robdockins 87d5edab00
Documentation updates (#779)
* Add docstrings for all prelude functions and fix minor style issues.

Fixes #771

* Update `CryptolPrims` documentation

* Minor updates to the prelude

* Update CHANGES

* Updates to the cryptol book and CryptolPrims

* Fix several additional docstrings

* Specify and document properties of signed bitvector division.

Fixes #677

* Fixup test

* typos and style

* Regenerate PDFs
2020-06-30 10:58:25 -07:00

168 lines
7.0 KiB

\chapter{Cryptol prelude functions}
\paragraph*{Bitwise and logical operations}
True, False : Bit
&&, ||, ^ : {a} (Logic a) => a -> a -> a
~ : {a} (Logic a) => a -> a
==>, /\, \/ : Bit -> Bit -> Bit
==, != : {a} (Eq a) => a -> a -> Bit
<, >, <=, >= : {a} (Cmp a) => a -> a -> Bit
<$, >$, <=$, >=$ : {a} (SignedCmp a) => a -> a -> Bit
min, max : {a} (Cmp a) => a -> a -> a
===, !== : {a, b} (Eq b) => (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> a -> Bit
+, -, * : {a} (Ring a) => a -> a -> a
negate : {a} (Ring a) => a -> a
fromInteger : {a} (Ring a) => Integer -> a
^^ : {a, e} (Ring a, Integral e) => a -> e -> a
abs : {a} (Cmp a, Ring a) => a -> a
/, % : {a} (Integral a) => a -> a -> a
toInteger : {a} (Integral a) => a -> Integer
lg2 : {n} (fin n) => [n] -> [n]
/$, %$ : {n} (fin n, n >= 1) => [n] -> [n] -> [n]
carry : {n} (fin n) => [n] -> [n] -> Bit
scarry, sborrow : {n} (fin n, n >= 1) => [n] -> [n] -> Bit
zext : {m, n} (fin m, m >= n) => [n] -> [m]
sext : {m, n} (fin m, m >= n, n >= 1) => [n] -> [m]
ratio : Integer -> Integer -> Rational
/. : {a} (Field a) => a -> a -> a
recip : {a} (Field a) => a -> a
floor : {a} (Round a) => a -> Integer
ceiling : {a} (Round a) => a -> Integer
trunc : {a} (Round a) => a -> Integer
roundAway : {a} (Round a) => a -> Integer
roundToEven : {a} (Round a) => a -> Integer
\paragraph*{GF(2) polynomial arithmetic}
pdiv : {u, v} (fin u, fin v) => [u] -> [v] -> [u]
pmod : {u, v} (fin u, fin v) => [u] -> [1 + v] -> [v]
pmult : {u, v} (fin u, fin v) => [1 + u] -> [1 + v] -> [1 + u + v]
take : {front, back, a} (fin front) => [front + back]a -> [front]a
drop : {front, back, a} (fin front) => [front + back]a -> [back]a
# : {front, back, a} (fin front) => [front]a -> [back]a -> [front + back]a
join : {parts, each, a} (fin each) => [parts][each]a -> [parts * each]a
split : {parts, each, a} (fin each) => [parts * each]a -> [parts][each]a
groupBy : {each, parts, a} (fin each) => [parts * each]a -> [parts][each]a
transpose : {rows, cols, a} [rows][cols]a -> [cols][rows]a
reverse : {n, a} (fin n) => [n]a -> [n]a
head : {n, a} [1 + n]a -> a
tail : {n, a} [1 + n]a -> [n]a
last : {n, a} (fin n) => [1 + n]a -> a
\paragraph*{Indexing, updates}
@ : {n, a, ix} (Integral ix) => [n]a -> ix -> a
! : {n, a, ix} (fin n, Integral ix) => [n]a -> ix -> a
@@ : {n, k, ix, a} (Integral ix) => [n]a -> [k]ix -> [k]a
!! : {n, k, ix, a} (fin n, Integral ix) => [n]a -> [k]ix -> [k]a
update : {n, a, ix} (fin ix) => [n]a -> [ix] -> a -> [n]a
updateEnd : {n, a, ix} (fin n, Integral ix) => [n]a -> ix -> a -> [n]a
updates : {n, k, ix, a} (Integral ix, fin k) => [n]a -> [k]ix -> [k]a -> [n]a
updatesEnd : {n, k, ix, a} (fin n, Integral ix, fin k) => [n]a -> [k]ix -> [k]a -> [n]a
\paragraph*{Shifting, rotating}
>>>, <<< : {n, ix, a} (fin n, Integral ix) => [n]a -> ix -> [n]a
>>, << : {n, ix, a} (Integral ix, Zero a) => [n]a -> ix -> [n]a
>>$ : {n, ix} (fin n, n >= 1, Integral ix) => [n] -> ix -> [n]
\paragraph*{Functional programming}
iterate : {a} (a -> a) -> a -> [inf]a
repeat : {n, a} a -> [n]a
map : {n, a, b} (a -> b) -> [n]a -> [n]b
zip : {n, a, b} [n]a -> [n]b -> [n](a, b)
zipWith : {n, a, b, c} (a -> b -> c) -> [n]a -> [n]b -> [n]c
foldl : {n, a, b} (fin n) => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [n]b -> a
foldr : {n, a, b} (fin n) => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [n]a -> b
scanl : {n, b, a} (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [n]a -> [1 + n]b
scanr : {n, a, b} (fin n) => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [n]a -> [1 + n]b
sum : {n, a} (fin n, Arith a) => [n]a -> a
and, or : {n} (fin n) => [n] -> Bit
all, any : {n, a} (fin n) => (a -> Bit) -> [n]a -> Bit
curry : {a, b, c} ((a, b) -> c) -> a -> b -> c
uncurry : {a, b, c} (a -> b -> c) -> (a, b) -> c
elem : {n, a} (fin n, Eq a) => a -> [n]a -> Bit
length : {n, a, b} (fin n, Literal n b) => [n]a -> b
zero : {a} (Zero a) => a
\paragraph*{Representing exceptions}
undefined : {a} a
error : {a, n} (fin n) => String n -> a
assert : {a, n} (fin n) => Bit -> String n -> a -> a
trace : {n, a, b} [n][8] -> a -> b -> b
traceVal : {n, a} [n][8] -> a -> a
\todo[inline]{\texttt{error} and \texttt{undefined} are not covered in
the book at the moment.}
\todo[inline]{What is the state of debugging (\texttt{trace},
\texttt{ASSERT}), randomness (\texttt{random}), and pretty-printing
(\texttt{format}) built-ins?}
% trace : {a b c} ([a][8],b,c) -> c
% ASSERT : {a b} (Bit,[a][8],b) -> b
%\paragraph*{Generating random numbers}
% random : {a b} (32 >= a) => [a] -> b
%\paragraph*{Pretty printing}
% format
% (%$) : {a} (Arith a) => a -> a -> a
% (/$) : {a} (Arith a) => a -> a -> a
% number : {val, rep} (Literal val rep) => rep
% elem : {n, a} (fin n, Cmp a) => a -> [n]a -> Bit
% fromThenTo :
% {first, next, last, a, len} (fin first, fin next, fin last,
% Literal first a, Literal next a, Literal last a, first != next,
% lengthFromThenTo first next last == len) =>
% [len]a
% fromTo :
% {first, last, a} (fin last, last >= first, Literal last a) =>
% [1 + (last - first)]a
% fromZ : {n} (fin n, n >= 1) => Z n -> Integer
% infFrom : {a} (Arith a) => a -> [inf]a
% infFromThen : {a} (Arith a) => a -> a -> [inf]a
% splitAt :
% {front, back, a} (fin front) =>
% [front + back]a -> ([front]a, [back]a)
% toInteger : {bits} (fin bits) => [bits] -> Integer
% trace : {n, a, b} (fin n) => [n][8] -> a -> b -> b
% traceVal : {n, a} (fin n) => [n][8] -> a -> a
% undefined : {a} a
% zext : {m, n} (fin m, m >= n) => [n] -> [m]
% sext : {m, n} (fin m, m >= n, n >= 1) => [n] -> [m]
% carry : {n} (fin n) => [n] -> [n] -> Bit
% scarry : {n} (fin n, n >= 1) => [n] -> [n] -> Bit
% sborrow : {n} (fin n, n >= 1) => [n] -> [n] -> Bit
%%% Local Variables:
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%%% TeX-master: "../main/Cryptol"
%%% End: