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-- This test harness uses local files to run Macaw discovery both with
-- and without refinement and checks the results of that validation
-- against expected outputs (aka. golden testing).
-- test/samples/
-- X[.A].[F-]expected -- expected (golden) output [the primary file that enables this test]
-- X.A.exe -- input ELF binary file
-- X.c -- C source for generating binary
-- This methodology allows a binary for each architecture (A) to be
-- produced from a single C source (X), and then one or more
-- refinement test forms (F) to be created to run on that binary,
-- where F is one of:
-- "base" -- standard Macaw discovery
-- "refined" -- additional discovery from this macaw-refinement package
-- If there is no "F-" portion, then the same expected file is applied
-- for all possible values of F.
-- There is also a README in the test/samples directory where the C
-- source is described, along with various tests.
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
2019-01-30 03:29:54 +03:00
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
2019-01-30 03:29:54 +03:00
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-signatures #-}
module Main ( main ) where
2019-01-30 03:29:54 +03:00
import GHC.TypeLits
import Control.Lens hiding ( (<.>) )
import Control.Monad
import qualified Control.Monad.Catch as X
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ElfEdit as E
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Function ( on )
import Data.List ( intercalate, sortBy )
import qualified Data.Macaw.Architecture.Info as AI
import Data.Macaw.BinaryLoader as MBL
import Data.Macaw.BinaryLoader.X86 ()
import Data.Macaw.CFG as MC
import qualified Data.Macaw.Discovery as MD
import qualified Data.Macaw.Memory.ElfLoader as ML
-- import Data.Macaw.PPC
import Data.Macaw.Refinement
2019-01-30 03:29:54 +03:00
import qualified Data.Macaw.Symbolic as MS
import qualified Data.Macaw.X86 as MX86
import Data.Macaw.X86.Symbolic ()
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes )
import Data.Parameterized.Some
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Semigroup ( (<>) )
2019-01-30 20:10:37 +03:00
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Tagged
import Data.Typeable ( Typeable )
import Options.Applicative
-- import qualified SemMC.Architecture.PPC32 as PPC32
-- import qualified SemMC.Architecture.PPC64 as PPC64
import System.Directory ( doesFileExist )
import System.FilePath ( (</>), (<.>) )
import qualified System.FilePath as FP
import qualified System.FilePath.Glob as FPG
import qualified Test.Tasty as TT
import qualified Test.Tasty.HUnit as TTH
import Test.Tasty.Ingredients
import Test.Tasty.Options
import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen hiding ( (<$>), (<>), (</>) )
import Text.Read ( readEither )
import Prelude
datadir = "tests/samples"
supportedArch = [ "x86"
, "ppc"
data ShowSearch = ShowSearch Bool deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable)
instance IsOption ShowSearch where
defaultValue = ShowSearch False
parseValue = fmap ShowSearch . safeRead
optionName = pure $ "showsearch"
optionHelp = pure $ "Show details of the search for the set of\n\
\refinement tests that would be performed\n\
\based on the contents of the " <> datadir <> " directory"
optionCLParser = ShowSearch <$> switch
( long (untag (optionName :: Tagged ShowSearch String))
<> help (untag (optionHelp :: Tagged ShowSearch String))
data VerboseLogging = VerboseLogging Bool
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance IsOption VerboseLogging where
defaultValue = VerboseLogging False
parseValue = fmap VerboseLogging . safeRead
optionName = pure "verbose-logging"
optionHelp = pure "Turn on verbose logging output"
optionCLParser = VerboseLogging <$> switch ( long (untag (optionName :: Tagged VerboseLogging String))
<> help (untag (optionHelp :: Tagged VerboseLogging String))
2019-01-30 20:10:37 +03:00
-- | This is a Tasty "Ingredient" (aka test runner) that can be used
-- to display the search process and results for generating the tests.
searchResultsReport = TestManager [] $ \opts _tests ->
if lookupOption opts == ShowSearch True
then Just $ do searchlist <- getTestList datadir True
putStrLn ""
putStrLn $ "Final set of tests [" ++ show (length searchlist) ++ "]:"
mapM_ (putStrLn . show) searchlist
return True
else Nothing
ingredients = TT.includingOptions [ Option (Proxy :: Proxy ShowSearch)
, Option (Proxy :: Proxy VerboseLogging)
: searchResultsReport
: TT.defaultIngredients
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- Note: dynamic test generation should be done before the
-- TT.defaultMain call, but test arguments/options are not yet
-- available for this; see:
testInputs <- getTestList datadir False
2019-01-30 20:10:37 +03:00
let testNames = Set.fromList $ map name testInputs
TT.defaultMainWithIngredients ingredients $
2019-01-30 20:10:37 +03:00
TT.testGroup "macaw-refinement" $
mkNameGroup testInputs <$> toList testNames
where mkNameGroup inps nm =
TT.testGroup nm $ map mkTest $ filter ((==) nm . name) inps
data TestInput = TestInput { name :: String
, arch :: String
, expectFileBase :: Maybe FilePath
, expectFileRefined :: Maybe FilePath
, binaryFile :: FilePath
deriving (Eq,Show)
-- | Returns a list of the TestInputs that should be run. These are
-- driven by the existence of a .[F-]expected file, for which there
-- should be a corresponding .exe. The exe and expected files are
-- sub-named by the architecture (A) to which they apply.
getTestList :: FilePath -> Bool -> IO [TestInput]
getTestList basedir explain = do
when explain $ putStrLn $ "Checking for test inputs in " <> (basedir </> "*.exe")
let exeGlob = "*.(" <> (intercalate "|" supportedArch) <> ").exe"
exeNames <- FPG.namesMatching $ basedir </> exeGlob
postproc <$> mapM mkTI exeNames
postproc = sorted . catMaybes
sorted = sortBy (compare `on` name)
mkTI exe = do when explain $ putStrLn $ "Checking exe " ++ exe
-- exe is path/to/srcfile.A.exe
let exeRmvd = fst $ FP.splitExtension exe
(srcPathAndName, testArch') = FP.splitExtension exeRmvd
testName = FP.takeFileName srcPathAndName
if length testArch' < 2
then do when explain $ putStrLn $ " no arch, skipping"
return Nothing
else mkTIAN exe (drop 1 testArch') testName
mkTIAN exe testArch testName = do
when explain $ putStrLn $ " arch = " <> testArch
when explain $ putStrLn $ " name = " <> testName
let expRoot = basedir </> testName <.> testArch
expBaseName = expRoot <.> "base-expected"
expRefinedName = expRoot <.> "refined-expected"
expName = expRoot <.> "expected"
base <- doesFileExist expBaseName
refn <- doesFileExist expRefinedName
expt <- doesFileExist expName
let expn = if expt then Just expName else Nothing
mkTIANE exe testArch testName
(if base then Just expBaseName else expn)
(if refn then Just expRefinedName else expn)
mkTIANE exe testArch testName expBase expRefn = do
when explain $ case expBase of
Just f -> putStrLn $ " expected base = " <> f
Nothing -> return ()
when explain $ case expRefn of
Just f -> putStrLn $ " expected refined = " <> f
Nothing -> return ()
case (expBase, expRefn) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> return Nothing
_ -> return $ Just $ TestInput { name = testName
, arch = testArch
, binaryFile = exe
, expectFileBase = expBase
, expectFileRefined = expRefn
mkTest :: TestInput -> TT.TestTree
mkTest testinp =
let readbin = BS.readFile $ binaryFile testinp
cleanup = return . const ()
formName ref = if ref then "refined" else "base"
tests = catMaybes [ mkT False <$> expectFileBase testinp
, mkT True <$> expectFileRefined testinp
mkT ref fn = \v r -> TTH.testCase (formName ref) $
testExpected ref fn testinp v r
in TT.askOption $ \(VerboseLogging beVerbose) ->
TT.withResource readbin cleanup $
\readBinary ->
2019-01-30 20:10:37 +03:00
TT.testGroup (arch testinp) $ map (\t -> t beVerbose readBinary) tests
testExpected useRefinement expFile testinp beVerbose readBinary = do
bs <- readBinary
case E.parseElf bs of
E.Elf64Res warnings elf -> mapM_ print warnings >> withElf64 elf
E.Elf32Res warnings elf -> mapM_ print warnings >> withElf32 elf
_ -> let badMsg = binaryFile testinp <> " is not a 64-bit ELF file"
in do when beVerbose $ putStrLn badMsg
TTH.assertBool badMsg False
withElf64 elf =
case E.elfMachine elf of
-- E.EM_PPC64 -> do
-- bin <- MBL.loadBinary @PPC64.PPC ML.defaultLoadOptions elf
-- let pli = ppc64_linux_info bin
-- withBinaryDiscoveredInfo testinp useRefinement expFile pli bin
E.EM_X86_64 ->
withBinaryDiscoveredInfo testinp useRefinement expFile MX86.x86_64_linux_info =<<
MBL.loadBinary @MX86.X86_64 ML.defaultLoadOptions elf
m -> error $ "no 64-bit ELF support for " ++ show m
withElf32 elf =
case E.elfMachine elf of
-- E.EM_PPC -> do
-- bin <- MBL.loadBinary @PPC32.PPC ML.defaultLoadOptions elf
-- let pli = ppc32_linux_info bin
-- withBinaryDiscoveredInfo testinp useRefinement expFile pli bin
m -> error $ "no 32-bit ELF support for " ++ show m
withBinaryDiscoveredInfo :: ( X.MonadThrow m
2019-01-30 03:29:54 +03:00
, MS.SymArchConstraints arch
, 16 <= MC.ArchAddrWidth arch
, MBL.BinaryLoader arch binFmt
, MonadIO m) =>
-> Bool
-> FilePath
-> AI.ArchitectureInfo arch
-> MBL.LoadedBinary arch binFmt
-> m ()
withBinaryDiscoveredInfo testinp useRefinement expFile arch_info bin = do
entries <- toList <$> entryPoints bin
let baseCFG = MD.cfgFromAddrs arch_info (memoryImage bin) M.empty entries []
actualBase = cfgToExpected testinp bin (Just baseCFG) Nothing
if useRefinement
then do refinedCFG <- refineDiscovery baseCFG
let refinedBase = cfgToExpected testinp bin Nothing (Just refinedCFG)
compareToExpected "refined" refinedBase expFile
else compareToExpected "base" actualBase expFile
compareToExpected formName actual fn =
let cfgName = formName <> " CFG" in
do expectedData <- liftIO $ readFile fn
case readEither expectedData of
Right expInfo ->
-- KWQ: TODO: refine this down to individual components if it fails
liftIO $ TTH.assertEqual ("discovered " <> cfgName) expInfo actual
Left e ->
let badMsg = "error parsing expected " <> cfgName <> " data in " <> fn <> ": " <> e
outFileName = take (length fn - length "expected") fn <> "last-actual"
in liftIO $ do writeFile outFileName $ show actual
putStrLn $ "Generated actual output to: " <> outFileName
TTH.assertBool badMsg False
-- | The ExpectedInfo is the format of information stored in the
-- .expected files. Ideally this would be a 'Show' output so that a
-- 'Read' could import native data structures for a more refined
-- comparison, but unfortunately the 'read . show == id' intent is not
-- held for Macaw/Flexdis86, so the actual stored and compared format
-- is generally the 'pretty' output of the structures.
data ExpectedInfo arch = Expected
{ expBinaryName :: String
, expEntryPoints :: [EntryPoint arch]
, expFunctions :: [Function arch]
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
data EntryPoint arch = EntryPoint (Address arch)
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
data Function arch = Function (Address arch) [Block arch]
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
data Block arch = Block (Address arch) StatementList
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
data Address arch = Address { addrSegmentBase :: Int
, addrSegmentOffset :: Int
, addrSegoffOffset :: Int
, addrPretty :: String
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
mkAddress :: (MemWidth (RegAddrWidth (ArchReg arch))) =>
MC.MemSegmentOff (MC.ArchAddrWidth arch) -> Address arch
mkAddress addr = Address { addrSegmentBase = fromEnum $ segmentBase $ segoffSegment addr
, addrSegmentOffset = fromEnum $ memWordToUnsigned $ segmentOffset $ segoffSegment addr
, addrSegoffOffset = fromEnum $ memWordToUnsigned $ segoffOffset addr
, addrPretty = show $ pretty addr
type StatementList = String -- no Read or Eq for Macaw.Discovery.StatementList, so just use String format
cfgToExpected :: (MBL.BinaryLoader arch binFmt) =>
-> MBL.LoadedBinary arch binFmt
-> Maybe (MD.DiscoveryState arch)
-> Maybe (MD.DiscoveryState arch)
-> ExpectedInfo arch
cfgToExpected testinp bin mbCFG mbRefCFG =
let eps = case entryPoints bin of
Left _ -> []
Right epl -> toList epl
fns = case (mbCFG, mbRefCFG) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> error "must specify a discovered Macaw CFG"
(Just _, Just _) -> error "must specify only one discovered Macaw CFG"
(Just di, Nothing) -> getFunctions di
(Nothing, Just di) -> getFunctions di
in Expected { expBinaryName = binaryFile testinp
, expEntryPoints = (EntryPoint . mkAddress) <$> eps
, expFunctions = fns
getFunctions :: MD.DiscoveryState arch -> [Function arch]
getFunctions di =
AI.withArchConstraints (MD.archInfo di) $
fmap (\(funAddr, Some dfi) ->
(mkAddress funAddr)
(fmap (\(blkAddr, pb) ->
Block (mkAddress blkAddr) (show $ MD.blockStatementList pb))
(dfi ^. MD.parsedBlocks . to M.toList)))
(di ^. MD.funInfo . to M.toList)