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-- This test harness uses local files to run Macaw discovery both with
-- and without refinement and checks the results of that validation
-- against expected outputs (aka. golden testing).
-- test/samples/
-- X[.A].[F-]expected -- expected (golden) output [the primary file that enables this test]
-- X.A.exe -- input ELF binary file
-- X.c -- C source for generating binary
-- This methodology allows a binary for each architecture (A) to be
-- produced from a single C source (X), and then one or more
-- refinement test forms (F) to be created to run on that binary,
-- where F is one of:
-- "base" -- standard Macaw discovery
-- "refined" -- additional discovery from this macaw-refinement package
-- If there is no "F-" portion, then the same expected file is applied
-- for all possible values of F.
-- There is also a README in the test/samples directory where the C
-- source is described, along with various tests.
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-signatures #-}
module Main ( main ) where
import Control.Lens hiding ( (<.>) )
import Control.Monad
import qualified Control.Monad.Catch as X
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ElfEdit as E
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Function ( on )
import Data.List ( sortBy )
import qualified Data.Macaw.Architecture.Info as AI
import Data.Macaw.BinaryLoader as MBL
import Data.Macaw.BinaryLoader.X86 ()
import Data.Macaw.CFG as MC
import qualified Data.Macaw.Discovery as MD
import qualified Data.Macaw.Memory.ElfLoader as ML
import Data.Macaw.PPC
import qualified Data.Macaw.X86 as MX86
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes )
import Data.Parameterized.Some
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Semigroup ( (<>) )
import Data.Tagged
import Data.Typeable ( Typeable )
import Options.Applicative
import qualified SemMC.Architecture.PPC64 as PPC64
import System.Directory ( doesFileExist )
import System.FilePath ( (</>), (<.>) )
import qualified System.FilePath as FP
import qualified System.FilePath.Glob as FPG
import qualified Test.Tasty as TT
import qualified Test.Tasty.HUnit as TTH
import Test.Tasty.Options
import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen hiding ( (<$>), (<>), (</>) )
import Text.Read ( readEither )
import Prelude
datadir = "tests/samples"
data ShowSearch = ShowSearch Bool deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable)
instance IsOption ShowSearch where
defaultValue = ShowSearch False
parseValue = fmap ShowSearch . safeRead
optionName = pure $ "showsearch"
optionHelp = pure $ "Show details of the search for the set of\n\
\refinement tests that would be performed\n\
\based on the contents of the " <> datadir <> " directory"
optionCLParser = ShowSearch <$> switch
( long (untag (optionName :: Tagged ShowSearch String))
<> help (untag (optionHelp :: Tagged ShowSearch String))
data VerboseLogging = VerboseLogging Bool
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance IsOption VerboseLogging where
defaultValue = VerboseLogging False
parseValue = fmap VerboseLogging . safeRead
optionName = pure "verbose-logging"
optionHelp = pure "Turn on verbose logging output"
optionCLParser = VerboseLogging <$> switch ( long (untag (optionName :: Tagged VerboseLogging String))
<> help (untag (optionHelp :: Tagged VerboseLogging String))
ingredients = TT.includingOptions [ Option (Proxy :: Proxy ShowSearch)
, Option (Proxy :: Proxy VerboseLogging)
] : TT.defaultIngredients
main :: IO ()
main = do
testInputs <- getTestList datadir False
TT.defaultMainWithIngredients ingredients $
TT.askOption $ \beVerbose ->
TT.askOption $ \(ShowSearch jl) ->
if jl
then TTH.testCase "Test Search" $ do searchlist <- getTestList datadir True
putStrLn ""
putStrLn $ "Final set of tests [" ++ show (length searchlist) ++ "]:"
mapM_ (putStrLn . show) searchlist
TT.testGroup "macaw-refinement" $ map (mkTestCase beVerbose) testInputs
data TestInput = TestInput { name :: String
, arch :: String
, expectFileBase :: Maybe FilePath
, expectFileRefined :: Maybe FilePath
, binaryFile :: FilePath
deriving (Eq,Show)
-- | Returns a list of the TestInputs that should be run. These are
-- driven by the existence of a .[F-]expected file, for which there
-- should be a corresponding .exe. The exe and expected files are
-- sub-named by the architecture (A) to which they apply.
getTestList :: FilePath -> Bool -> IO [TestInput]
getTestList basedir explain = do
when explain $ putStrLn $ "Checking for test inputs in " <> (basedir </> "*.exe")
exeNames <- (FPG.namesMatching $ basedir </> "*exe")
postproc <$> mapM mkTI exeNames
postproc = sorted . catMaybes
sorted = sortBy (compare `on` name)
mkTI exe = do when explain $ putStrLn $ "Checking exe " ++ exe
-- exe is path/to/srcfile.A.exe
let exeRmvd = fst $ FP.splitExtension exe
(srcPathAndName, testArch') = FP.splitExtension exeRmvd
testName = FP.takeFileName srcPathAndName
if length testArch' < 2
then do when explain $ putStrLn $ " no arch, skipping"
return Nothing
else mkTIAN exe (drop 1 testArch') testName
mkTIAN exe testArch testName = do
when explain $ putStrLn $ " arch = " <> testArch
when explain $ putStrLn $ " name = " <> testName
let expRoot = basedir </> testName <.> testArch
expBaseName = expRoot <.> "base-expected"
expRefinedName = expRoot <.> "refined-expected"
expName = expRoot <.> "expected"
base <- doesFileExist expBaseName
refn <- doesFileExist expRefinedName
expt <- doesFileExist expName
let expn = if expt then Just expName else Nothing
mkTIANE exe testArch testName
(if base then Just expBaseName else expn)
(if refn then Just expRefinedName else expn)
mkTIANE exe testArch testName expBase expRefn = do
when explain $ case expBase of
Just f -> putStrLn $ " expected base = " <> f
Nothing -> return ()
when explain $ case expRefn of
Just f -> putStrLn $ " expected refined = " <> f
Nothing -> return ()
case (expBase, expRefn) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> return Nothing
_ -> return $ Just $ TestInput { name = testName
, arch = testArch
, binaryFile = exe
, expectFileBase = expBase
, expectFileRefined = expRefn
mkTestCase :: VerboseLogging -> TestInput -> TT.TestTree
mkTestCase (VerboseLogging beVerbose) testinp =
TTH.testCase (name testinp) $ do
bs <- BS.readFile (binaryFile testinp)
case E.parseElf bs of
E.Elf64Res warnings elf -> mapM_ print warnings >> withElf elf
_ -> let badMsg = binaryFile testinp <> " is not a 64-bit ELF file"
in do when beVerbose $ putStrLn badMsg
TTH.assertBool badMsg False
where withElf elf =
case E.elfMachine elf of
E.EM_PPC64 -> do
bin <- MBL.loadBinary @PPC64.PPC ML.defaultLoadOptions elf
let pli = ppc64_linux_info bin
withBinaryDiscoveredInfo testinp {- (showDiscoveryInfo testinp) -} pli bin
E.EM_X86_64 ->
withBinaryDiscoveredInfo testinp {- (showDiscoveryInfo testinp) -} MX86.x86_64_linux_info =<<
MBL.loadBinary @MX86.X86_64 ML.defaultLoadOptions elf
_ -> error "only X86 and PPC64 supported for now"
withBinaryDiscoveredInfo :: ( X.MonadThrow m
, MBL.BinaryLoader arch binFmt
, MonadIO m) =>
-- -> (MD.DiscoveryState arch -> m a)
-> AI.ArchitectureInfo arch
-> MBL.LoadedBinary arch binFmt
-> m ()
withBinaryDiscoveredInfo testinp {- f -} arch_info bin = do
entries <- toList <$> entryPoints bin
let baseCFG = MD.cfgFromAddrs arch_info (memoryImage bin) M.empty entries []
actualBase = cfgToExpected testinp bin (Just baseCFG) Nothing
case expectFileBase testinp of
Just fn ->
do expectedData <- liftIO $ readFile fn
case readEither expectedData of
Right expInfo ->
liftIO $ TTH.assertEqual "discovered CFG" expInfo actualBase
Left e ->
let badMsg = "error parsing expected base CFG " <> fn <> ": " <> e
actFileName = take (length fn - length "expected") fn <> "last-actual"
in liftIO $ do writeFile actFileName $ show actualBase
putStrLn $ "Generated actual output to: " <> actFileName
TTH.assertBool badMsg False
Nothing -> return ()
data ExpectedInfo arch = Expected
{ expBinaryName :: String
, expEntryPoints :: [EntryPoint arch]
, expFunctions :: [Function arch]
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
data EntryPoint arch = EntryPoint (Address arch)
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
data Function arch = Function (Address arch) [Block arch]
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
data Block arch = Block (Address arch) StatementList
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
data Address arch = Address { addrSegmentBase :: Int
, addrSegmentOffset :: Int
, addrSegoffOffset :: Int
, addrPretty :: String
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
mkAddress :: (MemWidth (RegAddrWidth (ArchReg arch))) =>
MC.MemSegmentOff (MC.ArchAddrWidth arch) -> Address arch
mkAddress addr = Address { addrSegmentBase = fromEnum $ segmentBase $ segoffSegment addr
, addrSegmentOffset = fromEnum $ memWordToUnsigned $ segmentOffset $ segoffSegment addr
, addrSegoffOffset = fromEnum $ memWordToUnsigned $ segoffOffset addr
, addrPretty = show $ pretty addr
type StatementList = String -- no Read or Eq for Macaw.Discovery.StatementList, so just use String format
cfgToExpected :: (MBL.BinaryLoader arch binFmt) =>
-> MBL.LoadedBinary arch binFmt
-> Maybe (MD.DiscoveryState arch)
-> Maybe Int
-> ExpectedInfo arch
cfgToExpected testinp bin mbCFG mbRefCFG =
let eps = case entryPoints bin of
Left _ -> []
Right epl -> toList epl
fns = case (mbCFG, mbRefCFG) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> error "must specify a discovered Macaw CFG"
(Just _, Just _) -> error "must specify only one discovered Macaw CFG"
(Just di, Nothing) -> getFunctions di
(Nothing, Just _di) -> undefined -- KWQ: refined
in Expected { expBinaryName = binaryFile testinp
, expEntryPoints = (EntryPoint . mkAddress) <$> eps
, expFunctions = fns
getFunctions :: MD.DiscoveryState arch -> [Function arch]
getFunctions di =
AI.withArchConstraints (MD.archInfo di) $
fmap (\(funAddr, Some dfi) ->
(mkAddress funAddr)
(fmap (\(blkAddr, pb) ->
Block (mkAddress blkAddr) (show $ MD.blockStatementList pb))
(dfi ^. MD.parsedBlocks . to M.toList)))
(di ^. MD.funInfo . to M.toList)