2014-04-17 15:34:25 -07:00

303 lines
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-- |
-- Module : Data.SBV.Tools.GenTest
-- Copyright : (c) Levent Erkok
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : experimental
-- Test generation from symbolic programs
module Data.SBV.Tools.GenTest (genTest, TestVectors, getTestValues, renderTest, TestStyle(..)) where
import Data.Bits (testBit)
import Data.Char (isAlpha, toUpper)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (intercalate, groupBy)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import System.Random
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.AlgReals
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.Data
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.PrettyNum
-- | Type of test vectors (abstract)
newtype TestVectors = TV [([CW], [CW])]
-- | Retrieve the test vectors for further processing. This function
-- is useful in cases where 'renderTest' is not sufficient and custom
-- output (or further preprocessing) is needed.
getTestValues :: TestVectors -> [([CW], [CW])]
getTestValues (TV vs) = vs
-- | Generate a set of concrete test values from a symbolic program. The output
-- can be rendered as test vectors in different languages as necessary. Use the
-- function 'output' call to indicate what fields should be in the test result.
-- (Also see 'constrain' and 'pConstrain' for filtering acceptable test values.)
genTest :: Outputtable a => Int -> Symbolic a -> IO TestVectors
genTest n m = gen 0 []
where gen i sofar
| i == n = return $ TV $ reverse sofar
| True = do g <- newStdGen
t <- tc g
gen (i+1) (t:sofar)
tc g = do (_, Result _ tvals _ _ cs _ _ _ _ _ cstrs os) <- runSymbolic' (Concrete g) (m >>= output)
let cval = fromMaybe (error "Cannot generate tests in the presence of uninterpeted constants!") . (`lookup` cs)
cond = all (cwToBool . cval) cstrs
if cond
then return (map snd tvals, map cval os)
else tc g -- try again, with the same set of constraints
-- | Test output style
data TestStyle = Haskell String -- ^ As a Haskell value with given name
| C String -- ^ As a C array of structs with given name
| Forte String Bool ([Int], [Int]) -- ^ As a Forte/Verilog value with given name.
-- If the boolean is True then vectors are blasted big-endian, otherwise little-endian
-- The indices are the split points on bit-vectors for input and output values
-- | Render the test as a Haskell value with the given name @n@.
renderTest :: TestStyle -> TestVectors -> String
renderTest (Haskell n) (TV vs) = haskell n vs
renderTest (C n) (TV vs) = c n vs
renderTest (Forte n b ss) (TV vs) = forte n b ss vs
haskell :: String -> [([CW], [CW])] -> String
haskell vname vs = intercalate "\n" $ [ "-- Automatically generated by SBV. Do not edit!"
, ""
, "module " ++ modName ++ "(" ++ n ++ ") where"
, ""
++ imports
++ [ n ++ " :: " ++ getType vs
, n ++ " = [ " ++ intercalate ("\n" ++ pad ++ ", ") (map mkLine vs), pad ++ "]"
where n | null vname = "testVectors"
| not (isAlpha (head vname)) = "tv" ++ vname
| True = vname
| null vs = []
| needsInt && needsWord = ["import Data.Int", "import Data.Word", ""]
| needsInt = ["import Data.Int", ""]
| needsWord = ["import Data.Word", ""]
| needsRatio = ["import Data.Ratio"]
| True = []
where ((is, os):_) = vs
params = is ++ os
needsInt = any isSW params
needsWord = any isUW params
needsRatio = any isR params
isR cw = case kindOf cw of
KReal -> True
_ -> False
isSW cw = case kindOf cw of
KBounded True _ -> True
_ -> False
isUW cw = case kindOf cw of
KBounded False sz -> sz > 1
_ -> False
modName = let (f:r) = n in toUpper f : r
pad = replicate (length n + 3) ' '
getType [] = "[a]"
getType ((i, o):_) = "[(" ++ mapType typeOf i ++ ", " ++ mapType typeOf o ++ ")]"
mkLine (i, o) = "(" ++ mapType valOf i ++ ", " ++ mapType valOf o ++ ")"
mapType f cws = mkTuple $ map f $ groupBy ((==) `on` kindOf) cws
mkTuple [x] = x
mkTuple xs = "(" ++ intercalate ", " xs ++ ")"
typeOf [] = "()"
typeOf [x] = t x
typeOf (x:_) = "[" ++ t x ++ "]"
valOf [] = "()"
valOf [x] = s x
valOf xs = "[" ++ intercalate ", " (map s xs) ++ "]"
t cw = case kindOf cw of
KBounded False 1 -> "Bool"
KBounded False 8 -> "Word8"
KBounded False 16 -> "Word16"
KBounded False 32 -> "Word32"
KBounded False 64 -> "Word64"
KBounded True 8 -> "Int8"
KBounded True 16 -> "Int16"
KBounded True 32 -> "Int32"
KBounded True 64 -> "Int64"
KUnbounded -> "Integer"
KFloat -> "Float"
KDouble -> "Double"
KReal -> error $ "SBV.renderTest: Unsupported real valued test value: " ++ show cw
KUninterpreted us -> error $ "SBV.renderTest: Unsupported uninterpreted sort: " ++ us
_ -> error $ "SBV.renderTest: Unexpected CW: " ++ show cw
s cw = case cwKind cw of
KBounded False 1 -> take 5 (show (cwToBool cw) ++ repeat ' ')
KBounded sgn sz -> let CWInteger w = cwVal cw in shex False True (sgn, sz) w
KUnbounded -> let CWInteger w = cwVal cw in shexI False True w
KFloat -> let CWFloat w = cwVal cw in showHFloat w
KDouble -> let CWDouble w = cwVal cw in showHDouble w
KReal -> let CWAlgReal w = cwVal cw in algRealToHaskell w
KUninterpreted us -> error $ "SBV.renderTest: Unsupported uninterpreted sort: " ++ us
c :: String -> [([CW], [CW])] -> String
c n vs = intercalate "\n" $
[ "/* Automatically generated by SBV. Do not edit! */"
, ""
, "#include <stdio.h>"
, "#include <inttypes.h>"
, "#include <stdint.h>"
, "#include <stdbool.h>"
, "#include <math.h>"
, ""
, "/* The boolean type */"
, "typedef bool SBool;"
, ""
, "/* The float type */"
, "typedef float SFloat;"
, ""
, "/* The double type */"
, "typedef double SDouble;"
, ""
, "/* Unsigned bit-vectors */"
, "typedef uint8_t SWord8 ;"
, "typedef uint16_t SWord16;"
, "typedef uint32_t SWord32;"
, "typedef uint64_t SWord64;"
, ""
, "/* Signed bit-vectors */"
, "typedef int8_t SInt8 ;"
, "typedef int16_t SInt16;"
, "typedef int32_t SInt32;"
, "typedef int64_t SInt64;"
, ""
, "typedef struct {"
, " struct {"
++ (if null vs then [] else zipWith (mkField "i") (fst (head vs)) [(0::Int)..])
++ [ " } input;"
, " struct {"
++ (if null vs then [] else zipWith (mkField "o") (snd (head vs)) [(0::Int)..])
++ [ " } output;"
, "} " ++ n ++ "TestVector;"
, ""
, n ++ "TestVector " ++ n ++ "[] = {"
++ [" " ++ intercalate "\n , " (map mkLine vs)]
++ [ "};"
, ""
, "int " ++ n ++ "Length = " ++ show (length vs) ++ ";"
, ""
, "/* Stub driver showing the test values, replace with code that uses the test vectors. */"
, "int main(void)"
, "{"
, " int i;"
, " for(i = 0; i < " ++ n ++ "Length; ++i)"
, " {"
, " " ++ outLine
, " }"
, ""
, " return 0;"
, "}"
where mkField p cw i = " " ++ t ++ " " ++ p ++ show i ++ ";"
where t = case cwKind cw of
KBounded False 1 -> "SBool"
KBounded False 8 -> "SWord8"
KBounded False 16 -> "SWord16"
KBounded False 32 -> "SWord32"
KBounded False 64 -> "SWord64"
KBounded True 8 -> "SInt8"
KBounded True 16 -> "SInt16"
KBounded True 32 -> "SInt32"
KBounded True 64 -> "SInt64"
KFloat -> "SFloat"
KDouble -> "SDouble"
KUnbounded -> error "SBV.renderTest: Unbounded integers are not supported when generating C test-cases."
KReal -> error "SBV.renderTest: Real values are not supported when generating C test-cases."
KUninterpreted us -> error $ "SBV.renderTest: Unsupported uninterpreted sort: " ++ us
_ -> error $ "SBV.renderTest: Unexpected CW: " ++ show cw
mkLine (is, os) = "{{" ++ intercalate ", " (map v is) ++ "}, {" ++ intercalate ", " (map v os) ++ "}}"
v cw = case cwKind cw of
KBounded False 1 -> if cwToBool cw then "true " else "false"
KBounded sgn sz -> let CWInteger w = cwVal cw in shex False True (sgn, sz) w
KUnbounded -> let CWInteger w = cwVal cw in shexI False True w
KFloat -> let CWFloat w = cwVal cw in showCFloat w
KDouble -> let CWDouble w = cwVal cw in showCDouble w
KUninterpreted us -> error $ "SBV.renderTest: Unsupported uninterpreted sort: " ++ us
KReal -> error "SBV.renderTest: Real values are not supported when generating C test-cases."
| null vs = "printf(\"\");"
| True = "printf(\"%*d. " ++ fmtString ++ "\\n\", " ++ show (length (show (length vs - 1))) ++ ", i"
++ concatMap ("\n , " ++ ) (zipWith inp is [(0::Int)..] ++ zipWith out os [(0::Int)..])
++ ");"
where (is, os) = head vs
inp cw i = mkBool cw (n ++ "[i].input.i" ++ show i)
out cw i = mkBool cw (n ++ "[i].output.o" ++ show i)
mkBool cw s = case cwKind cw of
KBounded False 1 -> "(" ++ s ++ " == true) ? \"true \" : \"false\""
_ -> s
fmtString = unwords (map fmt is) ++ " -> " ++ unwords (map fmt os)
fmt cw = case cwKind cw of
KBounded False 1 -> "%s"
KBounded False 8 -> "0x%02\"PRIx8\""
KBounded False 16 -> "0x%04\"PRIx16\"U"
KBounded False 32 -> "0x%08\"PRIx32\"UL"
KBounded False 64 -> "0x%016\"PRIx64\"ULL"
KBounded True 8 -> "%\"PRId8\""
KBounded True 16 -> "%\"PRId16\""
KBounded True 32 -> "%\"PRId32\"L"
KBounded True 64 -> "%\"PRId64\"LL"
KFloat -> "%f"
KDouble -> "%f"
KUnbounded -> error "SBV.renderTest: Unsupported unbounded integers for C generation."
KReal -> error "SBV.renderTest: Unsupported real valued values for C generation."
_ -> error $ "SBV.renderTest: Unexpected CW: " ++ show cw
forte :: String -> Bool -> ([Int], [Int]) -> [([CW], [CW])] -> String
forte vname bigEndian ss vs = intercalate "\n" $ [ "// Automatically generated by SBV. Do not edit!"
, "let " ++ n ++ " ="
, " let c s = val [_, r] = str_split s \"'\" in " ++ blaster
++ [ " in [ " ++ intercalate "\n , " (map mkLine vs)
, " ];"
where n | null vname = "testVectors"
| not (isAlpha (head vname)) = "tv" ++ vname
| True = vname
| bigEndian = "map (\\s. s == \"1\") (explode (string_tl r))"
| True = "rev (map (\\s. s == \"1\") (explode (string_tl r)))"
toF True = '1'
toF False = '0'
blast cw = case cwKind cw of
KBounded False 1 -> [toF (cwToBool cw)]
KBounded False 8 -> xlt 8 (cwVal cw)
KBounded False 16 -> xlt 16 (cwVal cw)
KBounded False 32 -> xlt 32 (cwVal cw)
KBounded False 64 -> xlt 64 (cwVal cw)
KBounded True 8 -> xlt 8 (cwVal cw)
KBounded True 16 -> xlt 16 (cwVal cw)
KBounded True 32 -> xlt 32 (cwVal cw)
KBounded True 64 -> xlt 64 (cwVal cw)
KFloat -> error "SBV.renderTest: Float values are not supported when generating Forte test-cases."
KDouble -> error "SBV.renderTest: Double values are not supported when generating Forte test-cases."
KReal -> error "SBV.renderTest: Real values are not supported when generating Forte test-cases."
KUnbounded -> error "SBV.renderTest: Unbounded integers are not supported when generating Forte test-cases."
_ -> error $ "SBV.renderTest: Unexpected CW: " ++ show cw
xlt s (CWInteger v) = [toF (testBit v i) | i <- [s-1, s-2 .. 0]]
xlt _ (CWFloat r) = error $ "SBV.renderTest.Forte: Unexpected float value: " ++ show r
xlt _ (CWDouble r) = error $ "SBV.renderTest.Forte: Unexpected double value: " ++ show r
xlt _ (CWAlgReal r) = error $ "SBV.renderTest.Forte: Unexpected real value: " ++ show r
xlt _ (CWUninterpreted r) = error $ "SBV.renderTest.Forte: Unexpected uninterpreted value: " ++ show r
mkLine (i, o) = "(" ++ mkTuple (form (fst ss) (concatMap blast i)) ++ ", " ++ mkTuple (form (snd ss) (concatMap blast o)) ++ ")"
mkTuple [] = "()"
mkTuple [x] = x
mkTuple xs = "(" ++ intercalate ", " xs ++ ")"
form [] [] = []
form [] bs = error $ "SBV.renderTest: Mismatched index in stream, extra " ++ show (length bs) ++ " bit(s) remain."
form (i:is) bs
| length bs < i = error $ "SBV.renderTest: Mismatched index in stream, was looking for " ++ show i ++ " bit(s), but only " ++ show i ++ " remains."
| i == 1 = let b:r = bs
v = if b == '1' then "T" else "F"
in v : form is r
| True = let (f, r) = splitAt i bs
v = "c \"" ++ show i ++ "'b" ++ f ++ "\""
in v : form is r