-- | -- Module : $Header$ -- Copyright : (c) 2013-2015 Galois, Inc. -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer : cryptol@galois.com -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : portable module Main(main) where import Cryptol.Parser import Cryptol.Parser.PP(pp) import Cryptol.Parser.AST import System.Directory(getDirectoryContents,doesFileExist,doesDirectoryExist) import Data.List(isSuffixOf) import System.Exit(exitFailure) import System.FilePath((),takeExtension) import Control.Monad(unless) main :: IO () main = do ok <- runTestsIn "tests" unless ok exitFailure roundTrip :: FilePath -> IO Bool roundTrip file = delimit $ do putStrLn $ "File: " ++ file txt1 <- readFile file putStr "Trip 1: " case parseProgram Layout txt1 of Left err -> print (ppError err) >> return False Right prog1 -> do let txt2 = show (pp prog1) putStrLn "OK" line putStrLn txt2 line putStr "Trip 2: " case parseProgram Layout txt2 of Left err -> print (ppError err) >> return False Right prog2 -> do putStr "OK " if noPos prog1 == noPos prog2 then putStrLn "(same)" >> return True else do putStrLn "(DIFFERENT)" line putStrLn $ show $ pp prog2 return False -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- runTestsIn :: FilePath -> IO Bool runTestsIn dir = do fs <- getDirectoryContents dir and `fmap` mapM (runTest dir) fs runTest :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO Bool runTest dir fileName | takeExtension fileName == ".cry" = do let file = dir fileName ok <- doesFileExist file if ok then roundTrip file else return True runTest dir dirName = do let subDir = dir dirName ok <- doesDirectoryExist subDir if ok && dirName /= "." && dirName /= ".." then runTestsIn subDir else return True line :: IO () line = putStrLn (replicate 80 '-') delimit :: IO a -> IO a delimit io = do line a <- io line return a