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synced 2024-12-18 05:21:57 +03:00
When `:set mono-binds=on`, any local definitions lacking type signatures will not be generalized (i.e., will be monomorphic). This reduces what is in most cases unnecessary polymorphism that can give rise to constraints that are difficult to solve. This also improves the performance of the Cryptol interpreter by lifting many polymorphic type applications out of the inner loops that are commonly defined as bindings in `where` clauses. The flag is on by default in the Cryptol REPL, and in most cases makes it possible to leave out more type signatures in `where` clauses than before. However, some programs really do rely on inferring polymorphic types for local variables; in this case adding an explicit polymorphic type signature to the local binding in question will make the program typecheck.
161 lines
4.4 KiB
161 lines
4.4 KiB
UNAME := $(shell uname -s)
ARCH := $(shell uname -m)
TESTS ?= issues regression renamer mono-binds
TEST_DIFF ?= meld
CABAL_EXE := cabal
CS := ./.cabal-sandbox
CS_BIN := $(CS)/bin
# Used only for windows, to find the right Program Files.
PROGRAM_FILES = Program\ Files\ \(x86\)
# Windows installer tools; assumes running on Cygwin and using WiX 3.8
WiX := /cygdrive/c/${PROGRAM_FILES}/WiX\ Toolset\ v3.8
CANDLE := ${WiX}/bin/candle.exe
HEAT := ${WiX}/bin/heat.exe
LIGHT := ${WiX}/bin/light.exe
REV ?= $(shell git rev-parse --short=7 HEAD || echo "unknown")
VERSION := $(shell grep -i ^Version cryptol.cabal | awk '{ print $$2}')
PKG := cryptol-${VERSION}-${SYSTEM_DESC}
# Windows-specific stuff
ifneq (,$(findstring _NT,${UNAME}))
DIST := ${PKG}.msi
EXE_EXT := .exe
adjust-path = '$(shell cygpath -w $1)'
DIST := ${PKG}.tar.gz ${PKG}.zip
adjust-path = '$1'
.PHONY: all
all: ${CS_BIN}/cryptol
.PHONY: docs
(cd docs; make)
.PHONY: dist
dist: ${DIST}
.PHONY: tarball
tarball: ${PKG}.tar.gz
.PHONY: zip
zip: ${PKG}.zip
.PHONY: msi
msi: ${PKG}.msi
$(CABAL_EXE) sandbox init
# order-only dependency: we just want the sandbox to exist
${CS_BIN}/alex: | ${CS}
$(CABAL) install alex
# order-only dependency: we just want the sandbox to exist
${CS_BIN}/happy: | ${CS}
$(CABAL) install happy
sh configure
$(shell find src cryptol \( -name \*.hs -or -name \*.x -or -name \*.y \) -and \( -not -name \*\#\* \) -print) \
$(shell find lib -name \*.cry)
@echo $* = $($*)
${CS_BIN}/cryptol: ${CS_BIN}/alex ${CS_BIN}/happy $(CRYPTOL_DEPS) | ${CS}
$(CABAL) install .
${CS_BIN}/cryptolnb: ${CS_BIN}/alex ${CS_BIN}/happy | ${CS}
$(CABAL) install . -fnotebook
${PKG}: ${CS_BIN}/cryptol
mkdir -p ${PKG}/bin
mkdir -p ${PKG}/lib
mkdir -p ${PKG}/doc/examples
cp ${CS_BIN}/cryptol ${PKG}/bin/cryptol
cp -R docs/*.md ${PKG}/doc
cp -R docs/*.pdf ${PKG}/doc
cp -R lib/* ${PKG}/lib
cp docs/ProgrammingCryptol/aes/AES.cry ${PKG}/doc/examples
cp docs/ProgrammingCryptol/enigma/Enigma.cry ${PKG}/doc/examples
cp examples/DES.cry ${PKG}/doc/examples
cp examples/Cipher.cry ${PKG}/doc/examples
cp examples/DEStest.cry ${PKG}/doc/examples
cp examples/Test.cry ${PKG}/doc/examples
cp examples/SHA1.cry ${PKG}/doc/examples
cp examples/contrib/simon.cry ${PKG}/doc/examples/contrib
cp examples/contrib/speck.cry ${PKG}/doc/examples/contrib
cp LICENSE ${PKG}/doc
${PKG}.tar.gz: ${PKG}
tar -czvf $@ $<
${PKG}.zip: ${PKG}
zip -r $@ $<
${PKG}.msi: ${PKG} win32/cryptol.wxs
${HEAT} dir ${PKG} -o allfiles.wxs -nologo -var var.pkg -ag -wixvar -cg ALLFILES -srd -dr INSTALLDIR -sfrag
${CANDLE} -ext WixUIExtension -ext WixUtilExtension -dversion=${VERSION} -dpkg=${PKG} win32/cryptol.wxs
${CANDLE} -ext WixUIExtension -ext WixUtilExtension -dversion=${VERSION} -dpkg=${PKG} allfiles.wxs
${LIGHT} -ext WixUIExtension -ext WixUtilExtension -sval -o $@ cryptol.wixobj allfiles.wixobj
rm -f allfiles.wxs
rm -f *.wixobj
rm -f *.wixpdb
${CS_BIN}/cryptol-test-runner: \
$(CS_BIN)/cryptol \
$(CURDIR)/tests/Main.hs \
$(CABAL) install ./tests
.PHONY: test
test: ${CS_BIN}/cryptol-test-runner
( cd tests && \
echo "Testing on $(UNAME)-$(ARCH)" && \
$(realpath $(CS_BIN)/cryptol-test-runner) \
$(foreach t,$(TESTS),-d $t) \
-c $(call adjust-path,$(realpath $(CS_BIN)/cryptol$(EXE_EXT))) \
-r output \
-T --hide-successes \
-T --jxml=$(call adjust-path,$(CURDIR)/results.xml) \
$(if $(TEST_DIFF),-p $(TEST_DIFF),) \
.PHONY: notebook
notebook: ${CS_BIN}/cryptolnb
cd notebook && ./notebook.sh
.PHONY: clean
cabal clean
rm -f src/GitRev.hs
rm -f $(CS_BIN)/cryptol
rm -f $(CS_BIN)/cryptol-test-suite
rm -f $(CS_BIN)/cryptolnb
rm -rf cryptol-${VERSION}*/
rm -rf cryptol-${VERSION}*.tar.gz
rm -rf cryptol-${VERSION}*.zip
rm -rf cryptol-${VERSION}*.msi
.PHONY: squeaky
squeaky: clean
-$(CABAL_EXE) sandbox delete
(cd docs; make clean)
rm -rf dist
rm -rf tests/dist