Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Cryptol
Loading module Main

[error] at ./issue416.cry:2:1--2:16:
  Failed to validate user-specified signature.
    in the definition of 'Main::f', at ./issue416.cry:2:1--2:2,
    we need to show that
      for any type n
        • fin n
        • 3 >= width n
      the following constraints hold:
        • 1 != n
            arising from
            use of partial type function lengthFromThenTo
            at ./issue416.cry:1:5--1:61
[error] at ./issue416.cry:5:1--5:16:
  Failed to validate user-specified signature.
    in the definition of 'Main::g', at ./issue416.cry:5:1--5:2,
    we need to show that
      for any type n
        • fin n
        • 3 >= width n
      the following constraints hold:
        • 1 != n
            arising from
            use of finite enumeration
            at ./issue416.cry:5:5--5:16