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* Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Galois, Inc.
* Distributed under the terms of the BSD3 license (see LICENSE file)
module CryptoBox where
import Salsa20
import Poly1305
import CfrgCurves
crypto_box : {msgBytes} (fin msgBytes, 2^^64 >= msgBytes + 32) => [msgBytes][8] -> [24][8] -> Public25519 -> Private25519 -> [msgBytes + 16][8]
crypto_box m n pub priv = crypto_secretbox m k n
s = Curve25519 priv pub
k = HSalsa20_bytes `{r=20} s zero
crypto_box_open : {msgBytes} (fin msgBytes, 2^^64 >= msgBytes + 32) => [msgBytes+16][8] -> [24][8] -> Public25519 -> Private25519 -> (Bit,[msgBytes][8])
crypto_box_open box n pub priv = crypto_secretbox_open box k n
(tag,ct) = splitAt `{16} box
s = Curve25519 priv pub
k = HSalsa20_bytes `{r=20} s zero
crypto_secretbox : {msgBytes} (fin msgBytes, 2^^64 >= msgBytes + 32)
=> [msgBytes][8] -> [32][8] -> [24][8] -> [msgBytes + 16][8]
crypto_secretbox m k n = box
blob = XSalsa20_encrypt `{r=20} k n ((zero : [32][8]) # m)
authKey = join (take `{32} blob)
ciphertext = drop `{32} blob
authTag = Poly1305 authKey ciphertext
box = authTag # ciphertext
crypto_secretbox_open : {msgBytes} (fin msgBytes, 2^^64 >= msgBytes + 32)
=> [msgBytes + 16][8] -> [32][8] -> [24][8] -> (Bit,[msgBytes][8])
crypto_secretbox_open box k n = (valid,pt)
(tag,ct) = splitAt `{16} box
blob = XSalsa20_encrypt `{r=20} k n ((zero : [32][8]) # ct)
authKey = join (take `{32} blob)
plaintext = drop blob : [msgBytes][8]
cTag = Poly1305 authKey ct
valid = cTag == tag
pt = if valid then plaintext else zero
property cat_in_a_box priv1 priv2 msg nonce = open == msg
where pub1 = Curve25519 priv1 basePoint25519
pub2 = Curve25519 priv2 basePoint25519
box = crypto_box (msg : [100][8]) nonce pub2 priv1
open = (crypto_box_open box nonce pub1 priv2).1
property hat_in_a_box k msg nonce = open == msg
where box = crypto_secretbox (msg : [88][8]) k nonce
open = (crypto_secretbox_open box k nonce).1
property crypto_box_kats = zero != [ katTest1 ]
// KAT generated from sodium
katTest1 = crypto_secretbox "hello" zero zero == split 0xc769f9d535dc338e99ac93440502c7ceae5bd79391