mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 01:13:09 +03:00
Merge changes from SBV release version 3.1
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ flag static
Build-depends: base >= 4.6,
array >= 0.4,
async >= 2.0,
containers >= 0.5,
deepseq >= 1.3,
directory >= 1.2,
@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ library
filepath >= 1.3,
GraphSCC >= 1.0.4,
monadLib >= 3.7.2,
mtl >= 2.1,
mtl >= 2.2.1,
old-time >= 1.1,
presburger >= 1.1,
pretty >= 1.1,
@ -119,6 +120,7 @@ library
@ -141,6 +143,7 @@ library
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
-- * 'SInt8', 'SInt16', 'SInt32', 'SInt64': Symbolic Ints (signed).
-- * 'SArray', 'SFunArray': Flat arrays of symbolic values.
-- * 'SInteger': Unbounded signed integers.
-- * 'SReal': Algebraic-real numbers
@ -48,6 +48,8 @@
-- * 'SDouble': IEEE-754 double-precision floating point values
-- * 'SArray', 'SFunArray': Flat arrays of symbolic values.
-- * Symbolic polynomials over GF(2^n), polynomial arithmetic, and CRCs.
-- * Uninterpreted constants and functions over symbolic values, with user
@ -92,10 +94,18 @@
-- * Boolector from Johannes Kepler University: <http://fmv.jku.at/boolector/>
-- * MathSAT from Fondazione Bruno Kessler and DISI-University of Trento: <http://mathsat.fbk.eu/>
-- SBV also allows calling these solvers in parallel, either getting results from multiple solvers
-- or returning the fastest one. (See 'proveWithAll', 'proveWithAny', etc.)
-- Support for other compliant solvers can be added relatively easily, please
-- get in touch if there is a solver you'd like to see included.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}
module Data.SBV (
-- * Programming with symbolic values
-- $progIntro
@ -113,7 +123,7 @@ module Data.SBV (
, SInteger
-- *** IEEE-floating point numbers
-- $floatingPoints
, SFloat, SDouble, RoundingMode(..), nan, infinity, sNaN, sInfinity, fusedMA
, SFloat, SDouble, RoundingMode(..), nan, infinity, sNaN, sInfinity, fusedMA, isSNaN, isFPPoint
-- *** Signed algebraic reals
-- $algReals
, SReal, AlgReal, toSReal
@ -187,6 +197,10 @@ module Data.SBV (
-- ** Checking constraint vacuity
, isVacuous, isVacuousWith
-- * Proving properties using multiple solvers
-- $multiIntro
, proveWithAll, proveWithAny, satWithAll, satWithAny, allSatWithAll, allSatWithAny
-- * Optimization
-- $optimizeIntro
, minimize, maximize, optimize
@ -205,9 +219,10 @@ module Data.SBV (
-- ** Programmable model extraction
-- $programmableExtraction
, SatModel(..), Modelable(..), displayModels, extractModels
, getModelDictionaries, getModelValues, getModelUninterpretedValues
-- * SMT Interface: Configurations and solvers
, SMTConfig(..), OptimizeOpts(..), SMTSolver(..), boolector, cvc4, yices, z3, sbvCurrentSolver, defaultSMTCfg, sbvCheckSolverInstallation
, SMTConfig(..), SMTLibLogic(..), Logic(..), OptimizeOpts(..), Solver(..), SMTSolver(..), boolector, cvc4, yices, z3, mathSAT, sbvCurrentSolver, defaultSMTCfg, sbvCheckSolverInstallation, sbvAvailableSolvers
-- * Symbolic computations
, Symbolic, output, SymWord(..)
@ -253,6 +268,10 @@ module Data.SBV (
, module Data.Ratio
) where
import Control.Monad (filterM)
import Control.Concurrent.Async (async, waitAny, waitAnyCancel)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveIO) -- only used safely!
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.AlgReals
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.Data
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.Model
@ -280,6 +299,140 @@ import Data.Word
sbvCurrentSolver :: SMTConfig
sbvCurrentSolver = z3
-- | Note that the floating point value NaN does not compare equal to itself,
-- so we need a special recognizer for that. Haskell provides the isNaN predicate
-- with the `RealFrac` class, which unfortunately is not currently implementable for
-- symbolic cases. (Requires trigonometric functions etc.) Thus, we provide this
-- recognizer separately. Note that the definition simply tests equality against
-- itself, which fails for NaN. Who said equality for floating point was reflexive?
isSNaN :: (Floating a, SymWord a) => SBV a -> SBool
isSNaN x = x ./= x
-- | We call a FP number FPPoint if it is neither NaN, nor +/- infinity.
isFPPoint :: (Floating a, SymWord a) => SBV a -> SBool
isFPPoint x = x .== x -- gets rid of NaN's
&&& x .< sInfinity -- gets rid of +inf
&&& x .> -sInfinity -- gets rid of -inf
-- | Form the symbolic conjunction of a given list of boolean conditions. Useful in expressing
-- problems with constraints, like the following:
-- @
-- do [x, y, z] <- sIntegers [\"x\", \"y\", \"z\"]
-- solve [x .> 5, y + z .< x]
-- @
solve :: [SBool] -> Symbolic SBool
solve = return . bAnd
-- | Check whether the given solver is installed and is ready to go. This call does a
-- simple call to the solver to ensure all is well.
sbvCheckSolverInstallation :: SMTConfig -> IO Bool
sbvCheckSolverInstallation cfg = do ThmResult r <- proveWith cfg $ \x -> (x+x) .== ((x*2) :: SWord8)
case r of
Unsatisfiable _ -> return True
_ -> return False
-- The default configs
defaultSolverConfig :: Solver -> SMTConfig
defaultSolverConfig Z3 = z3
defaultSolverConfig Yices = yices
defaultSolverConfig Boolector = boolector
defaultSolverConfig CVC4 = cvc4
defaultSolverConfig MathSAT = mathSAT
-- | Return the known available solver configs, installed on your machine.
sbvAvailableSolvers :: IO [SMTConfig]
sbvAvailableSolvers = filterM sbvCheckSolverInstallation (map defaultSolverConfig [minBound .. maxBound])
sbvWithAny :: Provable a => [SMTConfig] -> (SMTConfig -> a -> IO b) -> a -> IO (Solver, b)
sbvWithAny [] _ _ = error "SBV.withAny: No solvers given!"
sbvWithAny solvers what a = snd `fmap` (mapM try solvers >>= waitAnyCancel)
where try s = async $ what s a >>= \r -> return (name (solver s), r)
sbvWithAll :: Provable a => [SMTConfig] -> (SMTConfig -> a -> IO b) -> a -> IO [(Solver, b)]
sbvWithAll solvers what a = mapM try solvers >>= (unsafeInterleaveIO . go)
where try s = async $ what s a >>= \r -> return (name (solver s), r)
go [] = return []
go as = do (d, r) <- waitAny as
rs <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ go (filter (/= d) as)
return (r : rs)
-- | Prove a property with multiple solvers, running them in separate threads. The
-- results will be returned in the order produced.
proveWithAll :: Provable a => [SMTConfig] -> a -> IO [(Solver, ThmResult)]
proveWithAll = (`sbvWithAll` proveWith)
-- | Prove a property with multiple solvers, running them in separate threads. Only
-- the result of the first one to finish will be returned, remaining threads will be killed.
proveWithAny :: Provable a => [SMTConfig] -> a -> IO (Solver, ThmResult)
proveWithAny = (`sbvWithAny` proveWith)
-- | Find a satisfying assignment to a property with multiple solvers, running them in separate threads. The
-- results will be returned in the order produced.
satWithAll :: Provable a => [SMTConfig] -> a -> IO [(Solver, SatResult)]
satWithAll = (`sbvWithAll` satWith)
-- | Find a satisfying assignment to a property with multiple solvers, running them in separate threads. Only
-- the result of the first one to finish will be returned, remaining threads will be killed.
satWithAny :: Provable a => [SMTConfig] -> a -> IO (Solver, SatResult)
satWithAny = (`sbvWithAny` satWith)
-- | Find all satisfying assignments to a property with multiple solvers, running them in separate threads. Only
-- the result of the first one to finish will be returned, remaining threads will be killed.
allSatWithAll :: Provable a => [SMTConfig] -> a -> IO [(Solver, AllSatResult)]
allSatWithAll = (`sbvWithAll` allSatWith)
-- | Find all satisfying assignments to a property with multiple solvers, running them in separate threads. Only
-- the result of the first one to finish will be returned, remaining threads will be killed.
allSatWithAny :: Provable a => [SMTConfig] -> a -> IO (Solver, AllSatResult)
allSatWithAny = (`sbvWithAny` allSatWith)
-- | Equality as a proof method. Allows for
-- very concise construction of equivalence proofs, which is very typical in
-- bit-precise proofs.
infix 4 ===
class Equality a where
(===) :: a -> a -> IO ThmResult
instance (SymWord a, EqSymbolic z) => Equality (SBV a -> z) where
k === l = prove $ \a -> k a .== l a
instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, EqSymbolic z) => Equality (SBV a -> SBV b -> z) where
k === l = prove $ \a b -> k a b .== l a b
instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, EqSymbolic z) => Equality ((SBV a, SBV b) -> z) where
k === l = prove $ \a b -> k (a, b) .== l (a, b)
instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, SymWord c, EqSymbolic z) => Equality (SBV a -> SBV b -> SBV c -> z) where
k === l = prove $ \a b c -> k a b c .== l a b c
instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, SymWord c, EqSymbolic z) => Equality ((SBV a, SBV b, SBV c) -> z) where
k === l = prove $ \a b c -> k (a, b, c) .== l (a, b, c)
instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, SymWord c, SymWord d, EqSymbolic z) => Equality (SBV a -> SBV b -> SBV c -> SBV d -> z) where
k === l = prove $ \a b c d -> k a b c d .== l a b c d
instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, SymWord c, SymWord d, EqSymbolic z) => Equality ((SBV a, SBV b, SBV c, SBV d) -> z) where
k === l = prove $ \a b c d -> k (a, b, c, d) .== l (a, b, c, d)
instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, SymWord c, SymWord d, SymWord e, EqSymbolic z) => Equality (SBV a -> SBV b -> SBV c -> SBV d -> SBV e -> z) where
k === l = prove $ \a b c d e -> k a b c d e .== l a b c d e
instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, SymWord c, SymWord d, SymWord e, EqSymbolic z) => Equality ((SBV a, SBV b, SBV c, SBV d, SBV e) -> z) where
k === l = prove $ \a b c d e -> k (a, b, c, d, e) .== l (a, b, c, d, e)
instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, SymWord c, SymWord d, SymWord e, SymWord f, EqSymbolic z) => Equality (SBV a -> SBV b -> SBV c -> SBV d -> SBV e -> SBV f -> z) where
k === l = prove $ \a b c d e f -> k a b c d e f .== l a b c d e f
instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, SymWord c, SymWord d, SymWord e, SymWord f, EqSymbolic z) => Equality ((SBV a, SBV b, SBV c, SBV d, SBV e, SBV f) -> z) where
k === l = prove $ \a b c d e f -> k (a, b, c, d, e, f) .== l (a, b, c, d, e, f)
instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, SymWord c, SymWord d, SymWord e, SymWord f, SymWord g, EqSymbolic z) => Equality (SBV a -> SBV b -> SBV c -> SBV d -> SBV e -> SBV f -> SBV g -> z) where
k === l = prove $ \a b c d e f g -> k a b c d e f g .== l a b c d e f g
instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, SymWord c, SymWord d, SymWord e, SymWord f, SymWord g, EqSymbolic z) => Equality ((SBV a, SBV b, SBV c, SBV d, SBV e, SBV f, SBV g) -> z) where
k === l = prove $ \a b c d e f g -> k (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) .== l (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)
-- Haddock section documentation
{- $progIntro
The SBV library is really two things:
@ -309,12 +462,32 @@ design goal is to let SMT solvers be used without any knowledge of how SMT solve
or how different logics operate. The details are hidden behind the SBV framework, providing
Haskell programmers with a clean API that is unencumbered by the details of individual solvers.
To that end, we use the SMT-Lib standard (<http://goedel.cs.uiowa.edu/smtlib/>)
to communicate with arbitrary SMT solvers. Unfortunately,
the SMT-Lib version 1.X does not standardize how models are communicated back from solvers, so
there is some work in parsing individual SMT solver output. The 2.X version of the SMT-Lib
standard (not yet implemented by SMT solvers widely, unfortunately) will bring new standard features
for getting models; at which time the SBV framework can be modified into a truly plug-and-play
system where arbitrary SMT solvers can be used.
to communicate with arbitrary SMT solvers.
{- $multiIntro
On a multi-core machine, it might be desirable to try a given property using multiple SMT solvers,
using parallel threads. Even with machines with single-cores, threading can be helpful if you
want to try out multiple-solvers but do not know which one would work the best
for the problem at hand ahead of time.
The functions in this section allow proving/satisfiability-checking with multiple
backends at the same time. Each function comes in two variants, one that
returns the results from all solvers, the other that returns the fastest one.
The @All@ variants, (i.e., 'proveWithAll', 'satWithAll', 'allSatWithAll') run all solvers and
return all the results. SBV internally makes sure that the result is lazily generated; so,
the order of solvers given does not matter. In other words, the order of results will follow
the order of the solvers as they finish, not as given by the user. These variants are useful when you
want to make sure multiple-solvers agree (or disagree!) on a given problem.
The @Any@ variants, (i.e., 'proveWithAny', 'satWithAny', 'allSatWithAny') will run all the solvers
in parallel, and return the results of the first one finishing. The other threads will then be killed. These variants
are useful when you do not care if the solvers produce the same result, but rather want to get the
solution as quickly as possible, taking advantage of modern many-core machines.
Note that the function 'sbvAvailableSolvers' will return all the installed solvers, which can be
used as the first argument to all these functions, if you simply want to try all available solvers on a machine.
{- $optimizeIntro
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ mkPolyReal (Left (exact, str))
mkPolyReal (Right (k, coeffs))
= AlgPolyRoot (k, Polynomial (normalize coeffs)) Nothing
where normalize :: [(Integer, Integer)] -> [(Integer, Integer)]
normalize = merge . reverse . sortBy (compare `on` snd)
normalize = merge . sortBy (flip compare `on` snd)
merge [] = []
merge [x] = [x]
merge ((a, b):r@((c, d):xs))
@ -17,31 +17,35 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module Data.SBV.BitVectors.Data
( SBool, SWord8, SWord16, SWord32, SWord64
, SInt8, SInt16, SInt32, SInt64, SInteger, SReal, SFloat, SDouble
, nan, infinity, sNaN, sInfinity, RoundingMode(..), smtLibSquareRoot, smtLibFusedMA
, SymWord(..)
, CW(..), CWVal(..), cwSameType, cwIsBit, cwToBool, normCW
, CW(..), CWVal(..), AlgReal(..), cwSameType, cwIsBit, cwToBool
, mkConstCW ,liftCW2, mapCW, mapCW2
, SW(..), trueSW, falseSW, trueCW, falseCW
, SW(..), trueSW, falseSW, trueCW, falseCW, normCW
, SBV(..), NodeId(..), mkSymSBV, mkSymSBVWithRandom
, ArrayContext(..), ArrayInfo, SymArray(..), SFunArray(..), mkSFunArray, SArray(..), arrayUIKind
, sbvToSW, sbvToSymSW
, sbvToSW, sbvToSymSW, forceSWArg
, SBVExpr(..), newExpr
, cache, Cached, uncache, uncacheAI, HasKind(..)
, Op(..), NamedSymVar, UnintKind(..), getTableIndex, SBVPgm(..), Symbolic, runSymbolic, runSymbolic', State, inProofMode, SBVRunMode(..), Kind(..), Outputtable(..), Result(..)
, readResult, getResult
, Op(..), NamedSymVar, UnintKind(..), getTableIndex, SBVPgm(..), Symbolic, runSymbolic, runSymbolic', State, getPathCondition, extendPathCondition
, inProofMode, SBVRunMode(..), Kind(..), Outputtable(..), Result(..)
, Logic(..), SMTLibLogic(..)
, getTraceInfo, getConstraints, addConstraint
, SBVType(..), newUninterpreted, unintFnUIKind, addAxiom
, Quantifier(..), needsExistentials
, SMTLibPgm(..), SMTLibVersion(..)
, SolverCapabilities(..)
, extractSymbolicSimulationState, getResult
, SMTScript(..), Solver(..), SMTSolver(..), SMTResult(..), SMTModel(..), SMTConfig(..), getSBranchRunConfig
) where
import Control.Applicative (Applicative)
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..))
import Control.Applicative (Applicative)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.Fix (MonadFix)
import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader, ReaderT, ask, runReaderT)
@ -60,6 +64,7 @@ import qualified Data.Set as Set (Set, empty, toList, insert)
import qualified Data.Foldable as F (toList)
import qualified Data.Sequence as S (Seq, empty, (|>))
import System.Exit (ExitCode(..))
import System.Mem.StableName
import System.Random
@ -130,8 +135,8 @@ cwSameType x y = cwKind x == cwKind y
-- | Is this a bit?
cwIsBit :: CW -> Bool
cwIsBit x = case cwKind x of
KBounded False 1 -> True
_ -> False
KBool -> True
_ -> False
-- | Convert a CW to a Haskell boolean (NB. Assumes input is well-kinded)
cwToBool :: CW -> Bool
@ -152,7 +157,8 @@ normCW c@(CW (KBounded signed sz) (CWInteger v)) = c { cwVal = CWInteger norm }
normCW c = c
-- | Kind of symbolic value
data Kind = KBounded Bool Int
data Kind = KBool
| KBounded Bool Int
| KUnbounded
| KReal
| KUninterpreted String
@ -161,7 +167,7 @@ data Kind = KBounded Bool Int
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show Kind where
show (KBounded False 1) = "SBool"
show KBool = "SBool"
show (KBounded False n) = "SWord" ++ show n
show (KBounded True n) = "SInt" ++ show n
show KUnbounded = "SInteger"
@ -176,6 +182,12 @@ newtype NodeId = NodeId Int deriving (Eq, Ord)
-- | A symbolic word, tracking it's signedness and size.
data SW = SW Kind NodeId deriving (Eq, Ord)
-- | Forcing an argument; this is a necessary evil to make sure all the arguments
-- to an uninterpreted function and sBranch test conditions are evaluated before called;
-- the semantics of uinterpreted functions is necessarily strict; deviating from Haskell's
forceSWArg :: SW -> IO ()
forceSWArg (SW k n) = k `seq` n `seq` return ()
-- | Quantifiers: forall or exists. Note that we allow
-- arbitrary nestings.
data Quantifier = ALL | EX deriving Eq
@ -186,19 +198,19 @@ needsExistentials = (EX `elem`)
-- | Constant False as a SW. Note that this value always occupies slot -2.
falseSW :: SW
falseSW = SW (KBounded False 1) $ NodeId (-2)
falseSW = SW KBool $ NodeId (-2)
-- | Constant False as a SW. Note that this value always occupies slot -1.
trueSW :: SW
trueSW = SW (KBounded False 1) $ NodeId (-1)
trueSW = SW KBool $ NodeId (-1)
-- | Constant False as a CW. We represent it using the integer value 0.
falseCW :: CW
falseCW = CW (KBounded False 1) (CWInteger 0)
falseCW = CW KBool (CWInteger 0)
-- | Constant True as a CW. We represent it using the integer value 1.
trueCW :: CW
trueCW = CW (KBounded False 1) (CWInteger 1)
trueCW = CW KBool (CWInteger 1)
-- | A simple type for SBV computations, used mainly for uninterpreted constants.
-- We keep track of the signedness/size of the arguments. A non-function will
@ -265,6 +277,7 @@ class HasKind a where
showType :: a -> String
-- defaults
hasSign x = case kindOf x of
KBool -> False
KBounded b _ -> b
KUnbounded -> True
KReal -> True
@ -272,13 +285,14 @@ class HasKind a where
KDouble -> True
KUninterpreted{} -> False
intSizeOf x = case kindOf x of
KBool -> error "SBV.HasKind.intSizeOf((S)Bool)"
KBounded _ s -> s
KUnbounded -> error "SBV.HasKind.intSizeOf((S)Integer)"
KReal -> error "SBV.HasKind.intSizeOf((S)Real)"
KFloat -> error "SBV.HasKind.intSizeOf((S)Float)"
KDouble -> error "SBV.HasKind.intSizeOf((S)Double)"
KUninterpreted s -> error $ "SBV.HasKind.intSizeOf: Uninterpreted sort: " ++ s
isBoolean x | KBounded False 1 <- kindOf x = True
isBoolean x | KBool{} <- kindOf x = True
| True = False
isBounded x | KBounded{} <- kindOf x = True
| True = False
@ -298,7 +312,7 @@ class HasKind a where
default kindOf :: Data a => a -> Kind
kindOf = KUninterpreted . tyconUQname . dataTypeName . dataTypeOf
instance HasKind Bool where kindOf _ = KBounded False 1
instance HasKind Bool where kindOf _ = KBool
instance HasKind Int8 where kindOf _ = KBounded True 8
instance HasKind Word8 where kindOf _ = KBounded False 8
instance HasKind Int16 where kindOf _ = KBounded True 16
@ -421,7 +435,7 @@ data UnintKind = UFun Int String | UArr Int String -- in each case, arity a
-- | Result of running a symbolic computation
data Result = Result (Set.Set Kind) -- kinds used in the program
[(String, CW)] -- quick-check counter-example information (if any)
[(String, [String])] -- uninterpreted code segments
[(String, [String])] -- uninterpeted code segments
[(Quantifier, NamedSymVar)] -- inputs (possibly existential)
[(SW, CW)] -- constants
[((Int, Kind, Kind), [SW])] -- tables (automatically constructed) (tableno, index-type, result-type) elts
@ -540,9 +554,9 @@ arrayUIKind (i, (nm, _, ctx))
external (ArrayMerge{}) = False
-- | Different means of running a symbolic piece of code
data SBVRunMode = Proof Bool -- ^ Symbolic simulation mode, for proof purposes. Bool is True if it's a sat instance
| CodeGen -- ^ Code generation mode
| Concrete StdGen -- ^ Concrete simulation mode. The StdGen is for the pConstrain acceptance in cross runs
data SBVRunMode = Proof (Bool, Maybe SMTConfig) -- ^ Symbolic simulation mode, for proof purposes. Bool is True if it's a sat instance. SMTConfig is used for 'sBranch' calls.
| CodeGen -- ^ Code generation mode
| Concrete StdGen -- ^ Concrete simulation mode. The StdGen is for the pConstrain acceptance in cross runs
-- | Is this a concrete run? (i.e., quick-check or test-generation like)
isConcreteMode :: SBVRunMode -> Bool
@ -552,6 +566,7 @@ isConcreteMode CodeGen = False
-- | The state of the symbolic interpreter
data State = State { runMode :: SBVRunMode
, pathCond :: SBool
, rStdGen :: IORef StdGen
, rCInfo :: IORef [(String, CW)]
, rctr :: IORef Int
@ -571,6 +586,14 @@ data State = State { runMode :: SBVRunMode
, rAICache :: IORef (Cache Int)
-- | Get the current path condition
getPathCondition :: State -> SBool
getPathCondition = pathCond
-- | Extend the path condition with the given test value.
extendPathCondition :: State -> (SBool -> SBool) -> State
extendPathCondition st f = st{pathCond = f (pathCond st)}
-- | Are we running in proof mode?
inProofMode :: State -> Bool
inProofMode s = case runMode s of
@ -578,6 +601,12 @@ inProofMode s = case runMode s of
CodeGen -> False
Concrete{} -> False
-- | If in proof mode, get the underlying configuration (used for 'sBranch')
getSBranchRunConfig :: State -> Maybe SMTConfig
getSBranchRunConfig st = case runMode st of
Proof (_, s) -> s
_ -> Nothing
-- | The "Symbolic" value. Either a constant (@Left@) or a symbolic
-- value (@Right Cached@). Note that caching is essential for making
-- sure sharing is preserved. The parameter 'a' is phantom, but is
@ -636,7 +665,7 @@ infinity = 1/0
-- | Symbolic variant of Not-A-Number. This value will inhabit both
-- 'SDouble' and 'SFloat'.
sNaN :: (Floating a, SymWord a) => SBV a
sNaN = literal nan
sNaN = literal nan
-- | Symbolic variant of infinity. This value will inhabit both
-- 'SDouble' and 'SFloat'.
@ -744,6 +773,7 @@ getTableIndex st at rt elts = do
-- | Create a constant word from an integral
mkConstCW :: Integral a => Kind -> a -> CW
mkConstCW KBool a = normCW $ CW KBool (CWInteger (toInteger a))
mkConstCW k@(KBounded{}) a = normCW $ CW k (CWInteger (toInteger a))
mkConstCW KUnbounded a = normCW $ CW KUnbounded (CWInteger (toInteger a))
mkConstCW KReal a = normCW $ CW KReal (CWAlgReal (fromInteger (toInteger a)))
@ -783,21 +813,20 @@ newtype Symbolic a = Symbolic (ReaderT State IO a)
mkSymSBV :: forall a. (Random a, SymWord a) => Maybe Quantifier -> Kind -> Maybe String -> Symbolic (SBV a)
mkSymSBV = mkSymSBVWithRandom randomIO
mkSymSBVWithRandom :: forall a. SymWord a =>
IO (SBV a) -> Maybe Quantifier -> Kind -> Maybe String -> Symbolic (SBV a)
mkSymSBVWithRandom random mbQ k mbNm = do
mkSymSBVWithRandom :: forall a. SymWord a => IO (SBV a) -> Maybe Quantifier -> Kind -> Maybe String -> Symbolic (SBV a)
mkSymSBVWithRandom rand mbQ k mbNm = do
st <- ask
let q = case (mbQ, runMode st) of
(Just x, _) -> x -- user given, just take it
(Nothing, Concrete{}) -> ALL -- concrete simulation, pick universal
(Nothing, Proof True) -> EX -- sat mode, pick existential
(Nothing, Proof False) -> ALL -- proof mode, pick universal
(Nothing, CodeGen) -> ALL -- code generation, pick universal
(Just x, _) -> x -- user given, just take it
(Nothing, Concrete{}) -> ALL -- concrete simulation, pick universal
(Nothing, Proof (True, _)) -> EX -- sat mode, pick existential
(Nothing, Proof (False, _)) -> ALL -- proof mode, pick universal
(Nothing, CodeGen) -> ALL -- code generation, pick universal
case runMode st of
Concrete _ | q == EX -> case mbNm of
Nothing -> error $ "Cannot quick-check in the presence of existential variables, type: " ++ showType (undefined :: SBV a)
Just nm -> error $ "Cannot quick-check in the presence of existential variable " ++ nm ++ " :: " ++ showType (undefined :: SBV a)
Concrete _ -> do v@(SBV _ (Left cw)) <- liftIO random
Concrete _ -> do v@(SBV _ (Left cw)) <- liftIO rand
liftIO $ modifyIORef (rCInfo st) ((maybe "_" id mbNm, cw):)
return v
_ -> do (sw, internalName) <- liftIO $ newSW st k
@ -868,7 +897,7 @@ addAxiom nm ax = do
-- | Run a symbolic computation in Proof mode and return a 'Result'. The boolean
-- argument indicates if this is a sat instance or not.
runSymbolic :: Bool -> Symbolic a -> IO Result
runSymbolic :: (Bool, Maybe SMTConfig) -> Symbolic a -> IO Result
runSymbolic b c = snd `fmap` runSymbolic' (Proof b) c
-- | Run a symbolic computation, and return a extra value paired up with the 'Result'
@ -894,6 +923,7 @@ runSymbolic' currentRunMode (Symbolic c) = do
Concrete g -> newIORef g
_ -> newStdGen >>= newIORef
let st = State { runMode = currentRunMode
, pathCond = SBV KBool (Left trueCW)
, rStdGen = rGen
, rCInfo = cInfo
, rctr = ctr
@ -912,34 +942,37 @@ runSymbolic' currentRunMode (Symbolic c) = do
, rAICache = aiCache
, rConstraints = cstrs
_ <- newConst st (mkConstCW (KBounded False 1) (0::Integer)) -- s(-2) == falseSW
_ <- newConst st (mkConstCW (KBounded False 1) (1::Integer)) -- s(-1) == trueSW
_ <- newConst st falseCW -- s(-2) == falseSW
_ <- newConst st trueCW -- s(-1) == trueSW
r <- runReaderT c st
res <- readResult st
return $ (r, res)
res <- extractSymbolicSimulationState st
return (r, res)
readResult :: State -> IO Result
readResult st = do
rpgm <- readIORef (spgm st)
inpsO <- reverse `fmap` readIORef (rinps st)
outsO <- reverse `fmap` readIORef (routs st)
let swap (a, b) = (b, a)
cmp (a, _) (b, _) = a `compare` b
cnsts <- (sortBy cmp . map swap . Map.toList) `fmap` readIORef (rconstMap st)
tbls <- (sortBy (\((x, _, _), _) ((y, _, _), _) -> x `compare` y) . map swap . Map.toList) `fmap` readIORef (rtblMap st)
arrs <- IMap.toAscList `fmap` readIORef (rArrayMap st)
unint <- Map.toList `fmap` readIORef (rUIMap st)
axs <- reverse `fmap` readIORef (raxioms st)
knds <- readIORef (rUsedKinds st)
cgMap <- Map.toList `fmap` readIORef (rCgMap st)
traceVals <- reverse `fmap` readIORef (rCInfo st)
extraCstrs <- reverse `fmap` readIORef (rConstraints st)
return $ Result knds traceVals cgMap inpsO cnsts tbls arrs unint axs rpgm extraCstrs outsO
-- | Grab the program from a running symbolic simulation state. This is useful for internal purposes, for
-- instance when implementing 'sBranch'.
extractSymbolicSimulationState :: State -> IO Result
extractSymbolicSimulationState st@State{ spgm=pgm, rinps=inps, routs=outs, rtblMap=tables, rArrayMap=arrays, rUIMap=uis, raxioms=axioms
, rUsedKinds=usedKinds, rCgMap=cgs, rCInfo=cInfo, rConstraints = cstrs} = do
SBVPgm rpgm <- readIORef pgm
inpsO <- reverse `fmap` readIORef inps
outsO <- reverse `fmap` readIORef outs
let swap (a, b) = (b, a)
cmp (a, _) (b, _) = a `compare` b
cnsts <- (sortBy cmp . map swap . Map.toList) `fmap` readIORef (rconstMap st)
tbls <- (sortBy (\((x, _, _), _) ((y, _, _), _) -> x `compare` y) . map swap . Map.toList) `fmap` readIORef tables
arrs <- IMap.toAscList `fmap` readIORef arrays
unint <- Map.toList `fmap` readIORef uis
axs <- reverse `fmap` readIORef axioms
knds <- readIORef usedKinds
cgMap <- Map.toList `fmap` readIORef cgs
traceVals <- reverse `fmap` readIORef cInfo
extraCstrs <- reverse `fmap` readIORef cstrs
return $ Result knds traceVals cgMap inpsO cnsts tbls arrs unint axs (SBVPgm rpgm) extraCstrs outsO
getResult :: Symbolic Result
getResult = do
st <- ask
liftIO $ readResult st
liftIO $ extractSymbolicSimulationState st
-- * Symbolic Words
@ -1024,11 +1057,11 @@ class (HasKind a, Ord a) => SymWord a where
let k = KUninterpreted sortName
liftIO $ registerKind st k
let q = case (mbQ, runMode st) of
(Just x, _) -> x
(Nothing, Proof True) -> EX
(Nothing, Proof False) -> ALL
(Nothing, Concrete{}) -> error $ "SBV: Uninterpreted sort " ++ sortName ++ " can not be used in concrete simulation mode."
(Nothing, CodeGen) -> error $ "SBV: Uninterpreted sort " ++ sortName ++ " can not be used in code-generation mode."
(Just x, _) -> x
(Nothing, Proof (True, _)) -> EX
(Nothing, Proof (False, _)) -> ALL
(Nothing, Concrete{}) -> error $ "SBV: Uninterpreted sort " ++ sortName ++ " can not be used in concrete simulation mode."
(Nothing, CodeGen) -> error $ "SBV: Uninterpreted sort " ++ sortName ++ " can not be used in code-generation mode."
ctr <- liftIO $ incCtr st
let sw = SW k (NodeId ctr)
nm = maybe ('s':show ctr) id mbNm
@ -1264,6 +1297,55 @@ instance NFData a => NFData (SBV a) where
rnf (SBV x y) = rnf x `seq` rnf y `seq` ()
instance NFData SBVPgm
instance NFData SMTResult where
rnf (Unsatisfiable _) = ()
rnf (Satisfiable _ xs) = rnf xs `seq` ()
rnf (Unknown _ xs) = rnf xs `seq` ()
rnf (ProofError _ xs) = rnf xs `seq` ()
rnf (TimeOut _) = ()
instance NFData SMTModel where
rnf (SMTModel assocs unints uarrs) = rnf assocs `seq` rnf unints `seq` rnf uarrs `seq` ()
-- | SMT-Lib logics. If left unspecified SBV will pick the logic based on what it determines is needed. However, the
-- user can override this choice using the 'useLogic' parameter to the configuration. This is especially handy if
-- one is experimenting with custom logics that might be supported on new solvers.
data SMTLibLogic
= AUFLIA -- ^ Formulas over the theory of linear integer arithmetic and arrays extended with free sort and function symbols but restricted to arrays with integer indices and values
| AUFLIRA -- ^ Linear formulas with free sort and function symbols over one- and two-dimentional arrays of integer index and real value
| AUFNIRA -- ^ Formulas with free function and predicate symbols over a theory of arrays of arrays of integer index and real value
| LRA -- ^ Linear formulas in linear real arithmetic
| UFLRA -- ^ Linear real arithmetic with uninterpreted sort and function symbols.
| UFNIA -- ^ Non-linear integer arithmetic with uninterpreted sort and function symbols.
| QF_ABV -- ^ Quantifier-free formulas over the theory of bitvectors and bitvector arrays
| QF_AUFBV -- ^ Quantifier-free formulas over the theory of bitvectors and bitvector arrays extended with free sort and function symbols
| QF_AUFLIA -- ^ Quantifier-free linear formulas over the theory of integer arrays extended with free sort and function symbols
| QF_AX -- ^ Quantifier-free formulas over the theory of arrays with extensionality
| QF_BV -- ^ Quantifier-free formulas over the theory of fixed-size bitvectors
| QF_IDL -- ^ Difference Logic over the integers. Boolean combinations of inequations of the form x - y < b where x and y are integer variables and b is an integer constant
| QF_LIA -- ^ Unquantified linear integer arithmetic. In essence, Boolean combinations of inequations between linear polynomials over integer variables
| QF_LRA -- ^ Unquantified linear real arithmetic. In essence, Boolean combinations of inequations between linear polynomials over real variables.
| QF_NIA -- ^ Quantifier-free integer arithmetic.
| QF_NRA -- ^ Quantifier-free real arithmetic.
| QF_RDL -- ^ Difference Logic over the reals. In essence, Boolean combinations of inequations of the form x - y < b where x and y are real variables and b is a rational constant.
| QF_UF -- ^ Unquantified formulas built over a signature of uninterpreted (i.e., free) sort and function symbols.
| QF_UFBV -- ^ Unquantified formulas over bitvectors with uninterpreted sort function and symbols.
| QF_UFIDL -- ^ Difference Logic over the integers (in essence) but with uninterpreted sort and function symbols.
| QF_UFLIA -- ^ Unquantified linear integer arithmetic with uninterpreted sort and function symbols.
| QF_UFLRA -- ^ Unquantified linear real arithmetic with uninterpreted sort and function symbols.
| QF_UFNRA -- ^ Unquantified non-linear real arithmetic with uninterpreted sort and function symbols.
| QF_FPABV -- ^ Quantifier-free formulas over the theory of floating point numbers, arrays, and bit-vectors
| QF_FPA -- ^ Quantifier-free formulas over the theory of floating point numbers
deriving Show
-- | Chosen logic for the solver
data Logic = PredefinedLogic SMTLibLogic -- ^ Use one of the logics as defined by the standard
| CustomLogic String -- ^ Use this name for the logic
instance Show Logic where
show (PredefinedLogic l) = show l
show (CustomLogic s) = s
-- | Translation tricks needed for specific capabilities afforded by each solver
data SolverCapabilities = SolverCapabilities {
capSolverName :: String -- ^ Name of the solver
@ -1277,3 +1359,84 @@ data SolverCapabilities = SolverCapabilities {
, supportsFloats :: Bool -- ^ Does the solver support single-precision floating point numbers?
, supportsDoubles :: Bool -- ^ Does the solver support double-precision floating point numbers?
-- | Solver configuration. See also 'z3', 'yices', 'cvc4', 'boolector', 'mathSAT', etc. which are instantiations of this type for those solvers, with
-- reasonable defaults. In particular, custom configuration can be created by varying those values. (Such as @z3{verbose=True}@.)
-- Most fields are self explanatory. The notion of precision for printing algebraic reals stems from the fact that such values does
-- not necessarily have finite decimal representations, and hence we have to stop printing at some depth. It is important to
-- emphasize that such values always have infinite precision internally. The issue is merely with how we print such an infinite
-- precision value on the screen. The field 'printRealPrec' controls the printing precision, by specifying the number of digits after
-- the decimal point. The default value is 16, but it can be set to any positive integer.
-- When printing, SBV will add the suffix @...@ at the and of a real-value, if the given bound is not sufficient to represent the real-value
-- exactly. Otherwise, the number will be written out in standard decimal notation. Note that SBV will always print the whole value if it
-- is precise (i.e., if it fits in a finite number of digits), regardless of the precision limit. The limit only applies if the representation
-- of the real value is not finite, i.e., if it is not rational.
data SMTConfig = SMTConfig {
verbose :: Bool -- ^ Debug mode
, timing :: Bool -- ^ Print timing information on how long different phases took (construction, solving, etc.)
, sBranchTimeOut :: Maybe Int -- ^ How much time to give to the solver for each call of 'sBranch' check. (In seconds. Default: No limit.)
, timeOut :: Maybe Int -- ^ How much time to give to the solver. (In seconds. Default: No limit.)
, printBase :: Int -- ^ Print integral literals in this base (2, 8, and 10, and 16 are supported.)
, printRealPrec :: Int -- ^ Print algebraic real values with this precision. (SReal, default: 16)
, solverTweaks :: [String] -- ^ Additional lines of script to give to the solver (user specified)
, satCmd :: String -- ^ Usually "(check-sat)". However, users might tweak it based on solver characteristics.
, smtFile :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ If Just, the generated SMT script will be put in this file (for debugging purposes mostly)
, useSMTLib2 :: Bool -- ^ If True, we'll treat the solver as using SMTLib2 input format. Otherwise, SMTLib1
, solver :: SMTSolver -- ^ The actual SMT solver.
, roundingMode :: RoundingMode -- ^ Rounding mode to use for floating-point conversions
, useLogic :: Maybe Logic -- ^ If Nothing, pick automatically. Otherwise, either use the given one, or use the custom string.
instance Show SMTConfig where
show = show . solver
-- | A model, as returned by a solver
data SMTModel = SMTModel {
modelAssocs :: [(String, CW)] -- ^ Mapping of symbolic values to constants.
, modelArrays :: [(String, [String])] -- ^ Arrays, very crude; only works with Yices.
, modelUninterps :: [(String, [String])] -- ^ Uninterpreted funcs; very crude; only works with Yices.
deriving Show
-- | The result of an SMT solver call. Each constructor is tagged with
-- the 'SMTConfig' that created it so that further tools can inspect it
-- and build layers of results, if needed. For ordinary uses of the library,
-- this type should not be needed, instead use the accessor functions on
-- it. (Custom Show instances and model extractors.)
data SMTResult = Unsatisfiable SMTConfig -- ^ Unsatisfiable
| Satisfiable SMTConfig SMTModel -- ^ Satisfiable with model
| Unknown SMTConfig SMTModel -- ^ Prover returned unknown, with a potential (possibly bogus) model
| ProofError SMTConfig [String] -- ^ Prover errored out
| TimeOut SMTConfig -- ^ Computation timed out (see the 'timeout' combinator)
-- | A script, to be passed to the solver.
data SMTScript = SMTScript {
scriptBody :: String -- ^ Initial feed
, scriptModel :: Maybe String -- ^ Optional continuation script, if the result is sat
-- | An SMT engine
type SMTEngine = SMTConfig -> Bool -> [(Quantifier, NamedSymVar)] -> [(String, UnintKind)] -> [Either SW (SW, [SW])] -> String -> IO SMTResult
-- | Solvers that SBV is aware of
data Solver = Z3
| Yices
| Boolector
| CVC4
| MathSAT
deriving (Show, Enum, Bounded)
-- | An SMT solver
data SMTSolver = SMTSolver {
name :: Solver -- ^ The solver in use
, executable :: String -- ^ The path to its executable
, options :: [String] -- ^ Options to provide to the solver
, engine :: SMTEngine -- ^ The solver engine, responsible for interpreting solver output
, xformExitCode :: ExitCode -> ExitCode -- ^ Should we re-interpret exit codes. Most solvers behave rationally, i.e., id will do. Some (like CVC4) don't.
, capabilities :: SolverCapabilities -- ^ Various capabilities of the solver
instance Show SMTSolver where
show = show . name
@ -52,6 +52,23 @@ import Data.SBV.BitVectors.AlgReals
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.Data
import Data.SBV.Utils.Boolean
import Data.SBV.Provers.Prover (isSBranchFeasibleInState)
-- The following two imports are only needed because of the doctest expressions we have. Sigh..
-- It might be a good idea to reorg some of the content to avoid this.
import Data.SBV.Provers.Prover (isVacuous, prove)
import Data.SBV.SMT.SMT (ThmResult)
-- | Newer versions of GHC (Starting with 7.8 I think), distinguishes between FiniteBits and Bits classes.
-- We should really use FiniteBitSize for SBV which would make things better. In the interim, just work
-- around pesky warnings..
ghcBitSize :: Bits a => a -> Int
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
ghcBitSize x = maybe (error "SBV.ghcBitSize: Unexpected non-finite usage!") id (bitSizeMaybe x)
ghcBitSize = bitSize
noUnint :: String -> a
noUnint x = error $ "Unexpected operation called on uninterpreted value: " ++ show x
@ -76,20 +93,20 @@ liftSym2 opS _ _ _ _ _ a@(SBV k _) b
liftSym2B :: (State -> Kind -> SW -> SW -> IO SW) -> (CW -> CW -> Bool) -> (AlgReal -> AlgReal -> Bool) -> (Integer -> Integer -> Bool) -> (Float -> Float -> Bool) -> (Double -> Double -> Bool) -> SBV b -> SBV b -> SBool
liftSym2B _ okCW opCR opCI opCF opCD (SBV _ (Left a)) (SBV _ (Left b)) | okCW a b = literal (liftCW2 opCR opCI opCF opCD noUnint2 a b)
liftSym2B opS _ _ _ _ _ a b = SBV (KBounded False 1) $ Right $ liftSW2 opS (KBounded False 1) a b
liftSym2B opS _ _ _ _ _ a b = SBV KBool $ Right $ liftSW2 opS KBool a b
liftSym1Bool :: (State -> Kind -> SW -> IO SW) -> (Bool -> Bool) -> SBool -> SBool
liftSym1Bool _ opC (SBV _ (Left a)) = literal $ opC $ cwToBool a
liftSym1Bool opS _ a = SBV (KBounded False 1) $ Right $ cache c
liftSym1Bool opS _ a = SBV KBool $ Right $ cache c
where c st = do sw <- sbvToSW st a
opS st (KBounded False 1) sw
opS st KBool sw
liftSym2Bool :: (State -> Kind -> SW -> SW -> IO SW) -> (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) -> SBool -> SBool -> SBool
liftSym2Bool _ opC (SBV _ (Left a)) (SBV _ (Left b)) = literal (cwToBool a `opC` cwToBool b)
liftSym2Bool opS _ a b = SBV (KBounded False 1) $ Right $ cache c
liftSym2Bool opS _ a b = SBV KBool $ Right $ cache c
where c st = do sw1 <- sbvToSW st a
sw2 <- sbvToSW st b
opS st (KBounded False 1) sw1 sw2
opS st KBool sw1 sw2
mkSymOpSC :: (SW -> SW -> Maybe SW) -> Op -> State -> Kind -> SW -> SW -> IO SW
mkSymOpSC shortCut op st k a b = maybe (newExpr st k (SBVApp op [a, b])) return (shortCut a b)
@ -128,8 +145,8 @@ genMkSymVar k mbq Nothing = genVar_ mbq k
genMkSymVar k mbq (Just s) = genVar mbq k s
instance SymWord Bool where
mkSymWord = genMkSymVar (KBounded False 1)
literal x = genLiteral (KBounded False 1) (if x then (1::Integer) else 0)
mkSymWord = genMkSymVar KBool
literal x = genLiteral KBool (if x then (1::Integer) else 0)
fromCW = cwToBool
mbMaxBound = Just maxBound
mbMinBound = Just minBound
@ -755,10 +772,12 @@ instance ({-Num a,-} Bits a, SymWord a) => Bits (SBV a) where
| True = liftSym2 (mkSymOp XOr) (const (const True)) (noReal "xor") xor (noFloat "xor") (noDouble "xor") x y
complement = liftSym1 (mkSymOp1 Not) (noRealUnary "complement") complement (noFloatUnary "complement") (noDoubleUnary "complement")
bitSize x = case kindOf x of KBounded _ w -> w
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
bitSizeMaybe _ = Just $ intSizeOf (undefined :: a)
isSigned x = case kindOf x of KBounded s _ -> s
bit i = 1 `shiftL` i
setBit x i = x .|. sbvFromInteger (kindOf x) (bit i)
--BH TODO: implement setBit, clearBit, etc. separately.
shiftL x y
| y < 0 = shiftR x (-y)
| y == 0 = x
@ -770,12 +789,12 @@ instance ({-Num a,-} Bits a, SymWord a) => Bits (SBV a) where
rotateL x y
| y < 0 = rotateR x (-y)
| y == 0 = x
| isBounded x = let sz = bitSize x in liftSym1 (mkSymOp1 (Rol (y `mod` sz))) (noRealUnary "rotateL") (rot True sz y) (noFloatUnary "rotateL") (noDoubleUnary "rotateL") x
| isBounded x = let sz = ghcBitSize x in liftSym1 (mkSymOp1 (Rol (y `mod` sz))) (noRealUnary "rotateL") (rot True sz y) (noFloatUnary "rotateL") (noDoubleUnary "rotateL") x
| True = shiftL x y -- for unbounded Integers, rotateL is the same as shiftL in Haskell
rotateR x y
| y < 0 = rotateL x (-y)
| y == 0 = x
| isBounded x = let sz = bitSize x in liftSym1 (mkSymOp1 (Ror (y `mod` sz))) (noRealUnary "rotateR") (rot False sz y) (noFloatUnary "rotateR") (noDoubleUnary "rotateR") x
| isBounded x = let sz = ghcBitSize x in liftSym1 (mkSymOp1 (Ror (y `mod` sz))) (noRealUnary "rotateR") (rot False sz y) (noFloatUnary "rotateR") (noDoubleUnary "rotateR") x
| True = shiftR x y -- for unbounded integers, rotateR is the same as shiftR in Haskell
-- NB. testBit is *not* implementable on non-concrete symbolic words
x `testBit` i
@ -835,7 +854,7 @@ setBitTo x i b = ite b (setBit x i) (clearBit x i)
sbvShiftLeft :: (SIntegral a, SIntegral b) => SBV a -> SBV b -> SBV a
sbvShiftLeft x i
| isSigned i = error "sbvShiftLeft: shift amount should be unsigned"
| True = select [x `shiftL` k | k <- [0 .. bitSize x - 1]] z i
| True = select [x `shiftL` k | k <- [0 .. ghcBitSize x - 1]] z i
where z = sbvFromInteger (kindOf x) 0
-- | Generalization of 'shiftR', when the shift-amount is symbolic. Since Haskell's
@ -848,7 +867,7 @@ sbvShiftLeft x i
sbvShiftRight :: (SIntegral a, SIntegral b) => SBV a -> SBV b -> SBV a
sbvShiftRight x i
| isSigned i = error "sbvShiftRight: shift amount should be unsigned"
| True = select [x `shiftR` k | k <- [0 .. bitSize x - 1]] z i
| True = select [x `shiftR` k | k <- [0 .. ghcBitSize x - 1]] z i
where z = sbvFromInteger (kindOf x) 0
-- | Arithmetic shift-right with a symbolic unsigned shift amount. This is equivalent
@ -870,7 +889,7 @@ sbvSignedShiftArithRight x i
sbvRotateLeft :: (SIntegral a, SIntegral b) => SBV a -> SBV b -> SBV a
sbvRotateLeft x i
| isSigned i = error "sbvRotateLeft: shift amount should be unsigned"
| True = select [x `rotateL` k | k <- [0 .. bitSize x - 1]] z i
| True = select [x `rotateL` k | k <- [0 .. ghcBitSize x - 1]] z i
where z = sbvFromInteger (kindOf x) 0
-- | Generalization of 'rotateR', when the shift-amount is symbolic. Since Haskell's
@ -879,7 +898,7 @@ sbvRotateLeft x i
sbvRotateRight :: (SIntegral a, SIntegral b) => SBV a -> SBV b -> SBV a
sbvRotateRight x i
| isSigned i = error "sbvRotateRight: shift amount should be unsigned"
| True = select [x `rotateR` k | k <- [0 .. bitSize x - 1]] z i
| True = select [x `rotateR` k | k <- [0 .. ghcBitSize x - 1]] z i
where z = sbvFromInteger (kindOf x) 0
-- | Full adder. Returns the carry-out from the addition.
@ -902,14 +921,14 @@ fullAdder a b
fullMultiplier :: SIntegral a => SBV a -> SBV a -> (SBV a, SBV a)
fullMultiplier a b
| isSigned a = error "fullMultiplier: only works on unsigned numbers"
| True = (go (bitSize a) 0 a, a*b)
| True = (go (ghcBitSize a) 0 a, a*b)
where go 0 p _ = p
go n p x = let (c, p') = ite (lsb x) (fullAdder p b) (false, p)
(o, p'') = shiftIn c p'
(_, x') = shiftIn o x
in go (n-1) p'' x'
shiftIn k v = (lsb v, mask .|. (v `shiftR` 1))
where mask = ite k (bit (bitSize v - 1)) 0
where mask = ite k (bit (ghcBitSize v - 1)) 0
-- | Little-endian blasting of a word into its bits. Also see the 'FromBits' class.
blastLE :: (Num a, Bits a, SymWord a) => SBV a -> [SBool]
@ -1071,12 +1090,11 @@ instance SDivisible Integer where
instance SDivisible CW where
sQuotRem a b
| CWInteger x <- cwVal a, CWInteger y <- cwVal b
= let (r1, r2) = sQuotRem x y in (a { cwVal = CWInteger r1 }, b { cwVal = CWInteger r2 })
--BH FIXME: -2^(n-1) `div` (-1) can overflow.
= let (r1, r2) = sQuotRem x y in (normCW a{ cwVal = CWInteger r1 }, normCW b{ cwVal = CWInteger r2 })
sQuotRem a b = error $ "SBV.sQuotRem: impossible, unexpected args received: " ++ show (a, b)
sDivMod a b
| CWInteger x <- cwVal a, CWInteger y <- cwVal b
= let (r1, r2) = sDivMod x y in (a { cwVal = CWInteger r1 }, b { cwVal = CWInteger r2 })
= let (r1, r2) = sDivMod x y in (normCW a { cwVal = CWInteger r1 }, normCW b { cwVal = CWInteger r2 })
sDivMod a b = error $ "SBV.sDivMod: impossible, unexpected args received: " ++ show (a, b)
instance SDivisible SWord64 where
@ -1177,6 +1195,24 @@ class Mergeable a where
-- The idea is that use symbolicMerge if you know the condition is symbolic,
-- otherwise use ite, if there's a chance it might be concrete.
ite :: SBool -> a -> a -> a
-- | Branch on a condition, much like 'ite'. The exception is that SBV will
-- check to make sure if the test condition is feasible by making an external
-- call to the SMT solver. Note that this can be expensive, thus we shall use
-- a time-out value ('sBranchTimeOut'). There might be zero, one, or two such
-- external calls per 'sBranch' call:
-- - If condition is statically known to be True/False: 0 calls
-- - In this case, we simply constant fold..
-- - If condition is determined to be unsatisfiable : 1 call
-- - In this case, we know then-branch is infeasible, so just take the else-branch
-- - If condition is determined to be satisfable : 2 calls
-- - In this case, we know then-branch is feasible, but we still have to check if the else-branch is
-- In summary, 'sBranch' calls can be expensive, but they can help with the so-called symbolic-termination
-- problem. See "Data.SBV.Examples.Misc.SBranch" for an example.
sBranch :: SBool -> a -> a -> a
-- | Total indexing operation. @select xs default index@ is intuitively
-- the same as @xs !! index@, except it evaluates to @default@ if @index@
-- overflows
@ -1185,6 +1221,7 @@ class Mergeable a where
ite s a b
| Just t <- unliteral s = if t then a else b
| True = symbolicMerge s a b
sBranch s = ite (reduceInPathCondition s)
-- NB. Earlier implementation of select used the binary-search trick
-- on the index to chop down the search space. While that is a good trick
-- in general, it doesn't work for SBV since we do not have any notion of
@ -1200,86 +1237,14 @@ class Mergeable a where
-- SBV
instance SymWord a => Mergeable (SBV a) where
-- the strict match and checking of literal equivalence is essential below,
-- as otherwise we risk hanging onto huge closures and blow stack! This is
-- against the feel that merging shouldn't look at branches if the test
-- expression is constant. However, it's OK to do it this way since we
-- expect "ite" to be used in such cases which already checks for that. That
-- is the use case of the symbolicMerge should be when the test is symbolic.
-- Of course, we do not have a way of enforcing that in the user code, but
-- at least our library code respects that invariant.
symbolicMerge t a@(SBV{}) b@(SBV{})
| Just av <- unliteral a, Just bv <- unliteral b, rationalSBVCheck a b, av == bv
= a
| True
= SBV k $ Right $ cache c
where k = kindOf a
c st = do swt <- sbvToSW st t
case () of
() | swt == trueSW -> sbvToSW st a -- these two cases should never be needed as we expect symbolicMerge to be
() | swt == falseSW -> sbvToSW st b -- called with symbolic tests, but just in case..
() -> do {- It is tempting to record the choice of the test expression here as we branch down to the 'then' and 'else' branches. That is,
when we evaluate 'a', we can make use of the fact that the test expression is True, and similarly we can use the fact that it
is False when b is evaluated. In certain cases this can cut down on symbolic simulation significantly, for instance if
repetitive decisions are made in a recursive loop. Unfortunately, the implementation of this idea is quite tricky, due to
our sharing based implementation. As the 'then' branch is evaluated, we will create many expressions that are likely going
to be "reused" when the 'else' branch is executed. But, it would be *dead wrong* to share those values, as they were "cached"
under the incorrect assumptions. To wit, consider the following:
foo x y = ite (y .== 0) k (k+1)
where k = ite (y .== 0) x (x+1)
When we reduce the 'then' branch of the first ite, we'd record the assumption that y is 0. But while reducing the 'then' branch, we'd
like to share 'k', which would evaluate (correctly) to 'x' under the given assumption. When we backtrack and evaluate the 'else'
branch of the first ite, we'd see 'k' is needed again, and we'd look it up from our sharing map to find (incorrectly) that its value
is 'x', which was stored there under the assumption that y was 0, which no longer holds. Clearly, this is unsound.
A sound implementation would have to precisely track which assumptions were active at the time expressions get shared. That is,
in the above example, we should record that the value of 'k' was cached under the assumption that 'y' is 0. While sound, this
approach unfortunately leads to significant loss of valid sharing when the value itself had nothing to do with the assumption itself.
To wit, consider:
foo x y = ite (y .== 0) k (k+1)
where k = x+5
If we tracked the assumptions, we would recompute 'k' twice, since the branch assumptions would differ. Clearly, there is no need to
re-compute 'k' in this case since its value is independent of y. Note that the whole SBV performance story is based on agressive sharing,
and losing that would have other significant ramifications.
The "proper" solution would be to track, with each shared computation, precisely which assumptions it actually *depends* on, rather
than blindly recording all the assumptions present at that time. SBV's symbolic simulation engine clearly has all the info needed to do this
properly, but the implementation is not straightforward at all. For each subexpression, we would need to chase down its dependencies
transitively, which can require a lot of scanning of the generated program causing major slow-down; thus potentially defeating the
whole purpose of sharing in the first place.
Design choice: Keep it simple, and simply do not track the assumption at all. This will maximize sharing, at the cost of evaluating
unreachable branches. I think the simplicity is more important at this point than efficiency.
Also note that the user can avoid most such issues by properly combining if-then-else's with common conditions together. That is, the
first program above should be written like this:
foo x y = ite (y .== 0) x (x+2)
In general, the following transformations should be done whenever possible:
ite e1 (ite e1 e2 e3) e4 --> ite e1 e2 e4
ite e1 e2 (ite e1 e3 e4) --> ite e1 e2 e4
This is in accordance with the general rule-of-thumb stating conditionals should be avoided as much as possible. However, we might prefer
the following:
ite e1 (f e2 e4) (f e3 e5) --> f (ite e1 e2 e3) (ite e1 e4 e5)
especially if this expression happens to be inside 'f's body itself (i.e., when f is recursive), since it reduces the number of
recursive calls. Clearly, programming with symbolic simulation in mind is another kind of beast alltogether.
swa <- sbvToSW st a -- evaluate 'then' branch
swb <- sbvToSW st b -- evaluate 'else' branch
case () of -- merge:
() | swa == swb -> return swa
() | swa == trueSW && swb == falseSW -> return swt
() | swa == falseSW && swb == trueSW -> newExpr st k (SBVApp Not [swt])
() -> newExpr st k (SBVApp Ite [swt, swa, swb])
-- sBranch is essentially the default method, but we are careful in not forcing the
-- arguments as ite does, since sBranch is expected to be used when one of the
-- branches is likely to be in a branch that's recursively evaluated.
sBranch s a b
| Just t <- unliteral sReduced = if t then a else b
| True = symbolicWordMerge False sReduced a b
where sReduced = reduceInPathCondition s
symbolicMerge = symbolicWordMerge True
-- Custom version of select that translates to SMT-Lib tables at the base type of words
select xs err ind
| SBV _ (Left c) <- ind = case cwVal c of
@ -1299,6 +1264,86 @@ instance SymWord a => Mergeable (SBV a) where
let len = length xs
newExpr st kElt (SBVApp (LkUp (idx, kInd, kElt, len) swi swe) [])
-- symbolically merge two SBV words, based on the boolean condition given.
-- The first argument controls whether we want to reduce the branches
-- separately first, which avoids hanging onto huge thunks, and is usually
-- the right thing to do for ite. But we precisely do not want to do that
-- in case of sBranch, which is the case when one of the branches (typically
-- the "else" branch is hanging off of a recursive call.
symbolicWordMerge :: SymWord a => Bool -> SBool -> SBV a -> SBV a -> SBV a
symbolicWordMerge force t a b
| force, Just av <- unliteral a, Just bv <- unliteral b, rationalSBVCheck a b, av == bv
= a
| True
= SBV k $ Right $ cache c
where k = kindOf a
c st = do swt <- sbvToSW st t
case () of
() | swt == trueSW -> sbvToSW st a -- these two cases should never be needed as we expect symbolicMerge to be
() | swt == falseSW -> sbvToSW st b -- called with symbolic tests, but just in case..
() -> do {- It is tempting to record the choice of the test expression here as we branch down to the 'then' and 'else' branches. That is,
when we evaluate 'a', we can make use of the fact that the test expression is True, and similarly we can use the fact that it
is False when b is evaluated. In certain cases this can cut down on symbolic simulation significantly, for instance if
repetitive decisions are made in a recursive loop. Unfortunately, the implementation of this idea is quite tricky, due to
our sharing based implementation. As the 'then' branch is evaluated, we will create many expressions that are likely going
to be "reused" when the 'else' branch is executed. But, it would be *dead wrong* to share those values, as they were "cached"
under the incorrect assumptions. To wit, consider the following:
foo x y = ite (y .== 0) k (k+1)
where k = ite (y .== 0) x (x+1)
When we reduce the 'then' branch of the first ite, we'd record the assumption that y is 0. But while reducing the 'then' branch, we'd
like to share 'k', which would evaluate (correctly) to 'x' under the given assumption. When we backtrack and evaluate the 'else'
branch of the first ite, we'd see 'k' is needed again, and we'd look it up from our sharing map to find (incorrectly) that its value
is 'x', which was stored there under the assumption that y was 0, which no longer holds. Clearly, this is unsound.
A sound implementation would have to precisely track which assumptions were active at the time expressions get shared. That is,
in the above example, we should record that the value of 'k' was cached under the assumption that 'y' is 0. While sound, this
approach unfortunately leads to significant loss of valid sharing when the value itself had nothing to do with the assumption itself.
To wit, consider:
foo x y = ite (y .== 0) k (k+1)
where k = x+5
If we tracked the assumptions, we would recompute 'k' twice, since the branch assumptions would differ. Clearly, there is no need to
re-compute 'k' in this case since its value is independent of y. Note that the whole SBV performance story is based on agressive sharing,
and losing that would have other significant ramifications.
The "proper" solution would be to track, with each shared computation, precisely which assumptions it actually *depends* on, rather
than blindly recording all the assumptions present at that time. SBV's symbolic simulation engine clearly has all the info needed to do this
properly, but the implementation is not straightforward at all. For each subexpression, we would need to chase down its dependencies
transitively, which can require a lot of scanning of the generated program causing major slow-down; thus potentially defeating the
whole purpose of sharing in the first place.
Design choice: Keep it simple, and simply do not track the assumption at all. This will maximize sharing, at the cost of evaluating
unreachable branches. I think the simplicity is more important at this point than efficiency.
Also note that the user can avoid most such issues by properly combining if-then-else's with common conditions together. That is, the
first program above should be written like this:
foo x y = ite (y .== 0) x (x+2)
In general, the following transformations should be done whenever possible:
ite e1 (ite e1 e2 e3) e4 --> ite e1 e2 e4
ite e1 e2 (ite e1 e3 e4) --> ite e1 e2 e4
This is in accordance with the general rule-of-thumb stating conditionals should be avoided as much as possible. However, we might prefer
the following:
ite e1 (f e2 e4) (f e3 e5) --> f (ite e1 e2 e3) (ite e1 e4 e5)
especially if this expression happens to be inside 'f's body itself (i.e., when f is recursive), since it reduces the number of
recursive calls. Clearly, programming with symbolic simulation in mind is another kind of beast alltogether.
swa <- sbvToSW (st `extendPathCondition` (&&& t)) a -- evaluate 'then' branch
swb <- sbvToSW (st `extendPathCondition` (&&& bnot t)) b -- evaluate 'else' branch
case () of -- merge:
() | swa == swb -> return swa
() | swa == trueSW && swb == falseSW -> return swt
() | swa == falseSW && swb == trueSW -> newExpr st k (SBVApp Not [swt])
() -> newExpr st k (SBVApp Ite [swt, swa, swb])
-- Unit
instance Mergeable () where
symbolicMerge _ _ _ = ()
@ -1400,10 +1445,10 @@ instance (SymWord a, Bounded a) => Bounded (SBV a) where
-- SArrays are both "EqSymbolic" and "Mergeable"
instance EqSymbolic (SArray a b) where
(SArray _ a) .== (SArray _ b) = SBV (KBounded False 1) $ Right $ cache c
(SArray _ a) .== (SArray _ b) = SBV KBool $ Right $ cache c
where c st = do ai <- uncacheAI a st
bi <- uncacheAI b st
newExpr st (KBounded False 1) (SBVApp (ArrEq ai bi) [])
newExpr st KBool (SBVApp (ArrEq ai bi) [])
instance SymWord b => Mergeable (SArray a b) where
symbolicMerge = mergeArrays
@ -1460,12 +1505,6 @@ instance HasKind a => Uninterpreted (SBV a) where
| True = do newUninterpreted st nm (SBVType [ka]) (fst `fmap` mbCgData)
newExpr st ka $ SBVApp (Uninterpreted nm) []
-- Forcing an argument; this is a necessary evil to make sure all the arguments
-- to an uninterpreted function are evaluated before called; the semantics of
-- such functions is necessarily strict; deviating from Haskell's
forceArg :: SW -> IO ()
forceArg (SW k n) = k `seq` n `seq` return ()
-- Functions of one argument
instance (SymWord b, HasKind a) => Uninterpreted (SBV b -> SBV a) where
sbvUninterpret mbCgData nm = f
@ -1479,7 +1518,7 @@ instance (SymWord b, HasKind a) => Uninterpreted (SBV b -> SBV a) where
result st | Just (_, v) <- mbCgData, inProofMode st = sbvToSW st (v arg0)
| True = do newUninterpreted st nm (SBVType [kb, ka]) (fst `fmap` mbCgData)
sw0 <- sbvToSW st arg0
mapM_ forceArg [sw0]
mapM_ forceSWArg [sw0]
newExpr st ka $ SBVApp (Uninterpreted nm) [sw0]
-- Functions of two arguments
@ -1497,7 +1536,7 @@ instance (SymWord c, SymWord b, HasKind a) => Uninterpreted (SBV c -> SBV b -> S
| True = do newUninterpreted st nm (SBVType [kc, kb, ka]) (fst `fmap` mbCgData)
sw0 <- sbvToSW st arg0
sw1 <- sbvToSW st arg1
mapM_ forceArg [sw0, sw1]
mapM_ forceSWArg [sw0, sw1]
newExpr st ka $ SBVApp (Uninterpreted nm) [sw0, sw1]
-- Functions of three arguments
@ -1517,7 +1556,7 @@ instance (SymWord d, SymWord c, SymWord b, HasKind a) => Uninterpreted (SBV d ->
sw0 <- sbvToSW st arg0
sw1 <- sbvToSW st arg1
sw2 <- sbvToSW st arg2
mapM_ forceArg [sw0, sw1, sw2]
mapM_ forceSWArg [sw0, sw1, sw2]
newExpr st ka $ SBVApp (Uninterpreted nm) [sw0, sw1, sw2]
-- Functions of four arguments
@ -1539,7 +1578,7 @@ instance (SymWord e, SymWord d, SymWord c, SymWord b, HasKind a) => Uninterprete
sw1 <- sbvToSW st arg1
sw2 <- sbvToSW st arg2
sw3 <- sbvToSW st arg3
mapM_ forceArg [sw0, sw1, sw2, sw3]
mapM_ forceSWArg [sw0, sw1, sw2, sw3]
newExpr st ka $ SBVApp (Uninterpreted nm) [sw0, sw1, sw2, sw3]
-- Functions of five arguments
@ -1563,7 +1602,7 @@ instance (SymWord f, SymWord e, SymWord d, SymWord c, SymWord b, HasKind a) => U
sw2 <- sbvToSW st arg2
sw3 <- sbvToSW st arg3
sw4 <- sbvToSW st arg4
mapM_ forceArg [sw0, sw1, sw2, sw3, sw4]
mapM_ forceSWArg [sw0, sw1, sw2, sw3, sw4]
newExpr st ka $ SBVApp (Uninterpreted nm) [sw0, sw1, sw2, sw3, sw4]
-- Functions of six arguments
@ -1589,7 +1628,7 @@ instance (SymWord g, SymWord f, SymWord e, SymWord d, SymWord c, SymWord b, HasK
sw3 <- sbvToSW st arg3
sw4 <- sbvToSW st arg4
sw5 <- sbvToSW st arg5
mapM_ forceArg [sw0, sw1, sw2, sw3, sw4, sw5]
mapM_ forceSWArg [sw0, sw1, sw2, sw3, sw4, sw5]
newExpr st ka $ SBVApp (Uninterpreted nm) [sw0, sw1, sw2, sw3, sw4, sw5]
-- Functions of seven arguments
@ -1618,7 +1657,7 @@ instance (SymWord h, SymWord g, SymWord f, SymWord e, SymWord d, SymWord c, SymW
sw4 <- sbvToSW st arg4
sw5 <- sbvToSW st arg5
sw6 <- sbvToSW st arg6
mapM_ forceArg [sw0, sw1, sw2, sw3, sw4, sw5, sw6]
mapM_ forceSWArg [sw0, sw1, sw2, sw3, sw4, sw5, sw6]
newExpr st ka $ SBVApp (Uninterpreted nm) [sw0, sw1, sw2, sw3, sw4, sw5, sw6]
-- Uncurried functions of two arguments
@ -1655,7 +1694,39 @@ instance (SymWord h, SymWord g, SymWord f, SymWord e, SymWord d, SymWord c, SymW
sbvUninterpret mbCgData nm = let f = sbvUninterpret (uc7 `fmap` mbCgData) nm in \(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6) -> f arg0 arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6
where uc7 (cs, fn) = (cs, \a b c d e f g -> fn (a, b, c, d, e, f, g))
-- | Adding arbitrary constraints.
-- | Adding arbitrary constraints. When adding constraints, one has to be careful about
-- making sure they are not inconsistent. The function 'isVacuous' can be use for this purpose.
-- Here is an example. Consider the following predicate:
-- >>> let pred = do { x <- forall "x"; constrain $ x .< x; return $ x .>= (5 :: SWord8) }
-- This predicate asserts that all 8-bit values are larger than 5, subject to the constraint that the
-- values considered satisfy @x .< x@, i.e., they are less than themselves. Since there are no values that
-- satisfy this constraint, the proof will pass vacuously:
-- >>> prove pred
-- Q.E.D.
-- We can use 'isVacuous' to make sure to see that the pass was vacuous:
-- >>> isVacuous pred
-- True
-- While the above example is trivial, things can get complicated if there are multiple constraints with
-- non-straightforward relations; so if constraints are used one should make sure to check the predicate
-- is not vacuously true. Here's an example that is not vacuous:
-- >>> let pred' = do { x <- forall "x"; constrain $ x .> 6; return $ x .>= (5 :: SWord8) }
-- This time the proof passes as expected:
-- >>> prove pred'
-- Q.E.D.
-- And the proof is not vacuous:
-- >>> isVacuous pred'
-- False
constrain :: SBool -> Symbolic ()
constrain c = addConstraint Nothing c (bnot c)
@ -1665,6 +1736,25 @@ constrain c = addConstraint Nothing c (bnot c)
pConstrain :: Double -> SBool -> Symbolic ()
pConstrain t c = addConstraint (Just t) c (bnot c)
-- | Boolean symbolic reduction. See if we can reduce a boolean condition to true/false
-- using the path context information, by making external calls to the SMT solvers. Used in the
-- implementation of 'sBranch'.
reduceInPathCondition :: SBool -> SBool
reduceInPathCondition b
| isConcrete b = b -- No reduction is needed, already a concrete value
| True = SBV k $ Right $ cache c
where k = kindOf b
c st = do -- Now that we know our boolean is not obviously true/false. Need to make an external
-- call to the SMT solver to see if we can prove it is necessarily one of those
let pc = getPathCondition st
satTrue <- isSBranchFeasibleInState st "then" (pc &&& b)
if not satTrue
then return falseSW -- condition is not satisfiable; so it must be necessarily False.
else do satFalse <- isSBranchFeasibleInState st "else" (pc &&& bnot b)
if not satFalse -- negation of the condition is not satisfiable; so it must be necessarily True.
then return trueSW
else sbvToSW st b -- condition is not necessarily always True/False. So, keep symbolic.
-- Quickcheck interface on symbolic-booleans..
instance Testable SBool where
property (SBV _ (Left b)) = property (cwToBool b)
@ -1703,5 +1793,9 @@ slet x f = SBV k $ Right $ cache r
res = f xsbv
sbvToSW st res
-- We use 'isVacuous' and 'prove' only for the "test" section in this file, and GHC complains about that. So, this shuts it up.
__unused :: a
__unused = error "__unused" (isVacuous :: SBool -> IO Bool) (prove :: SBool -> IO ThmResult)
{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Eta reduce" #-}
{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Reduce duplication" #-}
@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ import Data.Word (Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64)
import Numeric (showIntAtBase, showHex, readInt)
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.Data
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.Model () -- instances only
-- | PrettyNum class captures printing of numbers in hex and binary formats; also supporting negative numbers.
@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ genericSign x
| Just c <- unliteral x = literal $ fromIntegral c
| True = SBV k (Right (cache y))
where k = case kindOf x of
KBool -> error "Data.SBV.SignCast.genericSign: Called on boolean value"
KBounded False n -> KBounded True n
KBounded True _ -> error "Data.SBV.SignCast.genericSign: Called on signed value"
KUnbounded -> error "Data.SBV.SignCast.genericSign: Called on unbounded value"
@ -97,6 +98,7 @@ genericUnsign x
| Just c <- unliteral x = literal $ fromIntegral c
| True = SBV k (Right (cache y))
where k = case kindOf x of
KBool -> error "Data.SBV.SignCast.genericUnSign: Called on boolean value"
KBounded True n -> KBounded False n
KBounded False _ -> error "Data.SBV.SignCast.genericUnSign: Called on unsigned value"
KUnbounded -> error "Data.SBV.SignCast.genericUnSign: Called on unbounded value"
@ -14,10 +14,12 @@
-- - "Data.SBV.Bridge.Z3"
-- - "Data.SBV.Bridge.CVC4"
-- - "Data.SBV.Bridge.MathSAT"
module Data.SBV.Bridge.Boolector (
-- * CVC4 specific interface
-- * Boolector specific interface
-- ** Proving and checking satisfiability
, prove, sat, allSat, isVacuous, isTheorem, isSatisfiable
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
-- - "Data.SBV.Bridge.Z3"
-- - "Data.SBV.Bridge.Boolector"
-- - "Data.SBV.Bridge.MathSAT"
module Data.SBV.Bridge.CVC4 (
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
-- |
-- Module : Data.SBV.Bridge.MathSAT
-- Copyright : (c) Levent Erkok
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer : erkokl@gmail.com
-- Stability : experimental
-- Interface to the MathSAT SMT solver. Import this module if you want to use the
-- MathSAT SMT prover as your backend solver. Also see:
-- - "Data.SBV.Bridge.Yices"
-- - "Data.SBV.Bridge.Z3"
-- - "Data.SBV.Bridge.CVC4"
-- - "Data.SBV.Bridge.Boolector"
module Data.SBV.Bridge.MathSAT (
-- * MathSAT specific interface
-- ** Proving and checking satisfiability
, prove, sat, allSat, isVacuous, isTheorem, isSatisfiable
-- ** Optimization routines
, optimize, minimize, maximize
-- * Non-MathSAT specific SBV interface
-- $moduleExportIntro
, module Data.SBV
) where
import Data.SBV hiding (prove, sat, allSat, isVacuous, isTheorem, isSatisfiable, optimize, minimize, maximize, sbvCurrentSolver)
-- | Current solver instance, pointing to cvc4.
sbvCurrentSolver :: SMTConfig
sbvCurrentSolver = mathSAT
-- | Prove theorems, using the CVC4 SMT solver
prove :: Provable a
=> a -- ^ Property to check
-> IO ThmResult -- ^ Response from the SMT solver, containing the counter-example if found
prove = proveWith sbvCurrentSolver
-- | Find satisfying solutions, using the CVC4 SMT solver
sat :: Provable a
=> a -- ^ Property to check
-> IO SatResult -- ^ Response of the SMT Solver, containing the model if found
sat = satWith sbvCurrentSolver
-- | Find all satisfying solutions, using the CVC4 SMT solver
allSat :: Provable a
=> a -- ^ Property to check
-> IO AllSatResult -- ^ List of all satisfying models
allSat = allSatWith sbvCurrentSolver
-- | Check vacuity of the explicit constraints introduced by calls to the 'constrain' function, using the CVC4 SMT solver
isVacuous :: Provable a
=> a -- ^ Property to check
-> IO Bool -- ^ True if the constraints are unsatisifiable
isVacuous = isVacuousWith sbvCurrentSolver
-- | Check if the statement is a theorem, with an optional time-out in seconds, using the CVC4 SMT solver
isTheorem :: Provable a
=> Maybe Int -- ^ Optional time-out, specify in seconds
-> a -- ^ Property to check
-> IO (Maybe Bool) -- ^ Returns Nothing if time-out expires
isTheorem = isTheoremWith sbvCurrentSolver
-- | Check if the statement is satisfiable, with an optional time-out in seconds, using the CVC4 SMT solver
isSatisfiable :: Provable a
=> Maybe Int -- ^ Optional time-out, specify in seconds
-> a -- ^ Property to check
-> IO (Maybe Bool) -- ^ Returns Nothing if time-out expiers
isSatisfiable = isSatisfiableWith sbvCurrentSolver
-- | Optimize cost functions, using the CVC4 SMT solver
optimize :: (SatModel a, SymWord a, Show a, SymWord c, Show c)
=> OptimizeOpts -- ^ Parameters to optimization (Iterative, Quantified, etc.)
-> (SBV c -> SBV c -> SBool) -- ^ Betterness check: This is the comparison predicate for optimization
-> ([SBV a] -> SBV c) -- ^ Cost function
-> Int -- ^ Number of inputs
-> ([SBV a] -> SBool) -- ^ Validity function
-> IO (Maybe [a]) -- ^ Returns Nothing if there is no valid solution, otherwise an optimal solution
optimize = optimizeWith sbvCurrentSolver
-- | Minimize cost functions, using the CVC4 SMT solver
minimize :: (SatModel a, SymWord a, Show a, SymWord c, Show c)
=> OptimizeOpts -- ^ Parameters to optimization (Iterative, Quantified, etc.)
-> ([SBV a] -> SBV c) -- ^ Cost function to minimize
-> Int -- ^ Number of inputs
-> ([SBV a] -> SBool) -- ^ Validity function
-> IO (Maybe [a]) -- ^ Returns Nothing if there is no valid solution, otherwise an optimal solution
minimize = minimizeWith sbvCurrentSolver
-- | Maximize cost functions, using the CVC4 SMT solver
maximize :: (SatModel a, SymWord a, Show a, SymWord c, Show c)
=> OptimizeOpts -- ^ Parameters to optimization (Iterative, Quantified, etc.)
-> ([SBV a] -> SBV c) -- ^ Cost function to maximize
-> Int -- ^ Number of inputs
-> ([SBV a] -> SBool) -- ^ Validity function
-> IO (Maybe [a]) -- ^ Returns Nothing if there is no valid solution, otherwise an optimal solution
maximize = maximizeWith sbvCurrentSolver
{- $moduleExportIntro
The remainder of the SBV library that is common to all back-end SMT solvers, directly coming from the "Data.SBV" module.
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
-- - "Data.SBV.Bridge.CVC4"
-- - "Data.SBV.Bridge.Z3"
-- - "Data.SBV.Bridge.MathSAT"
module Data.SBV.Bridge.Yices (
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
-- - "Data.SBV.Bridge.CVC4"
-- - "Data.SBV.Bridge.Yices"
-- - "Data.SBV.Bridge.MathSAT"
module Data.SBV.Bridge.Z3 (
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ import System.Random
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.Data
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.AlgReals
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.PrettyNum (shex, showCFloat, showCDouble)
import Data.SBV.Compilers.CodeGen
@ -162,6 +161,7 @@ showCType = show . kindOf
-- | The printf specifier for the type
specifier :: CgConfig -> SW -> Doc
specifier cfg sw = case kindOf sw of
KBool -> spec (False, 1)
KBounded b i -> spec (b, i)
KUnbounded -> spec (True, fromJust (cgInteger cfg))
KReal -> specF (fromJust (cgReal cfg))
@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ genCProg cfg fn proto (Result kindInfo _tvals cgs ins preConsts tbls arrs _ _ (S
len (KFloat{}) = 6 -- SFloat
len (KDouble{}) = 7 -- SDouble
len (KUnbounded{}) = 8
len (KBounded False 1) = 5 -- SBool
len KBool = 5 -- SBool
len (KBounded False n) = 5 + length (show n) -- SWordN
len (KBounded True n) = 4 + length (show n) -- SIntN
len (KUninterpreted s) = die $ "Uninterpreted sort: " ++ s
@ -499,8 +499,8 @@ ppExpr cfg consts (SBVApp op opArgs) = p op (map (showSW cfg consts) opArgs)
p (Shr i) [a] = shift False i a (head opArgs)
p Not [a] = case kindOf (head opArgs) of
-- be careful about booleans, bitwise complement is not correct for them!
KBounded False 1 -> text "!" <> a
_ -> text "~" <> a
KBool -> text "!" <> a
_ -> text "~" <> a
p Ite [a, b, c] = a <+> text "?" <+> b <+> text ":" <+> c
p (LkUp (t, k, _, len) ind def) []
| not rtc = lkUp -- ignore run-time-checks per user request
@ -517,6 +517,7 @@ ppExpr cfg consts (SBVApp op opArgs) = p op (map (showSW cfg consts) opArgs)
canOverflow True sz = (2::Integer)^(sz-1)-1 >= fromIntegral len
canOverflow False sz = (2::Integer)^sz -1 >= fromIntegral len
(needsCheckL, needsCheckR) = case k of
KBool -> (False, canOverflow False (1::Int))
KBounded sg sz -> (sg, canOverflow sg sz)
KReal -> die "array index with real value"
KFloat -> die "array index with float value"
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ module Data.SBV.Compilers.CodeGen where
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
import Control.Applicative (Applicative)
import Data.Char (toLower, isSpace)
import Data.List (nub, isPrefixOf, intercalate, (\\))
import System.Directory (createDirectory, doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist)
@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ initCgState = CgState {
-- reference parameters (for returning composite values in languages such as C),
-- and return values.
newtype SBVCodeGen a = SBVCodeGen (StateT CgState Symbolic a)
deriving (Monad, MonadIO, MonadState CgState)
deriving (Applicative, Functor, Monad, MonadIO, MonadState CgState)
-- | Reach into symbolic monad from code-generation
liftSymbolic :: Symbolic a -> SBVCodeGen a
@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ data CgSRealType = CgFloat -- ^ @float@
| CgLongDouble -- ^ @long double@
deriving Eq
-- As they would be used in a C program
-- | 'Show' instance for 'cgSRealType' displays values as they would be used in a C program
instance Show CgSRealType where
show CgFloat = "float"
show CgDouble = "double"
@ -217,6 +218,7 @@ isCgMakefile :: CgPgmKind -> Bool
isCgMakefile CgMakefile{} = True
isCgMakefile _ = False
-- | A simple way to print bundles, mostly for debugging purposes.
instance Show CgPgmBundle where
show (CgPgmBundle _ fs) = intercalate "\n" $ map showFile fs
where showFile :: (FilePath, (CgPgmKind, [Doc])) -> String
@ -15,16 +15,13 @@ module Data.SBV.Internals (
-- * Running symbolic programs /manually/
Result, SBVRunMode(..), runSymbolic, runSymbolic'
-- * Other internal structures useful for low-level programming
, SBV(..), slet, CW, mkConstCW, genVar, genVar_
, mkSymSBVWithRandom
, Quantifier(..)
, SBV(..), slet, CW(..), Kind(..), CWVal(..), AlgReal(..), mkConstCW, genVar, genVar_
, liftQRem, liftDMod
-- * Compilation to C
, compileToC', compileToCLib', CgPgmBundle(..), CgPgmKind(..)
) where
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.Data (Result, SBVRunMode(..), runSymbolic, runSymbolic'
, SBV(..), CW, mkConstCW, Quantifier(..), mkSymSBVWithRandom)
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.Data (Result, SBVRunMode(..), runSymbolic, runSymbolic', SBV(..), CW(..), Kind(..), CWVal(..), AlgReal(..), mkConstCW)
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.Model (genVar, genVar_, slet, liftQRem, liftDMod)
import Data.SBV.Compilers.C (compileToC', compileToCLib')
import Data.SBV.Compilers.CodeGen (CgPgmBundle(..), CgPgmKind(..))
@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ import Data.SBV.SMT.SMTLib
-- | The description of the Boolector SMT solver
-- The default executable is @\"boolector\"@, which must be in your path. You can use the @SBV_BOOLECTOR@ environment variable to point to the executable on your system.
-- The default options are @\"--lang smt\"@. You can use the @SBV_BOOLECTOR_OPTIONS@ environment variable to override the options.
-- The default options are @\"-m --smt2\"@. You can use the @SBV_BOOLECTOR_OPTIONS@ environment variable to override the options.
boolector :: SMTSolver
boolector = SMTSolver {
name = "boolector"
name = Boolector
, executable = "boolector"
, options = ["-m", "--smt2"]
, engine = \cfg _isSat qinps modelMap _skolemMap pgm -> do
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ import Data.SBV.SMT.SMTLib
-- The default options are @\"--lang smt\"@. You can use the @SBV_CVC4_OPTIONS@ environment variable to override the options.
cvc4 :: SMTSolver
cvc4 = SMTSolver {
name = "cvc4"
name = CVC4
, executable = "cvc4"
, options = ["--lang", "smt"]
, engine = \cfg isSat qinps modelMap skolemMap pgm -> do
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ cvc4 = SMTSolver {
where zero :: Kind -> String
zero (KBounded False 1) = "#b0"
zero KBool = "false"
zero (KBounded _ sz) = "#x" ++ replicate (sz `div` 4) '0'
zero KUnbounded = "0"
zero KReal = "0.0"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
-- |
-- Module : Data.SBV.Provers.MathSAT
-- Copyright : (c) Levent Erkok
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer : erkokl@gmail.com
-- Stability : experimental
-- The connection to the MathSAT SMT solver
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Data.SBV.Provers.MathSAT(mathSAT) where
import qualified Control.Exception as C
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (sortBy, intercalate)
import System.Environment (getEnv)
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.Data
import Data.SBV.SMT.SMT
import Data.SBV.SMT.SMTLib
-- | The description of the MathSAT SMT solver
-- The default executable is @\"mathsat\"@, which must be in your path. You can use the @SBV_MATHSAT@ environment variable to point to the executable on your system.
-- The default options are @\"-input=smt2\"@. You can use the @SBV_MATHSAT_OPTIONS@ environment variable to override the options.
mathSAT :: SMTSolver
mathSAT = SMTSolver {
name = MathSAT
, executable = "mathsat"
, options = ["-input=smt2"]
, engine = \cfg _isSat qinps modelMap skolemMap pgm -> do
execName <- getEnv "SBV_MATHSAT" `C.catch` (\(_ :: C.SomeException) -> return (executable (solver cfg)))
execOpts <- (words `fmap` getEnv "SBV_MATHSAT_OPTIONS") `C.catch` (\(_ :: C.SomeException) -> return (options (solver cfg)))
let cfg' = cfg { solver = (solver cfg) {executable = execName, options = addTimeOut (timeOut cfg) execOpts}
tweaks = case solverTweaks cfg' of
[] -> ""
ts -> unlines $ "; --- user given solver tweaks ---" : ts ++ ["; --- end of user given tweaks ---"]
script = SMTScript {scriptBody = tweaks ++ pgm, scriptModel = Just (cont skolemMap)}
standardSolver cfg' script id (ProofError cfg') (interpretSolverOutput cfg' (extractMap (map snd qinps) modelMap))
, xformExitCode = id
, capabilities = SolverCapabilities {
capSolverName = "MathSAT"
, mbDefaultLogic = Nothing
, supportsMacros = False
, supportsProduceModels = True
, supportsQuantifiers = True
, supportsUninterpretedSorts = True
, supportsUnboundedInts = True
, supportsReals = True
, supportsFloats = False
, supportsDoubles = False
where zero :: Kind -> String
zero KBool = "false"
zero (KBounded _ sz) = "#x" ++ replicate (sz `div` 4) '0'
zero KUnbounded = "0"
zero KReal = "0.0"
zero KFloat = error "SBV.MathSAT.zero: Unexpected sort SFloat"
zero KDouble = error "SBV.MathSAT.zero: Unexpected sort SDouble"
zero (KUninterpreted s) = error $ "SBV.MathSAT.zero: Unexpected uninterpreted sort: " ++ s
cont skolemMap = intercalate "\n" $ concatMap extract skolemMap
where -- In the skolemMap:
-- * Left's are universals: i.e., the model should be true for
-- any of these. So, we simply "echo 0" for these values.
-- * Right's are existentials. If there are no dependencies (empty list), then we can
-- simply use get-value to extract it's value. Otherwise, we have to apply it to
-- an appropriate number of 0's to get the final value.
extract (Left s) = ["(echo \"((" ++ show s ++ " " ++ zero (kindOf s) ++ "))\")"]
extract (Right (s, [])) = ["(get-value (" ++ show s ++ "))"]
extract (Right (s, ss)) = let g = "(get-value ((" ++ show s ++ concat [' ' : zero (kindOf a) | a <- ss] ++ ")))" in [g]
addTimeOut Nothing o = o
addTimeOut (Just _) _ = error "MathSAT: Timeout values are not supported by MathSat"
extractMap :: [NamedSymVar] -> [(String, UnintKind)] -> [String] -> SMTModel
extractMap inps _modelMap solverLines =
SMTModel { modelAssocs = map snd $ sortByNodeId $ concatMap (interpretSolverModelLine inps . cvt) solverLines
, modelUninterps = []
, modelArrays = []
where sortByNodeId :: [(Int, a)] -> [(Int, a)]
sortByNodeId = sortBy (compare `on` fst)
cvt :: String -> String
cvt s = case words s of
[var, val] -> "((" ++ var ++ " #b" ++ map tr val ++ "))"
_ -> s -- good-luck..
where tr 'x' = '0'
tr x = x
@ -18,55 +18,53 @@ module Data.SBV.Provers.Prover (
SMTSolver(..), SMTConfig(..), Predicate, Provable(..)
, ThmResult(..), SatResult(..), AllSatResult(..), SMTResult(..)
, isSatisfiable, isSatisfiableWith, isTheorem, isTheoremWith
, Equality(..)
, prove, proveWith
, sat, satWith
, allSat, allSatWith
, isVacuous, isVacuousWith
, solve
, SatModel(..), Modelable(..), displayModels, extractModels
, boolector, cvc4, yices, z3, defaultSMTCfg
, getModelDictionaries, getModelValues, getModelUninterpretedValues
, boolector, cvc4, yices, z3, mathSAT, defaultSMTCfg
, compileToSMTLib, generateSMTBenchmarks
, sbvCheckSolverInstallation
, isSBranchFeasibleInState
, internalSatWith, internalIsSatisfiableWith, internalIsSatisfiable
, internalProveWith, internalIsTheoremWith, internalIsTheorem
) where
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, newChan, writeChan, getChanContents)
import Control.Monad (when, unless, void)
import Control.Monad.Trans(liftIO)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust, mapMaybe)
import System.FilePath (addExtension)
import System.Time (getClockTime)
import Control.Monad (when, unless)
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, fromMaybe)
import System.FilePath (addExtension, splitExtension)
import System.Time (getClockTime)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveIO)
import qualified Data.Set as Set (Set, toList)
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.Data
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.Model
import Data.SBV.SMT.SMT
import Data.SBV.SMT.SMTLib
import qualified Data.SBV.Provers.Boolector as Boolector
import qualified Data.SBV.Provers.CVC4 as CVC4
import qualified Data.SBV.Provers.Yices as Yices
import qualified Data.SBV.Provers.Z3 as Z3
import qualified Data.SBV.Provers.MathSAT as MathSAT
import Data.SBV.Utils.TDiff
import Data.SBV.Utils.Boolean
mkConfig :: SMTSolver -> Bool -> [String] -> SMTConfig
mkConfig s isSMTLib2 tweaks = SMTConfig { verbose = False
, timing = False
, timeOut = Nothing
, printBase = 10
, printRealPrec = 16
, smtFile = Nothing
, solver = s
, solverTweaks = tweaks
, useSMTLib2 = isSMTLib2
, satCmd = "(check-sat)"
, roundingMode = RoundNearestTiesToEven
mkConfig s isSMTLib2 tweaks = SMTConfig { verbose = False
, timing = False
, sBranchTimeOut = Nothing
, timeOut = Nothing
, printBase = 10
, printRealPrec = 16
, smtFile = Nothing
, solver = s
, solverTweaks = tweaks
, useSMTLib2 = isSMTLib2
, satCmd = "(check-sat)"
, roundingMode = RoundNearestTiesToEven
, useLogic = Nothing
-- | Default configuration for the Boolector SMT solver
@ -83,8 +81,11 @@ yices = mkConfig Yices.yices False []
-- | Default configuration for the Z3 SMT solver
z3 :: SMTConfig
--z3 = mkConfig Z3.z3 True ["(set-option :smt.mbqi true) ; use model based quantifier instantiation"]
z3 = mkConfig Z3.z3 True []
z3 = mkConfig Z3.z3 True ["(set-option :smt.mbqi true) ; use model based quantifier instantiation"]
-- | Default configuration for the MathSAT SMT solver
mathSAT :: SMTConfig
mathSAT = mkConfig MathSAT.mathSAT True []
-- | The default solver used by SBV. This is currently set to z3.
defaultSMTCfg :: SMTConfig
@ -233,16 +234,6 @@ prove = proveWith defaultSMTCfg
sat :: Provable a => a -> IO SatResult
sat = satWith defaultSMTCfg
-- | Form the symbolic conjunction of a given list of boolean conditions. Useful in expressing
-- problems with constraints, like the following:
-- @
-- do [x, y, z] <- sIntegers [\"x\", \"y\", \"z\"]
-- solve [x .> 5, y + z .< x]
-- @
solve :: [SBool] -> Symbolic SBool
solve = return . bAnd
-- | Return all satisfying assignments for a predicate, equivalent to @'allSatWith' 'defaultSMTCfg'@.
-- Satisfying assignments are constructed lazily, so they will be available as returned by the solver
-- and on demand.
@ -254,40 +245,8 @@ solve = return . bAnd
allSat :: Provable a => a -> IO AllSatResult
allSat = allSatWith defaultSMTCfg
-- | Check if the given constraints are satisfiable, equivalent to @'isVacuousWith' 'defaultSMTCfg'@. This
-- call can be used to ensure that the specified constraints (via 'constrain') are satisfiable, i.e., that
-- the proof involving these constraints is not passing vacuously. Here is an example. Consider the following
-- predicate:
-- >>> let pred = do { x <- forall "x"; constrain $ x .< x; return $ x .>= (5 :: SWord8) }
-- This predicate asserts that all 8-bit values are larger than 5, subject to the constraint that the
-- values considered satisfy @x .< x@, i.e., they are less than themselves. Since there are no values that
-- satisfy this constraint, the proof will pass vacuously:
-- >>> prove pred
-- Q.E.D.
-- We can use 'isVacuous' to make sure to see that the pass was vacuous:
-- >>> isVacuous pred
-- True
-- While the above example is trivial, things can get complicated if there are multiple constraints with
-- non-straightforward relations; so if constraints are used one should make sure to check the predicate
-- is not vacuously true. Here's an example that is not vacuous:
-- >>> let pred' = do { x <- forall "x"; constrain $ x .> 6; return $ x .>= (5 :: SWord8) }
-- This time the proof passes as expected:
-- >>> prove pred'
-- Q.E.D.
-- And the proof is not vacuous:
-- >>> isVacuous pred'
-- False
-- | Check if the given constraints are satisfiable, equivalent to @'isVacuousWith' 'defaultSMTCfg'@.
-- See the function 'constrain' for an example use of 'isVacuous'.
isVacuous :: Provable a => a -> IO Bool
isVacuous = isVacuousWith defaultSMTCfg
@ -414,7 +373,7 @@ internalSatWith config b = do
-- | Determine if the constraints are vacuous using the given SMT-solver
isVacuousWith :: Provable a => SMTConfig -> a -> IO Bool
isVacuousWith config a = do
Result ki tr uic is cs ts as uis ax asgn cstr _ <- runSymbolic True $ forAll_ a >>= output
Result ki tr uic is cs ts as uis ax asgn cstr _ <- runSymbolic (True, Just config) $ forAll_ a >>= output
case cstr of
[] -> return False -- no constraints, no need to check
_ -> do let is' = [(EX, i) | (_, i) <- is] -- map all quantifiers to "exists" for the constraint check
@ -435,45 +394,40 @@ allSatWith config p = do
msg "Checking Satisfiability, all solutions.."
sbvPgm@(qinps, _, _, ki, _) <- simulate converter config True [] p
let usorts = [s | KUninterpreted s <- Set.toList ki]
unless (null usorts) $ error $ "SBV.allSat: All-sat calls are not supported in the presence of uninterpreted sorts: " ++ unwords usorts
++ "\n Only 'sat' and 'prove' calls are available when uninterpreted sorts are used."
resChan <- newChan
let add = writeChan resChan . Just
stop = writeChan resChan Nothing
final r = add r >> stop
die m = final (ProofError config [m])
-- only fork if non-verbose.. otherwise stdout gets garbled
fork io = if verbose config then io else void (forkIO io)
fork $ E.catch (go sbvPgm add stop final (1::Int) [])
(\e -> die (show (e::E.SomeException)))
results <- getChanContents resChan
unless (null usorts) $ msg $ "SBV.allSat: Uninterpreted sorts present: " ++ unwords usorts
++ "\n SBV will use equivalence classes to generate all-satisfying instances."
results <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ go sbvPgm (1::Int) []
-- See if there are any existentials below any universals
-- If such is the case, then the solutions are unique upto prefix existentials
let w = ALL `elem` map fst qinps
return $ AllSatResult (w, map fromJust (takeWhile isJust results))
return $ AllSatResult (w, results)
where msg = when (verbose config) . putStrLn . ("** " ++)
go sbvPgm add stop final = loop
go sbvPgm = loop
where loop !n nonEqConsts = do
curResult <- invoke nonEqConsts n sbvPgm
case curResult of
Nothing -> stop
Just (SatResult r) -> case r of
Satisfiable _ (SMTModel [] _ _) -> final r
Unknown _ (SMTModel [] _ _) -> final r
ProofError _ _ -> final r
TimeOut _ -> stop
Unsatisfiable _ -> stop
Satisfiable _ model -> add r >> loop (n+1) (modelAssocs model : nonEqConsts)
Unknown _ model -> add r >> loop (n+1) (modelAssocs model : nonEqConsts)
Nothing -> return []
Just (SatResult r) -> let cont model = do rest <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ loop (n+1) (modelAssocs model : nonEqConsts)
return (r : rest)
in case r of
Satisfiable _ (SMTModel [] _ _) -> return [r]
Unknown _ (SMTModel [] _ _) -> return [r]
ProofError _ _ -> return [r]
TimeOut _ -> return []
Unsatisfiable _ -> return []
Satisfiable _ model -> cont model
Unknown _ model -> cont model
invoke nonEqConsts n (qinps, modelMap, skolemMap, _, smtLibPgm) = do
msg $ "Looking for solution " ++ show n
case addNonEqConstraints (roundingMode config) qinps nonEqConsts smtLibPgm of
Nothing -> -- no new constraints added, stop
return Nothing
Just finalPgm -> do msg $ "Generated SMTLib program:\n" ++ finalPgm
smtAnswer <- engine (solver config) config True qinps modelMap skolemMap finalPgm
smtAnswer <- engine (solver config) (updateName (n-1) config) True qinps modelMap skolemMap finalPgm
msg "Done.."
return $ Just $ SatResult smtAnswer
updateName i cfg = cfg{smtFile = upd `fmap` smtFile cfg}
where upd nm = let (b, e) = splitExtension nm in b ++ "_allSat_" ++ show i ++ e
type SMTProblem = ( [(Quantifier, NamedSymVar)] -- inputs
, [(String, UnintKind)] -- model-map
@ -497,7 +451,7 @@ simulate converter config isSat comments predicate = do
let msg = when (verbose config) . putStrLn . ("** " ++)
isTiming = timing config
msg "Starting symbolic simulation.."
res <- timeIf isTiming "problem construction" $ runSymbolic isSat $ (if isSat then forSome_ else forAll_) predicate >>= output
res <- timeIf isTiming "problem construction" $ runSymbolic (isSat, Just config) $ (if isSat then forSome_ else forAll_) predicate >>= output
msg $ "Generated symbolic trace:\n" ++ show res
msg "Translating to SMT-Lib.."
runProofOn converter config isSat comments res
@ -507,7 +461,7 @@ runProofOn converter config isSat comments res =
let isTiming = timing config
solverCaps = capabilities (solver config)
in case res of
Result ki _qcInfo _codeSegs is consts tbls arrs uis axs pgm cstrs [o@(SW (KBounded False 1) _)] ->
Result ki _qcInfo _codeSegs is consts tbls arrs uis axs pgm cstrs [o@(SW KBool _)] ->
timeIf isTiming "translation"
$ let uiMap = mapMaybe arrayUIKind arrs ++ map unintFnUIKind uis
skolemMap = skolemize (if isSat then is else map flipQ is)
@ -518,7 +472,7 @@ runProofOn converter config isSat comments res =
where go [] (_, sofar) = reverse sofar
go ((ALL, (v, _)):rest) (us, sofar) = go rest (v:us, Left v : sofar)
go ((EX, (v, _)):rest) (us, sofar) = go rest (us, Right (v, reverse us) : sofar)
in return (is, uiMap, skolemMap, ki, converter (roundingMode config) solverCaps ki isSat comments is skolemMap consts tbls arrs uis axs pgm cstrs o)
in return (is, uiMap, skolemMap, ki, converter (roundingMode config) (useLogic config) solverCaps ki isSat comments is skolemMap consts tbls arrs uis axs pgm cstrs o)
Result _kindInfo _qcInfo _codeSegs _is _consts _tbls _arrs _uis _axs _pgm _cstrs os -> case length os of
0 -> error $ "Impossible happened, unexpected non-outputting result\n" ++ show res
1 -> error $ "Impossible happened, non-boolean output in " ++ show os
@ -527,56 +481,23 @@ runProofOn converter config isSat comments res =
++ "\nDetected while generating the trace:\n" ++ show res
++ "\n*** Check calls to \"output\", they are typically not needed!"
-- | Check whether the given solver is installed and is ready to go. This call does a
-- simple call to the solver to ensure all is well.
sbvCheckSolverInstallation :: SMTConfig -> IO Bool
sbvCheckSolverInstallation cfg = do ThmResult r <- proveWith cfg $ \x -> (x+x) .== ((x*2) :: SWord8)
case r of
Unsatisfiable _ -> return True
_ -> return False
-- | Equality as a proof method. Allows for
-- very concise construction of equivalence proofs, which is very typical in
-- bit-precise proofs.
infix 4 ===
class Equality a where
(===) :: a -> a -> IO ThmResult
instance (SymWord a, EqSymbolic z) => Equality (SBV a -> z) where
k === l = prove $ \a -> k a .== l a
instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, EqSymbolic z) => Equality (SBV a -> SBV b -> z) where
k === l = prove $ \a b -> k a b .== l a b
instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, EqSymbolic z) => Equality ((SBV a, SBV b) -> z) where
k === l = prove $ \a b -> k (a, b) .== l (a, b)
instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, SymWord c, EqSymbolic z) => Equality (SBV a -> SBV b -> SBV c -> z) where
k === l = prove $ \a b c -> k a b c .== l a b c
instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, SymWord c, EqSymbolic z) => Equality ((SBV a, SBV b, SBV c) -> z) where
k === l = prove $ \a b c -> k (a, b, c) .== l (a, b, c)
instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, SymWord c, SymWord d, EqSymbolic z) => Equality (SBV a -> SBV b -> SBV c -> SBV d -> z) where
k === l = prove $ \a b c d -> k a b c d .== l a b c d
instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, SymWord c, SymWord d, EqSymbolic z) => Equality ((SBV a, SBV b, SBV c, SBV d) -> z) where
k === l = prove $ \a b c d -> k (a, b, c, d) .== l (a, b, c, d)
instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, SymWord c, SymWord d, SymWord e, EqSymbolic z) => Equality (SBV a -> SBV b -> SBV c -> SBV d -> SBV e -> z) where
k === l = prove $ \a b c d e -> k a b c d e .== l a b c d e
instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, SymWord c, SymWord d, SymWord e, EqSymbolic z) => Equality ((SBV a, SBV b, SBV c, SBV d, SBV e) -> z) where
k === l = prove $ \a b c d e -> k (a, b, c, d, e) .== l (a, b, c, d, e)
instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, SymWord c, SymWord d, SymWord e, SymWord f, EqSymbolic z) => Equality (SBV a -> SBV b -> SBV c -> SBV d -> SBV e -> SBV f -> z) where
k === l = prove $ \a b c d e f -> k a b c d e f .== l a b c d e f
instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, SymWord c, SymWord d, SymWord e, SymWord f, EqSymbolic z) => Equality ((SBV a, SBV b, SBV c, SBV d, SBV e, SBV f) -> z) where
k === l = prove $ \a b c d e f -> k (a, b, c, d, e, f) .== l (a, b, c, d, e, f)
instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, SymWord c, SymWord d, SymWord e, SymWord f, SymWord g, EqSymbolic z) => Equality (SBV a -> SBV b -> SBV c -> SBV d -> SBV e -> SBV f -> SBV g -> z) where
k === l = prove $ \a b c d e f g -> k a b c d e f g .== l a b c d e f g
instance (SymWord a, SymWord b, SymWord c, SymWord d, SymWord e, SymWord f, SymWord g, EqSymbolic z) => Equality ((SBV a, SBV b, SBV c, SBV d, SBV e, SBV f, SBV g) -> z) where
k === l = prove $ \a b c d e f g -> k (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) .== l (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)
-- | Check if a branch condition is feasible in the current state
isSBranchFeasibleInState :: State -> String -> SBool -> IO Bool
isSBranchFeasibleInState st branch cond = do
let cfg = let pickedConfig = fromMaybe defaultSMTCfg (getSBranchRunConfig st)
in pickedConfig { timeOut = sBranchTimeOut pickedConfig }
msg = when (verbose cfg) . putStrLn . ("** " ++)
sw <- sbvToSW st cond
() <- forceSWArg sw
Result ki tr uic is cs ts as uis ax asgn cstr _ <- liftIO $ extractSymbolicSimulationState st
let -- Construct the corresponding sat-checker for the branch. Note that we need to
-- forget about the quantifiers and just use an "exist", as we're looking for a
-- point-satisfiability check here; whatever the original program was.
pgm = Result ki tr uic [(EX, n) | (_, n) <- is] cs ts as uis ax asgn cstr [sw]
cvt = if useSMTLib2 cfg then toSMTLib2 else toSMTLib1
check <- runProofOn cvt cfg True [] pgm >>= callSolver True ("sBranch: Checking " ++ show branch ++ " feasibility") SatResult cfg
res <- case check of
SatResult (Unsatisfiable _) -> return False
_ -> return True -- No risks, even if it timed-our or anything else, we say it's feasible
msg $ "sBranch: Conclusion: " ++ if res then "Feasible" else "Unfeasible"
return res
@ -11,10 +11,9 @@
module Data.SBV.Provers.SExpr where
import Control.Monad.Error () -- for Monad (Either String) instance
import Data.Char (isDigit, ord)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Numeric (readInt, readDec, readHex, fromRat)
import Data.Char (isDigit, ord)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Numeric (readInt, readDec, readHex, fromRat)
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.AlgReals
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.Data (nan, infinity)
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import Data.SBV.SMT.SMTLib
-- The default options are @\"-m -f\"@, which is valid for Yices 2.1 series. You can use the @SBV_YICES_OPTIONS@ environment variable to override the options.
yices :: SMTSolver
yices = SMTSolver {
name = "Yices"
name = Yices
, executable = "yices-smt"
-- , options = ["-tc", "-smt", "-e"] -- For Yices1
, options = ["-m", "-f"] -- For Yices2
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import qualified System.Info as S(os)
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.AlgReals
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.Data
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.PrettyNum
import Data.SBV.SMT.SMT
import Data.SBV.SMT.SMTLib
@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ optionPrefix
-- The default options are @\"-in -smt2\"@, which is valid for Z3 4.1. You can use the @SBV_Z3_OPTIONS@ environment variable to override the options.
z3 :: SMTSolver
z3 = SMTSolver {
name = "z3"
name = Z3
, executable = "z3"
, options = map (optionPrefix:) ["in", "smt2"]
, engine = \cfg isSat qinps modelMap skolemMap pgm -> do
@ -49,8 +50,8 @@ z3 = SMTSolver {
[] -> ""
ts -> unlines $ "; --- user given solver tweaks ---" : ts ++ ["; --- end of user given tweaks ---"]
dlim = printRealPrec cfg'
--ppDecLim = "(set-option :pp.decimal_precision " ++ show dlim ++ ")\n"
script = SMTScript {scriptBody = tweaks ++ {- ppDecLim ++ -} pgm, scriptModel = Just (cont skolemMap)}
ppDecLim = "(set-option :pp.decimal_precision " ++ show dlim ++ ")\n"
script = SMTScript {scriptBody = tweaks ++ ppDecLim ++ pgm, scriptModel = Just (cont (roundingMode cfg) skolemMap)}
if dlim < 1
then error $ "SBV.Z3: printRealPrec value should be at least 1, invalid value received: " ++ show dlim
else standardSolver cfg' script cleanErrs (ProofError cfg') (interpretSolverOutput cfg' (extractMap isSat qinps modelMap))
@ -68,28 +69,27 @@ z3 = SMTSolver {
, supportsDoubles = True
where -- Get rid of the following when z3_4.0 is out
cleanErrs = intercalate "\n" . filter (not . junk) . lines
where cleanErrs = intercalate "\n" . filter (not . junk) . lines
junk = ("WARNING:" `isPrefixOf`)
zero :: Kind -> String
zero (KBounded False 1) = "#b0"
zero (KBounded _ sz) = "#x" ++ replicate (sz `div` 4) '0'
zero KUnbounded = "0"
zero KReal = "0.0"
zero KFloat = error "Z3:TBD: Figure out how to write float constants!"
zero KDouble = error "Z3:TBD: Figure out how to write double constants!"
zero (KUninterpreted s) = error $ "SBV.Z3.zero: Unexpected uninterpreted sort: " ++ s
cont skolemMap = intercalate "\n" $ concatMap extract skolemMap
zero :: RoundingMode -> Kind -> String
zero _ KBool = "false"
zero _ (KBounded _ sz) = "#x" ++ replicate (sz `div` 4) '0'
zero _ KUnbounded = "0"
zero _ KReal = "0.0"
zero rm KFloat = showSMTFloat rm 0
zero rm KDouble = showSMTDouble rm 0
zero _ (KUninterpreted s) = error $ "SBV.Z3.zero: Unexpected uninterpreted sort: " ++ s
cont rm skolemMap = intercalate "\n" $ concatMap extract skolemMap
where -- In the skolemMap:
-- * Left's are universals: i.e., the model should be true for
-- any of these. So, we simply "echo 0" for these values.
-- * Right's are existentials. If there are no dependencies (empty list), then we can
-- simply use get-value to extract it's value. Otherwise, we have to apply it to
-- an appropriate number of 0's to get the final value.
extract (Left s) = ["(echo \"((" ++ show s ++ " " ++ zero (kindOf s) ++ "))\")"]
extract (Left s) = ["(echo \"((" ++ show s ++ " " ++ zero rm (kindOf s) ++ "))\")"]
extract (Right (s, [])) = let g = "(get-value (" ++ show s ++ "))" in getVal (kindOf s) g
extract (Right (s, ss)) = let g = "(get-value ((" ++ show s ++ concat [' ' : zero (kindOf a) | a <- ss] ++ ")))" in getVal (kindOf s) g
getVal KReal g = ["(set-option :pp.decimal false)", g, "(set-option :pp.decimal true)", g]
extract (Right (s, ss)) = let g = "(get-value ((" ++ show s ++ concat [' ' : zero rm (kindOf a) | a <- ss] ++ ")))" in getVal (kindOf s) g
getVal KReal g = ["(set-option :pp.decimal false) " ++ g, "(set-option :pp.decimal true) " ++ g]
getVal _ g = [g]
addTimeOut Nothing o = o
addTimeOut (Just i) o
@ -16,88 +16,23 @@ module Data.SBV.SMT.SMT where
import qualified Control.Exception as C
import Control.Concurrent (newEmptyMVar, takeMVar, putMVar, forkIO)
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..))
import Control.Monad (when, zipWithM)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Int (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64)
import Data.List (intercalate, isPrefixOf, isInfixOf)
import Data.Maybe (isNothing, fromJust)
import Data.Word (Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64)
import System.Directory (findExecutable)
import System.Process (readProcessWithExitCode, runInteractiveProcess, waitForProcess)
import System.Process (runInteractiveProcess, waitForProcess, terminateProcess)
import System.Exit (ExitCode(..))
import System.IO (hClose, hFlush, hPutStr, hGetContents, hGetLine)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.AlgReals
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.Data
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.PrettyNum
import Data.SBV.Utils.TDiff
-- | Solver configuration. See also 'z3', 'yices', 'cvc4', and 'boolector, which are instantiations of this type for those solvers, with
-- reasonable defaults. In particular, custom configuration can be created by varying those values. (Such as @z3{verbose=True}@.)
-- Most fields are self explanatory. The notion of precision for printing algebraic reals stems from the fact that such values does
-- not necessarily have finite decimal representations, and hence we have to stop printing at some depth. It is important to
-- emphasize that such values always have infinite precision internally. The issue is merely with how we print such an infinite
-- precision value on the screen. The field 'printRealPrec' controls the printing precision, by specifying the number of digits after
-- the decimal point. The default value is 16, but it can be set to any positive integer.
-- When printing, SBV will add the suffix @...@ at the and of a real-value, if the given bound is not sufficient to represent the real-value
-- exactly. Otherwise, the number will be written out in standard decimal notation. Note that SBV will always print the whole value if it
-- is precise (i.e., if it fits in a finite number of digits), regardless of the precision limit. The limit only applies if the representation
-- of the real value is not finite, i.e., if it is not rational.
data SMTConfig = SMTConfig {
verbose :: Bool -- ^ Debug mode
, timing :: Bool -- ^ Print timing information on how long different phases took (construction, solving, etc.)
, timeOut :: Maybe Int -- ^ How much time to give to the solver. (In seconds)
, printBase :: Int -- ^ Print integral literals in this base (2, 8, and 10, and 16 are supported.)
, printRealPrec :: Int -- ^ Print algebraic real values with this precision. (SReal, default: 16)
, solverTweaks :: [String] -- ^ Additional lines of script to give to the solver (user specified)
, satCmd :: String -- ^ Usually "(check-sat)". However, users might tweak it based on solver characteristics.
, smtFile :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ If Just, the generated SMT script will be put in this file (for debugging purposes mostly)
, useSMTLib2 :: Bool -- ^ If True, we'll treat the solver as using SMTLib2 input format. Otherwise, SMTLib1
, solver :: SMTSolver -- ^ The actual SMT solver.
, roundingMode :: RoundingMode -- ^ Rounding mode to use for floating-point conversions
-- | An SMT engine
type SMTEngine = SMTConfig -> Bool -> [(Quantifier, NamedSymVar)] -> [(String, UnintKind)] -> [Either SW (SW, [SW])] -> String -> IO SMTResult
-- | An SMT solver
data SMTSolver = SMTSolver {
name :: String -- ^ Printable name of the solver
, executable :: String -- ^ The path to its executable
, options :: [String] -- ^ Options to provide to the solver
, engine :: SMTEngine -- ^ The solver engine, responsible for interpreting solver output
, xformExitCode :: ExitCode -> ExitCode -- ^ Should we re-interpret exit codes. Most solvers behave rationally, i.e., id will do. Some (like CVC4) don't.
, capabilities :: SolverCapabilities -- ^ Various capabilities of the solver
-- | A model, as returned by a solver
data SMTModel = SMTModel {
modelAssocs :: [(String, CW)]
, modelArrays :: [(String, [String])] -- very crude!
, modelUninterps :: [(String, [String])] -- very crude!
deriving Show
-- | The result of an SMT solver call. Each constructor is tagged with
-- the 'SMTConfig' that created it so that further tools can inspect it
-- and build layers of results, if needed. For ordinary uses of the library,
-- this type should not be needed, instead use the accessor functions on
-- it. (Custom Show instances and model extractors.)
data SMTResult = Unsatisfiable SMTConfig -- ^ Unsatisfiable
| Satisfiable SMTConfig SMTModel -- ^ Satisfiable with model
| Unknown SMTConfig SMTModel -- ^ Prover returned unknown, with a potential (possibly bogus) model
| ProofError SMTConfig [String] -- ^ Prover errored out
| TimeOut SMTConfig -- ^ Computation timed out (see the 'timeout' combinator)
-- | A script, to be passed to the solver.
data SMTScript = SMTScript {
scriptBody :: String -- ^ Initial feed
, scriptModel :: Maybe String -- ^ Optional continuation script, if the result is sat
-- | Extract the final configuration from a result
resultConfig :: SMTResult -> SMTConfig
resultConfig (Unsatisfiable c) = c
@ -106,16 +41,6 @@ resultConfig (Unknown c _) = c
resultConfig (ProofError c _) = c
resultConfig (TimeOut c) = c
instance NFData SMTResult where
rnf (Unsatisfiable _) = ()
rnf (Satisfiable _ xs) = rnf xs `seq` ()
rnf (Unknown _ xs) = rnf xs `seq` ()
rnf (ProofError _ xs) = rnf xs `seq` ()
rnf (TimeOut _) = ()
instance NFData SMTModel where
rnf (SMTModel assocs unints uarrs) = rnf assocs `seq` rnf unints `seq` rnf uarrs `seq` ()
-- | A 'prove' call results in a 'ThmResult'
newtype ThmResult = ThmResult SMTResult
@ -127,17 +52,19 @@ newtype SatResult = SatResult SMTResult
-- we should warn the user about prefix-existentials.
newtype AllSatResult = AllSatResult (Bool, [SMTResult])
-- | User friendly way of printing theorem results
instance Show ThmResult where
show (ThmResult r) = showSMTResult "Q.E.D."
"Unknown" "Unknown. Potential counter-example:\n"
"Falsifiable" "Falsifiable. Counter-example:\n" r
-- | User friendly way of printing satisfiablity results
instance Show SatResult where
show (SatResult r) = showSMTResult "Unsatisfiable"
"Unknown" "Unknown. Potential model:\n"
"Satisfiable" "Satisfiable. Model:\n" r
-- NB. The Show instance of AllSatResults have to be careful in being lazy enough
-- | The Show instance of AllSatResults. Note that we have to be careful in being lazy enough
-- as the typical use case is to pull results out as they become available.
instance Show AllSatResult where
show (AllSatResult (e, xs)) = go (0::Int) xs
@ -178,51 +105,73 @@ genParse :: Integral a => Kind -> [CW] -> Maybe (a, [CW])
genParse k (x@(CW _ (CWInteger i)):r) | kindOf x == k = Just (fromIntegral i, r)
genParse _ _ = Nothing
-- Base case, that comes in handy if there are no real variables
-- | Base case for 'SatModel' at unit type. Comes in handy if there are no real variables.
instance SatModel () where
parseCWs xs = return ((), xs)
-- | 'Bool' as extracted from a model
instance SatModel Bool where
parseCWs xs = do (x, r) <- genParse (KBounded False 1) xs
parseCWs xs = do (x, r) <- genParse KBool xs
return ((x :: Integer) /= 0, r)
-- | 'Word8' as extracted from a model
instance SatModel Word8 where
parseCWs = genParse (KBounded False 8)
-- | 'Int8' as extracted from a model
instance SatModel Int8 where
parseCWs = genParse (KBounded True 8)
-- | 'Word16' as extracted from a model
instance SatModel Word16 where
parseCWs = genParse (KBounded False 16)
-- | 'Int16' as extracted from a model
instance SatModel Int16 where
parseCWs = genParse (KBounded True 16)
-- | 'Word32' as extracted from a model
instance SatModel Word32 where
parseCWs = genParse (KBounded False 32)
-- | 'Int32' as extracted from a model
instance SatModel Int32 where
parseCWs = genParse (KBounded True 32)
-- | 'Word64' as extracted from a model
instance SatModel Word64 where
parseCWs = genParse (KBounded False 64)
-- | 'Int64' as extracted from a model
instance SatModel Int64 where
parseCWs = genParse (KBounded True 64)
-- | 'Integer' as extracted from a model
instance SatModel Integer where
parseCWs = genParse KUnbounded
-- | 'AlgReal' as extracted from a model
instance SatModel AlgReal where
parseCWs (CW KReal (CWAlgReal i) : r) = Just (i, r)
parseCWs _ = Nothing
-- | 'Float' as extracted from a model
instance SatModel Float where
parseCWs (CW KFloat (CWFloat i) : r) = Just (i, r)
parseCWs _ = Nothing
-- | 'Double' as extracted from a model
instance SatModel Double where
parseCWs (CW KDouble (CWDouble i) : r) = Just (i, r)
parseCWs _ = Nothing
instance SatModel CW where
parseCWs (cw : r) = Just (cw, r)
parseCWs [] = Nothing
-- when reading a list; go as long as we can (maximal-munch)
-- note that this never fails..
-- | A list of values as extracted from a model. When reading a list, we
-- go as long as we can (maximal-munch). Note that this never fails, as
-- we can always return the empty list!
instance SatModel a => SatModel [a] where
parseCWs [] = Just ([], [])
parseCWs xs = case parseCWs xs of
@ -231,31 +180,37 @@ instance SatModel a => SatModel [a] where
Nothing -> Just ([], ys)
Nothing -> Just ([], xs)
-- | Tuples extracted from a model
instance (SatModel a, SatModel b) => SatModel (a, b) where
parseCWs as = do (a, bs) <- parseCWs as
(b, cs) <- parseCWs bs
return ((a, b), cs)
-- | 3-Tuples extracted from a model
instance (SatModel a, SatModel b, SatModel c) => SatModel (a, b, c) where
parseCWs as = do (a, bs) <- parseCWs as
((b, c), ds) <- parseCWs bs
return ((a, b, c), ds)
-- | 4-Tuples extracted from a model
instance (SatModel a, SatModel b, SatModel c, SatModel d) => SatModel (a, b, c, d) where
parseCWs as = do (a, bs) <- parseCWs as
((b, c, d), es) <- parseCWs bs
return ((a, b, c, d), es)
-- | 5-Tuples extracted from a model
instance (SatModel a, SatModel b, SatModel c, SatModel d, SatModel e) => SatModel (a, b, c, d, e) where
parseCWs as = do (a, bs) <- parseCWs as
((b, c, d, e), fs) <- parseCWs bs
return ((a, b, c, d, e), fs)
-- | 6-Tuples extracted from a model
instance (SatModel a, SatModel b, SatModel c, SatModel d, SatModel e, SatModel f) => SatModel (a, b, c, d, e, f) where
parseCWs as = do (a, bs) <- parseCWs as
((b, c, d, e, f), gs) <- parseCWs bs
return ((a, b, c, d, e, f), gs)
-- | 7-Tuples extracted from a model
instance (SatModel a, SatModel b, SatModel c, SatModel d, SatModel e, SatModel f, SatModel g) => SatModel (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) where
parseCWs as = do (a, bs) <- parseCWs as
((b, c, d, e, f, g), hs) <- parseCWs bs
@ -268,6 +223,19 @@ class Modelable a where
-- | Extract a model, the result is a tuple where the first argument (if True)
-- indicates whether the model was "probable". (i.e., if the solver returned unknown.)
getModel :: SatModel b => a -> Either String (Bool, b)
-- | Extract a model dictionary. Extract a dictionary mapping the variables to
-- their respective values as returned by the SMT solver. Also see `getModelDictionaries`.
getModelDictionary :: a -> M.Map String CW
-- | Extract a model value for a given element. Also see `getModelValues`.
getModelValue :: SymWord b => String -> a -> Maybe b
getModelValue v r = fromCW `fmap` (v `M.lookup` getModelDictionary r)
-- | Extract a representative name for the model value of an uninterpreted kind.
-- This is supposed to correspond to the value as computed internally by the
-- SMT solver; and is unportable from solver to solver. Also see `getModelUninterpretedValues`.
getModelUninterpretedValue :: String -> a -> Maybe String
getModelUninterpretedValue v r = case v `M.lookup` getModelDictionary r of
Just (CW _ (CWUninterpreted s)) -> Just s
_ -> Nothing
-- | A simpler variant of 'getModel' to get a model out without the fuss.
extractModel :: SatModel b => a -> Maybe b
@ -280,14 +248,31 @@ class Modelable a where
extractModels :: SatModel a => AllSatResult -> [a]
extractModels (AllSatResult (_, xs)) = [ms | Right (_, ms) <- map getModel xs]
-- | Get dictionaries from an all-sat call. Similar to `getModelDictionary`.
getModelDictionaries :: AllSatResult -> [M.Map String CW]
getModelDictionaries (AllSatResult (_, xs)) = map getModelDictionary xs
-- | Extract value of a variable from an all-sat call. Similar to `getModelValue`.
getModelValues :: SymWord b => String -> AllSatResult -> [Maybe b]
getModelValues s (AllSatResult (_, xs)) = map (s `getModelValue`) xs
-- | Extract value of an uninterpreted variable from an all-sat call. Similar to `getModelUninterpretedValue`.
getModelUninterpretedValues :: String -> AllSatResult -> [Maybe String]
getModelUninterpretedValues s (AllSatResult (_, xs)) = map (s `getModelUninterpretedValue`) xs
-- | 'ThmResult' as a generic model provider
instance Modelable ThmResult where
getModel (ThmResult r) = getModel r
modelExists (ThmResult r) = modelExists r
getModel (ThmResult r) = getModel r
modelExists (ThmResult r) = modelExists r
getModelDictionary (ThmResult r) = getModelDictionary r
-- | 'SatResult' as a generic model provider
instance Modelable SatResult where
getModel (SatResult r) = getModel r
modelExists (SatResult r) = modelExists r
getModel (SatResult r) = getModel r
modelExists (SatResult r) = modelExists r
getModelDictionary (SatResult r) = getModelDictionary r
-- | 'SMTResult' as a generic model provider
instance Modelable SMTResult where
getModel (Unsatisfiable _) = Left "SBV.getModel: Unsatisfiable result"
getModel (Unknown _ m) = Right (True, parseModelOut m)
@ -297,6 +282,11 @@ instance Modelable SMTResult where
modelExists (Satisfiable{}) = True
modelExists (Unknown{}) = False -- don't risk it
modelExists _ = False
getModelDictionary (Unsatisfiable _) = M.empty
getModelDictionary (Unknown _ m) = M.fromList (modelAssocs m)
getModelDictionary (ProofError _ _) = M.empty
getModelDictionary (TimeOut _) = M.empty
getModelDictionary (Satisfiable _ m) = M.fromList (modelAssocs m)
-- | Extract a model out, will throw error if parsing is unsuccessful
parseModelOut :: SatModel a => SMTModel -> a
@ -357,8 +347,9 @@ shUA (f, cases) = (" -- array: " ++ f) : map shC cases
where shC s = " " ++ s
-- | Helper function to spin off to an SMT solver.
pipeProcess :: SMTConfig -> String -> String -> [String] -> SMTScript -> (String -> String) -> IO (Either String [String])
pipeProcess cfg nm execName opts script cleanErrs = do
pipeProcess :: SMTConfig -> String -> [String] -> SMTScript -> (String -> String) -> IO (Either String [String])
pipeProcess cfg execName opts script cleanErrs = do
let nm = show (name (solver cfg))
mbExecPath <- findExecutable execName
case mbExecPath of
Nothing -> return $ Left $ "Unable to locate executable for " ++ nm
@ -397,13 +388,13 @@ standardSolver config script cleanErrs failure success = do
exec = executable smtSolver
opts = options smtSolver
isTiming = timing config
nmSolver = name smtSolver
nmSolver = show (name smtSolver)
msg $ "Calling: " ++ show (unwords (exec:opts))
case smtFile config of
Nothing -> return ()
Just f -> do putStrLn $ "** Saving the generated script in file: " ++ show f
Just f -> do msg $ "Saving the generated script in file: " ++ show f
writeFile f (scriptBody script)
contents <- timeIf isTiming nmSolver $ pipeProcess config nmSolver exec opts script cleanErrs
contents <- timeIf isTiming nmSolver $ pipeProcess config exec opts script cleanErrs
msg $ nmSolver ++ " output:\n" ++ either id (intercalate "\n") contents
case contents of
Left e -> return $ failure (lines e)
@ -413,41 +404,46 @@ standardSolver config script cleanErrs failure success = do
-- and can speak SMT-Lib2 (just a little).
runSolver :: SMTConfig -> FilePath -> [String] -> SMTScript -> IO (ExitCode, String, String)
runSolver cfg execPath opts script
| isNothing $ scriptModel script
= let checkCmd | useSMTLib2 cfg = '\n' : satCmd cfg
| True = ""
in readProcessWithExitCode execPath opts (scriptBody script ++ checkCmd)
| True
= do (send, ask, cleanUp) <- do
= do (send, ask, cleanUp, pid) <- do
(inh, outh, errh, pid) <- runInteractiveProcess execPath opts Nothing Nothing
let send l = hPutStr inh (l ++ "\n") >> hFlush inh
recv = hGetLine outh `C.catch` (\(_ :: C.SomeException) -> return "")
recv = hGetLine outh
ask l = send l >> recv
cleanUp r = do outMVar <- newEmptyMVar
out <- hGetContents outh
_ <- forkIO $ C.evaluate (length out) >> putMVar outMVar ()
err <- hGetContents errh
_ <- forkIO $ C.evaluate (length err) >> putMVar outMVar ()
hClose inh
takeMVar outMVar
takeMVar outMVar
hClose outh
hClose errh
ex <- waitForProcess pid
-- if the status is unknown, prepare for the possibility of not having a model
-- TBD: This is rather crude and potentially Z3 specific
return $ if "unknown" `isPrefixOf` r && "error" `isInfixOf` (out ++ err)
then (ExitSuccess, r , "")
else (ex, r ++ "\n" ++ out, err)
return (send, ask, cleanUp)
mapM_ send (lines (scriptBody script))
r <- ask $ satCmd cfg
when (any (`isPrefixOf` r) ["sat", "unknown"]) $ do
let mls = lines (fromJust (scriptModel script))
when (verbose cfg) $ do putStrLn "** Sending the following model extraction commands:"
mapM_ putStrLn mls
mapM_ send mls
cleanUp r
cleanUp response
= do hClose inh
outMVar <- newEmptyMVar
out <- hGetContents outh
_ <- forkIO $ C.evaluate (length out) >> putMVar outMVar ()
err <- hGetContents errh
_ <- forkIO $ C.evaluate (length err) >> putMVar outMVar ()
takeMVar outMVar
takeMVar outMVar
hClose outh
hClose errh
ex <- waitForProcess pid
return $ case response of
Nothing -> (ex, out, err)
Just (r, vals) -> -- if the status is unknown, prepare for the possibility of not having a model
-- TBD: This is rather crude and potentially Z3 specific
let finalOut = intercalate "\n" (r : vals)
in if "unknown" `isPrefixOf` r && "error" `isInfixOf` (out ++ err)
then (ExitSuccess, finalOut , "")
else (ex, finalOut ++ "\n" ++ out, err)
return (send, ask, cleanUp, pid)
let executeSolver = do mapM_ send (lines (scriptBody script))
response <- case scriptModel script of
Nothing -> do send $ satCmd cfg
return Nothing
Just ls -> do r <- ask $ satCmd cfg
vals <- if any (`isPrefixOf` r) ["sat", "unknown"]
then do let mls = lines ls
when (verbose cfg) $ do putStrLn "** Sending the following model extraction commands:"
mapM_ putStrLn mls
mapM ask mls
else return []
return $ Just (r, vals)
cleanUp response
executeSolver `C.onException` terminateProcess pid
-- | In case the SMT-Lib solver returns a response over multiple lines, compress them so we have
-- each S-Expression spanning only a single line. We'll ignore things line parentheses inside quotes
@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ module Data.SBV.SMT.SMTLib(SMTLibPgm, SMTLibConverter, toSMTLib1, toSMTLib2, add
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.Data
import Data.SBV.SMT.SMT
import Data.SBV.Provers.SExpr
import qualified Data.SBV.SMT.SMTLib1 as SMT1
import qualified Data.SBV.SMT.SMTLib2 as SMT2
@ -23,6 +22,7 @@ import qualified Data.Set as Set (Set, member, toList)
-- | An instance of SMT-Lib converter; instantiated for SMT-Lib v1 and v2. (And potentially for newer versions in the future.)
type SMTLibConverter = RoundingMode -- ^ User selected rounding mode to be used for floating point arithmetic
-> Maybe Logic -- ^ User selected logic to use. If Nothing, pick automatically.
-> SolverCapabilities -- ^ Capabilities of the backend solver targeted
-> Set.Set Kind -- ^ Kinds used in the problem
-> Bool -- ^ is this a sat problem?
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ toSMTLib1 :: SMTLibConverter
-- | Convert to SMTLib-2 format
toSMTLib2 :: SMTLibConverter
(toSMTLib1, toSMTLib2) = (cvt SMTLib1, cvt SMTLib2)
where cvt v roundMode solverCaps kindInfo isSat comments qinps skolemMap consts tbls arrs uis axs asgnsSeq cstrs out
where cvt v roundMode smtLogic solverCaps kindInfo isSat comments qinps skolemMap consts tbls arrs uis axs asgnsSeq cstrs out
| KUnbounded `Set.member` kindInfo && not (supportsUnboundedInts solverCaps)
= unsupported "unbounded integers"
| KReal `Set.member` kindInfo && not (supportsReals solverCaps)
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ toSMTLib2 :: SMTLibConverter
unsupported w = error $ "SBV: Given problem needs " ++ w ++ ", which is not supported by SBV for the chosen solver: " ++ capSolverName solverCaps
aliasTable = map (\(_, (x, y)) -> (y, x)) qinps
converter = if v == SMTLib1 then SMT1.cvt else SMT2.cvt
(pre, post) = converter roundMode solverCaps kindInfo isSat comments qinps skolemMap consts tbls arrs uis axs asgnsSeq cstrs out
(pre, post) = converter roundMode smtLogic solverCaps kindInfo isSat comments qinps skolemMap consts tbls arrs uis axs asgnsSeq cstrs out
needsFloats = KFloat `Set.member` kindInfo
needsDoubles = KDouble `Set.member` kindInfo
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ nonEq (s, c) = "(not (= " ++ s ++ " " ++ cvtCW c ++ "))"
-- | Translate a problem into an SMTLib1 script
cvt :: RoundingMode -- ^ User selected rounding mode to be used for floating point arithmetic
-> Maybe Logic -- ^ SMT-Lib logic, if requested by the user
-> SolverCapabilities -- ^ capabilities of the current solver
-> Set.Set Kind -- ^ kinds used
-> Bool -- ^ is this a sat problem?
@ -57,8 +58,9 @@ cvt :: RoundingMode -- ^ User selected rounding mode to be used
-> [SW] -- ^ extra constraints
-> SW -- ^ output variable
-> ([String], [String])
cvt _roundingMode _solverCaps _kindInfo isSat comments qinps _skolemInps consts tbls arrs uis axs asgnsSeq cstrs out = (pre, post)
cvt _roundingMode smtLogic _solverCaps _kindInfo isSat comments qinps _skolemInps consts tbls arrs uis axs asgnsSeq cstrs out = (pre, post)
where logic
| Just l <- smtLogic = show l
| null tbls && null arrs && null uis = "QF_BV"
| True = "QF_AUFBV"
inps = map (fst . snd) qinps
@ -152,7 +154,7 @@ cvtCnst (s, c) = " :assumption (= " ++ show s ++ " " ++ cvtCW c ++ ")"
-- no need to worry about Int/Real here as we don't support them with the SMTLib1 interface..
cvtCW :: CW -> String
cvtCW (CW (KBounded False 1) (CWInteger v)) = if v == 0 then "false" else "true"
cvtCW (CW KBool (CWInteger v)) = if v == 0 then "false" else "true"
cvtCW x@(CW _ (CWInteger v)) | not (hasSign x) = "bv" ++ show v ++ "[" ++ show (intSizeOf x) ++ "]"
-- signed numbers (with 2's complement representation) is problematic
-- since there's no way to put a bvneg over a positive number to get minBound..
@ -261,7 +263,7 @@ cvtType (SBVType []) = error "SBV.SMT.SMTLib1.cvtType: internal: received an emp
cvtType (SBVType xs) = unwords $ map kindType xs
kindType :: Kind -> String
kindType (KBounded False 1) = "Bool"
kindType KBool = "Bool"
kindType (KBounded _ s) = "BitVec[" ++ show s ++ "]"
kindType KUnbounded = die "unbounded Integer"
kindType KReal = die "real value"
@ -12,13 +12,15 @@
module Data.SBV.SMT.SMTLib2(cvt, addNonEqConstraints) where
import Data.Bits (bit)
import Data.Char (intToDigit)
import Data.Bits (bit)
import Data.Char (intToDigit)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import qualified Data.Foldable as F (toList)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.List (intercalate, partition)
import Data.List (intercalate, partition, groupBy, sortBy)
import Numeric (showIntAtBase, showHex)
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.AlgReals
@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ addNonEqConstraints rm qinps allNonEqConstraints (SMTLibPgm _ (aliasTable, pre,
| True
= Just $ intercalate "\n" $ pre
++ [ "; --- refuted-models ---" ]
++ concatMap (nonEqs rm) (map (map intName) nonEqConstraints)
++ refutedModel
++ post
where refutedModel = concatMap (nonEqs rm) (map (map intName) nonEqConstraints)
intName (s, c)
@ -47,11 +49,27 @@ addNonEqConstraints rm qinps allNonEqConstraints (SMTLibPgm _ (aliasTable, pre,
topUnivs = [s | (_, (_, s)) <- takeWhile (\p -> fst p == EX) qinps]
nonEqs :: RoundingMode -> [(String, CW)] -> [String]
nonEqs _ [] = []
nonEqs rm [sc] = ["(assert " ++ nonEq rm sc ++ ")"]
nonEqs rm (sc:r) = ["(assert (or " ++ nonEq rm sc]
++ map ((" " ++) . nonEq rm) r
++ [" ))"]
nonEqs rm scs = format $ interp ps ++ disallow (map eqClass uninterpClasses)
where (ups, ps) = partition (isUninterpreted . snd) scs
format [] = []
format [m] = ["(assert " ++ m ++ ")"]
format (m:ms) = ["(assert (or " ++ m]
++ map (" " ++) ms
++ [" ))"]
-- Regular (or interpreted) sorts simply get a constraint that we disallow the current assignment
interp = map $ nonEq rm
-- Determine the equivalnce classes of uninterpreted sorts:
uninterpClasses = filter (\l -> length l > 1) -- Only need this class if it has at least two members
. map (map fst) -- throw away sorts, we only need the names
. groupBy ((==) `on` snd) -- make sure they belong to the same sort and have the same value
. sortBy (comparing snd) -- sort them according to their sorts first
$ ups -- take the uninterpreted sorts
-- Uninterpreted sorts get a constraint that says the equivalence classes as determined by the solver are disallowed:
eqClass :: [String] -> String
eqClass [] = error "SBV.allSat.nonEqs: Impossible happened, disallow received an empty list"
eqClass cs = "(= " ++ unwords cs ++ ")"
-- Now, take the conjunction of equivalence classes and assert it's negation:
disallow = map $ \ec -> "(not " ++ ec ++ ")"
nonEq :: RoundingMode -> (String, CW) -> String
nonEq rm (s, c) = "(not (= " ++ s ++ " " ++ cvtCW rm c ++ "))"
@ -61,6 +79,7 @@ tbd e = error $ "SBV.SMTLib2: Not-yet-supported: " ++ e
-- | Translate a problem into an SMTLib2 script
cvt :: RoundingMode -- ^ User selected rounding mode to be used for floating point arithmetic
-> Maybe Logic -- ^ SMT-Lib logic, if requested by the user
-> SolverCapabilities -- ^ capabilities of the current solver
-> Set.Set Kind -- ^ kinds used
-> Bool -- ^ is this a sat problem?
@ -76,7 +95,7 @@ cvt :: RoundingMode -- ^ User selected rounding mode to be used
-> [SW] -- ^ extra constraints
-> SW -- ^ output variable
-> ([String], [String])
cvt rm solverCaps kindInfo isSat comments inputs skolemInps consts tbls arrs uis axs (SBVPgm asgnsSeq) cstrs out = (pre, [])
cvt rm smtLogic solverCaps kindInfo isSat comments inputs skolemInps consts tbls arrs uis axs (SBVPgm asgnsSeq) cstrs out = (pre, [])
where -- the logic is an over-approaximation
hasInteger = KUnbounded `Set.member` kindInfo
hasReal = KReal `Set.member` kindInfo
@ -85,6 +104,8 @@ cvt rm solverCaps kindInfo isSat comments inputs skolemInps consts tbls arrs uis
hasBVs = not $ null [() | KBounded{} <- Set.toList kindInfo]
sorts = [s | KUninterpreted s <- Set.toList kindInfo]
| Just l <- smtLogic
= ["(set-logic " ++ show l ++ ") ; NB. User specified."]
| hasDouble || hasFloat -- NB. We don't check for quantifiers here, we probably should..
= if hasBVs
then ["(set-logic QF_FPABV)"]
@ -244,7 +265,7 @@ swFunType :: [SW] -> SW -> String
swFunType ss s = "(" ++ unwords (map swType ss) ++ ") " ++ swType s
smtType :: Kind -> String
smtType (KBounded False 1) = "Bool"
smtType KBool = "Bool"
smtType (KBounded _ sz) = "(_ BitVec " ++ show sz ++ ")"
smtType KUnbounded = "Int"
smtType KReal = "Real"
@ -267,14 +288,16 @@ cvtSW skolemMap s
| True
= show s
-- SMTLib2 requires the width of literals to match the type exactly;
-- hexadecimal works only for sizes that are multiples of 4.
-- Carefully code hex numbers, SMTLib is picky about lengths of hex constants. For the time
-- being, SBV only supports sizes that are multiples of 4, but the below code is more robust
-- in case of future extensions to support arbitrary sizes.
hex :: Int -> Integer -> String
hex 1 v = "#b" ++ show v
hex sz v
| sz `mod` 4 == 0 = "#x" ++ pad (sz `div` 4) (showHex v "")
| otherwise = "#b" ++ pad sz (showBin v "")
where pad n s = replicate (n - length s) '0' ++ s
showBin = showIntAtBase 2 intToDigit
| True = "#b" ++ pad sz (showBin v "")
where pad n s = replicate (n - length s) '0' ++ s
showBin = showIntAtBase 2 intToDigit
cvtCW :: RoundingMode -> CW -> String
cvtCW rm x
@ -318,7 +341,8 @@ cvtExp rm skolemMap tableMap expr@(SBVApp _ arguments) = sh expr
boolOp = all isBoolean arguments
bad | intOp = error $ "SBV.SMTLib2: Unsupported operation on unbounded integers: " ++ show expr
| True = error $ "SBV.SMTLib2: Unsupported operation on real values: " ++ show expr
ensureBV = bvOp || bad
ensureBVOrBool = bvOp || boolOp || bad
ensureBV = bvOp || bad
addRM s = s ++ " " ++ smtRoundingMode rm
lift2 o _ [x, y] = "(" ++ o ++ " " ++ x ++ " " ++ y ++ ")"
lift2 o _ sbvs = error $ "SBV.SMTLib2.sh.lift2: Unexpected arguments: " ++ show (o, sbvs)
@ -351,6 +375,7 @@ cvtExp rm skolemMap tableMap expr@(SBVApp _ arguments) = sh expr
| needsCheck = "(ite " ++ cond ++ ssw e ++ " " ++ lkUp ++ ")"
| True = lkUp
where needsCheck = case aKnd of
KBool -> (2::Integer) > fromIntegral l
KBounded _ n -> (2::Integer)^n > fromIntegral l
KUnbounded -> True
KReal -> error "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.cvtExp: unexpected real valued index"
@ -362,6 +387,7 @@ cvtExp rm skolemMap tableMap expr@(SBVApp _ arguments) = sh expr
| hasSign i = "(or " ++ le0 ++ " " ++ gtl ++ ") "
| True = gtl ++ " "
(less, leq) = case aKnd of
KBool -> error "SBV.SMT.SMTLib2.cvtExp: unexpected boolean valued index"
KBounded{} -> if hasSign i then ("bvslt", "bvsle") else ("bvult", "bvule")
KUnbounded -> ("<", "<=")
KReal -> ("<", "<=")
@ -402,7 +428,7 @@ cvtExp rm skolemMap tableMap expr@(SBVApp _ arguments) = sh expr
| intOp = "(div " ++ ssw a ++ " " ++ show (bit i :: Integer) ++ ")" -- Implement shiftR by division by 2^i
| True = bad
sh (SBVApp op args)
| Just f <- lookup op smtBVOpTable, ensureBV
| Just f <- lookup op smtBVOpTable, ensureBVOrBool
= f (any hasSign args) (map ssw args)
where -- The first 4 operators below do make sense for Integer's in Haskell, but there's
-- no obvious counterpart for them in the SMTLib translation.
@ -446,6 +472,7 @@ cvtExp rm skolemMap tableMap expr@(SBVApp _ arguments) = sh expr
, (Rem, lift2 "mod")
smtOpFloatDoubleTable = smtIntRealShared
++ [(Quot, lift2WM "/")]
smtIntRealShared = [ (Plus, lift2WM "+")
, (Minus, lift2WM "-")
, (Times, lift2WM "*")
@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ import Data.SBV.BitVectors.Data
-- warm-up count and the convergence factor. Maximum iteration count can also
-- be specified, at which point convergence won't be sought. The boolean controls verbosity.
expectedValueWith :: Outputtable a => Bool -> Int -> Maybe Int -> Double -> Symbolic a -> IO [Double]
expectedValueWith verbose warmupCount mbMaxIter epsilon m
expectedValueWith chatty warmupCount mbMaxIter epsilon m
| warmupCount < 0 || epsilon < 0
= error $ "SBV.expectedValue: warmup count and epsilon both must be non-negative, received: " ++ show (warmupCount, epsilon)
| True
= warmup warmupCount (repeat 0) >>= go warmupCount
where progress s | not verbose = return ()
| True = putStr $ "\r*** " ++ s
where progress s | not chatty = return ()
| True = putStr $ "\r*** " ++ s
warmup :: Int -> [Integer] -> IO [Integer]
warmup 0 v = do progress $ "Warmup complete, performed " ++ show warmupCount ++ " rounds.\n"
return v
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ expectedValueWith verbose warmupCount mbMaxIter epsilon m
let cval o = case o `lookup` cs of
Nothing -> error "SBV.expectedValue: Cannot compute expected-values in the presence of uninterpreted constants!"
Just cw -> case (cwKind cw, cwVal cw) of
(KBounded False 1, _) -> if cwToBool cw then 1 else 0
(KBool, _) -> if cwToBool cw then 1 else 0
(KBounded{}, CWInteger v) -> v
(KUnbounded, CWInteger v) -> v
(KReal, _) -> error "Cannot compute expected-values for real valued results."
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ haskell vname vs = intercalate "\n" $ [ "-- Automatically generated by SBV. Do n
valOf [x] = s x
valOf xs = "[" ++ intercalate ", " (map s xs) ++ "]"
t cw = case kindOf cw of
KBounded False 1 -> "Bool"
KBool -> "Bool"
KBounded False 8 -> "Word8"
KBounded False 16 -> "Word16"
KBounded False 32 -> "Word32"
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ haskell vname vs = intercalate "\n" $ [ "-- Automatically generated by SBV. Do n
KUninterpreted us -> error $ "SBV.renderTest: Unsupported uninterpreted sort: " ++ us
_ -> error $ "SBV.renderTest: Unexpected CW: " ++ show cw
s cw = case cwKind cw of
KBounded False 1 -> take 5 (show (cwToBool cw) ++ repeat ' ')
KBool -> take 5 (show (cwToBool cw) ++ repeat ' ')
KBounded sgn sz -> let CWInteger w = cwVal cw in shex False True (sgn, sz) w
KUnbounded -> let CWInteger w = cwVal cw in shexI False True w
KFloat -> let CWFloat w = cwVal cw in showHFloat w
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ c n vs = intercalate "\n" $
where mkField p cw i = " " ++ t ++ " " ++ p ++ show i ++ ";"
where t = case cwKind cw of
KBounded False 1 -> "SBool"
KBool -> "SBool"
KBounded False 8 -> "SWord8"
KBounded False 16 -> "SWord16"
KBounded False 32 -> "SWord32"
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ c n vs = intercalate "\n" $
_ -> error $ "SBV.renderTest: Unexpected CW: " ++ show cw
mkLine (is, os) = "{{" ++ intercalate ", " (map v is) ++ "}, {" ++ intercalate ", " (map v os) ++ "}}"
v cw = case cwKind cw of
KBounded False 1 -> if cwToBool cw then "true " else "false"
KBool -> if cwToBool cw then "true " else "false"
KBounded sgn sz -> let CWInteger w = cwVal cw in shex False True (sgn, sz) w
KUnbounded -> let CWInteger w = cwVal cw in shexI False True w
KFloat -> let CWFloat w = cwVal cw in showCFloat w
@ -231,11 +231,11 @@ c n vs = intercalate "\n" $
inp cw i = mkBool cw (n ++ "[i].input.i" ++ show i)
out cw i = mkBool cw (n ++ "[i].output.o" ++ show i)
mkBool cw s = case cwKind cw of
KBounded False 1 -> "(" ++ s ++ " == true) ? \"true \" : \"false\""
_ -> s
KBool -> "(" ++ s ++ " == true) ? \"true \" : \"false\""
_ -> s
fmtString = unwords (map fmt is) ++ " -> " ++ unwords (map fmt os)
fmt cw = case cwKind cw of
KBounded False 1 -> "%s"
KBool -> "%s"
KBounded False 8 -> "0x%02\"PRIx8\""
KBounded False 16 -> "0x%04\"PRIx16\"U"
KBounded False 32 -> "0x%08\"PRIx32\"UL"
@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ forte vname bigEndian ss vs = intercalate "\n" $ [ "// Automatically generated b
toF True = '1'
toF False = '0'
blast cw = case cwKind cw of
KBounded False 1 -> [toF (cwToBool cw)]
KBool -> [toF (cwToBool cw)]
KBounded False 8 -> xlt 8 (cwVal cw)
KBounded False 16 -> xlt 16 (cwVal cw)
KBounded False 32 -> xlt 32 (cwVal cw)
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.Data
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.Model (OrdSymbolic(..), EqSymbolic(..))
import Data.SBV.Provers.Prover (satWith, defaultSMTCfg)
import Data.SBV.SMT.SMT (SatModel, getModel, SMTConfig(..))
import Data.SBV.SMT.SMT (SatModel, getModel)
import Data.SBV.Utils.Boolean
-- | Optimizer configuration. Note that iterative and quantified approaches are in general not interchangeable.
@ -9,12 +9,13 @@
-- Implementation of polynomial arithmetic
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
module Data.SBV.Tools.Polynomial {-(Polynomial(..), crc, crcBV)-} where
module Data.SBV.Tools.Polynomial (Polynomial(..), crc, crcBV, ites, addPoly, mdp) where
import Data.Bits (Bits(..))
import Data.List (genericTake)
@ -100,7 +101,11 @@ sp st a
| True = foldr (\x y -> sh x ++ " + " ++ y) (sh (last cs)) (init cs) ++ t
where t | st = " :: GF(2^" ++ show n ++ ")"
| True = ""
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
n = maybe (error "SBV.Polynomial.sp: Unexpected non-finite usage!") id (bitSizeMaybe a)
n = bitSize a
is = [n-1, n-2 .. 0]
cs = map fst $ filter snd $ zip is (map (testBit a) is)
sh 0 = "1"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user