mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 17:32:30 +03:00
Add a basic implementation of AES to the SuiteB module.
This implementation is taken fairly directly from the SBV tutorial module. It is a Word32-oriented implementation using TBoxes. We make the implementation avalible via Cryptol primitives that are similar to the AESNI instructions, with primitives for the individual rounds and some utility primitives for performing key expansion.
This commit is contained in:
@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ library
@ -1,5 +1,79 @@
module SuiteB where
/***** AES ******/
type AES128 = 4
type AES192 = 6
type AES256 = 8
type AESRoundKey = [4][32]
type AESEncryptKeySchedule k =
{ aesEncInitialKey : AESRoundKey
, aesEncRoundKeys : [k+5]AESRoundKey
, aesEncFinalKey : AESRoundKey
type AESDecryptKeySchedule k =
{ aesDecInitialKey : AESRoundKey
, aesDecRoundKeys : [k+5]AESRoundKey
, aesDecFinalKey : AESRoundKey
aesEncryptBlock : {k} (fin k) => AESEncryptKeySchedule k -> [128] -> [128]
aesEncryptBlock schedule plaintext = join final
final = (AESEncFinalRound (rds!0)) ^ schedule.aesEncFinalKey
rds = [ schedule.aesEncInitialKey ^ split plaintext ] #
[ AESEncRound r ^ rdk
| rdk <- schedule.aesEncRoundKeys
| r <- rds
aesDecryptBlock : {k} (fin k) => AESDecryptKeySchedule k -> [128] -> [128]
aesDecryptBlock schedule cyphertext = join final
final = (AESDecFinalRound (rds!0)) ^ schedule.aesDecFinalKey
rds = [ split cyphertext ^ schedule.aesDecInitialKey ] #
[ AESDecRound r ^ rdk
| rdk <- schedule.aesDecRoundKeys
| r <- rds
aesExpandSchedules : {k} (fin k) => [k * 32] -> (AESEncryptKeySchedule k, AESDecryptKeySchedule k)
aesExpandSchedules key = (encS, aesEncToDecSchedule encS)
where encS = aesExpandEncryptSchedule key
aesExpandEncryptSchedule : {k} (fin k) => [k * 32] -> AESEncryptKeySchedule k
aesExpandEncryptSchedule key = rnf
{ aesEncInitialKey = ks @ 0
, aesEncRoundKeys = ks @@ [ 1 .. k+5 ]
, aesEncFinalKey = ks @ `(k+6)
ks : [inf]AESRoundKey
ks = groupBy`{4} (AESKeyInfExpand`{k} (split key))
aesExpandDecryptSchedule : {k} (fin k) => [k * 32] -> AESDecryptKeySchedule k
aesExpandDecryptSchedule key = aesEncToDecSchedule (aesExpandEncryptSchedule key)
aesEncToDecSchedule : {k} (fin k) => AESEncryptKeySchedule k -> AESDecryptKeySchedule k
aesEncToDecSchedule enc = rnf
{ aesDecInitialKey = enc.aesEncFinalKey
, aesDecRoundKeys = map AESInvMixColumns (reverse (enc.aesEncRoundKeys))
, aesDecFinalKey = enc.aesEncInitialKey
primitive AESEncRound : [4][32] -> [4][32]
primitive AESEncFinalRound : [4][32] -> [4][32]
primitive AESDecRound : [4][32] -> [4][32]
primitive AESDecFinalRound : [4][32] -> [4][32]
primitive AESInvMixColumns : [4][32] -> [4][32]
primitive AESKeyInfExpand : {k} (fin k) => [k][32] -> [inf][32]
/***** SHA2 *****/
sha224 : {L} (fin L) => [L] -> [224]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
-- |
-- Module : Documentation.SBV.Examples.Crypto.AES
-- Copyright : (c) Levent Erkok
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer: erkokl@gmail.com
-- Stability : experimental
-- An implementation of AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), using SBV.
-- For details on AES, see <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Encryption_Standard>.
-- We do a T-box implementation, which leads to good C code as we can take
-- advantage of look-up tables. Note that we make virtually no attempt to
-- optimize our Haskell code. The concern here is not with getting Haskell running
-- fast at all. The idea is to program the T-Box implementation as naturally and clearly
-- as possible in Haskell, and have SBV's code-generator generate fast C code automatically.
-- Therefore, we merely use ordinary Haskell lists as our data-structures, and do not
-- bother with any unboxing or strictness annotations. Thus, we achieve the separation
-- of concerns: Correctness via clarity and simplicity and proofs on the Haskell side,
-- performance by relying on SBV's code generator. If necessary, the generated code
-- can be FFI'd back into Haskell to complete the loop.
-- All 3 valid key sizes (128, 192, and 256) as required by the FIPS-197 standard
-- are supported.
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ParallelListComp #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -Werror #-}
module Cryptol.AES where
import Data.Bits
import Data.List (transpose, genericTake, genericDrop, genericLength)
import Data.Word (Word8, Word32)
import Numeric (showHex)
-- * Formalizing GF(2^8)
-- | An element of the Galois Field 2^8, which are essentially polynomials with
-- maximum degree 7. They are conveniently represented as values between 0 and 255.
type GF28 = Word8
fromBitsLE :: [Bool] -> Word8
fromBitsLE [] = 0
fromBitsLE (False:bs) = fromBitsLE bs `shiftL` 1
fromBitsLE (True:bs) = (fromBitsLE bs `shiftL` 1) + 1
blastLE :: Word8 -> [Bool]
blastLE w
| w == 0 = []
| w `mod` 2 == 0 = False : blastLE (w `shiftR` 1)
| otherwise = True : blastLE (w `shiftR` 1)
-- | Multiply two polynomials and reduce by the third (concrete) irreducible, given by its coefficients.
-- See the remarks for the 'pMult' function for this design choice
pMult :: GF28 -> GF28 -> [Int] -> GF28
pMult x y red = fromBitsLE $ genericTake sz $ r ++ repeat False
where (_, r) = mdp ms rs
ms = genericTake (2*sz) $ mul (blastLE x) (blastLE y) [] ++ repeat False
rs = genericTake (2*sz) $ [(i `elem` red) | i <- [0 .. foldr max 0 red] ] ++ repeat False
sz = 8 :: Integer
mul _ [] ps = ps
mul as (b:bs) ps = mul (False:as) bs (ites b (as `addPoly` ps) ps)
-- | Compute modulus/remainder of polynomials on bit-vectors.
mdp :: [Bool] -> [Bool] -> ([Bool], [Bool])
mdp xs ys = go (length ys - 1) (reverse ys)
where degTop = degree xs
go _ [] = error "SBV.Polynomial.mdp: Impossible happened; exhausted ys before hitting 0"
go n (b:bs)
| n == 0 = (reverse qs, rs)
| True = let (rqs, rrs) = go (n-1) bs
in (ites b (reverse qs) rqs, ites b rs rrs)
where degQuot = degTop - n
ys' = replicate degQuot False ++ ys
(qs, rs) = divx (degQuot+1) degTop xs ys'
degree :: [Bool] -> Int
degree xs = walk (length xs - 1) $ reverse xs
where walk n [] = n
walk n (b:bs) = if b then n else walk (n-1) bs
idx :: [Bool] -> Int -> Bool
idx [] _ = False
idx (x:_) 0 = x
idx (_:xs) i = idx xs (i-1)
divx :: Int -> Int -> [Bool] -> [Bool] -> ([Bool], [Bool])
divx n _ xs _ | n <= 0 = ([], xs)
divx n i xs ys' = (q:qs, rs)
where q = xs `idx` i
xs' = ites q (xs `addPoly` ys') xs
(qs, rs) = divx (n-1) (i-1) xs' (tail ys')
ites :: Bool -> [Bool] -> [Bool] -> [Bool]
ites s xs ys = if s then xs else ys
-- | Add two polynomials
addPoly :: [Bool] -> [Bool] -> [Bool]
addPoly xs [] = xs
addPoly [] ys = ys
addPoly (x:xs) (y:ys) = (x `xor` y) : addPoly xs ys
-- | Multiplication in GF(2^8). This is simple polynomial multiplication, followed
-- by the irreducible polynomial @x^8+x^4+x^3+x^1+1@. We simply use the 'pMult'
-- function exported by SBV to do the operation.
gf28Mult :: GF28 -> GF28 -> GF28
gf28Mult x y = pMult x y [8, 4, 3, 1, 0]
-- | Exponentiation by a constant in GF(2^8). The implementation uses the usual
-- square-and-multiply trick to speed up the computation.
gf28Pow :: GF28 -> Int -> GF28
gf28Pow n = pow
where sq x = x `gf28Mult` x
pow 0 = 1
pow i
| odd i = n `gf28Mult` sq (pow (i `shiftR` 1))
| True = sq (pow (i `shiftR` 1))
-- | Computing inverses in GF(2^8). By the mathematical properties of GF(2^8)
-- and the particular irreducible polynomial used @x^8+x^5+x^3+x^1+1@, it
-- turns out that raising to the 254 power gives us the multiplicative inverse.
-- Of course, we can prove this using SBV:
-- >>> prove $ \x -> x ./= 0 .=> x `gf28Mult` gf28Inverse x .== 1
-- Q.E.D.
-- Note that we exclude @0@ in our theorem, as it does not have a
-- multiplicative inverse.
gf28Inverse :: GF28 -> GF28
gf28Inverse x = x `gf28Pow` 254
-- * Implementing AES
-- ** Types and basic operations
-- | AES state. The state consists of four 32-bit words, each of which is in turn treated
-- as four GF28's, i.e., 4 bytes. The T-Box implementation keeps the four-bytes together
-- for efficient representation.
type State = [Word32]
-- | The key, which can be 128, 192, or 256 bits. Represented as a sequence of 32-bit words.
type Key = [Word32]
-- | The key schedule. AES executes in rounds, and it treats first and last round keys slightly
-- differently than the middle ones. We reflect that choice by being explicit about it in our type.
-- The length of the middle list of keys depends on the key-size, which in turn determines
-- the number of rounds.
type KS = (Key, [Key], Key)
-- | Rotating a state row by a fixed amount to the right.
rotR :: [GF28] -> Int -> [GF28]
rotR [a, b, c, d] 1 = [d, a, b, c]
rotR [a, b, c, d] 2 = [c, d, a, b]
rotR [a, b, c, d] 3 = [b, c, d, a]
rotR xs i = error $ "rotR: Unexpected input: " ++ show (xs, i)
toBytes :: Word32 -> [Word8]
toBytes w = [b0,b1,b2,b3]
b0 = fromIntegral (w `shiftR` 24)
b1 = fromIntegral (w `shiftR` 16)
b2 = fromIntegral (w `shiftR` 8)
b3 = fromIntegral w
fromBytes :: [Word8] -> Word32
fromBytes [b0,b1,b2,b3] = w
w = ((fromIntegral b0) `shiftL` 24) .|.
((fromIntegral b1) `shiftL` 16) .|.
((fromIntegral b2) `shiftL` 8) .|.
(fromIntegral b3)
fromBytes bs = error ("Unexpected list length in fromBytes: " ++ show (length bs))
-- ** The key schedule
-- | Definition of round-constants, as specified in Section 5.2 of the AES standard.
roundConstants :: [GF28]
roundConstants = 0 : [ gf28Pow 2 (k-1) | k <- [1 .. ] ]
-- | The @InvMixColumns@ transformation, as described in Section 5.3.3 of the standard. Note
-- that this transformation is only used explicitly during key-expansion in the T-Box implementation
-- of AES.
invMixColumns :: State -> State
invMixColumns state = map fromBytes $ transpose $ mmult (map toBytes state)
where dot f = foldr1 xor . zipWith ($) f
mmult :: [[Word8]] -> [[Word8]]
mmult n = [map (dot r) n | r <- [ [mE, mB, mD, m9]
, [m9, mE, mB, mD]
, [mD, m9, mE, mB]
, [mB, mD, m9, mE]
-- table-lookup versions of gf28Mult with the constants used in invMixColumns
mE i = mETable !! fromIntegral i
mB i = mBTable !! fromIntegral i
mD i = mDTable !! fromIntegral i
m9 i = m9Table !! fromIntegral i
mETable :: [GF28]
mETable = map (gf28Mult 0xE) [0..255]
mBTable :: [GF28]
mBTable = map (gf28Mult 0xB) [0..255]
mDTable :: [GF28]
mDTable = map (gf28Mult 0xD) [0..255]
m9Table :: [GF28]
m9Table = map (gf28Mult 0x9) [0..255]
-- | Key expansion. Starting with the given key, returns an infinite sequence of
-- words, as described by the AES standard, Section 5.2, Figure 11.
keyExpansion :: Integer -> Key -> [Key]
keyExpansion nk key = chop4 (keyExpansionWords nk key)
where chop4 :: [a] -> [[a]]
chop4 xs = let (f, r) = splitAt 4 xs in f : chop4 r
keyExpansionWords :: Integer -> Key -> [Word32]
keyExpansionWords nk key = keys
where keys :: [Word32]
keys = key ++ [nextWord i prev old | i <- [nk ..] | prev <- genericDrop (nk-1) keys | old <- keys]
nextWord :: Integer -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32
nextWord i prev old
| i `mod` nk == 0 = old `xor` subWordRcon (prev `rotateL` 8) (roundConstants !! fromInteger (i `div` nk))
| i `mod` nk == 4 && nk > 6 = old `xor` subWordRcon prev 0
| True = old `xor` prev
subWordRcon :: Word32 -> GF28 -> Word32
subWordRcon w rc = fromBytes [a `xor` rc, b, c, d]
where [a, b, c, d] = map sbox $ toBytes w
-- ** The S-box transformation
-- | The values of the AES S-box table. Note that we describe the S-box programmatically
-- using the mathematical construction given in Section 5.1.1 of the standard. However,
-- the code-generation will turn this into a mere look-up table, as it is just a
-- constant table, all computation being done at \"compile-time\".
sboxTable :: [GF28]
sboxTable = [xformByte (gf28Inverse b) | b <- [0 .. 255]]
where xformByte :: GF28 -> GF28
xformByte b = foldr xor 0x63 [b `rotateR` i | i <- [0, 4, 5, 6, 7]]
-- | The sbox transformation. We simply select from the sbox table. Note that we
-- are obliged to give a default value (here @0@) to be used if the index is out-of-bounds
-- as required by SBV's 'select' function. However, that will never happen since
-- the table has all 256 elements in it.
sbox :: GF28 -> GF28
sbox i = sboxTable !! fromIntegral i
-- ** The inverse S-box transformation
-- | The values of the inverse S-box table. Again, the construction is programmatic.
unSBoxTable :: [GF28]
unSBoxTable = [gf28Inverse (xformByte b) | b <- [0 .. 255]]
where xformByte :: GF28 -> GF28
xformByte b = foldr xor 0x05 [b `rotateR` i | i <- [2, 5, 7]]
-- | The inverse s-box transformation.
unSBox :: GF28 -> GF28
unSBox i = unSBoxTable !! fromIntegral i
-- ** AddRoundKey transformation
-- | Adding the round-key to the current state. We simply exploit the fact
-- that addition is just xor in implementing this transformation.
addRoundKey :: Key -> State -> State
addRoundKey = zipWith xor
-- ** Tables for T-Box encryption
-- | T-box table generation function for encryption
t0Func :: GF28 -> [GF28]
t0Func a = [s `gf28Mult` 2, s, s, s `gf28Mult` 3] where s = sbox a
-- | First look-up table used in encryption
t0 :: GF28 -> Word32
t0 i = t0Table !! fromIntegral i
t0Table :: [Word32]
t0Table = [fromBytes (t0Func a) | a <- [0..255]]
-- | Second look-up table used in encryption
t1 :: GF28 -> Word32
t1 i = t1Table !! fromIntegral i
t1Table :: [Word32]
t1Table = [fromBytes (t0Func a `rotR` 1) | a <- [0..255]]
-- | Third look-up table used in encryption
t2 :: GF28 -> Word32
t2 i = t2Table !! fromIntegral i
t2Table :: [Word32]
t2Table = [fromBytes (t0Func a `rotR` 2) | a <- [0..255]]
-- | Fourth look-up table used in encryption
t3 :: GF28 -> Word32
t3 i = t3Table !! fromIntegral i
t3Table :: [Word32]
t3Table = [fromBytes (t0Func a `rotR` 3) | a <- [0..255]]
-- ** Tables for T-Box decryption
-- | T-box table generating function for decryption
u0Func :: GF28 -> [GF28]
u0Func a = [s `gf28Mult` 0xE, s `gf28Mult` 0x9, s `gf28Mult` 0xD, s `gf28Mult` 0xB] where s = unSBox a
-- | First look-up table used in decryption
u0 :: GF28 -> Word32
u0 i = u0Table !! fromIntegral i
u0Table :: [Word32]
u0Table = [fromBytes (u0Func a) | a <- [0..255]]
-- | Second look-up table used in decryption
u1 :: GF28 -> Word32
u1 i = u1Table !! fromIntegral i
u1Table :: [Word32]
u1Table = [fromBytes (u0Func a `rotR` 1) | a <- [0..255]]
-- | Third look-up table used in decryption
u2 :: GF28 -> Word32
u2 i = u2Table !! fromIntegral i
u2Table :: [Word32]
u2Table = [fromBytes (u0Func a `rotR` 2) | a <- [0..255]]
-- | Fourth look-up table used in decryption
u3 :: GF28 -> Word32
u3 i = u3Table !! fromIntegral i
u3Table :: [Word32]
u3Table = [fromBytes (u0Func a `rotR` 3) | a <- [0..255]]
-- ** AES rounds
-- | Generic round function. Given the function to perform one round, a key-schedule,
-- and a starting state, it performs the AES rounds.
doRounds :: (Bool -> State -> Key -> State) -> KS -> State -> State
doRounds rnd (ikey, rkeys, fkey) sIn = rnd True (last rs) fkey
where s0 = ikey `addRoundKey` sIn
rs = s0 : [rnd False s k | s <- rs | k <- rkeys ]
-- | One encryption round. The first argument indicates whether this is the final round
-- or not, in which case the construction is slightly different.
aesRound :: Bool -> State -> Key -> State
aesRound isFinal s key = d `addRoundKey` key
where d = map (f isFinal) [0..3]
a = map toBytes s
f True j = fromBytes [ sbox (a !! ((j+0) `mod` 4) !! 0)
, sbox (a !! ((j+1) `mod` 4) !! 1)
, sbox (a !! ((j+2) `mod` 4) !! 2)
, sbox (a !! ((j+3) `mod` 4) !! 3)
f False j = e0 `xor` e1 `xor` e2 `xor` e3
where e0 = t0 (a !! ((j+0) `mod` 4) !! 0)
e1 = t1 (a !! ((j+1) `mod` 4) !! 1)
e2 = t2 (a !! ((j+2) `mod` 4) !! 2)
e3 = t3 (a !! ((j+3) `mod` 4) !! 3)
-- | One decryption round. Similar to the encryption round, the first argument
-- indicates whether this is the final round or not.
aesInvRound :: Bool -> State -> Key -> State
aesInvRound isFinal s key = d `addRoundKey` key
where d = map (f isFinal) [0..3]
a = map toBytes s
f True j = fromBytes [ unSBox (a !! ((j+0) `mod` 4) !! 0)
, unSBox (a !! ((j+3) `mod` 4) !! 1)
, unSBox (a !! ((j+2) `mod` 4) !! 2)
, unSBox (a !! ((j+1) `mod` 4) !! 3)
f False j = e0 `xor` e1 `xor` e2 `xor` e3
where e0 = u0 (a !! ((j+0) `mod` 4) !! 0)
e1 = u1 (a !! ((j+3) `mod` 4) !! 1)
e2 = u2 (a !! ((j+2) `mod` 4) !! 2)
e3 = u3 (a !! ((j+1) `mod` 4) !! 3)
-- * AES API
-- | Key schedule. Given a 128, 192, or 256 bit key, expand it to get key-schedules
-- for encryption and decryption. The key is given as a sequence of 32-bit words.
-- (4 elements for 128-bits, 6 for 192, and 8 for 256.)
aesKeySchedule :: Key -> (KS, KS)
aesKeySchedule key
| nk `elem` [4, 6, 8]
= (encKS, decKS)
| True
= error "aesKeySchedule: Invalid key size"
where nk = genericLength key
nr = nk + 6
encKS@(f, m, l) = (head rKeys, genericTake (nr-1) (tail rKeys), rKeys !! fromInteger nr)
decKS = (l, map invMixColumns (reverse m), f)
rKeys = keyExpansion nk key
-- | Block encryption. The first argument is the plain-text, which must have
-- precisely 4 elements, for a total of 128-bits of input. The second
-- argument is the key-schedule to be used, obtained by a call to 'aesKeySchedule'.
-- The output will always have 4 32-bit words, which is the cipher-text.
aesEncrypt :: [Word32] -> KS -> [Word32]
aesEncrypt pt encKS
| length pt == 4
= doRounds aesRound encKS pt
| True
= error "aesEncrypt: Invalid plain-text size"
-- | Block decryption. The arguments are the same as in 'aesEncrypt', except
-- the first argument is the cipher-text and the output is the corresponding
-- plain-text.
aesDecrypt :: [Word32] -> KS -> [Word32]
aesDecrypt ct decKS
| length ct == 4
= doRounds aesInvRound decKS ct
| True
= error "aesDecrypt: Invalid cipher-text size"
-- * Test vectors
-- ** 128-bit enc/dec test
-- | 128-bit encryption test, from Appendix C.1 of the AES standard:
-- >>> map hex8 t128Enc
-- ["69c4e0d8","6a7b0430","d8cdb780","70b4c55a"]
t128Enc :: [Word32]
t128Enc = aesEncrypt pt ks
where pt = [0x00112233, 0x44556677, 0x8899aabb, 0xccddeeff]
key = [0x00010203, 0x04050607, 0x08090a0b, 0x0c0d0e0f]
(ks, _) = aesKeySchedule key
-- | 128-bit decryption test, from Appendix C.1 of the AES standard:
-- >>> map hex8 t128Dec
-- ["00112233","44556677","8899aabb","ccddeeff"]
t128Dec :: [Word32]
t128Dec = aesDecrypt ct ks
where ct = [0x69c4e0d8, 0x6a7b0430, 0xd8cdb780, 0x70b4c55a]
key = [0x00010203, 0x04050607, 0x08090a0b, 0x0c0d0e0f]
(_, ks) = aesKeySchedule key
-- ** 192-bit enc/dec test
-- | 192-bit encryption test, from Appendix C.2 of the AES standard:
-- >>> map hex8 t192Enc
-- ["dda97ca4","864cdfe0","6eaf70a0","ec0d7191"]
t192Enc :: [Word32]
t192Enc = aesEncrypt pt ks
where pt = [0x00112233, 0x44556677, 0x8899aabb, 0xccddeeff]
key = [0x00010203, 0x04050607, 0x08090a0b, 0x0c0d0e0f, 0x10111213, 0x14151617]
(ks, _) = aesKeySchedule key
-- | 192-bit decryption test, from Appendix C.2 of the AES standard:
-- >>> map hex8 t192Dec
-- ["00112233","44556677","8899aabb","ccddeeff"]
t192Dec :: [Word32]
t192Dec = aesDecrypt ct ks
where ct = [0xdda97ca4, 0x864cdfe0, 0x6eaf70a0, 0xec0d7191]
key = [0x00010203, 0x04050607, 0x08090a0b, 0x0c0d0e0f, 0x10111213, 0x14151617]
(_, ks) = aesKeySchedule key
-- ** 256-bit enc/dec test
-- | 256-bit encryption, from Appendix C.3 of the AES standard:
-- >>> map hex8 t256Enc
-- ["8ea2b7ca","516745bf","eafc4990","4b496089"]
t256Enc :: [Word32]
t256Enc = aesEncrypt pt ks
where pt = [0x00112233, 0x44556677, 0x8899aabb, 0xccddeeff]
key = [0x00010203, 0x04050607, 0x08090a0b, 0x0c0d0e0f, 0x10111213, 0x14151617, 0x18191a1b, 0x1c1d1e1f]
(ks, _) = aesKeySchedule key
-- | 256-bit decryption, from Appendix C.3 of the AES standard:
-- >>> map hex8 t256Dec
-- ["00112233","44556677","8899aabb","ccddeeff"]
t256Dec :: [Word32]
t256Dec = aesDecrypt ct ks
where ct = [0x8ea2b7ca, 0x516745bf, 0xeafc4990, 0x4b496089]
key = [0x00010203, 0x04050607, 0x08090a0b, 0x0c0d0e0f, 0x10111213, 0x14151617, 0x18191a1b, 0x1c1d1e1f]
(_, ks) = aesKeySchedule key
-- | For doctest purposes only
hex8 :: (Show a, Integral a) => a -> String
hex8 v = replicate (8 - length s) '0' ++ s
where s = flip showHex "" v
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ import Cryptol.Eval.Monad
import Cryptol.Eval.Type
import Cryptol.Eval.Value
import qualified Cryptol.SHA as SHA
import qualified Cryptol.AES as AES
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name
import Cryptol.Testing.Random (randomV)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST as AST
@ -396,6 +397,73 @@ suiteBPrims = Map.fromList $ map (\(n, v) -> (suiteBPrim n, v))
f = pure . VWord 64 . pure . WordVal . BV 64 . toInteger
zs = finiteSeqMap Concrete (map f [w0,w1,w2,w3,w4,w5,w6,w7])
seq zs (pure (VSeq 8 zs)))
, ("AESKeyInfExpand", {-# SCC "SuiteB::AESKeyInfExpand" #-}
ilam $ \k ->
lam $ \seed ->
do ss <- fromVSeq <$> seed
let toWord :: Integer -> Eval Word32
toWord i = fromInteger. bvVal <$> (fromVWord Concrete "AESInfKeyExpand" =<< lookupSeqMap ss i)
let fromWord :: Word32 -> Eval Value
fromWord = pure . VWord 32 . pure . WordVal . BV 32 . toInteger
kws <- mapM toWord [0 .. k-1]
let ws = AES.keyExpansionWords k kws
VStream <$> infiniteSeqMap (map fromWord ws))
, ("AESInvMixColumns", {-# SCC "SuiteB::AESInvMixColumns" #-}
lam $ \st ->
do ss <- fromVSeq <$> st
let toWord :: Integer -> Eval Word32
toWord i = fromInteger. bvVal <$> (fromVWord Concrete "AESInvMixColumns" =<< lookupSeqMap ss i)
let fromWord :: Word32 -> Eval Value
fromWord = pure . VWord 32 . pure . WordVal . BV 32 . toInteger
ws <- mapM toWord [0,1,2,3]
let ws' = AES.invMixColumns ws
pure . VSeq 4 . finiteSeqMap Concrete . map fromWord $ ws')
, ("AESEncRound", {-# SCC "SuiteB::AESEncRound" #-}
lam $ \st ->
do ss <- fromVSeq <$> st
let toWord :: Integer -> Eval Word32
toWord i = fromInteger. bvVal <$> (fromVWord Concrete "AESEncRound" =<< lookupSeqMap ss i)
let fromWord :: Word32 -> Eval Value
fromWord = pure . VWord 32 . pure . WordVal . BV 32 . toInteger
ws <- mapM toWord [0,1,2,3]
let ws' = AES.aesRound False ws [0,0,0,0]
pure . VSeq 4 . finiteSeqMap Concrete . map fromWord $ ws')
, ("AESEncFinalRound", {-# SCC "SuiteB::AESEncFinalRound" #-}
lam $ \st ->
do ss <- fromVSeq <$> st
let toWord :: Integer -> Eval Word32
toWord i = fromInteger. bvVal <$> (fromVWord Concrete "AESEncFinalRound" =<< lookupSeqMap ss i)
let fromWord :: Word32 -> Eval Value
fromWord = pure . VWord 32 . pure . WordVal . BV 32 . toInteger
ws <- mapM toWord [0,1,2,3]
let ws' = AES.aesRound True ws [0,0,0,0]
pure . VSeq 4 . finiteSeqMap Concrete . map fromWord $ ws')
, ("AESDecRound", {-# SCC "SuiteB::AESDecRound" #-}
lam $ \st ->
do ss <- fromVSeq <$> st
let toWord :: Integer -> Eval Word32
toWord i = fromInteger. bvVal <$> (fromVWord Concrete "AESDecRound" =<< lookupSeqMap ss i)
let fromWord :: Word32 -> Eval Value
fromWord = pure . VWord 32 . pure . WordVal . BV 32 . toInteger
ws <- mapM toWord [0,1,2,3]
let ws' = AES.aesInvRound False ws [0,0,0,0]
pure . VSeq 4 . finiteSeqMap Concrete . map fromWord $ ws')
, ("AESDecFinalRound", {-# SCC "SuiteB::AESDecFinalRound" #-}
lam $ \st ->
do ss <- fromVSeq <$> st
let toWord :: Integer -> Eval Word32
toWord i = fromInteger. bvVal <$> (fromVWord Concrete "AESDecFinalRound" =<< lookupSeqMap ss i)
let fromWord :: Word32 -> Eval Value
fromWord = pure . VWord 32 . pure . WordVal . BV 32 . toInteger
ws <- mapM toWord [0,1,2,3]
let ws' = AES.aesInvRound True ws [0,0,0,0]
pure . VSeq 4 . finiteSeqMap Concrete . map fromWord $ ws')
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