Loading module Cryptol Loading module Cryptol Loading module Main [error] at ./T146.cry:1:18--6:10: The type ?fv`864 is not sufficiently polymorphic. It cannot depend on quantified variables: fv`848 where ?fv`864 is type argument 'fv' of 'Main::ec_v1' at ./T146.cry:4:19--4:24 fv`848 is signature variable 'fv' at ./T146.cry:11:10--11:12 [error] at ./T146.cry:5:19--5:24: The type ?fv`866 is not sufficiently polymorphic. It cannot depend on quantified variables: fv`848 where ?fv`866 is type argument 'fv' of 'Main::ec_v2' at ./T146.cry:5:19--5:24 fv`848 is signature variable 'fv' at ./T146.cry:11:10--11:12