mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 17:32:30 +03:00
Add a new built-in module for prime-field eliptic curves,
based on the arithemetic routines from: https://github.com/GaloisInc/cryptol-specs/blob/master/Primitive/Asymmetric/Signature/ECDSA/doc/
This commit is contained in:
@ -180,6 +180,7 @@ library
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
module PrimeEC where
type ProjectivePoint p =
{ x : Z p
, y : Z p
, z : Z p
type AffinePoint p =
{ x : Z p
, y : Z p
ec_is_point_affine : {p} (prime p, p > 3) => Z p -> AffinePoint p -> Bit
ec_is_point_affine b S = S.y ^^ 2 == S.x ^^ 3 - (3*S.x) + b
ec_projectify : {p} (prime p, p > 3) => AffinePoint p -> ProjectivePoint p
ec_projectify R = { x = R.x, y = R.y, z = 1 }
ec_affinify : {p} (prime p, p > 3) => ProjectivePoint p -> AffinePoint p
ec_affinify S = if S.z == 0 then error "Cannot affinify the point at infinity" else R
R = {x = lambda^^2 * S.x, y = lambda^^3 * S.y }
lambda = recip S.z
ZtoBV : {p, a} (fin p, p >= 1, fin a) => Z p -> [a]
ZtoBV x = (fromInteger (fromZ x))
BVtoZ : {p, a} (fin p, p >= 1, fin a) => [a] -> Z p
BVtoZ x = (fromInteger (toInteger x))
primitive ec_double : {p} (prime p, p > 3) => ProjectivePoint p -> ProjectivePoint p
primitive ec_add : {p} (prime p, p > 3) => ProjectivePoint p -> ProjectivePoint p -> ProjectivePoint p
ec_full_add : {p} (prime p, p > 3) => ProjectivePoint p -> ProjectivePoint p -> ProjectivePoint p
ec_full_add S T =
if S.z == 0 then T
| T.z == 0 then S
| R == { x = 0, y = 0, z = 0 } then ec_double S
else R
where R = ec_add S T
ec_full_sub : {p} (prime p, p > 3) => ProjectivePoint p -> ProjectivePoint p -> ProjectivePoint p
ec_full_sub S T = ec_full_add S U
where U = { x = T.x, y = -T.y, z = T.z }
primitive ec_mult : {p} (prime p, p > 3) => Z p -> ProjectivePoint p -> ProjectivePoint p
primitive ec_twin_mult : {p} (prime p, p > 3) => Z p -> ProjectivePoint p -> Z p -> ProjectivePoint p -> ProjectivePoint p
@ -43,11 +43,12 @@ import Cryptol.Eval.Type
import Cryptol.Eval.Value
import qualified Cryptol.SHA as SHA
import qualified Cryptol.AES as AES
import qualified Cryptol.PrimeEC as PrimeEC
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name
import Cryptol.Testing.Random (randomV)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST as AST
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic (panic)
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident (PrimIdent,prelPrim,floatPrim,suiteBPrim)
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident (PrimIdent,prelPrim,floatPrim,suiteBPrim,primeECPrim)
import Cryptol.Utils.PP
import Cryptol.Utils.Logger(logPrint)
import Cryptol.Utils.RecordMap
@ -137,6 +138,7 @@ primTable :: EvalOpts -> Map.Map PrimIdent Value
primTable eOpts = let sym = Concrete in
Map.union (floatPrims sym) $
Map.union suiteBPrims $
Map.union primeECPrims $
Map.fromList $ map (\(n, v) -> (prelPrim n, v))
[ -- Literals
@ -348,6 +350,60 @@ primTable eOpts = let sym = Concrete in
primeECPrims :: Map.Map PrimIdent Value
primeECPrims = Map.fromList $ map (\(n,v) -> (primeECPrim n, v))
[ ("ec_double", {-# SCC "PrimeEC::ec_double" #-}
ilam $ \p ->
lam $ \s ->
do s' <- toProjectivePoint =<< s
let r = PrimeEC.ec_double (PrimeEC.PrimeModulus p) s'
fromProjectivePoint $! r)
, ("ec_add", {-# SCC "PrimeEC::ec_add" #-}
ilam $ \p ->
lam $ \s -> pure $
lam $ \t ->
do s' <- toProjectivePoint =<< s
t' <- toProjectivePoint =<< t
let r = PrimeEC.ec_add (PrimeEC.PrimeModulus p) s' t'
fromProjectivePoint $! r)
, ("ec_mult", {-# SCC "PrimeEC::ec_mult" #-}
ilam $ \p ->
lam $ \d -> pure $
lam $ \s ->
do d' <- fromVInteger <$> d
s' <- toProjectivePoint =<< s
let r = PrimeEC.ec_mult (PrimeEC.PrimeModulus p) d' s'
fromProjectivePoint $! r)
, ("ec_twin_mult", {-# SCC "PrimeEC::ec_twin_mult" #-}
ilam $ \p ->
lam $ \d0 -> pure $
lam $ \s -> pure $
lam $ \d1 -> pure $
lam $ \t ->
do d0' <- fromVInteger <$> d0
s' <- toProjectivePoint =<< s
d1' <- fromVInteger <$> d1
t' <- toProjectivePoint =<< t
let r = PrimeEC.ec_twin_mult (PrimeEC.PrimeModulus p) d0' s' d1' t'
fromProjectivePoint $! r)
toProjectivePoint :: Value -> Eval PrimeEC.ProjectivePoint
toProjectivePoint v = PrimeEC.ProjectivePoint <$> f "x" <*> f "y" <*> f "z"
f nm = fromVInteger <$> lookupRecord nm v
fromProjectivePoint :: PrimeEC.ProjectivePoint -> Eval Value
fromProjectivePoint (PrimeEC.ProjectivePoint x y z) =
pure . VRecord . recordFromFields $ [("x", f x), ("y", f y), ("z", f z)]
f i = pure (VInteger i)
suiteBPrims :: Map.Map PrimIdent Value
suiteBPrims = Map.fromList $ map (\(n, v) -> (suiteBPrim n, v))
[ ("processSHA2_224", {-# SCC "SuiteB::processSHA2_224" #-}
@ -42,15 +42,15 @@ import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST as T
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.PP as T
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Sanity as TcSanity
import Cryptol.Transform.AddModParams (addModParams)
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident (preludeName, floatName, arrayName, suiteBName
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident (preludeName, floatName, arrayName, suiteBName, primeECName
, interactiveName, modNameChunks, notParamInstModName
, isParamInstModName )
import Cryptol.Utils.PP (pretty)
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic (panic)
import Cryptol.Utils.Logger(logPutStrLn, logPrint)
import Cryptol.Prelude (preludeContents, floatContents, arrayContents, suiteBContents)
import Cryptol.Prelude ( preludeContents, floatContents, arrayContents
, suiteBContents, primeECContents )
import Cryptol.Transform.MonoValues (rewModule)
import qualified Control.Exception as X
@ -263,6 +263,7 @@ findModule n = do
| m == floatName -> pure (InMem "Float" floatContents)
| m == arrayName -> pure (InMem "Array" arrayContents)
| m == suiteBName -> pure (InMem "SuiteB" suiteBContents)
| m == primeECName -> pure (InMem "PrimeEC" primeECContents)
_ -> moduleNotFound n =<< getSearchPath
-- generate all possible search paths
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ module Cryptol.Prelude
, floatContents
, arrayContents
, suiteBContents
, primeECContents
, cryptolTcContents
) where
@ -38,5 +39,8 @@ arrayContents = B.pack [there|lib/Array.cry|]
suiteBContents :: ByteString
suiteBContents = B.pack [there|lib/SuiteB.cry|]
primeECContents :: ByteString
primeECContents = B.pack [there|lib/PrimeEC.cry|]
cryptolTcContents :: String
cryptolTcContents = [there|lib/CryptolTC.z3|]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
-- |
-- Module : Cryptol.PrimeEC
-- Copyright : (c) Galois, Inc.
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer: rdockins@galois.com
-- Stability : experimental
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Cryptol.PrimeEC
( PrimeModulus(..)
, AffinePoint(..)
, ProjectivePoint(..)
, ec_double
, ec_add
, ec_mult
, ec_twin_mult
) where
import Data.Bits
import Data.Euclidean (gcdExt)
import Data.List (foldl')
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.InfNat (widthInteger)
newtype PrimeModulus = PrimeModulus { primeMod :: Integer }
deriving (Show, Eq)
data AffinePoint =
{ ax :: !Integer
, ay :: !Integer
deriving (Show, Eq)
data ProjectivePoint =
{ px :: !Integer
, py :: !Integer
, pz :: !Integer
deriving (Show, Eq)
mod_add :: PrimeModulus -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer
mod_add (PrimeModulus p) !x !y = if r >= p then r - p else r
where r = x+y
mod_half :: PrimeModulus -> Integer -> Integer
mod_half (PrimeModulus p) x = if r == 0 then q else (x+p) `div` 2
(q,r) = divMod x 2
mod_mul :: PrimeModulus -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer
mod_mul (PrimeModulus p) !x !y = (x*y) `mod` p
mod_sub :: PrimeModulus -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer
mod_sub (PrimeModulus p) !x !y = mod_add (PrimeModulus p) x (p - y)
mod_square :: PrimeModulus -> Integer -> Integer
mod_square p x = mod_mul p x x
mul2 :: PrimeModulus -> Integer -> Integer
mul2 p x = mod_add p x x
mul3 :: PrimeModulus -> Integer -> Integer
mul3 (PrimeModulus p) x = if rmp >= p then rmp - p else if r >= p then rmp else r
r = 3*x
rmp = r - p
mul4 :: PrimeModulus -> Integer -> Integer
mul4 p x = mul2 p (mul2 p x)
mul8 :: PrimeModulus -> Integer -> Integer
mul8 p x = mul2 p (mul4 p x)
ec_double :: PrimeModulus -> ProjectivePoint -> ProjectivePoint
ec_double p (ProjectivePoint sx sy sz) =
if sz == 0 then
ProjectivePoint 1 1 0
ProjectivePoint r18 r23 r13
r7 = mod_square p sz {- 7: t4 <- (t3)^2 -}
r8 = mod_sub p sx r7 {- 8: t5 <- t1 - t4 -}
r9 = mod_add p sx r7 {- 9: t4 <- t1 + t4 -}
r10 = mod_mul p r9 r8 {- 10: t5 <- t4 * t5 -}
r11 = mul3 p r10 {- 11: t4 <- 3 * t5 -}
r12 = mod_mul p sz sy {- 12: t3 <- t3 * t2 -}
r13 = mul2 p r12 {- 13: t3 <- 2 * t3 -}
r14 = mod_square p sy {- 14: t2 <- (t2)^2 -}
r15 = mod_mul p sx r14 {- 15: t5 <- t1 * t2 -}
r16 = mul4 p r15 {- 16: t5 <- 4 * t5 -}
r17 = mod_square p r11 {- 17: t1 <- (t4)^2 -}
r18 = mod_sub p r17 (mul2 p r16) {- 18: t1 <- t1 - 2 * t5 -}
r19 = mod_square p r14 {- 19: t2 <- (t2)^2 -}
r20 = mul8 p r19 {- 20: t2 <- 8 * t2 -}
r21 = mod_sub p r16 r18 {- 21: t5 <- t5 - t1 -}
r22 = mod_mul p r11 r21 {- 22: t5 <- t4 * t5 -}
r23 = mod_sub p r22 r20 {- 23: t2 <- t5 - t2 -}
ec_full_add :: PrimeModulus -> ProjectivePoint -> ProjectivePoint -> ProjectivePoint
ec_full_add p s t
| pz s == 0 = t
| pz t == 0 = s
| r == ProjectivePoint 0 0 0 = ec_double p s
| otherwise = r
where r = ec_add p s t
ec_full_sub :: PrimeModulus -> ProjectivePoint -> ProjectivePoint -> ProjectivePoint
ec_full_sub p s t = ec_full_add p s u
where u = t{ py = negate (py t) }
ec_add :: PrimeModulus -> ProjectivePoint -> ProjectivePoint -> ProjectivePoint
ec_add p (ProjectivePoint sx sy sz) (ProjectivePoint tx ty tz) =
if r13 == 0 then
if r14 == 0 then
ProjectivePoint 0 0 0
ProjectivePoint 1 1 0
ProjectivePoint r32 r37 r27
tz2 = mod_square p tz
tz3 = mod_mul p tz tz2
r5 = if tz == 1 then sx else mod_mul p sx tz2
r7 = if tz == 1 then sy else mod_mul p sy tz3
r9 = mod_square p sz {- 9: t7 <- (t3)^2 -}
r10 = mod_mul p tx r9 {- 10: t4 <- t4 * t7 -}
r11 = mod_mul p sz r9 {- 11: t7 <- t3 * t7 -}
r12 = mod_mul p ty r11 {- 12: t5 <- t5 * t7 -}
r13 = mod_sub p r5 r10 {- 13: t4 <- t1 - t4 -}
r14 = mod_sub p r7 r12 {- 14: t5 <- t2 - t5 -}
r22 = mod_sub p (mul2 p r5) r13 {- 22: t1 <- 2*t1 - t4 -}
r23 = mod_sub p (mul2 p r7) r14 {- 23: t2 <- 2*t2 - t5 -}
r25 = if tz == 1 then sz else mod_mul p sz tz
r27 = mod_mul p r25 r13 {- 27: t3 <- t3 * t4 -}
r28 = mod_square p r13 {- 28: t7 <- (t4)^2 -}
r29 = mod_mul p r13 r28 {- 29: t4 <- t4 * t7 -}
r30 = mod_mul p r22 r28 {- 30: t7 <- t1 * t7 -}
r31 = mod_square p r14 {- 31: t1 <- (t5)^2 -}
r32 = mod_sub p r31 r30 {- 32: t1 <- t1 - t7 -}
r33 = mod_sub p r30 (mul2 p r32) {- 33: t7 <- t7 - 2*t1 -}
r34 = mod_mul p r14 r33 {- 34: t5 <- t5 * t7 -}
r35 = mod_mul p r23 r29 {- 35: t4 <- t2 * t4 -}
r36 = mod_sub p r34 r35 {- 36: t2 <- t5 - t4 -}
r37 = mod_half p r36 {- 37: t2 <- t2/2 -}
ec_normalize :: PrimeModulus -> ProjectivePoint -> ProjectivePoint
ec_normalize (PrimeModulus p) s@(ProjectivePoint x y z)
| z == 1 = s
| otherwise = ProjectivePoint (x*l2) (y*l3) 1
(_g,w) = gcdExt z p
l = w `mod` p
l2 = l*l
l3 = l*l2
ec_mult :: PrimeModulus -> Integer -> ProjectivePoint -> ProjectivePoint
ec_mult p d s
| d == 0 = zro
| d == 1 = s
| pz s == 0 = zro
| otherwise = foldl' step zro (reverse [ 1 .. highbit ])
zro = ProjectivePoint 1 1 0
s' = ec_normalize p s
h = 3*d
| w <= toInteger (maxBound :: Int) = fromInteger w
| otherwise = error "ec_mult: Integer width too large"
where w = widthInteger h
step r i
| testBit h i && not (testBit d i) = ec_full_add p r2 s'
| not (testBit h i) && testBit d i = ec_full_sub p r2 s'
| otherwise = r2
r2 = ec_double p r
ec_twin_mult :: PrimeModulus ->
Integer -> ProjectivePoint ->
Integer -> ProjectivePoint ->
ec_twin_mult p d0 s d1 t = ec_full_add p (ec_mult p d0 s) (ec_mult p d1 t) -- TODO fix this
go m init_c0 init_c1 zro
zro = ProjectivePoint 1 1 0
s' = ec_normalize p s
t' = ec_normalize p t
spt = ec_full_add p s' t'
spt' = ec_normalize p spt
smt = ec_full_sub p s' t'
smt' = ec_normalize p smt
m0 = widthInteger d0 + 1
m1 = widthInteger d1 + 1
m | max m0 m1 <= toInteger (maxBound :: Int) = fromInteger (max m0 m1)
| otherwise = error "ec_twin_mult: Integer width too large"
init_c0 = C False False (tst d0 (m-1)) (tst d0 (m-2)) (tst d0 (m-3)) (tst d0 (m-4))
init_c1 = C False False (tst d1 (m-1)) (tst d1 (m-2)) (tst d1 (m-3)) (tst d1 (m-4))
tst x i
| i >= 0 = testBit x i
| otherwise = False
f i
| 18 <= i && i < 22 = 9
| 14 <= i && i < 18 = 10
| 22 <= i && i < 24 = 11
| 4 <= i && i < 12 = 14
| otherwise = 12
go 0 _ _ r = r
go k c0 c1 r = go (k-1) c0' c1' r'
h0 = cStateToH c0
h1 = cStateToH c1
u0 = if h0 < f h1 then 0 else (if cHead c0 then -1 else 1)
u1 = if h1 < f h0 then 0 else (if cHead c1 then -1 else 1)
c0' = cStateUpdate u0 c0 (tst d0 (k-5))
c1' = cStateUpdate u1 c1 (tst d1 (k-5))
r2 = ec_double p r
r' | u0 == -1 && u1 == -1 = ec_full_sub p r2 spt'
| u0 == -1 && u1 == 0 = ec_full_sub p r2 s'
| u0 == -1 && u1 == 1 = ec_full_sub p r2 smt'
| u0 == 0 && u1 == -1 = ec_full_sub p r2 t'
| u0 == 0 && u1 == 1 = ec_full_add p r2 t'
| u0 == 1 && u1 == -1 = ec_full_add p r2 smt'
| u0 == 1 && u1 == 0 = ec_full_add p r2 s'
| u0 == 1 && u1 == 1 = ec_full_add p r2 spt'
| otherwise = r2
data CState = C !Bool !Bool !Bool !Bool !Bool !Bool
cHead :: CState -> Bool
cHead (C c0 _ _ _ _ _) = c0
cStateToH :: CState -> Int
cStateToH c@(C c0 _ _ _ _ _) =
if c0 then 31 - cStateToInt c else cStateToInt c
cStateToInt :: CState -> Int
cStateToInt (C _ c1 c2 c3 c4 c5) =
if c1 then 16 else 0 +
if c2 then 8 else 0 +
if c3 then 4 else 0 +
if c4 then 2 else 0 +
if c5 then 1 else 0
cStateUpdate :: Int -> CState -> Bool -> CState
cStateUpdate u (C _ c1 c2 c3 c4 c5) e =
C ((u/=0) `xor` c1) c2 c3 c4 c5 e
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ module Cryptol.Utils.Ident
, floatName
, suiteBName
, arrayName
, primeECName
, interactiveName
, noModuleName
, exprModName
@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ module Cryptol.Utils.Ident
, floatPrim
, arrayPrim
, suiteBPrim
, primeECPrim
) where
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
@ -118,6 +120,9 @@ arrayName = packModName ["Array"]
suiteBName :: ModName
suiteBName = packModName ["SuiteB"]
primeECName :: ModName
primeECName = packModName ["PrimeEC"]
interactiveName :: ModName
interactiveName = packModName ["<interactive>"]
@ -196,6 +201,9 @@ floatPrim = PrimIdent floatName
suiteBPrim :: T.Text -> PrimIdent
suiteBPrim = PrimIdent suiteBName
primeECPrim :: T.Text -> PrimIdent
primeECPrim = PrimIdent primeECName
arrayPrim :: T.Text -> PrimIdent
arrayPrim = PrimIdent arrayName
Reference in New Issue
Block a user