Simplify things a bit, still not quite reasonable

This commit is contained in:
Iavor S. Diatchki 2015-04-16 16:01:39 -07:00
parent 2c805ae6b4
commit d5a384196b
2 changed files with 66 additions and 185 deletions

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@ -159,8 +159,8 @@ numericRight g = case Num.exportProp (goal g) of
Just (p,vm) -> Right ((g,vm), p)
Nothing -> Left g
_testSimpGoals :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO ()
_testSimpGoals prog args = Num.withSolver prog args True $ \s ->
_testSimpGoals :: IO ()
_testSimpGoals = Num.withSolver "cvc4" [ "--lang=smt2", "--incremental" ] True $ \s ->
do _ <- Num.assumeProps s asmps
mb <- simpGoals s gs
case mb of
@ -206,14 +206,10 @@ simpGoals s gs0 =
$ debugLog s unsolvedClassCts
return $ Right (unsolvedClassCts, emptySubst)
_ -> do mbOk <- Num.checkDefined s updCt uvs numCts
_ -> do mbOk <- Num.prepareConstraints s updCt uvs numCts
case mbOk of
Nothing ->
do badGs <- Num.minimizeContradiction s numCts
return (Left (map fst badGs))
Just (nonDef,def,imps,wds) ->
Left bad -> return (Left (map fst bad))
Right (nonDef,def,imps,wds) ->
-- XXX: What should we do with the extra props...
do let (su,extraProps) = importSplitImps varMap imps

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@ -12,13 +12,13 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.CrySAT
( withScope, withSolver
, assumeProps, checkDefined, simplifyProps, getModel
, minimizeContradiction
, assumeProps, simplifyProps, getModel
, check
, Solver, logger
, DefinedProp(..)
, debugBlock
, DebugLog(..)
, prepareConstraints
) where
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST as Cry
@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ import Cryptol.Utils.Panic ( panic )
import MonadLib
import Data.Maybe ( mapMaybe, fromMaybe )
import Data.Either ( partitionEithers )
import Data.List(nub)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Foldable ( any, all )
import Data.Traversable ( for )
@ -92,143 +94,6 @@ apSubstDefinedProp updCt su DefinedProp { .. } =
{- | Check if a collection of things are defined.
It does not modify the solver's state.
The result is like this:
* 'Nothing': The properties are inconsistent
* 'Just' info: The properties may be consistent, and here is some info. -}
checkDefined :: Solver ->
(Prop -> a -> a) {- ^ Update a goal -} ->
Set Name {- ^ Unification variables -} ->
[(a,Prop)] {- ^ Goals -} ->
IO (Maybe ( [a] -- could not prove
, [DefinedProp a] -- proved ok and simplified terms
, Subst -- computed improvements, for the conjunction
-- of the proved properties.
, [Prop]
-- any side conditions generated
checkDefined s updCt uniVars props0 =
debugBlock s "Checking for well-defined properties" $
withScope s (go Map.empty [] [] props0)
go knownImps extra done notDone =
do (newNotDone, novelDone) <- checkDefined' s updCt notDone
-- (possible, imps, scs) <- check s uniVars
mbImps <- check s uniVars
case mbImps of
Nothing ->
do debugLog s "Found contradiction"
return Nothing
-- XXX
Just (imps,scs) ->
do let goAgain novelImps newDone =
do mapM_ addImpProp (Map.toList novelImps)
let newImps = composeSubst novelImps knownImps
impDone = map (updDone novelImps) newDone
impNotDone = map (updNotDone novelImps) newNotDone
-- the side conditions (scs) are all well defined, so we
-- don't need to pass them through again.
go newImps (scs ++ extra) impDone impNotDone
let novelImps = Map.difference imps knownImps
newDone = novelDone ++ done
if Map.null novelImps
then case findImpByDef [] newDone of
Nothing ->
do debugBlock s "Not well-defined:" $
debugLog s (map snd newNotDone)
debugBlock s "Always defined:" $
debugLog s (map dpSimpExprProp newDone)
return $ Just ( map fst newNotDone
, newDone
, knownImps
, scs ++ extra
Just ((x,e), rest) ->
goAgain (Map.singleton x e) rest
else goAgain novelImps newDone
addImpProp (x,e) = assert s (simpProp (Var x :== e))
updDone su ct =
case apSubst su (dpSimpExprProp ct) of
Nothing -> ct
Just p' ->
let p2 = crySimpPropExpr p'
in DefinedProp { dpData = updCt p2 (dpData ct)
, dpSimpExprProp = p2
, dpSimpProp = simpProp p2
updNotDone su (g,p) =
case apSubst su p of
Nothing -> (g,p)
Just p' -> (updCt p' g,p')
-- Try to prove something by unification (e.g., ?x = a * b)
findImpByDef _ [] = Nothing
findImpByDef qs (p : ps) =
case improveByDefn uniVars p of
Nothing -> findImpByDef (p : qs) ps
Just yes -> Just (yes, qs ++ ps)
-- | Check that a bunch of constraints are all defined.
-- * We return constraints that are not necessarily defined in the first
-- component, and the ones that are defined in the second component.
-- * Well defined constraints are asserted at this point.
-- * The expressions in the defined constraints are simplified.
-- * The expressions in the well-defined constraint may mention sys. vars.
-- (i.e., named non-linear terms)
checkDefined' :: Solver -> (Prop -> a -> a) ->
[(a,Prop)] -> IO ([(a,Prop)], [DefinedProp a])
checkDefined' s updCt props0 =
do let ps = [ (a,p,simpProp (cryDefinedProp p)) | (a,p) <- props0 ]
go False [] [] ps
-- Everything is defined: keep going.
go _ isDef [] [] = return ([], isDef)
-- We have possibly non-defined, but we also added a new fact: go again.
go True isDef isNotDef [] = go False isDef [] isNotDef
-- We have possibly non-defined predicates and nothing changed.
go False isDef isNotDef [] = return ([ (a,p) | (a,p,_) <- isNotDef ], isDef)
-- Process one constraint.
go ch isDef isNotDef ((ct,p,q@(SimpProp defCt)) : more) =
do proved <- prove s defCt
if proved then do let r = case crySimpPropExprMaybe p of
Nothing ->
{ dpData = ct
, dpSimpExprProp = p
, dpSimpProp = simpProp p
Just p' ->
{ dpData = updCt p' ct
, dpSimpExprProp = p'
, dpSimpProp = simpProp p'
-- add defined prop as an assumption
assert s (dpSimpProp r)
go True (r : isDef) isNotDef more
else go ch isDef ((ct,p,q) : isNotDef) more
{- | Check if the given constraint is guaranteed to be well-defined.
This means that it cannot be instantiated in a way that would result in
@ -261,34 +126,59 @@ checkDefined1 s updCt (ct,p) =
SimpProp defCt = simpProp (cryDefinedProp p)
prepareConstraints ::
Solver -> (Prop -> a -> a) ->
[(a,Prop)] -> ?
Solver -> (Prop -> a -> a) -> Set Name ->
[(a,Prop)] -> IO (Either [a] ([a], [DefinedProp a], Subst, [Prop]))
prepareConstraints s updCt uniVars cs =
do res <- mapM (checkDefined1 s updCt) cs
let (unknown,ok) = paritionEithers res
solPush s
mapM_ (assert s . dpSimpProp) ok
let (unknown,ok) = partitionEithers res
goStep1 unknown ok Map.empty []
apSuUnknwon su (x,p) =
getImps ok = withScope s $
do mapM_ (assert s . dpSimpProp) ok
check s uniVars
mapEither f = partitionEithers . map f
apSuUnk su (x,p) =
case apSubst su p of
Nothing -> Left (x,p)
Just p1 -> Right (updCt p1 x, p1)
go unknown ok =
do mb <- check s uniVars
apSuOk su p = case apSubstDefinedProp updCt su p of
Nothing -> Left p
Just p1 -> Right p1
apSubst' su x = fromMaybe x (apSubst su x)
goStep1 unknown ok su sgs =
let (ok1, moreSu) = improveByDefnMany updCt uniVars ok
in go unknown ok1 (composeSubst moreSu su) sgs
go unknown ok su sgs =
do mb <- getImps ok
case mb of
Nothing ->
do solPop s
do bad <- minimizeContradictionSimpDef s ok
return (Left bad)
Just (moreImps,moreSubGoals) ->
do bad <- minimizeContradictionSimpDef s ok
return (Left bad)
Just (imps,subGoals)
| not (null okNew) -> goStep1 unknown (okNew ++ okOld) newSu newGs
| otherwise ->
do res <- mapM (checkDefined1 s updCt) unkNew
let (stillUnk,nowOk) = partitionEithers res
if null nowOk
then return (Right ( map fst (unkNew ++ unkOld)
, ok, newSu, newGs))
else goStep1 (stillUnk ++ unkOld) (nowOk ++ ok) newSu newGs
where (okOld, okNew) = mapEither (apSuOk imps) ok
(unkOld,unkNew) = mapEither (apSuUnk imps) unknown
newSu = composeSubst imps su
newGs = nub (subGoals ++ map (apSubst' su) sgs)
-- XXX: inefficient
@ -364,31 +254,26 @@ minimizeContradictionSimpDef s ps = start [] ps
_ -> go bad (d : prev) more
-- | Given a list of propositions that together lead to a contradiction,
-- find a sub-set that still leads to a contradiction (but is smaller).
minimizeContradiction :: Solver -> [(a,Prop)] -> IO [a]
minimizeContradiction s ps = start [] (map prep ps)
improveByDefnMany :: (Prop -> a -> a) -> Set Name ->
[DefinedProp a] -> ([DefinedProp a], Subst)
improveByDefnMany updCt uvs = go [] Map.empty
prep (a,p) = (a, simpProp p)
start bad [] = return bad
start bad (p : more) =
do solPush s
go bad [] (p : more)
go _ _ [] = panic "minimizeContradiction"
$ ("No contradiction" : map (show . ppProp . snd) ps)
go bad prev ((a,p) : more) =
do assert s p
res <- SMT.check (solver s)
case res of
SMT.Unsat -> do solPop s
assert s p
start (a : bad) prev
_ -> go bad ((a,p) : prev) more
mbSu su x = case apSubstDefinedProp updCt su x of
Nothing -> Left x
Just y -> Right y
go todo su (p : ps) =
let p1 = fromMaybe p (apSubstDefinedProp updCt su p)
in case improveByDefn uvs p1 of
Just (x,e) -> go todo (Map.insert x e su) ps
-- `p` is solved, so ignore
Nothing -> go (p1 : todo) su ps
go todo su [] =
let (same,changed) = partitionEithers (map (mbSu su) todo)
in case changed of
[] -> (same,su)
_ -> go same su changed
{- | If we see an equation: `?x = e`, and: