Loading module Cryptol Loading module Cryptol Loading module test04 module test04 import Cryptol /* Not recursive */ test04::test : {a, b} (fin b, b >= 4) => a -> ((a, ()), (a, [b])) test04::test = \{a, b} (fin b, b >= 4) (a : a) -> (f () (), f [b] (Cryptol::demote 10 b <> <> <>)) where /* Not recursive */ f : {c} c -> (a, c) f = \{c} (x : c) -> (a, x) Loading module Cryptol Loading module test04 [warning] at ./test04.cry:1:1--5:14: Defaulting type parameter 'bits' of literal or demoted expression at ./test04.cry:3:19--3:21 to 4 [error] at ./test04.cry:3:19--3:21: Type mismatch: Expected type: () Inferred type: [?z7] where ?z7 is type parameter 'bits' of literal or demoted expression at ./test04.cry:3:19--3:21