{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} -- | -- Module : $Header$ -- Copyright : (c) 2013-2015 Galois, Inc. -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer : cryptol@galois.com -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : portable module Main where import Control.Monad (when,foldM) import Data.List (isPrefixOf,partition,nub) import Data.Monoid (Endo(..)) import System.Console.GetOpt (getOpt,usageInfo,ArgOrder(..),OptDescr(..),ArgDescr(..)) import System.Directory (getDirectoryContents,doesDirectoryExist,createDirectoryIfMissing ,canonicalizePath) import System.Environment (getArgs,withArgs,getProgName) import System.Exit (exitFailure,exitSuccess) import System.FilePath ((),(<.>),takeExtension,splitFileName,splitDirectories,pathSeparator ,isRelative) import System.Process (createProcess,CreateProcess(..),StdStream(..),proc,waitForProcess ,readProcessWithExitCode) import System.IO (IOMode(..),withFile,Handle,hSetBuffering,BufferMode(..)) import Test.Framework (defaultMain,Test,testGroup) import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase) import Test.HUnit (assertFailure) import qualified Control.Exception as X import qualified Data.Map as Map #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710 import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..)) #endif #if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(__MINGW32__) import Text.Regex #endif main :: IO () main = do opts <- parseOptions createDirectoryIfMissing True (optResultDir opts) resultsDir <- canonicalizePath (optResultDir opts) let opts' = opts { optResultDir = resultsDir } files <- findTests (optTests opts') withArgs (optOther opts') (defaultMain (generateTests opts' files)) -- Command Line Options -------------------------------------------------------- data Options = Options { optCryptol :: String , optOther :: [String] , optHelp :: Bool , optResultDir :: FilePath , optTests :: [FilePath] , optDiff :: Maybe String } deriving (Show) defaultOptions :: Options defaultOptions = Options { optCryptol = "cryptol-2" , optOther = [] , optHelp = False , optResultDir = "output" , optTests = [] , optDiff = Nothing } setHelp :: Endo Options setHelp = Endo (\ opts -> opts { optHelp = True } ) setDiff :: String -> Endo Options setDiff diff = Endo (\opts -> opts { optDiff = Just diff }) setCryptol :: String -> Endo Options setCryptol path = Endo (\ opts -> opts { optCryptol = path } ) addOther :: String -> Endo Options addOther arg = Endo (\ opts -> opts { optOther = optOther opts ++ [arg] } ) setResultDir :: String -> Endo Options setResultDir path = Endo (\ opts -> opts { optResultDir = path }) addTestFile :: String -> Endo Options addTestFile path = Endo (\ opts -> opts { optTests = path : optTests opts }) options :: [OptDescr (Endo Options)] options = [ Option "c" ["cryptol"] (ReqArg setCryptol "PATH") "the cryptol executable to use" , Option "r" ["result-dir"] (ReqArg setResultDir "PATH") "the result directory for test runs" , Option "p" ["diff-prog"] (ReqArg setDiff "PROG") "use this diffing program on failures" , Option "T" [] (ReqArg addOther "STRING") "add an argument to pass to the test-runner main" , Option "h" ["help"] (NoArg setHelp) "display this message" ] parseOptions :: IO Options parseOptions = do args <- getArgs case getOpt (ReturnInOrder addTestFile) options args of (es,_,[]) -> do let opts = appEndo (mconcat es) defaultOptions when (optHelp opts) $ do displayUsage [] exitSuccess -- canonicalize the path to cryptol, if it's relative cryptol' <- if pathSeparator `elem` optCryptol opts && isRelative (optCryptol opts) then canonicalizePath (optCryptol opts) else return (optCryptol opts) return opts { optCryptol = cryptol' , optTests = reverse (optTests opts) } (_,_,errs) -> do displayUsage errs exitFailure displayUsage :: [String] -> IO () displayUsage errs = do prog <- getProgName let banner = unlines (errs ++ ["Usage: " ++ prog ++ " [OPTIONS] [FILES]"]) putStrLn (usageInfo banner options) -- Test Generation ------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Write the output of a run of cryptol-2 to this handle. Stdin and stderr -- will both be given the handle provided. cryptol2 :: Options -> Handle -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO () cryptol2 opts hout path args = do (_, _, _, ph) <- createProcess (proc (optCryptol opts) args) { cwd = Just path , std_out = UseHandle hout , std_in = Inherit , std_err = UseHandle hout } _ <- waitForProcess ph return () generateTests :: Options -> TestFiles -> [Test] generateTests opts = loop "" where loop dir (TestFiles m fs) = as ++ grouped where as = map (generateAssertion opts dir) fs grouped = [ testGroup path (loop (dir path) t) | (path,t) <- Map.toList m ] generateAssertion :: Options -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Test generateAssertion opts dir file = testCase file $ do createDirectoryIfMissing True resultDir withFile resultOut WriteMode $ \ hout -> do hSetBuffering hout NoBuffering cryptol2 opts hout dir ["-b",file] out <- fixPaths <$> readFile resultOut expected <- readFile goldFile mbKnown <- X.try (readFile knownFailureFile) checkOutput mbKnown expected out where knownFailureFile = dir file <.> "fails" goldFile = dir file <.> "stdout" resultOut = resultDir file <.> "stdout" resultDir = optResultDir opts dir checkOutput mbKnown expected out | expected == out = case mbKnown of Left _ -> return () Right _ -> assertFailure $ "Test completed successfully. Please remove " ++ knownFailureFile | otherwise = case mbKnown of Left (X.SomeException {}) | Just prog <- optDiff opts -> do goldFile' <- canonicalizePath goldFile assertFailure (unwords [ prog, goldFile', "\\\n ", resultOut ]) | otherwise -> do goldFile' <- canonicalizePath goldFile (_,diffOut,_) <- readProcessWithExitCode "diff" [ goldFile', resultOut ] "" assertFailure diffOut Right fail_msg -> assertFailure fail_msg -- Test Discovery -------------------------------------------------------------- findTests :: [FilePath] -> IO TestFiles findTests = foldM step mempty where step tests path = do tests' <- evalStrategy path return (tests `mappend` tests') evalStrategy path = do isDir <- doesDirectoryExist path if isDir then testDiscovery path else let (dir,file) = splitFileName path dirs = splitDirectories dir insert d t = TestFiles (Map.singleton d t) [] in return $! foldr insert (TestFiles Map.empty [file]) dirs -- | Files that end in .icry are cryptol test cases. isTestCase :: FilePath -> Bool isTestCase path = takeExtension path == ".icry" -- | Directory structure of the discovered tests. Each entry in the map -- represents a single folder, with the top-level list representing tests -- inside the base directory. data TestFiles = TestFiles (Map.Map FilePath TestFiles) [FilePath] deriving (Show) instance Monoid TestFiles where mempty = TestFiles Map.empty [] mappend (TestFiles lt lf) (TestFiles rt rf) = TestFiles mt mf where mt = Map.unionWith mappend lt rt mf = nub (lf ++ rf) nullTests :: TestFiles -> Bool nullTests (TestFiles m as) = null as && Map.null m -- | Find test cases to run. testDiscovery :: FilePath -> IO TestFiles testDiscovery from = do subTests <- process from =<< getDirectoryContents from let insert d t = TestFiles (Map.singleton d t) [] return (foldr insert subTests (splitDirectories from)) where process base contents = do let (tests,files) = partition isTestCase $ filter (not . isDotFile) contents subdirs <- mapM (resolve base) files let subTests = Map.fromList [ (p,m) | (p,m) <- subdirs , not (nullTests m) ] return (TestFiles subTests tests) loop base = do isDir <- doesDirectoryExist base if isDir then do subTests <- process base =<< getDirectoryContents base return (TestFiles (Map.singleton base subTests) []) else return mempty resolve base p = do let path = base p tests <- loop path return (p,tests) -- Utilities ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Screen out dotfiles. isDotFile :: FilePath -> Bool isDotFile path = "." `isPrefixOf` path -- | Normalize to unix-style paths with forward slashes when on -- Windows. This is pretty crude; it just looks for any non-whitespace -- strings that contain a blackslash and end in @.cry@ or @.icry@. fixPaths :: String -> String #if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(__MINGW32__) fixPaths str = go str where go str | Just (pre, match, post, _) <- matchCryFile str = pre ++ (subst match) ++ go post | otherwise = str subst match = subRegex (mkRegex "\\\\") match "/" matchCryFile = matchRegexAll (mkRegex "\\\\([^[:space:]]*\\.i?cry)") #else fixPaths = id #endif