-- | -- Module : $Header$ -- Copyright : (c) 2013-2014 Galois, Inc. -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer : cryptol@galois.com -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : portable {-# OPTIONS -Wall #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} {-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-} module Main(main) where import Control.Parallel.Strategies import Data.Char import Data.List import Numeric import System.Exit import System.IO import System.Timeout import System.Directory import System.FilePath import System.Process import System.Time --------------------------------------------------------------- -- Configuration targetName :: String targetName = "Cryptol" topDir :: FilePath topDir = "/Volumes/Galois/Projects/CTK/Cryptol/teardrop/Documentation/ProgrammingCryptol" fullTriggers :: [FilePath] -- these trigger full compile fullTriggers = [ "bib" "cryptol.bib" , "utils" "Indexes.tex" , "utils" "GlossaryItems.tex" ] -- rest is derived or should be glacial, but better checkout tmpDir :: FilePath tmpDir = "/tmp" logFile :: FilePath -- latex log logFile = tmpDir targetName <.> "log" target :: FilePath -- final pdf target = targetName <.> "pdf" title :: String -- growl title title = targetName --------------------------------------------------------------- -- utils ifM :: Monad m => m Bool -> m a -> m a -> m a ifM t tb fb = t >>= \b -> if b then tb else fb whenM :: Monad m => m Bool -> m () -> m () whenM t a = ifM t a (return ()) ignore :: Monad m => m a -> m () ignore m = m >> return () modTime :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe ClockTime) modTime fn = fmap Just (getModificationTime fn) `catch` const (return Nothing) safeSys :: IO () -> IO () safeSys a = a `catch` die where die e = do putStrLn $ "\nException: " ++ show e exitWith (ExitFailure 1) instance NFData ExitCode timeIt :: NFData a => IO a -> IO (String, a) timeIt m = do start <- getClockTime r <- m end <- rnf r `seq` getClockTime let elapsed = diffClockTimes end start elapsedS = "Elapsed:" ++ showTDiff elapsed rnf elapsedS `seq` return (elapsedS, r) where showTDiff :: TimeDiff -> String showTDiff itd = et where td = normalizeTimeDiff itd vals = dropWhile (\(v, _) -> v == 0) (zip [tdYear td, tdMonth td, tdDay td, tdHour td, tdMin td] "YMDhm") sec = ' ' : show (tdSec td) ++ dropWhile (/= '.') pico pico = showFFloat (Just 3) (((10**(-12))::Double) * fromIntegral (tdPicosec td)) "s" et = concatMap (\(v, c) -> ' ':show v ++ [c]) vals ++ sec growl :: (?curId :: Id) => Bool -> String -> [String] -> IO () growl goaway t s = ignore $ readProcess "growlnotify" (stickyArg ++ [title, t] ++ ["-d", "Cryptol" ++ show ?curId] ++ ["-m", args]) "" where stickyArg | goaway = [] | True = ["-s"] args = concat $ intersperse "\n" s --------------------------------------------------------------- type Id = Integer main :: IO () main = do hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering hSetEcho stdout False safeSys $ setCurrentDirectory topDir let ?curId = 0 in prompt True prompt :: (?curId :: Id) => Bool -> IO () prompt tout = do let curId' = ?curId+1 prompt' = let ?curId = curId' in prompt putStr $ "\r" ++ replicate 60 ' ' ++ "\r" ++ if tout then promptS else promptWS mbc <- (if tout then timeout 1000000 else (fmap Just)) getChar case fmap toUpper mbc of Nothing -> whenM need (ifM needFull full quick) >> prompt' True Just 'L' -> quick >> prompt' True Just 'F' -> full >> prompt' True Just 'C' -> prompt' True Just 'W' -> prompt' False Just 'Q' -> do putStrLn "\nTerminating.." exitWith ExitSuccess _ -> prompt' True where promptS, promptWS :: String promptS = "Action (l[atex] f[ull] w[ait] q[uit])? " promptWS = "Action (l[atex] f[ull] w[ait] q[uit] c[ontinue])? " needFull :: IO Bool needFull = do mtt <- modTime target mtts <- mapM modTime fullTriggers return $ any (> mtt) mtts quick :: (?curId :: Id) => IO () quick = do whenM (doesFileExist target) $ removeFile target make "quick" ["quick"] full :: (?curId :: Id) => IO () full = do _ <- readProcess "make" ["superClean"] "" make "full" [] need :: IO Bool need = do r <- readProcess "make" ["-n"] "" return $ dropWhile (/= ':') r /= ": Nothing to be done for `all'.\n" make :: (?curId :: Id) => String -> [String] -> IO () make how args = do growl False "" $ ["Starting " ++ how ++ " compilation"] (d, ec) <- timeIt $ system $ unwords $ "make" : args case ec of ExitFailure _ -> dieErrors ExitSuccess -> checkWarnings d dieErrors :: (?curId :: Id) => IO () dieErrors = do logCts <- readFile logFile >>= return . filter (not . all isSpace) . lines let process (x:y:z:rest) sofar | take 2 y == "l." = process rest (z:y:x:sofar) | True = process (y:z:rest) sofar process _ sofar = sofar badLines = process logCts [] growl False "(FAILED)" badLines checkWarnings :: (?curId :: Id) => String -> IO () checkWarnings d = do logLines <- readFile logFile >>= return . lines let badLines = filter isEither logLines case badLines of [] -> checkSpelling d _ -> growl False "(FAILED)" $ badLines where (lw, w) = (length w, "LaTeX Warning") (lu, u) = (length u, "undefined") isWarning s = any (\l -> take lw l == w) $ tails s isUndefined s = any (\l -> take lu l == u) $ tails s isEither s = isWarning s || isUndefined s checkSpelling :: (?curId :: Id) => String -> IO () checkSpelling d = do logCts <- readProcessWithExitCode "make" ["quickSpell"] "" >>= \(_, out, err) -> return (lines (out ++ err)) let new = map (drop 2) $ filter (\l -> take 1 l == "<") logCts old = map (drop 2) $ filter (\l -> take 1 l == ">") logCts case new of [] -> case old of [] -> growl True "(SUCCESS)" [d] _ -> growl False "(SUCCESS, Fixed words)" $ old _ -> growl False "(FAILED Spell check)" $ new