Aaron Tomb 49e847387e Simplify some type signatures in examples
These examples weren't type checking, and now do, with type constraints
that are no more awkward, and arguably less awkward, than before.
2017-06-22 10:09:13 -07:00

62 lines
2.3 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Galois, Inc.
* Distributed under the terms of the BSD3 license (see LICENSE file)
module CryptoBox where
import Salsa20
import Poly1305
import CfrgCurves
crypto_box : {msgBytes} (fin msgBytes, 64 >= width (32 + msgBytes)) => [msgBytes][8] -> [24][8] -> Public25519 -> Private25519 -> [msgBytes + 16][8]
crypto_box m n pub priv = crypto_secretbox m k n
s = Curve25519 priv pub
k = HSalsa20_bytes `{r=20} s zero
crypto_box_open : {msgBytes} (fin msgBytes, 64 >= width (32 + msgBytes)) => [msgBytes+16][8] -> [24][8] -> Public25519 -> Private25519 -> (Bit,[msgBytes][8])
crypto_box_open box n pub priv = crypto_secretbox_open box k n
(tag,ct) = splitAt `{16} box
s = Curve25519 priv pub
k = HSalsa20_bytes `{r=20} s zero
crypto_secretbox : {msgBytes} (fin msgBytes, 64 >= width (32 + msgBytes))
=> [msgBytes][8] -> [32][8] -> [24][8] -> [msgBytes + 16][8]
crypto_secretbox m k n = box
blob = XSalsa20_encrypt `{r=20} k n ((zero : [32][8]) # m)
authKey = join (take `{32} blob)
ciphertext = drop `{32} blob
authTag = Poly1305 authKey ciphertext
box = authTag # ciphertext
crypto_secretbox_open : {msgBytes} (fin msgBytes, 64 >= width (32 + msgBytes))
=> [msgBytes + 16][8] -> [32][8] -> [24][8] -> (Bit,[msgBytes][8])
crypto_secretbox_open box k n = (valid,pt)
(tag,ct) = splitAt `{16} box
blob = XSalsa20_encrypt `{r=20} k n ((zero : [32][8]) # ct)
authKey = join (take `{32} blob)
plaintext = drop blob : [msgBytes][8]
cTag = Poly1305 authKey ct
valid = cTag == tag
pt = if valid then plaintext else zero
property cat_in_a_box priv1 priv2 msg nonce = open == msg
where pub1 = Curve25519 priv1 basePoint25519
pub2 = Curve25519 priv2 basePoint25519
box = crypto_box (msg : [100][8]) nonce pub2 priv1
open = (crypto_box_open box nonce pub1 priv2).1
property hat_in_a_box k msg nonce = open == msg
where box = crypto_secretbox (msg : [88][8]) k nonce
open = (crypto_secretbox_open box k nonce).1
property crypto_box_kats = zero != [ katTest1 ]
// KAT generated from sodium
katTest1 = crypto_secretbox "hello" zero zero == split 0xc769f9d535dc338e99ac93440502c7ceae5bd79391