Just debugging improvements.

This commit is contained in:
Iavor S. Diatchki 2015-02-25 11:21:56 -08:00
parent ce09d23d74
commit d85a5d5aa0
3 changed files with 44 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ library
random >= 1.0.1,
sbv >= 4.0,
smtLib >= 1.0.7,
simple-smt >= 0.4,
simple-smt >= 0.5.4,
syb >= 0.4,
text >= 1.1,
tf-random >= 0.5,

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@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.CrySAT as Num
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.CrySAT (debugBlock, DebugLog(..))
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic(panic)
import Cryptol.Parser.Position(rCombs)
import Cryptol.Utils.PP(pp)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Defaulting(tryDefaultWith)
@ -134,18 +133,15 @@ numericRight g = case Num.exportProp (goal g) of
_testSimpGoals :: IO ()
_testSimpGoals = Num.withSolver $ \s ->
do Num.assumeProps s asmps
do _ <- Num.assumeProps s asmps
mb <- simpGoals s gs
case mb of
Just (gs1,su) ->
do debugBlock s "Simplified goals"
$ mapM_ (debugLog s . show . pp . goal) gs1
debugLog s (show (pp su))
Just _ -> debugLog s "End of test"
Nothing -> debugLog s "Impossible"
asmps = [ pFin (tv 1) ]
gs = map fakeGoal [ tv 0 =#= (num 1 .+. tMin (tv 1) (tv 0)) ]
-- ?g4 == 1 + min m ?g4
-- gs = map fakeGoal [ pFin (num 1 .+. tMin (tv 1) (tv 0)) ]
-- [ tv 0 =#= tInf, tMod (num 3) (tv 0) =#= num 4 ]
@ -157,7 +153,7 @@ _testSimpGoals = Num.withSolver $ \s ->
simpGoals :: Num.Solver -> [Goal] -> IO (Maybe ([Goal],Subst))
simpGoals _ [] = return (Just ([],emptySubst))
simpGoals s gs0 =
debugBlock s "simpGoals" $
debugBlock s "Simplifying goals" $
do debugBlock s "goals:" (debugLog s gs0)
let (unsolvedClassCts,numCts) = solveClassCts gs0
@ -171,14 +167,14 @@ simpGoals s gs0 =
, show r
case numCts of
[] -> do debugBlock s "survivors" $ debugLog s unsolvedClassCts
[] -> do debugBlock s "After simplification (no numerics):"
$ debugLog s unsolvedClassCts
return $ Just (unsolvedClassCts, emptySubst)
_ -> do mbOk <- Num.checkDefined s updCt uvs numCts
case mbOk of
Nothing -> do debugLog s "check defined: impossible"
return Nothing
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (nonDef,def,imps) ->
@ -193,20 +189,13 @@ simpGoals s gs0 =
, goalSource = CtImprovement
, goal = p }
debugBlock s "check defined:" $
do debugBlock s "undefined" $
debugLog s (map fst nonDef)
debugBlock s "defined" $
debugLog s (map Num.dpSimpExprProp def1)
def2 <- Num.simplifyProps s def1
let allCts = apSubst su $ map toGoal extraProps ++
map fst nonDef ++
unsolvedClassCts ++
map fst def2
debugBlock s "survivors" $
debugBlock s "After simplification:" $
do debugLog s allCts
debugLog s su

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@ -81,14 +81,17 @@ checkDefined :: Solver ->
, Subst -- computed improvements, for the conjuction
-- of the proved properties.
checkDefined s updCt uniVars props0 = withScope s (go Map.empty [] props0)
checkDefined s updCt uniVars props0 =
debugBlock s "Checking for well-defined properties" $
withScope s (go Map.empty [] props0)
go knownImps done notDone =
do (newNotDone, novelDone) <- checkDefined' s updCt notDone
(possible, imps) <- check s uniVars
if not possible
then return Nothing
then do debugLog s "Found contradiction"
return Nothing
do let goAgain novelImps newDone =
do mapM_ addImpProp (Map.toList novelImps)
@ -102,7 +105,13 @@ checkDefined s updCt uniVars props0 = withScope s (go Map.empty [] props0)
if Map.null novelImps
then case findImpByDef [] newDone of
Nothing -> return $ Just ( map fst newNotDone
Nothing ->
do debugBlock s "Not well-defined:" $
debugLog s (map snd newNotDone)
debugBlock s "Always defined:" $
debugLog s (map dpSimpExprProp newDone)
return $ Just ( map fst newNotDone
, newDone
, knownImps
@ -194,7 +203,9 @@ checkDefined' s updCt props0 =
-- * Eliminates properties that are implied by the rest.
-- * Does not modify the set of assumptions.
simplifyProps :: Solver -> [DefinedProp a] -> IO [a]
simplifyProps s props = withScope s (go [] props)
simplifyProps s props =
debugBlock s "Simplifying properties" $
withScope s (go [] props)
go survived [] = return survived
@ -491,8 +502,9 @@ declareVar s@Solver { .. } a =
-- INVARIANT: Assertion is simplified.
assert :: Solver -> SimpProp -> IO ()
assert _ (SimpProp PTrue) = return ()
assert s@Solver { .. } p =
do SimpProp p1 <- atomicModifyIORef' declared (viAssert p)
assert s@Solver { .. } p@(SimpProp p0) =
do debugLog s ("Assuming: " ++ show (ppProp p0))
SimpProp p1 <- atomicModifyIORef' declared (viAssert p)
mapM_ (declareVar s) (Set.toList (cryPropFVS p1))
SMT.assert solver $ ifPropToSmtLib $ desugarProp p1
@ -508,9 +520,9 @@ prove s@(Solver { .. }) p =
do assert s (simpProp (Not p))
res <- SMT.check solver
case res of
SMT.Unsat -> return True
SMT.Unknown -> return False -- We are not sure
SMT.Sat -> return False
SMT.Unsat -> debugLog s "Proved" >> return True
SMT.Unknown -> debugLog s "Not proved" >> return False -- We are not sure
SMT.Sat -> debugLog s "Not proved" >> return False
-- XXX: If the answer is Sat, it is possible that this is a
-- a fake example, as we need to evaluate the nonLinear constraints.
-- If they are all satisfied, then we have a genuine counter example.
@ -524,13 +536,14 @@ The 'Bool' is 'False' if the current assumptions are *definately*
not satisfiable. -}
check :: Solver -> Set Name -> IO (Bool, Subst)
check s@Solver { .. } uniVars =
debugBlock s "check" $
do res <- SMT.check solver
case res of
SMT.Unsat -> return (False, Map.empty)
SMT.Unknown -> return (True, Map.empty)
SMT.Unsat -> debugLog s "Not satisfiable" >> return (False, Map.empty)
SMT.Unknown -> debugLog s "Unknown" >> return (True, Map.empty)
SMT.Sat ->
do impMap <- debugBlock s "improvements" (getImpSubst s uniVars)
do debugLog s "Satisfiable"
impMap <- debugBlock s "Computing improvements"
(getImpSubst s uniVars)
return (True, impMap)
{- | The set of unification variables is used to guide ordering of
@ -557,7 +570,12 @@ getImpSubst s@Solver { .. } uniVars =
dump (x,e) = debugLog s (show (ppProp (Var x :== e)))
when (not (Map.null tricky)) $
debugBlock s "Tricky subst" $ mapM_ dump (Map.toList tricky)
debugBlock s "Tricky subst:" $ mapM_ dump (Map.toList tricky)
if Map.null easy
then debugLog s "(no improvements)"
else mapM_ dump (Map.toList easy)
return easy