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synced 2024-12-18 21:41:52 +03:00
Now, the notebook interface runs its own ZeroMQ interface using the EasyKernel module that is now exported from IHaskell's underlying ipython-kernel library. This eliminates the line protocol with the Python wrapper, and it should work on Windows (though it is not tested there). Part of this involved making the REPL monad able to change the IO action used to print strings. Continuing issues and improvment possibilities are in the issue tracker - see issue #75 for a starting point.
140 lines
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140 lines
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-- |
-- Module : $Header$
-- Copyright : (c) 2013-2014 Galois, Inc.
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer : cryptol@galois.com
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : portable
module Main where
import Notebook
import REPL.Command
import REPL.Monad (lName, lPath)
import qualified REPL.Monad as REPL
import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem as M
import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Monad as M (setFocusedModule)
import Cryptol.Parser (defaultConfig, parseModule, Config(..))
import qualified Cryptol.Parser.AST as P
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST as T
import Cryptol.Utils.PP (pp)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import qualified Control.Exception as X
import Control.Monad (forever, forM_)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import IHaskell.IPython.Kernel
import IHaskell.IPython.EasyKernel (easyKernel, KernelConfig(..))
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.IO (hFlush, stdout)
import Debug.Trace
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
case args of
["kernel", profileFile] ->
runNB $ do
liftREPL loadPrelude `catch` \x -> io $ print $ pp x
easyKernel profileFile cryptolConfig
_ -> do
putStrLn "Usage:"
putStrLn "cryptolnb kernel FILE -- run a kernel with FILE for \
\communication with the frontend"
-- Kernel Configuration --------------------------------------------------------
cryptolConfig :: KernelConfig NB String String
cryptolConfig = KernelConfig
{ languageName = "cryptol"
, languageVersion = [0,0,1]
, profileSource = return Nothing
, displayResult = displayRes
, displayOutput = displayOut
, completion = compl
, objectInfo = info
, run = runCell
, debug = False
displayRes str = [ DisplayData MimeHtml . T.pack $ str
, DisplayData PlainText . T.pack $ str
displayOut str = [ DisplayData PlainText . T.pack $ str ]
compl _ _ _ = Nothing
info _ = Nothing
runCell contents clear nbPutStr = do
putStrOrig <- liftREPL REPL.getPutStr
liftREPL $ REPL.setPutStr nbPutStr
handleAuto (T.unpack contents)
liftREPL $ REPL.setPutStr putStrOrig
return ("", Ok, "")
-- Input Handling --------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Determine whether the input is a module fragment or a series of
-- interactive commands, and behave accordingly.
handleAuto :: String -> NB ()
handleAuto str = do
let cfg = defaultConfig { cfgSource = "<notebook>" }
cmdParses cmd =
case parseCommand (findNbCommand False) cmd of
Just (Unknown _) -> False
Just (Ambiguous _ _) -> False
_ -> True
case parseModule cfg str of
Right m -> handleModFrag m
Left modExn -> do
let cmds = lines str
if and (map cmdParses cmds)
then forM_ cmds handleCmd
else raise (AutoParseError modExn)
parseModFrag :: String -> NB P.Module
parseModFrag str = liftREPL $ replParse (parseModule cfg) str
where cfg = defaultConfig { cfgSource = "<notebook>" }
-- | Read a module fragment and incorporate it into the current context.
handleModFrag :: P.Module -> NB ()
handleModFrag m = do
let m' = removeIncludes $ removeImports m
old <- getTopDecls
let new = modNamedDecls m'
merged = updateNamedDecls old new
doLoad = try $ liftREPL $ liftModuleCmd (M.loadModule "<notebook>" (moduleFromDecls nbName merged))
em'' <- doLoad
-- only update the top decls if the module successfully loaded
case em'' of
Left exn -> raise exn
Right m'' -> do
setTopDecls merged
liftREPL $ REPL.setLoadedMod REPL.LoadedModule
{ lName = Just (T.mName m'')
, lPath = "<notebook>"
readUntil :: (String -> Bool) -> NB String
readUntil shouldStop = unlines . reverse <$> go []
where go xs = do
line <- io getLine
if shouldStop line
then return xs
else go (line : xs)
-- | Treat a line as an interactive command.
handleCmd :: String -> NB ()
handleCmd line =
case parseCommand (findNbCommand False) line of
Nothing -> return ()
Just cmd -> do
mod <- (liftREPL (REPL.getLoadedMod))
liftREPL $ runCommand cmd