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-- |
-- Module : Data.SBV.BitVectors.SignCast
-- Copyright : (c) Levent Erkok
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer : erkokl@gmail.com
-- Stability : experimental
-- Implementation of casting between signed/unsigned variants of the
-- same type.
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Data.SBV.BitVectors.SignCast (SignCast(..)) where
import Data.Word (Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64)
import Data.Int (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64)
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.Data
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.Model() -- instances only
-- | Sign casting a value into another. This essentially
-- means forgetting the sign bit and reinterpreting the bits
-- accordingly when converting a signed value to an unsigned
-- one. Similarly, when an unsigned quantity is converted to
-- a signed one, the most significant bit is interpreted
-- as the sign. We only define instances when the source
-- and target types are precisely the same size.
-- The idea is that 'signCast' and 'unsignCast' must form
-- an isomorphism pair between the types @a@ and @b@, i.e., we
-- expect the following two properties to hold:
-- @
-- signCast . unsignCast = id
-- unsingCast . signCast = id
-- @
-- Note that one naive way to implement both these operations
-- is simply to compute @fromBitsLE . blastLE@, i.e., first
-- get all the bits of the word and then reconstruct in the target
-- type. While this is semantically correct, it generates a lot
-- of code (both during proofs via SMT-Lib, and when compiled to C).
-- The goal of this class is to avoid that cost, so these operations
-- can be compiled very efficiently, they will essentially become no-op's.
-- Minimal complete definition: All, no defaults.
class SignCast a b | a -> b, b -> a where
-- | Interpret as a signed word
signCast :: a -> b
-- | Interpret as an unsigned word
unsignCast :: b -> a
-- concrete instances
instance SignCast Word64 Int64 where
signCast = fromIntegral
unsignCast = fromIntegral
instance SignCast Word32 Int32 where
signCast = fromIntegral
unsignCast = fromIntegral
instance SignCast Word16 Int16 where
signCast = fromIntegral
unsignCast = fromIntegral
instance SignCast Word8 Int8 where
signCast = fromIntegral
unsignCast = fromIntegral
-- A generic implementation can be along the following lines:
-- fromBitsLE . blastLE
-- However, we prefer this version as the above will generate
-- a ton more code during compilation to SMT-Lib and C
genericSign :: (Integral a, SymWord a, Num b, SymWord b) => SBV a -> SBV b
genericSign x
| Just c <- unliteral x = literal $ fromIntegral c
| True = SBV k (Right (cache y))
where k = case kindOf x of
KBool -> error "Data.SBV.SignCast.genericSign: Called on boolean value"
KBounded False n -> KBounded True n
KBounded True _ -> error "Data.SBV.SignCast.genericSign: Called on signed value"
KUnbounded -> error "Data.SBV.SignCast.genericSign: Called on unbounded value"
KReal -> error "Data.SBV.SignCast.genericSign: Called on real value"
KFloat -> error "Data.SBV.SignCast.genericSign: Called on float value"
KDouble -> error "Data.SBV.SignCast.genericSign: Called on double value"
KUninterpreted s -> error $ "Data.SBV.SignCast.genericSign: Called on unintepreted sort " ++ s
y st = do xsw <- sbvToSW st x
newExpr st k (SBVApp (Extract (intSizeOf x-1) 0) [xsw])
-- Same comments as above, regarding the implementation.
genericUnsign :: (Integral a, SymWord a, Num b, SymWord b) => SBV a -> SBV b
genericUnsign x
| Just c <- unliteral x = literal $ fromIntegral c
| True = SBV k (Right (cache y))
where k = case kindOf x of
KBool -> error "Data.SBV.SignCast.genericUnSign: Called on boolean value"
KBounded True n -> KBounded False n
KBounded False _ -> error "Data.SBV.SignCast.genericUnSign: Called on unsigned value"
KUnbounded -> error "Data.SBV.SignCast.genericUnSign: Called on unbounded value"
KReal -> error "Data.SBV.SignCast.genericUnSign: Called on real value"
KFloat -> error "Data.SBV.SignCast.genericUnSign: Called on float value"
KDouble -> error "Data.SBV.SignCast.genericUnSign: Called on double value"
KUninterpreted s -> error $ "Data.SBV.SignCast.genericUnSign: Called on unintepreted sort " ++ s
y st = do xsw <- sbvToSW st x
newExpr st k (SBVApp (Extract (intSizeOf x-1) 0) [xsw])
-- symbolic instances
instance SignCast SWord8 SInt8 where
signCast = genericSign
unsignCast = genericUnsign
instance SignCast SWord16 SInt16 where
signCast = genericSign
unsignCast = genericUnsign
instance SignCast SWord32 SInt32 where
signCast = genericSign
unsignCast = genericUnsign
instance SignCast SWord64 SInt64 where
signCast = genericSign
unsignCast = genericUnsign