
401 lines
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module instance where
// This file includes a list of definitions intended to test all the
// implicit class instance rules hard-wired into the Cryptol type
// checker.
import Float
// we use this to test that newtypes do not inhabit any instances
newtype Box a = { contents : a }
// Zero
/** instance Zero Bit */
zeroBit : Bit
zeroBit = zero
/** instance Zero Integer */
zeroInteger : Integer
zeroInteger = zero
/** instance Zero Rational */
zeroRational : Rational
zeroRational = zero
/** instance (fin n, n >= 1) => Zero (Z n) */
zeroZ : {n} (fin n, n >= 1) => Z n
zeroZ = zero
/** instance Zero [n] */
zeroWord : {n} [n]
zeroWord = zero
/** instance (Zero a) => Zero [n]a */
zeroSeq : {n, a} (Zero a) => [n]a
zeroSeq = zero
/** instance (ValidFloat e p) => Zero (Float e p) */
zeroFloat : {e, p} (ValidFloat e p) => Float e p
zeroFloat = zero
/** instance (Zero b) => Zero (a -> b) */
zeroFun : {a, b} (Zero b) => a -> b
zeroFun = zero
/** instance Zero () */
zeroUnit : ()
zeroUnit = zero
/** instance (Zero a, Zero b, ...) => Zero (a, b, ...) */
zeroTuple : {a, b} (Zero a, Zero b) => (a, b)
zeroTuple = zero
/** instance Zero {} */
zeroEmpty : {}
zeroEmpty = zero
/** instance (Zero a, Zero b, ...) => Zero { x : a, y : b, ... } */
zeroRecord : {a, b} (Zero a, Zero b) => {x : a, y : b}
zeroRecord = zero
// Logic
/** instance Logic Bit */
logicBit : Bit -> Bit
logicBit = complement
/** instance Logic [n] */
logicWord : {n} [n] -> [n]
logicWord = complement
/** instance (Logic a) => Logic [n]a */
logicSeq : {n, a} (Logic a) => [n]a -> [n]a
logicSeq = complement
/** instance (Logic b) => Logic (a -> b) */
logicFun : {a, b} (Logic b) => (a -> b) -> (a -> b)
logicFun = complement
/** instance Logic () */
logicUnit : () -> ()
logicUnit = complement
/** instance (Logic a, Logic b, ...) => Logic (a, b, ...) */
logicTuple : {a, b} (Logic a, Logic b) => (a, b) -> (a, b)
logicTuple = complement
/** instance Logic {} */
logicEmpty : {} -> {}
logicEmpty = complement
/** instance (Logic a, Logic b, ...) => Logic { x : a, y : b, ... } */
logicRecord : {a, b} (Logic a, Logic b) => {x : a, y : b} -> {x : a, y : b}
logicRecord = complement
// Ring
/** instance Ring Integer */
ringInteger : Integer -> Integer
ringInteger = negate
/** instance Ring Rational */
ringRational : Rational -> Rational
ringRational = negate
/** instance (fin n, n >= 1) => Ring (Z n) */
ringZ : {n} (fin n, n >= 1) => Z n -> Z n
ringZ = negate
/** instance (fin n) => Ring [n] */
ringWord : {n} (fin n) => [n] -> [n]
ringWord = negate
// NOTE: 'instance Ring a => Ring [n]a' holds for any type 'a'
// distinct from 'Bit'.
/** instance Ring [n]Integer */
ringSeqInteger : {n} [n]Integer -> [n]Integer
ringSeqInteger = negate
/** instance Ring [n]Rational */
ringSeqRational : {n} [n]Rational -> [n]Rational
ringSeqRational = negate
/** instance (fin k, k >= 1) => Ring [n](Z k) */
ringSeqZ : {n, k} (fin k, k >= 1) => [n](Z k) -> [n](Z k)
ringSeqZ = negate
/** instance (Ring [k]a) => Ring [n][k]a */
ringSeqSeq : {n, k, a} (Ring ([k]a)) => [n][k]a -> [n][k]a
ringSeqSeq = negate
/** instance (Ring b) => Ring [n](a -> b) */
ringSeqFun : {n, a, b} (Ring b) => [n](a -> b) -> [n](a -> b)
ringSeqFun = negate
/** instance Ring [n]() */
ringSeqUnit : {n} [n]() -> [n]()
ringSeqUnit = negate
/** instance (Ring a, Ring b) => Ring [n](a, b) */
ringSeqTuple : {n, a, b} (Ring a, Ring b) => [n](a, b) -> [n](a, b)
ringSeqTuple = negate
/** instance Ring [n]{} */
ringSeqEmpty : {n} [n]{} -> [n]{}
ringSeqEmpty = negate
/** instance (Ring a, Ring b) => Ring [n]{x : a, y : b} */
ringSeqRecord : {n, a, b} (Ring a, Ring b) => [n]{x : a, y : b} -> [n]{x : a, y : b}
ringSeqRecord = negate
/** instance (ValidFloat e p) => Ring (Float e p) */
ringFloat : {e, p} (ValidFloat e p) => Float e p -> Float e p
ringFloat = negate
/** instance (Ring b) => Ring (a -> b) */
ringFun : {a, b} (Ring b) => (a -> b) -> (a -> b)
ringFun = negate
/** instance Ring () */
ringUnit : () -> ()
ringUnit = negate
/** instance (Ring a, Ring b, ...) => Ring (a, b, ...) */
ringTuple : {a, b} (Ring a, Ring b) => (a, b) -> (a, b)
ringTuple = negate
/** instance Ring {} */
ringEmpty : {} -> {}
ringEmpty = negate
/** instance (Ring a, Ring b, ...) => Ring { x : a, y : b, ... } */
ringRecord : {a, b} (Ring a, Ring b) => {x : a, y : b} -> {x : a, y : b}
ringRecord = negate
// Integral
/** instance Integral Integer */
integralInteger : Integer -> Integer -> Integer
integralInteger = (%)
/** instance (fin n) => Integral [n] */
integralWord : {n} (fin n) => [n] -> [n] -> [n]
integralWord = (%)
// Field
/** instance Field Rational */
fieldRational : Rational -> Rational
fieldRational = recip
/** instance (ValidFloat e p) => Field (Float e p) */
fieldFloat : {e, p} (ValidFloat e p) => Float e p -> Float e p
fieldFloat = recip
/** instance (prime p) => Field (Z p) */
fieldZ : {p} prime p => Z p -> Z p
fieldZ = recip
// Round
/** instance Round Rational */
roundRational : Rational -> Integer
roundRational = floor
/** instance (ValidFloat e p) => Round (Float e p) */
roundFloat : {e, p} (ValidFloat e p) => Float e p -> Integer
roundFloat = floor
// Eq
/** instance Eq Bit */
eqBit : Bit -> Bit -> Bit
eqBit = (==)
/** instance Eq Integer */
eqInteger : Integer -> Integer -> Bit
eqInteger = (==)
/** instance Eq Rational */
eqRational : Rational -> Rational -> Bit
eqRational = (==)
/** instance (fin n, n >= 1) => Eq (Z n) */
eqZ : {n} (fin n, n >= 1) => Z n -> Z n -> Bit
eqZ = (==)
/** instance (fin n) => Eq [n] */
eqWord : {n} (fin n) => [n] -> [n] -> Bit
eqWord = (==)
/** instance (fin n, Eq a) => Eq [n]a */
eqSeq : {n, a} (fin n, Eq a) => [n]a -> [n]a -> Bit
eqSeq = (==)
/** instance (ValidFloat e p) => Eq (Float e p) */
eqFloat : {e, p} (ValidFloat e p) => Float e p -> Float e p -> Bit
eqFloat = (==)
/** instance Eq () */
eqUnit : () -> () -> Bit
eqUnit = (==)
/** instance (Eq a, Eq b, ...) => Eq (a, b, ...) */
eqTuple : {a, b} (Eq a, Eq b) => (a, b) -> (a, b) -> Bit
eqTuple = (==)
/** instance Eq {} */
eqEmpty : {} -> {} -> Bit
eqEmpty = (==)
/** instance (Eq a, Eq b, ...) => Eq { x : a, y : b, ... } */
eqRecord : {a, b} (Eq a, Eq b) => {x : a, y : b} -> {x : a, y : b} -> Bit
eqRecord = (==)
// Cmp
/** instance Cmp Bit */
cmpBit : Bit -> Bit -> Bit
cmpBit = (<)
/** instance Cmp Integer */
cmpInteger : Integer -> Integer -> Bit
cmpInteger = (<)
/** instance Cmp Rational */
cmpRational : Rational -> Rational -> Bit
cmpRational = (<)
/** instance (fin n) => Cmp [n] */
cmpWord : {n} (fin n) => [n] -> [n] -> Bit
cmpWord = (<)
/** instance (fin n, Cmp a) => Cmp [n]a */
cmpSeq : {n, a} (fin n, Cmp a) => [n]a -> [n]a -> Bit
cmpSeq = (<)
/** instance (ValidFloat e p) => Cmp (Float e p) */
cmpFloat : {e, p} (ValidFloat e p) => Float e p -> Float e p -> Bit
cmpFloat = (<)
/** instance Cmp () */
cmpUnit : () -> () -> Bit
cmpUnit = (<)
/** instance (Cmp a, Cmp b, ...) => Cmp (a, b, ...) */
cmpTuple : {a, b} (Cmp a, Cmp b) => (a, b) -> (a, b) -> Bit
cmpTuple = (<)
/** instance Cmp {} */
cmpEmpty : {} -> {} -> Bit
cmpEmpty = (<)
/** instance (Cmp a, Cmp b, ...) => Cmp { x : a, y : b, ... } */
cmpRecord : {a, b} (Cmp a, Cmp b) => {x : a, y : b} -> {x : a, y : b} -> Bit
cmpRecord = (<)
// Cmp
/** instance (fin n, n >= 1) => SignedCmp [n] */
signedCmpWord : {n} (fin n, n >= 1) => [n] -> [n] -> Bit
signedCmpWord = (<$)
// NOTE: 'instance (fin n, SignedCmp a) => SignedCmp ([n]a)' holds for
// any type 'a' distinct from 'Bit'.
/** instance (fin n, SignedCmp [k]a) => SignedCmp [n][k]a */
signedCmpSeqSeq : {n, k, a} (fin n, SignedCmp ([k]a)) => [n][k]a -> [n][k]a -> Bit
signedCmpSeqSeq = (<$)
/** instance (fin n) => SignedCmp [n]() */
signedCmpSeqUnit : {n} (fin n) => [n]() -> [n]() -> Bit
signedCmpSeqUnit = (<$)
/** instance (SignedCmp a, SignedCmp b) => SignedCmp [n](a, b) */
signedCmpSeqTuple : {n, a, b} (fin n, SignedCmp a, SignedCmp b) => [n](a, b) -> [n](a, b) -> Bit
signedCmpSeqTuple = (<$)
/** instance SignedCmp [n]{} */
signedCmpSeqEmpty : {n} (fin n) => [n]{} -> [n]{} -> Bit
signedCmpSeqEmpty = (<$)
/** instance (SignedCmp a, SignedCmp b) => SignedCmp [n]{x : a, y : b} */
signedCmpSeqRecord : {n, a, b} (fin n, SignedCmp a, SignedCmp b) => [n]{x : a, y : b} -> [n]{x : a, y : b} -> Bit
signedCmpSeqRecord = (<$)
/** instance SignedCmp () */
signedCmpUnit : () -> () -> Bit
signedCmpUnit = (<$)
/** instance (SignedCmp a, SignedCmp b, ...) => SignedCmp (a, b, ...) */
signedCmpTuple : {a, b} (SignedCmp a, SignedCmp b) => (a, b) -> (a, b) -> Bit
signedCmpTuple = (<$)
/** instance SignedCmp {} */
signedCmpEmpty : {} -> {} -> Bit
signedCmpEmpty = (<$)
/** instance (SignedCmp a, SignedCmp b, ...) => SignedCmp { x : a, y : b, ... } */
signedCmpRecord : {a, b} (SignedCmp a, SignedCmp b) => {x : a, y : b} -> {x : a, y : b} -> Bit
signedCmpRecord = (<$)
// Literal
/** instance (1 >= val) => Literal val Bit */
literalBit : {val} (1 >= val) => Bit
literalBit = `val
/** instance (fin val) => Literal val Integer */
literalInteger : {val} (fin val) => Integer
literalInteger = `val
/** instance (fin val) => Literal val Rational */
literalRational : {val} (fin val) => Rational
literalRational = `val
/** instance (fin val, fin n, n >= 1, n > val) => Literal val (Z n) */
literalZ : {val, n} (fin val, fin n, n >= 1, n > val) => Z n
literalZ = `val
/** instance (fin val, fin n, n >= width val) => Literal val [n] */
literalWord : {val, n} (fin val, fin n, n >= width val) => [n]
literalWord = `val
// LiteralLessThan
/* instance (2 >= val) => LiteralLessThan val Bit */
literalLessThanBit : {val} (2 >= val) => [val]Bit
literalLessThanBit = [0..<val]
/* instance LiteralLessThan val Integer */
literalLessThanInteger : {val} [val]Integer
literalLessThanInteger = [0..<val]
/* instance LiteralLessThan val Rational */
literalLessThanRational : {val} [val]Rational
literalLessThanRational = [0..<val]
/* instance (fin n, n >= 1, n >= val) => LiteralLessThan val (Z n) */
literalLessThanZ : {val, n} (fin n, n >= 1, n >= val) => [val](Z n)
literalLessThanZ = [0..<val]
/* instance (fin n, n >= lg2 val) => LiteralLessThan val [n] */
literalLessThanWord : {val, n} (fin n, n >= lg2 val) => [val][n]
literalLessThanWord = [0..<val]