WIP. Improve performance of the new evaluator.

To get acceptable performance, we need to be pretty aggressive about
using word representations instead of list-of-bits.  Unfortunately,
with the new evaluator, this means we force things to be more strict
than is correct.

We are also still slower than the current evaluator.  It is not
clear where the problems are.
This commit is contained in:
Robert Dockins 2016-05-13 17:21:51 -07:00
parent 7e968d2d18
commit e31b4ba57d
6 changed files with 135 additions and 115 deletions

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@ -339,5 +339,5 @@ type lg2 n = width (max n 1 - 1)
primitive trace : {n, a, b} [n][8] -> a -> b -> b
traceVal : {n, a, b} [n][8] -> a -> a
traceVal : {n, a} [n][8] -> a -> a
traceVal msg x = trace msg x x

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Data.IORef
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat
@ -54,11 +54,20 @@ evalExpr env expr = case expr of
VSeq (genericLength es) (isTBit (evalType env ty))
<$> finiteSeqMap (map (evalExpr env) es)
ETuple es -> return $ VTuple (map eval es)
ETuple es -> do
xs <- mapM (delay Nothing . eval) es
return $ VTuple xs
ERec fields -> return $ VRecord [ (f,eval e) | (f,e) <- fields ]
ERec fields -> do
xs <- sequence [ do thk <- delay Nothing (eval e)
return (f,thk)
| (f,e) <- fields
return $ VRecord xs
ESel e sel -> eval e >>= \e' -> evalSel e' sel
ESel e sel -> do
x <- eval e
evalSel x sel
EIf c t f -> do
b <- fromVBit <$> eval c
@ -68,13 +77,9 @@ evalExpr env expr = case expr of
eval f
EComp n t h gs -> do
--io $ putStrLn $ "Eval comp"
let len = evalType env n
let elty = evalType env t
--io $ putStrLn $ "at type: " ++ show (pp (tSeq (tValTy len) (tValTy elty)))
z <- evalComp env len elty h gs
--io $ putStrLn $ "Done with comp eval"
return z
evalComp env len elty h gs
EVar n -> do
case lookupVar n env of
@ -86,11 +91,12 @@ evalExpr env expr = case expr of
, show envdoc
ETAbs tv b -> return $ VPoly $ \ty -> evalExpr (bindType (tpVar tv) ty env) b
ETAbs tv b ->
return $ VPoly $ \ty -> evalExpr (bindType (tpVar tv) ty env) b
ETApp e ty -> do
eval e >>= \case
VPoly f -> f $ (evalType env ty)
VPoly f -> f $! (evalType env ty)
val -> do vdoc <- ppV val
panic "[Eval] evalExpr"
["expected a polymorphic value"
@ -103,7 +109,8 @@ evalExpr env expr = case expr of
it -> do itdoc <- ppV it
panic "[Eval] evalExpr" ["not a function", show itdoc ]
EAbs n _ty b -> return $ VFun (\val -> bindVar n val env >>= \env' -> evalExpr env' b )
EAbs n _ty b ->
return $ VFun (\val -> bindVar n val env >>= \env' -> evalExpr env' b )
-- XXX these will likely change once there is an evidence value
EProofAbs _ e -> evalExpr env e
@ -118,7 +125,6 @@ evalExpr env expr = case expr of
eval = evalExpr env
ppV = ppValue defaultPPOpts
@ -226,54 +232,34 @@ evalSel val sel = case sel of
-- List Comprehension Environments ---------------------------------------------
-- | A variation of the ZipList type from Control.Applicative, with a
-- separate constructor for pure values. This datatype is used to
-- represent the list of values that each variable takes on within a
-- list comprehension. The @Zip@ constructor is for bindings that take
-- different values at different positions in the list, while the
-- @Pure@ constructor is for bindings originating outside the list
-- comprehension, which have the same value for all list positions.
data ZList a = Pure a | Zip (Integer -> a)
getZList :: ZList a -> Integer -> a
getZList (Pure x) = \_ -> x
getZList (Zip xs) = xs
instance Functor ZList where
fmap f (Pure x) = Pure (f x)
fmap f (Zip xs) = Zip (f . xs)
instance Applicative ZList where
pure x = Pure x
Pure f <*> Pure x = Pure (f x)
Pure f <*> Zip xs = Zip (\i -> f (xs i))
Zip fs <*> Pure x = Zip (\i -> fs i x)
Zip fs <*> Zip xs = Zip (\i -> fs i (xs i))
-- | Evaluation environments for list comprehensions: Each variable
-- name is bound to a list of values, one for each element in the list
-- comprehension.
data ListEnv = ListEnv
{ leVars :: Map.Map Name (ZList (Eval Value))
, leTypes :: Map.Map TVar TValue
{ leVars :: !(Map.Map Name (Integer -> Eval Value))
, leStatic :: !(Map.Map Name (Eval Value))
, leTypes :: !(Map.Map TVar TValue)
instance Monoid ListEnv where
mempty = ListEnv
{ leVars = Map.empty
, leTypes = Map.empty
{ leVars = Map.empty
, leStatic = Map.empty
, leTypes = Map.empty
mappend l r = ListEnv
{ leVars = Map.union (leVars l) (leVars r)
, leTypes = Map.union (leTypes l) (leTypes r)
{ leVars = Map.union (leVars l) (leVars r)
, leStatic = Map.union (leStatic l) (leStatic r)
, leTypes = Map.union (leTypes l) (leTypes r)
toListEnv :: EvalEnv -> ListEnv
toListEnv e =
{ leVars = fmap Pure (envVars e)
, leTypes = envTypes e
{ leVars = mempty
, leStatic = envVars e
, leTypes = envTypes e
-- | Take parallel slices of the list environment. If some names are
@ -281,40 +267,23 @@ toListEnv e =
-- parallel branch of a comprehension) then the last elements will be
-- dropped as the lists are zipped together.
zipListEnv :: ListEnv -> Integer -> EvalEnv
zipListEnv (ListEnv vm tm) i =
let v = getZList (sequenceA vm) i
in EvalEnv { envVars = v, envTypes = tm }
zipListEnv (ListEnv vm st tm) i =
let v = fmap ($i) vm
in v `seq` EvalEnv{ envVars = Map.union v st, envTypes = tm }
bindVarList :: Name -> (Integer -> Eval Value) -> ListEnv -> ListEnv
bindVarList n vs lenv = lenv { leVars = Map.insert n (Zip vs) (leVars lenv) }
bindVarList n vs lenv = lenv { leVars = Map.insert n vs (leVars lenv) }
-- List Comprehensions ---------------------------------------------------------
-- | Evaluate a comprehension.
evalComp :: ReadEnv -> TValue -> TValue -> Expr -> [[Match]] -> Eval Value
evalComp env len elty body ms =
do envMap <- mkEnvMap
do lenv <- mconcat <$> mapM (branchEnvs (toListEnv env)) ms
seq <- memoMap $ SeqMap $ \i -> do
env' <- envMap i
evalExpr env' body
evalExpr (zipListEnv lenv i) body
return $ mkSeq len elty $ seq
mkEnvMap :: Eval (Integer -> Eval EvalEnv)
mkEnvMap = do
r <- io $ newIORef Map.empty
benvs <- mconcat <$> mapM (branchEnvs (toListEnv env)) ms
return $ \i -> do
m <- io $ readIORef r
case Map.lookup i m of
Just e -> return e
Nothing -> do
--io $ putStrLn $ unwords ["Forcing env map value", show i]
let e = zipListEnv benvs i
io $ writeIORef r (Map.insert i e m)
return e
-- | Turn a list of matches into the final environments for each iteration of
-- the branch.
branchEnvs :: ListEnv -> [Match] -> Eval ListEnv
@ -329,19 +298,20 @@ evalMatch lenv m = case m of
case numTValue len of
Nat nLen -> do
vss <- memoMap $ SeqMap $ \i -> evalExpr (zipListEnv lenv i) expr
let stutter (Pure x) = Pure x
stutter (Zip xs) = Zip $ \i -> xs (i `div` nLen)
let stutter xs = \i -> xs (i `div` nLen)
let lenv' = lenv { leVars = fmap stutter (leVars lenv) }
let vs i = do let (q,r) = i `divMod` nLen
let vs i = do let (q, r) = i `divMod` nLen
xs <- fromSeq =<< lookupSeqMap vss q
lookupSeqMap xs r
return $ bindVarList n vs lenv'
Inf -> do
let stutter (Pure x) = Pure x
stutter (Zip xs) = Pure (xs 0)
let lenv' = lenv { leVars = fmap stutter (leVars lenv) }
xs <- delay Nothing (fromSeq =<< evalExpr (zipListEnv lenv 0) expr)
let allvars = Map.union (fmap ($0) (leVars lenv)) (leStatic lenv)
let lenv' = lenv { leVars = Map.empty
, leStatic = allvars
let env = EvalEnv allvars (leTypes lenv)
xs <- delay Nothing (fromSeq =<< evalExpr env expr)
let vs i = do xseq <- xs
lookupSeqMap xseq i
return $ bindVarList n vs lenv'
@ -349,8 +319,6 @@ evalMatch lenv m = case m of
tyenv = emptyEnv{ envTypes = leTypes lenv }
len = evalType tyenv l
elty = evalType tyenv ty
-- XXX we don't currently evaluate these as though they could be recursive, as
-- they are typechecked that way; the read environment to evalExpr is the same

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
import Cryptol.Utils.PP
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Control.DeepSeq
@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ import Prelude.Compat
type ReadEnv = EvalEnv
data EvalEnv = EvalEnv
{ envVars :: Map.Map Name (Eval Value)
, envTypes :: Map.Map TVar TValue
{ envVars :: !(Map.Map Name (Eval Value))
, envTypes :: !(Map.Map TVar TValue)
} deriving (Generic)
instance NFData EvalEnv where rnf = genericRnf
@ -66,17 +66,21 @@ emptyEnv = mempty
-- | Bind a variable in the evaluation environment.
bindVar :: Name -> Eval Value -> EvalEnv -> Eval EvalEnv
bindVar n val env = do
val' <- delay (Just (show (ppLocName n))) val
let nm = show $ ppLocName n
val' <- delay (Just nm) val
return $ env { envVars = Map.insert n val' (envVars env) }
-- | Lookup a variable in the environment.
{-# INLINE lookupVar #-}
lookupVar :: Name -> EvalEnv -> Maybe (Eval Value)
lookupVar n env = Map.lookup n (envVars env)
-- | Bind a type variable of kind *.
{-# INLINE bindType #-}
bindType :: TVar -> TValue -> EvalEnv -> EvalEnv
bindType p ty env = env { envTypes = Map.insert p ty (envTypes env) }
-- | Lookup a type variable.
{-# INLINE lookupType #-}
lookupType :: TVar -> EvalEnv -> Maybe TValue
lookupType p env = Map.lookup p (envTypes env)

View File

@ -39,15 +39,15 @@ ready :: a -> Eval a
ready a = Ready a
data Eval a
= Ready a
= Ready !a
| Thunk !(IO a)
deriving (Functor)
data ThunkState a
= Unforced
| BlackHole
| Forced a
| Forced !a
{-# INLINE delay #-}
delay :: Maybe String -> Eval a -> Eval (Eval a)
delay _ (Ready a) = Ready (Ready a)
delay msg (Thunk x) = Thunk $ do
@ -79,18 +79,28 @@ runEval :: Eval a -> IO a
runEval (Ready a) = return a
runEval (Thunk x) = x
{-# INLINE evalBind #-}
evalBind :: Eval a -> (a -> Eval b) -> Eval b
evalBind (Ready a) f = f a
evalBind (Thunk x) f = Thunk (x >>= runEval . f)
instance Functor Eval where
fmap f (Ready x) = Ready (f x)
fmap f (Thunk m) = Thunk (f <$> m)
{-# INLINE fmap #-}
instance Applicative Eval where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
{-# INLINE pure #-}
{-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
instance Monad Eval where
return = Ready
fail = Thunk . fail
(>>=) = evalBind
{-# INLINE return #-}
{-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
instance MonadIO Eval where
liftIO = io
@ -104,6 +114,7 @@ instance MonadFix Eval where
io :: IO a -> Eval a
io = Thunk
{-# INLINE io #-}
-- Errors ----------------------------------------------------------------------

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@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ module Cryptol.Eval.Value where
import Data.IORef
--import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import MonadLib
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ splitSeqMap n xs = (hd,tl)
hd = xs
tl = SeqMap $ \i -> lookupSeqMap xs (i+n)
{-# INLINE memoMap #-}
memoMap :: SeqMap b w -> Eval (SeqMap b w)
memoMap x = do
r <- io $ newIORef Map.empty
@ -172,14 +173,14 @@ mapSeqMap f x =
-- | Generic value type, parameterized by bit and word types.
data GenValue b w
= VRecord [(Ident, Eval (GenValue b w))] -- @ { .. } @
| VTuple [Eval (GenValue b w)] -- @ ( .. ) @
| VBit b -- @ Bit @
| VSeq !Integer !Bool (SeqMap b w) -- @ [n]a @
= VRecord ![(Ident, Eval (GenValue b w))] -- @ { .. } @
| VTuple ![Eval (GenValue b w)] -- @ ( .. ) @
| VBit !b -- @ Bit @
| VSeq !Integer !Bool !(SeqMap b w) -- @ [n]a @
-- The boolean parameter indicates whether or not
-- this is a sequence of bits.
| VWord w -- @ [n]Bit @
| VStream (SeqMap b w) -- @ [inf]a @
| VWord !w -- @ [n]Bit @
| VStream !(SeqMap b w) -- @ [inf]a @
| VFun (Eval (GenValue b w) -> Eval (GenValue b w)) -- functions
| VPoly (TValue -> Eval (GenValue b w)) -- polymorphic values (kind *)
deriving (Generic)

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : portable
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
@ -163,11 +164,12 @@ primTable = Map.fromList $ map (\(n, v) -> (mkIdent (T.pack n), v))
msg <- fromStr =<< s
-- FIXME? get PPOPts from elsewhere?
doc <- ppValue defaultPPOpts =<< x
yv <- y
io $ putStrLn $ show $ if null msg then
text msg <+> doc
return yv)
@ -480,14 +482,26 @@ joinWords nParts nEach xs fallback =
loop (mkBv 0 0) (enumerateSeqMap nParts xs)
loop :: BV -> [Eval Value] -> Eval Value
loop !bv [] = return $ VWord bv
loop !bv (Ready (VWord w) : ws) = loop (joinWord bv w) ws
loop !bv (w : ws) = w >>= \case
VWord w' -> loop (joinWord bv w') ws
_ -> fallback
loop _ _ = fallback
-- loop !bv (Ready (VWord w) : ws) = loop (joinWord bv w) ws
-- loop !bv (w:ws) = do
-- w' <- fromVWord "joinWords" =<< w
-- loop (joinWord bv w') ws
joinSeq :: TValue -> TValue -> TValue -> SeqValMap -> Eval Value
joinSeq parts each a xs
| Nat nEach <- numTValue each
= mkSeq <$> memoMap (SeqMap $ \i -> do
= return $ mkSeq $ (SeqMap $ \i -> do
let (q,r) = divMod i nEach
ys <- fromSeq =<< lookupSeqMap xs q
lookupSeqMap ys r)
@ -547,18 +561,25 @@ ecSplitV =
tlam $ \ parts ->
tlam $ \ each ->
tlam $ \ a ->
lam $ \ val -> do
val' <- delay Nothing (fromSeq =<< val)
case (numTValue parts, numTValue each) of
(Nat p, Nat e) -> return $ VSeq p False $ SeqMap $ \i ->
return $ VSeq e (isTBit a) $ SeqMap $ \j -> do
xs <- val'
lookupSeqMap xs (e * i + j)
(Inf , Nat e) -> return $ VStream $ SeqMap $ \i ->
return $ VSeq e (isTBit a) $ SeqMap $ \j -> do
xs <- val'
lookupSeqMap xs (e * i + j)
_ -> evalPanic "splitV" ["invalid type arguments to split"]
lam $ \ val ->
case (numTValue parts, numTValue each) of
(Nat p, Nat e) | isTBit a -> do
BV _ x <- fromVWord "split" =<< val
return $ VSeq p False $ SeqMap $ \i ->
return $ VWord $ mkBv e $ (x `shiftR` (fromInteger ((p-i-1)*e)))
(Nat p, Nat e) -> do
val' <- delay Nothing (fromSeq =<< val)
return $ VSeq p False $ SeqMap $ \i ->
return $ VSeq e (isTBit a) $ SeqMap $ \j -> do
xs <- val'
lookupSeqMap xs (e * i + j)
(Inf , Nat e) -> do
val' <- delay Nothing (fromSeq =<< val)
return $ VStream $ SeqMap $ \i ->
return $ VSeq e (isTBit a) $ SeqMap $ \j -> do
xs <- val'
lookupSeqMap xs (e * i + j)
_ -> evalPanic "splitV" ["invalid type arguments to split"]
-- | Split into infinitely many chunks
infChunksOf :: Integer -> [a] -> [[a]]
@ -604,6 +625,11 @@ ccatV :: TValue -> TValue -> TValue -> Eval Value -> Eval Value -> Eval Value
ccatV _front _back (isTBit -> True) (Ready (VWord x)) (Ready (VWord y)) =
return $ VWord $ joinWord x y
-- ccatV _front (numTValue -> Nat _nBack) (isTBit -> True) x y = do
-- xw <- fromVWord "ccatV" =<< x
-- yw <- fromVWord "ccatV" =<< y
-- return $ VWord $ joinWord xw yw
ccatV front back elty l r = do
l' <- delay Nothing (fromSeq =<< l)
r' <- delay Nothing (fromSeq =<< r)
@ -631,9 +657,14 @@ logicBinary op = loop
case numTValue len of
-- words or finite sequences
Nat w | isTBit aty, VWord (BV _ lw) <- l, VWord (BV _ rw) <- r
-> return $ VWord $ (BV w (op lw rw))
-- Nat w | isTBit aty, VWord (BV _ lw) <- l, VWord (BV _ rw) <- r
-- -> return $ VWord $ (BV w (op lw rw))
-- We assume that bitwise ops do not need re-masking
Nat w | isTBit aty -> do
BV _ lw <- fromVWord "logicLeft" l
BV _ rw <- fromVWord "logicRight" r
return $ VWord $ mkBv w (op lw rw)
| otherwise -> VSeq w (isTBit aty) <$> (join (zipSeqMap (loop aty) <$> (fromSeq l) <*> (fromSeq r)))
-- streams
@ -671,8 +702,12 @@ logicUnary op = loop
case numTValue len of
-- words or finite sequences
Nat w | isTBit ety, VWord (BV _ v) <- val
-> return $ VWord (mkBv w $ op v)
-- Nat w | isTBit ety, VWord (BV _ v) <- val
-- -> return $ VWord (mkBv w $ op v)
Nat w | isTBit ety
-> do v <- fromWord "logicUnary" val
return $ VWord (mkBv w $ op v)
| otherwise
-> VSeq w (isTBit ety) <$> (mapSeqMap (loop ety) =<< fromSeq val)
@ -705,11 +740,12 @@ logicShift opW opS
lam $ \ r -> do
if isTBit c
then do -- words
l' <- l
BV w i <- fromVWord ("logicShift " ++ show l') l'
VWord <$> (BV w <$> (opW w i <$> (fromWord "logic shift amount" =<< r)))
BV w x <- fromVWord "logicShift" =<< l
BV _ i <- fromVWord "logicShift amount" =<< r
return $ VWord $ BV w $ opW w x i
else do
mkSeq a c <$> (opS a c <$> (fromSeq =<< l) <*> (fromWord "logic shift amount" =<< r))
BV _ i <- fromVWord "logicShift amount" =<< r
mkSeq a c <$> (opS a c <$> (fromSeq =<< l) <*> return i)
-- Left shift for words.
shiftLW :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer