Treat parameter groups specially if they contain only constraints

This commit is contained in:
Iavor Diatchki 2022-06-09 15:46:09 -07:00
parent 7e3d65090c
commit ca17f7f6df
10 changed files with 121 additions and 80 deletions

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@ -322,9 +322,7 @@ instance BindsNames (InModule (TopDecl PName)) where
Decl d -> namingEnv (InModule ns (tlValue d))
DPrimType d -> namingEnv (InModule ns (tlValue d))
TDNewtype d -> namingEnv (InModule ns (tlValue d))
DParameterType {} -> panic "namingEnv" ["DParameterType"]
DParameterFun {} -> panic "namingEnv" ["DParameterFun"]
DParameterConstraint {} -> mempty
DParamDecl {} -> mempty
Include _ -> mempty
DImport {} -> mempty -- see 'openLoop' in the renamer
DModule m -> namingEnv (InModule ns (tlValue m))

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@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import Data.Foldable(fold)
import Control.DeepSeq(NFData)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic(panic)
import Cryptol.Parser.AST
import Cryptol.Parser.Names(namesD,tnamesD,tnamesNT)
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name
@ -26,9 +25,7 @@ exportedNames decl =
TDNewtype nt -> map exportType (names tnamesNT nt)
Include {} -> []
DImport {} -> []
DParameterFun {} -> panic "exportedNames" ["DParameterFun"]
DParameterType {} -> panic "exportedNames" ["DParameterType"]
DParameterConstraint {} -> []
DParamDecl {} -> []
DModule nested ->
case tlValue nested of
NestedModule x ->

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@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ renameTopDecls' ds =
Decl tl -> isValDecl (tlValue tl)
DPrimType {} -> False
TDNewtype {} -> False
DParameterConstraint {} -> False
DParamDecl {} -> False
DModule tl -> any usesCtrs (mDecls m)
@ -474,8 +474,6 @@ renameTopDecls' ds =
DImport {} -> False
DModParam {} -> False -- no definitions here
Include {} -> bad "Include"
DParameterType {} -> bad "DParameterType"
DParameterFun {} -> bad "DParameterFun"
isValDecl d =
case d of
@ -519,18 +517,25 @@ topDeclName topDecl =
DModule d -> hasName (thing (mName m))
where NestedModule m = tlValue d
DParameterConstraint ds ->
DParamDecl ds ->
case ds of
[] -> noName
_ -> Right (topDecl, ConstratintAt (fromJust (getLoc ds)))
[] -> noName
c : _ ->
case c of
DParameterConstraint cs ->
case cs of
[] -> noName
_ -> Right (topDecl, ConstratintAt (fromJust (getLoc cs)))
DParameterType {} -> bad "DParameterType"
DParameterFun {} -> bad "DParameterFun"
DImport {} -> noName
DModParam m -> Right ( topDecl
, ModParamName (srcRange (mpSignature m))
(mpName m))
DParameterType {} -> bad "DParameterType"
DParameterFun {} -> bad "DParameterFun"
Include {} -> bad "Include"
noName = Left topDecl
@ -634,6 +639,15 @@ instance Rename TopDecl where
DPrimType d -> DPrimType <$> traverse rename d
TDNewtype n -> TDNewtype <$> traverse rename n
Include n -> return (Include n)
DModule m -> DModule <$> traverse rename m
DImport li -> DImport <$> renI li
DModParam mp -> DModParam <$> rename mp
DParamDecl ds -> DParamDecl <$> traverse rename ds
instance Rename ParamDecl where
rename pd =
case pd of
DParameterFun f -> DParameterFun <$> rename f
DParameterType f -> DParameterType <$> rename f
@ -643,9 +657,7 @@ instance Rename TopDecl where
_ -> depsOf (ConstratintAt (fromJust (getLoc ds)))
$ DParameterConstraint <$> mapM (rnLocated rename) ds
DModule m -> DModule <$> traverse rename m
DImport li -> DImport <$> renI li
DModParam mp -> DModParam <$> rename mp
renI :: Located (ImportG (ImpName PName)) ->
RenameM (Located (ImportG (ImpName Name)))

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@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ vtop_decl :: { [TopDecl PName] }
| mbDoc newtype { [exportNewtype Public $1 $2] }
| prim_bind { $1 }
| private_decls { $1 }
| parameter_decls { $1 }
| parameter_decls { [ DParamDecl $1 ] }
| mbDoc 'submodule'
module_def {% ((:[]) . exportModule $1) `fmap` mkNested $3 }
@ -324,17 +324,17 @@ prim_bind :: { [TopDecl PName] }
| mbDoc 'primitive' 'type' schema ':' kind {% mkPrimTypeDecl $1 $4 $6 }
parameter_decls :: { [TopDecl PName] }
parameter_decls :: { [ParamDecl PName] }
: 'parameter' 'v{' par_decls 'v}' { reverse $3 }
| doc 'parameter' 'v{' par_decls 'v}' { reverse $4 }
-- Reversed
par_decls :: { [TopDecl PName] }
par_decls :: { [ParamDecl PName] }
: par_decl { [$1] }
| par_decls ';' par_decl { $3 : $1 }
| par_decls 'v;' par_decl { $3 : $1 }
par_decl :: { TopDecl PName }
par_decl :: { ParamDecl PName }
: mbDoc name ':' schema { mkParFun $1 $2 $4 }
| mbDoc 'type' name ':' kind {% mkParType $1 $3 $5 }
| mbDoc 'type' 'constraint' type {% fmap (DParameterConstraint . distrLoc)

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@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ module Cryptol.Parser.AST
, NestedModule(..)
, Signature(..)
, ModParam(..)
, ParamDecl(..)
-- * Interactive
, ReplInput(..)
@ -201,9 +202,7 @@ isParamDecl :: TopDecl a -> Bool
isParamDecl d =
case d of
DModParam {} -> True
DParameterType {} -> True
DParameterConstraint {} -> True
DParameterFun {} -> True
DParamDecl {} -> True
_ -> False
@ -231,19 +230,27 @@ data TopDecl name =
| TDNewtype (TopLevel (Newtype name)) -- ^ @newtype T as = t
| Include (Located FilePath) -- ^ @include File@ (until NoPat)
-- Sugar for anonymous module parameters (parser only)
| DParameterType (ParameterType name) -- ^ @parameter type T : #@ (parser only)
| DParameterFun (ParameterFun name) -- ^ @parameter someVal : [256]@
-- (parser only)
| DParameterConstraint [Located (Prop name)]
-- ^ @parameter type constraint (fin T)@
| DParamDecl [ParamDecl name]
-- ^ @parameter ...@
-- After parsing, there should be only DParamConstraint in this.
| DModule (TopLevel (NestedModule name)) -- ^ @submodule M where ...@
| DImport (Located (ImportG (ImpName name))) -- ^ @import X@
| DModParam (ModParam name) -- ^ @import interface X ...@
deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
data ParamDecl name =
DParameterType (ParameterType name) -- ^ @parameter type T : #@ (parser only)
| DParameterFun (ParameterFun name) -- ^ @parameter someVal : [256]@
-- (parser only)
| DParameterConstraint [Located (Prop name)]
-- ^ @parameter type constraint (fin T)@
deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
data ModuleInstanceArgs name =
DefaultInstArg (Located (ImpName name))
-- ^ Single parameter instantitaion
@ -659,12 +666,17 @@ instance HasLoc (TopDecl name) where
DPrimType pt -> getLoc pt
TDNewtype n -> getLoc n
Include lfp -> getLoc lfp
DParameterType d -> getLoc d
DParameterFun d -> getLoc d
DParameterConstraint d -> getLoc d
DModule d -> getLoc d
DImport d -> getLoc d
DModParam d -> getLoc d
DParamDecl ds -> foldr rCombMaybe Nothing (map getLoc ds)
instance HasLoc (ParamDecl name) where
getLoc pd =
case pd of
DParameterType d -> getLoc d
DParameterFun d -> getLoc d
DParameterConstraint d -> getLoc d
instance HasLoc (ModParam name) where
getLoc mp = getLoc (mpSignature mp)
@ -772,17 +784,22 @@ instance (Show name, PPName name) => PP (TopDecl name) where
DPrimType p -> pp p
TDNewtype n -> pp n
Include l -> text "include" <+> text (show (thing l))
DModule d -> pp d
DImport i -> pp (thing i)
DModParam s -> pp s
DParamDecl ds -> "parameter" $$ indent 2 (vcat (map pp ds))
instance (Show name, PPName name) => PP (ParamDecl name) where
ppPrec _ pd =
case pd of
DParameterFun d -> pp d
DParameterType d -> pp d
DParameterConstraint d ->
"parameter" <+> "type" <+> "constraint" <+> prop
DParameterConstraint d -> "type" <+> "constraint" <+> prop
where prop = case map (pp . thing) d of
[x] -> x
[] -> "()"
xs -> nest 1 (parens (commaSepFill xs))
DModule d -> pp d
DImport i -> pp (thing i)
DModParam s -> pp s
instance (Show name, PPName name) => PP (Signature name) where
ppPrec _ sig = "where" $$ indent 2 (vcat (is ++ ds))
@ -822,11 +839,11 @@ instance (Show name, PPName name) => PP (PrimType name) where
"primitive" <+> "type" <+> pp (primTName pt) <+> ":" <+> pp (primTKind pt)
instance (Show name, PPName name) => PP (ParameterType name) where
ppPrec _ a = text "parameter" <+> text "type" <+>
ppPrec _ a = text "type" <+>
ppPrefixName (ptName a) <+> text ":" <+> pp (ptKind a)
instance (Show name, PPName name) => PP (ParameterFun name) where
ppPrec _ a = text "parameter" <+> ppPrefixName (pfName a) <+> text ":"
ppPrec _ a = ppPrefixName (pfName a) <+> text ":"
<+> pp (pfSchema a)
@ -1222,12 +1239,17 @@ instance NoPos (TopDecl name) where
DPrimType t -> DPrimType (noPos t)
TDNewtype n -> TDNewtype(noPos n)
Include x -> Include (noPos x)
DParameterFun d -> DParameterFun (noPos d)
DParameterType d -> DParameterType (noPos d)
DParameterConstraint d -> DParameterConstraint (noPos d)
DModule d -> DModule (noPos d)
DImport d -> DImport (noPos d)
DModParam d -> DModParam (noPos d)
DParamDecl ds -> DParamDecl (noPos ds)
instance NoPos (ParamDecl name) where
noPos pd =
case pd of
DParameterFun d -> DParameterFun (noPos d)
DParameterType d -> DParameterType (noPos d)
DParameterConstraint d -> DParameterConstraint (noPos d)
instance NoPos (Signature name) where
noPos sig = Signature { sigImports = sigImports sig

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@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ import MonadLib
import System.Directory (makeAbsolute)
import System.FilePath (takeDirectory,(</>),isAbsolute)
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic(panic)
import Cryptol.Utils.PP hiding ((</>))
import Cryptol.Parser (parseProgramWith)
import Cryptol.Parser.AST
@ -183,9 +182,7 @@ noIncTopDecl td = case td of
Decl _ -> pure [td]
DPrimType {} -> pure [td]
TDNewtype _-> pure [td]
DParameterConstraint {} -> pure [td]
DParameterType {} -> panic "noIncTopDecl" ["DParameterType"]
DParameterFun {} -> panic "noIncTopDecl" ["DParameterFun"]
DParamDecl {} -> pure [td]
Include lf -> resolveInclude lf
DModule tl ->
case tlValue tl of

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@ -377,10 +377,7 @@ annotTopDs tds =
let d1 = DPrimType tl { tlValue = pt }
(d1 :) <$> annotTopDs ds
DParameterConstraint {} -> (d :) <$> annotTopDs ds
DParameterType {} -> panic "annotTopDs" ["DParameterType"]
DParameterFun {} -> panic "annotTopDs" ["DParameterFun"]
DParamDecl {} -> (d :) <$> annotTopDs ds
-- XXX: we may want to add pragmas to newtypes?
TDNewtype {} -> (d :) <$> annotTopDs ds

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@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ exportModule mbDoc m = DModule TopLevel { tlExport = Public
mkParFun :: Maybe (Located Text) ->
Located PName ->
Schema PName ->
TopDecl PName
ParamDecl PName
mkParFun mbDoc n s = DParameterFun ParameterFun { pfName = n
, pfSchema = s
, pfDoc = thing <$> mbDoc
@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ mkParFun mbDoc n s = DParameterFun ParameterFun { pfName = n
mkParType :: Maybe (Located Text) ->
Located PName ->
Located Kind ->
ParseM (TopDecl PName)
ParseM (ParamDecl PName)
mkParType mbDoc n k =
do num <- P $ \_ _ s -> let nu = sNextTyParamNum s
in Right (nu, s { sNextTyParamNum = nu + 1 })
@ -537,9 +537,7 @@ changeExport e = map change
DModParam {} -> decl
Include{} -> decl
DImport{} -> decl
DParameterType {} -> decl
DParameterFun {} -> decl
DParameterConstraint {} -> decl
DParamDecl{} -> decl
mkTypeInst :: Named (Type PName) -> TypeInst PName
mkTypeInst x | nullIdent (thing (name x)) = PosInst (value x)
@ -839,7 +837,7 @@ mkSigDecl doc (nm,sig) =
mkInterface :: [Located (ImportG (ImpName PName))] ->
[TopDecl PName] -> Signature PName
[ParamDecl PName] -> Signature PName
mkInterface is =
foldl' add
Signature { sigImports = is
@ -855,7 +853,7 @@ mkInterface is =
DParameterConstraint ps -> s { sigConstraints = ps ++ sigConstraints s }
DParameterFun pf -> s { sigFunParams = pf : sigFunParams s }
_ -> panic "mkSignature" ["Unexpected top-level declaration"]
-- | Make an unnamed module---gets the name @Main@.
mkAnonymousModule :: [TopDecl PName] -> ParseM [Module PName]
@ -980,7 +978,8 @@ desugarMod mo =
case ms of
m : _ | InterfaceModule si <- mDef m
, l : _ <- map (srcRange . ptName) (sigTypeParams si) ++
map (srcRange . pfName) (sigFunParams si) ->
map (srcRange . pfName) (sigFunParams si) ++
map srcRange (sigConstraints si) ->
errorMessage l
[ "Module argument may not be a functor" ]
_ -> pure ()
@ -1003,16 +1002,16 @@ desugarTopDs ::
Located name ->
[TopDecl PName] ->
ParseM ([ModuleG name PName], [TopDecl PName])
desugarTopDs ownerName = go [] [] []
desugarTopDs ownerName = go [] [] [] []
go is ts fs ds =
go is ts cs fs ds =
case ds of
[] ->
case (ts,fs) of
([],[]) -> pure ([],[])
case (ts,cs,fs) of
([],[],[]) -> pure ([],[])
_ ->
do let nm = mkAnon AnonIfaceMod <$> ownerName
pure ( [ Module { mName = nm
@ -1020,7 +1019,7 @@ desugarTopDs ownerName = go [] [] []
{ sigImports = reverse is
, sigTypeParams = reverse ts
, sigConstraints = []
, sigConstraints = reverse cs
, sigFunParams = reverse fs
@ -1038,23 +1037,38 @@ desugarTopDs ownerName = go [] [] []
d : more ->
let cont emit is' ts' fs' =
do (ms,ds') <- go is' ts' fs' more
let cont emit is' ts' cs' fs' =
do (ms,ds') <- go is' ts' cs' fs' more
pure (ms, emit ++ ds')
case d of
-- collect to add to interface module, if any
DImport i -> cont [d] (i : is) ts fs
DImport i -> cont [d] (i : is) ts cs fs
-- these go in an interface module
DParameterType pt -> cont [] is (pt : ts) fs
DParameterFun pf -> cont [] is ts (pf : fs)
{- Parameter declarations only containing constrains are left as is
while ones that are part of a group with some parameters are factored.
This is because we reuse `parameter type constraint C` to also impose
constraints between parameters imports from *different* interfaces. -}
DParamDecl ds' ->
case groupParamDecls [] [] [] ds' of
([], _, []) -> cont [DParamDecl ds'] is ts cs fs
(ts',cs',fs') -> cont [] is (ts'++ts) (cs'++cs) (fs'++fs)
DModule tl | NestedModule mo <- tlValue tl ->
do ms <- desugarMod mo
cont [ DModule tl { tlValue = NestedModule m } | m <- ms ] is ts fs
_ -> cont [d] is ts fs
cont [ DModule tl { tlValue = NestedModule m } | m <- ms ]
is ts cs fs
_ -> cont [d] is ts cs fs
groupParamDecls ts cs fs ds =
case ds of
d : more ->
case d of
DParameterType t -> groupParamDecls (t:ts) cs fs more
DParameterFun f -> groupParamDecls ts cs (f:fs) more
DParameterConstraint c -> groupParamDecls ts (c++cs) fs more
[] -> (ts,cs,fs)

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@ -1075,9 +1075,14 @@ checkTopDecls = mapM_ checkTopDecl
addPrimType t
P.DParameterConstraint cs ->
do cs1 <- checkParameterConstraints cs
addParameterConstraints cs1
P.DParamDecl ds ->
forM_ ds \d ->
case d of
P.DParameterConstraint cs ->
do cs1 <- checkParameterConstraints cs
addParameterConstraints cs1
P.DParameterType{} -> bad "DParameterType"
P.DParameterFun{} -> bad "DParameterFun"
P.DModule tl ->
@ -1142,8 +1147,6 @@ checkTopDecls = mapM_ checkTopDecl
P.DImport {} -> pure ()
P.Include {} -> bad "Include"
P.DParameterType{} -> bad "DParameterType"
P.DParameterFun{} -> bad "DParameterFun"
bad x = panic "checkTopDecl" [ x ]

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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading interface module test$interface
Loading module test