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-- |
-- Module : $Header$
-- Copyright : (c) 2013-2014 Galois, Inc.
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer : cryptol@galois.com
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : portable
module Main where
import Control.Monad (when,unless,foldM)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf,partition,nub)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..),Endo(..))
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Directory
import System.Environment (getArgs,withArgs,getProgName)
import System.Exit (exitFailure,exitSuccess)
import System.FilePath
import System.Process
import System.IO
import Test.Framework (defaultMain,Test,testGroup)
import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase)
import Test.HUnit (assertFailure)
import qualified Control.Exception as X
import qualified Data.Map as Map
main :: IO ()
main = do
opts <- parseOptions
createDirectoryIfMissing True (optResultDir opts)
resultsDir <- canonicalizePath (optResultDir opts)
let opts' = opts { optResultDir = resultsDir }
files <- findTests (optTests opts')
withArgs (optOther opts') (defaultMain (generateTests opts' files))
-- Command Line Options --------------------------------------------------------
data TestStrategy
= TestDiscover FilePath
| TestFile FilePath
deriving (Show)
data Options = Options
{ optCryptol :: String
, optOther :: [String]
, optHelp :: Bool
, optResultDir :: FilePath
, optTests :: [TestStrategy]
, optDiff :: String
} deriving (Show)
defaultOptions :: Options
defaultOptions = Options
{ optCryptol = "cryptol-2"
, optOther = []
, optHelp = False
, optResultDir = "output"
, optTests = []
, optDiff = "meld"
setHelp :: Endo Options
setHelp = Endo (\ opts -> opts { optHelp = True } )
setDiff :: String -> Endo Options
setDiff diff = Endo (\opts -> opts { optDiff = diff })
setCryptol :: String -> Endo Options
setCryptol path = Endo (\ opts -> opts { optCryptol = path } )
addOther :: String -> Endo Options
addOther arg = Endo (\ opts -> opts { optOther = optOther opts ++ [arg] } )
setResultDir :: String -> Endo Options
setResultDir path = Endo (\ opts -> opts { optResultDir = path })
addDiscover :: String -> Endo Options
addDiscover path =
Endo (\ opts -> opts { optTests = TestDiscover path : optTests opts })
addTestFile :: String -> Endo Options
addTestFile path =
Endo (\ opts -> opts { optTests = TestFile path : optTests opts })
options :: [OptDescr (Endo Options)]
options =
[ Option "c" ["cryptol"] (ReqArg setCryptol "PATH")
"the cryptol executable to use"
, Option "d" ["base"] (ReqArg addDiscover "PATH")
"the base directory for test discovery"
, Option "r" ["result-dir"] (ReqArg setResultDir "PATH")
"the result directory for test runs"
, Option "p" ["diff-prog"] (ReqArg setDiff "PROG")
"use this diffing program on failures"
, Option "T" [] (ReqArg addOther "STRING")
"add an argument to pass to the test-runner main"
, Option "h" ["help"] (NoArg setHelp)
"display this message"
parseOptions :: IO Options
parseOptions = do
args <- getArgs
case getOpt (ReturnInOrder addTestFile) options args of
(es,_,[]) -> do
let opts = appEndo (mconcat es) defaultOptions
when (optHelp opts) $ do
displayUsage []
-- canonicalize the path to cryptol, if it's relative
cryptol' <- if pathSeparator `elem` optCryptol opts
&& isRelative (optCryptol opts)
then canonicalizePath (optCryptol opts)
else return (optCryptol opts)
return opts
{ optCryptol = cryptol'
, optTests = reverse (optTests opts)
(_,_,errs) -> do
displayUsage errs
displayUsage :: [String] -> IO ()
displayUsage errs = do
prog <- getProgName
let banner = unlines (errs ++ ["Usage: " ++ prog ++ " [OPTIONS] [FILES]"])
putStrLn (usageInfo banner options)
-- Test Generation -------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Write the output of a run of cryptol-2 to this handle. Stdin and stderr
-- will both be given the handle provided.
cryptol2 :: Options -> Handle -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO ()
cryptol2 opts hout path args = do
(_, _, _, ph) <- createProcess (proc (optCryptol opts) args)
{ cwd = Just path
, std_out = UseHandle hout
, std_in = Inherit
, std_err = UseHandle hout
_ <- waitForProcess ph
return ()
generateTests :: Options -> TestFiles -> [Test]
generateTests opts = loop ""
loop dir (TestFiles m fs) = as ++ grouped
as = map (generateAssertion opts dir) fs
grouped = [ testGroup path (loop (dir </> path) t)
| (path,t) <- Map.toList m ]
generateAssertion :: Options -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Test
generateAssertion opts dir file = testCase file $ do
createDirectoryIfMissing True resultDir
withFile resultOut WriteMode $ \ hout ->
do hSetBuffering hout NoBuffering
cryptol2 opts hout dir ["-b",file]
out <- readFile resultOut
expected <- readFile goldFile
checkOutput expected out
goldFile = dir </> file <.> "stdout"
resultOut = resultDir </> file <.> "stdout"
resultDir = optResultDir opts </> dir
indent str = unlines (map (" " ++) (lines str))
checkOutput expected out
| expected == out = return ()
| otherwise = assertFailure $ unwords [ optDiff opts, goldFile, resultOut ]
-- Test Discovery --------------------------------------------------------------
findTests :: [TestStrategy] -> IO TestFiles
findTests = foldM step mempty
step tests strategy = do
tests' <- evalStrategy strategy
return (tests `mappend` tests')
evalStrategy strategy = case strategy of
TestDiscover path -> testDiscovery path
TestFile path ->
let (dir,file) = splitFileName path
dirs = splitDirectories dir
insert d t = TestFiles (Map.singleton d t) []
in return $! foldr insert (TestFiles Map.empty [file]) dirs
-- | Files that end in .icry are cryptol test cases.
isTestCase :: FilePath -> Bool
isTestCase path = takeExtension path == ".icry"
-- | Directory structure of the discovered tests. Each entry in the map
-- represents a single folder, with the top-level list representing tests
-- inside the base directory.
data TestFiles = TestFiles (Map.Map FilePath TestFiles) [FilePath]
deriving (Show)
instance Monoid TestFiles where
mempty = TestFiles Map.empty []
mappend (TestFiles lt lf) (TestFiles rt rf) = TestFiles mt mf
mt = Map.unionWith mappend lt rt
mf = nub (lf ++ rf)
nullTests :: TestFiles -> Bool
nullTests (TestFiles m as) = null as && Map.null m
-- | Find test cases to run.
testDiscovery :: FilePath -> IO TestFiles
testDiscovery from = do
subTests <- process from =<< getDirectoryContents from
let insert d t = TestFiles (Map.singleton d t) []
return (foldr insert subTests (splitDirectories from))
process base contents = do
let (tests,files) = partition isTestCase
$ filter (not . isDotFile) contents
subdirs <- mapM (resolve base) files
let subTests = Map.fromList [ (p,m) | (p,m) <- subdirs
, not (nullTests m) ]
return (TestFiles subTests tests)
loop base = do
isDir <- doesDirectoryExist base
if isDir
then do subTests <- process base =<< getDirectoryContents base
return (TestFiles (Map.singleton base subTests) [])
else return mempty
resolve base p = do
let path = base </> p
tests <- loop path
return (p,tests)
-- Utilities -------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Screen out dotfiles.
isDotFile :: FilePath -> Bool
isDotFile path = "." `isPrefixOf` path