WIP: RPC support for newtypes and other opaque types

+ `readBack` now introduces fresh names which can be sent back to
  an RPC client when the structure of the value cannot be uniquely/
  unambiguously syntactically represented.
+ `getCryptolExpr` needs to be modified, likely to return a `Expr Name`
  instead of the current return type `Expr PName`, since the fresh
  names introduced by `readBack` cannot be represented as `PName`s.
+ saw-remote-api compatibility for changes to `getCryptolExpr` should
  be considered (i.e., it also uses that function but in a slightly
  different monad, however that monad _also_ has a ModuleEnv from
  Cryptol so it should be possible to define it in a way it works
  for both servers).
This commit is contained in:
Andrew Kent 2021-05-12 14:52:15 -07:00
parent 282613d320
commit f9d9f30f59
9 changed files with 265 additions and 140 deletions

View File

@ -30,6 +30,16 @@ class CryptolLiteral(CryptolCode):
def __to_cryptol__(self, ty : CryptolType) -> Any:
return self._code
class CryptolNewtype(CryptolCode):
def __init__(self, newtype : Newtype, fields : Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
self._newtype = newtype
self._fields = fields
def __to_cryptol__(self, ty : CryptolType) -> Any:
return {'expression': 'newtype',
'newtype': self._name,
'arguments': [to_cryptol(arg) for arg in self._rands]}
class CryptolApplication(CryptolCode):
def __init__(self, rator : CryptolJSON, *rands : CryptolJSON) -> None:
self._rator = rator
@ -407,6 +417,16 @@ class Record(CryptolType):
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"Record({self.fields!r})"
class Newtype(CryptolType):
def __init__(self, name : str, uid : int, args : List[CryptolType]) -> None:
self.name = name
self.uid = uid
self.args = args
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"Newtype({self.name!r}, {self.uid!r}, {self.args!r})"
def to_type(t : Any) -> CryptolType:
if t['type'] == 'variable':
return Var(t['name'], to_kind(t['kind']))
@ -450,6 +470,8 @@ def to_type(t : Any) -> CryptolType:
return Tuple(*map(to_type, t['contents']))
elif t['type'] == 'record':
return Record({k : to_type(t['fields'][k]) for k in t['fields']})
elif t['type'] == 'newtype':
return Newtype(t['name'], t['uid'], map(to_type, t['arguments']))
elif t['type'] == 'Integer':
return Integer()
elif t['type'] == 'Rational':

View File

@ -13,10 +13,11 @@ import Data.Containers.ListUtils (nubOrd)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Cryptol.Eval (EvalOpts(..))
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem (ModuleCmd, ModuleEnv, ModuleInput(..))
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem (ModuleCmd, ModuleEnv(..), ModuleInput(..))
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Env
(getLoadedModules, lmFilePath, lmFingerprint, meLoadedModules,
initialModuleEnv, meSearchPath, ModulePath(..))
(getLoadedModules, lmFilePath, lmFingerprint,
initialModuleEnv, ModulePath(..))
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name (FreshM(..))
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Fingerprint ( fingerprintFile )
import Cryptol.Parser.AST (ModName)
import Cryptol.TypeCheck( defaultSolverConfig )
@ -73,15 +74,19 @@ instance CryptolMethod CryptolNotification where
getModuleEnv :: CryptolCommand ModuleEnv
getModuleEnv = CryptolCommand $ const $ view moduleEnv <$> Argo.getState
getTCSolver :: CryptolCommand SMT.Solver
getTCSolver = CryptolCommand $ const $ view tcSolver <$> Argo.getState
setModuleEnv :: ModuleEnv -> CryptolCommand ()
setModuleEnv me =
CryptolCommand $ const $ Argo.getState >>= \s -> Argo.setState (set moduleEnv me s)
runModuleCmd :: ModuleCmd a -> CryptolCommand a
runModuleCmd cmd =
modifyModuleEnv :: (ModuleEnv -> ModuleEnv) -> CryptolCommand ()
modifyModuleEnv f =
CryptolCommand $ const $ Argo.getState >>= \s -> Argo.setState (set moduleEnv (f (view moduleEnv s)) s)
getTCSolver :: CryptolCommand SMT.Solver
getTCSolver = CryptolCommand $ const $ view tcSolver <$> Argo.getState
liftModuleCmd :: ModuleCmd a -> CryptolCommand a
liftModuleCmd cmd =
do Options callStacks evOpts <- getOptions
s <- CryptolCommand $ const Argo.getState
reader <- CryptolCommand $ const Argo.getFileReader
@ -140,6 +145,14 @@ extendSearchPath paths =
over moduleEnv $ \me -> me { meSearchPath = nubOrd $ paths ++ meSearchPath me }
instance FreshM CryptolCommand where
liftSupply f = do
serverState <- CryptolCommand $ const Argo.getState
let mEnv = view moduleEnv serverState
(res, supply') = f (meSupply $ mEnv)
mEnv' = mEnv { meSupply = supply' }
CryptolCommand $ const (Argo.modifyState $ set moduleEnv mEnv')
pure res
-- | Check that all of the modules loaded in the Cryptol environment

View File

@ -35,13 +35,13 @@ import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solve (defaultReplExpr)
import CryptolServer
( getTCSolver,
CryptolCommand )
import CryptolServer.Exceptions (evalPolyErr)
import CryptolServer.Data.Expression
( readBack, observe, getExpr, Expression )
import CryptolServer.Data.Type
( readBack, liftEval, getExpr, Expression )
import CryptolServer.Data.Type ( JSONType(..) )
import Cryptol.Utils.PP (pretty)
checkDescr :: Doc.Block
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ checkDescr =
check :: CheckParams -> CryptolCommand CheckResult
check (CheckParams jsonExpr cMode) =
do e <- getExpr jsonExpr
(_expr, ty, schema) <- runModuleCmd (CM.checkExpr e)
(_expr, ty, schema) <- liftModuleCmd (CM.checkExpr e)
-- TODO? validEvalContext expr, ty, schema
s <- getTCSolver
perhapsDef <- liftIO (defaultReplExpr s ty schema)
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ check (CheckParams jsonExpr cMode) =
let theType = apSubst su (AST.sType schema)
tenv <- CEE.envTypes . deEnv . meDynEnv <$> getModuleEnv
let tval = CET.evalValType tenv theType
val <- runModuleCmd (CM.evalExpr checked)
val <- liftModuleCmd (CM.evalExpr checked)
pure (val,tval)
let (isExaustive, randomTestNum) = case cMode of
ExhaustiveCheckMode -> (True, 0)
@ -85,8 +85,10 @@ check (CheckParams jsonExpr cMode) =
convertTestArg :: (CET.TValue, CEC.Value) -> CryptolCommand (JSONType, Expression)
convertTestArg (t, v) = do
e <- observe $ readBack t v
return (JSONType mempty (CET.tValTy t), e)
me <- readBack t v
case me of
Nothing -> error $ "type is not convertable: " ++ (show t)
Just e -> return (JSONType mempty (CET.tValTy t), e)
convertTestResult ::
[CET.TValue] {- ^ Argument types -} ->

View File

@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ module CryptolServer.Data.Expression
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception (throwIO)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Aeson as JSON hiding (Encoding, Value, decode)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
@ -29,8 +28,7 @@ import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Numeric (showHex)
import Cryptol.Backend.Monad
import Cryptol.Backend.Concrete hiding (Concrete)
import qualified Cryptol.Backend.Concrete as C
import qualified Cryptol.Eval.Concrete as Concrete
import Cryptol.Backend.SeqMap (enumerateSeqMap)
import Cryptol.Backend.WordValue (asWordVal)
@ -38,13 +36,18 @@ import Cryptol.Eval (evalSel)
import Cryptol.Eval.Concrete (Value)
import Cryptol.Eval.Type (TValue(..), tValTy)
import Cryptol.Eval.Value (GenValue(..))
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem (getPrimMap, evalDecls)
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Env (deNames,meDynEnv)
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name
(Name, mkDeclared, NameSource( SystemName ),
nameUnique, nameIdent, liftSupply)
import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.NamingEnv (singletonE, shadowing)
import Cryptol.Parser
import Cryptol.Parser.AST (Bind(..), BindDef(..), Decl(..), Expr(..), Named(Named), TypeInst(NamedInst), Type(..), PName(..), Literal(..), NumInfo(..), Type,
import qualified Cryptol.Parser as CP
import qualified Cryptol.Parser.AST as CP
import Cryptol.Parser.Position (Located(..), emptyRange)
import Cryptol.Parser.Selector
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST as TC
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident
import Cryptol.Utils.RecordMap (recordFromFields, canonicalFields)
@ -82,6 +85,8 @@ instance JSON.ToJSON LetBinding where
, "definition" .= def
-- | Cryptol expressions which can be serialized into JSON and sent
-- to an RPC client.
data Expression =
Bit !Bool
| Unit
@ -91,17 +96,30 @@ data Expression =
| Tuple ![Expression]
| Integer !Integer
| IntegerModulo !Integer !Integer -- ^ value, modulus
| Concrete !Text
| UniqueName !Int !Text
-- ^ Essentially a Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name's nameUnique and nameIdent.
-- Used when we need to send a result back to an RPC client
| Concrete !Text -- ^ Concrete Cryptol syntax as a string -- the Cryptol parser
-- will establish it's meaning based on the current focus/context
| Let ![LetBinding] !Expression
| Application !Expression !(NonEmpty Expression)
| TypeApplication !Expression !TypeArguments
deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype TypeArguments = TypeArguments (Map Ident JSONPType)
deriving (Eq, Show) via Map Ident (Type PName)
deriving (Eq, Show) via Map Ident (CP.Type CP.PName)
data ExpressionTag =
TagNum | TagRecord | TagSequence | TagTuple | TagUnit | TagLet | TagApp | TagTypeApp | TagIntMod
data ExpressionTag
= TagNum
| TagRecord
| TagSequence
| TagTuple
| TagUnit
| TagLet
| TagApp
| TagTypeApp
| TagIntMod
| TagUniqueName
instance JSON.FromJSON ExpressionTag where
parseJSON =
@ -116,18 +134,20 @@ instance JSON.FromJSON ExpressionTag where
"call" -> pure TagApp
"instantiate" -> pure TagTypeApp
"integer modulo" -> pure TagIntMod
"unique name" -> pure TagUniqueName
_ -> empty
instance JSON.ToJSON ExpressionTag where
toJSON TagNum = "bits"
toJSON TagRecord = "record"
toJSON TagSequence = "sequence"
toJSON TagTuple = "tuple"
toJSON TagUnit = "unit"
toJSON TagLet = "let"
toJSON TagApp = "call"
toJSON TagTypeApp = "instantiate"
toJSON TagIntMod = "integer modulo"
toJSON TagNum = "bits"
toJSON TagRecord = "record"
toJSON TagSequence = "sequence"
toJSON TagTuple = "tuple"
toJSON TagUnit = "unit"
toJSON TagLet = "let"
toJSON TagApp = "call"
toJSON TagTypeApp = "instantiate"
toJSON TagIntMod = "integer modulo"
toJSON TagUniqueName = "unique name"
instance JSON.FromJSON TypeArguments where
parseJSON =
@ -182,6 +202,8 @@ instance JSON.FromJSON Expression where
TypeApplication <$> o .: "generic" <*> o .: "arguments"
TagIntMod ->
IntegerModulo <$> o .: "integer" <*> o .: "modulus"
TagUniqueName ->
IntegerModulo <$> o .: "unique" <*> o .: "identifier"
instance ToJSON Encoding where
toJSON Hex = String "hex"
@ -227,6 +249,11 @@ instance JSON.ToJSON Expression where
, "function" .= fun
, "arguments" .= args
toJSON (UniqueName unique name) =
object [ "expression" .= TagUniqueName
, "unique" .= toJSON unique
, "identifier" .= toJSON name
toJSON (TypeApplication gen _args) =
-- It would be dead code to do anything here, as type
-- instantiations are not values. This code is called only as part
@ -275,79 +302,89 @@ hexDigit 'F' = pure 15
hexDigit c = Argo.raise (invalidHex c)
getExpr :: Expression -> CryptolCommand (Expr PName)
-- nameUniqueToName :: Int -> Argo.Command ServerState Name
-- nameUniqueToName n = do
-- evalEnv <- meEvalEnv <$> view moduleEnv <$> Argo.getState
-- error "TODO"
getExpr :: Expression -> CryptolCommand (CP.Expr CP.PName)
getExpr = CryptolCommand . const . getCryptolExpr
-- N.B., used in SAWServer as well, hence the more generic monad
getCryptolExpr :: (Argo.Method m, Monad m) => Expression -> m (Expr PName)
getCryptolExpr ::
(Argo.Method m, Monad m) =>
Expression ->
m (CP.Expr CP.PName)
getCryptolExpr (UniqueName unique name) = error "TODO / FIXME"
getCryptolExpr Unit =
return $
(ETuple [])
(TTuple [])
(CP.ETuple [])
(CP.TTuple [])
getCryptolExpr (Bit b) =
return $
(EVar (UnQual (mkIdent $ if b then "True" else "False")))
(CP.EVar (CP.UnQual (mkIdent $ if b then "True" else "False")))
getCryptolExpr (Integer i) =
return $
(ELit (ECNum i (DecLit (pack (show i)))))
(TUser (UnQual (mkIdent "Integer")) [])
(CP.ELit (CP.ECNum i (CP.DecLit (pack (show i)))))
(CP.TUser (CP.UnQual (mkIdent "Integer")) [])
getCryptolExpr (IntegerModulo i n) =
return $
(ELit (ECNum i (DecLit (pack (show i)))))
(TUser (UnQual (mkIdent "Z")) [TNum n])
(CP.ELit (CP.ECNum i (CP.DecLit (pack (show i)))))
(CP.TUser (CP.UnQual (mkIdent "Z")) [CP.TNum n])
getCryptolExpr (Num enc txt w) =
do d <- decode enc txt
return $ ETyped
(ELit (ECNum d (DecLit txt)))
(TSeq (TNum w) TBit)
return $ CP.ETyped
(CP.ELit (CP.ECNum d (CP.DecLit txt)))
(CP.TSeq (CP.TNum w) CP.TBit)
getCryptolExpr (Record fields) =
fmap (ERecord . recordFromFields) $ for (HM.toList fields) $
fmap (CP.ERecord . recordFromFields) $ for (HM.toList fields) $
\(recName, spec) ->
(mkIdent recName,) . (emptyRange,) <$> getCryptolExpr spec
getCryptolExpr (Sequence elts) =
EList <$> traverse getCryptolExpr elts
CP.EList <$> traverse getCryptolExpr elts
getCryptolExpr (Tuple projs) =
ETuple <$> traverse getCryptolExpr projs
CP.ETuple <$> traverse getCryptolExpr projs
getCryptolExpr (Concrete syntax) =
case parseExpr syntax of
case CP.parseExpr syntax of
Left err ->
Argo.raise (cryptolParseErr syntax err)
Right e -> pure e
getCryptolExpr (Let binds body) =
EWhere <$> getCryptolExpr body <*> traverse mkBind binds
CP.EWhere <$> getCryptolExpr body <*> traverse mkBind binds
mkBind (LetBinding x rhs) =
DBind .
CP.DBind .
(\bindBody ->
Bind { bName = fakeLoc (UnQual (mkIdent x))
, bParams = []
, bDef = bindBody
, bSignature = Nothing
, bInfix = False
, bFixity = Nothing
, bPragmas = []
, bMono = True
, bDoc = Nothing
, bExport = Public
CP.Bind { CP.bName = fakeLoc (CP.UnQual (mkIdent x))
, CP.bParams = []
, CP.bDef = bindBody
, CP.bSignature = Nothing
, CP.bInfix = False
, CP.bFixity = Nothing
, CP.bPragmas = []
, CP.bMono = True
, CP.bDoc = Nothing
, CP.bExport = CP.Public
}) .
fakeLoc .
DExpr <$>
CP.DExpr <$>
getCryptolExpr rhs
fakeLoc = Located emptyRange
getCryptolExpr (Application fun (arg :| [])) =
EApp <$> getCryptolExpr fun <*> getCryptolExpr arg
CP.EApp <$> getCryptolExpr fun <*> getCryptolExpr arg
getCryptolExpr (Application fun (arg1 :| (arg : args))) =
getCryptolExpr (Application (Application fun (arg1 :| [])) (arg :| args))
getCryptolExpr (TypeApplication gen (TypeArguments args)) =
EAppT <$> getCryptolExpr gen <*> pure (map inst (Map.toList args))
CP.EAppT <$> getCryptolExpr gen <*> pure (map inst (Map.toList args))
inst (n, t) = NamedInst (Named (Located emptyRange n) (unJSONPType t))
inst (n, t) = CP.NamedInst (CP.Named (Located emptyRange n) (unJSONPType t))
-- TODO add tests that this is big-endian
-- | Interpret a ByteString as an Integer
@ -355,63 +392,109 @@ bytesToInt :: BS.ByteString -> Integer
bytesToInt bs =
BS.foldl' (\acc w -> (acc * 256) + toInteger w) 0 bs
readBack :: TValue -> Value -> Eval Expression
-- | Read back a typed value if possible.
readBack :: TValue -> Value -> CryptolCommand (Maybe Expression)
readBack ty val =
case ty of
-- TODO, add actual support for newtypes
TVNewtype _u _ts _tfs -> liftIO $ throwIO (invalidType (tValTy ty))
TVRec tfs ->
Record . HM.fromList <$>
sequence [ do fv <- evalSel C.Concrete val (RecordSel f Nothing)
fa <- readBack t fv
return (identText f, fa)
| (f, t) <- canonicalFields tfs
TVRec tfs -> do
vals <- mapM readBackRecFld $ canonicalFields tfs
pure $ (Record . HM.fromList) <$> sequence vals
TVTuple [] ->
pure Unit
TVTuple ts ->
Tuple <$> sequence [ do v <- evalSel C.Concrete val (TupleSel n Nothing)
a <- readBack t v
return a
| (n, t) <- zip [0..] ts
pure $ Just Unit
TVTuple ts -> do
vals <- mapM readBackTupleFld $ zip [0..] ts
pure $ Tuple <$> sequence vals
TVBit ->
case val of
VBit b -> pure (Bit b)
VBit b -> pure $ Just $ Bit b
_ -> mismatchPanic
TVInteger ->
case val of
VInteger i -> pure (Integer i)
VInteger i -> pure $ Just $ Integer i
_ -> mismatchPanic
TVIntMod n ->
case val of
VInteger i -> pure (IntegerModulo i n)
VInteger i -> pure $ Just $ IntegerModulo i n
_ -> mismatchPanic
TVSeq len contents
TVSeq len elemTy
| len == 0 ->
return Unit
| contents == TVBit
, VWord width wv <- val ->
do BV w v <- asWordVal C.Concrete wv
let hexStr = T.pack $ showHex v ""
let paddedLen = fromIntegral ((width `quot` 4) + (if width `rem` 4 == 0 then 0 else 1))
return $ Num Hex (T.justifyRight paddedLen '0' hexStr) w
| VSeq _l (enumerateSeqMap len -> vs) <- val ->
Sequence <$> mapM (>>= readBack contents) vs
pure $ Just Unit
| elemTy == TVBit
, VWord width wv <- val -> do
Concrete.BV w v <- liftEval $ asWordVal Concrete.Concrete wv
let hexStr = T.pack $ showHex v ""
let paddedLen = fromIntegral ((width `quot` 4) + (if width `rem` 4 == 0 then 0 else 1))
pure $ Just $ Num Hex (T.justifyRight paddedLen '0' hexStr) w
| VSeq _l (enumerateSeqMap len -> mVals) <- val -> do
vals <- liftEval $ sequence mVals
es <- mapM (readBack elemTy) vals
pure $ Sequence <$> sequence es
other -> liftIO $ throwIO (invalidType (tValTy other))
_ -> do
-- The above cases are for types that can unambiguously be converted into
-- syntax; this case instead tries to essentially let-bind the value to a
-- fresh variable so we can send that to the RPC client instead. They
-- obviously won't be able to directly inspect the value, but they can
-- pass it to other functions/commands via a RPC.
mName <- bindValToFreshName "rpc" ty val
case mName of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just name -> pure $ Just $ UniqueName (nameUnique name) (identText $ nameIdent name)
mismatchPanic :: CryptolCommand (Maybe Expression)
mismatchPanic =
error $ "Internal error: readBack: value '" <>
show val <>
"' didn't match type '" <>
show (tValTy ty) <>
readBackRecFld :: (Ident, TValue) -> CryptolCommand (Maybe (Text, Expression))
readBackRecFld (fldId, fldTy) = do
fldVal <- liftEval $ evalSel Concrete.Concrete val (RecordSel fldId Nothing)
fldExpr <- readBack fldTy fldVal
pure $ (identText fldId,) <$> fldExpr
readBackTupleFld :: (Int, TValue) -> CryptolCommand (Maybe Expression)
readBackTupleFld (i, iTy) = do
iVal <- liftEval $ evalSel Concrete.Concrete val (TupleSel i Nothing)
readBack iTy iVal
observe :: Eval a -> CryptolCommand a
observe e = liftIO (runEval mempty e)
bindValToFreshName :: Text -> TValue -> Concrete.Value -> CryptolCommand (Maybe Name)
bindValToFreshName name ty val = do
prims <- liftModuleCmd getPrimMap
mb <- liftEval (Concrete.toExpr prims ty val)
case mb of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just expr -> do
name' <- genFreshName
let schema = TC.Forall { TC.sVars = []
, TC.sProps = []
, TC.sType = tValTy ty
decl = TC.Decl { TC.dName = name'
, TC.dSignature = schema
, TC.dDefinition = TC.DExpr expr
, TC.dPragmas = []
, TC.dInfix = False
, TC.dFixity = Nothing
, TC.dDoc = Nothing
liftModuleCmd (evalDecls [TC.NonRecursive decl])
denv <- meDynEnv <$> getModuleEnv
let nenv' = singletonE (CP.UnQual (mkIdent name)) name'
`shadowing` deNames denv
modifyModuleEnv $ \me -> me {meDynEnv = denv { deNames = nenv' }}
return $ Just name'
genFreshName :: CryptolCommand Name
genFreshName =
liftSupply (mkDeclared NSValue mpath SystemName ident Nothing emptyRange)
where ident = mkIdent name
mpath = TopModule interactiveName
mkEApp :: Expr PName -> [Expr PName] -> Expr PName
mkEApp f args = foldl EApp f args
liftEval :: Eval a -> CryptolCommand a
liftEval e = liftIO (runEval mempty e)
mkEApp :: CP.Expr CP.PName -> [CP.Expr CP.PName] -> CP.Expr CP.PName
mkEApp f args = foldl CP.EApp f args

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ module CryptolServer.EvalExpr
) where
import qualified Argo.Doc as Doc
import Control.Exception (throwIO)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Aeson as JSON
@ -37,29 +38,31 @@ evalExpression (EvalExprParams jsonExpr) =
evalExpression' e
evalExpression' :: P.Expr PName -> CryptolCommand JSON.Value
evalExpression' e =
do (_expr, ty, schema) <- runModuleCmd (checkExpr e)
-- TODO: see Cryptol REPL for how to check whether we
-- can actually evaluate things, which we can't do in
-- a parameterized module
s <- getTCSolver
perhapsDef <- liftIO (defaultReplExpr s ty schema)
case perhapsDef of
Nothing ->
raise (evalPolyErr schema)
Just (tys, checked) ->
do -- TODO: warnDefaults here
let su = listParamSubst tys
let theType = apSubst su (sType schema)
tenv <- E.envTypes . deEnv . meDynEnv <$> getModuleEnv
let tval = E.evalValType tenv theType
res <- runModuleCmd (evalExpr checked)
val <- observe $ readBack tval res
return (JSON.object [ "value" .= val
, "type string" .= pretty theType
, "type" .= JSONSchema (Forall [] [] theType)
evalExpression' e = do
(_expr, ty, schema) <- liftModuleCmd (checkExpr e)
-- TODO: see Cryptol REPL for how to check whether we
-- can actually evaluate things, which we can't do in
-- a parameterized module
s <- getTCSolver
perhapsDef <- liftIO (defaultReplExpr s ty schema)
case perhapsDef of
Nothing ->
raise (evalPolyErr schema)
Just (tys, checked) ->
do -- TODO: warnDefaults here
let su = listParamSubst tys
let theType = apSubst su (sType schema)
tenv <- E.envTypes . deEnv . meDynEnv <$> getModuleEnv
let tval = E.evalValType tenv theType
val <- liftModuleCmd (evalExpr checked)
mExpr<- readBack tval val
case mExpr of
Just expr ->
pure $ JSON.object [ "value" .= expr
, "type string" .= pretty theType
, "type" .= JSONSchema (Forall [] [] theType)
Nothing -> liftIO $ throwIO (invalidType theType)
newtype EvalExprParams =
EvalExprParams Expression

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ loadFileDescr = Doc.Paragraph [Doc.Text "Load the specified module (by file path
loadFile :: LoadFileParams -> CryptolCommand ()
loadFile (LoadFileParams fn) =
void $ runModuleCmd (loadModuleByPath fn)
void $ liftModuleCmd (loadModuleByPath fn)
newtype LoadFileParams
= LoadFileParams FilePath
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ loadModuleDescr = Doc.Paragraph [Doc.Text "Load the specified module (by name)."
loadModule :: LoadModuleParams -> CryptolCommand ()
loadModule (LoadModuleParams mn) =
void $ runModuleCmd (loadModuleByName mn)
void $ liftModuleCmd (loadModuleByName mn)
newtype JSONModuleName
= JSONModuleName { unJSONModName :: ModName }

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ proveSatDescr =
proveSat :: ProveSatParams -> CryptolCommand ProveSatResult
proveSat (ProveSatParams queryType (Prover name) jsonExpr) =
do e <- getExpr jsonExpr
(_expr, ty, schema) <- runModuleCmd (checkExpr e)
(_expr, ty, schema) <- liftModuleCmd (checkExpr e)
-- TODO validEvalContext expr, ty, schema
me <- getModuleEnv
let decls = deDecls (meDynEnv me)
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ proveSat (ProveSatParams queryType (Prover name) jsonExpr) =
sbvCfg <- liftIO (setupProver name) >>= \case
Left msg -> error msg
Right (_ws, sbvCfg) -> return sbvCfg
(_firstProver, res) <- runModuleCmd $ satProve sbvCfg cmd
(_firstProver, res) <- liftModuleCmd $ satProve sbvCfg cmd
_stats <- liftIO (readIORef timing)
case res of
ProverError msg -> raise (proverError msg)
@ -86,9 +86,11 @@ proveSat (ProveSatParams queryType (Prover name) jsonExpr) =
satResult :: [(TValue, Expr, Value)] -> CryptolCommand [(JSONType, Expression)]
satResult es = traverse result es
result (t, _, v) =
do e <- observe $ readBack t v
return (JSONType mempty (tValTy t), e)
result (t, _, v) = do
me <- readBack t v
case me of
Nothing -> error $ "type is not convertable: " ++ (show t)
Just e -> pure (JSONType mempty (tValTy t), e)
data ProveSatResult
= Unsatisfiable

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ checkTypeDescr =
checkType :: TypeCheckParams -> CryptolCommand JSON.Value
checkType (TypeCheckParams e) =
do e' <- getExpr e
(_expr, _ty, schema) <- runModuleCmd (checkExpr e')
(_expr, _ty, schema) <- liftModuleCmd (checkExpr e')
return (JSON.object [ "type schema" .= JSONSchema schema ])
-- FIXME: Why is this check not being used?

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// This is a development of rational complex numbers
type Q = Rational
type Q = Integer
// Complex rational numbers in rectangular coordinates
newtype CplxQ =