Merge pull request #855 from GaloisInc/issue851

This commit is contained in:
brianhuffman 2020-07-30 11:29:16 -07:00 committed by GitHub
commit f31ad90726
No known key found for this signature in database
5 changed files with 77 additions and 42 deletions

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@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ module Cryptol.Eval.Concrete
, toExpr
) where
import Control.Monad (join,guard,zipWithM,mzero)
import Control.Monad (join, guard, zipWithM)
import Data.Bits (Bits(..))
import Data.Ratio(numerator,denominator)
import MonadLib( ChoiceT, findOne, lift )
@ -55,8 +55,6 @@ import Cryptol.Utils.RecordMap
-- | Given an expected type, returns an expression that evaluates to
-- this value, if we can determine it.
-- XXX: View patterns would probably clean up this definition a lot.
toExpr :: PrimMap -> AST.Type -> Value -> Eval (Maybe AST.Expr)
toExpr prims t0 v0 = findOne (go t0 v0)
@ -65,45 +63,47 @@ toExpr prims t0 v0 = findOne (go t0 v0)
go :: AST.Type -> Value -> ChoiceT Eval Expr
go ty val = case (tNoUser ty, val) of
(TRec tfs, VRecord vfs) -> do
-- NB, vfs first argument to keep their display order
res <- zipRecordsM (\_lbl v t -> go t =<< lift v) vfs tfs
case res of
Left _ -> mzero -- different fields
Right efs -> pure (ERec efs)
(TCon (TC (TCTuple tl)) ts, VTuple tvs) -> do
guard (tl == (length tvs))
ETuple `fmap` (zipWithM go ts =<< lift (sequence tvs))
(TCon (TC TCBit) [], VBit True ) -> return (prim "True")
(TCon (TC TCBit) [], VBit False) -> return (prim "False")
(TCon (TC TCInteger) [], VInteger i) ->
return $ ETApp (ETApp (prim "number") (tNum i)) ty
(TCon (TC TCIntMod) [_n], VInteger i) ->
return $ ETApp (ETApp (prim "number") (tNum i)) ty
(TCon (TC TCRational) [], VRational (SRational n d)) ->
do let n' = ETApp (ETApp (prim "number") (tNum n)) (TCon (TC TCInteger) [])
d' = ETApp (ETApp (prim "number") (tNum d)) (TCon (TC TCInteger) [])
return $ EApp (EApp (prim "ratio") n') d'
(TCon (TC TCFloat) [eT,pT], VFloat i) ->
pure (floatToExpr prims eT pT (bfValue i))
(TCon (TC TCSeq) [a,b], VSeq 0 _) -> do
guard (a == tZero)
return $ EList [] b
(TCon (TC TCSeq) [a,b], VSeq n svs) -> do
guard (a == tNum n)
ses <- mapM (go b) =<< lift (sequence (enumerateSeqMap n svs))
return $ EList ses b
(TCon (TC TCSeq) [a,(TCon (TC TCBit) [])], VWord _ wval) -> do
BV w v <- lift (asWordVal Concrete =<< wval)
guard (a == tNum w)
return $ ETApp (ETApp (prim "number") (tNum v)) ty
(_, VStream _) -> fail "cannot construct infinite expressions"
(_, VFun _) -> fail "cannot convert function values to expressions"
(_, VPoly _) -> fail "cannot convert polymorphic values to expressions"
_ -> do doc <- lift (ppValue Concrete defaultPPOpts val)
panic "Cryptol.Eval.Concrete.toExpr"
go ty val =
case val of
VRecord vfs ->
do tfs <- maybe mismatch pure (tIsRec ty)
-- NB, vfs first argument to keep their display order
res <- zipRecordsM (\_lbl v t -> go t =<< lift v) vfs tfs
case res of
Left _ -> mismatch -- different fields
Right efs -> pure (ERec efs)
VTuple tvs ->
do ts <- maybe mismatch pure (tIsTuple ty)
guard (length ts == length tvs)
ETuple <$> (zipWithM go ts =<< lift (sequence tvs))
VBit b ->
pure (prim (if b then "True" else "False"))
VInteger i ->
-- This works uniformly for values of type Integer or Z n
pure $ ETApp (ETApp (prim "number") (tNum i)) ty
VRational (SRational n d) ->
do let n' = ETApp (ETApp (prim "number") (tNum n)) tInteger
let d' = ETApp (ETApp (prim "number") (tNum d)) tInteger
pure $ EApp (EApp (prim "ratio") n') d'
VFloat i ->
do (eT, pT) <- maybe mismatch pure (tIsFloat ty)
pure (floatToExpr prims eT pT (bfValue i))
VSeq n svs ->
do (_a, b) <- maybe mismatch pure (tIsSeq ty)
ses <- traverse (go b) =<< lift (sequence (enumerateSeqMap n svs))
pure $ EList ses b
VWord _ wval ->
do BV _ v <- lift (asWordVal Concrete =<< wval)
pure $ ETApp (ETApp (prim "number") (tNum v)) ty
VStream _ -> fail "cannot construct infinite expressions"
VFun _ -> fail "cannot convert function values to expressions"
VPoly _ -> fail "cannot convert polymorphic values to expressions"
VNumPoly _ -> fail "cannot convert polymorphic values to expressions"
mismatch :: forall a. ChoiceT Eval a
mismatch =
do doc <- lift (ppValue Concrete defaultPPOpts val)
panic "Cryptol.Eval.Concrete.toExpr"
["type mismatch:"
, pretty ty
, render doc

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@ -393,6 +393,18 @@ tIsIntMod ty = case tNoUser ty of
TCon (TC TCIntMod) [n] -> Just n
_ -> Nothing
tIsRational :: Type -> Bool
tIsRational ty =
case tNoUser ty of
TCon (TC TCRational) [] -> True
_ -> False
tIsFloat :: Type -> Maybe (Type, Type)
tIsFloat ty =
case tNoUser ty of
TCon (TC TCFloat) [e, p] -> Just (e, p)
_ -> Nothing
tIsTuple :: Type -> Maybe [Type]
tIsTuple ty = case tNoUser ty of
TCon (TC (TCTuple _)) ts -> Just ts

tests/issues/issue851.cry Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
type base t = { zero: t }
B: base Bool
B = { zero = False }
foo: {t,k} (fin k) => base t -> [k]t
foo b = repeat
bar: {t,k} (fin k, k>=1) => [k]t -> [k]t -> [k]t -> [k]t
bar p q m = p
baz: {k,t} (fin k, k >= 1) => [k]t -> [k]t -> [k]t
baz p q = q
property problem p =
p != foo B ==> bar p (baz p 0x03) 0x03 == foo B

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
:l issue851.cry
:exhaust problem

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Main
Using exhaustive testing.
Testing... problem 0x01 = False