mirror of
synced 2024-12-27 16:15:12 +03:00
[refinement] Implement determination of block transfer target addr(s).
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,10 +9,12 @@ module Data.Macaw.Refinement.FuncBlockUtils
import Control.Lens
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.Macaw.CFG.AssignRhs ( ArchSegmentOff )
import Data.Macaw.Discovery.State ( DiscoveryFunInfo
, DiscoveryState
, ParsedBlock(..)
, ParsedTermStmt(..)
, funInfo
, parsedBlocks
, stmtsTerm
@ -58,12 +60,33 @@ funIncludesBlock :: BlockIdentifier arch
funIncludesBlock blkID (Some fi) =
isJust ((fi ^. parsedBlocks) Map.!? blkID)
-- | This function identifies the possible target addresses (of other
-- blocks within this function) from the terminal statement in the
-- input block. Note that this function is responsible for returning
-- the under-approximation of target blocks *within* the current
-- function; it may return target addresses that lie outside of the
-- function, but it is not required to, nor will it return other
-- external targets.
blockTransferTo :: DiscoveryFunInfo arch ids
-> BlockIdentifier arch
-> [ArchSegmentOff arch]
blockTransferTo fi frm =
let frmBlk = (fi ^. parsedBlocks) Map.!? frm
lclTgtAddrs termStmt =
case termStmt of
ParsedCall _ mbTgt | Just tgt <- mbTgt -> [tgt]
| otherwise -> []
ParsedJump _ tgt -> [tgt]
ParsedLookupTable _ _ tgts -> F.toList tgts
ParsedReturn {} -> []
ParsedIte _ thenS elseS -> lclTgtAddrs (stmtsTerm thenS) <>
lclTgtAddrs (stmtsTerm elseS)
PLTStub _ tgt _ -> undefined -- KWQ tgt?
ParsedArchTermStmt _ _ mbTgt | Just tgt <- mbTgt -> [tgt]
| otherwise -> []
ParsedTranslateError {} -> []
ClassifyFailure {} -> []
_ -> undefined
in case frmBlk of
Just fBlk -> case stmtsTerm $ blockStatementList fBlk of
_ -> undefined
Just fBlk -> lclTgtAddrs $ stmtsTerm $ blockStatementList fBlk
Nothing -> error "block ID not valid" -- impossible
@ -76,7 +76,9 @@ bldFPath :: DiscoveryFunInfo arch ids
bldFPath _fi x@(_, []) = x
bldFPath fi (fs, b:bs) =
let nextBlkAddrs = blockTransferTo fi b
updPath = foldr (bldFPath' fi b) fs nextBlkAddrs
updPath = if null nextBlkAddrs
then Path b [] [] : fs
else foldr (bldFPath' fi b) fs nextBlkAddrs
in bldFPath fi (updPath, bs)
@ -117,7 +119,7 @@ bldFPath' fi b nextAddr fs =
else Path b [] [] : p -- new terminal entry
in case nextBlkID of
Nothing -> fs -- should never happen (block not in function)
Nothing -> fs -- target addr was external to this function; ignore it
Just cb -> addAncestor cb fs
Reference in New Issue
Block a user