cryDefined x :&& cryDefined y
Max x y -> cryDefined x :&& cryDefined y
Lg2 x -> cryDefined x
Width x -> cryDefined x
LenFromThen x y w ->
cryDefined x :&& cryDefined y :&& cryDefined w :&&
Fin x :&& Fin y :&& Fin w :&& Not (x :== y) :&& w :>= Width x
LenFromThenTo x y z ->
cryDefined x :&& cryDefined y :&& cryDefined z :&&
Fin x :&& Fin y :&& Fin z :&& Not (x :== y)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
-- | Separate Non-Linear Constraints
-- TODO: When naming non-linear terms,
-- use the same name for the same expression.
module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Numeric.NonLin where
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Numeric.AST
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic(panic)
import MonadLib
-- | Is the top-level operator a non-linear one.
isNonLinOp :: Expr -> Bool
isNonLinOp expr =
case expr of
K _ -> False
Var _ -> False
_ :+ _ -> False
_ :- _ -> False
x :* y ->
case (x,y) of
(K _, _) -> False
(_, K _) -> False
_ -> True
Div _ y ->
case y of
K _ -> False
_ -> True
Mod _ y ->
case y of
K _ -> False
_ -> True
_ :^^ _ -> True
Min _ _ -> False
Max _ _ -> False
Lg2 _ -> True
Width _ -> True
LenFromThen _ _ _ -> True -- See also comment on `LenFromThenTo`
LenFromThenTo x y _ ->
case (x,y) of
(K _, K _) -> False
_ -> True -- Actually, as long as the difference bettwen
-- `x` and `y` is constant we'd be OK, but not
-- sure how to do that...
-- | Factor-out non-linear terms, by naming them
nonLinProp :: Prop -> ([(Name,Expr)], Prop)
nonLinProp prop = case runId $ runStateT s0 $ nonLinPropM prop of
(p, sFin) -> (nonLinExprs sFin, p)
s0 = NonLinS { nextName = 0, nonLinExprs = [] }
nonLinPropM :: Prop -> NonLinM Prop
nonLinPropM prop =
case prop of
PFalse -> return PFalse
PTrue -> return PTrue
Not p -> Not `fmap` nonLinPropM p
p :&& q -> (:&&) `fmap` nonLinPropM p `ap` nonLinPropM q
p :|| q -> (:||) `fmap` nonLinPropM p `ap` nonLinPropM q
Fin (Var _) -> return prop
Fin _ -> unexpected
x :==: y -> (:==:) `fmap` nonLinExprM x `ap` nonLinExprM y
x :>: y -> (:>:) `fmap` nonLinExprM x `ap` nonLinExprM y
_ :== _ -> unexpected
_ :>= _ -> unexpected
_ :> _ -> unexpected
unexpected = panic "nonLinPropM" [ show (ppProp prop) ]
nonLinExprM :: Expr -> NonLinM Expr
nonLinExprM expr
| isNonLinOp expr = nameExpr expr
| otherwise = cryRebuildExpr expr `fmap` mapM nonLinExprM (cryExprExprs expr)
type NonLinM = StateT NonLinS Id
data NonLinS = NonLinS
{ nextName :: !Int
, nonLinExprs :: [(Name,Expr)]
nameExpr :: Expr -> NonLinM Expr
nameExpr e = sets $ \s ->
case [ x | (x,e1) <- nonLinExprs s, e == e1 ] of -- XXX: inefficient!
x : _ -> (Var x,s)
[] ->
let x = nextName s
n = sysName x
s1 = NonLinS { nextName = 1 + x
, nonLinExprs = (n,e) : nonLinExprs s
in s1 `seq` (Var n, s1)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
-- | Desugar into SMTLIB Terminology
module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Numeric.SMT
( desugarProp
, smtName
, smtFinName
, ifPropToSmtLib
, cryGetModel
, cryImproveModel
) where
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.InfNat
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Numeric.AST
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic ( panic )
import Control.Monad ( ap, guard )
import Data.Map ( Map )
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Ratio ( (%), denominator, numerator )
import SimpleSMT ( SExpr )
import qualified SimpleSMT as SMT
-- XXX: Expanding the if-then-elses could make things large.
-- Perhaps keep them as first class things, in hope that the solver
-- can do something more clever with that?
-- | Assumes simplified, linear, finite, defined expressions.
desugarExpr :: Expr -> IfExpr Expr
desugarExpr expr =
do es <- mapM desugarExpr (cryExprExprs expr)
case (expr,es) of
(Min {}, [x,y]) -> If (x :>: y) (return y) (return x)
(Max {}, [x,y]) -> If (x :>: y) (return x) (return y)
(LenFromThenTo {}, [ x@(K (Nat a)), K (Nat b), z ])
| a > b -> If (z :>: x) (return zero)
(return (Div (z :- x) step :+ one))
| b < a -> If (x :>: z) (return zero)
(return (Div (x :- z) step :+ one))
where step = K (Nat (abs (a - b)))
_ -> return (cryRebuildExpr expr es)
-- | Assumes simplified, linear, defined.
desugarProp :: Prop -> IfExpr Prop
desugarProp prop =
case prop of
PFalse -> return PFalse
PTrue -> return PTrue
Not p -> Not `fmap` desugarProp p
p :&& q -> (:&&) `fmap` desugarProp p `ap` desugarProp q
p :|| q -> (:||) `fmap` desugarProp p `ap` desugarProp q
Fin (Var _) -> return prop
Fin _ -> unexpected
x :==: y -> (:==:) `fmap` desugarExpr x `ap` desugarExpr y
x :>: y -> (:>:) `fmap` desugarExpr x `ap` desugarExpr y
_ :== _ -> unexpected
_ :>= _ -> unexpected
_ :> _ -> unexpected
unexpected = panic "desugarProp" [ show (ppProp prop) ]
ifPropToSmtLib :: IfExpr Prop -> SExpr
ifPropToSmtLib ifProp =
case ifProp of
Impossible -> SMT.bool False -- Sholdn't really matter
Return p -> propToSmtLib p
If p q r -> SMT.ite (propToSmtLib p) (ifPropToSmtLib q) (ifPropToSmtLib r)
propToSmtLib :: Prop -> SExpr
propToSmtLib prop =
case prop of
PFalse -> SMT.bool False
PTrue -> SMT.bool True
Not p -> SMT.not (propToSmtLib p)
p :&& q -> SMT.and (propToSmtLib p) (propToSmtLib q)
p :|| q -> SMT.or (propToSmtLib p) (propToSmtLib q)
Fin (Var x) -> SMT.const (smtFinName x)
x :==: y -> SMT.eq (exprToSmtLib x) (exprToSmtLib y)
x :>: y -> SMT.gt (exprToSmtLib x) (exprToSmtLib y)
Fin _ -> unexpected
_ :== _ -> unexpected
_ :>= _ -> unexpected
_ :> _ -> unexpected
unexpected = panic "desugarProp" [ show (ppProp prop) ]
exprToSmtLib :: Expr -> SExpr
exprToSmtLib expr =
case expr of
K (Nat n) -> SMT.int n
K Inf -> unexpected
Var a -> SMT.const (smtName a)
x :+ y -> SMT.add (exprToSmtLib x) (exprToSmtLib y)
x :- y -> SMT.sub (exprToSmtLib x) (exprToSmtLib y)
x :* y -> SMT.mul (exprToSmtLib x) (exprToSmtLib y)
Div x y -> SMT.div (exprToSmtLib x) (exprToSmtLib y)
Mod x y -> SMT.mod (exprToSmtLib x) (exprToSmtLib y)
_ :^^ _ -> unexpected
Min {} -> unexpected
Max {} -> unexpected
Lg2 {} -> unexpected
Width {} -> unexpected
LenFromThen {} -> unexpected
LenFromThenTo {} -> unexpected
unexpected = panic "exprToSmtLib" [ show (ppExpr expr) ]
-- | The name of a variable in the SMT translation.
smtName :: Name -> String
smtName = show . ppName
-- | The name of a boolean variable, representing `fin x`.
smtFinName :: Name -> String
smtFinName x = "fin_" ++ show (ppName x)
-- | Is this the only possible value for the constant, under the current
-- assumptions.
-- Assumes that we are in a 'Sat' state.
cryMustEqualK :: SMT.Solver -> Name -> Expr -> IO Bool
cryMustEqualK solver x expr =
case expr of
K Inf -> do SMT.push solver
SMT.assert solver $ SMT.const (smtFinName x)
res <- SMT.check solver
SMT.pop solver
return (res == SMT.Unsat)
K (Nat n) -> do SMT.push solver
SMT.assert solver $
SMT.not $
(SMT.const $ smtFinName x)
(SMT.eq (SMT.const (smtName x)) (SMT.int n))
res <- SMT.check solver
SMT.pop solver
return (res == SMT.Unsat)
_ -> panic "cryMustEqualK" [ "Not a constant", show (ppExpr expr) ]
-- | Do these two variables need to always be the same, under the current
-- assumptions.
-- Assumes that we are in a 'Sat' state.
cryMustEqualV :: SMT.Solver -> Name -> Name -> IO Bool
cryMustEqualV solver x y =
do SMT.push solver
let fin a = SMT.const (smtFinName a)
var a = SMT.const (smtName a)
SMT.assert solver $
SMT.or (SMT.not (fin x) `SMT.and` SMT.not (fin y))
(fin x `SMT.and` fin y `SMT.and` SMT.eq (var x) (var y))
res <- SMT.check solver
SMT.pop solver
return (res == SMT.Unsat)
-- | Compute a linear relation through two concrete points.
-- Try to find a relation of the form `y = a * x + b`, where both `a` and `b`
-- are naturals.
linRel :: Name -> Name -> (Integer,Integer) -> (Integer,Integer) -> Maybe Prop
linRel x y (x1,y1) (x2,y2) =
do guard (x1 /= x2)
let a' = (y1 - y2) % abs (x1 - x2)
guard (denominator a' == 1)
let a = numerator a'
b = y1 - a * x1
undefined x y a b"XXX: Finish this, rewriting equations to work with Nats"
-- | Given a model, compute a set of equations of the form `x = e`,
-- that are impleied by the model.
cryImproveModel :: SMT.Solver -> Map Name Expr -> IO (Map Name Expr)
cryImproveModel solver m = go Map.empty (Map.toList m)
go done [] = return done
go done ((x,e) : rest) =
do yesK <- cryMustEqualK solver x e
if yesK
then go (Map.insert x e done) rest
else goV done [] x e rest
goV done todo x e ((y,e') : more)
| e == e' = do yesK <- cryMustEqualV solver x y
if yesK then goV (Map.insert x (Var y) done) todo x e more
else goV done ((y,e'):todo) x e more
| otherwise = goV done ((y,e') : todo) x e more
goV done todo _ _ [] = go done todo
-- | Extract the values of the given variables.
-- Assumes that we are in a 'Sat' state.
cryGetModel :: SMT.Solver -> [Name] -> IO (Map Name Expr)
cryGetModel p = fmap Map.fromList . mapM getVal
getVal a =
do yes <- isInf a
if yes then return (a, K Inf)
else do v <- SMT.getConst p (smtName a)
case v of
SMT.Int x | x >= 0 -> return (a, K (Nat x))
_ -> panic "cryCheck.getVal"
[ "Not a natural number", show v ]
isInf a = do yes <- SMT.getConst p (smtFinName a)
case yes of
SMT.Bool ans -> return (not ans)
_ -> panic "cryCheck.isInf"
[ "Not a boolean value", show yes ]

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@ -0,0 +1,905 @@
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
-- | Simplification.
-- TODO:
-- - Putting in a normal form to spot "prove by assumption"
-- - Additional simplification rules, namely various cancelation.
-- - Things like: lg2 e(x) = x, where we know thate is increasing.
module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Numeric.Simplify where
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Numeric.AST
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.InfNat as IN
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic( panic )
import Data.List ( unfoldr,sortBy )
import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- | Simplify a property, if possible.
-- Simplification should ensure at least the properties captrured by
-- 'crySimplified' (as long as things are 'cryDefined').
-- crySimplified (crySimplify x) == True
crySimplify :: Prop -> Prop
crySimplify p = last (p : crySimpSteps p)
-- | For sanity checking.
-- Makes explicit some of the invariants of simplified terms.
crySimplified :: Prop -> Bool
crySimplified = go True
go atTop prop =
case prop of
PTrue -> atTop
PFalse -> atTop
-- Also, there are propagatoin properties, but a bit hard to write.
-- For example: `Fin x && Not (Fin x)` should simplify to `PFalse`.
p :&& q -> go False p && go False q
p :|| q -> go False p && go False q
Not (Fin (Var _)) -> True
Not (x :>: y) -> go False (x :>: y)
Not _ -> False
_ :== _ -> False
_ :> _ -> False
_ :>= _ -> False
Fin (Var _) -> True
Fin _ -> False
Var _ :>: K (Nat 0) -> True
_ :>: K (Nat 0) -> False
K _ :>: K _ -> False
x :>: y -> noInf x && noInf y
Var _ :==: K (Nat 0) -> True
K (Nat 0) :==: _ -> False
K _ :==: K _ -> False
x :==: y -> noInf x && noInf y
noInf expr =
case expr of
K x -> x /= Inf
Var _ -> True
x :+ y -> noInf2 x y
x :- y -> noInf2 x y
x :* y -> noInf2 x y
Div x y -> noInf2 x y
Mod x y -> noInf2 x y
x :^^ y -> noInf2 x y
Min x y -> noInf2 x y
Max x y -> noInf2 x y
Lg2 x -> noInf x
Width x -> noInf x
LenFromThen x y w -> noInf x && noInf y && noInf w
LenFromThenTo x y z -> noInf x && noInf y && noInf z
noInf2 x y = noInf x && noInf y
-- | List the simplification steps for a property.
crySimpSteps :: Prop -> [Prop]
crySimpSteps = unfoldr (fmap dup . crySimpStep)
where dup x = (x,x)
-- | A single simplification step.
crySimpStep :: Prop -> Maybe Prop
crySimpStep prop =
case prop of
Fin x -> cryIsFin x -- Fin only on variables.
x :== y -> Just (cryIsEq x y)
x :> y -> Just (cryIsGt x y)
x :>= y ->
case (x,y) of
(K (Nat 0), _) -> Just (y :== zero)
(K Inf, _) -> Just PTrue
(_, K Inf) -> Just (x :== inf)
_ -> Just (x :== y :|| x :> y)
x :==: y ->
case (x,y) of
(K a, K b) -> Just (if a == b then PTrue else PFalse)
(K (Nat 0), _) -> cryIs0 True y
(_, K (Nat 0)) -> cryIs0 True x
_ -> case bin (:==:) x y of
Just p' -> Just p'
-- Try to put variables on the RHS.
Nothing | x == y -> Just PTrue
| otherwise -> case (x,y) of
(Var _, _) -> Nothing
(_, Var _) -> Just (y :==: x)
_ -> Nothing
x :>: y ->
case (x,y) of
(K (Nat 0),_) -> Just PFalse
(K (Nat 1),_) -> cryIs0 True y
(_, K (Nat 0)) -> cryGt0 True x
_ -> case bin (:>:) x y of
Just p' -> Just p'
Nothing | x == y -> Just PFalse
| otherwise -> Nothing
p :&& q ->
case cryRearrangeAnd prop of
Just prop' -> Just prop'
Nothing ->
case cryAnd p q of
Just r -> Just r
Nothing ->
case crySimpStep p of
Just p' -> Just (p' :&& q)
Nothing ->
case crySimpStep q of
Just q' -> Just (p :&& q')
Nothing -> Nothing
p :|| q ->
case cryRearrangeOr prop of
Just prop' -> Just prop'
Nothing ->
case cryOr p q of
Just r -> Just r
Nothing ->
case crySimpStep p of
Just p' -> Just (p' :|| q)
Nothing ->
case crySimpStep q of
Just q' -> Just (p :|| q')
Nothing -> Nothing
Not p -> case cryNot p of
Just r -> Just r
Nothing ->
case crySimpStep p of
Just p' -> Just (Not p')
Nothing -> Nothing
PFalse -> Nothing
PTrue -> Nothing
bin op x y =
case crySimpExpr x of
Just x' -> Just (op x' y)
_ -> case crySimpExpr y of
Just y' -> Just (op x y')
Nothing -> Nothing
-- | Rebalance parens, and arrange conjucts so that we can transfer
-- information left-to-right.
cryRearrangeAnd :: Prop -> Maybe Prop
cryRearrangeAnd prop =
case rebalance prop of
Just p -> Just p
Nothing -> cryAnds `fmap` cryRearrange cmpAnd (split prop)
rebalance (a :&& b) =
case a of
PFalse -> Just PFalse
PTrue -> Just b
a1 :&& a2 -> Just (a1 :&& (a2 :&& b))
_ -> fmap (a :&&) (rebalance b)
rebalance _ = Nothing
split (a :&& b) = a : split b
split a = [a]
-- | Rebalance parens, and arrange disjuncts so that we can transfer
-- information left-to-right.
cryRearrangeOr :: Prop -> Maybe Prop
cryRearrangeOr prop =
case rebalance prop of
Just p -> Just p
Nothing -> cryOrs `fmap` cryRearrange cmpOr (split prop)
rebalance (a :|| b) =
case a of
PFalse -> Just b
PTrue -> Just PTrue
a1 :|| a2 -> Just (a1 :|| (a2 :|| b))
_ -> fmap (a :||) (rebalance b)
rebalance _ = Nothing
split (a :|| b) = a : split b
split a = [a]
-- | Identify propositions that are suiatable for inlining.
cryIsDefn :: Prop -> Maybe (Name, Expr)
cryIsDefn (Var x :==: e) = if (x `Set.member` cryExprFVS e)
then Nothing
else Just (x,e)
cryIsDefn _ = Nothing
{- | Apply the function to all elements in the list.
Return 'Nothing' if all results were 'Nothing', otherwise it
returns @Just answers@, where each @answer@ is either the original
value (if the function gave 'Nothing'), or the result of the function. -}
anyJust :: (a -> Maybe a) -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
anyJust _ [] = Nothing
anyJust f (x : xs) = case (f x, anyJust f xs) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> Nothing
(Just x', Nothing) -> Just (x' : xs)
(Nothing, Just xs') -> Just (x : xs')
(Just x', Just xs') -> Just (x' : xs')
-- | Replaces occurances of the name with the expression.
-- Returns 'Nothing' if there were no occurances of the name.
class CryLet ast where
cryLet :: Name -> Expr -> ast -> Maybe ast
instance CryLet Expr where
cryLet a e = go
go expr =
case expr of
K _ -> Nothing
Var b -> if a == b then Just e else Nothing
x :+ y -> two (:+) x y
x :- y -> two (:-) x y
x :* y -> two (:*) x y
x :^^ y -> two (:^^) x y
Div x y -> two Div x y
Mod x y -> two Mod x y
Min x y -> two Min x y
Max x y -> two Max x y
Lg2 x -> Lg2 `fmap` go x
Width x -> Width `fmap` go x
LenFromThen x y w -> three LenFromThen x y w
LenFromThenTo x y z -> three LenFromThen x y z
two f x y = do [x',y'] <- anyJust go [x,y]
return (f x' y')
three f x y z = do [x',y',z'] <- anyJust go [x,y,z]
return (f x' y' z')
instance CryLet Prop where
cryLet a e = go
go prop =
case prop of
PFalse -> Nothing
PTrue -> Nothing
Not p -> Not `fmap` go p
p :&& q -> two (:&&) p q
p :|| q -> two (:||) p q
Fin x -> Fin `fmap` cryLet a e x
x :== y -> twoE (:==) x y
x :>= y -> twoE (:>=) x y
x :> y -> twoE (:>) x y
x :==: y -> twoE (:==:) x y
x :>: y -> twoE (:>) x y
two f x y = do [x',y'] <- anyJust go [x,y]
return (f x' y')
twoE f x y = do [x',y'] <- anyJust (cryLet a e) [x,y]
return (f x' y')
type PropOrdering = (Int,Prop) -> (Int,Prop) -> Ordering
{- | Rearrange proposition for conjuctions and disjunctions.
information left-to-right, so we put proposition with information content
on the left.
cryRearrange :: PropOrdering -> [Prop] -> Maybe [Prop]
cryRearrange cmp ps = if ascending keys then Nothing else Just sortedProps
-- We tag each proposition with a number, so that later we can tell easily
-- if the propositions got rearranged.
(keys, sortedProps) = unzip (sortBy cmp (zip [ 0 :: Int .. ] ps))
ascending (x : y : zs) = x < y && ascending (y : zs)
ascending _ = True
cmpAnd :: PropOrdering
cmpAnd (k1,prop1) (k2,prop2) =
case (prop1, prop2) of
-- First comes PFalse, maybe we don't need to do anything
(PFalse, PFalse) -> compare k1 k2
(PFalse, _) -> LT
(_,PFalse) -> GT
-- Next comes PTrue
(PTrue, PTrue) -> compare k1 k2
(PTrue, _) -> LT
(_,PTrue) -> GT
-- Next come `not (fin a)` (i.e, a = inf)
(Not (Fin (Var x)), Not (Fin (Var y))) -> cmpVars x y
(Not (Fin (Var _)), _) -> LT
(_, Not (Fin (Var _))) -> GT
-- Next come defintions: `x = e` (with `x` not in `fvs e`)
-- XXX: Inefficient, because we keep recomputing free variables
-- (here, and then when actually applying the substitution)
_ | Just (x,_) <- mbL
, Just (y,_) <- mbR -> cmpVars x y
| Just _ <- mbL -> LT
| Just _ <- mbR -> GT
mbL = cryIsDefn prop1
mbR = cryIsDefn prop2
-- Next come `fin a`
(Fin (Var x), Fin (Var y)) -> cmpVars x y
(Fin (Var _), _) -> LT
(_, Fin (Var _)) -> GT
-- Everything else stays as is
_ -> compare k1 k2
cmpVars x y
| x < y = LT
| x > y = GT
| otherwise = compare k1 k2
cmpOr :: PropOrdering
cmpOr (k1,prop1) (k2,prop2) =
case (prop1, prop2) of
-- First comes PTrue, maybe we don't need to do anything
(PTrue, PTrue) -> compare k1 k2
(PTrue, _) -> LT
(_,PTrue) -> GT
-- Next comes PFalse
(PFalse, PFalse) -> compare k1 k2
(PFalse, _) -> LT
(_,PFalse) -> GT
-- Next comes `fin a` (because we propagete `a = inf`)
(Fin (Var x), Fin (Var y)) -> cmpVars x y
(Fin (Var _), _) -> LT
(_, Fin (Var _)) -> GT
-- Next come `not (fin a)` (i.e, propagete (fin a))
(Not (Fin (Var x)), Not (Fin (Var y))) -> cmpVars x y
(Not (Fin (Var _)), _) -> LT
(_, Not (Fin (Var _))) -> GT
-- we don't propagete (x /= e) for now.
-- Everything else stays as is
_ -> compare k1 k2
cmpVars x y
| x < y = LT
| x > y = GT
| otherwise = compare k1 k2
-- | Simplification of ':&&'.
-- Assumes arranged conjucntions.
-- See 'cryRearrangeAnd'.
cryAnd :: Prop -> Prop -> Maybe Prop
cryAnd p q =
case p of
PTrue -> Just q
PFalse -> Just PFalse
Not (Fin (Var x))
| Just q' <- cryKnownFin x False q -> Just (p :&& q')
Fin (Var x)
| Just q' <- cryKnownFin x True q -> Just (p :&& q')
_ | Just (x,e) <- cryIsDefn p
, Just q' <- cryLet x e q
-> Just (p :&& q')
_ -> Nothing
-- | Simplification of ':||'.
-- Assumes arranged disjunctions.
-- See 'cryRearrangeOr'
cryOr :: Prop -> Prop -> Maybe Prop
cryOr p q =
case p of
PTrue -> Just PTrue
PFalse -> Just q
Fin (Var x)
| Just q' <- cryKnownFin x False q -> Just (p :|| q')
Not (Fin (Var x))
| Just q' <- cryKnownFin x True q -> Just (p :|| q')
_ -> Nothing
-- | Propagate the fact that the variable is known to be finite ('True')
-- or not-finite ('False').
cryKnownFin :: Name -> Bool -> Prop -> Maybe Prop
cryKnownFin a isFin prop =
case prop of
Fin (Var a') | a == a' -> Just (if isFin then PTrue else PFalse)
p :&& q -> do [p',q'] <- anyJust (cryKnownFin a isFin) [p,q]
return (p' :&& q')
p :|| q -> do [p',q'] <- anyJust (cryKnownFin a isFin) [p,q]
return (p' :|| q')
Not p -> Not `fmap` cryKnownFin a isFin p
x :==: y
| not isFin, Just [x',y'] <- anyJust (cryLet a inf) [x,y]
-> Just (cryNatOp (:==:) x' y')
x :>: y
| not isFin, Just [x',y'] <- anyJust (cryLet a inf) [x,y]
-> Just (cryNatOp (:>:) x' y')
-- All the other cases should be simplified, eventually.
_ -> Nothing
-- | Negation.
cryNot :: Prop -> Maybe Prop
cryNot prop =
case prop of
Fin _ -> Nothing
x :== y -> Just (x :> y :|| y :> x)
x :>= y -> Just (y :> x)
x :> y -> Just (y :>= x)
x :==: y -> Just (x :>: y :|| y :>: x)
_ :>: _ -> Nothing
p :&& q -> Just (Not p :|| Not q)
p :|| q -> Just (Not p :&& Not q)
Not p -> Just p
PFalse -> Just PTrue
PTrue -> Just PFalse
-- | Simplificaiton for @:==@
cryIsEq :: Expr -> Expr -> Prop
cryIsEq x y =
case (x,y) of
(K m, K n) -> if m == n then PTrue else PFalse
(K (Nat 0),_) -> cryIs0' y
(_, K (Nat 0)) -> cryIs0' x
(K Inf, _) -> Not (Fin y)
(_, K Inf) -> Not (Fin x)
_ -> case crySimpExpr x of
Just x' -> x' :== y
Nothing ->
case crySimpExpr y of
Just y' -> x :== y'
Nothing ->
Not (Fin x) :&& Not (Fin y)
:|| Fin x :&& Fin y :&& cryNatOp (:==:) x y
cryIs0' e = case cryIs0 False e of
Just e' -> e'
Nothing -> panic "cryIsEq"
["`cryIs0 False` returned `Nothing`."]
-- | Simplificatoin for @:>@
cryIsGt :: Expr -> Expr -> Prop
cryIsGt (K m) (K n) = if m > n then PTrue else PFalse
cryIsGt (K (Nat 0)) _ = PFalse
cryIsGt (K (Nat 1)) e = e :== one
cryIsGt e (K (Nat 0)) = case cryGt0 False e of
Just e' -> e'
Nothing -> panic "cryIsGt"
["`cryGt0 False` return `Nothing`"]
cryIsGt x y =
case crySimpExpr x of
Just x' -> x' :> y
Nothing -> case crySimpExpr y of
Just y' -> x :> y'
Nothing -> Fin y :&& (x :== inf :||
Fin x :&& cryNatOp (:>:) x y)
-- | Attempt to simplify a @fin@ constraint.
-- Assumes a defined input.
cryIsFin :: Expr -> Maybe Prop
cryIsFin expr =
case expr of
K Inf -> Just PFalse
K (Nat _) -> Just PTrue
Var _ -> Nothing
t1 :+ t2 -> Just (Fin t1 :&& Fin t2)
t1 :- _ -> Just (Fin t1)
t1 :* t2 -> Just ( Fin t1 :&& Fin t2
:|| t1 :== zero :&& t2 :== inf
:|| t2 :== zero :&& t1 :== inf
Div t1 _ -> Just (Fin t1)
Mod _ _ -> Just PTrue
t1 :^^ t2 ->
Just ( Fin t1 :&& Fin t2
:|| t1 :== inf :&& t2 :== zero -- inf ^^ 0
:|| t2 :== inf :&& (t1 :== zero :|| t1 :== one)
-- 0 ^^ inf, 1 ^^ inf
Min t1 t2 -> Just (Fin t1 :|| Fin t2)
Max t1 t2 -> Just (Fin t1 :&& Fin t2)
Lg2 t1 -> Just (Fin t1)
Width t1 -> Just (Fin t1)
LenFromThen _ _ _ -> Just PTrue
LenFromThenTo _ _ _ -> Just PTrue
-- | Simplify @t :== 0@ or @t :==: 0@.
-- Assumes defined input.
cryIs0 :: Bool -> Expr -> Maybe Prop
cryIs0 useFinite expr =
case expr of
K Inf -> Just PFalse
K (Nat n) -> Just (if n == 0 then PTrue else PFalse)
Var _ | useFinite -> Nothing
| otherwise -> Just (Fin expr :&& expr :==: zero)
t1 :+ t2 -> Just (eq t1 zero :&& eq t2 zero)
t1 :- t2 -> Just (eq t1 t2)
t1 :* t2 -> Just (eq t1 zero :|| eq t2 zero)
Div t1 t2 -> Just (gt t2 t1)
Mod _ _ | useFinite -> (:==: zero) `fmap` crySimpExpr expr
| otherwise -> Just (cryNatOp (:==:) expr zero)
-- or: Just (t2 `Divides` t1)
t1 :^^ t2 -> Just (eq t1 zero :&& gt t2 zero)
Min t1 t2 -> Just (eq t1 zero :|| eq t2 zero)
Max t1 t2 -> Just (eq t1 zero :&& eq t2 zero)
Lg2 t1 -> Just (eq t1 zero :|| eq t1 one)
Width t1 -> Just (eq t1 zero)
LenFromThen x y w -> Just (eq w zero :|| gt x y)
-- See `nLenFromThenTo` in 'Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.InfNat'
LenFromThenTo x y z -> Just ( gt x y :&& gt z x
:|| gt y x :&& gt x z
eq x y = if useFinite then x :==: y else x :== y
gt x y = if useFinite then x :>: y else x :> y
-- | Simplify @t :> 0@ or @t :>: 0@.
cryGt0 :: Bool -> Expr -> Maybe Prop
cryGt0 useFinite expr =
case expr of
K x -> Just (if x > Nat 0 then PTrue else PFalse)
Var _ | useFinite -> Nothing
| otherwise -> Just (Not (Fin expr) :||
Fin expr :&& cryNatOp (:>:) expr zero)
x :+ y -> Just (gt x zero :|| gt y zero)
x :- y -> Just (gt x y)
x :* y -> Just (gt x zero :&& gt y zero)
Div x y -> Just (gt x y)
Mod _ _ | useFinite -> (:>: zero) `fmap` crySimpExpr expr
| otherwise -> Just (cryNatOp (:>:) expr zero)
-- or: Just (Not (y `Divides` x))
x :^^ y -> Just (eq x zero :&& gt y zero)
Min x y -> Just (gt x zero :&& gt y zero)
Max x y -> Just (gt x zero :|| gt y zero)
Lg2 x -> Just (gt x one)
Width x -> Just (gt x zero)
LenFromThen _ _ _ -> Just PTrue
LenFromThenTo x y z -> Just (gt x y :&& gt z x :|| gt y x :&& gt x z)
eq x y = if useFinite then x :==: y else x :== y
gt x y = if useFinite then x :>: y else x :> y
-- | Make a simplification step, assuming the expression is well-formed.
crySimpExpr :: Expr -> Maybe Expr
crySimpExpr expr =
case expr of
K _ -> Nothing
Var _ -> Nothing
x :+ y ->
case (x,y) of
(K (Nat 0), _) -> Just y
(K Inf, _) -> Just inf
(_, K (Nat 0)) -> Just x
(_, K Inf) -> Just inf
(K a, K b) -> Just (K (IN.nAdd a b))
_ -> bin (:+) x y
x :- y ->
case (x,y) of
(K (Nat 0), _) -> Just zero
(K Inf, _) -> Just inf
(_, K (Nat 0)) -> Just x
(K a, K b) -> K `fmap` IN.nSub a b
_ | x == y -> Just zero
_ -> bin (:-) x y
x :* y ->
case (x,y) of
(K (Nat 0), _) -> Just zero
(K (Nat 1), _) -> Just y
(_, K (Nat 0)) -> Just zero
(_, K (Nat 1)) -> Just x
(K a, K b) -> Just (K (IN.nMul a b))
_ -> bin (:*) x y
Div x y ->
case (x,y) of
(K (Nat 0), _) -> Just zero
(_, K (Nat 1)) -> Just x
(_, K Inf) -> Just zero
(K a, K b) -> K `fmap` IN.nDiv a b
_ | x == y -> Just one
_ -> bin Div x y
Mod x y ->
case (x,y) of
(K (Nat 0), _) -> Just zero
(_, K Inf) -> Just x
(_, K (Nat 1)) -> Just zero
(K a, K b) -> K `fmap` IN.nMod a b
_ -> bin Mod x y
x :^^ y ->
case (x,y) of
(_, K (Nat 0)) -> Just one
(_, K (Nat 1)) -> Just x
(K (Nat 1), _) -> Just one
(K a, K b) -> Just (K (IN.nExp a b))
_ -> bin (:^^) x y
Min x y ->
case (x,y) of
(K (Nat 0), _) -> Just zero
(K Inf, _) -> Just y
(_, K (Nat 0)) -> Just zero
(_, K Inf) -> Just x
(K a, K b) -> Just (K (IN.nMin a b))
_ | x == y -> Just x
_ -> bin Min x y
Max x y ->
case (x,y) of
(K (Nat 0), _) -> Just y
(K Inf, _) -> Just inf
(_, K (Nat 0)) -> Just x
(_, K Inf) -> Just inf
_ | x == y -> Just x
_ -> bin Max x y
Lg2 x ->
case x of
K a -> Just (K (IN.nLg2 a))
_ -> Lg2 `fmap` crySimpExpr x
Width x -> Just (Lg2 (x :+ one))
LenFromThen x y w ->
case (x,y,w) of
(K a, K b, K c) -> K `fmap` IN.nLenFromThen a b c
_ -> three LenFromThen x y w
LenFromThenTo x y z ->
case (x,y,z) of
(K a, K b, K c) -> K `fmap` IN.nLenFromThenTo a b c
_ -> three LenFromThenTo x y z
bin op x y = case crySimpExpr x of
Just x' -> Just (op x' y)
Nothing -> case crySimpExpr y of
Just y' -> Just (op x y')
Nothing -> Nothing
three op x y z =
case crySimpExpr x of
Just x' -> Just (op x' y z)
Nothing ->
case crySimpExpr y of
Just y' -> Just (op x y' z)
Nothing ->
case crySimpExpr z of
Just z' -> Just (op x y z')
Nothing -> Nothing
-- | Our goal is to bubble @inf@ terms to the top of @Return@.
cryNoInf :: Expr -> IfExpr Expr
cryNoInf expr =
case expr of
-- These are the interesting cases where we have to branch
x :* y ->
do x' <- cryNoInf x
y' <- cryNoInf y
case (x', y') of
(K Inf, K Inf) -> return inf
(K Inf, _) -> mkIf (y' :==: zero) (return zero) (return inf)
(_, K Inf) -> mkIf (x' :==: zero) (return zero) (return inf)
_ -> return (x' :* y')
x :^^ y ->
do x' <- cryNoInf x
y' <- cryNoInf y
case (x', y') of
(K Inf, K Inf) -> return inf
(K Inf, _) -> mkIf (y' :==: zero) (return one) (return inf)
(_, K Inf) -> mkIf (x' :==: zero) (return zero)
$ mkIf (x' :==: one) (return one)
$ return inf
_ -> return (x' :^^ y')
-- The rest just propagates
K _ -> return expr
Var _ -> return expr
x :+ y ->
do x' <- cryNoInf x
y' <- cryNoInf y
case (x', y') of
(K Inf, _) -> return inf
(_, K Inf) -> return inf
_ -> return (x' :+ y')
x :- y ->
do x' <- cryNoInf x
y' <- cryNoInf y
case (x', y') of
(_, K Inf) -> Impossible
(K Inf, _) -> return inf
_ -> mkIf (x' :==: y)
(return zero)
(mkIf (x' :>: y) (return (x' :- y'))
Div x y ->
do x' <- cryNoInf x
y' <- cryNoInf y
case (x', y') of
(K Inf, _) -> Impossible
(_, K Inf) -> return zero
_ -> mkIf (y' :>: zero) (return (Div x' y')) Impossible
Mod x y ->
do x' <- cryNoInf x
-- `Mod x y` is finite, even if `y` is `inf`, so first check
-- for finiteness.
mkIf (Fin y)
(do y' <- cryNoInf y
case (x',y') of
(K Inf, _) -> Impossible
(_, K Inf) -> Impossible
_ -> mkIf (y' :>: zero) (return (Mod x' y')) Impossible
(return x')
Min x y ->
do x' <- cryNoInf x
y' <- cryNoInf y
case (x',y') of
(K Inf, _) -> return y'
(_, K Inf) -> return x'
_ -> return (Min x' y')
Max x y ->
do x' <- cryNoInf x
y' <- cryNoInf y
case (x', y') of
(K Inf, _) -> return inf
(_, K Inf) -> return inf
_ -> return (Max x' y')
Lg2 x ->
do x' <- cryNoInf x
case x' of
K Inf -> return inf
_ -> return (Lg2 x')
Width x ->
do x' <- cryNoInf x
case x' of
K Inf -> return inf
_ -> return (Width x')
LenFromThen x y w -> fun3 LenFromThen x y w
LenFromThenTo x y z -> fun3 LenFromThenTo x y z
fun3 f x y z =
do x' <- cryNoInf x
y' <- cryNoInf y
z' <- cryNoInf z
case (x',y',z') of
(K Inf, _, _) -> Impossible
(_, K Inf, _) -> Impossible
(_, _, K Inf) -> Impossible
_ -> mkIf (x' :==: y') Impossible
(return (f x' y' z'))
mkIf p t e = case crySimplify p of
PTrue -> t
PFalse -> e
p' -> If p' t e
-- | Make an expression that should work ONLY on natural nubers.
-- Eliminates occurances of @inf@.
-- Assumes that the two input expressions are well-formed and finite.
-- The expression is constructed by the given function.
cryNatOp :: (Expr -> Expr -> Prop) -> Expr -> Expr -> Prop
cryNatOp op x y =
toProp $
do x' <- noInf x
y' <- noInf y
return (op x' y')
noInf a = do a' <- cryNoInf a
case a' of
K Inf -> Impossible
_ -> return a'
toProp ite =
case ite of
Impossible -> PFalse -- It doesn't matter, but @false@ might anihilate.
Return p -> p
If p t e -> p :&& toProp t :|| Not p :&& toProp e