Remove backtick imports

This commit is contained in:
Iavor Diatchki 2022-06-01 14:33:29 -07:00
parent 403f9db9ec
commit e681c322e9
4 changed files with 9 additions and 332 deletions

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@ -169,7 +169,6 @@ library

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@ -66,7 +66,6 @@ import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST as T
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.PP as T
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Sanity as TcSanity
import Cryptol.Transform.AddModParams (addModParams)
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident ( preludeName, floatName, arrayName, suiteBName, primeECName
, preludeReferenceName, interactiveName, modNameChunks
, notParamInstModName, isParamInstModName )
@ -226,11 +225,7 @@ doLoadModule quiet isrc path fp pm0 =
optionalInstantiate tcm
| isParamInstModName (importedModule isrc) =
if T.isParametrizedModule tcm then
case addModParams tcm of
Right tcm1 -> return tcm1
Left xs -> failedToParameterizeModDefs (T.mName tcm) xs
else notAParameterizedModule (T.mName tcm)
failedToParameterizeModDefs (T.mName tcm)
| otherwise = return tcm

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@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ data ModuleError
-- ^ Two modules loaded from different files have the same module name
| ImportedParamModule P.ModName
-- ^ Attempt to import a parametrized module that was not instantiated.
| FailedToParameterizeModDefs P.ModName [T.Name]
-- ^ Failed to add the module parameters to all definitions in a module.
| FailedToParameterizeModDefs P.ModName
-- ^ This style of parmaeterizing a module is no longer supported.
| NotAParameterizedModule P.ModName
| ErrorInFile ModulePath ModuleError
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ instance NFData ModuleError where
name `deepseq` path1 `deepseq` path2 `deepseq` ()
OtherFailure x -> x `deepseq` ()
ImportedParamModule x -> x `deepseq` ()
FailedToParameterizeModDefs x xs -> x `deepseq` xs `deepseq` ()
FailedToParameterizeModDefs x -> x `deepseq` ()
NotAParameterizedModule x -> x `deepseq` ()
ErrorInFile x y -> x `deepseq` y `deepseq` ()
@ -200,10 +200,9 @@ instance PP ModuleError where
ImportedParamModule p ->
text "[error] Import of a non-instantiated parameterized module:" <+> pp p
FailedToParameterizeModDefs x xs ->
hang (text "[error] Parameterized module" <+> pp x <+>
text "has polymorphic parameters:")
4 (commaSep (map pp xs))
FailedToParameterizeModDefs x ->
hang (text "[error] When importing" <+> backticks (pp x))
4 "Backtick imports are no longer supported."
NotAParameterizedModule x ->
text "[error] Module" <+> pp x <+> text "does not have parameters."
@ -260,9 +259,8 @@ duplicateModuleName name path1 path2 =
importParamModule :: P.ModName -> ModuleM a
importParamModule x = ModuleT (raise (ImportedParamModule x))
failedToParameterizeModDefs :: P.ModName -> [T.Name] -> ModuleM a
failedToParameterizeModDefs x xs =
ModuleT (raise (FailedToParameterizeModDefs x xs))
failedToParameterizeModDefs :: P.ModName -> ModuleM a
failedToParameterizeModDefs x = ModuleT (raise (FailedToParameterizeModDefs x))
notAParameterizedModule :: P.ModName -> ModuleM a
notAParameterizedModule x = ModuleT (raise (NotAParameterizedModule x))

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@ -1,315 +0,0 @@
-- | Transformed a parametrized module into an ordinary module
-- where everything is parameterized by the module's parameters.
-- Note that this reuses the names from the original parameterized module.
module Cryptol.Transform.AddModParams (addModParams) where
import Data.Map ( Map )
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Set ( Set )
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Either(partitionEithers)
import Data.List(find,sortBy)
import Data.Ord(comparing)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
import Cryptol.Parser.Position(thing)
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name(toParamInstName,nameIdent
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident(paramInstModName)
import Cryptol.Utils.RecordMap(recordFromFields)
Note that we have to be careful when doing this transformation on
polyomorphic values. In particular,
Consider type parameters AS, with constraints CS, and value
parameters (xs : TS).
f : {as} PS => t
f = f`{as} (<> ..)
f : {AS ++ as} (CS ++ PS) => { TS } -> t
f = /\ (AS ++ as) ->
\\ (CS ++ PS) ->
\r -> f`{AS ++ as} (<> ...) r
The tricky bit is that we can't just replace `f` with
a new version of `f` with some arguments, instead ew have
to modify the whole instantiation of `f` : f`{as} (<>...)
addModParams :: Module -> Either [Name] Module
addModParams m = Left []
case getParams m of
Left errs -> Left errs
Right ps ->
let toInst = Set.unions ( Map.keysSet (mTySyns m)
: Map.keysSet (mNewtypes m)
: map defs (mDecls m)
inp = (toInst, ps { pTypeConstraints = inst inp (pTypeConstraints ps) })
in Right m { mName = paramInstModName (mName m)
, mTySyns = fixMap inp (mTySyns m)
, mNewtypes = fixMap inp (mNewtypes m)
, mDecls = fixUp inp (mDecls m)
, mParamTypes = Map.empty
, mParamConstraints = []
, mParamFuns = Map.empty
defs :: DeclGroup -> Set Name
defs dg =
case dg of
Recursive ds -> Set.fromList (map dName ds)
NonRecursive d -> Set.singleton (dName d)
fixUp :: (AddParams a, Inst a) => Inp -> a -> a
fixUp i = addParams (snd i) . inst i
fixMap :: (AddParams a, Inst a) => Inp -> Map Name a -> Map Name a
fixMap i m =
Map.fromList [ (toParamInstName x, fixUp i a) | (x,a) <- Map.toList m ]
data Params = Params
{ pTypes :: [TParam]
, pTypeConstraints :: [Prop]
, pFuns :: [(Name,Type)]
getParams :: Module -> Either [Name] Params
getParams m
| null errs =
let ps = Params { pTypes = map rnTP
$ sortBy (comparing mtpNumber)
$ Map.elems
$ mParamTypes m
, pTypeConstraints = map thing (mParamConstraints m)
, pFuns = oks
in Right ps
| otherwise = Left errs
(errs,oks) = partitionEithers (map checkFunP (Map.toList (mParamFuns m)))
checkFunP (x,s) = case isMono (mvpType s) of
Just t -> Right (asParamName x, t)
Nothing -> Left x
rnTP tp = mtpParam tp { mtpName = asParamName (mtpName tp) }
class AddParams a where
addParams :: Params -> a -> a
instance AddParams a => AddParams [a] where
addParams ps = map (addParams ps)
instance AddParams Schema where
addParams ps s = s { sVars = pTypes ps ++ sVars s
, sProps = pTypeConstraints ps ++ sProps s
, sType = addParams ps (sType s)
instance AddParams Type where
addParams ps t
| null (pFuns ps) = t
| otherwise = tFun (paramRecTy ps) t
instance AddParams Expr where
addParams ps e = foldr ETAbs withProps (pTypes ps ++ as)
where (as,rest1) = splitWhile splitTAbs e
(bs,rest2) = splitWhile splitProofAbs rest1
withProps = foldr EProofAbs withArgs (pTypeConstraints ps ++ bs)
| null (pFuns ps) = rest2
| otherwise = EAbs paramModRecParam (paramRecTy ps) rest2
instance AddParams DeclGroup where
addParams ps dg =
case dg of
Recursive ds -> Recursive (addParams ps ds)
NonRecursive d -> NonRecursive (addParams ps d)
instance AddParams Decl where
addParams ps d =
case dDefinition d of
DPrim -> d
DExpr e -> d { dSignature = addParams ps (dSignature d)
, dDefinition = DExpr (addParams ps e)
, dName = toParamInstName (dName d)
instance AddParams TySyn where
addParams ps ts = ts { tsParams = pTypes ps ++ tsParams ts
, tsConstraints = pTypeConstraints ps ++ tsConstraints ts
-- do we need these here ^ ?
, tsName = toParamInstName (tsName ts)
instance AddParams Newtype where
addParams ps nt = nt { ntParams = pTypes ps ++ ntParams nt
, ntConstraints = pTypeConstraints ps ++ ntConstraints nt
, ntName = toParamInstName (ntName nt)
-- | Adjust uses of names to account for the new parameters.
-- Assumes unique names---no capture or shadowing.
class Inst a where
inst :: Inp -> a -> a
-- | Set of top-level names which need to be instantiate, and module parameters.
type Inp = (Set Name, Params)
paramRecTy :: Params -> Type
paramRecTy ps = tRec (recordFromFields [ (nameIdent x, t) | (x,t) <- pFuns ps ])
nameInst :: Inp -> Name -> [Type] -> Int -> Expr
nameInst (_,ps) x ts prfs
| null (pFuns ps) = withProofs
| otherwise = EApp withProofs (EVar paramModRecParam)
withProofs = iterate EProofApp withTys !!
(length (pTypeConstraints ps) + prfs)
withTys = foldl ETApp (EVar (toParamInstName x))
(map (TVar . tpVar) (pTypes ps) ++ ts)
-- | Extra parameters to dd when instantiating a type
instTyParams :: Inp -> [Type]
instTyParams (_,ps) = map (TVar . tpVar) (pTypes ps)
needsInst :: Inp -> Name -> Bool
needsInst (xs,_) x = Set.member x xs
isVParam :: Inp -> Name -> Bool
isVParam (_,ps) x = x `elem` map fst (pFuns ps)
isTParam :: Inp -> TVar -> Maybe TParam
isTParam (_,ps) x =
case x of
TVBound tp -> find thisName (pTypes ps)
where thisName y = tpName tp == tpName y
_ -> Nothing
instance Inst a => Inst [a] where
inst ps = map (inst ps)
instance Inst Expr where
inst ps expr =
case expr of
EVar x
| needsInst ps x -> nameInst ps x [] 0
| isVParam ps x ->
let sh = map (nameIdent . fst) (pFuns (snd ps))
in ESel (EVar paramModRecParam) (RecordSel (nameIdent x) (Just sh))
| otherwise -> EVar x
ELocated r t -> ELocated r (inst ps t)
EList es t -> EList (inst ps es) (inst ps t)
ETuple es -> ETuple (inst ps es)
ERec fs -> ERec (fmap (inst ps) fs)
ESel e s -> ESel (inst ps e) s
ESet ty e s v -> ESet (inst ps ty) (inst ps e) s (inst ps v)
EIf e1 e2 e3 -> EIf (inst ps e1) (inst ps e2) (inst ps e3)
EComp t1 t2 e ms -> EComp (inst ps t1) (inst ps t2)
(inst ps e) (inst ps ms)
ETAbs x e -> ETAbs x (inst ps e)
ETApp e1 t ->
case splitExprInst expr of
(EVar x, ts, prfs) | needsInst ps x -> nameInst ps x ts prfs
_ -> ETApp (inst ps e1) t
EApp e1 e2 -> EApp (inst ps e1) (inst ps e2)
EAbs x t e -> EAbs x (inst ps t) (inst ps e)
EProofAbs p e -> EProofAbs (inst ps p) (inst ps e)
EProofApp e1 ->
case splitExprInst expr of
(EVar x, ts, prfs) | needsInst ps x -> nameInst ps x ts prfs
_ -> EProofApp (inst ps e1)
EWhere e dgs -> EWhere (inst ps e) (inst ps dgs)
instance Inst Match where
inst ps m =
case m of
From x t1 t2 e -> From x (inst ps t1) (inst ps t2) (inst ps e)
Let d -> Let (inst ps d)
instance Inst DeclGroup where
inst ps dg =
case dg of
Recursive ds -> Recursive (inst ps ds)
NonRecursive d -> NonRecursive (inst ps d)
instance Inst Decl where
inst ps d = d { dDefinition = inst ps (dDefinition d) }
instance Inst DeclDef where
inst ps d =
case d of
DPrim -> DPrim
DExpr e -> DExpr (inst ps e)
instance Inst Type where
inst ps ty =
case ty of
TUser x ts t
| needsInst ps x -> TUser x (instTyParams ps ++ ts1) t1
| otherwise -> TUser x ts1 t1
where ts1 = inst ps ts
t1 = inst ps t
TNewtype nt ts
| needsInst ps (ntName nt) -> TNewtype (inst ps nt) (instTyParams ps ++ ts1)
| otherwise -> TNewtype nt ts1
where ts1 = inst ps ts
TCon tc ts -> TCon tc (inst ps ts)
TVar x | Just x' <- isTParam ps x -> TVar (TVBound x')
| otherwise -> ty
TRec xs -> TRec (fmap (inst ps) xs)
instance Inst TySyn where
inst ps ts = ts { tsConstraints = inst ps (tsConstraints ts)
, tsDef = inst ps (tsDef ts)
instance Inst Newtype where
inst ps nt = nt { ntConstraints = inst ps (ntConstraints nt)
, ntFields = fmap (inst ps) (ntFields nt)